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Page 1: Film Poster Analysis

Standard poster features of main characters. They are photographically represented and the audience can infer the largest photo is the main character.

Tagline- standard feature. Light colour stands out against the dark background. The broken looking font `suggests the fantasy drama.

Dull colour scheme which suggests an older target audience. Red planet in background suggests danger and fantasy, also importance as it stands out.

Green glow around figure contrasts against dull colours and suggests importance of the man. Surrounded by men who could be considered an army, may suggest leadership. The green suggests that the man is villainous.

Title is eye catching as it is bold and in a light colour. However, it is not as prominent as the characters above.

This poster is primarily visual as there are many pictures and a minimum amount of writing.

Skull represents death, battle and fighting. Gives an idea of what the movie will be about.

The photographs can be linked to Propp’s character types. (Hero, sidekick, damsel in distress, villain)

Many people with weapons and they are regimented. Gives the impression that they are an army, supporting the idea of battle in the movie.

Sword suggests battle and violence as well as fantasy genre. Hinting at what the film may be about.

Costumes look old fashioned, suggests fantasy genre. They are also dark coloured, supporting the genre inference.

No mention of expert witnesses, directors or stars. Not used as a USP. Also no gratifications promised to gain attention. This may be because the characters are the main selling point. However this creates a negative impact as the audience may be lead to believe that are no positive reviews or well known stars.

The poster suggests an intended older audience as it is rather dull but the weaponry and fantasy elements make it appealing for younger audiences too.

This is a good poster as it is very visually enticing, however there’s a lack of information. To improve this, there could be reviews, director/producer names or star names.

There’s no creditable information which can create a negative impression as it may suggest there are poor reviews.

Women both look powerful (one ready to battle and the other almost witch like) which counters stereotypes of women needing a hero and Propp’s damsel in distress.

Page 2: Film Poster Analysis

This is the only character (represented photographically) featured on the poster which suggests she’s the main character and selling point. Using the main character on the poster is a standard poster feature.

Main colour is blue, suggests the film will follow the original fairy tale. The baby blue shade suggest she is gentle.

Traditional glass slipper from the fairy tale. This is a symbol of the storyline, however the audience will need a foreknowledge of the original story in order to understand.

The dark sky contrasts against the character herself, to make her stand out. But it may also suggest danger and that the film will not be a traditional fairy story.

The character’s face looks sweet and innocent which connotes that her character will be also.

The woman’s dress is extremely girly, showing she is a princess. It also follows the traditional Cinderella story. Her sweet, womanly look could link with Propp’s character types as a damsel in distress.

The use of the Disney logo may be a selling point as it is well known and popular.

The font of the title, is similar to that of the Disney logo, linking the two. It also looks similar to the original Cinderella font, however the audience will need foreknowledge to decode this. The gold colour suggests royalty and contrasts against the dark background.

The release date also follows the golden, Disney style font. This makes it stand out against the background and look fitting with the poster.

The poster is primarily visual as there is a very limited amount of writing and the main feature is the picture of the main character. It doesn’t have the verbal standard poster features of a tagline, producer and/or director names or star names.

This poster gives the impression that the intended audience is older children and adults, as although it is based on a fairy tale- there are hints of danger and the fantasy genre.

There are no expert witnesses which could create a negative impression as it may suggest there are no positive reviews.

Attention is gained primarily through Cinderella herself.

There are no gratifications promised which could create a negative effect as people may not be as persuaded to watch it.

I would say this is a good poster as it shows clearly the main character, however I would prefer it and think it was more effective if there were more standard poster features.

The fairy tale/drama genre is presented through this poster as it features a princess but dark background.

Page 3: Film Poster Analysis

There’s a standard poster feature of a tagline. The capital lettering makes it bold and stand out against the basic beige background, this draws attention to the poster. The green colour suggests freshness.

The title is large and stands out against the white background. It is rather basic and does not give much away about the genre. The word ‘bad’ is bolder than ‘neighbours’, suggesting it will be of importance in the film.

There’s a standard poster feature of star names. This may be the unique selling point of the film, the green colour stands out against in the white background and looks fitting as it is similar to the tagline.

The cloudy background suggests an average neighbourhood and makes the colour scheme bright. Brightness will then suggest that the film will be light-hearted, possibly suggesting comedy.

The fence links with the title. ‘Neighbours’ as it suggests a neighbourhood. Although the tagline uses

the word ‘battle’, the general poster suggests it will be light hearted.

The separation of the family and the man suggests that they are going to be the ‘battle’.

These characters appear to be a standard, young family which gives the impression that the neighbourhood is no different to any other.

Director and producers are included- a standard poster feature. This could be a unique selling point, however the fact it is smaller than the star names suggests they are the main selling point.

The baby is a contrast to the red cup in the sense of partying against family life- the potential battle in this film.

The character’s facial expression looks as if he is strong minded and confident. His stance also suggests confidence as he is standing straight with his head lifted.

Red cups are traditionally symbols of parties in America, suggesting the film is intended for teenage/ young adult audiences.

This poster is primarily visual, as there is very little writing.

There are no gratifications promised or expert witnesses, which gives a negative impression as people may think there aren’t any good reviews.

I think this poster is good and effective. However, I think it would be improved if it included some expert witness reviews.