Page 1: Fik 3042 khairiah abdul kadird061507



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KHAIRIAH BT ABDUL KADIR D20121061507 019-5586942

1. NAMA TUTOR E-LEARNING: DR ABDUL GHANI BIN ABU Dr Abdul Ghani Hj Abu Jabatan Bahasa dan Kesusasteraan Inggeris Fakulti Bahasa dan Komunikasi 35900 Tanjung Malim Perak


ESSAY Everyone has a part in protecting Mother Earth.

Discuss 3 ways how you can do this at home.

Page 2: Fik 3042 khairiah abdul kadird061507

Annotated Sample Outline

1. Essay Title: Everyone has a part in protecting Mother Earth. Discuss 3 ways how you can

do this at home.

Thesis Statement

Every one need to play a part to help the Mother Earth

Plant trees at home

Supporting detail (i)

- lead to global warming

Supporting detail (ii)

- Absorbing Carbon dioxide and producing oxygen.

Supporting detail (iii)

- Make the world greener . Grew our own vegetables at home.

Topic Sentence 2

Practice the 3 R (reduce, revise, recycle).

Supporting detail (i)

- can make habit to reduce

Supporting detail (i)

- use cloth bags at the grocery store

Supporting detail (iii)

- Recycle gadgets and electronics

Comment [SS1]: It must be in ONE complete sentence.

Comment [SS2]: State the second characteristic here. It must be in ONE complete sentence.

Comment [SS3]: Write in point form only.

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Topic Sentence 3

Save energy at home

Supporting detail (i)

- win-win than ever to save on energy

Supporting detail (ii)

- minimize phantom loads

Supporting detail (iii)

- use more energy –efficient appliances

- change our light bulbs

Concluding Sentence

Educated about the importance of loving the earth

Comment [SS4]: Write in point form only.

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The world now is in a critical situation. Disasters such as landslides , flash floods are a

common thing for people nowadays . These disasters are the after effects that we have to face.

Every one need to play a part to help the Mother Earth. Even the small deed can help make a big

charge to the world. These things can start at home. There are many ways that can be done at

home to help our Mother Earth.

These three ways can be practised at home to help our Mother Earth. First we can start

by planting trees, may they be big trees or small flowers, at home. The numbers of trees in

Malaysia are decreasing due to illegal logging and urbanisation. The declining number of trees

led to global warming, landslides and even the loss of habitat for flora and fauna. The trees play

a very important role in our life as they absorb carbon dioxide in the air. Carbon dioxide is then

used for photosynthesis. Trees also gave support to the earth to avoid landslides from accruing.

Even though it is just a single trees, we have actually play our role to the Mother Earth. Planting

trees also help make our earth look greener. By planting trees at home we get to save our earth

and also beautify our lawn. Planting Herbs can grow in weir indoors and are good for urban

gardens. Besides, gardening is a good hobby that can be shared as a bonding moment with

friends and family.

The second way is practicing 3R. (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle). Most at the thing that

we used can usually be reduce, reuse, and recycle. We need to be aware with what’s going

around us, these days. We can make habit to reduce the things we need or we consume, recycle

things to conserve our resources, collect old newspapers, books, magazines, used papers, bottles

(plastic and glass), and any other things that you could sell in junkyards. There is money in

garbage and at the same time we’re doing our part in the recycling process. We can recycle the

paper and newspaper, then reuse them into something useable. Materials like paper can be

recycled and be reused especially when printing paper for exercises and examination. We can

reduce the usage of plastics when shopping by bringing our own bags. We can use cloth bags at

the grocery store and for all our grocery needs .Store them in the trunk of your car so you always

have them on hand. We also can recycle gadgets and electronics such as sell to other person or

company which buys old electronic. Donate the gadgets to the most charities and give away to

family members, friends and whom they needed.

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The third way is save energy at home. These days, it’s more of a win-win than ever to

save on energy. Every time you lower your utility bills, you put more money back in your bank

account. Lower bill means less energy consumed, these mean less harmful emissions released

into our environment. At home you can minimize phantom loads. It’s refers to the energy that an

appliance or electronic device consumes when it is not actually turned on. You can eliminate

phantom loads by unplugging appliances and electronics when you are not using them, or by

plugging them into a power strip, and turning the strip off when they are not in use. Another way

to save energy is use more energy –efficient appliances. If you are shopping for new appliances,

make sure to look for the Environmental Protection Agency’s Energy Star label before making a

purchase. Energy star appliances use between 10 and 50 percent less energy and water than their

conventional counterparts. You also can save our energy at home by change our light bulbs.

One of the least expensive and most effective changes you can make in your home is replacing

your light bulbs. Some people are concerned because compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs)

contain mercury, Energy Star says that compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) do not release any

mercury when in use, and actually reduce mercury emissions because they lessen the need for

electricity from power plants that emit mercury.

The fourth way is by using public transport to work. The statistics of cars in Malaysia are

increasing, these past years. The burning of fossil fuels from the cars is one of the main factors

for global warming and thinning of ozone layer. The cars contribute

the release of carbon monoxide to the air and disrupt to the ozone layer. The ozone layer helps

protect us from direct sunlight and ultraviolet ray. UV rays causes skin cancer and many more

harmful disease. Sharing transport or using public transport is a good practice to help the earth.

You can also save money from buying fuels for your car.

As a conclusion there are many ways that can be done by us to save our Mother Earth.

Our contribution to the earth’s is also for our benefits. Children should also be educated about

the importance of loving the earth.