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EFFECTS OF CLASSICAL MUSIC ON TEST SCORES 17 Figure 2: Assessment used in music and silence groups

“Introduction to Astronomy: Crash Course Astronomy #1” Participant Information:

Age: ____________ Sex (Circle one): MALE/FEMALE

Expected date of graduation (MM/YYYY):_________________________________



Have you viewed this YouTube video before? (Circle one) YES/NO

Have you taken a class or had prior training on the subject of Astronomy? YES/NO

Did you find the video difficult to understand? YES/NO

Are you registered with the Office of Disabilities for a specific learning disability? YES/NO

If so, what is your disability? ___________________________________________________________

Video Content Evaluation:

1. How high does the atmosphere around the earth extend? a. 100km c. 50km b. 200km d. 340km

2. What is at the center of the Milky Way?

a. The sun c. A massive black hole b. Earth d. Another galaxy

3. What is the most basic definition of astronomy given by the video?

a. “Studying the stuff above us” c. “Looking at Earth’s atmosphere” b. “Studying stuff in the sky” d. “Getting to know the universe”

4. What is geocentrism?

a. The study of earth c. The belief that the Earth has a molten core b. The study of the stars d. The belief that Earth is the center of the universe

5. Who came up with the idea that the sun was the center of the solar system?

a. Plato c. Copernicus b. Aristotle d. Ptolemy

6. Who invented calculus?

a. Newton c. Ptolemy b. Copernicus d. Tycho Brahe

7. What percent of the universe can we see directly?

a. 1% c. 10% b. 4% d. 0.5%
