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Report and Act

“Feedback is only

as valuable as

what you can

do with it”

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Your customer feedback is only as valuable as what you can do with it. The Ferret

empowers you and your frontline people with the information you need - when you

need it - so you can take proactive action when it matters most.

Use the Feedback Ferret tools to get the right information to the right people at the

right time to improve your customer experience and business performance.

Within the Feedback Ferret platform, there are 8 reporting tools:

Ferret Alerts

Ferret Respond

Ferret Review

Ferret Explore

Ferret Dashboards

Ferret Report

Ferret Action Plan

Ferret Export

Please see the following pages for a full list of key features of each tool.

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Ferret Alerts

The chance to save a customer can be gone in minutes. By flagging up ‘Hot Alerts’ in

customer feedback and sending them to frontline staff via email or SMS, you can

trouble-shoot issues before they escalate.

Key features:

Immediate routing of feedback

comments & scores direct to

frontline staff.

Email or SMS text message.

Select which feedback records to

send in the Alerts:-

Every feedback record, or

Pre-filtered records using any

combination of topics, scores or

other customer information.

Select the data items you want to


Real-time output of feedback by SMS

text or email to frontline staff who can

act on the information straight away.

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Ferret Respond

Ferret Respond flags up potential issues; creating cases, task lists and workflows. You

can monitor progress, ensuring your customers get the service they deserve.

Key features:

Real-time communication with customers to ‘close the loop’ on

‘Hot Alerts’ in their feedback.

Feedback records can be automatically sent to Ferret Respond based on any

combination of topics, sentiment, rating scores or other criteria.

Multiple ‘Queues’with custom workflow for your business requirements.

Record all actions taken.

Monitor performance levels and actions taken of Queue owners.

Mobile interface for Q4 2014.

With Ferret Respond, users can quickly make a note of actions taken with a customer,

and then either close the case, or set a next action date, which will add the record

back into the Task List for subsequent action.

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Ferret Review

Ferret Review enables fast and easy visual checking of feedback records before

export to other modules.

Key features:

Automatic allocation of records into Queues for the user(s) to check.

Enables manual checking of text analysis results as well as other data linked

to the customer to enable the user to select output .

Web-based – can be operated from any location.

Can be operated by us at Feedback Ferret or by your own teams.

Simple web views to enable fast visual checking and

approval of feedback records for subsequent action.

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Ferret Explore

Ferret Explore enables you to quickly see the scale of topics raised by customers and

explore the reasons behind their scores..

Key features:

Powerful suite of data visualizations and reports to explore the verbatim

analysis in conjunction with other survey and customer data.

Drill down from any topic to see the underlying comments to understand

exactly who, what why – and when.

Filters make it easy for you to focus on specific sub-sets of data.

All your feedback channels consolidated in real-time to a single exploration

and reporting platform.

Merge customer data, survey scores and ratings with the verbatim analysis.

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Ferret Dashboards

Clear, easy to understand web-based dashboards give you a visual overview of

themes, topics, hot-spots and trends in your feedback. It’s easier to spot

opportunities to improve both customer experience and revenues.

Key features:

Web-based reporting designed for frontline staff in retail outlets, call centre

teams, etc.

We aim to pass the “20 second rule” – your busy frontline people must be

able to understand quickly what customers think about their experience and

know how they can improve their customer experience and satisfaction.

Real-time updates from feedback received.

Option for email prompts to users.

Ferret Dashboards give users quick access to the main issues in

customer feedback, with a direct drill down from topics to the

underlying comments and customer details.

Reporting is optimised for tablets and mobiles

to make it easy to digest this information in the field.

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Ferret Reports

The Ferret delivers custom feedback reports to the right people at the right time in

the right way.

Key features:

Custom reports, delivering key information to specific user groups within your

organization – typically retail outlets, call centre teams, Region and Area field

teams, Executive management, etc.

Automated report production in PDF, Excel or PowerPoint formats.

Emailed to users on agreed cycle.

My Voice of Customer Reports

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Ferret Action Plan

Ferret Action Plan is designed to help your staff by automatically flagging up

potential issues; creating cases, task lists and workflows. You can monitor progress,

ensuring your customers get the service they deserve.

Key features:

Automatically generated Action Plan report for front-line users.

Key issues identified in customer feedback for the user (eg, outlet or call

centre team) are automatically set-up in the web-based report.

Link company actions & procedures to each issue.

Users update the Action Plan with actions, progress, deadlines, etc.

Web-based report with email alerts to the users.

In development – release scheduled for Q3-4 2014

How it works

1. Automatic loading of priority issues to the Action Plan to-do list. Each user /

outlet gets its own action plan based on local feedback. View customer

feedback linked to these priority topics.

2. Each issue links to corporate guidelines / actions to address the problems, or

how to make the most of positive topics.

3. Users maintain their action plans online with updates recorded on the web


4. All information in the action plans are visible up the hierarchy, so

management can see how things are progressing.

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Ferret Export

To maximise value from your feedback, your data can be automatically exported to

your corporate CRM or any other reporting system.

Key features:

Real-time or batch outputs.

Customized to work with your existing processes and tools.

API under development for web services data exchanges.

Data can be exported to:



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About Feedback Ferret

Feedback Ferret is a complete solution to gather, analyse, report and act on ‘Voice of

Customer’ feedback to improve your Customer Experience.

We gather ‘Voice of Customer’ feedback:

Use the Ferret’s short, simple surveys to generate higher

response rates and better quality ‘Voice of Customer’

feedback. Let the Ferret gather and consolidate feedback

from all your chosen feedback channels, or simply feed the

Ferret with your existing ‘Voice of Customer’ data.

We automatically analyse what customers say:

The Ferret’s high accuracy text analytics engine handles vast volumes of customer

feedback allowing insights at multiple company levels. The Ferret’s analytics engine

filters vital feedback from chatter; keeping your finger on the pulse and focusing

attention where it matters.

We make it easy for you to use the insight to take actions and improve your

business performance:

Use the Ferret’s tools to get the right information to the right people quickly to

improve your customer experience and business performance.

Feedback Ferret is based in Marlow in the UK, with offices in USA and South Africa.

UK / Head Office

Piers Alington

Managing Director

Feedback Ferret Ltd

The Old Barrel Store

Draymans Lane

Marlow SL7 2FF

United Kingdom

+44 (0) 1628 681 088

[email protected]


Kate Handley

Vice President, Client Services

Feedback Ferret, Inc.

150 North Michigan Avenue

Suite 2800

Chicago, IL 60601

United States of America

1 (312) 291 4629

[email protected]

South Africa

Jason Wilford


Feedback Ferret SA (Pty) Ltd

3 Waterford Office Park

Waterford Drive, Fourways, 2055


South Africa

+27 (0) 11 251 1980

[email protected]

©Copyright 2014. Feedback Ferret Ltd. All Rights Reserved.