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His name is GOD

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Hi Everyone! As you all know this is the

month for Love as it is said, take time

out of your day to remind your loved

one that they are special too you , even

if they aren’t really your own. I got

familiar with a new movie on the scenes

lately, it’s a kiddies movie though , but

something struck me about this movie,

and I cant seem to place it, the story

revolves around the well being of our

trees , but its shaped in such a way that

even the faint hearted will be somewhat

affected by it. Stunningly this story is

focused on the kids and it astonished

me that there are actually still

Hollywood producers and writers with

pure and healthy intentions out there ,

do yourself a favour this month and rent

the movie The Lorax , you will not only

have a good laugh, but you will share in

the excitement and sense fullness of the

story line and the outcome , it will really

surprise you.

Due to some changes in the last month

we are on the lookout for either

sponsors, angel investors or business

venture capitalists, to run our magazine

, we are in dyare need of finances ,

though we do have our loyal

advertisers, these finances are used

mostly for the design and publishing of

their advertisements.

You will note that we have been

absolutely blessed with a website

domain , by Eugene Koekemoer, and

have the luxury of hosting services and

support , the team would like to thank

him. We have received a lot of positive

feedback for all our freelance writers,

and we are proud to say that they are

the spirit and passion behind the

scenes, I would like to thank them in

advance for their participation and the

vibe they establish when things get

rough. Its astonishing to note that there

is so much talent out there, yet not

enough support for the entrepreneurs of

today. This month we laid out the DIY

section for the month of FEB to help you

create the best gift , whether its for

yourself or for your loved one. We

would suggest it to be rather something

usable or useful as a gift , rather than a

teddy bear or some chocolates, these

ideas are fruitful and will serve a

purpose to remind them of you.I surely

hope you enjoy this month’s issue, take

some time out to read our feature, Lady

Lea will motivate you, her success is

something we can all thrive upon.

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What exactly are love and fear based

emotions and how do we handle it or

even recognize it?!?

After some research I have found that

there are two main groups of emotions

that determine our reality and can

obviously be broken down to be

understood in a much simpler way.

Fear-based emotions: fear, anger,

stress, hate, pride, greed, blame,

bitterness, hurt, judgment, misery,

sadness, hopelessness, unhappiness,

insecurity, lack of faith, lack of self-love,

self-destruction, jealousy,

competitiveness, control, frustration,

selfishness, closeness, guilt, shame,

doubt, uncertainty, and the list goes on.

Love-based emotions: love, joy, faith,

trust, inner strength, confidence, belief,

happiness, caring, sharing, forgiveness,

openness, passion, freedom, harmony,

honesty, beauty, compassion, self-love,

self-appreciation, respect, acceptance,

peace, balance between giving and

receiving, understanding, and again this

list goes on too.

How do fear-based emotions affect our


Fear-based emotions create a limitation,

tightness, an inward pulling feeling

(shrinking you).

Fear-based emotions push the world


Fear-based emotions invite isolation.

Fear-based emotions create heaviness

in you.

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Fear-based emotions create a life full of

pain and frustration.

Fear-based emotions disconnect us from

our true self.

These emotions stop us from growing in

almost every aspect of our lives, what

we need to do here in the first place is

to realize or recognize that we have

these emotions blocking our personal

growth and start to seek the answers as

to why we have these fears and how

they affect us. Thus the process of

change already begins and already

changes how you view life in the


How do love-based emotions affect our


Love-based emotions create bodily

sensations of openness (expanding


Love-based emotions invite the world in.

Love-based emotions invite unity.

Love-based emotions make the body

and soul feel relaxed.

Love-based emotions create lightness in


Love-based emotions allow us to live in


Love-based emotions connect us with

our true self.

Everything you are today is the sum

total of all the feelings you have

experienced all your life up to this

moment. Try to surround yourself with

friends that have a positive attitude

towards life, and try to see

circumstances in a positive light no

matter how bleak they might appear to

be. Remember positive thoughts attract

positive thoughts, so ask the question

positively and a positive solution will

come to you.

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The most common reason for break-ups

or a failed relationship is the pairing up

of the most unlikely individuals who do

not wish to stay together after certain

duration. Dating is one of the most

popular approaches to find the right

partner although it many times can

cause hurt and broken hearts.

Not all relationships are made in

heaven. Most analysts point out that

people fail to understand the finer

points of dating which may lead the

individuals to concentrate more on the

temporary attractions rather than

realizing the importance of knowing the

character of their date. The pain of a

bad relationship can be completely

eliminated only by finding the new

beginning. Listed below are few of the

hints on overcoming bad relationship so

you can move on and enter into a

healthy and fulfilling relationship.

Accept the Fact and Get Along

Though it is easier said than put into

practice, the ways to overcome the bad

relationship begin with the acceptance

that the particular chapter is over. Many

tend to have unrealistic hopes that

everything will fall back into place.

Although it is never bad to hope, one

must have a control of their emotions

and leave no stone unturned to become

normal once again. If things get out-of-

hand, it will be a good option to consult

with psychiatrist or take up relevant


At all costs you’ll want to make amends

with the person you broke it off with.

Try not to have any ill feelings towards

them as this can cause problems in

future relationships. If you can remain

respectful with one another it will pay

off in the end.

Keeping Oneself Occupied

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It is the human nature that the lesser

we think of any particular aspect, the

chances of forgetting them is high. The

simple ways to keep oneself busy by

taking up new jobs or trying out the

long-forgotten hobbies will surely

mitigate the pain and gloominess of the

affected person. Meeting friends or

staying away from the place where one

resided earlier will make much

significant changes too.

Take time when you’re in between

relationships to invest in quality

friendships. Do things you couldn't do

when you were dating. Don’t allow any

time for depression or accusation set in;

get out and live life.

Finding New Relationships

The thumb rule of a good relationship is

that it is always good to confess and be

prepared to accept the past revealed by

the other person. There are several tips

available online to guide the interested

individuals to ask the right questions

during the dating or in the beginning

stages of a new relationship. Remember

these question related to the

relationship will be very crucial for

beginning the new future life. Be

confident and be sure to make not the

mistakes done in the past relationships.

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Sponsored by Sunshine Trust, an NGO committed to the cause of infectious diseases

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Knowledge is power… only when held in the right


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We all grew up in a safe, clean, and well

protected environment, and I’m not

referring to your home, I’m referring to

the scientific safety regarding germs,

viruses, and filth which our human eye

cannot see. It’s inevitable to get the flu

or a bladder infection but in the years

before us they didn’t have any scientific

or medical solution to fight most viruses

or outbreaks of illnesses. It’s frightening

to think back in time, and imagine how

they lived, their lifestyles were much

different than ours today, they didn’t

have access to all the medical resources

not to speak about the scientific

research resources, therefore I can

imagine all the home remedies they

made use of , and what effect it actually

had on their health. If you look into our

history you will find either one of these

five deadliest pandemics in our human


The very first pandemic recorded in

history was described by Thucydides in

430 BC the Greeks put it in these words

: “People in good health were all of a

sudden attacked by violent heats in the

head, and redness and inflammation in

the eyes, the inward parts, such as the

throat or tongue, becoming bloody and

emitting an unnatural and fetid breath."

It was said that coughing, diahoria,

Spasms and skin ulcers, only a hand full

survived this without losing their fingers,

sight and even genetalia from time to

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time. Shockingly this disease that

decimated ancient Athens has yet been

identified or beaten.

If you were listening in Biology class

you would know about the Antonine

Plague in 165AD that was described and

documented by a Greek physician as an

Ancient Pandemic, though now thought

to be smallpox, something we all are

well aware of and which is currently

very treatable. This Ancient Pandemic

was brought to Rome by soldiers whom

returned from Mesopotamia, it was

named after Marcus Aurelius

Anbtoninus, one of the Roman emperors

who contracted the virus and passed.

During this time the disease reached its

height and killed some over 5000 People

a day reported. By the time the disease

ran its course some 15 years later,

where it is documented that 5 million

People have already passed on.

In 541 -542 AD the disease “The Plague

of Justinian” broke out at a deadly rate

in the Byzantine Empire. At the height

of this outbreak it killed nearly 10000

people a day. This occurred just after

Emperor Justininian took air in

Constantinople. The disease has such a

fierce death rate that the locals and

mortiginures ran out of time to bury or

dispose of the bodies that these where

left in stacks out in the open. Nearing

the end of the outbreak, more than half

of the inhabitants of the city were dead,

most historians believe this outbreak

has decimated more that quarter of

human population in the eastern

Mediterranean. The culprit was the

bubonic Plague , caused by the

bacterium “Yersinia pestis” its

documented as the first known bubonic

plague pandemic in human history and

claimed more than 200 million lives

throughout the course of history.

After the Plague of Justinian, many

outbreaks made their turns but non as

severe as the Black Death in the 14th

Century. While until today no one really

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knows for certain where the disease

came from though it was thought that

soldiers and Merchants carried it over in

the trading routes. The Black Death

took a heavy toll on humanity in

Europe; the fatalities were recorded at

over 25 Million people or one fourth of

the Entire population. Interesting to

note that The Black death actually came

forth in three forms the bubonic

pneumonic and septicaemia plague. Firs

the bubonic plague was the most

common: people with this disease have

buboes or enlarged lymphatic glands

that turned black which was caused by

the decaying and rotting of the skill

while the person was still alive, without

necessary treatment the plague killed

about half of those infected within 3 to

7 days, while the pneumonia plague,

droplets of aerosolised Y pestis bacteria

are transmitted from human to human

via coughing. If not treated within the

first 24n Hours death was almost 100%

certain within 2 to 4 days.

During the last months of the world war

1 , a virulent and deadly flu virus was

identified at Military camps in Kansas.

Just months later the flu became a

world wide pandemic in all continents.

They named this deadly virus the

Spanish Flu. When the flu pandemic

passed, there was about 1 billion people

or more to say half of the worlds

populations contracted it. The Flu

actually didn’t originate in Spain – it got

its name because at the time Spain

wasn’t involved in the War and had not

imposed wartime censorship, thus it

received great press attention there.

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There is a saying “ You have felt no

scorn like the wrath of a woman’s

scorn”. History and the current has

brought up society that woman are the

soft and harmless beings of our

humanity , the soft and sensitive

woman figure we all know as our moms

and the supportive and caring figure we

all know as a wife. Its set in stone what

you think of when you think woman. If

you look into history you will find that

there are some woman out there that

were living proof , that even though our

bodies may be different and we function

differently we are all in the same if you

look out our brain functionality. The

following woman are proof that woman

can be very cruel, most of the killers

that are listed here had mainly financial

motives, some really sick, and some just


Darya Saltykova (1730-1801) a Russian

noble woman , married into the famous

Saltykova family. Darya was widowed by

the of age of 26, with her husband’s death

she graciously inherited a substantial

estate where she lived with two you sons

and a number of servants.

Early complaints were ignored by police

officials due to the due to the stature of

the Saltykova family in the public eye, this

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essentially leaded to punishment of the

servants. Merely because of the great

influence of Darya’s acquaintance with the

high court and local officials and judges.

Eventually the family members of the

murdered woman were able to bring a

petition before the empress Catherine II.

Catherine decided to try Saltykova before

the public in order to further her

lawfulness initiative, in this interim

Saltykova was arrested and her murder

trial was open to the public. She was held

by officials for 6 year while her case was

deeply investigated , until she was found

guilty of having killed 38 female servants

by beating and torturing them to death .

even though the case was substantially

proved , Empress Catherine was very

unsure about how to punish her or even if

the case was really closed. The death

penalty was abolished in Russia therefore

the Empress needed the support of the


Saltykova was chained on a platform in

Moscow for one hour with a sigh around

her neck with the text “ this woman

tortured and murder “ many of the locals

came to look at her. Afterwards she was

sentenced to a lifetime of imprisonment in

the basement of a convent in Moscow.

Later she was buried with great delay,

next to her relatives in the Monastery


She was afterwards well spoken of for

her distinctive fascination with torture.

Her case stayed open for a few years

after her death. According to forensic

detectives, over a period of six to seven

years she murdered by various tortures

methods over 139 people. Its noted that

only 3 of her victims were men , these

number of victims included young girls

between the ages of 10-12 years.

Her methods had no specific

explanation, as she would become

furious for no apparent reason and react

on those feelings of anger. She would

throw logs at her servants girls when

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she felt their cleaning methods did not

fit her expectations. Then transported

with a range , she would beat , whip

and torture these girls and sometimes

woman to death. She was a sadist and

enjoyed physically abusing her servants.

Therefore there were no specific

method or distinctive signature to her

killings to Saltyvoka it was mere

outbreak of rage and indulging herself

in the after effects of her actions during

her fury of anger.

In later years the Moors murders came

to aeir. They were carried out by Ian

Brady and Myra Hindly between July

1963 and October 1965 . The victims

were five children aged between 10 and

17, it is noted that probability shows

that at least four of these victims were

sexually assaulted. The body of the

fourth victim has yet to be found till

today , Keith Bennet is suspected of

being buried at the same murder site as

all the other victims , though no solid

prove of the body has been found. Myra

was released from imprisonment when

she was sixty where Brady was declared

criminally insane and declared to the

public and the court that he would

never want to be released and

requested the hospital staff to please let

him die.

The full extent of Brady and Hindley’s

killing spree did not come to light until

their confession in 1985, as both had

until then maintained their innocence.

Their first victim a 16 year old female

and neighbour of the Hindley’s,

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disappeared on her way to dance at the

British Railways Club in Gorton. During

that evening Brady declared to Hindley

that he wanted to commit “the Perfect

murder”. They drove around the local

area and offer the Victim a lift. The

victim was politely asked to help search

for an expensive glove in the moors

area , where after Brady arrived. Brady

took the victim into the Moors, and

returned without her , then took Hindly

to the site where the victim was laying

dead , throat cut. Hindly noted that the

victims clothes were undone and

assumed from the time it took Brady to

return to the van, that he sexually

assaulted the victim. During this killing

spree, most of the killings happened by

the hand of Brady , even though

Hindley was seen as the one of the

cruellest woman in Britain, there was

not much proof that she ever did the

killings on her own, although it is noted

that she had enjoyed watching the

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killings happen and the sadistic

thoughts she enjoyed for her own

private reasons.

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Paul Wesch

Feel it, he is here! With as much

excitement as the build up to the FIFA

2010 Soccer World Cup I’ve finally made

my arrival. When the opportunity arose

to contribute to a next generation online

magazine I grabbed it with two hands,

my mouth and help from my Australian

Collie Dog named Chewbacca. A

platform from which to share views,

news, rants and raves, previews and


For years I’ve been trolling social

networking sites most relevantly

Facebook and Twitter, expressing

thoughts and feelings about anything

that might cross my path. As any pure

blooded South African would agree our

love of sports is inherent to our nature.

My main interests have always been any

type of activity that involved balls and

rules, strategy and coaching. My profiles

across the social spectrum bares

testament to this. Followed closely by

my interest in Current Affairs, whether

local or internationally. If an opinion is

to be had about something then one

would need not look any further.

Looking at trends, where they come

from and why they are so popular is one

of my hobbies. Whether it is pop-culture

or just a pure entertainment

phenomenon I delve into the history

and future of it, and try and explain it to

the reader to make it a bit more

understandable and easier to interpret

to others.

I like to think of myself as a cowboy

without a horse. Not going anywhere

fast, just sitting in the saloon sharing

my adventures of fortunes and

misfortunes with fellow travellers over a

glass of whiskey and a game of Texas

Hold ’Em, whilst attentively listening to

others to be able to share their stories

at my next stop.

Some of my favourites include any

books by JRR Tolkien or George RR

Martin, 80’s Rock Ballad music, movies

like Remember the Titans, Love Actually

and the Star Wars series and last but

not the least my favourite restaurant

Hooters (read Hotwings).And whatever

you do, always remember that You Will

Never Walk Alone.

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Recently I had the opportunity to do the

Oribi Gorge Swing situated just inland

on the Hibiscus South Coast. Taking the

plunge was one of the most exhilarating

feelings that I’ve ever experienced.

Even after a helter-skelter 8 hour drive

to the destination I still had the mental

stamina to take the plunge.

As I was the last person to go for the

day (due to inclement weather) I had

time to prepare myself mentally for the

moment. Strapped in a rather

uncomfortable harness, ‘Lucky’ our

instructor walked me through

everything. After enough tension was

wound into the guideline he would

release me, where I have 3-seconds in

the red-zone before he would push me,

as happened to a friend before me

much to everyone’s enjoyment.

Being quite the big lad gravity was

unkind to me, and I’m pretty sure I

exerted about a ton of force onto the

lines. Light rain drizzled down and

thunder could be heard close by. With

all the lines being conductors I started

to worry, and when the motorized

pulley struggled with my weight (I really

should get on that treadmill) the real

thrill only started.

Nothing more awe-inspiring than being

suspended 100 metres above the

ground in a gorge with thunder, a

waterfall and natures splendour all

around you. If this was what Daredevils

and Extreme Junkies get to experience

on a regular basis then sign me up.

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Obviously this sparked an interest into

all the different types of extreme

activities there are and how

accessible/suitable they are for


I haven’t even started to search when I

stumbled upon the most extreme

activity of them all. It makes your heart

palpitate, sweat breaking out across

you’re whole body, lips get chaffed,

your tongue stuck to the roof of your

mouth. And when you have to say “I

do” it feels as if your stomach has been

pulled inside out. Obviously I’m

speaking of a wedding day. The most

adventurous, extreme activity there is,

consisting of months of planning, years

of dedication and dead set

perseverance. There is no red-zone then

you get pushed scenario, only the there-

and-then of the moment.

I realized that although these two

examples aren’t the most dangerous

activities on the planet, the emotion and

thrill it provokes from us is something

quite remarkable. Taking the plunge,

whether literally from the precipice off a

cliff, or figuratively in a relationship is a

thrill on its own. The adventurous spirit

of human kind is quite an endearing

prospect. For those who are of a more

cautious nature, and like staying out of

harms way are usually the ones that

end up at the Lonely Hearts club.

Looking back at 2012 I remember the

one acronym that was trending globally

for quite a long time. YOLO. For those

that have been suffering from

internetlessness, that stands for You

Only Live Once. A mind set that you

cannot regret the things you have not


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This ‘Hakuna Matata’-like philosophy is

also useful in the dating scene, where ‘a

morning of awkwardness is better than

a night of loneliness’ nudge nudge

wink wink. We shouldn’t let fear limit

our potential. If there is no fear, then

there will be no limits nor compromises.

We would be masters of our own

destinies, shapers of our own futures,

and most importantly makers of our

own coffee/beds.

What do I take from this you may ask?



down wet

gorges is

fun when


safely.” –

Paul Wesch

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As the holiday season came to an end,

and everybody went back to their daily

routines and way of life, we are left to

scrutinise and analyse the aftermath of

another bloody festive season on South

African roads. As diverse as the cultures

of the rainbow nation, so are the

standards of our roads. From majestic

mountain passes that would make

Jeremy Clarkson giddy with excitement

to trenches in roads that even donkey

carts can’t cross, we sure have it all. But

are the roads to blame for our high

accident rate or are there more factors

involved? Let’s find out.

With about 1200 fatalities during the

December 2012 period alone we have to

start looking at the road user culture in

our country, the public transport

system, and also the role of government

in insuring the safety of its citizens.

Driving Cultures

We’ve all heard about it, and I’m sure

every municipality has them:

Speedfreaks. Standing around a braai

there’s always a guy or two boasting

about how quickly they drove between

two points, sometimes exaggerated but

mostly not. They talk about the capacity

of their engine and how they go about

using it. About the maximum speeds

they’ve reached and how they’ve been

accident free since 2003. The mentality

that time waits for no man, and that to

sit in traffic is an injustice to their

precious lives. They make up for any

lost time by making their right foot a bit

heavier, not realizing that there are

thousands of other road users that feel

the same.

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Then there is the Circus acts, the guys

who modify their cars so much that if

not closely inspected could pass as Alien

spaceships. They go through so much

effort to enhance their performance but

they don’t give an ounce of thought for

other road users. A hobby for some, a

way of life for others. But it is when

these high performance vehicles start

sharing the roads with other vehicles

unable to predict its capabilities of

breaking and acceleration that can

cause accidents, especially in places

with high volumes of traffic.

Finally we get to the public transport

system and that dreaded word: taxi.

We’ve all experienced the way taxi

drivers go about their business, their

complete and utter disregard for traffic

laws and other road users. Their

vehicles not roadworthy and filled

overcapacity, a ticking time bomb for an

accident. The more people they carry

the more money the driver makes. It is

their livelihood at stake, and if they

don’t perform they get replaced. So the

extra pressure forces the driver’s hand

to take unnecessary risks.

I reckon that’s why there is so little

respect shown by taxi drivers for cyclists

and roadrunners. They are seen as a

nuisance rather than a fellow road user,

because they mostly use the parts of

the road taxi drivers need for quick

stops to drop and load people or to

illegally overtake when traffic starts

piling up. The tragic death of Burry

Stander (South African Mountain Bike

Champion) early in January 2013 being

testament to that.

And as if taxi’s weren’t the only danger,

we get busses that travel long distances

on dangerous roads that eventually end

up in the scrap yard, and the

passengers in the morgue. Most of

these accidents that get investigated

come down to driver error/fatigue.

We could discuss the dangers on our

roads until the cows come home, but

talking won’t solve any of it. It is by

doing that we can only hope to

accomplish something, and this is where

the government is failing it’s people.

Licenses, drivers and PDP (Public

Driving Permit), are too easily obtained,

and also easily kept. I suggest that

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Learners Licenses should only be issued

at 18 years of age, and the drivers

license at 20. This means that drivers

will be more experienced once they

start driving on their own. The PDP

applications and test should be stricter

and more rigorous, it should be seen as

a trade (in which you can specialize)

and not just as a driving position.

Licenses should be revoked when

drivers are in serious accidents, and

only be reissued when driver passes

another drivers test.

All this might sound like time and

money being wasted, but can you really

put that ahead of your own safety. I see

it as a way for government to create

more jobs and take drastic measures

towards road safety and culpability in

SA. This also opens up a market for

development in public transport as there

will be more people in need of it.

Our roads have become one of the top

5 topics used as ‘small talk’ amongst

citizens, instead of people asking how

the trip was they ask about the roads,

and I reckon that’s a mindset that we

need to change.

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We as a society hate to be cheated on

or to be taken advantage off, whether

in business, sport or in a relationship. It

is in our inherent nature to feel

aggrieved when we are victimised by

other individuals and therefore seek

justice for it.

Take the whole Lance Armstrong

debacle as an example. For years he

has been portrayed as a champion of

the people, a cancer survivor that ‘won’

the Tour de France for 7 consecutive

times. He became probably the greatest

inspirational/motivational icon in

modern times with his Livestrong

Foundation setting the benchmark for

contributing to cancer research and

aiding people who are fighting it.

Admirable to say the least, but when

news broke that he was once again

being investigated for ‘doping’ (the use

of performance enhancing drugs) and

that this time around there was

damning evidence and testimony from

fellow riders against him it was only a

matter of time before this bubble burst.

Armstrong came clean on the Oprah

Winfrey show, admitting to these

allegations, and the outrage against him

was remarkable. Social networks were a

buzz with people ranting and raving,

people who believed him to be a

champion were lied to for years on end,

big business and individuals who

sponsored Armstrong and made huge

contributions to his foundation felt


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With Lance’s reputation being torn to

pieces by the wolves, the public were

crying for justice. Will he get sentenced

to prison for fraud? Will they receive

reimbursements from the foundation?

These are the same people who opened

their hearts (and wallets) to donate to a

cause which they felt so strongly about,

now baying for blood.

Lances contributions weren’t only

towards fighting cancer, but also

towards cycling as a whole. He became

the face of the sport, people got on to

their bikes and cyclists were motivated

to imitate his feats. Not only did he

tarnish his own reputation but also this

sport. Suddenly all professional cyclists

came under scrutiny with allegations

being thrown around and investigations

launched. A sport loved by so many

suddenly thrown into doubt and turmoil.

And as these revelations came to light,

people just became angrier and more

frustrated. It really is amazing the reach

that one mans actions can have.

But isn’t it about time we stopped

hating and berating one individual. This

has become borderline bullying, it’s safe

to throw hurtful daggers when you are

in the majority, but if the tables were

turned how would you feel/react. He

has been caught out and admitted to

what some would call sin, and as I write

this a call would be made on whether

he will get prosecuted. We find delight

in the misfortune of successful people;

this is called ‘schadenfreude’ and is a

very cruel emotion which society shares.

We humans trust others not to hurt us,

and when we get hurt we ask why. Isn’t

it about time we also take a bit of

responsibility in who we put this trust,

even if it ends up getting misguided?

We all have our own idea of forgiveness

and whether it is earned or not, as for

myself, I tend to follow Alexander

Pope’s words: To err is human, to

forgive divine. So let’s move forward

and look to the future… a future which

asks, who is the next hero to falter? Let

the witch hunts begin.

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Release an album and do a national


Do more studio production and release

hit singles onto radio.

Push Divas on Decks & Beat Boyz (my

DJ agencies).

Be fit & healthy.




I have released 17 albums into the

market and played internationally.

Been rated in the top 1000 DJs in the

world 3 years in a row... My best

position being 368th in the world.



Relaxing at home with my family and

friends, shopping, fishing, keeping fit.



1) I am very loyal to my friends and


2) I am very strong mentally and


3) If I want something I do what I can

to make it happen... I don't give up



1) I am very gullible and always see

the best in people even when they lie

to me and have bad intentions.

2) I am sometimes quite stubborn

when I feel that I am right.

3) I have a lot of ideas and I try to

achieve all of them at once, and

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quickly... When sometimes I need to

be more patient.




A lot has happened in the 16 years

that I've been a DJ. I don't think I

could've ever imagined I'd come this

far... Even though my goal is to be one

of the top 100 DJs in the world. I’ll get

there someday :) one day :) step by

step :)



I am very calm, unless someone

messes with my work or betrays me. I

am always positive, stable and fair. I

love having good clean fun and I enjoy

being spontaneous.



Making hit tracks, and touring the

world with my family.



Being a good example to kids and

people in general. Always being on

your best behaviour in public. Help

where you can and always be friendly

and help the less fortunate.



Oppositions and/or competition are

healthy. It keeps you on your toes and

makes you try harder.



Approximately 8-10 shows...

Sometimes more, sometimes less :)



People know me by my funky sound,

although I play deep and electro, there

is always that bounce that people

associate me with. I like happy music...

You'll never catch me playing anything



I started in 1994 when I was 14. My

brother DJ Morgan and I purchased

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equipment and just messed around at

home until we eventually offered the

clubs free graveyard sets just to get





No, I was still in school when I started



My passion drives me, also my family,

love, music and I'm always striving to

be positive and happy.



Negativity, carelessness, dishonest and

dodgy people.




It would be public the transport. There

would be a lot less drinking and

driving, accidents and road rage if at

least 50% of the population could use

public transport all day and night.


I am not very political at all.


I believe in a God, I believe in

guardians and angels guiding us, and I

believe in karma.



My baby boy was born a year ago. He

is the light of my life!



I am unique because I don't copy

anyone, I do my own thing, I have my

own style, sound and personality, and

I am not afraid to be myself in every

aspect of my life.




Neither. Just because you’re famous

doesn't mean you’re rich, and vice





It's when a lot of people know you for

one specific thing that became a hit...

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Whether it's a song, a situation or a

talent. People don’t really know the

real you and often have unrealistic

expectations of who they want u to be.



Music chose me. I was born with it.





I played for free, I practiced all the

time, I was part of the furniture at my

favourite music venues, I was

persistent with what I wanted, I had

my own records store, I stuck it out for

16 years so far, I was hard working

and dedicated to my passion.



Not married. Currently still single.




Teach them how to respect themselves

and one another... Make them visualize

their ultimate life, and make them

understand that they can achieve it by

taking the first step towards it and

continue on that path with their goal in




I enjoy both. There is a time and place

for everything.



I would improve on my music theory ,

my fitness, and production skills







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Warm up to the idea of a simple,

stacked-stone fire pit with this easy


Step 1: Mark the Area Mark a circular area in the yard big

enough for a fire pit (4 to 5 feet is

good). Cut out the sod and scrape out

the first 2 inches of soil. Spread an inch

of sand over the ground and rake it

smooth, leveling the area where the fire

pit will sit.

Step 2: Lay Your Blocks Working from the outer edge of your circle, lay blocks flat on the sand, then level. If the stones are tight against each other, leave small gaps for air vents. Move the stones as needed for even spacing. TIP

Porous materials—brick, concrete block, slate or sandstone—on their own can get hot enough for the expanding

moisture within to cause them to crack ... or even explode! Avoid this by making an inner ring of firebrick or use nonporous stone, like granite. Step 3: Add a Second Layer of Stone They should straddle the joints of the first layer. If a stone doesn't sit flat, add more sand under the skewed stone in the first course, then tap or wiggle it flat. TIP

Moving firewood from one area to another could invite unwanted pests such as the emerald ash borer into your community. The federal government and states with infestation problems have specific regulations to stop the spread of this havoc-wreaking hitchhiker. Play it safe. Visit to learn what's allowed in your area. Step 4: Finishing Touches After the stones are set, add a few inches of sand or gravel inside the pit to raise the level of the fire so it's easier to tend.

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Step 1: Gather Materials

First, find a metal cooling rack with a square grid. Next, gather some twine, thin gauge wire, scissors, wire cutters and an assortment of small jars (we used glass baby food containers). Clean the jars thoroughly and remove any labels. Step 2: Make Handles for Jars

Begin by adding a wire handle to each small jar. Loop thin gauge wire around the rim’s base two times. Use wire cutters to snip the wire, leaving about 1 inch at each end. Twist the ends tightly to secure in place, pressing excess wire against the jar rim. Repeat for each jar. Step 3: Add Handles to Jars

Cut several 6- to 8-inch sections of wire for the handles. On each jar, place one end of a wire section under the wrapped rim wire. Twist a small portion of wire around the rest to secure in place. Insert the other end of the wire on the opposite side and wrap the remaining small portion around the newly formed handle. Repeat to add handles to each jar. Step 4: Prepare Cooling Rack

Prepare your cooling rack by securely tying several different lengths of twine randomly onto the grid. Then, cut four long, equal lengths of twine. Tie one at each corner of the cooling rack on the opposite side of the other lengths of

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twine. Gather the four equal lengths of twine centered above the rack’s top, and make a square knot to secure in place. Leave a few inches glass jar chandelier of room between the knot and the rack. Now, you can place a hook or other hanging device under the knot. To attach your miniature jar lanterns, tie each of the different lengths of twine to a wire handle. Step 5: Fill Jars with Sand and Candles

Fill each little jar about 1/3 full of clean sand, and place a tea light candle into the sand base of each. (Be sure to press the candles firmly into the base so they don’t move around!) Finally, hang your newly created chandelier from a tree limb or sturdy structure, and light the candles using a long-handled lighter or matchstick.

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Step 1: Cut the Parts

Use a circular saw to cut 1x4s to length, based on the desired size of your wall boxes. Our large box is 9 in. wide and 12 in. tall.

Robert Reichenfeld[+] Step 2: Build the Boxes

Use wood glue and 4d finish nails to assemble the boxes. Cut 1/4-in. plywood to the required size and secure it to the back with glue and 1/2-in. brads.

Robert Reichenfeld[+] Step 3: Sand, Paint and Hang

When the glue is dry, sand all surfaces, then prime and paint. To hang the boxes, secure two picture hanger brackets to the back, then hang your spice boxes on nails driven into the wall.

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