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    Disentangling time in a near-field approach to scanning probe microscopy

    Marco Farina,*a Agnese Lucesoli,a Tiziana Pietrangelo,b Andrea di Donato,a Silvia Fabiani,a

    Giuseppe Venanzoni,a Davide Mencarelli,a Tullio Rozzia and Antonio Morinia

    Received 13th May 2011, Accepted 29th June 2011

    DOI: 10.1039/c1nr10491h

    Microwave microscopy has recently attracted intensive effort, owing

    to its capability to provide quantitative information about the local

    composition and the electromagnetic response of a sample. None-

    theless, the interpretation of microwave images remains a challenge

    as the electromagnetic waves interact with the sample and the

    surrounding in a multitude of ways following different paths:

    microwave images are a convolution of all contributions. In this

    work we show that examining the time evolution of the electro-

    magnetic waves allows us to disentangle each contribution, providing

    images with striking quality and unexplored scenarios for near-field


    Scanning probe microscopes constitute a broad class of devices

    sharing a common feature: a probe performs a scan in close prox-

    imity to the sample surface. Depending on the type of probe, the

    system records variations of some physical parameters arising from

    the short range interaction between the sample surface and the


    In the seminal work by Ash and Nicholls in 1972 (ref. 2) micro-

    waves were proposed as a possible interaction medium; at first glance

    the use of electromagnetic waves looks constrained by the diffraction

    limit (or Abbes limit) relating the resolution of an imaging system to

    the wavelength, which is centimetric for microwaves. However in

    microscopy this limit is circumvented by exploiting the near-field (or

    evanescent field) of a probe or of an antenna.2 Near-field decays

    exponentially from the source and is therefore an excellent way to

    probe a sample at a very high resolution.

    In the aforementioned paper the authors achieved a resolution of

    l/60 with a signal at 10 GHz, but more recent works have achieved

    atomic resolution. A complete review of the state-of-the-art may be

    found in ref. 3.Microwave microscopy however has many unpaired potentialities,

    not yet fully exploited, owing to its capability to perform local

    quantitative measurements of electromagnetic properties such as

    dielectric constant and conductivity.46 Broadband measurements of

    these parameters would open the possibility to perform local

    microwave spectroscopy. The latter might be especially attractive for

    biological applications as many cellular structures have polar prop-

    erties, giving rise to phonon excitation when irradiated by the time-

    varying electromagnetic field: basically the applied electric fieldslightly deforms the structure in a periodic manner and vibration

    resonances can occur, possibly in the microwave, millimetre and sub-

    millimetre wave range.79Yet, local microwave spectroscopy could be

    an intriguing tool for the characterization of quantum-mechanical

    properties of structures such as carbon nanotubes or nanoribbons.10

    We should mention that microwaves were also used as a powerful

    approach to perform the scanning tunneling microscopy on non-

    conducting samples, by exploiting the harmonics generated by the

    non-linear tunnel junction11 and achieving atomic resolution.

    The simplest way to generate decaying fields is to use a sharp tip,

    kept in close proximity to the sample to be investigated, since the

    electromagnetic field diverges in proximity to an ideal metal edge; an

    alternative widely used approach is to use an aperture. However inboth cases the microwave source acts at the same time as an antenna,

    radiating in the complex environmentof themicroscope. Focusing on

    the tip approach, it is apparent how the latter is unable to selectively

    illuminate only the desired area under its sharp vertex, because it is

    basically an antenna exciting any sort of electromagnetic wave and

    interacting with all the regions of the microscope and of the sample.

    Any microwave image will be inevitably the convolution of all those

    interactions; consequently the interpretation of data and the accurate

    modeling of the source/sample/microscope interaction are still open

    issues limiting the scope of this powerful technique.

    To date, the philosophy adopted to partially overcome this major

    problem has been to create resonant structures involving the tip

    whose interaction with the sample is modeled mostly as a capaci-tanceand to work at specific frequencies where all the surrounding

    interactions can be safely modeled as an unwanted parasitic capaci-

    tance to be removed. Of course, this approach is sound only insofar

    as a microwave signal is generated at a single specific frequencythe

    resonant frequencythus losing many of the attractive possibilities

    offered by this kind of microscopy. A more holistic approach which is

    being investigated by many researchers, including ourselves (see

    ESI, Materials and methods, where some hints about our calibra-

    tion solution are reported), involves the idea of calibration, namely

    a multi-step procedure exploiting the measurement of a set of known

    samples (or loads, also called standards) over an arbitrary

    aDIBET, Universita Politecnica delle Marche, Via Brecce Bianche, 60131Ancona, Italy. E-mail: [email protected]; Tel: +390712204837bDept. of Neuroscience and Imaging, Universita G. dAnnunzio, Via deiVestini, I-66100 Chieti, Italy. E-mail: [email protected]; Tel:+3908713554554

    Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Materials andmethods, Fig. S1S7, Table 1, and Videos S1S4. See DOI:10.1039/c1nr10491h

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    frequency range; this allows the evaluation of the error network

    modeling any electromagnetic interaction between parts of the

    microscope and its analytical removal from the raw measurement.5

    However even this idea is faced with several open issues, among

    others: (1) one has to be able to create samples which are well

    characterized over a frequency range and whose measurement can be

    easily repeated. (2) When changing samples as in ref. 5, it is very

    difficult to ensure that no modification in the part modeling the

    microscope (the error network) has occurred. (3) The surroundingcan change or move with time and with temperature, and those

    modifications cannot be neglected when working on the nanometric

    scale. (4) Defining the error network may be difficult, as the tip and

    the sample interact in a complicated way (multimodal interaction).

    In this work we propose to follow a completely different strand,

    namely to introduce the concept of time-domain in near-field

    microscopy: the idea is to simply perform an inverse Fourier-trans-

    form of the microwave data, typically the reflection coefficient (the

    ratio between complex amplitudes of reflected and incident signals)

    measured at one edge of the tip over a given frequency range. In this

    way we obtain a description of how the reflected signal changes with

    time, mimicking a kind of measurement known as Time-Domain

    Reflectometry, used in ground penetrating radar or in signal integ-rity applications. Much like what happens with the diffraction limit,

    even in this case we are faced with an apparent limit, related to the

    slowness of the microwave signals when compared to the time-scale

    involved in microscopy: if we sweep the signal frequency between

    0 andfmax, the inverse Fourier-transform would provide the response

    to a pulse having time width 1/fmax, typically in the order of tens of

    picoseconds, really an eternity when compared to the time required

    for the light to travel across 1 nmin air just 3 attoseconds. Actually,

    the interaction with matter introduces quite longer delays, but still the

    time-scales apparently do not match, and this is why the time-domain

    is never used in this framework. Nonetheless in this work we show

    how time can still be conveniently used.

    Let us consider a microwave probe: assumejust to simplifycalculationsit is 1.5 cm long (it would include some part of

    a microwave connector). The microwave signal would travel along

    the probe much like along a transmission line: the total back and

    forth travel path of the wave involved in the measurement of the

    reflection coefficient would be 3 cm; in air, the signal would cover this

    distance in 100 picoseconds. Now the interaction between the probe

    andthe sample will induce some additional delays: the simplest model

    of the probe-to-sample interaction is a capacitance, and a trans-

    mission line terminated on a capacitance is equivalent to a longer

    open line (for a given frequency). Variations of this capacitance

    appear as variations of the delay, reflecting both changes in topog-

    raphy and surface composition. The point is that we can appreciate

    such variations in the pulse obtained by the inverse Fourier-trans-form, in spite of the frequency limit. What actually limits our capa-

    bility is the system dynamics and the noise, namely how well we can

    detect small changes in the reconstructed (reflected) pulse.

    Actually, this application of time does not even require the above

    assumptions (long transmission line and signal bandwidth compa-

    rable to the travel time); this is evident when considering a single tone,

    where the small change in the phase of the reflection coefficient is

    a measure of the same time-delay. In this framework the time domain

    is consequently just a convenient expedient to present data, simpli-

    fying understanding. In the limit case of a homogeneous sample, for

    example, differences in time will map differences in topography; the

    additional intriguing information is provided by the penetration of

    microwaves under the sample surface. A further advantage is that the

    reflection coefficient in time is a real quantity, while in frequency it is

    a complex one: in the latter case, informative images will either

    appear in amplitude or phase plot when changing the frequency, and

    sometimes information spreads between the two, with a deterioration

    of quality.

    However the major issue of near field microscopy is that near field

    and far field interactions generally coexist; in fact the waves radiatedby the probe reach the sample following multiplepaths, some of them

    interacting with the surrounding (the shield, the microscope body,

    etc.). This is the key point where operating in the time-domain

    provides a solution. In fact, while frequency-domain images are

    a convolution of all the contributions, in time they can be at least

    partially disentangled, as the distance between the probe and the

    sample is in the nanometre range while the distance between the

    probe and parts of the microscope is in the centimetre range. The

    time-domain transform provides a set of synthetic echoes and, in

    some intuitive sense, thefirst echo comes from the nearest interaction,

    namely the informative part of the sample. At different times,

    depending on the actual bandwidth of the excitation, we will receive

    the echoes from parasitic paths. Some of them come from a non-localinteraction with the sample itselfbringing for example images

    about its tiltingand some from the surroundings. Hence, after

    converting data in thetime-domain, it is possibleto focus on a specific

    interaction (see ESI, Fig. S1). Most importantly, the whole proce-

    dure is a post-processing that can be done off-line on existing data,

    not requiring modifications to the instrument.

    In order to prove this concept we have developed an ultra-wide-

    band microwave microscope (Fig. 1; see ESI, Video S1 showing the

    setup) exploiting a Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) and

    a Vector Network Analyzer, the latter being used to perform

    measurements of the microwave signal (up to 70 GHz) with high

    dynamics. However it should be stressed that ultra-wideband is not

    strictly necessary to implement our time-domain microscopy, asshown in the Materials and methods section (see ESI, e.g.Fig. S5):

    we just need to measure the reflection coefficient over a finite set of

    frequencies in order to take at least some of the advantages from

    a virtual time-pulse. In our system the STM current is recorded

    simultaneously and is used in the feedback chain in order to maintain

    the tip-to-sample distance, while providing at the same time an STM

    topographical image of the sample being characterized. Hence, the

    conductive platinumiridium STM tip, fed by a capacitively coupled

    coaxial line, is also used as the microwave source. The choice of the

    STM in this system has some advantages: among others, the STM tip

    is naturally a good microwave probe, the STM is intrinsically

    contact-less, and STM by itself easily allows atomic resolution. The

    major drawback is the need for a conducting sample; howeverGuckenberger et al. in ref. 12 demonstrated the possibility to partially

    overcome this STM limitation by exploiting a thin water film present

    on the sample surface and its peculiar high lateral conductivity.

    Fig. 2 shows an equivalent circuit that we propose for the head:

    a set of transmission lines, modeling non-local interactions and

    enclosure resonances, the coaxial probe and the local tip-to-sample

    interaction, modeled as a capacitor (in this case 0.7 fF). Number and

    parameters of lines are adjusted to fit experimental data, andFig. 2(b)

    reports the comparison between measured data and the model.

    In order to demonstrate the concept, we have transformed the

    reflection coefficient in time and evaluated the difference between

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    data obtained by modifying the tip-to-sample capacitance from 0.7 to0.701 and then to 0.702 fFmodeling a change in a feature of the

    sample (topography or composition)a further plot shows the

    difference produced by modifying the first transmission line length by

    just 0.001 degrees from the nominal value of 104 at 10 GHz. This

    models a slight change in the non-local interaction (a distance of

    83 nm for a wave traveling in air). Fig. 3 shows the corresponding

    time-plots; it is evident that there are two timeframes: one where the

    local interaction dominates and the other where mostly the non-local

    effects dominate: local and non-local interactions are distinguishable.

    This technique has been applied to a number of samples; Fig. 4

    reports as an example a specimen of Highly Oriented Pyrolitic

    Graphite (HOPG). The total scanning area is 10 10 mm2, and the

    height of the smallest features is in the order of few nanometres. Inparticular Fig. 4 on the left shows the time-domain image from the

    microwave microscopy, while on the right we see the plot of the STM

    topography recorded simultaneously. The time-domain image has

    not been processed for further improvement, while the STM image

    showed also a relevant plane tilt (of the order of 1 mm) that was

    removed in post-processing. The STM image quality was limited by

    the quality of the tip (obtained by wire cutting) and by microphonic

    noise induced by the microwave cable. The microwave image, on the

    other hand, shows a high quality, taking advantage of the underlying

    multi-frequency measurement, and is likely to be displaying also

    some of the sub-surface HOPG layers. Further pictures, also showing

    spectroscopic barrier-height images, are in Fig. S4 (ESI, Materials

    and methods, Additional data). Fig. 5 shows a similar comparison for

    mouse myotube C2C12 fixed in paraformaldehyde on the HOPG

    substrate (see ESI, Materials and methods; also shown in Fig. S6,

    a zoom); the right image is the STM (Set Point: 1 pA, bias voltage:

    8 V), while the left image is the simultaneous microwave scan (X

    band) at a time instant.

    Fig. 1 Broadband setup (top) and details of the STM/SMM tip


    Fig. 2 Model (a) and comparison between theoretical and measured

    data (b). Parameters are given in Table S1 (in the ESI, Materials and

    methods). TL are transmission lines.

    Fig. 3 Differences in the time-domain reflection coefficient: there are

    time-frames where the local interaction dominates (left rectangle, near

    time) and where a non-local interaction, mediated by the far-field,

    dominates (right rectangle, far time).

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    Note that this scan is quite challenging for our STM head, as 1 pA

    is the minimum current allowed. The microwave image highlights

    details partially hidden in the STMscan, in particular over the border

    of the cell membrane; note that microwaves seem to discriminate well

    the region between cells, having different reflectivities. Images show

    part of theconnective structures around the fibers and some details of

    the membranes. This is even more evident in living C2C12 cells

    (Fig. S7 in the ESI, Materials and methods, area 35 35 mm2

    ). It isalso useful to follow the time evolution in Videos S3, S4 and S5

    (ESI) showing, respectively, the reflected signal changes in time for

    the HOPG, the fixed and the living C2C12.

    In conclusion, our work proves that the time-domain

    approach discloses unexpected developments for the near-field



    We thank C. Franzini-Armstrong (University of Pennsylvania) for

    the suggestions during the preparation of the manuscript. We are

    grateful to G. Scoles (Princeton University) for valuable discussions

    on the subject. We also thank R. Castagna for reviewing the paper

    and L. Palma for running measurements reported in S3.

    Notes and references

    1 G. Binning, F. Quate and C. Gerber, Atomic force microscope,Phys.Rev. Lett., 1986, 56, 930933.

    2 E. A. Ash and G. Nicholls, Super-resolution aperture scanningmicroscope,Nature, 1972, 237, 510512.

    3 S. Kalinin and A. Gruverman,Scanning Probe Microscopy, Springer,New York, 2007.

    4 A. Imtiaz and S. M. Anlage, A novel STM-assisted microwavemicroscope with capacitance and loss imaging capability,Ultramicroscopy, 2003, 94, 209212.

    5 D. Karbassi, et al., Quantitative scanning near-field microwavemicroscopy for thin film dielectric constant measurement, Rev. Sci.Instrum., 2008, 79, 094706.

    6 A. Tselev, S. M. Anlage, Z. Ma and J. Melngailis, Broadbanddielectric microwave microscopy on mm length scales, Rev. Sci.Instrum., 2007, 78, 044701.

    7 C. K. Sun, T. M. Liu and H. P. Chen, US Pat., 2009/0237067A1,2009.

    Fig. 4 HOPG in the time-domain microwave microscopy (left; max. frequency 20.5 GHz) and the simultaneous STM image (right; height in


    Fig. 5 Comparison for myotubes fixed with paraformaldehyde on the HOPG substrate. Left: time-domain microwave image; right: simultaneous STM.

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    8 F. H. Westheimer, Why nature chose phosphates,Science, 1987,235,11731178.

    9 D. L. Woolard, et al., Submillimeter-wave phonon modes in DNAmacromolecules, Phys. Rev. E: Stat. Phys., Plasmas, Fluids, Relat.Interdiscip. Top., 2002, 65, 051903.

    10 V. V. Talanov, et al., Few-layer graphene characterization by near-field scanning microwavemicroscopy, ACS Nano, 2010, 4, 38313833.

    11 S. L. Stranick and P. S. Weiss, Alternating current scanningtunnelling microscopy and nonlinear spectroscopy, J. Phys. Chem.,1994, 98, 17621764.

    12 R. Guckenberger, et al., Scanning tunnelling microscopy ofinsulators and biological specimens based on lateralconductivity of ultrathin water films, Science, 1994, 266, 15381540.

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