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For ICAR Use Only




Indian Council of Agricultural Research Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi � 110001

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January, 2002 Correct Citation: ICAR. 2001. ICAR Guidelines for filing patent applications. ICAR, New Delhi. 36p. Compiled under the Guidance of Dr. Mangala Rai, Deputy Director General (Crop Science) by: Dr. Sudhir Kochhar, Assistant Director General (IPR) Acting Charge, and Principal Scientist (Plant Breeding), Crop Science Division, ICAR, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi � 110001. This bulletin streamlines and updates the earlier information provided in the Internet on ICAR Initiatives on Protection of Intellectual Property and the Guidelines for filing patent applications circulated by the IPR Section. The contributions made by Dr. J.P.Mishra and Dr. S.Bala Ravi, former ADGs (IPR) in these earlier documents are acknowledged. Definitions: For the purpose of this document 'person' means any natural or legal person, which includes an institution; and 'scientist' means any concerned employee of the Council eligible for filing a patent application. Copies can be had from: Business Manager, Directorate of Information and Publications of Agriculture (DIPA), ICAR, Krishi Anusandhan Bhavan, K.S.Krishnan Marg, New Delhi � 110012. Published by the Director, Directorate of Information and Publications of Agriculture (DIPA), ICAR, Krishi Anusandhan Bhavan, New Delhi � 110012.

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Item Page

Foreword 4

Preface 5

ICAR Guidelines for Filing Patent 7

What Can/Can�t be Patented 8

What to Know and Consider Before Filing Patent Application 10

Some Important Do�s and Don�ts 13

Some Important Steps/Milestones in Patenting 15



Annexure 2 - Form 2: THE PATENT ACT, 1970 (39 OF 1970) COMPLETE SPECIFICATION


Table 1: Some Important Sites For Patent Search and Seeking Other IPR Related Information


Table 2: List of Authorities Receiving Patent Office Publications on the Condition That They May be Seen by The Public, Free of Charge


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FOREWORD Development and improvement of technologies have been the main focus of agricultural research and education in the country for nearly five decades in the post independence India. The advances made in the development of improved crop varieties and animal breeds, packages of crop and animal husbandry, tools, equipment and farm power machinery, dairy science and technology, inland and high sea fisheries, post harvest processing and value addition, in which the ICAR has played a significant role, brought in phenomenal improvements in national agricultural production. The council has served as the lighthouse for free exchange of genetic material and technology with the rest of the world, respecting the global interdependence for food and agriculture. Increased productivity, improved technology, extension efforts and linkages have been our watchword due to which growth in production has been tremendous while keeping in view the simultaneous increase in population. Despite several droughts, floods, and unpredictable rains, the country has emerged from the state of net importer to marginal exporter in food commodities due to concerted efforts in research, education, policy planning and implementation, which led to consistent growth in production. No doubt, the national agriculture has advanced in terms of technology and practices but the mind set for protection and commercialisation of technology was hardly there. However, with the emerging intellectual property rights regimes under new and upcoming legislations, in conformity with the global developments and inter-governmental agreements, there is an urgent need to understand and analyse the situation to suitably change our attitude towards protecting the intellectual property developed in the ICAR and SAU systems for not only commercial gains but also to support further research and development in agriculture. It is the duty of all ICAR scientists and technical officers to make best efforts to compete and excel in their respective areas so as to bring credits to their own names and that of the Council. They should also give importance to systematic protection of the intellectual property developed by them during the entire period of their service whether in the ICAR laboratories/fields or in collaboration with other partners having the ICAR funded projects. I am happy that this set of guidelines has been developed by updating and refining the earlier circulated information for the use of ICAR scientists. I urge all ICAR institutes, bureaus, project directorates, national research centres, project coordinators and krishi vigyan kendras to take note of this publication and make maximum use of the same for the benefit of the scientists, the ICAR and the nation in the emerging era of globalisation and the growing importance to IPR. Often our clients are farmers who have no capacity to understand and utilize potential technologies; therefore, we also need to be judicious in balancing agricultural technologies.

I complement Dr. Mangala Rai, Deputy Director General (Crop Science), and Dr. Sudhir Kochhar, Principal Scientist & Acting ADG (IPR) for having given priority to organise the information and timely bring out this document. Sd/- (PANJAB SINGH)

Secretary Department of Agricultural Research & Education & Director General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Ministry of Agriculture, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi � 110 001

December 24, 2001

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PREFACE Despite several unparalleled and exemplary achievements made in the field of agriculture in India since Independence, there is a consistent need to maintain food security and growth in production so that the future challenges are duly met. One of such challenges, which is likely to grow in unpredictable proportions in the near future, is the understanding of, orientation for, and the application of intellectual property protection under different forms of intellectual property rights and as per different IPR or sui generis legislations being in effect in the country from time to time. The national laws on Patents, Trademarks and Copyrights are already in effect, although these are undergoing further amendments in harmony with the national requirements and/or international commitments. Further, legislations on Geographical Indications and Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers� Rights have also been enacted, which await development/notification of respective subordinate Acts of Rules and Procedures for their enforcement. The Patents Act 1970 has been in force for quite a long time in the country and it was amended for the first time in 1999 to harmonise with some of the requirements of the Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) Agreement of the World Trade Organisation (WTO). This Act provided for patent protection mainly to processes for the development of agricultural chemicals and the agricultural tools and equipment per se but did not recognise methods of agriculture and horticulture, microorganisms, other life forms and also products derived from chemical/biochemical processes as the patentable subject matter. Therefore, patenting of technology in the ICAR set up was a low-key affair. However, the global developments, such as the enforcement of the CBD and the TRIPs under the WTO have increased the importance of patents, and protection of IPR by other means, in agriculture. An Intellectual Property Rights Section was established at the Crop Science Division in the ICAR to cope up with the need of facilitation for filing patent applications in the ICAR system, which started functioning with the appointment and joining of an Assistant Director General (IPR), in October 1998. Earlier to that patent applications were filed by the ICAR scientists/institutions through ADG (Agricultural Engineering). Initial efforts were made by the former incumbent ADGs (IPR), Dr. J.P.Mishra and Dr. S.Bala Ravi, in organising and gearing up the work of patent applications. During the past one year, this effort has been further intensified. The institutional capabilities of the Council were enhanced in IPR matters by the nomination of IPR nodal officers in all ICAR institutes/bureaus/project directorates/national research centres and charging them with a 3 days training package on various IPR and WTO related developments and issues. The earlier circulated guidelines for making patent application ware improved and explained to all nodal officers in practical during these trainings. Nevertheless, the need for a systematic, self-explanatory document to guide the filling up and filing of patent application by all scientists through their assignee {the ICAR/ADG (IPR)} has been strongly felt. Therefore, a fresh exercise has been made with the purpose to update and explain all information that would be essentially required by and helpful to those scientists who

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have a patentable technology at hand or those others who are at the final stage of research experiments that are likely (rather surely) to yield a patentable technology. The Crop Science Division has recently developed an initial set of information pertaining to the organisation, facilitation and management of crop science research by the concerned ICAR institutions under the technical advice/control of the Division, for launching in the Internet by linking it to the ICAR Home Page. It is planned to attach a soft copy of the present bulletin to the ICAR Home Page, replacing the old version, besides publishing the bulletin for wider ICAR use. The contributions made by Dr. Sudhir Kochhar, Acting ADG (IPR) in compiling this needed information in a simple to understand format are significant and praiseworthy. It is hoped that all concerned ICAR scientists and technical officers will go through these guidelines and also ensure making the necessary patent search before deciding to prepare the patent document and file the patent application through the Council/ADG (IPR). (MANGALA RAI)

Deputy Director General (Crop Science) Indian Council of Agricultural Research,

Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi � 110 001 December 26, 2001

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The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), Krishi Bhavan, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road,

New Delhi � 110 001, is a registered body incorporated under the Registration of Societies Act

(Act XXI of 1860). As per service rules, the Council owns all results of research carried out by

its employees in the ICAR institutions/laboratories or collaborative, ICAR funded projects

during the entire period of their service. All ICAR scientists are free to apply, individually or

jointly with other scientists, for protection of the intellectual property created/technology

generated by him/her/them as above from the work carried out in the ICAR institutions, or jointly

with other institutions under the projects carried out with the ICAR funding support.

Such patent applications shall, however, be filed through the Council with the obligation that

applicant(s) shall file a �Declaration� that ICAR/its authorised signatory in the application under

reference is their �assignee�. The ICAR has established an Intellectual Property Rights Section in

the Crop Science Division that discharges the functions of inter alia filing the patent applications

and the Assistant Director General (Intellectual Property Rights) {ADG (IPR)} is the authorised

signatory and the assignee for all patent applications on behalf of the Council.

The primary application form required for filing a patent application to the Controller of Patents

and detailing the specifications and claims, etc., in respect of the invention therein is to be used

mutatis mutandis to include an annexure covering the following:

(i) an �Undertaking� in respect of the bona fides of the invention made to be furnished to the

ICAR by the applicant(s), and

(ii) a �Declaration� to the effect that the ICAR/the authorised signatory of the Council is

his/her/their assignee.

The application complete in all respects, and only in the given format, copy of which is provided

in this document, should be submitted to the ADG (IPR) 'Through Proper Channel' for

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processing and submission to the Patent Office. The IPR Section will pre-examine the

application and, where applicable and as appropriate, advise the applicants for modification of

the application or making relevant changes therein, make necessary sanction and payment for the

application fee and file the application to the Comptroller of Patents at Patent Office Branch,

New Delhi.

In order to facilitate the process at the level of institutes/bureaus/project directorates/national

research centres, the ICAR has organised/provided specific training during the year 2001 to the

IPR Nodal Officers designated by the ICAR institutions along with one or more additionally

nominated scientist(s). Institutions may involve these nodal officers/scientists at their level for

facilitating the process and thereby enhance/secure protection of the ICAR�s intellectual


Guidelines to write and file patent applications have been developed for the benefit of all ICAR

scientists/inventors. Those who are considering to file a patent application or those who consider

that their experiments/research are at a stage that can soon yield patentable invention(s) should

go through these guidelines to get an idea of how to initiate and proceed with the writing of

patent document and filing of the patent application. Specimen copies of the application forms

(Form No. 1 and Form No. 2) modified for official use by all ICAR scientists, including the

annexures with Form No. 1 for an Undertaking in respect of the bona fides of the invention and

an Authorization of the ICAR/ADG (IPR) as their assignee, as per ICAR requirements, are

appended (Annexures 1&2).


Patent grants are accorded by the Patent Office, Govt. of India for any invention on any one of

the following five subjects provided the invention is �new� in the global sense, �non-obvious� in

the sense that it involves an inventive step, and �useful� in respect of its industrial applicability:

1. a machine/device

2. a process

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3. a product/article

4. composition of matter

5. any improvement of any of above

Patents are not granted in India in respect of the following:

(i) claims which are frivolous, or contrary to well established natural law,

(ii) any invention, the primary or intended use or commercial exploitation of which

could be contrary to law or morality or which causes serious prejudice to humans,

(iii) the mere discovery of a scientific principle or the formulation of an abstract


(iv) mere discovery of any new property or new use for a known substance or of the

mere use of a known process, medicine or apparatus, unless such known process

results in a new product or employs at least one new variant,

(v) substance obtained by a mere admixture resulting only in aggregation of

properties of the components thereof or a process for producing such substance,


(vi) mere arrangement or re-arrangement or duplication of known devices each

functioning independently of one another in a known way.

Further, it may be expressly noted that the Indian law also does not provide for patenting

for following subjects:

(i) Method of agriculture or horticulture, or

(ii) Any process for medicinal, surgical, curative, prophylactic or other treatment of

animals or plants to render them free of diseases or to increase their economic

value or that of their products, or

(iii) Plant varieties, strains of animals or birds, or microorganisms per se.

Nevertheless, intellectual property protection for plant varieties is provided for under the

�Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers� Rights Act, 2001� and some other protectable

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subjects can be covered under Geographical Indications, Trademarks, Copyrights, Designs, etc.,

as per the respective Acts. Case-to-case basis clearance of the Council may be sought for filing

applications in all these cases, as and when applicable.



A patent is one of the forms of Intellectual Property Rights. It is granted by a country

government to a person or persons for an invention, which is new, non-obvious and useful, in

lieu of disclosing it in a patent document. It is a qualified right for a limited period of time and

also limited to the territorial jurisdiction of the country. The authority to determine whether a

patent should be granted or not in a particular case in India is vested in the Controller of Patents.

The patent entitles the right-holder to exclusively produce/import, use or sell the said invention

or give licence to other(s) to produce/import, use or sell that invention. However, it is up to the

patent holder to enforce this right once a patent is sealed (granted). When the term of a patent

expires, the subject of the patent becomes a matter of public domain.

One must remember that a patent does not give its holder the automatic right to produce/import,

use or sell a given invention but allows to prevent others from doing so. For producing/importing

and using or selling the invention, the right-holder must follow the country's law on the subject

or the concerned regulatory and administrative channels for the respective approvals for import,

commerce and trade, as the case may be and as appropriate.

One should also note that the patent applications must be filed within one year of the invention

having been publicly known anywhere in the world or first sold in the country. One may file a

provisional patent application as per rules. This will allow delay up to one year in filing the

complete patent application for but entitle to claim the date of filing of the provisional

application as priority date of the said invention.

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Basic provisions

Patenting is regulated by the �Patents Act, 1970� and the �Patents (Amendment) Act, 1999�. The

former is presently in vogue.

A patent shall be granted by the Controller of Patents for an invention disclosed in the prescribed

application form when there is no opposition to it or in case an opposition is made to the patent

office in a prescribed format, along with a prescribed fee, within a specified time period, the

same is satisfactorily countered. Application for seeking grant of patent can be filed by any

person (individually or jointly with any other person) claiming to be the true and first inventor(s)

of the invention, or his/her/their assignee or legal representative, in case the person is deceased

and was entitled to make such application immediately before death.

Rules and Procedures subordinate to the Principal Act are prescribed in the �Patents Rules,

1972�, which include different forms in its Schedule II, such as, a form for the application,

another for specifications and claims, and others for requesting for priority date determination,

opposition, request for sealing of patent, licensing, etc. For the purpose of filing the patent

application, as provided under Section 10 of Indian Patents Act, 1970, and Section 8 and the

Schedule II of the Patents Rules 1972, two forms have been mainly prescribed. These are, �Form

No. 1� � for making request for grant of patent, and �Form No. 2� � for providing description of

inter alia specifications and claims in respect of the invention. Further, the same set of forms for

filing the patent application, namely, �Form No. 1� and �Form No. 2�, are also applicable under

the Patents (Amendment) Act, 1999 according to the GOI Gazette notification of June 1999.

As already made clear, these primary application forms are used mutatis mutandis for filing

applications by the ICAR scientists (Annexure 1&2).

It is pertinent to note that although till now neither patent nor other forms of intellectual

property rights are granted in India for products of chemical engineering, industrial

biochemistry, biotechnology or any life forms (plants, animals, and micro-organisms), except for

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plant varieties as per the "Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers' Rights Act, 2001", the

further amendment in the Patents Act or enactment and enforcement of any other relevant Act

may provide protection of industrial products and microorganisms, which is not being ruled out.

Patent Document

A patent application is also known as a �Patent Document�, which aims to disclose to the others,

ordinarily familiar with the art/area of invention, as to how to reconstruct the invention and thus

encourage R&D. It is a Techno-Legal Document and must be understood and filled in literal

sense of a legal application that is being made to secure technical claims. The application must

qualify for the basic criteria in respect of the invention. Accordingly, �Novelty� means that the

invention should not be a known �prior art� anywhere in the world; nor such a claim be in place

anywhere, in any patent application in any country, until the date of filing of the application to

the Patent Office. A patent search on the Internet and by other search tools by the applicant(s) is

desirable. For this purpose, to facilitate patent search and acquire other IPR related

information/knowledge, a list of selected Internet sites is provided in Table 1 in the end part of

this document. However, during examination of the application the Patent Office will also

ascertain novelty by ruling out the existence of prior art.

It may also be noted that to qualify for the grant of a patent, the invention needs not to be a

completely new one in the sense that it can even be a step ahead of or have incremental progress

over an existing invention. For example, an invention to improve an existing electric bulb by

replacing the filament with a new alloy and a neutral gas to achieve higher brightness and/or

longer bulb life, or a bioinoculator with improved and efficient aeration unit to increase the

availability of viable inoculum for longer duration, would each qualify for a patent claim. Also,

the invention needs not to be essentially a major one; it may be a simple one but novel. It must be

borne in mind that a revelation of any publication or information in public domain or application

on the invention having been filed prior to this filing date anywhere by anyone shall lose claim of

novelty and hence render the application invalid.

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�Non-obvious� or �involving an inventive step� means that the invention would not appear

obvious to any person having ordinary skill or knowledge in the area of invention; rather the

invention must have been a result of the patentee�s(s�) own innovation. �Utility� of the invention

is judged from the point of view of its industrial applicability. The invention must not be merely

new and non-obvious but it should have a function, which can be applied, in the commercial

sense and from the point of view of public benefit too. For example, it may help in reducing

drudgery, time used, checking or de-polluting a pollutant produced, cost involved or saving

foreign exchange by replacing an imported product/device/part, etc. In addition to meeting these

essential criteria, the invention or its commercialisation should not hurt public morality, and it

should not be against national interest or capable of injuring the human health or environment.

Scientists are advised to be well informed about their area of invention while preparing a �Patent

Document� since they would be better judges, next only to the Patent Office, of the qualification

of their patent claim.


Maintain a complete secrecy of invention before filing the patent application. It is also advised

not to publish the invention for further 12 months from the date of filing the application nor to

publicise or take the invention/subject to public domain. While conducting research leading to

the patentable invention, adequate work records must be maintained. It should be possible to re-

construct on time scale as to when the work related to the invention was conceived, when it was

actually started, when the inventive step was reached and when it was first successfully

demonstrated in the laboratory. Data may be assembled, organised and analysed, if necessary,

and the results worked out as usual on the research/experiment elucidating the invention.

Similarly, drawings may be made and photographs taken, wherever necessary and as appropriate,

to effectively document the claims of invention.

The research must be done in a simplistic manner so that it appears to be just a routine. Data,

however, must be recorded and maintained diligently. Becoming conspicuous in the mid-course

of research would possibly catch the attention of some probable competitor or offender. This

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precaution would be necessary till the patent application is admitted by the patent office and

thereby priority date of invention is ensured.

A good background on the subject area of invention must be gained, particularly about the

inventions from the subject area already and anywhere patented, if any. This would help in

considering whether the results of present study/experiment qualify for a patent on the basis of

these guidelines or not. In case this satisfies the qualification of the invention for a patent, and a

patent search is reasonably made to fortify the claim, the conclusion is that there is a patentable

invention. At this stage, be ready to prepare the patent document and file the patent application in

the modified Forms 1&2 prescribed by the ICAR and appended herewith at Annexures 1&2.

While preparing and submitting the application ensure the following points:

• Must give �Declaration� in respect of bona fides of the research carried out by you and

meeting the essential criteria for a patent.

• Must complete the application in all respects in three original copies (with original

signatures of inventors and witnesses on each application).

• Must �Assign� the invention to the ICAR/ADG (IPR).

• Must move the application �Through Proper Channel� (Through Director/Project Director

of respective institute/bureau/project directorate/national research centre).

Note: The ICAR institutions must agree with the bona fides of the research carried out, and the

undertaking in the application; and, also ensure that the claimant applicant(s) have declared

ICAR/ADG (IPR) as their assignee.

It is advised to file a �Provisional Application� in cases where the results of research are well

anticipated but not actually known or data not yet analysed or photographs or figures are not

ready to be appended with the application. It is not necessary to write Claims in the provisional

application. An application is to be submitted as provisional only when its filing is felt urgent in

view of a possible threat of losing priority date from a similar claim likely to be put up by

another claimant/group on the same/similar invention.

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Once a Provisional Application is filed it is obligatory to file the �Complete Application� within a

period of 12 months, without late fee, to maintain its Priority Date. The complete application

must furnish Complete Specifications, Claims, and Drawings/Figures. Also, the

description/claims in the complete application have to be such that there is no significant

deviation from the provisional application.

The applicants must understand that the patent application is a Techno-Legal document, which

may often need improvement in presentation/style of the technical content, particularly in the

claims but, at the same time acquiring priority date is necessary to secure the claims in the

subsequent complete application and the patent to be granted. Hence, they should comply with

the Council�s advice to improve/amend their application within the stipulated period of 12

months once a �Provisional Application� is recommended and submitted by the ADG (IPR) to the

Patent Office against a �Complete Application� prepared and forwarded by the


It is desirable to seek assistance of Patent Attorney for preparing patent document, particularly

in cases where there is export potential or the patent is likely to have high commercial stakes,

including in other countries. With new areas of agriculture opening up for patenting and other

forms of intellectual property protection, a system to this effect to secure and protect the ICAR�s

intellectual property will be gradually developed and guidelines provided. Till then approval of

the Council may be sought on case-to-case basis.


1. Filing Patent Application

(a) Provisional Application (entitles for �Priority Date� for patent claims

even when the complete application is filed subsequently)

(b) Complete Application (within 12 months of filing the provisional

application + 4 months with late fee)

2. Examination of Patent Application

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(a) Possible return; resubmission within 12 months with necessary

modifications/ changes, or

(b) Abandon

(c) Issuance of Notice to the Applicant (ADG-IPR). Communicating to the

respective institution/scientist(s)

3. Advertisement of Acceptance of Application in GOI Gazette, Part III: Section 2

4. Public Inspection of the Gazette free of charge (See Table 2)

5. Opposition (4 months time with prescribed fee)

6. Notice of Opposition to the Applicant

7. Filing Counter to the Opposition

8. Dispute Resolution (Inventor�s record-keeping, Patent Attorney, Potential to

continue litigation in High Court, etc.)

9. Decision on Patent

10. Application for Sealing with prescribed fee

11. Sealing of the Patent

12. Registration of the Patent/Patent Grant

13. Maintenance of patent with prescribed fee


As earlier made clear, to file a patent application from the ICAR System must use only the

modified Form No. 1 along with Annexure for Undertaking and Declaration in respect of the

invention and the assignee, respectively, and Form No. 2 for specifications and claims. These

forms are appended with this document at Annexures 1&2.



Patent application can be filed either as PROVISIONAL APPLICATION or COMPLETE


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The Application Form (Form No. 1) does not have the word PROVISIONAL or COMPLETE

printed on it. Therefore, in case where a provisional application is to be filed, add a prefix

�PROVISIONAL� to the title of the application so that it may be modified to read as


Changes may also have to be made in the body of the application by replacing the word

�Complete Specification� with �Provisional Specification� in Column 2.b). In this context, it must

be noted that the Form No. 2 has �COMPLETE SPECIFICATION� printed on it. Therefore, in

case where a provisional application is to be filed, replace the word COMPLETE with



There are 11 columns in all in Form No. 1. These have to be carefully filled up by strictly

following the instructions, without introducing subjective changes by the claimants. Each patent

application requires three original copies. Each copy should bear the original signatures of all

claimant inventors.

Column 1 is self-explanatory.

Column 2(a) requires filling of Title of the invention. In case the application being filed is

provisional, the same title (or a title without substantive changes) has to be filled in the Complete

Application, which may be filed subsequently.

In Column 2(b) match the word Complete or Provisional as per the application being filed. Thus,

in case the application is provisional, the word �Complete� has to be replaced with �Provisional�.

Column 2(c) is self-explanatory. For the official purposes of the ICAR, this affirmative statement

has to be supported with the �Declaration� given at the Annexure of Form No. 1.

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Column 3 is self-explanatory but it has to be filled orthodoxically. For example, if there are more

than one claimant inventors in the application, the names, addresses and nationality of each one

of them have to be mentioned separately as required under the Column. In particular, care may

be taken that even if all inventors belong to the same institute and location, the address and

nationality have to be typed/printed separately against the names of each individual.

Column 4 is applicable only if application for the same patent had already been filed in any of

the foreign countries that are members of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). When no such

application was filed earlier, the column should be filled with "NIL".

Column 5 is applicable only for those inventions, for which a patent already exists or an

application is already made. In case the invention under the application is a modification of an

existing patent or related to a Prior Art, it should be clearly indicated under this column with

complete reference(s) and/or the number of the relevant patent.

Column 6 is self-explanatory but need not be filled by the claimants. However, such a claim may

be mentioned in the forwarding letter. It will be filled at the ICAR/IPR Section on verification of


Columns 7 and 8 are self-explanatory and need no filling up.

Column 9 is self-explanatory. Fill up the details of individual claimant inventors, as required in

Column 3, with name, address, and nationality. Put up signatures of each inventor against the

individual's particulars. Must note that each patent application requires three copies and each of

these copies should bear the original signature of all claimants.

Column 10 is self-explanatory and does not require any filling up.

Column 11 relates to the details of application and its enclosures. Again, the application must be

in three original sets, including the enclosures.

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Fill up the column 11 (a) with �THREE COPIES�. Each of the three sets of application, including

the drawings and priority documents, has to be in original. In case the application is provisional,

replace the word �Complete� with �Provisional� under this column.

In case the application is accompanied with drawings, fill up the column 11 (b) with �THREE

COPIES�. Alternatively, if there are no drawings, then fill up this column with �NIL�.

Priority documents under the column 11 (c) are required only when a Complete Application is

filed subsequent to a provisional application. When such priority document is accompanied, this

column has to be filled up with �THREE COPIES�. Otherwise fill up with �NIL�.

With respect to column 11 (d), the Power of Authority refers to the assignment of application in

favour of ICAR/ADG (IPR) in case of all ICAR applications. It has to be filled as per �Annexure�

in the modified Form No. 1, which must be used by all ICAR scientists. Hence, fill up this

column with �THREE COPIES�.

The necessary payment of the Application Fee is made by the ICAR/IPR Section. Hence, column

11 (e) will be filled up for the particulars of the Demand Draft by the IPR Section at the ICAR


The date line provided as the last line may be filled by the applicant(s). Nevertheless, it must be

noted that irrespective of the date shown here the valid date of filing of the application for the

purpose of Priority Date shall be the actual date of filing by the IPR Section to the Patent Office

Branch, New Delhi vis-à-vis the receipt of the application at the said Patent Office Branch.


The modified Form No. 1 has the Annexure prescribed by the ICAR for all ICAR claimants. This

embodies an Undertaking for the bona fides of the research leading to the patent application and

a Declaration for the assignee by the claimant(s).

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The Undertaking is addressed to ADG (IPR). Here, the title of the invention has to be mentioned

under column (i). By signing the Undertaking the scientist(s) is/are understood to have made 5

declarations, as stated at serial numbers ii) to vi), in respect of their invention mentioned at serial

number i) in this undertaking. All claimants have to type in their individual names and affix

signatures at specified place below the Undertaking. As mentioned above, each of the three sets

of application (Form No. 1) must have Annexure with original signature(s).


Following the Undertaking at the annexure mentioned above, there has to be a Declaration as

part of the requirement under the ICAR System. It is self-explanatory and the details must be

filled up for the name of individual inventor claimant in full with expanded initials and his/her

signatures along with two witnesses. It must be ensured that each set of application contains a

Declaration bearing the original signatures of inventor(s) and witnesses.

It is desirable that the witnesses are the concerned Head of the Division and the Director of the

respective ICAR Institution, unless they are claimants themselves. Rubber stamps should be

preferably affixed below the signatures of the witnesses.


This form principally covers the details of the invention in respect of specifications, claims and


The title of the form may have to be modified as PROVISIONAL SPECIFICATION by

replacing the word COMPLETE with PROVISIONAL in case a provisional application is being

filed. A �PROVISIONAL� application should be submitted when there is a possibility of

same/similar claim being filed by another person/group engaged in similar research.

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Columns 1 & 2 are self-explanatory, covering title of the invention and particulars of inventors,

respectively. In column 2, the sub-columns 2(a), 2(b), 2(c), etc. on Name, Address and

Nationality of the Applicant(s) have to be repeated as many times as the number of the

Applicants, ensuring that this information is provided separately for each applicant.

Column 3 has to contain patent specifications.

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How to write specifications

Specifications required to be provided under column 3 of the Form No. 2 constitute the most

important techno-legal component of a patent document. Hence, these have to be written with

great care and understanding of the subject.

Specifications should be written in at least three sections, in a pre-formatted style, as follows:

The first section, constituting the first para, should provide a preamble or an introduction to the

invention. As already printed in the form, it starts with the first sentence, �The following

specification (particularly) describes the nature of invention and the manner in which it is to be

performed _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _�. This sentence should be followed with a brief but vivid

preambular description of the invention.

The next section should be a separate paragraph with a sub-title, �Prior Art�. The information

provided under this section must contain all relevant pre-existing information on the topic, either

published or in public knowledge, such as traditional knowledge, etc. This information should be

cited, to establish the fact, along with relevant references in scientific or other publications or

patents. Citation of references from publications or the existing patents may be made just like in

any scientific paper. This section should also bring out the limitations of the prior art in a manner

that suggests that the invention under application proposes to address such limitations and

improve upon them.

The third section may deal with the details of the invention under the application. Such

description and the style may vary depending on the area/subject matter of the invention.

Nevertheless, the text should comprehensively and unambiguously cover all aspects of the

invention without apparently hiding any critical aspect. The language should be direct, concise

and precise, and matter of fact without fancied expressions.

The details provided under specifications should be sufficient enough to enable a person

reasonably skilled in the art to independently work the invention without the assistance of

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inventors. It is very important not to suppress or conceal any important aspect of the invention.

Whenever a biological material is used, its description and geographical origin should be

accurately mentioned for applications filed in India. The specification text could use citation of

references of relevant publications wherever required.

Wherever such description requires support of photographs, drawings, tables, etc., to establish

any aspect of the specifications, the same should be used singly or in combination. Photographs

should be prepared as plates with index lettering to highlight those aspects of the specifications

for which the particular photograph is being used. Such photograph should have a separate

legend. When more than one photographic plates are used, these should be serially numbered. In

case of drawings also, indexing and legend representations should be similarly done.

The drawings have to be in A4 Size paper with 2.5 cm margin from all edges, drawn in indelible

ink, lines drawn firmly and even, made on scale to show the details clearly with the help of

reference letters and numerals and index letters of 0.3 cm size. Large figures should be drawn on

continued subsequent sheets, which must be sequentially numbered. The photographic plates/

figures/ tables must be referred in the text detailing the specifications at appropriate places.

Each drawing plate should have name of the inventor on the top left hand side, his/her/their

signature(s) on the bottom right hand side, and legends matching with description in the text

below the diagram or on next sheet, if space is little.

Lists of references appearing on the text may be cited at the end of specification in alphabetic

order as is being done in case of scientific publications.


Provisional application can be filed when the main aspect of research on invention is completed,

although the research is not concluded. The specifications in provisional application need not to

be complete but it should be sufficient enough to discern the invention. The starting text under

column 3 of Form No. 2 may be modified to read as follows, �The following specifications

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describes the nature of invention _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _�. Such specification should not include

the second pat, that is, the manner in which it (the invention) is to be performed.

The provisional application can include figures, photographs and tables to establish the nature of

invention. It should not include the claims section. It must be noted that the provisional

application has to be followed by a Complete Application within 12 months, without late fee, or

a total of 16 months with late fee. In case of default, the provisional application will be deemed

to be abandoned.

When a Complete Application is submitted, it does not supercede the provisional application and

both applications will exist as independent documents. Therefore, there must not be any

contradiction in the details given in the Provisional and Complete Applications.

The fundamental differences between the provisional and complete applications are those in

respect of the comprehensiveness and the claims part. In cases where the figures/photographs

have been enclosed with the provisional application, these need to not be repeated in Complete

Application. However, when the complete specification is elaborated for such purposes as

detailing the manner in which to perform the invention, additional photographs and drawings

may be needed, which should be accordingly submitted and described along with the Complete

Application. Nevertheless, whatever photographs/figures submitted with the provisional

application, their reference has to be clearly made in the Complete Application.


A patent application must contain an information under the specifications, which is adequate

enough to enable a person reasonably skilled in the field to carry out the invention at his/her

own, without the help of the inventor(s). This, however, does not mean production/exploitation

of patent on a commercial scale. �Know-how� covers all information, other than the disclosed

one in the specifications, that is rendered necessary to commercialise the invention, at the same

level or by scaling up. Such minute observation(s)/information(s) may include micro-level

details to facilitate, for example, production method, optimum conditions or access to the

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exclusive source of a component used for the inventive process or product, details of engineering

designs, drawings, in the case of mechanical inventions, etc.

Secrecy of know-how is often required to maintain a control over the working of the patented

invention and to ensure continued royalty fees from a licensee. Therefore, great care has to be

taken to discern as to what is essentially the required specification and what essentially

constitutes the know-how. Information on know-how should be avoided in the specifications,

with due judgement of the inventor(s), while taking note that the specifications do not suppress

any critical aspect of the patent, which may later be used for opposition to the patent by

interested persons skilled in the art.

Column 4 of the Application Form 2 (modified) contains Claims to be made in respect of the

patent. As mentioned earlier, the provisional application does not require mention of claims but

the Patent Claims must be included in the Complete Application.


The first part of the sentence for describing claim(s) is printed on the application form which

reads, �I/We claim that _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _�. It is required to complete the sentence by

putting up unitary claim(s) in respect of the invention. The claim(s) have to be unitary,

irrespective of the total number of such claims in a patent, because these always relate to the

single invention under application. If more than one claims are made, then each one has to be

serially numbered and set in separate paragraphs, but without breaking the sentence/punctuating

the �full stop�.

The first claim in any patent is called the 'Principal Claim' and the rest are the 'Subordinate


The principal claim should comprehensively cover the scope and range of invention, defining its

novel as well as other aspects, striking a comparison with the existing state of art, all in precise,

concise and matter of fact language. Highest care has to be taken for writing the patent claim as

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any aspect left out from the claim would not qualify the patent for legal protection on that aspect

whenever the patent is taken to any legal scrutiny even when there is a mention of such aspect

under the specifications.

In a patent document, it is the claim part, which is legally examined and admitted as the prior art

in a court of law. Therefore, it is recommended to seek assistance of a patent attorney for writing

a patent application, particularly the claims part, for good reasons of the importance of the

invention and its legal safety. This feasibility and the availability of patent attorneys for the

purpose may be ascertained by the ICAR institutions as per approval of or in consultation with

the Council/ IPR Section.

Whenever subordinate claims are mentioned in a patent application, the same may be made to

describe certain aspect of the principal/ another subordinate claim. In writing such claims, always

a reference to the principal or the relevant subordinate claim has to be made. It must be borne in

mind that no subordinate claim has to stand alone, without making a reference either to the

principal claim or the preceded subordinate claim.

Scientists who have invented a patentable technology or anticipate the same in near future but are

not familiar with writing a patent document must read various related or unrelated patent

documents so as to familiarise themselves with the expertise, particularly in writing

specifications and claims.


Column 5 of Form No. 2 consists of Abstract of the invention. This comprises the last part of a

patent document. The abstract should be set as a separate page and written in a manner as to

reflect a brief description of the invention, including specifications and claims. Preferably, the

text of the abstract should contain 250-300 words.


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The ICAR/IPR Section will accord sanction and make necessary payment of application fee and

other charges from the Headquarters for patenting of all inventions as per the applications

submitted by the ICAR institutions and the patentable inventions arising from ICAR supported

research projects located outside ICAR institutions with the obligation on the part of the

claimants that in all such cases, the ICAR/ADG (IPR) shall be the authorised signatory of the

ICAR on the patent application and the claimant inventor(s) declare him/her as their assignee.


The ICAR scientists are advised to consult the IPR Nodal Officers from their respective

institution or another ICAR institution located in the vicinity/same town/city. Nevertheless, for

any further help, such as, deciding whether the subject is patentable or not or whether provisional

application should be filed or not or seeking any clarification regarding writing of patent

application/ preparation of patent document etc., they may contact:

Assistant Director General (IPR),

Indian Council of Agricultural Research,

Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi - 110 001.

Phone: 011-3387516; 011-3388991/478; ICAR EPABX � Ask for Extension for ADG (IPR).

Fax: 011-3387293

Email: [email protected] Attention: ADG (IPR).

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(See Section 5(2), 7,54 and 135 and 33 F) 1. We, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Krishi Bhavan, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road,

New Delhi � 110 001, an Indian registered body incorporated under the Registration of Societies Act (Act XXI of 1860)

2. hereby declare -

a) that we are in possession of an invention titled ������������.���

b) that the Complete Specification relating to this invention is filed with this application.

c) that there is no lawful ground of objection to the grant of a patent to us.

3. We further declare that the following are the inventor(s) of the said invention; the address and nationality have been indicated against the name of each inventor:


(name) (address) (nationality)


(name) (address) (nationality)


(name) (address) (nationality)

4. We claim the priority from the application(s) filed in convention countries, particulars of which are as follows:


5. We state that the said invention is an improvement in or modification of the invention, the particulars of which are as follows:


6. We state that the application is divided out of our application, the particulars of which are given below and pray that this application deemed to have been filed on ���������������under section 16 of the Act ��������.

7. That we are the assignee of the true and first inventor(s).

8. That our address for service in India is as follows:

The Assistant Director General, (Intellectual Property Rights), Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Krishi Bhavan, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road, New Delhi � 110 001.

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9. Following declaration was given by the inventor(s) in the convention country:

�I/We, the true and first inventor(s) for the invention declare that the applicant(s) here in are my/our assignee.


(name) (address) (nationality) (Signature)


(name) (address) (nationality) (Signature)


(name) (address) (nationality) (Signature)

10. That to the best of our knowledge, information and belief the fact and matters stated herein are correct and that there is no lawful ground of objection to the grant of patent to us.

11. Following are the attachments with the application:

a) Complete Specification (3 copies)

b) Drawings (3 copies)

c) Priority documents

d) Power of authority

e) Fee Rs. 5000/- (Rupees five thousand only) in cheque bearing no������. dt�����.Drawn on �������������

We request that a patent may be granted to us for the said invention.

Dated this ���������������. day of ���������� 2001

( )

Assistant Director General, (Intellectual Property Rights)

Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Krishi Bhavan, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road,

New Delhi � 110 001. To The Controller of Patent, The Patent Office Branch, New Delhi.

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Annexure The Assistant Director General, (Intellectual Property Rights), ICAR, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi � 110 001. Subject: Undertaking and Declaration in regard to Invention made by the undersigned. In regard to the invention made by me/us, I/We have requested our Director to forward the proposal for filing application for Patent. In this connection we reiterate the following facts:

i) The title of our invention is ��������������������� ii) The invention made by us is completely new and is on account of inventive steps

taken by us. It has not been published. iii) There is no lawful ground of objection to the grant of patent in respect of our

invention. iv) I/We have perused the available literature on the subject and I/We confirm that

no invention has been made by any person of the type mentioned an item no(I) above.

v) I/We undertake to keep you posted of developments in regard to correspondence/business discussion if any, pertaining to the above mentioned invention, in future.

vi) I/We give below the declaration for assignment of rights to ICAR. 2. In view of the above facts, I/We request you to kindly expedite the filing of the


Yours faithfully,

Name(s) of Inventor(s)

1. Name (Signature) 2. Name (Signature) 3. Name (Signature) 4. ��

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We declare that the authorised official of ICAR, who has signed the application for the invention under reference as applicant is our assignee. Dated this ����������������� day of ���������� 2001 INVENTOR(S) NAME (in full with expanded initials) SIGNATURE ������������������ ������������������ ������������������ ������������������ ������������������ ������������������ Signature of two witnesses along with their names and addresses

Name Designation Signature 1. ���������. ��������� ��������� 2. ���������. ��������� ���������

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(See Section 10) 1. Title of Invention: 2. (a) Name of Inventor:

Address of Inventor:

Nationality of Inventor: (b) Name of Inventor:

Address of Inventor: Nationality of Inventor:

3. The following specification (particularly) describes the nature of invention and the

manner in which it is to be performed 4. I/We claim

Dated this���������������� day of 2001.

Signature ( )

5. Abstract of the invention To The Controller of Patents, The Patent Office, Delhi

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Table 1: Some important Internet Sites for Patent Search and seeking other IPR related information

World Trade Organisation World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO): U.S. Patent and Trademark Office: USPTO Patent and Trademark Data (Search) USPTO � Boolean Search Patent and Trademark Depository Library Program Delphion (IBM) Intellectual Property Network IPR Law Link India Patent Facilitating Centre, TIFAC - Search Registered Patent Agents Intellectual Property Mall European Patent Office: European Patent Office (EPO) Patent information on the Internet Database Search Services Australia's IP database International Patent Classification � Agriculture Biotechnology Patents Patent Databases on the Internet patdbases.html The Patent Office InventNET - Search InventNET � Complete patent Matt's Script Archive Search Engine Franklin Forge Patent Information to Licensing Agreements Convention on Biological Diversity FAO National Informatics Centre (NIC) ICAR Home Page

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Table 2: List of Authorities receiving Patent Office Publications on the condition that they may be seen by the public, free of charge

All publications including printed specifications are deposited for free inspection at the following places: ANDHRA PRADESH

The Director, Regional Research Laboratory, Hyderabad. Hyderabad The Librarian, State Central Library, Hyderabad.

Waltair The Registrar, Andhra University, Waltair, Andhra Pradesh. Warangal The Principal, Regional Engineering College, P.O. Kazipet, Warangal, A.P.ASSAM Jorhat The Director, Regional Research Laboratory, Jorhat, Assam BIHAR Patna The Director of Industries, Patna, Bihar. DELHI

Joint Adviser (Patents), CSIR, Patents Unit, Insdoc Building, 14, Satsang Vihar Marg, Special Institutional Area, New Delhi � 110 067. The Director General, National Productivity Council, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi � 110 003. The Director, Inventions Promotion Board, Anusandhan Vikas, 20-22, Zamroodpur Community Centre, Kailash Colony Extension New Delhi � 48.The Director, National Physical Laboratory of India, New Delhi � 110 012.

New Delhi

The Secretary, National Research Development Corporation of India, Anusandhan Vikas, 20-22, Zamroodpur Community Centre, Kailash Colony Extension, New Delhi � 110 048.

GUJARAT Baroda The Assistant Director of Industries (Chem), Industrial Research Laboratory,

Baroda Science College Compound, Baroda � 2, Gujarat. Bhavnagar The Director, Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute,

Bhavnagar JAMMU & KASHMIR Jammu The Director, Industrial Survey Section, Regional Research Laboratory,

Canal Road, Jammu Tavi � 180 001. JHARKHAND Ranchi The Deputy Manager (M), Engineering Department (HMBP), Heavy

Machine Building Plant, Heavy Engineering Corporation Ltd. Doarva, Ranchi

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KARNATAKA Bangalore The Director, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. Mysore The Director, Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore. KERALA Thiruanantha- puram

University Librarian, Kerala University Library, University of Kerala, Thiruananthapuram, Kerala � 695 001.

Cochin The University Librarian, Cochin University Library, Cochin � 682 022. MADHYA PRADESH Jabalpur The Principal, Government Engineering College, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh. MAHARASHTRA

The Secretary, Mahratta Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Tilak Road, Pune � 411 002.


The Director, National Chemical Laboratory of India, Pune � 411 003 The Director, Indian Institute of Technology, Powai, Mumbai. Mumbai The Director, Department of Chemical Technology, Matunga, Mumbai.

MEGHALAYA The Deputy Director (Commercial Intelligence), Directorate of Industries, (Assam, Shillong, Meghalaya)


The Vice-chancellor, North Eastern Hill University, Lower Lacbauniera, Shillong

ORISSA Bhubneshwar The Director, Regional Research Laboratory, Bhubneshwar, Orissa. Cuttack The Librarian, Kanika Library, Renenshaw College, Cuttack �2, Orissa. PUNJAB Ludhiana The Scientist-in-charge, Merario (Mechanical Engineering Research &

Development Organisation), Hill Road, Ludhiana � 141 005. RAJASTHAN Jaipur The Director of Industries & Supplies, Jaipur, Rajasthan. TAMIL NADU Annamalai Nagar

The Librarian, Annamalai University Library, Annamalai Nagar P.O. South Arcot Distt. Tamil Nadu. The Director, Record Office, Egnore, Chennai. The Director, Central Leather Research Institute, Chennai.


The Librarian, Central Library, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, IIT, P.O. Chennai � 600 036.

Karaikudi The Director, Central Electro-Chemical Research Institute, Karaikudi, T.N.

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UTTAR PRADESH Allahabad The Director, Sheila Dhar, Institute of Soil Science, University of Allahabad,

2-d. Beli Road, Allahabad. Kanpur The Principal, Harcourt Buttler Technological Institutes, Kanpur, U.P.

The Librarian, Amiruddaula Public Library, Lucknow, U.P. Senior Librarian, National Botanical Research Institute, Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow � 226 001.


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