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OU0ENSBURO, N. Y., THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1927. VOLUME LXI NO. l£ <f.iiin LLI:. . . ' '^ ' ! : /11 : . •'•utJ-'LLia-^jjw'1'1

Chirtfer Day, a New It. Law-rence College Holiday, Will

Inaugurate Event.

CANTON. March 16.- On Sun­day. April 3, 8t I*awrenoe univer­sity wlil b«» 71 years old. H was on April 3. 1H5B, that the legislature or Now York »tate granted to Prea-tvn KI-nK nnd 24 ussociatwi a char­t s for "'V\w 8t. Lawrence Unlver-flly HIHI T'»oo1t>Rkal Seminary."

OH April 3 of this year In the Gunnison Memorial chapel, w411 be InaiixurahMl a new college holiday. Ohiuter Oay. In meni-ory of the found^iH of the institution mm\ of lis •birthday, lo be yearly oclebrated hertM'Her by a service which shall teJI of the hlwtory or the university ami of the plans for Its future. The Idea was Hiiwgesled In the report of the secretary or Uie unlferslty last June, and has reoolved the approval of President 8ykes. It is planned to nmke the celebration one of dig­nity. s«vd worthy or the university and its age, now approauhlng the three-quarter century maik.

A featnii e of the ob.tei vance wIM be the academic procc»sk>u, similar to that or coinnwMicenient. fromi Cole reading room to Ouunisw OhaiN'l. h«*ad<vl by the college chair and iti'-hidlng the trustees and .HCUHU" «»f the HchoolH of the |ti«tl-ttit 1«. 11 1*1.r procession will go up the mi I II HIMIM of the oli»p<d. to Stat* r*'H»»rve<l in th«' rront of the n»ve The choir will enter the CIIMIIC*'! l»rof«>KAOi t'lam will b«» at tho orKnm and the program will In­clude a historical sketch of the ev» I\\H leading up to the granting of the charter, by Klchard 0. Ells­worth, secretary or the corporation, and addreaaes by Dr. Klchard Rddy Hykew. preiildent or the university, and by Dr Cbarkw K. Oslnes. 76 of the college faculty. Owen D. Y<iung. president of the corpora­tion, has HlghifUNl hi* Intention of being piem»nt.

ItiHsuiuch as (lie service Is In tendvd prlnoipallf to Inform the pronent ds> student body of eome or Mie blRb lights of the history of th'* unlveiHity. the larger part of the e ha pet wd! be reserved for them, hut the alumni and rrienda ai*e ki-vlt»Ml to attend so far as room per­mit*



Former Brasher Resident Dies In ^

North Lawrence l i f t . William Cougfclln Had Reach-ed Ripe Old Ao« of 90—Surviving

Husband Few Ytara Older.

!IRABHOR FAUiS, March It.— John Murray was liome from Mas-8ena roT the week *nd.—Mies Bee Donovan la «pending a Tew days with her brother, P. W. Donovan and slaters. Misses Margaret and Auna Donovan.—P. H. Lyon* and daughter, Miss Hol®n* Lyons, spent «the week « w | In Chateaugay with hie alster. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Patroe. -Charlfsa McNu-lty Is at borne.—Mm. IaaAc Hall spent Sat­urday In Norwood- Miss Ethel Ooodhow of th<? Settlement waa in tow i. on Saturday. -HSeveral sugar makers ihare begun to mako sugar.

-Mr*. WiUlam Oouglln died at her hotiw* in North Lawrence last week. Sihe wus at on© tlni-e a member of this -pariah, whei^e .afoe had many frl^mls. Mts. Goughlin w*i» nearly d() years old and is survived by her husband who Is a few years Okler.

-Mr. and Mre. Charles Clough and family were Sunday dinner guests of her pare/nta, Mr. ajid Mrs. Hugh Ourrier.—Brne^st Ryaa of Norrolk WHS lu town Sunday.—Ouy Hall, of tlw Northern Utilities, Masaena, was home Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. William Powell and Bert Tryon of Helena wore In town Sunday. Dr. Jr*hn«on of Maaaena Visited his mother, Mrs. C. Johnson and sistcT,



GOUVERNEUR Work of Installing It in St.

James' Catholic Church Is Now Under Way.

,'GOtJVERNfiUR. March I6>-A shipmont of parts of the new pipe organ which will be installed in 8t. James' Catholic church was re­ceived last week and it is expected that a representative from the company will begin installing this week, so that it may be used on Palm Sunday.

The new organ will cost approxi­mately $4,000 and was purchased from the Tellers Kent Organ com­pany of Erie, Pa. This will prac­tically complete the principal fur­nishings of the new church edifice, which was opened on Thanksgiving day, 1926. .

The instrument will replace the' one which was In use in the old edifice and which was moved to 4he new building. The old organ was purchased over 60 years ago and was the one which was in at the church building at the Caledo­nia Mines, when they were running at their height.

, C . , „ L J . . , . . .•; • . J . . - . .T » y , : 7 , . , « M n M M | M i l


, SUDDENLY • " ^ j . —

in Cellar of Her Home, Vic­tim of Angina Pectoris.

Potsdam Mail Carrier Is Held

On Liquor Charge r i.. — —

VmA*r,u„r.„ F ^ „ J POTSDAM, March 16.—Federal

Fredenburg Found ftgent8 rftld<J{1 t n e n o m e of J o n n


GOlJVEKNWUR, MARCH 16**-Although the recent thaws ' have

Mrs, Henb lOagleo Sunday. -Tim I raised the Oswegatchle river, noth


HMTS. Km ma Stella Kingsbury Frcderibiirg, Age 73, died Thuradfy March It) at hor home. Death due to * ngma, pectoiis. Mrs rnibuig lad iiived aflone since VQe doath o! her hunhand. She wtM foujul dead at th^ foot of the b&Ok cc-llar stjiirs 'by her daughter, Mts. Winifred Carney. Mrs. Fredewbufg w«is'g arrangemetrts to #)t-Und the hom-p bureau dinner atid wei:t to the cellar for coal, where she was| fou'iul later. A neighbor called for Mre. Kredeuburg and re­ceiving |w> response went to the meeting ithinking Mrs. FrodenbUrg had gone) on before. After the meet­ing th not daugh torj

Parisian in Waverly street Satur-; day night and found considerable ' qukntlty of liquor. He was imme­diately taken before U. S. Commie- —« •toner H. E. Thompson and ar- NORWOOD. March 16 .^A dis-raigned on charge of Illegally pos- ( t lnct earthquake »hock was felt

QUAKE FELT IHeuvelton DISTINCTLY | , ; . ' " , v .

AT NORWOOD V o t e s T o S e l l Mrt. Ernest Castleman Falls in Wf&t'frY P I 5 1 1 1 ^

Well and Is Rescued in the " T a tCl X 1011L Nick of Time.

Rensselaer Falls

Newsy Jottings -?

Let the Village Burn Evidently Is the Meaning of Yester­day's Verdict at the Polls •easing liquor in violation of the 'here Monday morning. Hou»e« were

Volstead act. He was held on $2,-1 severely sihaken and dishea rattled. 000 ball to await the action of the The tremor lasted several «ecomls.

^dis tr ic t court on April 6. Bail was ; —Richard LaPonte, -who spent the P r o p o s i t i o n t o Se l l the W a t e r furnished. Mr. Parisian has been past two weeks wKh his grandpar-, g v g t p m W f t , f ta-ried h v t h e employed as one of the village mail ents returned to his home at Pots-! B v 8 t e m W a * Carr ied by t n e carriers for a number of years

ents returned to his home at Pots J dam Saturday.—The lad leu of the ( Congregational, church will serve a . roast beef autpper in the church I dining room, Thursday, March 17. I —Mis. Ernest Castleman met with : a v^ry serious accident Monday | morning, when the platform on the

Narrow Margin of 14 Votes in a Poll of 180


RENSSELAER FALLt March 16—Mrs. Amelia Burton Carver passed away at her home m Heat velton Tuesday. Many friends and relatives from here attended the*. funeral Friday. The Carvers lived here many year**, mt spent their iy, declining years with their daugh- f ter, Mrs Winona Carver Allen, wM- vj* ow of Emerson B. Allen of Heuval- §} ton. Mr and Mrs. Carver are bar - | |^ led in the Heuvelton cemetery.— m^ Claude McManus, aged 46 years, .'• passed away Sunday at the home of i Mrs. Mary Allen, after a snort III- f neas ol pneumonia. Mr. McManus •:'. was a native of Colton. His re-jfe mains were taken to the home cf his brother at Pyrites. Burial wttl | ; be made at Canton.—Rev. McKeen %y of Lowville preached In the Con- '*•£

No Log Drive

O n R a C q U e t t e • . » w r y serious acciaeni Monaay; . | | « | V W - T O N , March **.— By a morning, when the platform on the * , ._

R i v e r T h i s Y e a r *w1e'1 w n e r e 8 h e v « n t t o « e t a P a i l m a r g , n o f 1 4 v o t e s P r ° P ° n e n t « o 1 igregatio^al church Sunday.—Sun-* ; , jot water, gave away. Mrs. Castle- the plan to dispose of the partly day evening waa "farmers night' at noi&ifem Matvh u _ T h A r « w f l l ' m a n foil into the well. She was res- completed wdter works system in j the M. E. church. Several repre-

• i «• i ,u i~™>o«-< i u » T w d V t ^ « n ih« i n i o ! * . t . « T c u e d DV M r Claflln who happened this village won oat in the election sentatives of the Canton Agricill-l eyagain visited the ho«w ajd be no log d r v e ^ the lower water* t o ^ ^ ^ U n M J D r M ( > « 9 ? f

fimflng her they calted t*e I of ttoe Racquette ^ver this spring. ^ w a g J n ^ _ w w l e ^ ,H g u f . > 4 ^ ^ « t h e p i a n l a n d

hod? t ^ e t r r % % . IX ? S r l l 7 o ^ b e ^ f ^ f o r f T e ' ™ ^ ° £ ^ L V ^ T ^ r t T ' l i °A

!H lhl* for a r CrST* t ! ZZJl Srr ' T T ^ i P * P S i ^ « ™ S ° ^ ^ « r ~ l l r t H ^ ^ t V : S l o S ? &£? lk« . Reynolda, M , Smith and Mr. Hall Adame of Kdwards w « c called a i d oompaiiy there, hut the dr ve. will mnUim j ^ , ^ entertained 10 wo- proposition to sell the water works and Miss Lottie Southworth, teach* announced that death had come 3to * o i extend beyond that point Thej-e m e n a t h p r h o m e d n P l e a A a n t atreet w a s Hubmitted at the election OH : ers in the school; Arthur Wheater,

J ! L u . ? . ^ °f.h J* Tuesday afternoon.-Mr. and Mrs. the petition of a number of tax- Philip Babcock, Mine McMurty, MLs £ ! n - K , e %L ,1, ^ William McCarthy of Watertown, p a y e r s . " " ' ' ' The mills below thin village have w n l f c w ^ i in town with rela- was ins

tural school were present. Dr. Pay-83 ] son gave the principal address.

j Dean Whlttemore of the* school ve- I was praeent and spoke as did Mr.

her suduen»ly and without e v e n , a struggle*. I S-h<» had been dead tout a 1'e.w hours w-hen found. She was

Cotter of North Lawrence passed through here Sunday on his way iMime from Ogdemrtmrg where he had gone to Ibrlng hom>e the re-mains of Jow^ph Pascall of North Ijawrewce w<ho died in (>gxlen»burg | will be kept Sund:-«y. Supp^f will be s<»rv«Ml aft­er the drama Thursday evening in St. Patrick's haU and dancing will be enjoyed in Crapser's hall, music by Jimmle's Foot "Warmers.—Mr. and Mm WilHam Bot4er and child­ren of Masaena and Mr. and Mrs. UHMI Butler and daughter, Norfolk were Sunday guests of their par­ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Butler — Miaa Bee Donovan spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Mike O'Oonnell in Stockholm and hi spendtog * few days thia week MrHh Mrs. D. J. Hurley In the Settlement.—Miss Btibel Ooodoow is having three week* vacation. Her school In Stockholm reopen* next week.—'Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Meacham are home from Pyrrleii.^-Mlsftes Mar­garet snd Beatrice Qrow speut the wee»k end at their hotne in Helena.

Mis« Helfm McCarthy was home from Helena for the week end.— Mrs. Jano Davy spent Sunday with

ing In the nature of a flood hat taken place. The municipal boar has Installed a guage to show the daHy rise or fall of the stream the power

itver last year elth<w. w.nn«m u/>rarthv if Txr*tt*ri*wMm ^„..^-„ f n e w a t e r works plant stalled several years aso but

. . , r ,, , „ ^„ „^^. . . . . , 1 tlves laat week.—Mrs. James was never completed. So much in-uZ* 7* ° i l r a ^ 1 ^ « S £ E t D r e 8 M n t a K, d h a V e ^ e D £?*Mn* ' CwtfShion is roeutUrg a few days in j terest wan aroused that practically ICin'KKbmly. Sho waa married to a considerable quantity this yfia»* 1 Saranac Lake with her alster. Mrs.

born In jflermrm, July 4, 1863, tfce a large stock of pulpwood on hand

to the Rucquette.


BfcOOKDALE, March 16.-Mrs.

society and home and foreign ttps-nlonary society. She is eurvived by

DEPBYSTER, March IS.—Rev. ; one daughter, Mrs. Win,ifr©<* P. Car-and Mrs. Allen Kirknt?s<i were ney, Dekalb Junction, a son, B14-gueets Friday of Mr. and Mrs. gene R.! Fredenburg of Antwerp, George Taggart, Mr. and Mrs. W. two sisters, Mrs. Frank Chase aiwl R. Todd and Mr. and (Mrs. J. S. | Mrs. Milliard Henry of Kvart, Mloh-Holland. -Mr. awd Mrs. C. K. Olfl"In, igah, two cousins, Mrs. Cameron Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Haselton and j rice. Russell and Mre. William V$n Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Mason, attend-' Burcn. Herinon, three granddaufh-ed lib© funeral of Charlea Nelson of ters, Miss Eugenia Carney, 'Mws Ogdeneburg.—iMr. and Mrs. Bui cry Rachel Oaniey or Dekalb Junctlen, Smttfiera entertained Tuesday aft-, Miss Maftorle Fn-d«*n.burg of Aft­ernoon and evening the Lark in club werp, llwo granflsone, \VU)Mgn A six o'clock dmimi waa served, Noyes Ctirney of Dekalb Junction following a social evening was and Ropiert Fredenburg of Ant-spent. The guests departed at a we p. T i e services were late hour voting Mr. and Mrs. held from the Methodist Episcopal Smrthers royal entertainers. F . E . church sjiivday afternoon at 2. Rev. IVogardua waa in town recently Joseph Lobb officiating. He took ™ P^n _v" I . , I mT. n*T Bi%t*r'. M r


1 >

Hosley and Miss Cousins, students. The church was well filled with aa interested audience.—More thai* 100 women and girls enjoyed the mothers' and daughters' banquet In. the Methodist church parlors Fri­day evening. Ladies from the Ken-drew church kindly acted as wait­resses at the banquet.—Miss Lou

the taxpayers of Heuvelton vote McKee, who ha* been spending rjorie yesterday on the proposition as to some time with relatives in Malone

whether tho water and fire protec- and Waddington. arrived home on elon system of the village would be Monday.—Mrs. Frank Pierce of De-

gte; v k e president. Marion Tllden; (sold or not. Judge B. A. Fields of *alb Junction is housekeeper for treasurer, Mark Regan; secretary. I Watertown represented a number Mrs. Crysler. Mrs. Pierce has her Marjorie Hale; s>ponsor. -Miaa | of taxpayers of Heuvelton who granddaughter with her.—Miss i « Dmry. Sophomore claee—president, ! Bought an injunction against the Grace Wells, matron of the Jeffer- j ,* Charles Cuthbert; vice president, ' village officers stopping the sale of son county Orphanage broke her | *

Glen Ciirti* and stater Mre Ola : E l i n o r MoGt; treasurer, KenneA ! the system. I^ast Saturday he ar- w ris t by falling on the floor in the J Porter visited Mr and Mrs Arthur 1 Mytrs; secretary, Dorothy Keefe; \ gued the matter and Justice Heffer- orphanage.—Royal Freeman of Can- | * Cook ' Tuesday - -Rev and Mrs { »»onaor, Mrs. Rutherford. Fresh- j nan granted a 36-hour temporary ton visited Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Mux- fai .Harry Miller wer«, recent gueets of , man claas-Dreeldent, George Dai-, Injunction, stating that the other ray.--Mrs. J. A. Cleland visited J | Mr and Mrs Silaa RiaWs —Ola ley; vice pieeident, Jean Babcock; side should be heard. M r * Snyder in Heuvelton Thurs- v wr. anu Mrs. anas t t i g g s . - o i a _ . ^ _ _ _ _ M _ .___.! A t t o r n e y G e o r g e F 1 VanKennen day—Mrs. George N. Streeter fell H.

of Ogdensburg represented the vil- and injured herself in her home oa "\ lage president and board in the ar- ^Kendrew road—Many from here ... gument Monday. Judge Field hint attended the basketball games to^f ed that if the villagers voted to Ogdensburg Thursday, FrWajT "»WW sell the system that these same Saturday evenings—Next Friday ? taxpayers would try and obtain an evening the Heuvelton high school 1

gainst it as they feel team will play the local high school a

Have Experienced Excellent Run of Sap—Israel Snyder

Dies Other Newi.

The Ladles Ah' of the M. E. church his text from St. Joh met Wednesday afternoon in the chapter 1st ami church parlors, for their annual choir sang two hymns eiitltledi

h^BteTrVMr^ m ^ I n A \ *???; K'^'.^0^1^' lhK 'J*™*1 }?y S a v l 0 1 " a n d "AWde family in Stockholm.



!T. HPchu8 I w m v e s W a ^ ' l^Mipitatinsr Second Part of Structure In­to Water Way and Had to Be Dynamited to Pass Through

Mr*. Leslie Wilson. Mrs. tMHlni, Mi K Harold F Hlllisrd, Mrs Hoy Woodard, Mrs A. W. PhllllpH. Mrs. Perley Macomber. M's t'lnirlc Peck HI.. Tell Sunday il b#«r honn* st Malone and frac-tund her hip She was taken to tho AIU-" l l v l r hos'PitMi for care and Is <Uiir.K \\<ll as could be expected. Ilor wins. IPirrlsou and Sherman, went to sc«* her Monday. -Mr. anil MTH Roy ilainadell vialted tlwMr «lnt**r. MIM YtHn Brownell Webb Monday rvfiimg. M\*n. Webb has t>»T<n ciitlcHlly 111'Several days. -Kenneth Simpson was jible to come hniiH» W>dn»»tfd«y and Is now gain-

president, was reelected to succeed with me.' Tho bearers wjere P. C herself. At the ciose of the meet- Maine, lug ice cream an4 cake was nerved. ; Bark*

\ dear •r, .Ohai

Porter vUlted-his father, Sam Por-1 treaeurer, Bather Mott; secretary tor at Knape's Station F.iday — ' Bklward Cardinal; eponeor. Miss Mr. an^ Mre. O. Graves of Potsdam Provost and Miss Bishop.—Mtss vietted Mr. and Mre. Silas Riggs Marlon Daly, who teaches in Cas-taet week—Mre. Carrie rlose of tortand spent tne week end -with aandfordville visited her mother, *k e r parents, Mr. and Mr«." John Mrs. A- C. Cook and husband re- Daly.—Mr. and Mrs. Harold Buck rftntiv Miiut Ri*tla l .avnlW whn and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Teb7 at- injunction ugainst .._ — ^ \ ^ n T ^ m ^ \ ^ ^ r M? tended the funeral of Mrs. Edward , the village should have proper fire team in Perry's hal l . -Mrs . Jennie

lonnmGo,pel U& I « S M ^ IU W NlehoTn I t Malone^ Trenette at T w e r Lake laet w^eek. \ protection. . Doty ^ - J J — l y ^ J f * < * [ * * lonn uospei, 14m | *- ,. . <—Mrs. Henty Ashky, who has been , Charles Fiekison was alected nome.—Mrs^ u F Roulston of Wa< 2nd verae*. The ^ » « "J ^ i . T i ^ M w Walter ^ *or eome time, is i m p r o v i n g - president and John Cooper trustee tertotrn and M J. Johnson o f De-h v r i , n a ^ H M ^ p , ™ ^ ghe is mSch improved fn Mm. Grace Vance epent Friday in ! for two years a t the election yes- kalb Junction visited their mother,

h«Jth Ihe w a T s t r l c S r with a Norfolk. -Edward Hayes was call- ; terday. Their majority was ap- Mrs James McBride, last w e e k -neaiin. »ne was exneaen wwn a . . . . . . . ,.. o« ,„_, . . ^ Mrs. Leone Lee of Wafertown spent

ge Downing/ MertOn n e f T e ^ " rles B. McGruer. Wll- fOr a time

' i s t 4 una

The Dcpeyster Aces played the ! Uam Hafdy. Edward Gladle. Ver- ™ e a t Malone she has been tak Heuvelton All Stars in Ferris hall n«on A. Green conducted the fun- l u « treatmente at the hospital Heuvelton Tuesday night. The 'e ia l . Burial was made in the East . . . n a T e * p e a H y ^iKP^oved lier Home Bureau teum waa defeated by a ecore of 12 t o 32, Saturday night, March lJK.'h, The two Heuv­elton teams will meet the tw-o De-pc»yeter te-ams In Grange 'hall, De peyeter. Mr.«and Mrs I e-on Ovet-


MASftENA. March 16.—While workmen attempting to move a frame building across the canal on the left foetween the railroad bridge and the powerhouse, Thurs­day afternoon of last week, one-half :>: the building broke through the ice and sank up to the eves.

•tng rapidly. The sleighing is gone »l . * « n ^ a r y to Wow up the and wagons are running here. The '^Wlnjj with several charges ot augur nrnkors have tap i^ l their ^^S^^J^ „?}}2\. *!, tre i s and reiwrt a fine run Of ex-< »tt;*iit tmv ilarrlson Peck will flnl. h his work for J. H. Chittenden WKMI and will go to Allen's Falls , . _ . _ , . . . _ where he has secured employment "n<l e n * " « S J o 8«Ph , ° * ^ ° , b r l *

to pass through the gates of the power­house.

John Palaifian had •purchased the building of the Aluminum company

on the power plaint. The Ohltten-, It across the canal. The building d< n* are eh-aring up the rubbish on w a f ®nf «'i?

rfi h\^'.« ^ 2 4 r«f l

the store lot and are considering • ^ S " . ? ^ ! ! ^ U , n t o t w o ***** r<'imilding on a smaller scale. (' conditions have made the In Kt* country Htore with an im- .. . . . . .. . , l i e n n e stock of g o o t K s o m e Of ' l*??*\„WJl!5.h..the. .CJ* l!f__W e r < !

of 24 by, 24 feet. Wire cables were used and pul­

ley blocks anchored on the shore,

Dekalb (tenietery. -The George A. | health. -Mrs . Harold Nichols and Rich Relief Corps will hold a food «°n* J «nl -r of Louisville, who have sale Saturday afternoon and eve- ^en visMIng her eiater, Mrs. Larl ning March 13.—Mrs. P:ila I>oucks Stlckuey and family durtng the and son Sherman or Potsdam spent 1 PJ*1 ***** £ e t u i ? ? d t o ^ r h o , r a e

the week end here.—The liomk> TjMwday.-rBr. Baker of Brasher acker and family are enjoying a bureau held Its regular all day f^11? w a f h™* Tuesday.-—Llndsley new Naeh sedan.—Mr. and Mrs. meeting t'hursday. M r s - 'An-na Lob-| H u t t R n d children are HI with the W. J. Reed or Brasle Corners sp;*nt dell gave a very interesting report | S f T ^ S ^ M i T ^ l S ^ Z f l L 6 ! * P l ^ 1 ^ 3

Sunday In town with friends. De- cf the Itliaca meeting and Super- "4'~ '* *""* ~ ""* T * peyster Lodge No. 5.35. 1. 0. O. F. vinor FYank Rich gave a interest-held a sliver grey ball in Grange ing and instructive talk. The town hall Friday night, March l i th . All board was present. Over $28 was present enjoyed tho occasion, taken in for the dinner. Streetcr's orohestera furnished the music—Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Holt their daughter ami her 'huk»ba.nd and Mr. and 'Mrs. West of Gouver-m ur spent Sunday with Mr. and Mra. Thomas Smlthers.—Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Bogarduw and son. Hurl-bwt were guests Sunday of Mr. and MrH. F. E. Begardus at Braaie Corners. The Misses Lois and Mil­dred Lytle were Sunday visitors of their •parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lytle. Miss Winifred Crelghton- spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Ida (freighton.—De-peyHter Lodgo No. 575. F. & A. M. held a catd party. Wednesday eve-


PLEASANT VALLEY, Marcfh 16. -Miss Margaret McGlnnim spent

the week; end in Waddington with \u r launch Mr. McGinnis.—Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hourihan and daughter, Elizabeth'of North Lawrence were Sunday guests of Mrs. Margaret Murphy and family.—Cecelia Mur* «phy is ill! with German measles.— Mrs. Leslie Rutherford has been ill with pn« ijmonla but is recovering.

-Mr. and Mrs. Simon P. Tlernan spent Su^d«y in Wadington with

which cari led over for years, no longer proi Ma-hie.--The village H( hfM»| will close Thurrdsy Bor two w*«eks *ugar vacitlLti. It wlH reopen Monday April 4th.—Mr. and Mrs. I,eon Pik«» are visiting their daugh­ter Mrs Rings at Huckton Israel Snyder dl«»d at his 'home on the Connor farm Ttiesday night Mr. Snyder suffered an attack of pneu

drawn by horses on the sihore. The first section was loaded on

two set8 of heavy sleds and brought across successfully. The eleds were removed from that section and placed under the second section and an attempt made to bring it across. '

The warm weather of the last few days had so weakened the Ice,

«h!rh hP fRllwl 10 rally He I . «tr. I n * »">~ t W . f ? e i « ~ ? 1 h ! ' b R " k , i "

her motihjrr, Mrs. Henry McGinn ning at Ihe Masonic temple, for a m l ,Am jjiarry. -Miss Mary O'Neil their mem'bers and invitfd friends. w h 0 teaciics in Louisville, spent

the week jend yith her parents, Mr. land Mrs. Thomas O'Neil.—Frances I Goodnow of Norfolk e-pent fhe week -end wHb his cousin, Howard ;0'Biien. -'fhOnias O'Neil was In ' Norfolk rThursday on business.—

, ^ I jHH,» Mnndriy after spendinp a week A. Barton Hepburn, Jr., ,son of • at her home entertaining the G*jr-

the doner of the Hepburn hospital, | man meafcles. -Fi-wnk O'Brien of has tfnnounoed that he haa quit j Potadam spent Sunday with his A* " ' ^ ^ . Y the stage for film. It a p i lars that sister. Mrs. John Hughes and fam- prRseni

All report a pleasant evening.

A. B. Hepburn, Jr.,

Quits Stage for Film

vived by his wife and three o W W - T hh l c h ^ . 7 w ^ l ° **"*' U **"

ren The funeral was held at the | ih™*h ™« ™- ^ ftnd

Citlmlic ehurrh here and Interment I. fn<! #, ? *T ° \ * * ? " ,?? ^IZ? i«. »w« f*at^iL,. , .A m A»A P V M_„ heavy timbers, are under the buikl-\n tn»» ' at'tuoliH creraetery.—Mrs. t , » * » _ • . * I . 4 L I A . *

ami HMrntii • , n g at the bottom of the canal, but ana rroroiu b e h ^ a n c h o r e d %<> t n e 8 h o r e by t n e

Catholic Joseph Rosenbarger Hilllard were among those on the sick list laat week.

A Rllce of raw 'potato wlH ;re-m >v* mud stains from finely woven

cables Mr. Oaks hopes to be able to draw them athore when the wreck of the building is cleared away.

In the excitement after the aoci

Hepburn's family prevailed upon ; him to forsake the stage, although he is an ambitious young actor. He drtherlted $5,000,000 last week, $1,000,000 to pass to his possession immediately. He #111 leave shortly for the coast Where he Intends pro-

ily -Mr. knd Mrs. George Greene of Massettja and Mr. Royal Greene of Norfolk] Kpent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Greene.--'Mr. Ernest Spotswood of Norfolk was a Sunday guest of Mrs Margaret Murphy.—Mr. and Mrs.

duclng pictures of his own. He has [ Alfred Murphy are rejoicing over been playing In American Grand 1 the arrival of a son. Congratuki-Gulgnol at the Grove street theatre J t!ons.-Mr{ and Mrs. Mahlon Tier-in New York city. • nan were recent gueets of 'her par-

— — _ . Jents, Mr. land Mrs. W. Griffin at 'Robert Thompson, Sr., well Maasena

known Waddington resident and

visited Oliver Brothers-at Lost Na­tion during the paat week.—'Mr. and Mrs. WlaAter Planty and M4»s Ruth Planty visited Mr. and Mrs. Radph Nichols at Malone last week. —Floyd Shattuck of Massent was here Thursday.—Mrs. Mary Ladue and Miss Pauline Brothers were at Norfolk Friday.—Mr. and Mrs. Harry MU»er. Mrs. Arthur Elite, Edwin Chapman and Miss Vera Jenkins attended the Stockholm town S mday school convention which wa* held in the Methodist church at Brasher Falls Saturday. —Mr. and Mrs. B«rl Stlckney and son, Kenneth were at Potsdam Saturday afternoon.—iMlss Doris Chapmen visited -her slaters, Mrs. Earl Streeter and family, also Mr. and Mre. Linden Riggs at Mun-Toon Neighborhood recently.—Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Brothers of Plum-*brook visited their son, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brothers Thursday.— Ola Porter and son, Raymond were at SanfordvlHe Friday.—Mrs. Mary Wade of Central Square, wrho has been visltiivg her daughter, Mrs. S. Hutcbinjs ami family at Boston, Maes., was called here last week to see her eon, Eklwin Wade who has been seriously 111 at the home of h»ls sister, Mrs. Durwood Tryon,

Mr. Wade is gaining and all hope for a speedy recovery. D. Crowley of Jenkin's Neighbor­hood who has been seriously III during the past few months was taken to the Hepburn hospital at Ogdensburg Wednesday for treat­ment. Mr. Crowley was a former resident of thia place and his many friends "here hope he will soon regain his health.

N-wMmrtmr *mi «d to Watertowr. yesterday by the proximately 80 votes. Fieldson and Mn able to walk INnese of his mother, Mrs. Sarah Cooper were on the administration the week-end with her parents. Mr, 4 1 Hayes -Lewis Hudson is quite ill or so-called "dry" ticket supported , and Mrs. James A. Cleland.—Eu- *

et the home of his daughter, Mrs. by persons who did not want the 1 K«ne Crane of Newton Falls s p e n t ; Frank Pruner.—Mi-ss Hilda Healy water works system completed. | 'ne week-end with his family here. ; of the high school faculty of Wad- This ticket was Republican. The —Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pike have ; dlngton spent the week end with so-called wet ticket or Democratic moved into the Mackey place own- 4 her parent©, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. ticket was headed by Archie Ells- j ed by J. L. Wood.—Mrs. Olive Dart, ' Healy.—Mrs. Lydla Draper of Pots- worth and John Henry and was; *'ho nas been quite ill. is much dam wa* a recent gue*t of Mr. and defeated— The funeral of Mrs. j better.—Mrs. Marietta Dillingham Mrs. Henry Franton.—Myrtle En-"Amelia Burton Carver, who died at ; to ill. Her daughter-in-law from derabee returned home last week j 2:30 Tuesday Mar. 8th was held at Theresa is caring for hsr.—Henry * after spending the winter in the | her late home Friday afternoon at Nicholson, who expected to have south.—Mrs. Edith Wallace Dove ' 2 o'clock and was very largely at­

tended, many relatives and friends from out of town being p.esent. Rev. W. F. Clark of the Methodist

to go to the hospital for treatment, '\ 7 spent a few day* at the Hepburn tended, many relatives and friends i s better*nd will not be obliged to \ -i hospital with her friend, Mrs. Ella from out of town being p.esent. do so.—Horace Lawrence is taking -l>ewin, who underwent an opera- Itev. W. F. Clark of the Methodist treatment in the hospiM at Og-1:-tiott there.—Mrs. John Drake is I church officiated speaking from densaiirg.—Miss Ethel/ is vis- ^V ill at her home in North Main I'words found in the 7:ird Pslam, , t , n £ n e r relatives in M. .—Arlo *& street —Henry Frantoh is im.prov- j 24th. verse. Burktl was made in Frawley is visiting his • r, Mra. ^ s

ing elowly. He is able to Hit up an Hillcrest cemetery the beards be- Harold Graves, in Utie*.—Albert ;;> hour each day now.—Mcrtimor Sul- I 'n* Messers. George Owens. Lcroy J^ytle, who is in very poor health, % livan of Maesena spent Saturday I (Jinn. Albert Dlck:;on. Frod Wuid- ha* Bone to stay with his broths*;-?? with his ^is-ter Mrs George | cock of RennaeJaer F^lis. Charles | Warren Lytle. near F lackv i l l e . -* | * O'Leary.—Miss Gertrude O'Keefe | Chambers of Canton and Court j Principal E G- >««' of Evans MJR* ^f of North Lawrence was a Sunday ! land Smithers of this place. Mrs. JP^Ut the week-end at home.--M^S ,4^

Carver had been in failing health Margaret Hinsdale who is to gr*ftv£ since last fall with frequent severe 1 u a t e at Potsdam Normal in June, ^

a (former Republican war horse

hbiek wllk The starch from the d>n t . i^on, a son ot Mr. Oaks, who p- tsto that remains on the cloth -was helping with the job, broke may be bru&hed off easily after rt through the ice near the middle of driee l the canal, and went into the water

, . I up to his armpits. By prompt work High wttte* accent tWs - ••MMmig'

in labor-saving equipment. of the other workmen, saved,

Material for the second oT « «er-of that town, observed, last week | lea <rf debktes that may be used by his «2nd birthday, being the guest! ^rangi^e dr other local groups is of honor at a dinner *iven by the • a v a U a . M e \ t t n e ^ t e ^ 1 ^ ot v m i , r»ul D> „ l l l I W I I 1 ) „ members of his family. Mr. Thomp-1 ^. . . . ! • . Uu»^ w v *ru* ??^2? J?\Z' " £ L ? ~7£1 TM~~ son's many OgWleneburg friends ! f*r C J ' M * * k h a o a * N • Y ^ T h e the w l f ^ the editor of the Uttca congratulate h l i T o n his ripe old , t O D ! c i a : u 1 s , , n o r e ^onomical Daily P»ess. age and rejoice 1n the fact that he | f o r $>* average farmer to buy veg-

Felix F.rederik«en, son of- Is^s. Frederiksen, is the husband of the former Mies Dorothy L. Sykes daughter of President Richard Eddy Sykes of St. Lawrence university, and Mrs. Sykes. Thry were married Dec. 30, 1922 at Canton. Another daughter, Mr*. Paul B. WMliame hi

guest of Mildred Narrow.—Edward Woods has moved his famHy into . . . I#( _ 4 t ^.^ Julia Dailey's house in Prospect I « '<^ks of k-idnev trouble. She has a position for next year In the s t r e e t - M r . and "-Mrs. James Kelly I was stricken with her last illness I central part of the State, to teach and cJiildien of Brasher Fall^. spent: Tuesday Mar. 1st and on the follew- j music and draw ing.—Miss Mildred Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George ; ing Friday suffered a stroke from J>art was home over the week-end McKenna.—brelie Robinson is very which she never rallied. She was ' £ o m PoUdam Normal.—Miss Av|» ill at h's home in Elm street Mr ' born at Kendrew May 7th 1848 Bromaghin was lw>me from St. Law-and Mrs. King Rhodes and family daughter of Benjamin and Mary jence universky and Miss Veda have moved to Allen's Falla where Burton who were natives of Eng- McAdoo from O. K A. training

lard. In Oct. lHtig she was married c l ass . to Burton Carver and their early , ——— married life was sp?nt on a farm l f fAl>T* t > m # i v at Kendrew. Later they moved MMTIJE K I D O S to the Hinsdale farm at Rennsolaer Falls and from there to the farm, now owned by Leroy dinn near the


they will make their future home. —Ernest Goodrich has moved his family into the Benjamin Oj-lei-house in West Prospect street.— Mrs. Fred Madill Is 111. Her daugh­ter from Syracuse came last week to assist in caring for her -Bern


i' ard""Flynn "spent Saturday with h i s ! »anie village about 25 years ago MAFLB ^ ^ E . M a i ^ i 1 | — l ^ K I father at Oouverneur !t,»<v purchased a home in Reunse- Thompson of Holmes HiH is vlsH^| ^

'lacr Falls village where they lived <ng lier sister. Mrs. William Our-J^ iuntil the spring of 1 T> 13 when they . rler.—Lrelie White recently pur-l^f

" came here to je*ida with their {chased a new Ford sedan.—Mr. andf J G E A N T V T L L E •'.»-. only duughter, Winona, who was Mrs. Wiil ism LaBarge guests d t | ^

: % ihanied in 1911 to the late F;mer-1 Fred LAShombe Thursday.—Mle»ff *4.flftANTVILLE, Mao-ch 1«.—Mrs. son B. Alien of this place. Mr. I Eleanor White i s visiting h e t l Alfred Farnsworth spent a few days Carver died in Nov. 1922. Mr. Allen • brother, Elmer White and fami iy , -4 | last week m. Walertowu.- Farmers in Decennlber 1926. Much sympathy are busy tapping their sugar trees, 1* i'cit lor Mrs. Allen now .Jeft en-hut net much syrup haa been made tirely alone in the home Be-yet.—Mr. and Mr? Ray Farnsworth sides her daughter, Mrs. Carver and son, Donald of Raymondvitle, leaves one brother Ixmnard Burton spent Sunday at the home of I>ester ag«»d 82 of Dodge Center, Mian, the Grant and family.—Mr. and Mrs. only surviving member of a fam-Archie Phelix. Mrs. Parjey Bush ily of ten all of whom lived their and soh, Ralph were recent visit- alloted span of yeurs. There, also, ore in Madrid.—William Tucker survive a number of nephews and S*utton of Louisville visited betPlI

he was hi still active and In unusually good j (tables for his own table than to health. grow then 1."

\A^Mm!^?0 V*i

: -,• ••• . . « P H t - . i t :*-

•*»•; S*S W: Y%i ,;*>:•&•.

..^;%pS»«f:S;Wr «rf Wmm

Uncle Ab eaya a sUUfttl wirk-man doesn't like to wear gloves.

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen White enter* tained Mr. and Mrs. Charles W h i t e J ^ also Mr. and Mrs. Hubert LaBarge 1 Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. CteOTn fgv* Sharlow of Brasher Center we i^f^ Sunday guests of Elmer White.-^,|& Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rajpao wens e|* recent guests of Mr. and M ^ ' | | | George Lscomhe of Ma«?ena.—Mtai ^5

and family of Racket River were 'nieces and other more distant rela-jsister, Mrs. Jack T y o t h e past wecl*;* recent visitors at the home of Par-'. tives and a wide circle of friends —Mrs. Baxter opened her s c h o o l f l ley Bush and family.—Roy B'gsby ' and acquaintances.—Mr. and Mrs. 1 in the Upper Ridge Monday.—tf^jL* of Norfolk was here eanvaesing for Frank Breckenridge !eft last Sat- land Mrs. Elmer White i l s o Mr. ftflC^I the T. B. test on cattle last week, urday for Clifton Springs where: Mrs. Charles White spetit Satur*;-* —The local ectvool reopened Mon- Mrs. Breckenridge, who is suffering day evening with Floyd Wilson efl£*.\> day with Brie Haven of Norfolk as with a disease of the nerves and the S'hoen Road. : teacher.—Mr. and Mrs. George Phe- muscles will remain for a time for) ' / ' i lix were recent visitors 0/ their treatment. Her many friends here A new time card witt 90 to*e^j^*,; parents. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Phe- sincerely hope she may be perman- lect on the St. Lawrence dii llx.—Ralph Bush epent Thursday ently benefited. Mr. Breckenrige of the New York Central, with relatives in Norwood.

't «+ *

Continued on page eight

1 * >


*•# ^^f.
