Download pdf - February 2014 newsletter

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32 Pages Of It Works Filled Information you will not want to skip over!

Conference Fun!!!

Book of the Month

New Prod-ucts!

And Much MORE....

Team Amazing February 2014 News

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Table of Contents

Page 3...Note from Lisa FullerPage 4-5...Intro to Edition Page 6...Product of the MonthPage 7...What does Conference Mean to you? Page 8-11...Generating Leads Page 12-13...Expo Tips Page 14-15...Conference Pics Page 16-17...Upcoming EventsPage 18...Book of the MonthPage 19...New Training VideosPage 20-21....Business 101Page 22-23...New Members!Page 24...Yummy Recipe Page 25...Compliance CornerPage 26-27...Ah Ha MomentsPage 28-29...Bonuses are BACK!Page 30-31...New Products! Page 32...New LC Incentives


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Generating Leads08

Expo Tips 12


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Must Attend Events! 17

Book of the Month18


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Product of the MonthBy: Elizabeth Houlihan

Snack your way to better health with a deliciously sweet blend of fruits and veggies in a super soft chew.  With a nutritional boost of prebiotic fiber, support for healthy blood pressure levels, and the antioxidant strength of 20 cartons of blueberries in every serv-ing, Greens Chew packs a powerful punch to support your overall health and wellbeing.   


· Boosts your  body’s natural defenses against free radical damage· Supports healthy nutrition and digestion with prebiotic dietary fiber· Contains the antioxidant strength of 20 cartons of blueberries· Fueled by pTeroPure® to help maintain healthy blood pressure levels and pro-

mote heart health· Delicious blueberry-filled flavor

What does Elizabeth Have to say about this new


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Generating Leads


Don't know what to say following up??? Here's a few options for you! 

with: Double Diamond, Tiffany Inman

Opportunity Follow-Up Texts:

1). Hey __________________ I am still thinking about how fun it would be to have you in this business with me and how successful you could be with it! I don’t want to bug you, but I felt like I should follow up since you haven’t given me a “no” yet. ;-) Then, ask a question: (1) Are you free for lunch tomor-row? (2) Can I give you a call tomorrow?

2). I know this is a crazy time of year for everyone, I just wanted to make sure I answered all of the questions you had about this company.  I would love to share more with you and get you started while we are in this huge stage of momentum! Then, ask a question: (1) Are you free for lunch tomorrow? (2) Can I give you a call tomorrow?

3). I know you are crazy busy right now, would you prefer to start as a customer and just enjoy the products for a few months and then decide? 4). It’s completely normal to worry about starting a busi-ness…why don’t we plan a party for you and that way you can see how interested your friends and family are before you officially become a distributor?

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Product Follow Up Texts

5). This is a busy time for everyone. I would love to share more with you about the company and the opportunity to make extra income selling Skinny Wraps! Then, ask a question: (1) Are you free for lunch tomorrow? (2) Can I give you a call tomorrow?  

6). Hey __________________ I've been thinking about how fun it would be to have you in this busi-ness with me and how successful you could be with it! I would love to share more with you about the company and the opportunity to make extra income selling Skinny Wraps.Then, ask a question: (1) Are you free for lunch tomorrow? (2) Can I give you a call tomorrow?

7).  Hey __________________ I know we spoke a few days ago but I haven't heard back from you. I hope I didn't offend you at all.

Note:  Use the Party Pad when you meet with your prospect.  Read each page.  Keep it simple so that they can see themselves doing what you do.

1). If you are still considering ordering but are unsure, why don’t we set up a wrap party for next week so that you can try your first wrap for free and then you can decide about the Loyal Customer program?

2). I’m placing orders today, were you still wanting to try the ___________________ for $___________ as a Loyal Customer?

3). Did you have a chance to look at the products? I am excited for you because I know how many busy moms I have as loyal customers that couldn’t go without some of these products each day!

4) Did you have a chance to look at the products? I know how much you were interested in ____________ and I can help you save up to 40% by becoming a Loyal Customer today.

5) I am booking skinny wrap parties for the holidays. I know you said you were interested. Why don’t we set one up and you can try it free?

6) What area do you want to wrap first?

Vendor Follow Up TextsI did my raffle wrap drawing from the show that you attended on ______ and you have the opportu-nity to host a party and wrap for free or purchase one for $25.  You can also become a customer today and get a box of 4 for $100 or at my cost as a Loyal Customer for $59.

Vendor/Raffle Follow-Up call:

Hi, may I speak with _____________ ? This is ( your name) with It Works! Global we met at___________ you entered for my wrap drawing do you remember that? (If not describe the wrap again and your encounter) I'm giving you a quick call today to let you know you have won a free Chinless party with you and 5 of your friends! Does a weekend or weekday work better for you?*then give them 3 dates tell them that your booking up really fast and they should pick a date and you can move it later if it doesn't work with their friends. 

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Generating Leads Tiffany Inman


Start with the letter A and go through Z on your phone and start texting…

Also, do this on your Facebook!

You: Have you tried that Crazy Wrap Thing?*attach a before and after pic

Guest: No, what is it?

You: It’s a cloth that you can put on anywhere to help tighten, tone & firm your skin. This is what it does: attach a picture of the Blitz Card.

Guest:  Yes, I tried it once and it didn’t work?

You:  That is why we put 4 in a box.  You need to experience a full treatment.  Would you like to try a box of 4?

Guest:   No, but my sister (friend, mother, etc.) did and she/he didn’t get results.

You:  Now it is your turn to show that it does work.  Would you like to try it tomorrow for $25?

Guest:   Do you think I need it?

You:  No, but everybody wants to try it.  (go silent and let them continue to look at the card...wait for response)

Guest: How can I try one?

Blitzing Approach

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You:  Here are some different options for your response:

(1) You can host a party and wrap for free, purchase one for $25 or become a customer today and get a box of 4 for $100 or you can get it at my cost as a Loyal Customer for $59.

(2) We can meet and you can try it for $25. (3) Would you like to host a WRAP PARTY and try it free? (4) You can become a Loyal Customer today and get a box of 4 for $59 which saves you

$40. (5) You can have 4 or more friends over to wrap for $25 each and you can try yours free! (6) Get a couple of friends together that want to try it and I’ll wrap you free. (7) A box of 4 is $100 or you can get it at my cost as a Loyal Customer for $59.

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Expo Tips with Brooke Lee


*E*X*P*O*   *T*I*P*S~Choose the right event for your clientele and don't break the bank trying to afford it~Pick go getters & hard workers to work the booth with you~Have a plan & a goal set out for who is doing what, who is selling first &how the leads are go-ing to be split up afterwards~Wear your It Works Gear~Be Respectful to others & represent the Company with Integrity~Be friendly, make eye contact & SMILE~NEVER SIT BEHIND YOUR BOOTH~Wear a name tag~Have your 30 second commercial rehearsed & ready to real in those leads~Have a raffle for a FREE wrap( this can get you TONS of leads)~Have nice signs & appropriate table decor(do not over decorate the table)~Have balloons, candy or bead necklaces for the kids while you talk to Mom & Dad~Give out samples of Greens, Smoothie Shakes or anything you can bake with our Ultimate Profit Shake~FOLLOW up within 24-48 after the show~Success is in the FOLLOW UP!!!~Don't be afraid to call ALL of those leads you worked hard for and paid money for!!!

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Conference 2014 Pictures!

Designed by: Crystal Booth-Dyas

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Corporate Events

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Lisa Fuller’s Team Events

March 7th & 8th Training in Fort Wayne, IN with Lisa Kaye Fuller & Leadership Team

Purchase Tickets Here!

Feb 8th Training in Phoenix, AZwith Lisa Fuller and Leadership Council!

Purchase Tickets Here!

Feb 8th Training in Fort Wayne, IN with Sandy Durre & Cathie Peterson

Purchase Tickets Here!

March 14th-15th Training in Columbus, OH with Lisa Kaye Fuller & Leadership Team

Purchase Tickets Here!






March 2014

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Book of the Month with Angela Jockett


The Book of The Month is “Your First Year in Network Marketing”

by Mark Yarnell and Rene Reid Yarnell.

Mark and Rene are 2 very successful Network Marketers that have impacted the world with their knowledge of the industry and their passion to share it with others.

Your First Year in Network Marketing is a very easy to read book that is absolutely crucial for you and everyone on your team to read. This book gives the ins and outs of network marketing, what to expect in your first year, what kind of objections you will get, the pitfalls and how to avoid them, how to overcome the fears that you will have, what it really takes to be successful with this industry, and success stories of people that made it BIG in Network Marketing! This book could be what helps save hundreds of Distributors from quitting their first 30-90 days.

I wish I would have known about this book in the beginning of my business. I believe if I would have made this mandatory for my new Distributors that I could have saved a lot of them from quitting. I think if people have a clear picture of what Network Marketing is and know what to expect in this in-dustry then they are less likely to give up so soon!!!

Happy Reading!!!

You can download the book here for FREE!!!

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Now easy to find in ONE location!!!

www.lisakayefuller.comClick on the tab: Training Videos!

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natasha roberson

When I began my Journey with It Works Global....

As the new kid on the block, I didn’t see a challenge, I seen an opportunity!

My only knowledge of the Network Marketing business industry can be summed up by two, scary –yet uneducated- words “Pyramid Scheme”. As a granddaughter, niece and daughter of traditional business model success, I have seen my family prosper fantastically as entrepreneurs. So I person-ally started my own business as a Massage Therapist/Movement Specialist in 2006 and also stepped into MLM in 2011.

Business is not solely about making money, it’s about doing what you love and leaving a legacy. I’ve never thought of myself as an entrepreneur, but simply a capitalist. I love making money using my own sweat and ingenuity.

I have the distinct pleasure to work for a true-to-heart entrepreneur in Network Marketing. My educa-tion in MLM can also be described into two words, “fast and furious”. Out of the frying pan and into the world of MLM. I’ve had to gobble up the knowledge as fast as possible and this is what I have come to understand:

“Multi-Level Marketing”, “Direct Sales”, “Network Marketing”… whatever you call it, the heart of this business remains the same. This is an industry that is about people caring for other people. An ex-tremely successful network marketer explained it to me this way, “If I only care about my downlines bills, I’ll never have to worry about my own bills”. Inspiring words. What a revelation! But it’s true. If you care about your team, your team will be successful. And in network marketing, success means money. Lots of it (with the right compensation plan). I believe in the good that can be done in Net-work Marketing. People lifting each other up, showing others how to make very real and beneficial change.

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At the end of the day, this industry gives the everyday person an opportunity to be a business owner with the tools to build it. I love watching people succeed through hard-work and determination. And really, isn’t that what our great nation is all about? Capitalism = the pursuit of happiness. I love this country and MLM provides equal opportunity for all.

So with that being are my tips to Starting Your Own Business

1) Brand YOURSELF as a business owner. ! It Works is a growing company and you want people to remember YOU!

2) Open up a Checking Account! for all income and expenses so tax time is MUCH easier!

3) Set up a Facebook Fan Page ! To market your business to old and new friends on Facebook

4) Make sure your Email is professional ! You don’t want to put on your Blitz Cards... [email protected] now do you???

5) Order Blitz Cards! This is how you will spread your business each and everyday to EVERYONE you run into!

6) Create your 100s list ! This list is of 100 or more names that you know can either benefit from a product, use the income, !! and/or know of someone that could benefit from the products and company.

7) Purchase Product Catalogs ! Without Catalogs how do you show people what you have to offer them? I know the website...but !! when you are out and about blitzing you want to have catalogs in hand to give them right then!

8) Purchase and use a Journal ! This journey is going to be a roller coaster and I highly recommend you journal it. I love looking back ! on my successes and my failures so I can learn from them. I use my journal to jot down ideas for !! marketing, travel plans, customer testimonials, party ideas and so much more! It is my BIBLE for It !! Works!

9) Launch your Business ! Think of this as your GRAND OPENING!

10) Find Local Events to introduce your Business! Events around your area are GREAT ways to start your business locally and gain those prospects. I !! have personally signed DT’s from events and lots of LCs.

11) Tell all your Friends and Family about your New Business ! Your #1 fans are your family and friends...or maybe your #1 skeptics. Either way they will help you !! build your business. Those that support me are my customers or business partners and those that !! are skeptics are my MOTIVATORS! Use those that doubt you or your business as your #1 reasons !! to succeed!

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Ginny Wolfe


 I  am  Ginny  Wolfe,  Double  Diamond  and  I  am  so  thankful  to  be  a  part  of  your  journey.    When  I  started  with  It  Works,  I  was  working  50-­‐60  hours  per  week  for  Heinz  as  a  trainer.    It  was  a  thankless  job  really.    I  had  won-­‐derful  people  I  worked  with  and  was  so  thankful  for  the  experience  I  gained  working  there  but  at  the  end  of  the  day,  it  was  taking  me  away  from  my  children  and  I  hated  that.    We  couldn't  afford  to  live  off  just  one  income  alone  so  I  had  to  conHnue  to  work  even  though  I  hated  sending  my  babies  off  to  daycare  every  day  so  someone  else  could  raise  them.      I  now  own  my  Hme  and  I  am  the  mommy  who  gets  to  go  to  the  school  ac-­‐HviHes  and  pick  my  kids  up  from  school.    I  get  to  be  home  with  them  in  the  evenings  and  help  them  with  homework  and  be  there  when  they  want  me.    

  Something  I  think  you  should  all  understand  is  I  don't  have  a  col-­‐lege  degree,  in  fact,  I've  never  finished  college.    This  company  doesn't  re-­‐quire  that...which  is  great  for  so  many  of  us.    I'm  not  saying  it's  a  bad  thing  to  have  a  degree,  but  it  sure  doesn't  mean  you  can't  do  the  work  it  takes  to  be  successful  here!    No  maOer  what  your  walk  of  life  is,  you  can  be  successful  with  It  Works    as  long  as  you  are  willing  to  work.    We  have  very  simple  work  to  do,  but  it  is  work!    

  My  biggest  piece  of  advice  I  have  learned  through  my  journey  so  far  is  to  be  willing  to  help  everyone.    Regardless  if  they  are  on  your  team  or  not,  or  across  the  country  or  in  your  back  yard.    Lend  a  helping  hand  when  you  are  able  and  this  business  model  will  take  care  of  you.    We  are  not  in  a  tradiHonal  business....we  are  in  a  people  business.    So  care  about  others  without  wondering  "what's  in  it  for  me"  and  I  promise  you,  your  business  will  thrive.

God  Bless  you  all  on  your  journey!

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Crystal Booth-Dyas

My story goes back a few years to 2009 when I had met the man of my dreams! I had always been just the average mom. I never had to worry about what I ate, I never had stretch marks after my first child, and I was always in perfect health and at the perfect weight. It actually wasn’t until my wedding day in Octo-ber 2009 that I had noticed I gained a few pounds and started getting stretch marks on my inner thighs. Still, I never really thought anything of it and I guess I always just assumed that since my body style was so slender that I would never have to

worry about gaining weight. I never thought that would happen to me! Long story short, my health went downhill, I started thinking something was “wrong” with me because I was gaining weight so fast and my hus-band and I were trying to conceive for a year with no luck. Well, 1 year turned into 2 and still no luck. Before I knew it I went from 130lbs up to 165 lbs. After about 2 ½ years my husband and I FINALLY found out we were pregnant! I gained even more weight other places than my belly too, and I had stretch marks EVERYWHERE from the pregnancy. I heard about It Works in April of 2012 when I was 9 months pregnant with my second son. I was at a women’s expo, and found the wraps intriguing but wasn’t able to do them since I was pregnant and about to deliver. After my son was born, I went back down to about 160lbs. Well, before I knew it, 160 tuned to 180+ and those stretch marks looked even worse not being pregnant. I was the biggest I had ever been and couldn’t stand it anymore, I was disgusted when I looked in the mirror! I couldn’t believe I let myself go so much! I had no energy, I drank coffee all day, I ate junk, I didn’t have the time to work out with a new-born, and I napped 2-3 times a day. I started seeing these crazy wraps more and more and hearing about it so much I decided to look into it. It took me months to finally decide to check it out. I planned my first wrap party for the beginning of January 2013 so that I could try these wraps for free. I found out that Itworks had A LOT more to offer than just a wrap! About 2 weeks after setting my party I decided to join the team. I still don’t know why I decided to, but I felt like it was calling my name and I couldn’t stop thinking about it! I ended up signing as a distributor on December 31st 2012. I did my first wrap on January 1st 2013 and got AMAZING results! After 4 total wraps, my stretch marks are now not even noticeable! 2 days after my first wrap I started on my Greens. The greens have changed my LIFE!! I got my energy back, I sleep better, after about 3 days on the greens I no longer needed coffee or red bulls throughout the day, I no longer need naps, and after a week I stopped getting cravings for junk food and soda! My skin cleared up so much and I feel so amazing that now I don’t want to “sell” people these products, I want to SHARE with people these products! I went from being 180+ lbs, to 145 lbs in just a couple months and I am STILL losing weight! As you can see, these products are changing my life and will still continue to! I promoted to Diamond on March 26th 2013 and earned the $10,000 G.O.O.D Bonus! One month later I earned my $5,000 High Five bonus and promoted to Double Diamond. Then earned another $500 Christmas Cash in Nov! I have only just begun my story and my journey. I am so excited to be able to see how It Works is now changing the lives of the people around me! I have met a TON of great people! I love myself again and I LOVE the way my life is going and my future looks bright and clear again! This company REALLY is where it's all at!! I am so excited to be a part of something bigger and be able to own my time! I can't wait to see the things this leadership council brings me and the things we can accomplish together!

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Feb Recipe...Yummy!By: Ginny Wolfe

1 Box Pillsbury Brownie Mix1/2 Cup of Oil

1/2 Water2 Eggs

1 Scoop ProFit (Either flavor, I used Vanilla and it was perfect for me) 

Preheat oven to 350 and grease your panMix all above ingredients

Poor into desired pan Pop into the oven according to box recommendation.  

You won't feel to horrible about eating this brownine, it has • Sustain-It™, a smarter protein blend for maximum bioavailability in every gram• FITzyme™, a cutting-edge blend of enzymes, helps maximize your body’s ability to

absorb Sustain-It™.• FITboost™, an antioxidant blend of mood-elevating “superfoods” for immune system

health.*• Non-hormonal and non-GMO whey and soy proteins

Still feeling guilty?  Take the Fat Fighter and block 1/3 of the fat & carbs ya just ate! 

Indulge your brownie craving with this delicious not terribly bad for you dessert!

With Valentines right around the corner, I thought I'd whip up some fun heart shaped

Profit Brownies

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A. 7 Media and Media Inquires

Any Inquires by press or the media, including blogs, radio, or televi-sion, are to be referred immediately to the Public Relations Coordina-tor of the Company. This policy is to assure accuracy and consistent public image. Additionally, you are not allowed to proactively contact the media or distribute any form of press release that includes infor-mation about It Works!, it’s products, or the opportunity without prior written approval from it Works!

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New Countries Now Open for Business!

Skin Care got a Face Lift!

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Thank you from Lisa & Barry 30

S oft , breat hable, and hypoallergenic, t he Fab Wrap ens ures t he Ul-t imat e Body Applicat or fi t s fl us h t o your s kin. No s lipping or s quis h-ing—jus t “wrapt as t ic” t ight ening, t oning, and fi rming res ult s !

· Ens ures t he wrap fi t s fl us h t o your s kin for bes t res ult s· Made of a s oft , hypoallergenic foam· 8 2 feet of Fab Wrap on every roll

New Products!

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New Loyal Customer Incentives