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In this presentation following points are included• Fatmid Caliphs• Educational Accomplishments• Rise and fall of Fatmid Caliph •Role of Ibnul Haitham

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Imam of Fatmid Dynasty

•Imam Al Mahdi

• Imam Qayam

• Iamm mansoor

•Imam Moiz

•Imam Al Aziz


• Imam Zahir

•Imam Mustansirbillah

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Imam Qaima and


The next two Imams, Imam al-Qaim and

Imam al-Mansur, they ruled over considerable

parts of North Africa and Sicily, and launched

two unsuccessful expeditions against Egypt.

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Imam Al Moiz

Under Imam al-Muizz (953-975 CE),

the Fatimids reached the height of

their glory and universal triumph of

Ismailis appeared not far distant.

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The reign of the 8th Fatimid Caliph al-

Mustansir billah (1035-1094 CE) is noted

for the longest Caliphate in Muslim

history and it is full of very significant


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The Golden Period

•Encouraged learning and wisdom

• A wide range of Subject taught in Darulilm

• Caliph encourage people to live in a piece

• Merchants found in Cairo for trading

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Kurdish general whose uncle was last senior minister of Fatimid caliphs.

• drove crusaders from Jerusalem and most of Palestine, justifying his rule with a military


• returned Egypt to Sunni orthdoxy and renewed bond with Abbasid caliphate in


• introduced madrasa, part of the Sunni religious revival

• after his death, the empire was split into loosely linked empire controlled by members

of his family

• continued trade with Europe and East; many Egyptian items in demand, such as alum

• Egypt became center of Arab scholarship

Salah ad Din ibn Ayyub (Saladin)

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Seljuk Turks & Crusades

Fatimid dynasty became center of Islamic

civilization = important because it was located on

Nile river = Cairo

Created a strong army by non-native soldiers =

Seljuk Turks

Seljuk Turks = nomadic people from central Asia,

converted to Islam

Took over much of Abbasid empire & captured

Baghdad; held political and military power

Turks took over Anatolian plateau, Byzantine

empire turned west for help

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• Founded by Imam Al Moiz

• Extended by Imam Aziz and Hakim

• Chief centre of Islamic and Arabic learning in the world of Cairo, Egypt. It was founded by the Fāṭimids in 970 CE and was formally organized by 988.

• Its name may allude toFāṭimah, the Prophet’s daughter, known as “al-Zahrāʾ”.

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Fall of Fatmid Dynasty

Imam Nizar was arrested, brought to Cairo and

imprisoned till his death. There were four more Fatimid

Caliphs from the line of al-Mustali ruling in Cairo but

could not be considered more than a local Egyptian

dynasty without power or influence. The Ismaili dream of

a Universal Caliphate was thus lost.

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Ibnul Haytham

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Born circa 965, in Basra, Iraq, he lived

mainly in Cairo, Egypt, dying there at age

76. Over-confident about practical

application of his mathematical

knowledge, he assumed that he could

regulate the floods of the Nile.

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Books written

•Tibne alfuqra

•Wa al Musakin

are based on Human body

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