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Risk communication for “One Health”

Thomas Abraham

The University of Hong Kong

Presented at FAO Risk Communication for One Health Seminar14 April 2011, Rome Italy

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Man Man



New Disease

New Disease

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• Based on experience of H5N1 communication, a two pronged approach using community level risk communication and participatory development communication

• Some principles of participatory communication

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Building on the experience of H5N1 communication

1. Differing perceptions of risk between communities living with the disease and outside experts.

2. H5N1 was a livelihood issue, as much as a human and animal health issue. Communication messages tended to treat it as a health issue.

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Differing Perceptions of Risk

We’re protecting global health security

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No big deal, chicken die all

the time

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I don’t think they’ve ever seen a live chicken before

Crazy guys, but love the


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Differences in perceptions of risk between experts and the public is a feature of modern society

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Differences in perception of risks

• Technical experts judge the risk to be very low

• Those against nuclear energy ( and increasingly the public) judge the risk to be high

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All risks have benefits

• Modern industrial society needs power

• Other sources of power such as fossil fuels also have risks associated with them

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Risk Communication

• Acting as a bridge between expert assessments and public assessments of risk

• Outcome is a shared understanding of risk, and a consensus on what needs to be done

• Risk communication is not about putting out messages and persuading the public to accept them but a process of reaching consensus

• Different from emergency communication, where people need to know quickly what to do

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Why consensus and common understanding?

• Risks are uncertain: they may or may not happen

• Every “risky” action, or behaviour, has a benefit attached to it. Changing behaviourand practices have costs attached to them

• People on the ground need to balance the costs and benefits, not experts

• Local communities have their own knowledge which needs to be used to solve problems

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Community level risk communication is an essential strategy to bridge the gap between public and expert perceptions and should be a foundation for communication on animal-human health

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A livelihood issueIf you kill my

ducks, what am I going to feed my


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• More poultry have probably died in culling operations during H5N1 than from the disease itself

• For farmers and rural communities, the risk to livelihood of preventive measures, can be greater than the health risks from the disease itself

• We need to start looking at livestock and animal disease as a livelihood issue, rather than a purely health issue

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This is a development issue

• Aim of strategy is to help people protect and improve their livelihoods through keeping livestock and themselves healthy

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Because this is a development issue, we need to use the tools of participatorydevelopment communication to empowercommunities to solve this problem

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Two models of development communication

• Top down model: originally based on Rogers’ diffusion of innovations approach

• Uses tools like social marketing, education-entertainment, media messages to promote certain goals and objectives

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• Participatory model: a more radical model, in which communities decide their priorities, and design programmes to meet these needs

• Role of communicators and outside experts is to assist communities in this process

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Why is participation better than a top down approach

• Top down programmes are driven by funding from outside.

• They often have little meaning for the community

• When the funding ends, so does the programme

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• Participatory programmes are things the community actually wants and is asking for

• With help, communities can raise and find funding to do the things they need to do

• Benefits are long lasting, organic

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"Communication for development is about people, who are the drivers of their own development; It contributes to sustainable change for the benefit of the poorest; It is a two way process [and] is about people coming together to identify problems, create solutions and empower the poorest; It respects indigenous knowledge and culture and that local context is key; It is critical to the success of the Millennium Development Goals."Declaration of 9th UN Communication for Development Round Table, 2004.

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Let’s get real…

• In the real world, pure, participatory development communication is hard to come be

• Goals do not come from the community: set by donors, governments, and international community.

• But communities still need to play a role by discussing, understanding, and deciding on how best to implement

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Principles of participatory risk communication

• Communication should be a dialogue on risk rather than a monologic delivery of messages.

• Communities have their own knowledge and experience, and communication should be a process by which this local knowledge is assimilated with information from outside in order to define problems and arrive at solutions.

• The aim of the communication exercise should be to help communities find ways to protect and improve their livelihood

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• Guidelines and measures to reduce risk produced by outside experts should be flexible and indicative rather than prescriptive; allowing communities to decide priorities and design programmes

• Communicators have a role not only as messengers, but as act as change agents, helping communities to organize and get access to resources.

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Some next steps

• Substantial community level development communication capacity has been built up over several decades

• New efforts needs to build on existing capacity

• Determining the key technical issues on which community level dialogue can begin

• Training programmes for communicators to act as change agents and not messengers

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