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Recull de Narrativa en anglès

Noves adquisicions de Narrativa en anglès NARRATIVA

-Alagiah, G. A Passage to Africa -Archer, Jeffrey. A Matter of honour -Archer, Jeffrey. As the crow flies -Archer, Jeffrey. Not a penny more, not a penny less -Armstrong, Campbell. Agents of darkness -Atwood, M. The Blind assassin -Bagshawe, Louise. Glitz -Baldacci, David. Last man standing -Baldacci, David. The Camel club -Baldwin, James. Go tell it on the mountain -Barnes, Julian. Arthur & George -Bennett, Alan. The Uncommon reader -Berenson, Alex. The Faithful spy -Binchy, Maeve. Echoes -Binchy, Maeve. Firefly summer -Binchy, Maeve. Heart and soul -Binchy, Maeve. Light a penny candle -Binchy, Maeve. Scarlet Feather -Binchy, Maeve. Tara Road -Binchy, Maeve. The Copper beach -Binchy, Maeve. The Lilac bus -Bingham, Ch. Summertime -Boyne, John. The Boy in the striped pyjamas : a fable -Bradbury, Ray. The Martian chronicles -Bradford, Barbara Taylor. A Sudden change of heart -Bradford, Barbara Taylor. A Woman of substance -Bradford, Barbara Taylor. Hold the dream -Bradford, Barbara Taylor. Re-member -Bradley, Celeste. The Spy : book three in the Liar's Club -Brooks, Geraldine. March -Brown, Benita. All our tomorrows -Brown, Dan. Deception point -Brown, Dan. The Da Vinci code -Caddle, Colette. Forever FM -Carey, Peter. My Life as a fake -Castañeda, Jorge G. Compañero : the life and death of Che Guevara -Chabon, Michael. The Yiddish policemen's union : a novel -Child, Lee. 61 hours -Child, Lee. Persuader -Child, Lee. The Hard way

-Child, Lee. Without fail -Christie, Agatha. Murder on the Orient Express -Clancy, Tom. Games of state -Clancy, Tom. Red Rabbit -Clavell, James. Whirlwind -Cleave, Chris. The Other hand -Coben, Harlan. Back spin -Coben, Harlan. Deal breaker -Coben, Harlan. Hold tight -Coelho, Paulo. The Alchemist -Coelho, Paulo. The Zahir -Cole, Martina. Faces -Coleridge, N. Goodchildren -Collins, Jackie. Dangerous kiss -Collins, Jackie. Hollywood divorces -Collins, Jackie. Poor little bitch girl -Connelly, Michael. A Darkness more than night -Connelly, Michael. Angels flight -Connelly, Michael. Nine dragons -Connelly, Michael. The Black ice -Connelly, Michael. The Closers -Connelly, Michael. The Concrete blonde -Connelly, Michael. The Poet -Connolly, John. Every dead thing -Connolly, John. The Reapers -Cookson, C. The Upstart -Cooper, Jilly. The Man who made husbans jealous -Cornwell, Patricia. At risk -Cornwell, Patricia. Black notice -Cornwell, Patricia. From Potter's field -Cornwell, Patricia. Point of origin -Cornwell, Patricia. The Body farm -Cornwell, Patricia. The Front -Cornwell, Patricia. Trace -Cox, J. Cradle of thorns -Cox, J. Miss you forever -Crombie, Deborah. A Finer end -Cullimore, Cl. Lola comes home -Cumming, Ch. A Spy by nature -Dahl, Roald. Kiss kiss -Daniels, Charlie. Priceless : my journey through a life of vice -Darling, Olivia. Vintage -Davison, Emma. Catwalk -De Guillaume, André. How to rule the world : a handbook for the aspiring dictator -De Guise, E. Came forth the sun

-De Quincey, Thomas. Confessions of an English Opium-Eater and other writings -Deaver, Jeffery. Mistress of justice -Deaver, Jeffery. The Blue nowhere -Deaver, Jeffery. The Coffin dancer -Deaver, Jeffery. The Cold moon -Deaver, Jeffery. The Devil's teardrop -Deaver, Jeffery. The Twelfth card : a Lincoln Rhyme novel -Deaver, Jeffery. Twisted -DeMille, Nelson. By the rivers of Babylon -Dexter, Colin. Last seen wearing -Dickens, Charles. Bleak house -Donnelly, Jennifer. The Tea Rose -Durrell, Lawrence. Clea -Erskine, B. Daughters of FIRE -Evans, N. The Horse whisperer -Fielding, Helen. Bridget Jones : the edge of reason -Fielding, Helen. Bridget Jones's diary : a novel -Filkins, Dexter. The Forever war -Follett, Ken. Night over water -Follett, Ken. The Pillars of the earth -Follett, Ken. World without end -Forsyth, Frederick. The Deceiver -Francis, Clare. A Dark devotion -Fraser, Antonia. Political death : a Jemima Shore mystery -Freedman, Rory. Skinny bitch : a no-nonsense, tough-love guide for savvy girls who want to stop eating crap and start looking fabulous! -French, Nicci. Losing you -French, Nicci. The Memory game -French, Tana. Faithful place -Gerritsen, Tess. Whistle blower -Gimenez, Mark. The Perk -Golding, William. The Spire -Grafton, Sue. "L" is for lawless -Green, Jane. Mr Maybe -Greene, G. The Quiet american -Greenwood, Ed. Spellfire -Griffin, David Ray. The New Pearl Harbor : disturbing questions about the Bush administration and 9/11 -Grisham, John. The Appeal -Grisham, John. The Partner -Haddon, Mark. The Curious incident of the dog in the night-time -Hammett, Dashiell. The Thin man -Hawes, Annie. Extra virgin : amongst the olive groves of Liguria

Noves adquisicions de Narrativa en anglès

-Henderson, Meg. A Scent of bluebells -Herbert, James. Others -Herbert, James. The Magic cottage -Higgins, Jack. A Fine night for dying -Higgins, Jack. Hell is always today -Higgins, Jack. The Graveyard shift -Highsmith, Patricia. The Talented Mr. Ripley -Hills, George. Franco : the man and his nation -Hornby, Nick. About a boy -Hornby, Nick. High fidelity -Howard, Audrey. Shining threads -Howard, Elizabeth Jane. Falling -Huxley, Aldous. Brave new world : the enduring classic masterwork of an all-too-possible future -Huxley, Aldous. The Devils of Loudun -Iles, Greg. Black cross -Indridason, A. Hypothermia -James, H. The Portrait of a lady -Kellerman, Jonathan. Gone : an Alex Delaware novel -Kellerman, J. Self-Defense -Keyes, Marian. Angels -Keyes, Marian. Lucy Sullivan is getting married -King, S. Goes to the movies -Kinsella, S. Shopaholic & sister -Kirby, Tracy. The Model prisoner -Koontz, Dean R. Seize the night -Korda, Michael. Curtain -Krantz, Judith. Dazzle -Kuzneski, Chris. Sword of god -La Plante, L. The Red Dahlia -Läckberg, C. The Ice princess -Larsson, Stieg. The Girl who kicked the hornets' nest -Larsson, Stieg. The Girl who played with fire -Larsson, Stieg. The Girl with the dragon tattoo -Le Carré, John. The Constant Gardener : a special edition to benefit The Constant Gardener Trust -Le Guin, Ursula K. The Dispossessed -Lessing, Doris. The Golden no-tebook

-Lessing, Doris. The Summer before the dark -Levy, Andrea. Small island -Lord, G. Feeding the demons -Ludlum, Robert. The Promet-heus deception -Makine, Andrei. Human love -Manfredi, Valerio. Alexander : the ends of the earth -Mann, Klaus. Mephisto -Margolin, Phillip. Gone, but not forgotten -Martel, Yann. Life of Pi -McCarthy, Cormac. The Road -McCourt, Frank. 'Tis : a memoir -McDermid, Val. A Darker domain -McDermid, Val. Fever of the bone -McEwan, Ian. Amsterdam -McEwan, Ian. Enduring love -McEwan, Ian. In between the sheets : and other stories -McNab, Andy. Immediate action -Meyer, Stephenie. Breaking dawn -Meyer, Stephenie. Eclipse -Meyer, Stephenie. New moon -Meyer, Stephenie. The Host -Meyer, Stephenie. Twilight -Michener, James A. The Novel -Munro, Alice. Hateship, friendship, courtship, loveship, marriage : stories -Murdoch, Iris. Under the Net -Nicholls, S. Season of secrets -Nicholls, S. Ways to live forever -Nicol, Mark. Last round : the battle of Majar al-Kabir -Niffenegger, Audrey. The Time traveler's wife -Noor Al, Reina, consort d'Hus-sein I, Rei de Jordània. Leap of faith : memoirs of an unexpected life -North, Freya. Polly -Orwell, George. Animal farm -Patterson, James. Cross -Patterson, James. Kiss the girls -Patterson, James. The Jester -Pearl, Mariane. A Mighty heart -Phillips, Julia. You'll never eat lunch in this town again -Picoult, Jodi. My sister's Keeper -Poe, Edgar Allan. Selected tales -Pound, Ezra. Selected prose : 1909-1965 -Pratchett, Terry. Going postal -Pullman, Philip. Northern lights

-Pullman, Philip. The Golden com-pass -Purcell, D. A Place of stones -Puzo, Mario. The Fourth K -Reichs, Kathy. 206 bones -Rendell, Ruth. The Monster in the box -Rimington, Stella. At risk -Ripley, Alexandra. Scarlett -Roberts, Nora. The Pagan stone -Rushdie, Salman. Haroun and the sea of stories -Ryan, Chris. Blackout -Sandford, J. The Devil's code -Sayers, D. L. The Nine tailors -Sheldon, Sidney. The Best laid plans -Sheldon, Sidney. The Doomsday conspiracy -Silva, D. The English assassin -Slaughter, Karin. Faithless -Slouka, Mark. The Visible World -Smith, Wilbur. Blue horizon -Smith, Wilbur. Monsoon -Steel, Danielle. Impossible -Steel, Danielle. Johnny Angel -Steel, Danielle. No Greater love -Steel, Danielle. The Ranch -Steel, Danielle. Toxic bachelors -Stone, Nick. Mr Clarinet -Sundaresan, Indu. The Twentieth wife : a novel -Swarup, V. Slumdog millionaire : originally published as Q&A -Thomas, Craig. A Different war -Thorne, N. Yesterday's promises -Titchmarsh, A. Love & dr. Devon -Tolkien, J. R. R. The Lord of the rings -Trollope, J. Friday nights -Trollope, J. Marrying the Mistress -Upson, N. An Expert in murder -Vincenzi, Penny. Almost a crime -Waller, Leslie. Manhattan transfer -Wearing, D. Forever today -Weisberger, Lauren. The Devil wears Prada -Wharton, Edith. The Age of innocence -Willocks, Tim. Green river rising -Wilson, A. N. After the victorians : the world our parents knew -Wilson, R. The Hidden assassins -Winterson, J. Gut symmetries -Winton, Tim. Dirt music -Woodruff, William. The Road to nab end

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