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This is the poster for the horror film dead silence. This poster like ‘The Strangers’ poster has the image outlined with a completely black background giving it the convention of ‘darkness’ within a horror film.

The poster has a clear colour scheme of black red and white. These are typical conventional horror colours. The black could be a representation of the darkness within the film, the red could be a representation of blood and danger, and the white signifying death perhaps.However, the green in the dolls eyes is a massively outstanding colour and is unusual colour for a horror poster.It highlights the fact that the doll is evil and perhaps envious of something making it a dangerous character.

In this poster, similarly to the strangers poster, there is a caption/slogan enhancing the horror of the title. The title itself is written in a shakily glowing font which is conventional of a horror poster as it adds to the effect of the image on the poster. The slogan on the poster is also written inred which stands out from the rest of the writing because it fits fits in with the idea that red could be a signifier of blood. The rest of the small print text at the bottom ha been put in a thin font so that it does not distract any attention away from the title, caption and image.

The image on the poster is clearly of a doll, which for the audience it is targeted at, is very scary, however, it is the idea that when you are younger you don’t mind dolls or play with them, and when you are older they become a fearful toy to some people. The fact that the eyes and makeup on the doll are clearly made to be scary enhance the idea of the doll. Although the doll looks almost new the hand in front of the doll is old and battered. This connoting that the doll is more humanlike than doll like as dolls don’t age and cut, therefore adding in the fear factor.

This is the poser for the film ‘The Strangers’. I chose to look at this poster because it is a horror film, which ours also it, therefore I wanted to see the sort of conventions the designer of this poster has used.

A caption is at the top of the poster in a yellow which is clear against the background colour. The caption is also the slogan in the trailer for the film, which is perhaps why it is so clear at the top of the poster.

The title is clearly placed at the bottom of the poster to make it clear to the audience what the film is called. The font of the title is clear and looks like Times New Roman, however they have added and effect to the title to give it a scary effect, therefore sticking to the conventions of a horror.

The colour scheme of the poster seems to be blacvk and a golden yellows and browns. The outline of the image ad bottom of the poster is black to keep the idea that the film is dark and perhaps dangerous. The golden colour of the text, in particular the title, gives out the impression that there is perhaps a fire in the film because of the glow against the dark, which adds the fear factor to the poster.

The image on this poster also fits the conventions of a horror film. The main characters have their backs to the camera and are sitting in the dark, creating fear for the audience as they cannot see the ‘victims’ faces. The ‘evil’ characters are clearly placed higher than the ‘victims’ to show who holds the power over one another. The masks on the characters also add to the conventions of a horror in the sense that a lot of people would find masks scary, and the killers have hidden identities.

Another thing I noticed about the image is that the characters are all placed in front of a fireplace. This adds to emphasis to the text ‘glowing’ against the dark, which again adds the element of fear as there may be a fire in the film.