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  • 8/14/2019 FCJuly10_2009


    Folly Beachs NewspaperVol. 1 Issue 19 July 10, 2009 wFREE










    E Recycling on page 2 A wonderul memory on page 5 alking Pelham 123 on page 9

    Sometimes it takes a tragedy or wehuman beings to remember that weare, indeed, mortal. A recent tragedy

    orced Folly beachgoers back into thatreality.

    On June 26, a 22 year-old USC studentrom India drowned in the Front Beacharea o Folly Beach. He was discoveredoating in the water by a couple o waders.Lieguards attempted CPR until rstresponders arrived with a debrillator,

    which was unsuccessul.

    Unortunately, ocean rescues are notthat uncommon on our Lowcountrybeaches. Tat is especially true duringthe summer months when the beaches areooded with tourists and daytrippers. Te

    June 26 tragedy should serve as a remindero the unique dangers that accompany aday at the beach and how quickly a goodtime can go terribly wrong.

    For visitors who are unamiliar withocean dynamics, the rule or coastal livingis that the beach, while beautiul andrelaxing, can also be a very dangerous placeand demands respect. Teres nothing likespreading your towel right next to theincoming waves and alling asleep to thesounds o the ocean. However, this canbecome disastrous i the person is actuallylaying on an exposed sandbar at low tide.

    As the tide comes in, the sandbar canbecome surrounded by water beore beingcompletely buried. A person who wakes upto this could be in serious trouble. Toseo us who see the beach everyday realizehow dierent it can look rom high tideto low tide. However, or a person who isstepping onto the beach or the rst time,

    there may not be a realization o how

    Beach Safetyn g 9

    A healthy respect for the oceanstaff report

    Keeping it real...while keeping it sae

    staff photo

    The beach is a fun and inviting place, but can also be dangerous for those who dont recognize its power.

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    2 July 10, 2009

    Drop-In Deli & Bar

    7/10 - Reid Stone

    7/11 - John Hager

    7/16 - Stratton Lawrence

    7/17 - Miriam Allen

    7/18 - Owen Beverly

    7/23 - Stephen Jenkins

    Chill and Grill

    Tursdays - Te Hawkes

    7/10 - Jupiters Garden

    7/11 - Club Night

    7/17 - Po Ridge

    7/18 - Remote

    7/24 - Suspicious Package

    Planet FollywoodFridays and Saturdays - Dan Clamp

    7/11 - Shak in Martinis

    7/12 - Mike Mixon

    Folly Beach Crab Shack

    Mondays - Live Local Music

    uesdays - rivia

    Wednesdays - Dave Grunstra

    Tursdays - Island Duo

    Friday - Folly Dogs

    Saturdays - Sara Smile

    Surf Bar

    Sundays - Dangermufn

    Sand Dollar

    7/10 & 11 - Hed Shop Boys

    Te Roadhouse

    Tursdays - Folly Beach BluegrassSociety


    7/10 - Emekris rio (9pm-12am)

    7/11 - wo 3 Ways rio (2-5pm)

    40+ Pirates (9pm-12am)

    7/12 - Soulsh Duo (2-5pm)

    Jay Miley (9pm-12am)

    7/17 - Island Duo (9pm-12am)

    7/18 - riple Lindy (2-5pm)

    ropicools (9pm-12am)

    7/19 - Acoustic Mufn (2-5pm)Hugh Price (9pm-12am)

    7/24 - Larry David Project (9-12am)

    Vince Perna is a Folly Beach real estateexpert who also loves music. I you wantto know i you can live on Folly, you canfnd him at 31 Center Street or by calling588-3800.

    F o l l y m u s i c

    s c e n e

    Like a good neighbor

    Te Good Neighbor Award was recently presented by Council member imGoodwin to Folly resident Daniel Culpepper. Culpepper, a member o the FollyBeach Anglers, hosted a shing tournament or children 16 and under on June 6at the Folly Pier. Te event was a way to teach children the how-tos o shing. Allsupplies were donated by local Folly Beach businesses and neighbors. Te children

    were divided into two groups by age, and one o the contestants in the younger groupset a pier record or Blackdrum. 54 children participated in this un-lled shing dayon the Folly pier. Goodwin ended the presentation by stating that the most va luableasset o Folly Beach is its people and Culpepper proves that this is true. Tank youDaniel Culpepper, or being a good neighbor to Folly Beach.

    How do you recycle your


    Current?Not just or reading, an

    edition o the Folly Current cando just about anything. Tisintuitive youth used a recentpaper or his Robin Hood erahat, complete with ashionableeather. I rob rom the rich andgive to the poor!

    Send your recycle idea [email protected]

  • 8/14/2019 FCJuly10_2009


    Te June 23 City Council meeting wasrelatively short as business concerning theClarion re-write has been postponed until

    August and the City Hall expansion is inthe process o going or bids. Te majorityo the time was taken by several individuals

    requesting space and time or additionalsur camps. In addition, Michael Raypresented his idea or a soccer camp. Tecamp will run our days a week or our

    weeks. Te concept, he says, is less o abusiness and more o a way to introducethe worlds most popular sport to localkids. Mayor Carl Beckmann praised theidea because, theres not much or kids todo on the beach.

    Message in a bottle

    Ken Holland, president o the FollyBeach Anglers, appeared beore theCouncil with a request to host a Bottle osstournament on Saturday, August 8, rom12 - 4pm. Te tournament was approvedby the Council and will take place near theHoliday Inn at the walkover. All proceeds

    will be used to help Folly amil ies in need.Te Anglers will be promoting the eventtwo or three days prior to the event inhopes o receiving an even larger turn outthan last year.


    Te City Council awarded the

    Citys landscaping contract to PriorityLandscaping or an amount not to exceed$16,896. Previously, Council memberEddie Ellis landscaping company held thecontract and was the only other company

    with a responsive bid or the new contract.

    Ellis, however, withdrew his bid becausePrioritys price was lower. While the Cityis not obligated to choose the lowest bid,Ellis bid would have had to be the lowestto be considered because he is a membero the Council.

    No bridge here

    A letter rom Martha Lisicki requeststhat Folly Beach deny the constructiono a vehicular bridge at 806 (812) EastCooper. Mayor Beckmann stated thatLisicki wants the Council to send a lettero protest against building the bridge.Beckmann stated his concerns on thematter including saety, as the bridge

    would have to be strong enough totransport a re truck. Furthermore, it wasnoted that, according to State law, Youcant build a bridge to a marsh island oless than two acres. Council memberGoodwin suggested that, We send a letterasking them to stand rm on their ownlaws and not grant the bridge accordingto their own laws. Te Council agreed onsubmitting a letter o protest.

    Beach Patrol

    A resolution by the Folly Beach CityCouncil was approved to transer thesum o $15,000 rom Beach Management

    Reserves to Civilian Beach Patrol. TeBeach Patrol will work to reduce theamount o litter on the beach. Te Cityplans to use volunteers 18 years o ageand older to work three days/week and on

    weekends. Te volunteers will patrol thebeach and mark items that will need to beremoved at the end o each day. Tey willnot be a police orce, but ambassadorsthat can inorm visitors about policies onthings such as sand dunes and drinking

    July 10, 2009 3

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    Future deadlines:July 15 for submissions.

    The Folly Current, a wholly owned subsidiaryof Lucky Dog Publishing of South Carolina

    LLC, is a free, independent newspaper pub-lished every two weeks and is for and about

    Folly Beach. Copies are mailed free of chargeto every active mailbox in our coverage area

    and are also available at area businesses andby subscription to non-islanders. Subscrip-

    tions are $30 per year for non-residents andare available by sending a check to Lucky

    Dog Publishing, LLC, P.O. Box 837, SullivansIsland, SC 29482. Contributions of informa-tion, pictures and articles are welcomed andare used according to space limitations andnews value and cannot be returned exceptby special request. Our editorial content is

    primarily dedicated to the area of distribution;ad space is open to all businesses who wantto reach the Folly Beach market. Complete

    ad creation is $50, however, changes of up to30% of the original ad are included at no extracost. All advertising rates are listed at www. under advertising.

    Lucky Dog Publishing, LLCPublishers ofThe Folly Current, TheIsland

    Eye News and theIsland Connection .

    Pet HelpersPets o the Week

    My name is Chelsea and I am a beautiu l,long haired orange tabby; about 5years old. I like to keep to mysel andI dont need too much attention, just aorever home. I you are looking or acompanion...Im your girl.

    We dont know or sure i they arerelated but they look alike and they arearound the same age. Tey have bondedand have become each others buddy.Tey are both very sweet and very timid.

    We think they were abused since theyshy away more oten than not. Both getalong great with other dogs, cats andkids. Tey love being outside and theylove to be pet. Come check them out!

    ChelseaThelma and Louise

    Pet Helpers is located at 1447 Folly Road, James Island.Hours: Mon Fri rom 11am 6pm and Sat rom 11am - 5pm.

    Closed: Sundays and Holidays.Call Pet Helpers at 795-1110. Adoption ees: $125 cats & dogs (6 mo. or

    younger), $100 or 6 mo. or older. $55 or rabbits. Includes spaying/neutering,shots, heartworm check, leukemia check, deworming, microchip, collar and tag.

    Visit ww

    Noticeo FY08-09 State Accommodations ax

    Funding ApplicationsNon-Prot organizations and Public Agencies desiring to apply or grants rom

    the City o Folly Beach unded by State Accommodations ax revenues can pickup an application rom the Municipal Clerk o Council, Mary Cunningham, 21Center Street, Folly Beach, South Carolina or can call 588-7000 (Ext. 1836 or directat 513-1836) to request an application by mail. State Accommodations ax undsare required by state statute to be used or a limited number o activities which aretourism-related. Uses include the promotion o arts and cultural events and theoperation o acilities or cultural and civic activities. Tese grants are awardedby City Council to qualiying organizations annually based on recommendationso the Accommodations ax Advisory Board as mandated by state law. Applyingorganizations should be able to demonstrate that their programs provide activities

    within the City o Folly Beach which promote tourism. Deadline or applicationsto be received by the City is August 1, 2009 at 5pm. Applications received ater thisdate and time will not be considered. I you have any questions, please call MaryCunningham at 513-1836 or oni Connor-Rooks at 513-1834.

    Folly Beach City CouncilBy LINDsey CoNKLIN


    Counciln g 9

  • 8/14/2019 FCJuly10_2009


    he project has beencalled Mayor CarlBeckmanns legacy. Like

    a mirage in the desert, you cansee the new $1.4 million PublicSaety Expansion beginning totake shape ater nearly a year o

    planning and discussion.On same horizon, however,

    Council member Dave Stormerhas been casting orebodingclouds that threaten thebuildings uture. No one on theCity Council has been more vocal and opposed tothe expansion than Stormer, who has called or morecost eective alternatives and engaged in variousdebates on the matter. Most recently, Stormerhas presented a new alternative, even though theCity has already begun the bidding process or the

    current plan; a plan which was agreed to by theentire City Council, including Stormer.

    I dont like alternatives in the eleventh hourunless theyre really good, Beckmann says, whois adamantly opposed to Stormers alternative.Te City, he says, has spent a lot o money withan architect on the plans and has discussed other

    options or about a year.

    Tere is no argument, though, that morespace is needed and that the 1997 design o thePublic Saty building wastes a lot o valuable

    space. Mayor Beckmann says the expansion issimply nishing the original project which wasstarted in 1997 and had to be stopped whenthe City ran out o money. However, the newconstruction is not a legacy, he says, but anattempt to give the people who work within its

    walls the space they deserve, as well as to get thebuildings up to code. Stormer says you can dothe same thing or a raction o the cost.

    Stormer says he was only recently able toacquire a scale drawing o the current buildingdesign because the City had actually lost itscopy, making his eleventh hour proposalunavoidable. According to Stormers examinationo the drawings and his consideration ostairwells, elevators and hallways; less than hal

    o the buildings square ootage is used or ofcespace.

    According to Stormers new alternative, theentire rst oor o City Hall would be given overto Public Saety. Te Public Works Department

    would be moved to the historic water plantand the top oor would be remodeled to takeadvantage o wasted space. He estimates theremodeling to cost $60-$80 per square ootversus the $200 per square oot construction othe Public Saety expansion. I all o the space inCity Hall were remodeled, the total cost wouldbe about $614,000. A better gure might be

    around $500,000 remodeling 7000square eet.

    Both plans will result in theremodeling o City Hall so thatit will use space more efciently.Currently, the City is violating itsown codes by having a bunk room

    or re personnel and a kitchen inthe re department on the groundoor (the only oor) because o oodelevation requirements. Both planscould accommodate this issue as


    So, i both plans meet the same end, what iswrong with saving some money in the process? Tedierence lies in a ew key issues.

    One big issue is with the proposed utili zation othe water plant. Mayor Beckmann says that usingthe old water plant is not a simple remodeling job,

    which is in line with Stormers estimate. Becausethe plant still has huge boilers and equipmentinstalled in the building, it would require nearly$500,000 just to make it usable; an amount which

    would hypothetically take Stormers alternative tothe million dollar level i the estimation is accurate.Furthermore, as a retired army man, MayorBeckmann says that it is never a good idea to splityour headquarters and that doing so would createtoo many extra costs and inconveniences.

    It doesnt work in the military and it doesntwork in municipal government, Beckmann says.

    Mayor Beckmann adds that Stormers suggestionis a band-aid approach rom someone who is notorced to use the building on a daily basis and isnot looking at the reality o the situation. Stormerpoints out that some headaches are sel-induced.For example, he says that using valuable storagespace or a Christmas tree is wasteul and thatmany seasonal and inrequently used items could

    be stored in an o-site location, reeing up areasthat could be better utilized by City Hall sta.

    However, there are some aspects o MayorBeckmanns proposal that simply can not beduplicated in Stormers plan. Te City has threeunctional re engines, but only got credit or twoduring a recent ISO inspection: a rating whichdirectly aects home-owners insurance rates. Tereason was that there was no place to store the thirdre engine and a re engine has to be protected bya heated, enclosed area in order to receive credit.










    4 July 10, 2009

    Dear Folly Current,

    We have lived here only a short time and irresponsiblepet owners are the one blight on an otherwise near perectplace to live. rafc only requires a bit o patience todeal with, people who have had one too many, so longas they are not driving, are more an amusement than a

    problem, but people who bring their dogs to the beachand not only reuse to clean up ater them but seem toeel they can let their pet use the yards o Folly Beachas their personal pooping ground are totally beyondbelie. How would these same people eel i the avor

    were returned?

    On Sunday aternoon we ound a huge pile o dog waste in our yard - which had been deposited therewithin a 15 minute time rame when we were inside.We had to clean this mess up, retching all the while, andwe are rankly inuriated. Tis is not the rst time thishas happened. When you catch someone in the act oencouraging their pet to deecate in your yard they acthighly oended thatyou are not willingto allow their dog to

    do this. We do notunderstand nor do weappreciate this type obehavior, and wouldappreciate i people

    would control theirpets bathroom breaks

    just as they would theirown. I believe thereare heavy nes or thisbehavior and i wecatch someone doingthis again, we will callthe authorities.

    Molly Bugher

    Letters to the Editor

    Send your letters to the

    editor to:[email protected]

    Note: Be sure to sign your letters. Anonymous letters willnot be printed.

    Image provided by Dave Stormer.

    Council member Dave Stormer presents an alternative to the $1.4 million Public Safetyexpansion.

    A Stormer on the horizonBy aLI aKHyarI

    Alternative n g 9

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    July 10, 2009 5

    Bless this ofceproVIDeD By Leo BrUeGGeMaN

    Bishop Guglielmone cuts the ribbon during the blessing of the ofce with the help of

    Father Jusprathap Narichetti.

    On June 24, the Most Reverend Robert E. Guglielmone and Father JesuprathapNarichetti concelebrated the 9am Mass at Our Lady o Good Counsel Church onFolly Beach. Ater the serv ice, the Bishop blessed the new parish ofce. A receptionollowed the blessing. It was truly a pleasure to have the Bishop with us so early inhis tenure.

    A thoughtful gardenproVIDeD By KatHy NICKLaUs

    No occupation is so delightul to me as the culture o the earth, and no culturecomparable to that o the garden.-- Tomas Jeferson

    Te Folly Beach Home and Garden Club held the Dedication o the David C.Israel Memory Garden on Friday, June 26, at 4pm. Te Garden is located behind theCommunity Center and Te City o Folly Beach gave the Garden Club permission touse this plot o land.

    Te Memory Garden was made possible by the generous donations made to theGarden Club in memory o David Israel, a Folly Beach resident and landscape designer

    who tragically drowned in the Folly River in June o 2007. Te Memory Garden hadits birth when the obituary asked that memorial donations be made to the Folly BeachHome and Garden Club.

    With its engraved pavers in memory o loved ones, its beautiul plants and owers,the garden is a place where everyone can come or memories, prayer and peace. All are

    welcome to enjoy it.

    Photo by Annette Lewis

  • 8/14/2019 FCJuly10_2009


    Friday, July 10

    Folly Beach Moonlight MixerDance the night away under the stars at theFolly Beach Fishing Pier. From 7pm 11pm,local DJ Rob Duren will spin the hottest oldiesand beach music around. Advance tickets are$10 and $8 or Charleston County residents.$10 at the door. Only 600 tickets will be sold.Call 795-4FUN (4386) or visit

    Folly Coast Guard Station Bird WalkBirding experts rom Charleston County Parksand the South Carolina Audubon Societyexplore Folly Beach in this partnership program.Tis walk ocuses on the northern shoreline andmaritime orest o Folly Beach. Pre-registration

    required. Ages: 12 & up. 7:30am 9:30am. Formore ino, call 795-4FUN (4386).

    Surfrider beach sweepMeet at the Folly Pier. Leader- Mike Arendt([email protected])

    Meet at the Washout. Leader- Carrie Manson([email protected])

    Saturday, July 11

    Grass on the Green A Benet or Windwood Farm Home orchildren and Lowcountry Pet Helpers, Grasson the Green takes place July 11 and 12

    at Awendaw Green, next to Hidden Pondsnursery at 4879 Hwy 17 N Awendaw. Join usor a ull schedule o bluegrass and Americanamusic, eaturing over 30 o the Southeastsnest acoustic ta lents. Noon 10pm both days.ickets: $20 both days/$15 one day at, Shem Creek Music, 52.5 on King Streetand at the Sewee Outpost. Respectul overnightcamping is welcome. For more ino, 452-1642or email [email protected].

    Tuesday, July 14

    Bastille Day

    Folly Beach City Council Workshop cancelled. Council will regular meeting on July 28.

    Wednesday, July 15

    Starlight Cinema: Bedtime StoriesStarting at 9pm at the Freshelds VillageRated PG. 99 minutes. Sponsored by SSports and Outtters. For more ino, caServices at 768-6491.

    St. Johns Rotary Club

    Te St Johns Rotary Club meets rat 7:30am each Wednesday morning multipurpose room at Berkeley Cooperative located at 3351 Maybank H

    Johns Island. For more ino, pleaseMartha Harris at 559-6955.

    Thursday, July 16

    Humours o Follybook signingBy photographer Frank Melvin Bradauthor Ellie Maas Davis. Braden andhave lovingly and accurately capture theo Folly Beach in their book, Te HumFolly. Join them or a booksigning ro

    6:30pm at the Sur Bar: 103 West Street.

    Friday, July 17

    Battery Wagner reenactment at MorIslandOn the 146th anniversary o the AssBattery Wagner, volunteer reenactorCompany I, 54th Massachusetts ReenaRegiment will honor the men that partiin that historic battle on July 18, 1863. T

    6 July 10, 2009

    Folly CurreJuly 1

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    ccur on Morris Island and the boat willat 3pm, and return at 5pm. Reservations:h McGill 408-7727. Cost: $25 each.

    urday, July 18

    to Kiawah Kayak ourdepart rom the Folly River boat landingaddle to Sandy Point on Kiawah Island.the way, there will be opportunities or

    le shorebird and dolphin sightings. Onceyoull be able to hike on this unique

    r island. Pre-registration required. Meetarleston County Parks Headquarters. Agesee: $54. Course #20513. 9am 5pm. Forino or to register, call 795-4386.

    ae Concert Series: Eclectic Rootsmble

    your chair or blanket, kick back, andthis outdoor reggae concert at JamesCounty Park. Gates open at 7:30pm andbegins at 8:30pm. $8 or adults (13 andve Greenbax; children 12 and under are

    Annual Gold Passes will be honored. Forino, visit or call795-4FUN (4386).

    evlin Gromfestst #4: July 18-19 high tide 5pm.ored by McKevlins Sur Shop. For morecall Nancy Hussey at 343-4047 or

    day, July 19

    s Island Farmers and Craftersetg local produce, bakery items, jams,s, ciders, boiled peanuts, resh herbs,ry, photography, pottery, and clothinglive music on the deck. First and Tirday o every month, 11am to 3pm at TeHouse, 1977 Maybank Hwy. 571-4343,

    Monday, July 20

    Folly Beach Design Review BoardTe Folly Beach Design Review meets the thirdMonday o the month i there is an applicant.Please call ahead to conrm whether or nota meeting will be held or the month and at

    what time. Te Folly Beach Design ReviewBoard meets at the Folly Beach City Hall. Formore ino, call DRB Chair Peter Fennelly at425-0186.

    Tuesday, July 21

    Folly Beach Community PromotionsCommitteeTe community promotions committee meetsthe third uesday o the month i there is anapplicant. Applicants turn in their applicationto the municipal clerk by the Tursday beorethe meeting. Please call to veriy meetingtime beore attending: Mary Cunningham at588-7000 ext. 4.

    Wednesday, July 22

    Folly Garden ClubTe Folly Garden Club meets at 1pm at theFolly Beach Community Center.

    Friday, July 24

    Betsys BashIn honor o the rescued Staordshire errier

    who was ound with a mis sing paw. From 6pm- 10pm at Necter Bar and Grille located at 951Folly Road, James Island. $10 donation/coverat the door, cash only. All proceeds will go toPet Helpers. Come party or a purpose and helpsave lives. Free ood, live music and amazingdrink specials! For more ino, call Pet Helpersat 795-1110.

    July 10, 2009 7

    t Calendaruly 24

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    8 July 10, 2009

  • 8/14/2019 FCJuly10_2009


    he real question is whether Te aking o Pelham123 could beat out its 1974 predecessor; but

    well get back to that one later. Te remake hasvisually stimulating images and a strong plot ull oaction. Directed by ony Scott, who is known or hisgrandiloquent action lms like Domino, Dj vu andMan on Fire, Pelham 123 has the trademark jump-cuts,reeze rames, close-ups and sweeping aerial views typicalo Scotts lms. Te movie is based on John Godeys 1973best seller, which was turned into a 1974 lm starringRobert Shaw and Walter Matthau. A lesser known made-or-television version appeared in 1988 directed by Flix

    Enrquez Alcal and starring Edward James Olmos.Te remake stars John ravolta and Denzel

    Washington. wo strong actors and, to no ones surprise,they held their own. For those o you who remember therst version oTe aking o Pelham 123, the lm ocuseson the hijacking o a New York City Subway train. Tis

    version stars Washington as a New York subway dispatcher,

    Walter Garber, whose normal day is thrown into chaos.ravolta stars as Ryder, a criminal mastermind who isthreatening to execute passengers unless a large ransomis paid. John urturro, who plays a NYPD negotiator,brings a brilliant energy to the screen and surprisingly,

    James Gandolni plays the role o the perectly tailoredMayor awlessly.

    With this amazing cast, Scott and writer BrianHelgeland use technology to breathe new lie into theremake. Te advancement o technology caused somenew twists and turns not even thought o in 1974.

    Another change Scott made was reworking the story toinclude a Wall Street subplot which worked well in thestory. As we have seen rom lms in the past like WallStreet, commodity traders can be more disturbing thanany other threat to Americas security.

    Te challenge I have with this lm is that ater peelingaway the layers o good acting and stunning visuals, thereis really nothing le t to hang your hat on. It is just anothercontrived action lm with no depth o a storyline. I eltempty ater watching this lm because I knew this couldhave been so much better; much more substantive. Telm does such an excellent job o averting the audiences

    attention with pretty colors on the screen and ast

    cameras shots; so much so that you dont realize untilthe two hours are up that youve been watching a typicaldumbed down action movie.

    So, setting the television version aside, how do the twoversions oTe aking o Pelham 123 stack up? For me,it all came down to this: which o the two movies is themost suspenseul? For all its visual eects and computertechnology, the current version is not as suspenseul as itspredecessor, which was crated 35 years ago. So i I wereyou, Id rent that 35-year-old version instead o wastingyour movie money. Youll be glad you did.

    in addition to keeping the beach clean. Te Councilsuggested a supervisor or the volunteers. CouncilMember McCarty also suggested the term Civilian

    Beach Patrol be changed to Litter Patrol. McCartyprovided inormation about the Del Ray Beach, Florida,volunteer beach program in hopes o replicating theoutstanding job that Del Ray Beach citizens havedone. According to McCarty, Folly Beach is beatingthe drum or volunteerism.

    Folly not for families

    City Council Member Stormercommented on interesting data about theamount o cars/people that entered Folly onan o holiday weekend. He counted thatapproximately 12,000 people, 1000 cars/hour arrived at the beach, the majority o

    which were young people and only about12% were amilies, by their estimation.

    Stormer suggested that perhaps FollyBeach is not a amily-oriented beach asFolly only has one ice cream parlor, butmultiple bars.


    Mayor Beckmann said that the EventCommittee asked Will Silver to nd a newdate or his beach concert on the Fourtho July.

    July 10, 2009 9

    By Megan Carroll

    Tat protection prolongs the lie o thevehicle and helps to ensure its properunction. Stormer questions the actualimpact this single option would have onthe Citys ISO rating and home-ownersinsurance rates.

    Stormer points out that the debt

    service on the current City Hall costsresidents approximately $42.50 per yearthrough the Water/Sewer Department,

    which pays the bill on behal o FollyBeach customers with PILO (Paymentin Lieu o axes) money. Tat building isabout to be paid o, which would meanresidents could possibly save that muchmoney each year through adjustmentsin their water billing. However, it isquite possible that the alternative couldcost upwards o $1 million as well, andthe money will come rom taxpayersone way or another. Mayor Beckmannsays that residents would see virtuallyno change in their payments with theexpansion.

    According to the estimates providedhere, the costs o the two options wouldbe virtually the same. However, theconstruction would benet the City

    with an enhanced Fire Department which properly protects all o itsequipment. Te Council is scheduledto meet on July 28 and will hopeullydiscuss the matter then. I so, residentsshould be able to get a rmer grasp onsome o these cost estimates.

    o see Council member Dave Stormers plan in his own words, visit our websiteat: KeywordsStormer alternative.

    Alternative m g 4

    intense the tidal changes can be.

    Furthermore, rip-tides and strongcurrents can be exacerbated by thesesandbars which can easily shit, making apreviously sae area hazardous rom dayto day. Certainly there is a lot to look outor and it may seem a bit overwhelming

    at times. However, by taking a little timeto amiliarize yoursel with some o thesedynamics, lie threatening situations canbe avoided.

    But, its not just visitors who needto pay attention. Sometimes being alocal can result in an overcondencethat prevents one rom giving the oceanproper respect. ake a moment to reviewsome o the more intimate details aboutthe ocean and amiliarize yoursel withthe local environment. Contact thelocal Public Saety Department orinormation on local hazards. Here aresome tips to help ensure your next visitto the beach is a rewarding one.

    Beach safety tips:* Never swim or sur alone.

    * Be aware o the local conditions. Telocal news oten reports predicted ripcurrents in the morning. For example,

    whether currents will be Low, Moderate,or Severe.

    * Te Morris Inlet area is especiallydangerous and commonly hosts strongcurrents.

    * Te National Weather ServiceForecast Ofce or Charlestonprovides a Sur Zone Forecast anddaily rip current orecast online at:

    * Sandbars can be attractive at low tide;youre own personal island. However,these slices o paradise should beavoided. When the tide begins to rise,the currents surrounding the sandbarscan intensiy rapidly, oten catchingpeople o guard. Rip currents are morelikely to occur near sandbars and piersand can carry swimmers away rom the

    shore.* I caught in a rip current, swimmersshould try to stay calm and go with theow. Do NO ght it. You will NO

    win. Once released by the rip current,swim parallel to the shore until clear othe current and then swim to shore.

    * I swimmers eel that they are beingpushed or pulled by strong oceancurrents, they probably are. Whenstrong ocean currents are present it issaer to stay on the beach.

    * Call 911 without delay i you see aswimmer in distress. Every secondcounts. It is better to assume someoneis in trouble and call or help.

    * Visitors should never take their eyeso their children, even or a minute.Dress children in outts that can beeasily described and identied in theevent that they become separated.

    * Drink plenty o water. Stay away romalcohol and caeine as these drinks canlead to a heat-related emergency.

    * Surers and kite boarders should keepa distance rom swimmers. Power boatsare not allowed to enter tge swim area.

    * Use sunscreen.

    * Be aware that sharks and jellysh arepotential hazards in the sur zone.

    Beach Safetym g cv

    Councilm g 3

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    10 July 10, 2009

    Police Reports June 10 - A married couple got into anargument in the Pantry parking lot while

    walking their dog. An altercation ensuedwhen two passersbys attempted to help thewie get away rom her husband and oneo the passersby was slightly injured ateralling to the ground when the husbandengaged him. Te wie stated that herhusband had been drinking and a ght hadnot taken place, only a misunderstanding.

    No one wanted to press charges.

    June 10 - A woman reported that her carhad been broken into about two weeksearlier and several items stolen including:a pocket book, wallet, drivers license,birth certicate, several credit cards, $145cash, and a $150 check.

    June 10 - A complainant reported thatthe subject owed him money and analtercation had taken place between thetwo because the subject had taken someo his property and had also torn his shirtrom his body. He stated that he did not

    want to press assault charges but wantedthe subject evicted. He was advised to seethe local magistrate on the matter.

    June 11- Ofcers responded to adisturbance between a male and emale.Te male stated that the emale hadassaulted him and let. She was ound atthe Folly Beach Inn and both were placedon trespass notice. Both were intoxicatedand the male stated he did want to presscharges, but only wanted her to calmdown.

    June 11- A car owner reported that anunknown person had keyed theirvehicle, leaving about $300 worth odamage.

    June 11- A man and woman were ound

    sleeping in a vehicle when an ofcernoticed that it was parked on the wrongside o the road. Te ofcer discoveredthat a protection order was active on themale on behal o the woman who was inthe car. She stated she had been meaningto dismiss it but had been unsuccessul incontacting the proper ennessee authority.Te man was arrested.

    June 12 - Several items were reportedstolen rom an unsecured carport whichincluded: an inatable kayak, two paddles,two lie vests, and several other itemstotaling approximately $300 in value.

    June 12 - wo boys were cited or underagepossession o alcohol ater they tried to

    ditch a case o beer they were carrying asan ofcer drove by.

    June 13 - A twenty year old male wasrelieved o his can o beer and entirecooler containing the same when an ofcerobserved him holding the open can. He

    was cited or underage possession o beerand an open container violation.

    June 13 - A white male was obstructingtrafc on Center Street when he stoppedhis vehicle in the middle o the road

    while talking on his cell phone. An ofcerpulled along side him to see i everything

    was alright and the man appeared to beintoxicated and slurred his speech whenresponding. He was pulled over and givena eld sobriety test which he ailed aterseveral attempts. A liquor drink was ound

    in his center console. He was arrested orDUI and the vehicle towed. He reused totake a breathalyzer and was given a noticeo suspension.

    June 14 - A man doing yard work reportedthat the owner o a gol cart got intoa verbal altercation with him when hemoved the cart which was parked in theowners private yard without permission.

    June 14 - An 18 year-old man was citedor underage possession o beer and anopen container violation when an ofcerobserved him walking down the beach

    with the beer can.

    June 14 - A cell phone and boom boxwere reported stolen rom an unlocked carearly in the morning.

    June 14 - A 38 year old man was cited orhaving drug paraphernalia when an ofcerobserved that he and a woman were tryingto smoke what appeared to be marijuanarom a glass pipe.

    June 15 - Several young males wereunaware that big brother was watching

    when they dragged a large cooler ontothe beach and began drinking out o beerbottles and passing around a bottle ovodka. When approached by an ofcer,the group dropped their beer bottles anddispersed, leaving two brothers behind totake the all. Te older brother was over21 years old. He was cited with an opencontainer violation and bringing glass onthe beach. Te other was charged withunderage possession o beer. Te two boys

    were orced to pick up all the beer bottlesand throw them into a nearby dumpster.

    June 15- A local sur shop reported thatseveral DVDs had not been returned by

    a renter and attempts to recover them hadbeen unsuccessul.

    June 15- A 55 year old Pennsylvaniawoman called police to report that a manhad bruised her hand the night beore.She also stated that she had been kickedout o a condo that belonged to the manssister. According to the man, the womanhad hit him and had been yelling at himso much that everyone else at the condohad let. He oered to pay or an airlineticket or her to go home but she said sheonly wanted an apology. When he tried toapologize, she said it wasnt good enough.Neither subject wanted to press charges.

    June 16- An ofcer witnessed three

    individuals smoking what appeared to bea joint at the pier. Upon approaching themwith back-up, they had moved away romthe area and the remains o the joint andlighter were on the ground nearby. Teroach and lighter were taken as evidenceand three individuals were arrested orsimple possession o marijuana.

    June 16- A woman reported that someitems had been stolen rom her vehicle

    when she was attempting to leave thebeach. She had to make a second tripor more items on the beach and let thevehicle unsecured while doing so. Uponreturning she noticed a side door hadbeen opened but did not notice anythingmissing. Te next day, her bank contacted

    her regarding approximately $800 that

    had been charged to her account romvarious places on Folly Road.

    June 16- An individual reported thathis $3000 Waverunner had been stolensometime ater January 6, 2009. Hehad let it at 100 East Hudson or saekeeping and ound it missing when hereturned on this day.

    June 16- A victim reported that a coupleo lights and water hoses had been stolenrom his ood stand.

    June 18- A twenty year-old was citedor underage possession o beer when anofcer saw him holding the open can onthe side o the road. A legal drinker who

    walked up with an open beer can duringthe incident was also cited or having anopen container o alcohol.

    June 19- An intoxicated man was askedto leave the area o a local Inn. Police

    were called when the man returned andell asleep in a lawn chair with emptymalt liquor cans sprinkled around him.

    An ofcer was only able to wake the manenough to see his bloodshot eyes and hearhim slurring curses. He was placed underarrest or public intoxication and wentback to sleep in the back o the policecar ater being carried there by the hotelmanager and police ofcer. He was placedon trespass notice.

    June 20- A vehicle suspected o ahit-and-run was seen by an ofcer on FollyRoad and led the ofcer on a chase aterreusing to pullover when the blue lights

    were enacted. Te driver lost control o thevehicle and crashed into some shrubs onSeaside Plantation Drive in James Island.He attempted to run but was caught bypolice. He was treated or injuries and

    arrested or ailing to stop or blue lights,driving under the inuence and drivingwith a suspended license.

    June 20- A man attempted to stop anotherman on a bike or an unknown reason.He chased him down and knocked himo the bike near Ritas. Te victim hadinjuries and reused medical attention anddid not want to press charges.

    June 21- A man was punched in the aceand suered a head injury as a result atthe iki Bar. Te assailant had ed thescene and could not be ound. However,the suspects riend was still there and wasasked to leave by management. He reusedto leave even when asked by police. He

    continued to reuse and began yellingobscenities and would not calm down. He was arrested or interering with police,disorderly conduct, and trespassing.

    June 21- A couple were cut-o romdrinking at Snapper Jacks and theypresented a credit card or payment.

    When the card was run it came back witha hold call, which means it had eitherbeen stolen or reported lost. Te coupledisappeared and could not be located.

    June 22- A group o underage individuals were ound to be drinking beer on thebeach by an ofcer. Citations were issued.However, one individual suddenly tooko running beore getting a citation and

    ed the scene. Te ofcer stayed with the

    remaining subjects and handcued themuntil they were identied and cited.

    June 22- A woman skipped out on a$93.52 tab at Snapper Jacks when the cardshe presented was declined. Investigationpending.

    June 22- A mans truck was vandalized

    with a rock while he was on the beachcausing an estimated $1200 worth odamage.

    June 23- A chalkboard was reported stolenrom Planet Follywood.

    June 24- A woman looking or a missingcell phone may have helped solve a twoyear old case. She discovered the cellphone in the trunk o an acquaintancescar using another riends phone to callit. An investigation revealed several creditcards and an iPod that did not belong tothe cars owner, as well as a credit card thathad been reported stolen by the victimsriend a ew days earlier. Te vehiclesowner was located as well as her male

    accomplice, both o whom had previouslybeen at a party with the victims. Tesuspects were taken in or questioningand claimed they had ound the creditcard and planned to return it and that theiPods belonged to her brother. However,at least one o the iPods had been reportedstolen two years earlier and was returnedto its rightul owner.

    June 24- A resident reported that his cellphone and credit card had been stolen andthat someone had charged around $1600to the card.

    June 26- A victim reported that his bicyclehad been stolen.

    June 26- A woman reported that she hadrecently moved out rom an apartment

    with her ex-boyriend into the neighboringapartment and that ghting has beenoccurring since. Neighbors stated that thetwo had been yelling and banging on wallsall night. She claimed the boyriend hadbrought a girl over to his apartment andthen came into her apartment, strangledher, threw her to the oor, and threatenedto duct tape her mouth. She did not want topress charges or receive medical attention.She did not want another woman in hisapartment. Te ex-boyriend could not belocated at that time.

    June 27- An ofcer responded to reportso an intoxicated emale causing a

    disturbance at the County Park. She was put in handcus when the ofcerobserved her to be grossly intoxicated andshe nally came in rom the water. Te

    womans husband approached as she wasbeing taken to the car, grabbed her armand told the ofcer that she would not begoing with the ofcer as he attempted topull her away. He also appeared intoxicatedand was placed under arrest or disorderlyconduct and interering. However, thesubject dislocated the ofcers arm whenhe struggled ater the arrest. Te subject

    was orceully restrained and back-upcalled. Te two subjects were arrested andthe male was additionally charged withresisting arrest.

    Police Reports n g 11

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    On June 30, a clutch o 51 eggs

    was discovered in the 1600 blocko East Ashley. Normally, this

    would be a joyous occasion. However,this nest had already been discoveredand marked by the local urtle eam. It

    was only noticed because someone hadactually dug into the nest and removed the

    eggs sometime during the night. Becauseo the placement o the eggs, it is believedthat a human being is responsible. Tere islittle hope that the eggs will develop andhatch now that they have been uncovered

    and handled. Volunteers will be keepingan eye on the nest just in case.

    Our local beach is among the ortunateones which are used by the Loggerheadsea turtle, a threatened species, or nestingalong the East Coast. According to Judi

    Beahn, Folly Beachs urtle eam leader,this is the rst time in her memory thatsomething like this has happened on FollyBeach.

    Sea turtles need our help to survive.I you nd a sea turtle nest, whether it is

    marked or not, please do not disturb thearea. I it is not marked, contact the PublicSaety Department at 588-2433 to reportit so that it can be marked and protected.

    July 10, 2009 11

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    Date High Tide Low Tide

    F o l l y B e a c h T i d e C h a r t

    A sea turtle tragedy

    Photo provided by Judi Beahn

    This turtle nest was tampered with by an unknown person(s). There is little chance theeggs will survive.

    June 27- A 20 year-old man was charged with underage possession o beer whenan ofcer saw him drinking rom a canon Center Street.

    June 28- A 34 year-old man was arrestedater being advised to leave an incidentscene on several occasions. A tow-truckoperator and another man were in adispute regarding a boot that had

    been applied to the vehicle early in themorning. Te subjectadvised the man to removethe tire and take the boot.Te subject nally letbut returned ater theincident with a phoneand began harassing theofcer and stating that he

    was recording everything.He reused to leave andclaimed his rights werebeing violated in a loudmanner. He was arrestedor disorderly conduct.

    June 29- At around12:30am, an ofcerobserved a mini-

    motorcycle beingoperated without lightsor registration. Te driver

    was pulled and ound tohave a suspended license.Te subjects riendapproached on oot andsaid the motorcycle washis. Te driver was arrestedor the suspended licenseand an NRVC violationdiscovered during thebackground check. Tevehicle was released to theother individual.

    Police Reports m g 10

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    12 July 10, 2009