Page 1: Fatal Attraction Media Analysis

Main Title-This is the film's title that has been displayed clearly on the centre line of the poster. The font colour always fits in with the film's colour scheme in order to correspond with the brand identity.

Actor's names-The names of the protagonists in the film are usually displayed in order to grab the attention of an audience. This is also a synergy method because fans of the actors/actresses displayed on the poster may come and view the film just because they're in it.

Tag line- The tag line of a film poster usually includes a clever play on words or pun that represents a theme/themes within the film. This tag line is then usually repeated or slipped into the film in dialogue.

Picture of main characters-The picture o the characters on the poster not only introduces the main people within the film but also gives an insight into what the film may be about. For example, this image suggests that there's a romantic aspect to the film.

Page 2: Fatal Attraction Media Analysis

There are many aspects of this film poster that give away small things about the genre of the film. An example of this is the cooler scheme. Although the picture in the background depicts romance, the harshness of the red colour on the poster suggests that the genre of the film may be different to what it initially seems to be. The black and red are usually colours of a thriller genre and so we can assume that the film may fall within this genre. The cold blue undertones of the background image also suggests that there could be some sort of fear related/sad connotation the film's plot. In the background Image, we see a man and woman holding each other although the woman is looking away from the man as If she's feeling uncomfortable. This could suggest that the man may initiate the romance within the film and also portrays him as the stereotypical male tyrant that is commonly seen within the film industry. Despite this, the man is wearing white which would usually suggest that this person is the innocent figure or victim within the film. Again, this is reinforced by the black costume in which the female is wearing which no longer represents her as uncomfortable but powerful and as if she wants the man to hold on.

Page 3: Fatal Attraction Media Analysis

On the poster we also see a rip down the centre of the background image which suggests a lot about the film's narrative and relationship between the two protagonists that can be seen. The fact that the rip is down the centre of the two characters suggests that there is distance for some reason between the two of them. The rip also points towards the film's title in a 'dagger-like' shape. This reinforces the idea of the film being a thriller as this usually involves posters that include structured shapes with hard or sharp edges. This could also suggest that there could be a murder or crime within the plot which adds many connotations of a crime/drama sub genre.Although we cannot work out a setting from the film poster, the formal costumes (despite not looking formal), suggest that the characters are in the middle-upper socio-economic status. From the background image, it also looks as if the man is undressing the woman which suggests that there may be a sexual romance between the two characters and makes me think that the film could fall within the romance sub genre also.

Page 4: Fatal Attraction Media Analysis

Juxtaposition has been used in the tag-line with the word 'love' and 'terrifying'. This suggests, to me, that there are two genres in which the film could fall into; These being romance and thriller/horror. The word terrifying is not usually used to describe a love story as it is usually surrounded by positive vocabulary. The word terrifying suggests that something may go wrong with the woman and man and will cause a dark turn in the plot.The realism of the photographic background suggests that were wont be many special effects or animation within the film. This aspect, alongside the colour scheme and the sexualized background image suggests that the film will not be suitable for a younger audience.
