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Background Information

In 1480, Ferdinand Magellan was born in Sabrose, Portugal from noble blood.

When he was a child he was a page to the Queen of Portugal. In his first voyage, Magellan was under the command of

Francisco d’Almeida. The voyage was to India. Magellan died fighting a war with the Mactans in the

Philippines in 1521.

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Purpose of Expedition

The purpose of his expedition was to look for the Spice Islands (present-day Indonesia).

Magellan believed that there was a strait through the New World/America.

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Fleet consisted of five ships the Trinidad, Concepcion, San Antonio, Victoria, Santiago.

200 crew members at the start of the voyage. Only the Victoria survived the voyage. Their ship returned full of spices but only 18 out of the original

200 crew members survived the journey.

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Expedition Route

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Hardships Faced

Asked King Manuel of Portugal three times for sponsorship but finally went to Spain for sponsorship.

While anchored in Puerto San Julian, the crew mutinied and the Santiago was destroyed in a storm.

Food ran out and many diseases struck.

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Historical Contributions

Proved that the world was round and was first to circumnavigate it.

First European to sail across the Pacific Ocean. Started a debate on who owned the Spice Islands. Strait of Magellan and Magellanic Clouds1 were named after


1 Please note that Magellanic clouds are actually another galaxy

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Other Notable Accomplishments

First person to view penguins. Named the Pacific Ocean. Was the first European to visit the Philippines.

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