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    Everyone in the world has


    one talent, one passion,

    one hobby that can


    profitable when it used


    Entrepreneurs are facing some major constraints like

    a) Lack of confidence

    In general, women lack confidence in their strength and competence. The family members

    and the society are reluctant to stand beside their entrepreneurial growth. To a certain etent,

    this situation is changing among Indian women and yet to face a tremendous change to

    increase the rate of growth in entrepreneurship.

    b) !ocio"cultural barriers

    #omen$s family and personal obligations are sometimes a great barrier for succeeding in

    business career. %nly few women are able to manage both home and business efficiently,

    de&oting enough time to perform all their responsibilities in priority.

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    c) 'arket"oriented risks

    !tiff competition in the market and lack of mobility of women make the dependence of women

    entrepreneurs on middleman indispensable. 'any business women find it difficult to capture the

    market and make their products popular. They are not fully aware of the changing market

    conditions and hence can effecti&ely utili(e the ser&ices of media and internet.

    d) 'oti&ational factors

    !elf moti&ation can be reali(ed through a mind set for a successful business, attitude to take

    up risk and beha&ior towards the business society by shouldering the social responsibilities.

    %ther factors are family support, o&ernment policies, financial assistance from public and

    pri&ate institutions and also the en&ironment suitable for women to establish business units

    e) *nowledge in +usiness dministration

    #omen must be educated and trained constantly to ac-uire the skills and knowledge in all the

    functional areas of business management. These can facilitate women to ecel in decisionmaking process and de&elop a good business network.

    f) wareness about the financial assistance

    arious institutions in the financial sector etend their maimum support in the form of

    incenti&es, loans, schemes etc. E&en then e&ery woman entrepreneur may not be aware of all

    the assistance pro&ided by the institutions. !o the sincere efforts taken towards women

    entrepreneurs may not reach the entrepreneurs in rural and backward areas.

    g) Eposed to the training programs

    " Training programs and workshops for e&ery type of entrepreneur is a&ailable through thesocial and welfare associations, based on duration, skill and the purpose of the training

    program. !uch programs are really useful to new, rural and young entrepreneurs who want to

    set up a small and medium scale unit on their own.

    h) Identifying the a&ailable resources

    #omen are hesitant to find out the access to cater their needs in the financial and marketing

    areas. In spite of the mushrooming growth of associations, institutions, and the schemes from

    the go&ernment side, women are not enterprising and dynamic to optimi(e the resources in the

    form of reser&es, assets mankind or business &olunteers.

    Gone are the days when women were considered no match for all powerful men in this world.The male dominated world was always reluctant to even acknowledge the fact that women wereas good as men on parameters of hard work, intelligence quotient (IQ) and leadership traits.

    The new generation women across the world have overcome all negative notions and haveproved themselves eyond dout in all spheres of life including the most intricate andcumersome world of entrepreneurship.

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    !es, there is a section among women who elieve in short"cuts ut at the same time there is nodearth of women who are confident ,elieve in themselves and have enormous fire in their elliesto take on the est in the usiness and eat them at their own game.

    India too has its own pool of such old and fearless women who have made a mark forthemselves oth within the country as well as overseas.

    Their relentless #eal, incessant quench for success and willingness to walk the e$tra mile haveroken all myths aout their inorn limitations that were supposed to e ma%or roadlocks ontheir success e$pressways.

    &et's meet such Indian women who can e easily termed as role models for every Indian"oth males and females*

    1. Indra Nooyi

    Current position: CFO, Pepsico

    Indra +ooyi,, is the current chairman and -/ of the second largest food and everageusiness, 0epsi-o.

    1orn in -hennai, Indra did her 1achelor's in 2cience from 3adras -hristian -ollege in 456 anda 0ost Graduate 7iploma in 3anagement (318) from Indian Institute of 3anagement, -alcuttain 45.

    1eginning her career in India, +ooyi held product manager positions at 9ohnson : 9ohnson and

    te$tile firm 3ettur 1eardsell. +ooyi %oined 0epsi-o in 446 and was named president and -/in ;

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    2. Naina Lal Kidwai

    Current position: Group General Manager & Country Head HSBC,India

    +aina &al =idwai,, is presently the Group General 3anager and -ountry >ead of >21-


    +aina has a 1achelor?s degree in @conomics from 7elhi university and an 318 from >arvard

    1usiness school. In fact, =idwai was the first Indian woman to graduate from >arvard 1usiness


    2he started her career with 8+A Grindlays . 0resently, she is also serving as a non"e$ecutive

    director on the oard of +estle 28. =idwai is also gloal advisor at >arvard 1usiness school.

    Indian government conferred 0adma 2hri award on +aina for her contriutions in the field of

    Trade and Industry.

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    3. Kiran Mazumdar Shaw

    Current position: CMD, Biocon

    =iran,4, is the founder -hairman and 3anaging 7irector (-37) of 1iocon &imited.

    1orn in 1angalore, 2haw completed her 1achelors in Aoology from 3ount -armel -ollege,

    1angalore Bniversity. 2he later did her post"graduation in 3alting and 1rewing from 1allarat

    -ollege, 3elourne Bniversity.

    2he worked as a trainee rewer in -arlton and Bnited 1reweries, 3elourne and as a trainee

    maltster at 1arrett 1rothers and 1urston, 8ustralia.

    2he started 1iocon in 45C and spearheaded its evolution from an industrial en#ymes

    manufacturing company to a fully integrated io"pharmaceutical company.

    Today 1iocon under 2haw's leadership has estalished itself as a leading player in iomedicine

    research with a focus on diaetes and oncology.

    =iran is also a memer of the oard of governors of the prestigious Indian 2chool of 1usiness

    and Indian Institute of Technology >yderaad.

    =iran received the prestigious 0adma 2hri (4C4) and the 0adma 1hushan (;

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    4. Chanda Kochar

    Current position: MD & CO ICICI Ban!

    -handa =ochar, , is currently the 37 : -@/ of india's largest private ank I-I-I 1ank.

    Da%asthan orn chanda got 3asters 7egree in 3anagement 2tudies from 9amnalal 1a%a% Instituteof 3anagement 2tudies, 3umai. 2he received the Eockhardt Gold 3edal for @$cellence in3anagement 2tudies as well as the 9. +. 1ose Gold 3edal in -ost 8ccountancy.

    -handa =ochhar is married to 7eepak =ochhar, a wind energy entrepreneur and her 1usinessschoolmate.

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    5. Indu Jain

    Designation C"airperson #$or%er, 'i%es Group

    Indu 9ain,5, used to e the chairperson of India's largest and most powerful media house F The

    Times Group.

    8 strong votary of women's rights and women entrepreneurship, Indu contriuted immensely tothe growth of Times group. +ow, her two sons 2amir and ineet are running the company.

    Indu 9ain is also founder 0resident of the &adies wing of I--I (&/).

    Indu is also the -hairperson of the 1haratiya 9nanpith Trust, which awards India?s mostprestigious and highest literary award, the 9nanpith award.

    2he addressed the Bnited +ations in ;

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    6. Simone a!aCurrent position: C"airperson #For%er, (a!%e

    C"airperson #Present,'rent (i%ited

    rench y irth and educated in 2wit#erland, 2imone is wife of +aval >omey 9ahangir Tata andstep mother to Datan Tata. 2he is etter known as H-osmetic -#arina of India'.

    2he has the distinction of changing a small susidiary of Tata /il 3ills into the largest cosmeticrand in India F &akme , that ecame synonymous with indigenous Indian cosmetics.

    In 44 Tata sold off &akm to >industan &ever &imited (>&&), and created Trent from themoney it made through the sale. 0resently, 2imone is the chairperson of Trent &imited.

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    ". Neelam #hawan

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    Current position: MD, HP)India

    8 woman with Hnever"say"die' spirit, +eelam 7hawan is presently the 3anaging 7irector of>ewlett"0ackard (>0), India.

    +eelam is an iconic figure in Indian IT industry . 2he is an inspiration for women working in ITsector. 2he dared to enter the IT world in early 4Cindustan &ever.

    Bnfortunately, these organi#ations did not want a woman to e a part of their marketing andsales efforts and hence she was re%ected at the time.

    1ut a determined +eelam refused to give up and fought ack with laurels galore.

    1efore %oining >0, India as 3anaging 7irector (37) , +eelam was 3anaging 7irector (37) of3icrosoft, India.

    2he had successful and rewarding stints with other leading players like I13 and >-&.

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    $. Sula%%a &irodia Mo!wani

    Current position: *MD +inetic Motors

    3otwani is the 9oint 3anaging 7irector of =inetic 3otors.

    2ula%%a has single"handedly designed and developed marketing strategies to spearhead thecompany's growth forward. 2ula%%a worked in a -alifornia"ased Investment -ompany eforecoming to India to %oin her grandfather?s usiness.

    2ula%ia's good looks has een recogni#ed y India Today group which named her the Hace ofthe 3illennium' and she has een selected as the HGloal &eader of Tomorrow' y the Eorld@conomic orum.

    '. (riya (aul

    Current position: C"airperson, pee-ay Par! Hotels

    0riya %oined the family usiness at the age of ;; and worked under her father as 3arketing3anager at the 0ark >otel, 7elhi.

    8fter the death of 2urrendra 0aul, she succeeded him in 44< as the -hairperson of the

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    >ospitality 7ivision of the 8pee%ay 2urendra Group.

    >er contriution to the hospitality industry has got recognition from the government of Indiawhich conferred on her 0adma 2ri award in ;

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    11. -*!a Kaoor

    Current position: *MD & Creati/e Director, Bala-i 'ele$il%s

    @kta =apoor is the daughter of legendary star of yesteryears 9eetendra and rother of 1ollywoodactor Tusshar =apoor.

    @kta has created a niche for herself in T serial and film production. 2he can easily e termed asthe most successful female producer of entertainment world.

    @kta has produced many successful films including =yo =ii... 3ain 9huth +ahin 1olta , =ucchTo >ai &ove 2e$ aur 7hokha, /nce Bpon a Time in 3umaai, 2hor in the -ity, Dagini 332,=yaa 2uper =ool >ai >um and The 7irty 0icture.

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    12. /i!u Kumar

    Current position: Fas"ion Designer

    Ditu =umar is one of the ig names in Indian fashion industry.

    Ditu has carved a niche for herself in designing a variety of wardroes including swimwear,eveningwear, traditional Indian wear, casual wear and formal evening gowns.

    2he has the distinction of designing costumes of three winning 3iss Indias.

    >er son 8shvin =umar is a director, who has made films like Doad to &adakh (;

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    3. Shahnaz 0u,,ain

    Current position: CO, S"a"na0 Her1als Inc

    2hahna# >ussain is the iggest name in heral cosmetics industry in India. 2he has introduced anumer of trend setting heral products .

    -urrently, the 2hahna# >usain Group has over 6er pioneering work got recognition from Govt of India when she was conferred withprestigious 0adma 2hri award in ;

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    15. /a+ina /a% Kohli

    Current position: Founder & 3ecuti/e Director, *o1Corp

    Davina Da% =ohli is an international media veteran with an e$perience of ;6 years spanningacross television and radio roadcasting, advertising, filming and %ournalism. Davina is alsoIndian television's first woman -@/.

    2he was -@/ of 2tar news until ;

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    The 10 Most Influential & Successful Female Entrepreneurs Of Our


    +y /oelon 0ebruary 1, 2312

    It's a man's world' so they say, ut throughout history andin modern times, women too have played an important part in society. In fact, some of thesehighly influential women entrepreneurs have surpassed their male equivalents. rom powerfulleaders to media moguls, women often have had to attle against far tougher offs than their malecounterparts to get their respective positions of influence.

    This article identifies 1) he Mo,! Inluen!ial omen ur ime.

    he o 1) Mo,! Inluen!ial Succe,,ul &emale


    1) Sheryl Sand7er8
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    Ehilst &ace7oo*was certainly very popular efore she came onoard in ;

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    $ Sara 9la*ely

    rom a woman who went door"to"door selling fa$ machines for 5 years,

    to failing her life long dream of ecoming a lawyer then creating MSpanxM, a multi"million dollarundergarment company, you'd say that2ara 1lakelyis a modern day MEonder EomanN.

    Sara Blakelyhas secured her spot as the world's youngest self"made female illionaire with acurrent net worth of $1 Billion.

    " Lady :a8a

    Ehatever you think of her music and fashion tastes, theres nodenying that she has ecome an e$traordinary success within a very short space of time and oneof the most successful women in music today. @arning &ady Gaga her spot as numer C in thelist of !o emale en!rereneur,.

    1orn S!eanie :ermano!!a, Lady :a8ais estimated to e worth nearly L

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    6 Su,an o%cic*i

    Su,an o%cic*ican certainly claim to e one of the most influentialwomen in usiness owing to her eing Senior ;ice (re,iden! a! ,earch en8ine 8ian! :oo8le ,2usan has een responsile for helping to turn a great idea into a very profitale idea.

    2usan is mostly in charge of the advertising revenue side of :oo8le.

    5 Melinda :a!e,

    8lthough her husand 9ill :a!e,is mostly responsile for theirwealth, she has een responsile for talking him into co"founding a charitale organisation withthe money made from 1ill's empire.1ill Gateshas stated that when he dies, all of his L6< illionfortune will have een spent on good causes.

    Melinda & Bill Gateshave already donated L;5 illion to charitale causes.
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    4 Indra Nooyi

    1orn in -alcutta, India, Indra +ooyi is one of the most powerfulwomen in usiness having held e$ecutive positions in many of the world's top companies.

    2he is currently -hairwoman and C- o (e,icowhich is the second largest food and drinkcompany on the planet. 2he has not only e$celled in usiness ut also in academia, earning

    degrees in 0hysics, -hemistry and 3athematics as well as an 318 in management in her nativeIndia, she then went on to earn a 3aster's degree in 0ulic and 0rivate 3anagement at !ale.


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    +o list of the top women entrepreneurs would e complete withoutrah.

    or!h an e,!ima!ed >2." 7illion, it's no wonder she can afford to hand out free cars to heraudience memers, her fortune has een largely down to creating television that women love towatch. 8nd not %ust eing content with appearing on the T, she has gone on to e$cel in manyother forms of media. 8s for eing influential, she has had re,iden! 7amaon her show twice,amongst many other world"famous people and has donated

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    people around the world. These ,ucce,,ul emale en!rereneur,have added so much to ourlives and serve as great inspiration for other women wishing to emulate their successes.

    &emale en!rereneur,, also known as women en!rereneur,, encompass appro$imately OJ ofall entrepreneursworldwide.


    7emographic characteristics

    ; International implications

    J 0resent challenges

    o J. /stacles specific to starting new firms

    J.. @$ternal finance and se$ discrimination.

    o J.; /stacles specific to managing a small firm

    o J.J /stacles specific to growing firms

    6 @ncouragement of women entrepreneurs

    2ee also


    #emo8rahic charac!eri,!ic,

    2tudies have shown that successful Eomen entrepreneurs start their usinesses as a second orthird profession. 1ecause of their previous careers, women entrepreneurs enter the usinessworld later on in life, around 6

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    practices, it is not seen as eneficial to e$hiit feminine traits. Ehile eastern usinesses tend tofollow methods ased around mutual respect and understanding, western usiness e$pectationsare for usiness leaders to e more ruthless, headstrong and less sensitive or respectful. PIn thegra for power women use whatever means availale to them, whereas a man would take a cluto his opponents head a woman is more likely use other less forceful and more suversive

    measures. &et's %ust own it we have different weapons in our arsenal.P

    (re,en! challen8e,

    @ven though female entrepreneurship and the formation of women usiness networks is steadilyrising, there are a numer of challenges and ostacles that female entrepreneurs face. /ne ma%orchallenge that many women entrepreneurs may face is the traditional gender"roles society maystill have on women. @ntrepreneurship is still considered as a male"dominated field, and it maye difficult to surpass these conventional views. /ther than dealing with the dominantstereotype, women entrepreneurs are facing several ostacles related to their usinesses.

    7,!acle, ,eciic !o ,!ar!in8 new irm,

    -?!ernal inance and ,e? di,crimina!ion.

    In general, women have lower personal financial assets than men. This means that for a givenopportunity and equally capale individual, women must secure additional resources comparedto men in order to e$ploit the opportunity ecause they control less capital. 8 question that hasdeveloped into its own su"field in the women's entrepreneurship literature is if women have aharder time getting finance than men for the same usiness opportunity.

    8 specific solution for solving women's difficulties for otaining financing has een micro

    financing. 3icrofinance is a financial institution that has ecome e$ceptionally popularespecially in developing economies.

    7,!acle, ,eciic !o mana8in8 a ,mall irm

    2tudies on women entrepreneurs show that women have to cope with stereotypic attitudestowards women on a daily asis. 1usiness relations as customers, suppliers, anks, etc.constantly remind the entrepreneur that she is different, sometimes in a positive way such as ypraising her for eing a successful entrepreneur even though eing a woman. @mployees tend tomi$ the perceptions of the manager with their images of female role models leading to mi$ede$pectations on the woman manager to e a manager as well as a MmotherN. The workload

    associated with eing a small usiness manager is also not easily comined with taking care ofchildren and a family. >owever, even if the revenues are somewhat smaller, womenentrepreneurs feel more in control and happier with their situation than if they worked as anemployee.

    7,!acle, ,eciic !o 8rowin8 irm,
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    8 specific prolem of women entrepreneurs seems to e their inaility to achieve growthespecially sales growth. 8nother previously addressed issue is finance and as stated previously,the entrepreneurial process is somewhat dependent on initial conditions. In other words, aswomen often have a difficult time to assemle e$ternal resources, they start less amitious firmsthat can e financed to a greater degree y their own availale resources. This also has

    consequences for the future growth of the firm. 1asically, firms with more resources at start"uphave a higher proaility to grow than firms with fewer resources. 1y resources is meant heresocietal position, human resources and financial resources. This initial endowment in the firm istherefore of great importance for firm survival and especially for firm growth. 7espite that manywomen entrepreneurs face growth arriers they are still ale to achieve sustantial firm growth.There are e$amples of that oth in a numer of developing economies (@thiopia, Tan#aniaandAamia) surveyed y the I&/, as well as in more developed economies such as the Bnited 2tates.

    -ncoura8emen! o women en!rereneur,

    In 44J, PTake /ur 7aughters to Eork 7ayP was populari#ed to support career e$ploration for

    girls, later e$panded to Take /ur 7aughters and 2ons to Eork 7ay.

    emale"only ta$i companies in India, the B8@ and 1ra#il support working women.