Download doc - Felipe Julia


On this monography we present the sequel of teach that aproaches the physics concepts of the wave phenomena, electromagnetic waves and radiation. We utilize as structural theme the use of cellphone devices and its antennas. This is due the fact that neither the experts reach an agreement about the mobile technology risks. Regarding the theoretical part, we stablish the investigation teaching allusion and STS aproach (Science Technology Society), because we believe that on the teaching and learnig process the students reasoning is important. Thus we develope a dialogical teaching material for student and an orientation guide for teachers as a reference of how to use this material. The instructional sequel also includes experimental activities, computing simullations, texts reading, instructive videos and role playing games (where the students will play characters). On this context all the work development will be in charge to prepare the students to take a responsable social act at the debates that will be proposed to them. With this, we expect to develope a material that may have some relevance for those who seek better ways to improve physics teaching at classrooms.

- main theme