  • 8/19/2019 Fin 600_Radio One-Team 3_ Final Slides


      adio One Inc.-

    An analysis of the proposed acquisitio


    TEAM 3Boyega AjayiInes ChenDamon Delorenzis

     Jessica Jusuf Doreen Marcher

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    Opportunity for Radio One as a result of divestures by Clear Channel Communications.

    Potential acquisitions of 21 stations

    hat is the ri!ht price"

    Case Introduction

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    #he consolidation trend in the radio station industry.

    Reduced e$penses Increased prices for radio stations

    %ivestiture by Clear Channel


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    (valuate the &roadcast Cash )lo*s +&C), of the tar!eted radio stations

    %etermine and evaluate appropriate multiples that can be used to evaluate the potential acquisitions

    %etermine an appropriate offer price for the tar

    !eted radio stations

    Obective of Analysis

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    ◦ &roadcast Cash )lo* +&C),

    ◦ (arnin!s before Income #a$

    ◦ %epreciation and Amorti/ation +(&I#%A,

    After #a$ Cash )lo*s

    %ecision Criteria

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    %iscount Rate 0nlevered Cost of (quity

    %iscounted cash flo*

     Corporate aluation

    ◦ )orecast period

    ◦ ori/on alue

    ultiple Analyses


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    amada (quation

    %iscount ate -0nlevered Cost of (quity

    PRM 7.2%rRF 6.28%

    ßu 0.61

    Average assetßi 0.75

    Rs 10.71%

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    %epreciation of property and equipment◦ 6trai!ht line depreciation for 17 years

    Capital ($pense3 21 ne* operatin! 0nits 8 91::;::: each

    3 92.1

    Amorti/ation ($pense

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  • 8/19/2019 Fin 600_Radio One-Team 3_ Final Slides


    Incremental Corporate ($pense Adustm


    TotalBCF*1000s+ 101,548, 116,079 136,034, 158,249, 180,786 205,920

    Total Cororate-.ense*1000s+ 6,000 6,000 6,900 7,935 9,125 10,494

    BCF & /otent!alNe arets 59,014 65,041 76,436 89,711 101,966 115,277

    BFC&Nearets TotalBCF 58)1' 56)0' 56)2' 56)7' 56)4' 56)0'

    Cor -.ense (or/otent!al Nearets *1000s+ 3,487 3,362 3,877 4,498 5,147 5,875

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    Net #or!n% Ca!tal *N#C+ ' o(BCF 47)90'

    tead taterot$ 4)00'

    #ACC 10)71'

    Ta. Rate 34)00'

       Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6/Steady


    = 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005Revenue to rot$   8)22' 12)35' 12)56' 10)75' 9)89' 4)00'ross Revenue 120,486 130,384 146,488 164,891 182,609 200,676 208,703

    !rect -.enses 15,094 16,243 18,176 20,432 22,624 24,857 

    Net Revenue 105,392 114,143 128,313 144,460 159,985 175,820 

    erat!n% -.enses 46,376 49,102 51,877 54,750 58,020 60,543 BCF 59,014 65,041 76,436 89,711 101,966 115,277 119,888

    Cororate -.enses 3,487 3,362 3,877 4,498 5,147 5,875 

    -B:TA 55,527 61,679 72,559 85,213 96,819 109,402 erec!at!on and A;ort!alue 0 0 0 0 0 710,399 

    FCF?Ter;!nal >alue 36,648 40,708 72,450 83,550 90,982 809,358 

    Enterprise Value 669,705  

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    Net #or!n% Ca!tal *N#C+ ' o(BCF 47)90'

    tead taterot$ 6)00'

    #ACC 10)71'

    Ta. Rate 34)00'

       Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6/Steady


    = 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

    Revenue to rot$   8)22' 12)35' 12)56' 10)75' 9)89' 6)00'ross Revenue 120,486 130,384 146,488 164,891 182,609 200,676 212,717

    !rect -.enses 15,094 16,243 18,176 20,432 22,624 24,857 

    Net Revenue 105,392 114,143 128,313 144,460 159,985 175,820 

    erat!n% -.enses 46,376 49,102 51,877 54,750 58,020 60,543 BCF 59,014 65,041 76,436 89,711 101,966 115,277 122,194

    Cororate -.enses 3,487 3,362 3,877 4,498 5,147 5,875 

    -B:TA 55,527 61,679 72,559 85,213 96,819 109,402 

    erec!at!on and A;ort!alue 0 0 0 0 0 962,025 

    FCF?Ter;!nal >alue 36,648 40,708 72,450 83,550 90,982 1,060,984 

    Enterprise Value 806,391  

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    Net #or!n% Ca!tal *N#C+ ' o(BCF 47)90'

    tead taterot$ 8)00'

    #ACC 10)71'

    Ta. Rate 34)00'

       Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6/Steady


    = 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

    Revenue to rot$   8)22' 12)35' 12)56' 10)75' 9)89' 8)00'ross Revenue 120,486 130,384 146,488 164,891 182,609 200,676 216,730

    !rect -.enses 15,094 16,243 18,176 20,432 22,624 24,857 

    Net Revenue 105,392 114,143 128,313 144,460 159,985 175,820 

    erat!n% -.enses 46,376 49,102 51,877 54,750 58,020 60,543 BCF 59,014 65,041 76,436 89,711 101,966 115,277 124,499

    Cororate -.enses 3,487 3,362 3,877 4,498 5,147 5,875 

    -B:TA 55,527 61,679 72,559 85,213 96,819 109,402 

    erec!at!on and A;ort!alue 0 0 0 0 0 1,580,995 

    FCF?Ter;!nal >alue 36,648 40,708 72,450 83,550 90,982 1,679,954 

    Enterprise Value 1,142,621  

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    (nterprise value

    Steady ro!th"ate

    Enter#rise $alue%&&&s'

    Scenario 1 4% 669705

    Scenario 2 6% 806!91

    Scenario ! 8% 1142621

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    Enter#rise$alueMulti#le ofBC(

    Enter#rise$alueMulti#le ofEBITDA

    Enter#rise$alueMulti#le ofAfter)Ta* C(

    Scenario 1   11)3 12)1 18)3

    Scenario 2   13)7 14)5 22)0

    Scenario !   19)4 20)6 31)2

    ultiple Analysis

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    CA6( >1?

    @i!!ins and oyster had to decide if adio

    One should purchase the stations and ho*

    much to offer

    CASE +,-.hat #urchase #rice range that!ould ma/e sense 0

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  • 8/19/2019 Fin 600_Radio One-Team 3_ Final Slides


    #oo many factors ma'e it very difficult to assessan Acquisition proposal accurately

    #he Cost of Capital for the tar!eted stations is anassumption that could be chan!ed

    ($penses such as corporate e$pense and net *or'in! capital are based on assumptions that the tar!eted radio stations *ill have ratios similar toRadio One

    6tren!ths and ea'nesses

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    As revealed by the ris' analysis; some of the stations may be overvalued

    Radio One should acquire all 21 stations and *erecommend an offer not !reater than 21 $ &C)

    #he mana!ement should capitali/e on their hi!h stoc' price *hen structurin! the acquisition of the 21 tar!eted radio stations

    Conclusion ecommandation

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