
8/9/2019 Fast Image Downloading System For Medical Domain Using Distributed System 1/4

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering& Management (IJAIEM)Web Site: Email: [email protected]

Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2015 ISSN 2319 - 4847 

Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2015 Page 162 


 Downloading any file quickly is an integral part of our social as well as professional living. The m odern society cannot run

without various downloading facilities. There are many systems which are providing quick downloading of large files for

 personal and corporate world. In the current system, if we will focus on medical domain then there is no such system which is

 providing any facilities like providing quick downloading for medical domain. Doctor or patients have to carry all the report

images or standard images all time. If in any emergency doctor want to compare the patient’s image with standard image then

 he cannot download it within minimum time as the images are large in size. Our system will provide facility for downloading

image within minimum time with help of Bit torrent. So that if the client who will download the image for the very first time he

will download it from server. But when another user will try to download it, then the first downloaded image will work as

 replica for the current downloading. And the process will carried out so on. This system will also use parallel file downloading

 protocols. When any user will start his system then his Torrent will also get start automatically, and it will keep record of each

 system on which it is installed. So that Torrent will keep track of each image which has downloaded and on which system it has


Keywords:Torrent,Protocols ,Distributed System.


Data replication is a key building block for large scale distributed storage system. Parallel download protocols thatestablish multiple connections to distributed replica servers and simultaneously download individual parts of the data in parallel, as depicted in Figure 1, promise a reduction of the data download time by up to a factor of  n when using n

 parallel connections , compared to a download from a single server only.Moreover, the failure of a replica during the

download reduces the download rate, but does not interrupt the transfer. Finally, parallel download protocols shed loadonmultiple servers and therefore automatically achieve a loadbalancing, resulting in higher server availability.Thechallenges in the design of parallel download protocolsarise because network conditions in the Internet areheterogeneous,dynamic and difficult to predict, and becausefile sizes follow a distribution that varies from applicationtoapplication. Current parallel download protocols only existas application-layer solutions that target specificapplicationdemands and network environments. CDNs downloadsmall pictures (ads) in parallel from low-latencyservers Slicing protocols, such asBitTorrent [6], split multimedia files of several MB into smaller slices and coordinatethe download of individual slices from multiple peers.

Figure 1 Parallel download from multiple servers 

In this paper we develop a mechanism to download the image parallel from multiple client.Suppose there are n numberof clients from that n number of the clients specific number of the clients are having the particular image and if otherclient want to download that image it will fire the query with respect to that image,we will maintain an update tablewhich will contain the information about the images which would be maintained by the server,and if that images is

Fast Image Downloading System For Medical

Domain Using Distributed System

ProfShaileshHule, RajaniPhadtare, VarshaPatil, SnehalRengade, PriyankaBansode

PimpriChinchwad College of Engineering, University of Pune

8/9/2019 Fast Image Downloading System For Medical Domain Using Distributed System 2/4

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering& Management (IJAIEM)Web Site: Email: [email protected]

Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2015 ISSN 2319 - 4847 

Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2015 Page 163 

available the system will find on which process that image is available and depending on the health of the process thetask will be assigned to each processors and parallel downloading operation will be carried.


Consider a set S consisting of all the elements related to a program. The mathematical model is given as below,

S={s, e, X, Y, F, DD, NDD, Mem_shared, CPUcorecnt | {} }Where,

s= Initial statee= End stateX= Input setY= Output setF= F(me) +F(friend)F(me)= Main functionF(friend)= Supportive function / inbuilt functionDD= Deterministic data

 NDD= Non-deterministic data.CPUcorecnt= No. of cores

Mem_shared= Memory shared by processor.Success= Desired outcome is generatedFailures= Desired outcome is not generated.s= User will fire query for imagee= requested image downloadede1= image not availableX= Image nameY= downloaded image or unavailability message

F(me) = {F(search), F(selection), F(partition),F(download),F(merge),F(update)}search

F(search) = Searching will search requested image on the network.Input: Image nameOutput: Availability message & node count or unavailability message.selection

F(selection) = Selection will select the node on which image is available.Input: Total node countOutput: Selected node will provide requested image.partition

F(partition) = Partition will perform fragmentation of requested image according to node count.Input: Selected node count.Output: Fragmented

F(download) = Download function will parallel download fragmented image from selected nodes.Input: Fragmented image and selected node countOutput: Download message or failure message.

mergeF(merge) = Merge operation will perform merging of downloaded image.Input: Downloaded image fragmentsOutput: Merged image.update

F(update) = Update will update the availability table.Input: System on which image is downloadedOutput: System information will be added to availability table.Success:

If image is available then downloading of image done successfully.Failures

If image is available but not getting downloaded then it will report error message.


If you want to download Single file from single node then downloading time=TIf you want to download Single file from multiple node then downloading time=Tx 

8/9/2019 Fast Image Downloading System For Medical Domain Using Distributed System 3/4

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering& Management (IJAIEM)Web Site: Email: [email protected]

Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2015 ISSN 2319 - 4847 

Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2015 Page 164 

where x=selected nodes from multiples node having images i;Tx is downloading time of single file.Ts =Selection timeTm=merging time

Where,T=Total downloading timeTx=max(  

whereTx is absolute valueTx=max(  

Consider the following example:If a image i is of 3 mb and network speed is 1mb then time required to download image is 3 unit time .But if we willconsider that same image is existing on the same systems then time required to download same image is 1unit. Becauseeach system parallely will be downloading 1mb part and merging time and searching time will be negligible so we willrequired 1 unit time.





System Modules are


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International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering& Management (IJAIEM)Web Site: Email: [email protected]

Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2015 ISSN 2319 - 4847 

Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2015 Page 165 

i. Searching:

Searching is the very basic function which is carried out for the quick image downloading. As soon as the user will press the enter tab, that time searching will be carried out at the back end of the system. The very basic use of searchingfeature is that the requested image is present or not in the system server. If the image is present then at how many places it is present, along with the system name and system count.

ii. Selection and Partition:As soon as the system will perform searching function that time selection of system from the available system willcarried out. The selection process will be completely based on the system health i. e. first system health will be checkand if the system health is up to the required mark then only those system will be selected. Then image will be partitioned into number of parts so that at the time of parallel image downloading, the parts of image can getdownloaded quickly and hence can save the download time. iii. Download and Merge:

When the image will be get partitioned into number of parts, the downloading of image will be done. When image willget downloaded, the image will be consist of parts and we need to reassemble those part as one image. So the mergingwill be carried out within very less time. And then the assembled image will be shown to user.iv. Updating Availability Table

When the image will get downloaded on one system then the availability table which is used for searching of an imagewill be updated. So that more number of system will be available for downloading.


This paper presents a parallel download from n replica to a single client. It deals with the partitioning of the image andthen merging itsucessfully.Whichprovides the fast downloading in efficient time and would be helpful for the medicaldomain.


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