Page 1: Fellowship New…  · Web viewWORD FELLOWSHIP NEWS UPDATE FROM ISRAEL – Parts I and II. Sunday, October 21, 2012. PART I: Boker Tov: There is so much in this update, so I put it


Sunday, October 21, 2012

PART I: Boker Tov: There is so much in this update, so I put it into two parts.But, so much is happening that you’ll never hear in the public news media. Since my articles build one on top of the other, and vital information to understanding what I say is contained in previous foundational articles, regarding this one, please go back to the “Aviv 1-Barley-New Moon-Passover-and Prophetic Timing in 2012”/March 23, 2012, and “”The Time of Transition and Turbulence”/May 1.

I returned last Friday morning, October 19th, from Jerusalem, where I celebrated Yom Teruah – Tishre 1 – the Feast of Trumpets, and prophetically declared all that Abba Yahuweh had given to me to declare there. By the new moon, His Yom Teruah began the eve of October 17th and ended the eve of October 18th. The morning of October 18th, as I was walking through the Jewish Quarter on my way to meet friends at the City of David, this thought came to me, and I stopped to write it down: “I feel like I left the history of the world behind me last night”. And I did …

As you can read from the two above mentioned articles, we have been in an Adar Bet year this year (leap year). No fields of barley were found in the aviv stage around Jerusalem until early April. The “aviv” stage is about 2-3 weeks before the field is harvested. The sighting of the new moon and the stage of the barley for the month of Aviv, (March/April) determines whether the month will be “Aviv”, and thus Passover 15 days later, or whether we will have a second month of “Adar”, or “Adar Bet”, and Aviv and Passover will be the next month. This year, going by the ancient ways, Passover was the eve of May 5th, - Aviv 15. For more information regarding the ancient barley harvest, please ask for some of my research: “Aviv 1, Barley, and Prophetic Fulfillment”; “Adar Bet 2012 and the Real Yom Teruah”.

He tells us to go by the ancient paths. In doing so, we sight the first sliver of the new moon from Jerusalem to determine the beginning of a new month. Yahuweh states over and over that He put His Name in Jerusalem. He tells us that the only place to celebrate the Festivals is where He put His Name. Many of the ancient paths were set in order at the time of Solomon’s

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and tend it. It was this field, across the Kidron Valley, that the priests checked for the aviv stage of the barley, whether or not it would be ready for harvest for the First Fruits offering during the week of Unleavened Bread. No, we don’t have the Temple anymore, but the ancient paths never changed in His mind. This is why it is still valid that “without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin”. He never changed that. Elohim provided the Lamb—Yahushua Messiah. When Messiah returns, He will reinstitute the ancient paths. So, why not start now? After hearing the report that because of the winter snows, the fields of barley were still green in and around Jerusalem, I went for a walk around a lake where I was staying. I was reflecting on this, and Abba clearly said, “we are entering Adar Bet”. He then said: The Beast (world ruler/anti-messiah) does not want to upstage Messiah at Passover, but at Sukkot. I did some quick figuring and went numb. The U.S. Elections would be during the time of the real Sukkot. All prophetic judgment goes forth from Elul 1, the grape harvest, through the end of the olive harvest in Kislev – in the land of Israel. The whole Word is centered on the land of Israel, particularly Jerusalem. Everything revolves around East Jerusalem, from Genesis 3 to Revelation 22 and forever. [Refer to: “East Jerusalem”/October 23, 2010] [For much Scripture regarding the time of judgment, refer to: “The Season of the Coming of Messiah/January 8, 2012]I had so much confirmation on this from other hearing ones, but also from Abba Yahuweh Himself. Depending on man’s pre-determined timing by his own brain locks one into a box of man’s control, so when Yahuweh shows His servants His secrets, most are going on their way totally ignorant of what He is doing and why. Why stay ignorant? I want to share with you what I learned about three weeks ago from friends who were on Mount Gerizim--the Mountain of Blessing, Deuteronomy 11:29—and spoke with the chief priest of the Samaritan religion there. They were told by the Samaritan High Priest that this year (2012) is a “leap year”, thus they celebrated Passover on May 4th. They actually slaughter a perfect lamb at that time.

The Samaritans living on Mount Gerizim are the same people group found in John 4, having come there centuries before after the northern ten tribes were dispersed out of the Land into the nations “AMONG the gentiles”. Father never calls His people “gentiles”! [Refer to: “Are You a Gentile?”]

I quote from the Israel Nature and Park’s Association brochure on Mount

Page 2Gerizim: “The Samaritan religion has four main precepts 1) one God, 2) one prophet, Moses, 3) one holy Scripture-- the five books of Moses, and 4) one holy place – Mount Gerizim”. (Remember John 4:20-24?) “Together with these principles is the belief in the end of days following which Messiah…will arrive and the dead will be resurrected. The Samaritans

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celebrate all of the holidays prescribed by the Torah…The Samaritan calendar is based upon the number of years that have passed since the entry of the Children of Israel into the Land of Canaan following the death of Moses. Leap years on the Samaritan calendar do not parallel those of the Jewish calendar, and as a result, there are years during which the Samaritans celebrate their holidays a month later than the Jews”.

Those who blindly followed the rabbis’ pre-set dates, and those that followed dates set for convenience and tourism, missed it. Abba has all the secrets of His timing, and shares them with those who come to Him for their answers. And so, those who discerned the Adar Bet this year, having to do with prophetic timing extremely, came to their conclusions by the Spirit, not by me--then they told me. He guides us into all truth, for Yahuweh is the Spirit of Truth, and He guides us by what He has seen of the future. He dwells in eternity and has all knowledge of the future. Isn’t it intelligent to check with Him on all things? Man stays in the dark most of the time because he goes by his earth-bound reasoning mind! Our Father talks to His servants!!!

Psalm 25:14: “The secret of Yahuweh is to those who fear Him”.Amos 3:7: “For the Master Yahuweh does nothing unless He first reveals His secrets to His servants the prophets”.Matthew 13:9-11, 16: “`He that has ears to hear let him hear!’ ” And the taught ones (disciples) came and said to Him, `Why do you speak to them (the multitudes) in parables?’ And He, answering, said to them, `Because it has been given to you to know the secrets of the Kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given…And blessed are your eyes for they see and your hears for they hear…’ ” (Italics mine) John 16:13: “But when He comes, the Spirit of Truth, He will guide you into all Truth…and He will announce to you what is to come”.I rely heavily on Psalm 32:7-8, Artscroll Tehillim: “You are a shelter to me; from distress You preserve me; with glad song of rescue You envelop me. I will educate you and enlighten you in the proper path to travel; I will advise you with what I have seen”. Ezekiel 40:4: “…Son of man, see with your eyes and hear with your ears, and set your heart on all that I am showing you, for you were brought here

Page 3in order to show them to you. Declare to the House of Israel all that you are seeing”. This verse is part of my direction from Yahuweh.From the creation of Adam and forever, Yahuweh has always been an exclusivist. He has to be. He is a consuming fire – all Light. No darkness can approach Him. If we do not align to His nature, ways and thinking, obeying His Word, following Him in humility and set-apartness, He cannot be our Elohim. He says that over and over. [Refer to: Royal Secrets and Exclusivity – The Thinning of the Veil/October 29, 2010]

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I have been to Jerusalem about fifty times at least. I have stayed in various places at the Jaffa Gate almost exclusively, except for a few times out of the old city. But, as of 2011, He has led me to stay in the Jewish Quarter. This time, He mandated that I stay in the Jewish Quarter. I am in close walking distance, though down steep hills and up them, of all of major areas mentioned in the Word, including being above the Garden of Eden. The whole Word, from Genesis 3 to Revelation 22 and beyond, is centered on East Jerusalem. [Refer to my study “East Jerusalem”/October 23, 2010] He calls the City of David: “the apple of My eye”. The Temple was built just up the next hill--Mount Moriah. Solomon built a connecting area calling “the Ophel”, through which he, and the priests, would go up onto Mount Moriah.It was on Moriah that Abraham went to sacrifice Yitzak, and Yahuweh provided the ram. When Yahuweh came down on the Ark, I Kings 8:1-15, He came through the same eternal portal through which the pre-incarnate Yahushua, as the “Angel of Yahuweh, had spoken to Abraham to stop his sacrifice of Yitzak--Genesis 22:8-18. It was through this same portal that Enoch went the eternal dimension, and Eliyahu most likely. There are four main portals of His entrance and exit into the earth – 1) The north side of Mount Zion (Zee-own), the City of David, 2) the north side of Mount Moriah, called The Temple Mount, 3) The top of the Mount of Olives, and 4) Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia (from the book of Jubilees 4 and Jasher)

Let us look at the “ancient paths” more closely: The first sliver of the new moon had to be spotted by at least two witnesses from Jerusalem, so the High Priest could be informed, and thus fires lit all over Israel announcing the new month. This October 3rd, I visited Itamar, the largest of the settlements, in Manasseh, in sight of Shekem, nestled between Mount Gerazim and Mount Ebal. Just across from us was one of the hills where the fires were lit to announce the new month, in ancient times. Yahuweh put His Name in (East) Jerusalem – this is where He will come and dwell forever. (Ezekiel 43:7). He tells that the Festivals are to be celebrated in Jerusalem, where He put His Name (I Kings 11:36; 14:21) Offerings were to be taken

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to the Temple in Jerusalem. If one was too far from Jerusalem to bring wine, oil and grain for the Levites, they were to sell their goods where they were and bring the money, and buy the offering when they arrived in Jerusalem. So, everything was centered in that little area I was just in—today known as “East” Jerusalem. Zechariah 12:2-3 is talking about East Jerusalem--the “cup of trembling”. Jerusalem is already a cup of trembling, but soon it will be as Zechariah prophesied. The U.N. wants to give the area between the three portals of Yahuweh to His enemies.

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I have recently learned of a map in a new book entitled The Future of Jerusalem by Dijani, showing the U.N. partition of the Old City of Jerusalem for the Palestinians as their Capitol, with JORDAN as the overseer, just as Jordan oversees the Temple Mount owned by the Vatican. This map shows the “no man’s land” controlled by the U.N., which extends outside the Jaffa Gate north to the Damascus Gate and south to the Zion Gate. I will try to get a copy of this map, and share it with you. This transfer of the Old City, East Jerusalem, to the Palestinians is near. No wonder the U.S. recently sent their troops to the border of Syria and Jordan for the protection of the King. He is very important in this transfer of land in East Jerusalem! The City of David is ancient Zion (pronounced “Zee-own”). It was here that King David set up worship around the Ark, in his backyard, for 40 years. When Messiah returns, He will restore that worship behind His house on Zion (Amos 9:11; Acts 15:16-18) Psalm 132:13-14: “For Yahuweh has chosen Zion. He has desired it for His dwelling: `This is My place of rest forever. Here I dwell, for I have desired it’ ”. To sit in that little garden below King David’s palace, in the City of David, listening to recorded harp music from the center above, to sit in peace in His Presence, is an honor beyond description. It is my favorite place in the entire world! I sat there on October 18th, with intercession friends, and we talked about the coming of our Master, Yahushua Messiah. He wants us to seek the ancient paths, wherein there was peace.

Jeremiah 6:16-18: “Thus says Yahuweh, `Stand in the ways and see, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is, and walk in it, and find rest for yourselves. But, they said, `We will not walk in it’. And I raised watchmen over you, and said, `Listen to the voice of a

Page 5shofar!’ But they said, `We will not listen’…`Hear O earth! Behold! I am bringing evil upon this people, even the fruit of their thoughts, because they have not listened to My Words, or My Torah – but they rejected it’ ”.

As described in Ezekiel 3, His people are still stiff-necked, hard-headed, rebellious and stubborn. Whenever the modern path of easy convenience is followed, replacing the mandates of the Word, a person departs from the Presence of Yahuweh, basically telling Him: “We don’t have to go to Jerusalem. We can have our Festival FUN here”. They do not know Him. They are manipulating His words to do as they will.

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Sitting among the ruins of the Ophel, between the City of David and the Temple Mount, close to the ancient gates of Solomon, I sat hidden among the large pottery jars that representing the types of jars used in the first Temple Period for supplies for the Levites. The “storehouses” for the supplies were close by. Abba sent me to Jerusalem over this strategic time to declare His message into the earth. I was listening to Psalm 24 sung by the Australian group, the Sons of Korah. I was singing, proclaiming Psalms of Yahuweh’s victory, praising and worshipping Him, and proclaiming the return of Messiah Yahushua Yahuweh to rule and reign. With all the tourists swarming the city, I sat there for about two hours in peace. Psalm 24:7-10: “Lift up your heads, O you gates, be lifted up you ancient doors, so that the King of glory may enter. Who is this King of glory? Yahuweh mighty and strong, Yahuweh strong in battle. Lift up your heads O you gates, and be lifted up you ancient doors so that the King of glory may enter. Who is this King of glory? Yahuweh of hosts--He is the King of glory”.

It has been suggested that when He comes and the great earthquake occurs, splitting the Mount of Olives, and the Temple Mount into three sections, allowing the waters of the Gihon to gush forth and run towards the Dead Sea (Zechariah 14 and Revelation 6:12-14) that the ancient doors of Solomon’s Temple, buried many feet underground will lift up to receive the King of glory! Isn’t that an awesome thought!

A friend of mine from Australia recently felt drawn to Jeremiah 19:11--a prophetic word of judgment for ancient Jerusalem, and for today. I looked at

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the context of the whole chapter, verses 1-15. While sitting among the big pottery jars, I saw a broken piece of one of the jars lying on the ground. It was shaped just like the boundaries of the country of Jordan. How prophetic!

In 1993, the Temple Mount was given to the Vatican with Jordan as the overseer. Now we learn that by U.N. approval, Jordan will oversee the whole of East Jerusalem for the Palestinians. We see in Psalm 83 that Jordan is primary in conspiring against Yahuweh and His City, with the Vatican and other Muslim groups. Abba gave me Ezekiel 40:4 about 2003 in Aqaba, Jordan. I lived in Aqaba on the Red Sea for eight years, in the wilderness of the Negev Desert. He had given me several prophetic words regarding what I was to do (i.e. Ezekiel 3,

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33, Jeremiah 1, Isaiah 21:12) I learned so many hidden things just by living there that are now being exposed openly. Back when I was 14, at my grandmother’s house in Oklahoma, while she was snoring and my dad and mom were snoring, I lay on the couch wide awake. I got up, pulled up a chair, knelt down by it and began to cry out a prayer. I asked Abba to never let me live a “normal” life. In my mind, ironing and dusting representing a normal life. I asked Him to allow me to be on the front row of everything He was doing, so I missed nothing. He heard me and has answered me. If you want to be a part of what He is doing, so that you have reward in His Kingdom, seek His Presence with all your heart--then obey what He tells you quickly, without excuses, analyzing, or throwing your will in His face. So, I went to Jerusalem to see, hear, and report. I had at least once chance a day to download to fellow intercessors – and in our sharing, we found that Abba, as usual, was telling us the same things about what He was doing regarding His timing and His plans for the future.

Unlike the west that lives by exact dates and explicit times of day for everything, the ancient eastern way goes by seasons, moving with the mo’edim (times and seasons, exact appointments) of Elohim. The Hebrew language is rooted in a nomadic people. Shepherds, for example, herd their sheep according to seasons – high areas during the summer for coolness, and low places during the winter for warmth. Western man sets dates and times by his own mind’s reasoning. Most of the time his reasoning is totally out of sync with Yahuweh’s thinking--truly Isaiah 55:8-11! Once you get to know Him, then you come to understand His nature, ways and thinking, and how He regards time.

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It is the privilege of all who are truly born of the Spirit, and filled with the Spirit, to live the life of a bond servant of the Master – in training for eternity. It is a life of dependency on Him – of daily hearing and obeying.The more He can trust His servant, the closer He becomes and the more personal He gets. October 19th I had packed up and was ready to leave for the bus station in Jerusalem, and I thought I’d lie down and pray a little before I left. As I began to pray, He firmly said: “Go now!” I have known His voice since age 4, so I quickly got up and headed out to find a taxi. I got out to the parking lot and a taxi came within 2 minutes. I got to the bus station 10 minutes before my bus came to the north. I had a smooth return, and got back in time to do my preparations before Shabbat began. This is how I live. I consult Him about everything. Why should I waste my time with the opinions of man, when He gives me His opinions? I travel a great deal – in many countries, to some many times. I’ve lived in third world nations of the mid-east and east for many years. I have to

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depend on Him for every detail. [Refer to: “Forty Ways Elohim Speaks to His People/2005] He is a Person! He speaks clearly to those who take the time to listen. What a high privilege we have!!!In getting the details from Him, I know that He will make sure all is done in order, for He advises me by what He has already seen of the future. I’ve had Him manipulate time so that I didn’t miss a connection, do the miraculous with luggage transfers, give me favor at borders, and with taxis, buses, and hotels, with money exchange, and of course with those leaders who invite me to speak, and with those who help me along the way to get where I am going. It is hard to walk now, so I walk slowly, but I get where He wants me, one step at a time. [Refer to: “Daily Flowing in His Perfect Timing”/February 2, 2007, “On Assignment”/November 1, 2009, and “Training Mission: A Day in the Life of Yedidah”/November 21, 2009]

We enter the Kingdom by faith, being taken out of slavery to the kingdom of darkness and the dictates of our own flesh, to be bond slaves of the Master Yahushua who bought us with His own blood – so that we might be trained, tested, and prepared for our duties in this life and in eternity. The servant is led by the Spirit every day – and so develops a personal relationship with the Master. He servant does not go running to other people for his instruction, when the Master has all that he needs. People can confirm, so that we can fellowship and be encouraged.I have close friends that encourage me greatly, and I try to encourage them, so that together we can do our separate tasks of service, and yet agree on everything that He is teaching us, for He is our exclusive Teacher. He brings the confirmation as He desires; we don’t have to waste time looking for it.

Page 8I live the life of a nomad, and so do some of my closest friends. But, that’s the norm for following the Master! How can you follow a “spring Lamb” unless you’re mobile? There are those who have a “home base” but because they have downsized so much, they go and come, go and come. I’ve had four home bases in the last 13 years, in four different countries, but never there very much. As I saw all those tourists in Jerusalem, pushing and shoving as usual, especially the typical pushing and shoving over the Jewish women praying in order to get little pieces of paper with prayers on them shoved into the cracks of the Western Wall, wearing immodest clothing, taking pictures of the Jews praying, talking loudly, I thought of the promise regarding the Kingdom, Joel 3:17: “So shall you know that I am Yahuweh your Elohim dwelling in Zion, My set-apart mountain: Then shall Jerusalem be set-apart, and foreigners shall not pass through her again”. Who is the “foreigner”? (Ephesians 2:17-19; Philippians 3:20-21) The stranger, alien, foreigner, heathen, barbarian, pagan: The “gentile” --those not truly born of the Spirit by faith in the blood of the Lamb, not filled with

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His Spirit, and who do not obey the Covenant of Yahuweh. Yahushua will rule His Kingdom “with a rod of iron”.

But, what grieves me most of all is the good-hearted Americans, and those with similar mind-set, who disregard the mandates of the Word to create beliefs that allow them to have FUN with the Festivals, especially Sukkot, bending His Word to their love of captivity, not realizing their attitude is an abomination to Yahuweh and His Torah. They do not understand that they are still participating King Jeroboam’s deception that led to their 2,730-year punishment to begin with: “You don’t have to go to Jerusalem”. I Kings chapters 11-12: Jeroboam feared that his northern empire would fall apart if the people went down to Jerusalem for the Festivals--that his people might honor Solomon’s son, Rehoboam, as their King. I Kings 12:28-32: “So the king took counsel and made two calves of gold and said to the people, `It is too much for you to go up to Jerusalem. Behold your gods, O Israel, which brought you up from the land of Egypt!’ And he set one in Bet El and one he put in Dan. And this thing became a sin…and he made the house of high places, and made priests from all sorts of people, who were not of the sons of Levi, and Jeroboam performed a festival on the fifteenth day of the eighth new moon like the festival that was in Judah…”Notice: 1) he created new gods 2) he created a new priesthood 3) he created new festivals. Because of this detachment from the command of Yahuweh to go to Jerusalem, they became so sinful that Yahuweh had to

Page 9scatter them into all nations AMONG the gentiles, where they adopted gentile thinking and ways. Most all of us have roots in those ten tribes!Of course, believers today think they have good motives, but they do not realize that they steeped in idolatry--“idols of the heart” (Ezekiel 14:1-6). No, not golden calves, but their own self-centered ambitions--their putting family, houses, cars, lands, material possessions, money, sentimental attachments, security, convenience, the lust for entertainment and FUN, and personal fears, before Him. No one, having idols in their heart can follow the Lamb. He requires that we forsake them all. A few examples: Luke 14:25-33; Matthew 10:34-39; Mark 8:34-37; Luke 18:18-30. Throughout the Tenach, Yahuweh pleaded and grieved that His people did not know Him because they refused to let go of the “idols of their heart”, which produced rebellion against Him. Anything we put before pure obedience to the Master, as He requires obedience, is an idol: “You shall have no other gods in My face”. It is the breaking of the first commandment (Exodus 20:3). People might say they do not worship these things, but yes they do, if they are so attached to them that they cannot obey Yahuweh as HE WILLS. So, they make excuses to stay in captivity to cling to their idols, instead of obeying.

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Thus those sent into captivity easily bought into the Greek counterfeit religion of Christianity later on, which was institutionalized and brought to power by the Roman Emperor Constantine, a sun god worshipper to his death. The new religion invented new gods with new names and titles, a new priesthood, and with new festivals honoring sun gods, with Christianized names of course. Those believers returning to keeping the Festivals of Yahuweh do a good thing. I am happy they are seeing Israel. But, sadly, the observance of the Festivals is so often a “sight-seeing” tour, where they stay in hotels, and go at a “break-neck” pace from dawn to dusk to keep the pre-planned itinerary. They don’t get out to be with the people, nor have time to hear Yahuweh speak to them in the solitude of His Presence. They don’t see the real Israel. They are at the mercy of the tour guide and his opinions. Yet, I realize that we all must visit “home” somehow. I don’t talk against the tours, but if you lived in the land, you’d understand what I’m saying. Most go home after the FUN, with loads of pictures and souvenirs, and their life is unchanged--back to FUN in captivity. Our life is to be lived so that the Master can call on us anytime to do His will – to minister to others, to share the Good News, to lay hands on the sick, to cast out devils, to announce the Covenant and the coming of Messiah. He sent us into captivity to punish us and bring us to repentance. He has used it to train and teach and prepare a remnant that He has been releasing to go forth to do His will.

Page 10But, for the majority, instead of allowing Him to train, teach, discipline, prepare and mature, most of His people have invented ways of making the Festivals FUN--a vacation, a party--without knowing how He thinks about them. If you use Festivals to teach others about them, then please include His mandates and the grief that should be shared because you are not in Jerusalem.It takes knowing someone to understand the deep things of their heart. Are you spending enough time in His Presence to know the deep things of His heart? Knowing the real Elohim of Abraham, Yitzak, and Ya’cob is very difficult from a pagan cultural prospective, for He is totally out of character and context when viewed through Greco/Roman pagan culture.

His heart is reflected by what someone wrote, which became Psalm 137:1-6: “By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down and we wept as we remembered Zion (the City of David). We hung our lyres upon the willow trees. For there our captors asked us for the words of a song, and our plunderers for rejoicing saying `Sing to us a song of Zion!’ On foreign soil? If I forget you, O Jerusalem, let my right hand lose its cunning. Let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth, if I do not remember you, if I do not exalt Jerusalem above my chief joy”.

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By having FUN with Festivals in captivity, there is no weeping in repentance for the reason for the captivity, and no active desire to go to Jerusalem, there is no obedience to the Torah. Jeroboam said, “why go?”--all you need is here. Creating Festival FUN in captivity is just an excuse to stay in captivity and enjoy it. Yet, our captivity is now being exposed for what it has always been – slavery to pagan taskmasters. Yes, guard the Festivals if you can’t come to Jerusalem! But align your mind, emotions, and spirit to His heart and repent and weep. Get before Him and feel His longing for you.

A friend on my e-mail list sent me this in early 2012: “Greetings and shalomThank you for the articles you have been sending. They are right on and get me stirred up again.  It is easy to be lulled to sleep with the same old tabloid news we hear about what's going on in the world.  During Sukkot last fall, (2011) I rec'd this word and want to pass it along to you as confirmation of what you are writing.    I had been asking Abba to come tabernacle with our group but He didn't seem to be there.  He awoke me in the night and asked "Are you sure you want me to come into your camp?  You remember what I did when I was in the camp with Moses and the children of Israel?   When they were disobedient, I had to punish them...I opened up the ground and swallowed them.   I loosed a plague on them

Page 11another time for disobedience/grumbling.  Are you sure you want me in the camp?" This was a very sobering word to me as well as those who are really seeking Truth.  Since then, a spirit of repentance has come--not to everyone, but those who are earnest about being set apart.  I thank Abba for you and your dedication to speak Truth. Shalom

Isaiah 1:1-20: I know that most Torah-guarders consider themselves to be wonderful. But, Yahuweh’s most severe rebukes were all given to Torah-guarders. This one is one of the most severe. He says He hates their Shabbats, their festivals, and their new moon celebrations. Why? Because there was no repentance, no humility, no submission to Him, no seeking Him, no reaching out to others to bring them near to Him. They were a self-centered, egotistical bunch, that still hunkered in religion. Their pride was horrendous. Isaiah 1 continues telling that He will bring down that pride!

A close friend in the U.S. made this comment after rabbinic Sukkot: She refers to Isaiah 1 and Psalm 137: “All I could think of in this previous ‘not accurate’ Fall Feast season is how much Abba is grieved by all the ‘Joy’ here in the States. They don’t realize that all their good intentions in captivity do not please Him. The Scripture that kept on jumping out of me is on how He hates their Sabbaths, New moons, Festivals. There doesn’t seem to be a

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desire to be in the Land. That I just don’t get it, and I am as angered as He is. I’m grateful that a few who are willing to stand for His truths, not buckle and continue to worship Him and set themselves apart. Thank you for being all that. I truly appreciate you.” In 2004, I had returned from teaching meetings in Wales. It was the end of June, and I was looking forward to returning to America for my birthday with my children. He said to me: “I want you to stay in Jerusalem until after the 9th

of Av”. That meant 5 weeks – until late July. I wrote down 15 things that might be the reason for my having to stay in Jerusalem five weeks, instead of returning to where I was living in Aqaba, and then going to America. But, I obeyed. I was in Jerusalem four weeks. I walked the city and got to know it well. I loved it! I had some precious experiences. One day, I was on bus 9, once again, going towards the Knesset to view the Knesset in session. I had my head leaning against the window. As we turned the corner of a wide intersection, He spoke to me: “If I do not love Jerusalem above my chief joy”. That’s all it took. I burst out crying very hard. I said to Him: “It was a test wasn’t it?

Page 12You wanted to know if I’d love Your city more than being with my children?” He gently said, “Yes”. I passed my test. To this day, I feel so at home in Jerusalem! Psalm 48 is about East Jerusalem--the City of David.

Let’s talk about “troop movement”. I sent out news information a few days ago telling of U.S. troops on the Jordan/Syria border to protect the King, and try to bring order to the refugees flooding into Jordan from Syria. I made my comments based on what I know from living in Jordan for eight years, and knowing of the U.N., U.S., E.U. plans for the Petra area in Edom. I know about America’s incredible involvement with Jordan, especially Edom. Not to belabor the point, but to make a point so you’ll understand: In my “Israel Update September 16, 2012”, I included a letter of a man, who has a ministry in Jerusalem, who wrote what he was seeing as far as troop movement there. The only reason I included the letter was because I knew there was troop movement in Jerusalem. Immediately a popular ministry with Messianics criticized him for not being honest and trying to get money. By the wording of the letter, I knew it was the old, typical, “jealousy and competition” routine that is the earmark of the “ministry”. It sickened me. Because this ministry sends its newsletters to Messianics in the states, I got flack from including the letter. So, I wrote “A Letter to the Wise”. I asked, with pleading: WHY DIDN’T ANYONE ASK YAHUWEH what He thought. No one responded to that. Does anyone know Him well enough to ask Him His opinion and expect an answer? Yes, a few! HalleluYah! I’ve been in the ministry many, many years, as an ordained minister myself with my own corporation. I was in with some very big-name people. I know the inside track about big-name western-based ministries--things the “laity”

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does not know, things that stay hidden abound. I know what’s behind the masks. I can tell right off if someone’s got a mask on, or not.Tragically so many of those that mix Christianity with Messianic belief, especially in America and the UK I’ve found out, seem to have an idol worship mentality for big-name ministers who live in Israel. There is such a unrealistic sentimental attachment to “the holy land”, so these ministries can say and do no wrong. Yet, I just got a bulletin sent to me from that same ministry who condemned the letter asking everyone to join with Billy Graham in his praying for Mitt Romney. I felt sick, even though it was laughable. Refer to: Billy Graham and His Friends – a 700 page book that truthfully tells it all from start to finish. The man was a Vatican/Illuminati plant from the beginning. Yes, Abba used his “gospel” to save some, but that is because He is good!!!Wise up! NO ONE who is a humble servant of the Master has a big name, sells their wares, has a huge mailing list, and buddies up to the big illuminist

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guys. It’s all about money, control, and fame. When you see people asking for money, selling their stuff, putting on fancy productions, and looking glamorous in the eyes of the people – you’ve got a false prophet. [Refer to: “The Message of the True Prophet” and “Exposing Kim Clement” as guides for telling the true from the false] It is a BIG RACKET for Jewish Israelis to go to America, join up with Christians, and bleed the Christians and the Christian-Messianic mixture people of loads of money. The ignorant “lollypoppers” love it and give big!Many of the flashy big-name guys are doing serious sin.DON’T LOOK TO MAN!!! (Jeremiah 17:5-10) Compare Jeremiah with the modern big shots! While in Jerusalem in 2007, I sat and talked with a major ministry leader in the Old City. I led to talk to her about the two houses of Israel. John Hulley had also talked to her about it and got the same response I did. She said she believed it, but IF she came out with it publically, she would lose her “following”, and thus her “support”--in other words, her followers might withdraw their money if she taught something they didn’t like. This is common thinking among American ministers. Get my point!Americans, UK people, etc. etc. – STOP IDOLIZING big name people: WORSHIP YAHUWEH!!! Ask Him HIS OPINION! Stop seeking to be entertained. Seek Him with all your heart and you will find Him. To me this is incredibly discouraging. It makes me want to give up. But, I know that such is the atmosphere before judgment. Judgment looms over the nations, and will begin with His “household” in Israel. Right after I wrote “Letter to the Wise” I got an e-mail from someone in Jordan who talked about seeing troop movement. Yes they saw it!

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America has a large underground base around Petra, and the U.S. and Jordanian military work together a lot. But, now we know why the “movement” – it’s about the Syrian border. But, there has not been one mention, that I know of, that this border joins Israel at the base of Lake Kenneret--the “Sea of Galilee”. Look at a map!Americans! There is a whole lot of troop movement where you are – but of foreign troops, mercenaries, gangs, Muslims, chipped soldiers, and others who hate you, all brought in by your government. There are about 100,000 Russian troops inside America, plus all the Chinese troops. I’ve been reporting for a long time about America being surrounded by Russian and Russian submarines, planes and troops on all borders, and the North Korean arsenal, but “the band plays on”, and “let’s watch another rerun of CSI. Then a couple of months ago there was an article with a picture on the

Page 14Yahoo Main Page of a Russian submarine that surfaced in the Gulf. We’re not talking about nice Russian submarines, we’re talking about nuclear powered submarines.The three-story box cars with the shacks are hidden in wilderness areas. You are living an illusion. You have already been taken over. It is just a matter of time before it becomes openly visible, and then it will be too late for you to obey the warnings of watchmen, prophets, and Yahuweh Himself.

October 21: The U.S. and Israel began three weeks of military exercises in Israel. I have been hearing a lot of planes and helicopters go over, in Jerusalem too. I am hearing them now. Yes, I’ve seen lots of troop movement in Israel in the last 12 years, especially before regional wars. Iran sent a drone into Israel from Lebanon via Hezbollah a few days ago, and says they’ll send a lot more. This one was sighted over the Negev near Israel’s nuclear facility at Dimona. The IDF shot it down. The whole Middle East is having “troop movement”. Iran’s finest troops are in Syria. The Muslim Brotherhood’s new leader in Egypt is advocating shira law – the strictest Islamic law. The Sinai Peninsula is being flooded with terrorists. Israel is surrounded with hostile armies, and from within. America is surrounded by hostile armies, and navies, and from within. World War III looms near. [Refer to: “Launching the Chaos”/January 2011 for information on the Mazzini/Pike Plan] Get into the secret place of the Most High and talk to Him – let Him guide you in learning what’s going on. Is that such a hard thing? He talks clearly to those who seek Him and take the time to hear. He is our peace! I depend on His peace as I depend on my next breath! When He speaks, obey Him! He’s Elohim, we are not! He’s all you really have! Do you have Him?[Refer to: “Living From the Eternal Mind – The Secret of Never Being Deceived”/November 2010]

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From the Jerry Golden Report, October 19th: “We all have heard that next week the US and Israel are holding the largest sea, air and land military exercise they have ever held. It will consist of tens of thousands of US and Israeli soldiers on the ground on the northern and southern borders. We are also being told that there will be some incoming missiles intercepted by the joint efforts of both forces. That there will be US aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean and the Persian Gulf accompanied by a fleet of battleships and nuclear subs. In the meantime most of us here in Israel have been issued new gas masks, or at least everyone who cared to go get one. They are free and all an Israeli has to do is show his or her ID card. There was a recent IDF movement of tens of thousands of soldiers.

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They gathered on the northern border with Lebanon and Syria. Then there is the placement of the Arrow anti-missile and the Iron Dome anti rocket and missile Defence system being moved around the country.”

Wow, everyone’s talking about troop movement except the American ministries that don’t want to say or do anything that might upset their income! It is the same with pastors and big name teachers and preachers in the affluent west. After all, people might get scared and stop giving to the building program. The pastor needs a new car, too. His 2011 model is worn out. Think I’m kidding – this is typical! The game is to give intellectual knowledge to make everyone feel smart, but never bring anyone to know the Creator personally, because they don’t know Him. Jerry Golden is a faithful Israeli reporter who loves his country. He is raising money for ships to help His people get to safety. He is doing a good work with a pure heart. Learn to discern the difference between the pure and the masked game players.

PART II: Once again, I’ve poured out my heart. I hope you don’t mind me being very candid, dropping formalities, and being myself. I just see things very clearly. I am under NO illusions!And, I have a deep passion for what is on the heart of my Abba. His heart is broken for His people. His highest creation, with whom He seeks to dwell, has rejected His Presence to do their own will.

Just to pass this on to the wise and watching: I have recently learned that the Wall Street Gann Panic Report has given warning about the dates during His real Sukkot--eve October 31st to the eve November 8--as a time when the economy may crash. Be prepared at all times for this to happen, for I have many reports that by the end of the year world economy could crash, beginning with the American dollar. Keep enough cash out of the bank to sustain yourself, buy extra food and water, and listen for Abba’s warnings.

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I debated whether to share this next bit of information, not because it is something to withhold from you, but because of all the mocking harassment I’ve had for the last 12 years about how much I write, and how loooooooooong my articles are. I don’t demand people read them in one sitting! They are springboards for further study. But, tell me: If the Creator of the universe is speaking to you day in and day out, showing you things that He wants you to see, sending you on assignments to see and hear and report, what would you do? If you keep it to yourself, you’d go crazy. You

Page 16wouldn’t be able to live with yourself, not unless you are horribly self-centered, and then He wouldn’t be talking to you anyway--Right?So, you can lay down this update and pick it up later if you’re ready for bed. Don’t read this before going to bed.But, I want you to take a good look at your children, your grandchildren, those you love around you, who are precious to you – family and/or friends. They’re human, right? They make mistakes and yet you love them. Do you know how precious it is to be a human? (Genesis 1:26) What would it be like to be like Noah, who lived in a world where he and his wife and three sons and at least two of his daughter-in-laws were pure human, while the rest of the world’s people had their DNA polluted with other species DNA? It would be rough. No, it did not take him 120 years to build the ark. It may have taken him 5 years, but not 120. MAN was given 120 years and then the Spirit would be withdrawn. It is referring to His timing – Jubilee years. 120 X 50 = 6,000 years. Christians and Messianics who still believe in the pre-seven year rapture, say that they are feeling the Spirit withdrawing from the earth. Well, though I’ve written much against that stupid hoax, (the word “stupid” is used in Scripture in both the Hebrew and Greek regarding His people) for which there is no Scripture at all anywhere, originally created by the Vatican Jesuits, still, I am also sensing His withdrawing His Presence from the earth in general. NO, the Spirit is NOT the restrainer of II Thessalonians 2:7. [Refer to: “Who Will be Left Behind?”/January 2006] Take heart! The Spirit is Yahuweh Himself, and Yahuweh will not desert His earth, or His set-apart ones. But, I mean that He is backing off. But, at the same time, He is speaking more and more to His servants, revealing more and more of His secrets, and equipping His servants with His Presence and His power and His authority!!!When I went to Rome and Greece in July/August to proclaim to the hierarch of the enemy’s ranks their doom, in response to the calling of the millions who participated in the London Olympic unleashing, calling for Zeus and Apollo to replace Yahuweh and Yahushua, Abba’s message to them was basically: I hear you. Go ahead and do what you want to do. But, when I say it’s over, it’s over, and Yahushua will come, and you will end up in the lake of

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fire. [Refer to: “My Declaration Assignment”, “The Unleashing”, “The Unleashing Part II”, and “What Really Happened At the Olympics?”/all 2012] So, like Michael, the restrainer of Daniel 12:1, who will be asked by Yahuweh to “stand aside, aloof, take a big step back”, so that the plans of the enemy can go forward, so Yahuweh Himself is backing off to allow the time period of Apollyon to go forward. Of course, Yahuweh has Lucifer and his angels all on a leash.

Page 17But, the open-throttle thrust to remove Yahuweh from the earth, and all that even resembles Him, to bring Lucifer and Apollyon to world power, is happening NOW! Open your eyes and see!!!

So, here is something you must know so that you can act with wisdom.I have followed these things for years and reported on them to you, especially to you in America – the world’s largest “guinea pig” testing laboratory, using its citizens as the guinea pigs. I hope you have done something to get out of the cage they have you in, where you and your family are being slowly but surely turned into a zombie state, your DNA changed, your mind being taken over, and your death being planned? [For starters, refer to: “Eugenics: The Planned End of Mankind”/January 2008; “Digital TV: Beware!”/June 2009; “How To Keep Functioning in Peace and Joy When Project Blue Beam Does Everything Possible to Make Sure Your Mind Shuts Down For Their Takeover”/April 3, 2010; “HAARP Atmospheric Plasma Weapon – What You Breath is Slowing Taking Over Your Mind and Body”/May 25, 2011; “Mind Control, Hidden Manipulation, and the World Brain”/September 2006 and “Quiet Wars and Silent Weapons”/October 29, 2007]

POST APOCALYPTIC SHOWS ABOUND“Age of Obama: Post-Apocalyptic Shows Rule Television by Wagner Todd Huston for BreitBart News

“Many TV commentators say you can judge the way the nation is feeling about itself and its times by looking at the sort of shows that are playing on television. They say our mood and outlook about both the present and the future can be understood through the collective programming on the TV.Well, a look at some of the popular shows now playing, or those about to debut on the boob tube, might make you wonder if TV has noticed that the country ain't feeling so great? In fact, it’s downright post-apocalyptic.That’s right, we’ve gone from 2008 and hope-n-change to the depths of post-apocalyptic cynicism. "Fringe" (Fox): This is the fourth season of a show that has gone from a sci-fi,"X-Files"-like investigative series to one about a post-apocalyptic world taken over by evil humans from the future. This season the Fringe team is

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desperately trying to defeat the evil men from the future and return Earth to normal. Last season started turning apocalyptic, too, as the Fringe team raced to stop their dimension from being destroyed by a mirror dimension Earth interfering in the interim between the two worlds.

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"The Walking Dead" (AMC): The horror series, now in its third year, portrays a post-apocalyptic world after a zombie outbreak. Humanity is fighting back trying to eliminate the undead hordes known as "walkers.""Falling Skies" (TNT): This year is the second season of a show about a post-apocalyptic world after an alien race attacked earth destroying human civilization. Humans are hunted by the technically advanced alien monsters that can control our very thoughts with a "harness" that steals our children and forces them to love the aliens and turn away from humanity. Humans desperately try to fight back against the invading alien hordes bent on annihilating them."Revolution" (NBC): A first-season series about a post-apocalyptic world after an EMP-like device takes out all electronic devices rendering them totally inoperable. Humanity struggles to adjust to a second dark age that has plunged them back into subsistence farming and drudgery even as they are beset by marauding "militias" that kill indiscriminately and impress their young men to service."Last Resort" (ABC): This new series is set in a world on the verge of nuclear war, one threatening to become a post-apocalyptic world. A new world war is being foisted on the country unawares by nefarious forces inside the U.S. Government that go rogue by trying to force a U.S. submarine to fire nuclear missiles on Pakistan. The good guys in the boat refuse these improper orders and are branded outlaws and traitors. As the rest of the world races toward nuclear Armageddon, the crew of the nuclear-armed sub tries to make sense of all the chaos in a world gone mad."The Hundred" (CW): This one will be about a post-apocalyptic world of kids forced to repopulate a dead earth."Defiance" (SyFy): This is another show about a post-apocalyptic world after an alien attack”.

I plead with you! STOP WATCHING T.V., looking at movies on the computer, in movie theaters, etc. The T.V. is the world’s #1 Satanic mind-programming media. SEPARATE FROM THE WORLD – or else you are an ENEMY OF YAHUWEH! “BE SET APART AS I AM SET APART!” -- “Let the set-apart be MORE SET APART!” (Leviticus 11:44-45: 19:2: 20:7-8, 24-26; I Peter 1:16; Revelation 22:11; Ya’cob (James) 4:4; I John 2:15-18)We are in a time “when everyone does what is right in his own eyes”. We are in a time when He has dropped His plumb line for the LAST TIME. (Amos 7:7-8) Are you aligned to it, or not--make your adjustments quickly!

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The Hunger Games series is another post apocalyptic scenario. Many popular movies and books now leave people feeling hopeless, in despair – so people

Page 19are moving into an apathetic state of mine. I am very much against the TV, and other media that shoves demonic propaganda in our face. (Isaiah 33:14-24) Throughout the Word if you purposely look on evil, you cannot enter His Kingdom. We are mandated to be “pure” – children of Light! In 1996, He gave me a clear order: “You will not watch any more murder mysteries on TV”. Later that year, He expanded that to “NO TV”. Now it makes me physically ill to be around a TV. The first thing I do in a hotel room is get a towel and cover the TV. It is Satan’s major portal into your mind. So, yes, there definitely a spirit of hopelessness that has settled on people, a feeling of being crushed. People are mechanically giving in to it. A mindless dulled state is settling over people. It is not that humans are being taken down because they will it. Most do not know what is happening to them. But, that’s part of the purposed DNA mutating being done to us via water, food, air, vaccines, chemicals, medicines, clothing, and pulse waves coming off the TV. Your Creator-designed body is fighting off these invaders as hard as it can, but by your giving in, you are allowing it to be overtaken. It is the same with the mind – you are cooperating with its demise by opening portals to the enemy, by viewing what is not of Yahuweh. Moral standards are lowering, immodesty is the fashion. And people are more and more displaying animalistic traits in their emotions. It breaks my heart to see people becoming so totally dulled to reality, and so fearful of truth. Self-centeredness and selfishness abounds! Look at the list in II Timothy 3:1-7, and in Romans 1:20-32. The Greek word for “perilous times” (KJV) in II Timothy 3:1 means “ranging insanity.” With great sadness I see this taking over the entire earth. I know a few of you see this too and grieve. Look at innocent little human children! Humans at birth have an aura of their Creator--they are gentle, kind, loving, sweet, happy, caring, and tender, with compassion. They are forgiving too, even to those who are cruel to them. But as they grow up in a hostile world, they begin to change unless they are taught the Torah of Yahuweh. It is mindboggling and almost inconceivable by good parents and grandparents that anyone should want to extinguish the human race and replace it with hybrids, cyborgs, robots, and other soulless creatures, let alone that the finest minds of the world are working so hard at it. In fact, there are even instructions on DNA splicing and creating hybrids that are free on the internet to any manic who wants to create his own Frankenstein monster. It’s that bad! Such is the world we live in. Look at those precious faces of those you love, and then look at the picture below of those they are creating.

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The root reason for abortion is Satan’s violent hate for the image of Yahuweh in those precious little babies. Once born, many of them are used in sacrifice to him, many raped and killed in sexual orgies. Producing DNA mutates was being done by using Jewish women in the Holocaust concentration camps in Germany and Poland – they were being used as test animals to birth these hybrids, or die in the process. This testing came to the U.S. Check out “Operation Paperclip”. This is still going on in secret underground laboratories like the one in Mexico City. The creating of hybrids – mixing DNA of humans with animals, with rodents, with plants, with birds, and with fish is now happening to such a huge degree that it is mindboggling. Mice with human traits are being produced, besides all other types of mixes, including robots, cyborgs, and other souless creatures. The Pentagon’s DARPA program is creating “super soldiers” by mixing such things as white tiger DNA with human DNA. This is the army of the future that will be unleashed against Yahuweh’s people. Major Universities in America, and the UK, like the one at Newcastle, and in Europe are teaching trans-humanism, or “human enhancement” as a softer term. But, also, promoting a post human world, they want to erase human kind from earth, to be replaced by mutates, and robots, and cyborgs.Get this: Even Iran is a major producer of nano-technology. This is includes technology that can be inserted into the blood stream to control human beings from the inside. I suggest you look at Tom Horn’s site, and read from the twelve part series he offers: EARTH'S EARLIEST AGES by G.H. Pember, in which he shares his thesis that he wrote to the “Christian” trans-humanist community, regarding why he opposes trans-humanism. Tom has almost been killed several times, and threatened many times, for opposing trans-humanism. What they are after is a post-human world. The movie “Planet of the Apes” was telling us a lot!

This is all about our return to “the days of Noah”. (Matthew 24:37-39) Before the flood, fallen angels were intermingling with humans and creating giants, and other monstrosities which became the gods of Egypt, Greece and Rome, and other major empires. Look at the gods of Egypt- part bird, part human, and the gods of Greece – part horse, part human, etc. They were defiling the whole gene pool of the human race and only Noah’s family had pure human genes!!! Sound weird? No! Noah was from the lineage of Seth – the very lineage that would finally produce Abraham, Yitzak, and Ya’cob, Ya’cob’s sons, and the Messiah. If his DNA was defiled, then we would not be here as human beings.The intellectual community of this earth wants us to look like this. These are some of the non-humans they are perfecting.

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American tax-payer money goes for this type of genetic “research” and experimentation, the funding of abortions worldwide, for experimental projects that are against humankind like using aborted fetus for all types of experimentation, and to fund other ambitions of the Illuminists trillionaires.

Do you remember the article I wrote in 2009, “Health Care of Eugenics Depopulation Agenda?” exposing Obama’s health care advisor, Paul Ehrilch? The Obama “Health Care” bill is scheduled to go into effect in March of 2013, which contains hidden agendas that will fulfill Ehrilch’s dream of depopulation, including mandatory chipping. [Refer to this article: UN Supporters Write Paper Calling for Depopulation Susanne Posel This UNEP program of the UN supports this agenda.

Notice the cartoons--way back in the 40s: The talking animals, Mickey Mouse as the Sorcerer’s Apprentice, the drooping wizards hat on Santa (Saturn, Satan), the humanizing of animals – all the way from loveable “teddy bears” and talking bunnies to violent mutates, displayed as toys, in movies, on pajamas and t-shirts - like Star Wars, Masters of the Universe, Super Man, Spider Man--heroes that use violence to win. Sweet Dora promotes love for the “dragon” and chants to her monkey. Even little bunny rabbits wear dragon shirts. The characters on “Arthur” display angry human emotions and attitudes, and present Greek mythology in story form. Some are subtle, some are outright blatant. Some teach witchcraft, some teach attitudes that are “sin” – like doing what is devious to get what one wants – the satanic principle of Harry Potter. But, most because parents are so dulled by their own sin of watching violence as “entertainment”, see evil and think nothing of it – so are sacrificing their children to Satan without knowing it. They are not protecting the minds of their children, or their

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Genesis 11:4-6: “And they said, `Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens, and make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered over all the face of the earth.’ … And Yahuweh said, `Look! They are one people and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do! And now they are not going to be withheld from doing whatever they plan to do’”. Without Yahuweh’s restraint, they will do all that they plan to do. Yahuweh will not allow a “post human” world!!!However, He does say that if at the time of Messiah’s return, there is no faith and teaching of the Torah on the earth, He will destroy the earth totally. (Malachi 4:4-6)It’s all about riding the earth of Yahuweh. Darwinism has been around a long time. The religion of evolution has gone a long ways to preparing the earth’s people to reject Yahuweh as the Creator. All the alien movies, and cartoons, which have abounded since the 1940s, have been preparing people to receive our “creators” from other planets. About two years ago, the Vatican outlawed the use of the Name “Yahweh” from their churches, their members in private homes, from their song books, and other writings. His Name is illegal in many places, besides religious communities. In about 2006, there was a terrorist group who came to Israel, threatening to blow people up, calling themselves the “Yahwehists”. I remember that one of our regular Arab waiters at our favorite restaurant in Aqaba seriously asked us if we were going to blow them up--since they knew we worshipped Yahweh. I love the eastern lack of tact! His Word is considered a “hate crime book” in international law, for it speaks against certain sins, and is considered “intolerant” i.e. of homosexuality and people who worship other gods and who live outside the Torah. By claiming to believe that the only way to salvation is through the blood of the Lamb, we are also considered “intolerant” of other religions. In the “Genocide Laws” signed during the presidency of Ronald Reagan, there are clauses stating that we can be arrested if we are caught sharing our beliefs with children, or anyone who resents our beliefs. Believers have been brought to court because of this law. Children as young as five in Kindergarten, for example, have expelled from school for drawing a picture at Easter of Jesus on the cross. I remember a friend of mine telling how she was at a Mall, and brought out her small New Testament to witness to a soldier who was sitting by a fountain. The soldier panicked and told her to put away that Bible, because there were more cameras than she know of. Now it is illegal to pray in front of abortion clinics, or witness in the area of a homosexual

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The world is seriously turning on Israel, desiring to give His “resting place” to His enemies—giving the whole of East Jerusalem to the Palestinians for a state and a capitol, with JORDAN AS THE OVERSEER. Will we see the Palestinians recognized by the U.N. this November? Will the Palestinian state be declared with Jerusalem as their capitol? In September, Abba once again made his plea for U.N. recognition of a Palestinian state. Because of the reaction of the religious Jews in Jerusalem, when this happens, it will result in Luke 21:20 – the United Nations secreting the “peace” by force.

In conclusion, here is something I want you to seriously consider. These are notes from a teaching by Jeff Benner on the nomadic lifestyle. Who will be the most blessed in the coming days? I have been urging people for years to obey the Master: To downsize to a minimum, pay off all bills, give to the poor, and follow Him without reservations. If you’ve got a family, you need food, shelter and clothing. The shelter may be a tent at times, but most need to work to support their family. But, my admonition to you is – wear your job like a loose cloak, and downsize so that you have the minimum, and can save up some money for “travel expenses”, hopefully not fleeing travel expenses.

Benner says: “The Hebrew language is all about the nomadic Hebrew lifestyle” and the peace of the wilderness vs. the city chaos.Where He is taking a remnant that has forsaken all to follow Him in a nomadic lifestyle – following the cloud (Numbers 9)? It has to be good!Very few know what is really going on because they follow man. In February of 2008, He said: “The tares are now rising”. Soon Yahuweh will weed out the tares whose heads are rising above the wheat. (Matthew 13:24-32) The goal of the wilderness: Song of Songs 8:5 “who is this that comes up out of the wilderness leaning on her beloved”? Benner speaks of the true meaning of “grace”, which is connected to a nomadic lifestyle. In western thought, “grace” is an indescribable abstract concept, like so many Christian words. But, picture this reality: A shepherd is out herding the sheep, taking them up to higher pastures where it is cool in the summer. He is gone for three to four months, living with the sheep. In taking the sheep to lower pastures, he comes over a rise on the hill and looks down to see his home. All the thoughts of security and comfort and love come flooding in on him. There he can rest. There he has shelter, food, water, love and friendship, security, comfort, joy and peace. “Grace”, like the Hebrew “hased” for loving kindness--to nurture as a baby in the womb—

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up at the airport by one of my precious ones is incredible joy. I can speak of the benefits of the Nomadic lifestyle. I live it.Benner relates that in the city man depends on man. In the wilderness man has to depend on the Creator. At the end of 1998, after returning from a wonderful trip to Africa, I asked Abba what He wanted me to do next. He clearly said: “I want you to give away all that you have and move to Jordan”. So I did. I have no home, no car (sad, I love to drive), no lands, no predictable income (only via offerings), but have only one bill, which I keep paid each month for travel expenses. Do I miss my stuff? NO! I have had four home bases to work out of in the last twelve years of wandering, but He’s made sure they were temporary. I am happy. Abba tests His servants severely to test our faithfulness and endurance ability. But still, He is so faithful, and has never failed--and won’t. We are in His service. His trusted servants are not free-wheeling bums who do not work, and live off the gifts of others! NO! NO! His servants work hard. I am very highly disciplined. I’ve worked a good 10-12 hours most days for the last thirteen years with the work He has given to me, speaking into many lives worldwide to bring them closer to knowing Him and trusting Him with all their heart. Messiah did not tell us to forsake all to be His disciple so that we might be lazy--undisciplined and unproductive. Quite the opposite! He is a drill-Sergeant, a General leading to the battle, and He demands obedience to the maximum. “Yahuweh is a man of battle; Yahuweh is His Name” (Exodus 15:3).

What’s my “opinion” on the elections? I knew you’d ask. I have none. Father has not clued me in yet. But, I expect Obama will pull it off. However, I’ve wondered what would happen if the Mormon wins. Billy Graham will be praying for him – disgusting huh. Graham knows that the Presidents are picked 4-8 years ahead by the Illuminati think tanks, like the Bilderberger Group. If the Mormon wins, Obama won’t take that lightly, since as narcissist expert Dr. Sam Vaknin declares, Obama is a dangerous psychopathic narcissist. Obama has asked Congress in case of emergency to suspend the elections--so anything is possible. In the meantime dear ones…You must seriously evaluate what you expect out of eternity. Discuss that with Him. Keep up with what Abba is doing and get involved in it. But, do not be ignorant of the “wiles of the Devil” either. Don’t focus on his abilities, but remember Luke 10:18-19. Prophetically

Page 25speaking to His servants He says: “I saw Satan falling out of heaven as lightening. Behold, I give you authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the ability of the enemy, and nothing at all shall hurt you”. Only stipulation for that kind of protection is that you are an active servant who has forsaken all to follow the Master, as those 70 were.We praise our awesome Creator, Father, and Savior, with love,

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YedidahOctober 21, 2012

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