  • Connecting people with the love and life of Jesus Christ by building up the next generations of Christians

    February 26, 2017 Transfiguration Sunday

  • A Celebration of God’s Grace and Good News!

    February 26, 2017 Transfiguration Sunday

    Music for Preparation Adoro te (I adore you), from Livre du Saint Sacrement (The Book of the Holy Sacrament) Olivier Messiaen

    *Call to Worship L: Let the radiance of Christ be evident among us: in our songs and our words; P: in our deepest thoughts and desires; L: in the youthful and the experienced, the exhausted and the energetic; P: in the hungry and the scared. L: We are here together. All: We join our voices and our hearts in praise. Nancy C. Townley

    *Opening Hymn God hath spoken by the prophets - Hymn 108 EBENEZER


    Old Testament Reading Exodus 24:12-18

    *Hymn Lord Jesus Christ, your light shines (insert) JÉSUS LE CHRIST

    New Testament Reading 2 Peter 1:16-21

    *Gradual Hymn All you who seek Jesus (insert) BEATA NOBIS GAUDIA

    *Gospel Reading Matthew 17:1-9

    Message Changing, Becoming, Entering

    Offertory Prayer Majestic Lord, transfigure our simple gifts in a way that will inspire all people to proclaim your everlasting message of love. Strip away our biased convictions so that through our selfless giving we can gaze clearly on your vision for our lives. In the name of your Son, the Beloved One, we pray. Amen. Matthew 17:1-9, David S. Bell

  • Offertory A Thin Place Jonathan Wikeley This is a thin place, where earth reaches up to heaven, and heaven reaches down to earth. This is a thin place: where God stretches out his hand, and we but need to take it. This is a thin place, where Christ has been revealed, and everything changes. Jonathan Wikeley, 2013

    *Doxology Glory to God in the highest (insert) William Mathias

    The Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

    *Closing Hymn Christ is the world’s light - Hymn 188 CHRISTE SANCTORUM *Blessing

    *Music for Reflection Joie et clarté des corps glorieux (Joy and brightness of glorified bodies) O. Messiaen Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. –Matthew 13:43

    Please exit quietly in consideration of those still worshiping.

    Following the service, all are invited for refreshment and fellowship downstairs in Weiss Hall.

    Assisting in Worship Today: Sally Lamkin, Worship Assistant Darren Atiyeh, Flute

    *Congregation is invited to stand as each person is able

    HYMN: United Methodist Hymnal TFWS: The Faith We Sing

    Join us for our Ash Wednesday service on March 1, 7:30 pm in the Hospitality Area.

  • Sermon Notes

  • What’s Happening at West Side UMC February 26, 2017

    A Note from Pastor Tim - Greetings! This Lent we--as a church and as individuals--will be invited to get to know our actual neighbors better as we delve more deeply into the words of Jesus. Around this theme, we will be setting up small groups that will serve as a supportive base as we

    examine the celebrations and difficulties we might encounter as we reach out to our neighbors in real and tangible ways. See form next page.

    Join us for our Annual Easter Egg Hunt on March 25that 10am. Don’t miss pictures with the Easter Bunny, Story Time, Crafts, Games, Snack, and an Egg Hunt! Volunteers are needed to help with registration, crafts and lead the groups through the building. We also need couple of volunteers to hang up the banner after church on Sunday March 5th. Please contact Gemaya Griffin at [email protected] if you can help.

    Costa Rica Mission Trip – Follow the Team Blog. We will post updates periodically and daily once we arrive. As a reminder, we expect to be working on a multipurpose building at the Methodist Children’s Home over a period of two weeks starting February 11th. Visit the Team Blog at Also, thank you to Kenndra Brewer for sewing 30 sundresses for the mission trip! Piecemakers, a WSUMC quilting group, will start up again on the third Monday of the Month beginning March 20 at 9:30 am. All quilters and knitters are welcome! Check with Ruth LaCoe, Judy Lynn, Sue Weber, Kenndra Brewer, or Susan Ankeney for more information or to hear about the projects they are currently considering.

    Feel more secure in your pew this week? Thanks to Doug Brewer for addressing the wobbly pews throughout the sanctuary and balcony – he adjusted, repaired and replaced over 700 screws, nuts and bolts! Lost and Found – Many items are accumulating in the Lost and Found below the mail cubby unit in the upper level of the education wing. Also, please check out the Coat closet in the main lobby as items have also been left behind. We will clean areas out in June, so check soon! Lay Servant Training - Saturday March 11 and Saturday, March 25, Commerce UMC. "Learn to use your spiritual gifts in leading, caring, and communicating ministries to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world." Brochures are available on the information table in the Hospitality Area.

  • Yes, I’m in! Name



    How can we be good neighbors to those who live around us? 6 weeks (beginning

    on or right before March 1—Ash Wednesday). 6 small group get-togethers in nearby

    homes (one gathering per week). An opportunity to take Jesus’ invitation to “love

    our neighbors as ourselves” more literally. A free book (the church’s gift to you!) to

    help guide our shared Lenten journey (with “Session Guides” in the back of the book).

    Join Pastor Tim on Sunday, February 19 for thirty minutes in Weiss Hall from 12–12:30

    to learn more about the art of neighboring. Bring your questions and your willingness

    to try something new! And if you’d like to be a ‘team leader’ (this is kind of an

    organizational, helping role not meant to be the sole host for these six get-togethers),

    please indicate that below.

    This is going to be so much fun!

    I’ll be a team leader

    Here are the folks to include from our household:

  • Prayer Concerns

    For those in the military - Patrick Quinn, Matthew Hintermaier, Robert Shaw, Mike Montange, Kenneth C. Bowen, Aaron Mitchell, Jeffrey Von Voigtlander, Austin Eddington, Eric (friend of Shannon’s), Ryan Buehler, Taylor Ticknor (grandson of Carl Ticknor), Stephen Rudd, Jessie Stimpson, (sister of Kristin Pederson) and Jessie’s fiancé, Will Demoray.

    For our world - Peaceful resolution to conflicts in the Middle East – Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Gaza, Nigeria, Israel, Egypt; Gagar Thompson United Methodist Church (our partner church in Liberia); the people of Haiti; the people of Somalia; North Korea; refugees throughout the world; Lakota tribe at Pine Ridge in South Dakota; prayers for peace among God’s people throughout the country; prayers for our enemies; victims of terrorism all over the world. For ways to help throughout the world, check out the UMCOR website at http://new.gbgm-; social justice support.

    Prayers for our community - Pray for all 12-step groups that meet in our church home; residents at Alpha House.

    Special prayer concerns - Helen Commodore; Judy Kinney; for Gail Weber’s mom with ALS and for her dad who is her caregiver; continued prayers for healing for Ellie Grace, granddaughter of John and Jennie Stinson; healing for Jabarie Glass’ father with returned cancer; continued prayers for Carol Kreischer’s brother-in-law, Charlie Fisk in Hospice care and for her sister Cynthia, his caregiver; healing for Ruth LaCoe’s sister-in-law in Florida; healing for Robin Eberts, with slow recovery from open heart surgery; Donna Miller’s daughter, Cindy, needs prayer for a declining health concern; Jordan Lubetkin’s cousin, Amy, being treated for high blood pressure; peace and comfort for family of Jon Nalon, a friend and fellow board member of Gwen Dunlap following his untimely death; healing for Larry Sharley following hip replacement surgery. NOTE: Please call or email church office with prayer requests as the service recording of prayer requests cannot always be heard.

    Rev. Timothy Ziegler, Senior Pastor (734-645-3623) [email protected] Jabarie Glass, Director of Music Ministries [email protected] Aaron Tan, Organist & Assistant Conductor [email protected] Jennifer Shin, Organ Scholar [email protected] Renee Inman-Dawley, Childcare [email protected] Kevin Bohnsack, Lay Leader [email protected] Beth Snyder, Office Manager [email protected] Church Office phone - 734-663-4164 900 S 7th St, Ann Arbor, MI 48103
