Page 1: FAO PARTNERSHIPS WITH NON-STATE ACTORS · losses, farmers’ production, and farmers’ organizations and cooperatives. Joint design and implementation of field projects aiming to

Type of Partnership

Name of Partner Type of Agreement Start Date End Date SP SDG Partnership Coverage Main Objectives

Private Sector Grameen Foundation USA Memorandum of Understanding

17-09-2013 17-09-2016 SP3 2 Colombia, Uganda Framework for collaboration is aimed at supporting poor small-scale agricultural producers in developing countries which shall be developed jointly. The purpose is to enhance smallholder access to knowledge and technologies for sustainable production and food security through the use of mobile agriculture supported services.

Private Sector Eataly Memorandum of Understanding

18-10-2013 18-10-2014 SP1, SP4 2 Italy, Ethiopia, Regional Europe and Central Asia, Regional Africa

This partnership is aimed at supporting small holder producers and promoting sustainable food systems, contributing concretely to the eradication of hunger and advocating for the International Year of Family Farming (2014) through joint advocacy and communication at the global level and assistance to smallscale producers in developing countries.

Private Sector Magazine “A Lavoura” of the Sociedad Nacional de Agricultura de Brasil

Memorandum of Understanding

07-11-2013 06-11-2017 SP1, SP2, SP3, SP4, SP5

2 Brazil, Regional Latin America This collaboration is aimed at raising the visibility of FAO's mandate and also of the activities of the Organization in Brazil by publication of media and opinion articles.

Private Sector Rádio e Televisão de Portugal General Agreement 07-03-2014 21-02-2016 SP1, SP2, SP3, SP4, SP5

2 Portugal, Regional Europe and Central Asia

This cooperation is aimed at promoting FAO’s mandate, activities and the fight against hunger in general and yearly promote the World Food Day/TeleFood campaign.

Private Sector International Federation of Agricultural Journalists

Memorandum of Understanding

27-04-2014 27-04-2017 SP1 2 Global This collabora on is aimed at advocacy and communica on through the distribution of information related to FAO's mandate and strategic objectives through the IFAJ network• Knowledge management and dissemination, distribution of content that raises awareness on UN International Years related to FAO's mandate through the IFAJ network.

Private Sector Kuehne Foundation Memorandum of Understanding

02-10-2014 02-10-2017 SP4, SP5 2 South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, United Republic of

This MoU between FAO and the Kühne-S ung (Kuehne Founda on) provides a framework for collaboration in: Humanitarian Logistics; preparedness and logistics related to the level three emergencies; and in fields of common interests related to logistics systems, aiming the optimization of food supply chains and food loss reduction, and contributing to achieve the goals of FAO projects in food logistics.

Private Sector Auralight Memorandum of Understanding

18-02-2015 18-02-2018 SP1 2, 6 Italy, Guinea-Bissau, Ghana This partnership provides a framework for Aura Light S.r.l. to support FAO’s work on small holder producers and promote ‘green’ agrifood value chains. Aura Light S.r.l. will support FAO through the following modalities: (i) support the food security and development of small-scale producers (smallholders) in developing countries through financial contribution; (ii) contribute to FAO advocacy campaigns related to the area of work.Private Sector World Union of Wholesale

Markets (WUWM)Memorandum of Understanding

28-05-2015 28-05-2017 SP4 2, 12 FAO and WUWM are conducting joint initiatives, activities and programmes for the promotion of market development and the improved management of markets as well as in the area of food losses and waste. They are furthermore working together towards increasing the availability and promoting diversified consumption of safe, good quality and affordable fresh food products; and promoting wholesale and retail markets efficiency, dynamism, sustainability and inclusiveness.

Private Sector Autogrill Memorandum of Understanding

07-07-2015 07-07-2016 SP2 2, 5, 12 Italy, Bolivia, Plurinational State of

This partnership provides a framework for collaboration between the parties to support small holder food processing enterprises and promote sustainable food systems. The parties agree to join efforts in the fight against hunger and in advocating for the Save Food: Global Initiative on Food Losses and Waste Reduction through joint advocacy and communication at the global, regional and national level.


Page 2: FAO PARTNERSHIPS WITH NON-STATE ACTORS · losses, farmers’ production, and farmers’ organizations and cooperatives. Joint design and implementation of field projects aiming to

Type of Partnership

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Private Sector La Stampa Letter of Intent 13-07-2015 SP1 2 Italy This partnership provides a framework for collabora on in the area of advocacy and communication related to FAO mandate. The two parties collaborated during the 2015 Expo, together with Farnesina.

Private Sector Mastercard Memorandum of Understanding

01-09-2015 01-09-2018 SP4, SP5 2 Kenya, Global This partnership provides a framework for collaboration aimed at supporting smallholders. Main activities include: supporting FAO projects and initiatives at country level; exchange and dissemination of knowledge; support capacity development related to FAO field programme; addressing income and food security status of host community and refugee populations through integrating economies in Turkana County.

Private Sector Boulder Institute of Microfinance Memorandum of Understanding

29-09-2015 29-09-2017 SP3, SP4 2 Global This partnership provides a framework for collaboration between the parties aimed at disseminating FAO knowledge in the area of rural and agricultural finance, risk management and agricultural policy to a well-targeted group of financial practitioners, policy makers, the private agribusiness sector, and donors working towards rural financial systems that benefit smallholder families in the developing world.

Private Sector Google Memorandum of Understanding

01-12-2015 01-12-2018 SP2 2, 12, 14, 15

Global This partnership provides a framework for a collaboration between the parties to leverage form Google’s technical expertise on geospatial products and training capacity to help develop and support FAO systems and services for the monitoring of natural resources, livelihoods and the environment.

Private Sector Grupo TRAGSA Memorandum of Understanding

17-05-2016 16-05-2019 SP2 2, 6, 15 Global, Ecuador This partnership provides a framework for cooperation between the parties in order to contribute to food security and to the development of small food processing enterprises in developing countries.

Private Sector The Rockefeller Foundation Memorandum of Understanding

09-02-2016 08-02-2019 SP4 12 Regional Africa This partnership, launched in September 2016, involves the Rockefeller Foundation supporting the Global Initiative on Food Loss and Waste Reduction within the context of the African region for the implementation of the African Union (AU) Malabo Declaration on Agriculture and Postharvest Losses 2025.

Private Sector Thomson Reuters Foundation Memorandum of Understanding

20-06-2016 19-06-2019 SP1 2 Global This partnership envisions produc on and distribu on of impar al information related to hunger, nutrition and food production challenges and related issues; promote editorial content to raise public awareness and knowledge of the necessary actions to eliminate hunger; foster information and knowledge exchange between FAO technical staff and TRF journalists; provide the framework for further developing training activities for journalists from other media.

Private Sector Emirates News Agency (WAM) Memorandum of Understanding

14-03-2015 13-03-2016 SP1, SP2, SP3, SP4, SP5

2 Global This collabora on aims at contribu ng to the eradica on of hunger worldwide by enhancing information production related to hunger, nutrition and food systems, and by promoting knowledge exchange between experts and journalists in the fields of the fight against hunger, food security, nutrition, fisheries, forestry, and sustainable development, as well as other relevant issues for the parties.

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Type of Partnership

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Private Sector Mars, Incorporated Memorandum of Understanding

13-10-2015 13-10-2018 SP4 2, 14 Global, Tanzania, United Republic of

This partnership provides a framework of collabora on aimed at promo ng and supporting the development of inclusive and sustainable agricultural systems and to share technical expertise to enhance global food safety and support the identification and management of food safety threats. Main areas include: collaboration to improve the FAO’s technical guidance on mycotoxins prevention and control.

Private Sector TASS Russian News Agency Memorandum of Understanding

23-06-2015 23-06-2017 SP1 2 Global This partnership envisions promotion of knowledge exchange between experts and journalists in the field of fight against hunger, food security, nutrition, fisheries, forestry, and sustainable development, as well as other relevant issues for the parties mandate.

Private Sector Xinhua News Agency Memorandum of Understanding

14-10-2015 14-10-2017 SP1 2 Global This partnership provides a framework for colabora on between the par es aimed at providing mutual institutional recognition, and contributing to the eradication of hunger by enhancing information production related to hunger, nutrition and food systems, and by promoting knowledge exchange between experts and journalists.

Private Sector International Association of Agriculture Production Insurers (AIAG)

Donor/Grant Agreement

20-07-2015 SP2 2 Global Donor agreement - AIAG made available a contribu on amoun ng up to a maximum of EUR 10,000 to provide support to the International Year of Soils activities and advocacy campaign.

Private Sector Austrian Hail Insurance Company (HAGEL)

Donor/Grant Agreement

20-07-2015 SP2 2 Global Donor agreement - HAGEL made available, on a grant basis, a contribu on amounting up to a maximum of EUR 10,000 to provide support to the International Year of Soils activities.

Private Sector Real Academia de Gastronomía General Agreement 04-10-2013 03-10-2017 SP2 2 Spain, Regional Europe and Central Asia

This collabora on is aimed at promo ng the study and dissemina on of knowledge on food products as well as best practices on food, nutrition and gastronomy, with the purpose of achieving sustainable food and nutrition security and contributing to the eradication of hunger.

Private Sector Fundaçao Banco do Brasil (FBB) Memorandum of Understanding

15-08-2013 06-09-2019 SP2 2 Brazil, Regional Latin America This collabora on is aimed at promo ng ac vi es of technical advice, training and exchange of information and knowledge related to the agrifood supply in Brazil, to support the efforts of the parties to increase production and productivity, particularly for small and family farmers, through the intensification of sustainable production systems.

Private Sector International Academy for Gastronomy

General Agreement 11-02-2013 10-02-2017 SP1 2, 12 Global This collabora on is aimed at promo ng the study and dissemina on of knowledge on food products as well as best practices on food, nutrition and gastronomy, with the purpose of achieving sustainable food and nutrition security and contributing to the eradication of hunger.

Private Sector TE-FOOD Memorandum of Understanding

18-06-2018 31-12-2018 SP2 2 Viet Nam, Regional Asia Pacific The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between FAO

and TE-FOOD International GmbH is to provide a framework for partnership between the parties with a view to contribute to a better understanding of the applications of blockchain technology and its implications for the statisticians responsible for official statistics in the livestock sector.

Private Sector Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Memorandum of Understanding

09-05-2013 09-05-2021 SP4 2, 12 Thailand, China The objective of this Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between FAO and Messe Düsseldorf GmbH is to provide a framework for cooperation in in relation to the aims of the Save Food Initiative, and realize specific case studies.

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Private Sector Rabobank Foundation Memorandum of Understanding

20-09-2013 31-12-2019 SP3, SP4 2 Tanzania, United Republic of, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda

This collabora on will contribute to the formula on and implementa on of policies and support to the following topics: small-scale producers through better access to financial services, food chain to reduce food waste and losses, farmers’ production, and farmers’ organizations and cooperatives. Joint design and implementation of field projects aiming to increase access to finance and support investments for smallholders in Tanzania, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Uganda.

Private Sector Spanish Exporters and Investors Club

Memorandum of Understanding

14-11-2013 14-11-2021 SP4 2 Global This collaboration is aimed at improving capacity related to: networks of local producers; food price volatility; standard development for the commercialization of agricultural, livestock and forestry products; development of best practices especially on the use of new technologies; involvement of the private sector and civil society in the development and implementation of related national policies.

Private Sector AGRIDEA, acting on behalf of the Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services (GFRAS)

Memorandum of Understanding

19-02-2014 18-02-2022 SP2, SP5 2, 6, 14 Global The MoU envisages the following areas of cooperation: development of joint activities to address issues of mutual interest, designed to foster and promote Rural Advisory Services (RAS) policies and capacities; promotion of synergies and elaboration of collaborative programmes; promotion and development of joint RAS programmes, activities or projects.

Private Sector National Geographic Society Memorandum of Understanding

17-10-2014 17-10-2019 SP2 2 Global This partnership provides framework for collabora on in the fight against hunger through joint efforts in the field of communication and journalism, including the NGS "Future of Food" series, FAO's annual World Food Day celebrations, and related events. Ac vi es include: sharing of sta s cs, reports and data ,creation and distribution of editorial content; production of compilation issue with Director-General Op-Ed, etc.

Private Sector IKEA of Sweden AB Letter of Intent 03-06-2015 SP2, SP3 5, 15 Viet Nam With this Partnership Agreement between IKEA and FAO, the par es reaffirm their intent to strengthen their collaboration and develop a diagnostic study for advancing sustainable forest management and forest certification in the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam. IKEA and FAO agreed with the Vietnamese government to speed up Sustainable forestry management practices while improving livelihoods of rural people.

Private Sector CEMA Memorandum of Understanding

02-10-2015 02-10-2021 SP2 2 To be decided This partnership provides a framework for collaboration whereby CEMA will support FAO's work to increase the welfare of farm households and create positive dynamics and opportunities for economic growth in rural areas through sustainable mechanization efforts. Main activities include contribution to and participate in relevant meetings on agricultural mechanization under the global umbrella of the AgriEvolution Alliance.

Private Sector El País General Agreement 15-02-2016 15-02-2020 SP1 2 Global This partnership envisions dissemination of information concerning the activities carried out by FAO to fulfill its mandate, as well as efforts of the international community to achieve food security and sustainable development of rural areas. Main activities include: joint initiatives with multidisciplinary approaches such as reports, lectures, conferences, roundtables, press conferences, professional exchange projects, etc.

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Private Sector Companía Espanola de Financión Del Desarrollo, Cofides S.A.

Memorandum of Understanding

26-09-2016 26-09-2018 SP1, SP2, SP4 2, 15 Colombia, Ecuador This partnership was established to foster collabora on in to support investments in value chain development in order to enable local stakeholders to benefit either directly or indirectly from such investments.

Private Sector La Asociación Española de Mayoristas, Importadores, Transformadores y Exportadores de Productos de la Pesca y Acuicultura (CONXEMAR)

Memorandum of Understanding

15-09-2015 14-09-2023 SP1 14 Global The aim of this partnership is to help improve knowledge of fishery and aquaculture products, especially the frozen sector, improve access to the resources of developing country populations and facilitate decision-making by operators worldwide; contribute to the achievement of FAO’s objectives in developing countries in which fisheries is an important resource; contribute to the dissemination of knowledge on fishery resources.

Private Sector Khalifa International Award's Board of Trustees

Memorandum of Understanding

19-03-2018 SP1, SP2 2, 6, 12, 14, 15

Regional Near East Explore areas of collabora on, including joint publica ons, workshops and other activities related to date palm production; and to identify potential synergies in collaborating locally and regionally in sharing and disseminating information related to the area of nutrition and date palm production.

Private Sector Fertitecnica Colfiorito Srl Memorandum of Understanding

06-03-2017 05-03-2020 SP3, SP4 2 Italy, Global This collaboration is aimed at supporting smallholder farmers’ access to market. This ini a ve will help support small farmers in the southern hemisphere while helping promote a healthy nutrition in Italy and Europe. This partnerships will bring beans, chickpeas and lentils from agricultural cooperatives in developing countries to the shelves of Italian and European supermarkets.

Private Sector International Fertilizer Association (IFA)

Memorandum of Understanding

19-10-2016 18-10-2019 SP3 2 China, Sweden, Japan, Kenya, Sri Lanka

The purpose of this MoU between FAO and the Interna onal Fer lizer Association (IFA) is to agree on terms and conditions for collaboration between the parties to develop, advocate and strengthen joint actions to promote Sustainable Food and Agriculture and address related issues and topics, including the assessment of soil nutrient availability and sustainable use of soils and fertilizers.

Private Sector CNH Industrial Italia SpA Donor/Grant Agreement

10-12-2015 31-12-2019 SP3 2 Tunisia The main objec ve of this coopera on is to reduce rural poverty and food insecurity in arid areas of Tunisia by contributing a sum of USD 150,000.00 towards implementation of several projects.

Private Sector Unilever Letter of Intent 19-09-2017 SP1, SP2, SP4 12 Global, Argentina The parties declare their intention to cooperate in the following areas: Food Loss and Waste; Global Climate Action Agenda and Climate Change and Agriculture; Digital Innovation Collaboration; Supporting resilience-building in disaster and emergency settings; voluntary Guidelines on the responsible Governance of Tenure/Land Rights.

Private Sector Nuffield International Farming Scholars

Letter of Intent 01-11-2017 SP1 2, 5 Global Mainly funded by the private sector partners, Nuffield International Farming Scholars provide culturally inclusive and gender equal scholarship opportunities for farmers, food producers, fishers and other agricultural value chain actors, especially those from the global south, between 28-40 years old, rather than university students.

Private Sector ENI General Agreement 26-02-2018 25-02-2021 SP2 6 Nigeria This collaboration aims at promoting agriculture and improved water resources in North East. Specifically, the parties collaborate to develop the Access to Water Project.

Private Sector Telefonica Memorandum of Understanding

27-12-2017 26-12-2020 SP4, SP5 2, 6 Regional Latin America, El Salvador, Chile, Peru, Guatemala, Colombia, Ecuador, Nicaragua

The partnership between FAO and Telefonica aims at developing and promoting better use to IT/Digital innovation, providing better information and data access to small holder farmers and local stakeholders is the overall goal of the partnership.

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Private Sector Nibulon Ltd. Memorandum of Understanding

05-12-2017 04-12-2020 SP4 2, 12 Serbia, Egypt The main objective of this partnership between FAO and Nibulon Ltd. is to develop, promote and strengthen joint actions and projects to improve grain supply chains, in particular the efficiency of post-harvest systems. Areas of mutual interest and potential collaboration include improving the efficiency of grain storage, logistics and transportation in Serbia and Egypt.

Private Sector International Poultry Council (IPC) Memorandum of Understanding

17-04-2015 17-04-2021 SP1 2, 6, 15 Global The collaboration between FAO and IPC includes: knowledge sharing and analysis; collaboration on programmes and projects focusing on elimination of hunger and malnutrition as well as rural poverty reduction; collaboration in responding to and controlling the spread of poultry diseases; promotion of best practices for responsible poultry production; organization of joint events and/or reciprocal invitations to meetings.

Private Sector Pasona Group Inc. Letter of Intent 03-01-2018 SP1 2 Global The collaboration between FAO and Pasona Group Inc. include: i) joint studies or projects on specific thematic areas; ii) capacity building activities including training, internships, fellowships, and lectures; iii) knowledge sharing and dissemination of information; and iv) advocacy and awareness raising through joint events and exhibitions.

Private Sector Guangfa Securities Letter of Intent 06-07-2018 SP3 2 China, Regional Asia Pacific The main objective of this cooperation is to promote smart and green agriculture and thus reduce rural poverty in China. Through this LoI, FAO and Guangfa Securities declared their intention to: i) assist the Government of China in implementing its rural revitalization strategy; ii) contribute to the achievement of the SDGs (especially SDG 1 and 2); iii) collaborate under the FAO’s poverty reduction programme in China; iv) empower the Farmer Field School programme with Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) tools; and v) promote agroecology and rural revitalization in China.

Private Sector FLAMA Memorandum of Understanding

21-11-2018 20-11-2022 SP4 2, 5 Regional Latin America The main objective of this cooperation is to develop joint actions for the development and dissemination of good practices of inclusive trade, reduction of losses and waste as well as strengthening of wholesale market management models of the region under the concept of food security. The activities include: i) exchange of publications, studies, reports and all types of information; ii) development of platforms, and/or tools to share knowledge and information; iii) capacity building, including training, seminars,

Private Sector Itaipu Binacional Donor/Grant Agreement

01-01-2017 31-12-2020 SP2 2, 15 Brazil, Regional Latin America Itaipu Binacional has decided to support the implementation of actions of sustainable territorial development, having as parameters the economic, social and environmental, with emphasis on the socio-productive inclusion of emblematic cases of Parana and southern Brazil, such as Family programs Agriculture and Food Security, Youth and Succession Technical Assistance and Rural Extension, Cooperative and Productive Chains, "Matas Ciliares Program".

Private Sector Phosagro Donor/Grant Agreement

05-12-2018 SP1, SP2 2 Global Phosagro donated 1.2 million to improve farmers' skills in sustainable soil management and enhance the capacities of national soil laboratories in Africa, Latin America and the Near East. The Soil Doctors Testing Kits will be developed and distributed to at least 5,000 farmers in participating countries who will also receive training on how to use them.

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Private Sector Global Pulse Confederation (GPC) Donor/Grant Agreement

08-04-2019 31-12-2019 SP4 2 Global GPC has nodated 50,000 USD.

Private Sector Al-Sulaiteen Agricultural Research, Studies and Training Center (SARSTC)

Memorandum of Understanding

19-03-2019 18-03-2022 SP1, SP2, SP3, SP4, SP5

2, 6, 12, 14, 15

Qatar, Regional Africa, Regional Near East

The MOU between FAO and AI-Sulaiteen Agricultural Research, Studies and Training Center (SARSTC) formalizes collaborations in support of all SPs by developing, promoting and strengthening joint actions and projects to improve agriculture activities and food security situation in the Middle East and North Africa. In particular, joint actions aim at, among other things, exchange information and knowledge about agricultural and food systems techniques in support of small holding farmers and rural population.

Private Sector Korea Telecom Memorandum of Understanding

12-06-2019 11-06-2022 SP3, SP4 2 Global The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding is to provide a framework for partnership between FAO and KT with a view to foster technological innovation and youth entrepeneurship and promote the use of technologies and innovations for the improved efficiency and inclusiveness of development processes and value chains related to agribusiness management and digital agriculture.

Private Sector Seeds & Chips Memorandum of Understanding

13-06-2019 12-06-2022 SP1, SP2, SP4 2 Global The purpose of this MoU is to provide a framework for partnership between FAO and Seeds&Chips, to provide mutual institutional recognition, and contribute to the eradication of hunger and malnutrition worldwide by enhancing communication and awareness on agricultural innovation, food and nutrition, with a focus on youth, and promoting sustainable agriculture practices including the development of precision agriculture, and healthy diets and other issues relevant to the Parties' mandates.

Private Sector THE World Obesity Federation Memorandum of Understanding

11-06-2019 10-06-2024 SP1 2 Global The purpose of this MoU is to provide a framework for collaboration between the Parties to further their shared goals and objectives in regard to achieving improved nutrition and ending all forms of malnutrition, consolidating, developing and detailing their cooperation and effectiveness to achieve their common objectives in the field of obesity prevention and healthy diets, and more specifically, to contribute to an increased availability and better accessibility to diverse, safe, nutritious foods that contribute to healthy diets in alignment with dietary recommendations and environmental sustainability.

Private Sector GAIN (The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition)

Memorandum of Understanding

15-09-2018 15-09-2023 SP1 2 Global The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding is to provide a framework for partnership between FAO and the GAIN to increase availability and access to nutritious food for all in developing countries. The partnership between FAO and GAIN will support implementation of the FAO Strategic Objectives and in particular the ones that aim at eliminating hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition and enabling inclusive and efficient agricultural and food systems. This partnership will focus on a joint approach aiming at increasing availability and affordability to nutritious food for all in developing countries.

Foundations New Venture Fund Donor/Grant Agreement

30-01-2014 SP1 2 Global The New Venture Fund approved a grant to FAO in the amount of $50,000 through our Fund for Global Policy and Advocacy.

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Type of Partnership

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Foundations Philippines Disaster Resilience Foundation (PDRF)

Memorandum of Understanding

11-10-2018 10-10-2021 SP5 2 Philippines, Regional Asia Pacific

This partnership aims to strengthen collaboration between the parties to develop, promote and strengthen joint actions and projects to restore livelihoods and improve the levelsof food security and nutrition in areas vulnerable to natural and human-induced hazards, in particular by supporting vulnerable communities and providing assistance to increase resilience.

Foundations The China Agricultural Science and Education Foundation (CASEF)

Memorandum of Understanding

02-11-2018 01-11-2020 SP3 2 China, Regional Asia Pacific This MOU is entered into for the purpose of providing a framework for both CASEF and FAO in support of the implementation of Country Programming for China (2016-2020) in the following key priority areas: 1) Fostering sustainable and climate resilient agricultural development; 2) Reducing rural poverty, food insecurity and malnutrition and facilitating the implmentation of China's Rural Revitalization Strategy.

Foundations Foundation for Food Education and Sustainability (Fondazione FICO)

Memorandum of Understanding

04-02-2019 03-02-2021 SP1 2 Italy This MoU provides a framework for partnership between the parties to provide mutual institutional recognition, and contribute to the eradication of hunger and malnutrition worldwide by enhancing communication and awareness on food and nutrition, with a focus on youth, and promoting sustainable agriculture, biodiversity and other issues relevant to the parties’

mandate. Coops and producers

AGROPOL General Agreement 18-10-2012 17-10-2017 SP1, SP3 2 Regional Africa This collabora on is aimed at implementa on of joint ac vi es related to food security , developing an economically viable model of agricultural development.

Coops and producers

International Co-operative Alliance (ICA)

Memorandum of Understanding

14-05-2018 13-05-2021 SP1, SP2, SP3, SP4

2, 5, 12 Global, Regional Africa, Regional Asia Pacific, Regional Europe and Central Asia , Regional Latin America, Regional Near East

This collabora on is aimed at: a) generate and promote knowledge and good practice examples of how cooperatives in the food and agriculture sectors can be sustainable and inclusive enterprises; b) support advancement of cooperatives as a business model that is well-performing, inclusive of small-scale producers and family farmers and responsive to members' needs; c) ensure participation of cooperatives and their members in regional and global policy consultation.

Coops and producers

Union des Producteurs Agricoles (Québec) – Développement International - UPA/DI

Memorandum of Understanding

15-10-2012 15-10-2022 SP3 2 Algeria, Mauritania, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt

This collabora on is aimed at iden fying strategies for capacity strengthening of producer organizations and cooperatives; developing pilot approaches and pedagogic tools for capacity development through farmer-to farmer support; and giving a voice to producer organizations in policy and technical fora.

Coops and producers

AgriCord Memorandum of Understanding

27-02-2018 27-02-2023 SP3 2, 5 China, Kenya, Guatemala, Zambia, Viet Nam, Nepal, Myanmar, Union of

To deepen the complementarities of AgriCord and its agri-agencies and FAO (through the Forest and Farm Facility as implementing partners of FFF Phase II, the World Agricultural Watch and other programs and initiatives aligned with forest and farm producer organizations including cooperatives).

Coops and producers

Coldiretti Memorandum of Understanding

21-11-2018 20-11-2021 SP2, SP4 2, 12 Global This partnership agreement envisions cooperation in the area of knowledge exchange on issues related to value chains, innovation, climate change and sustainable use of natural resources. It furthermore envisions activities related to the support of the advancement of inclusive and responsible business models in agriculture (e.g. promoting RAI principles and FAO learning packages and technical materials).

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Coops and producers

World Farmers' Organization (WFO)

Memorandum of Understanding

14-12-2018 13-12-2021 SP2, SP3, SP4 2, 5, 6, 12

Global This partnership envisions collaboration aimed at strengthening farmer's capacity to make science based and informed decisions and to position themsellves at the center of the decision naming processon policies affecting agriculture. Planned activities include generating and sharing knowledge through documentation of best practices; supporting the capacity development of farmer organizations and cooperatives; and participating in policy consultation processes.

Civil Society Slow Food Memorandum of Understanding

15-05-2013 14-05-2019 SP2, SP4 2, 12, 15

Bolivia, Plurinational State of, Cuba, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Peru, Nepal, Panama, Mongolia, India

This Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) provides for collaboration between the parties to develop, promote and strengthen joint actions and projects to improve the livelihood of populations living in rural areas, in particular communities and households of smallholder farmers, forest dwellers and fishers and fish workers, and to ensure more inclusive food and agriculture systems at local, national and international levels.

Civil Society La Via Campesina Exchange of Letters 04-11-2013 31-12-2016 SP1, SP2, SP3 2 Mali, Colombia, Global, Indonesia, Cuba, Brazil

The types of cooperation envisaged in the EoL include: promotion of programmes that support peasant, small-holder based, agro-ecological food production and farmers' seeds strategies; collaboration to promote and facilitate the flow of global knowledge on agriculture and nutrition issues and proposes that FAO supports in particular the exchange of experiences among small holder organizations; etc.

Civil Society AMARC World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters

Memorandum of Understanding

29-07-2008 29-07-2018 SP3 2, 5 Global This partnership aims to strengthen collaboration related to the Communica on for Development and the role of community radios in promoting FAO mandate in rural areas.

Civil Society World Wildlife Fund - WWF Memorandum of Understanding

14-05-2014 14-05-2018 SP2 14 Turkey, Georgia This partnership envisions coopera on in the area of sustainable development of small-scale fisheries; protection of marine areas of Mediterranean and Black sea; IUU fishing and seafood traceability.

Civil Society International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty - IPC

Exchange of Letters 23-05-2014 21-05-2019 SP1, SP2, SP3 2, 12 Kyrgyzstan, Myanmar, Union of, Indonesia, Colombia, Turkey, Global, Lebanon, Togo, Sri Lanka, Mauritius, Brazil, Tanzania, United Republic of, Uganda, Honduras, Peru, Argentina, Mali, Cuba, Thailand, Tunisia, Guinea, Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, Nicaragua

This partnership with IPC gathering 300 millions of small-scale food producers, aims to facilitate the participation of small-scale food producers in the work of FAO, contribute to the development and implementation of global, regional and country level programs, projects and policies in an inclusive manner.

Civil Society Asian Farmer's Association for Sustainable Rural Development Inc. (AFA)

Memorandum of Understanding

26-11-2015 26-11-2018 SP1, SP2, SP3 2, 5 Bangladesh, Nepal, Regional Asia Pacific

This partnership provides a framework for coopera on between the par es with an overall goal of supporting countries to strengthen capacities of farmers’ organizations to improve organizational development, service delivery, market access, good governance on land, gender equality, lobbying and advocacy for policy change in the Asia and the Pacific region.

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Civil Society The Asociación Panamericana de Ciencias Veterinarias (PANVET)

Memorandum of Understanding

06-10-2015 05-10-2017 SP1 2 Regional Latin America This partnership provides a framework of coopera on related to the management of technical and scientific bases for the creation of public policies and intervention strategies in the areas of health, animal production and food safety; development of recommendations for education programmes of the School of Veterinary Sciences; promotion of the search for strategic alliances and incentives among public and private institutions.

Civil Society Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA)

Memorandum of Understanding

13-09-2016 13-09-2019 SP1, SP3 2, 5, 12, 15

India, Global This partnership provides a framework for collaboration related to e empowering rural people and increasing access to produc ve resources, services and economic opportunities with a particular focus on women, and their participation in agriculture value chains; strengthening the capaci es of rural poor to improve organizational development, good governance, gender equality, lobbying and advocacy for policy change.

Civil Society Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e. V. Memorandum of Understanding

09-09-2013 SP1, SP5 2 Bangladesh, Iraq, Mali, Liberia, Sierra Leone, India, Bolivia, Plurinational State of, Peru, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Germany, Global

Framework for cooperation is aimed at promoting the realization of the right to adequate food in the context of national food security, physical and economic accessibility for everyone, and promoting improvements of the governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests for the benefit of all.

Civil Society International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)

Memorandum of Understanding

16-10-2013 16-10-2023 SP4, SP5 2 Chad, Viet Nam, Burkina Faso, Global

Collabora on is aimed at developing, promo ng and strengthening joint actions and projects for the furtherance and promotion of food security environments in households and communities around the world that are characterized by poverty and vulnerability. Collaboration includes activities related to building resilience on reducing food losses and waste; disaster risk assessment, monitoring and early warning systems; forecast-based financing; etc.

Civil Society Plan International Memorandum of Understanding

19-10-2018 18-10-2021 SP5 2 South Sudan, Regional Africa, Global

This collabora on is aimed at developing, promo ng and strengthening joint actions and projects for the furtherance and promotion of food security environments in households and communities around the world that are characterized by poverty and vulnerability.

Civil Society Food Banking Regional Network Memorandum of Understanding

12-02-2014 SP4 12 Regional Near East This partnership between FAO-RNE and Food Banking Regional Network (FBRN) provides a framework for cooperation on projects and studies on food losses and waste reduction in the Near East and North Africa, for the purpose of raising awareness among different stakeholders and policy makers.

Civil Society Caritas Internationalis General Agreement 17-11-2016 16-11-2019 SP1, SP4 2 Italy, Global This partnership envisions coordina on of advocacy efforts and joint delivery of key messages for awareness raising and call to action; establishment of an agreement between FAO HQ and the Diocesan Caritas of Rome to channel and redistribute food produce (and other basic items) unsold by the FAO Commissary.

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Civil Society World Vision International - WVI Memorandum of Understanding

22-07-2015 23-07-2021 SP2, SP5 2, 5 Global, South Sudan, Zimbabwe, Somalia, Angola

This partnership provides framework for collaboration between the parties to develop, promote and strengthen joint action and projects for the furtherance and promotion of food security environments in households and communities around the world that are characterized by poverty and vulnerability. Main areas of collabora on include : Global Food Security Cluster, LEAP Partnership, Global Alliance for Climate-Smart Agriculture, Resilience and nutrition, Free Prior and Informed Consent.

Civil Society WeEffect Memorandum of Understanding

31-08-2015 30-08-2020 SP2, SP3 2, 5 Kenya, Zambia, Guatemala, Malawi, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Plurinational State of, Viet Nam, Myanmar, Union of

This partnership provides a framework for collaboration aimed at supporting countries to strengthen capacities of Producer Organizations, to improve organizational development, service delivery, market access, good governance, gender equality, lobbying and advocacy for policy change; increasing availability and access to training opportunities, capacity development processes and materials; enhancing resource mobilization in support of Producer Organizations; facilitating advocacy and knowledge sharing.

Civil Society Action Aid - AA Memorandum of Understanding

06-09-2015 04-09-2021 SP1, SP2, SP3, SP4

2, 5, 12, 15

Bangladesh, Gambia, Global, Haiti, India, Mozambique, Regional Africa, Regional Asia Pacific, Regional Latin America, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Uganda

This partnership provides a framework for collabora on aimed at developing, promoting and strengthening joint actions and projects to improve the livelihood of populations living in rural areas, in particular communities and households of smallholder peasants and family farmers, women, forest dwellers, fishers and fish workers, and to ensure more inclusive and sustainable food and agricultural systems at local, national and regional level.

Civil Society International Union of Notaries (UINL)

Memorandum of Understanding

08-01-2016 08-01-2021 SP1 2, 5 Global This partnership provides a framework of cooperation between the parties aimed at promoting a responsible governance of tenure. UINL pursues the dissemination of information on the Voluntary Guidelines among its 86 national members and 300,000 notaries. In particular, this dissemination will be continued by creating an FAO Internet link on the website and a news section on this website.

Civil Society The Network of Marine Protected Rea Managers in the Mediterranean (MedPAN)

Memorandum of Understanding

08-03-2016 07-03-2020 SP1 14 Global This partnership provides a framework of coopera on and understanding and to facilitate collaboration between the parties to further their shared goals and objectives in relation to the conservation of marine environment and ecosystems and the sustainable use of marine living resources in their respective fields of competence.

Civil Society International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN)

Memorandum of Understanding

11-01-2018 10-01-2023 SP2 2, 14, 15

Global The objective of this Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between FAO and the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) is to define the general framework within which the parties may develop projects and activities for joint implementation, from time to time, through specific agreements in the following areas: biodiversity and agriculture; forestry; fisheries and oceans; environmental law.

Civil Society RedR Australia Limited General Agreement 01-08-2014 SP5 2 Global This Agreement between RedR Australia Limited and FAO provides a framework for cooperation in which RedR will contribute towards the implementation of FAO’s emergency and rehabilitation projects/programmes through the loan to FAO of Stand-by Personnel to work on FAO’s emergency operations.

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Civil Society Consumers International Memorandum of Understanding

11-04-2017 10-04-2020 SP1, SP4 2, 5 Global This partnership provides a framework for collabora on aimed at developing, promoting and strengthening joint actions and projects to improve food and nutritional security, in particular working towards the full realization of the right to adequate food worldwide and sustainable consumption. Main activities include: organization of joint meetings and events; distribution of FAO materials; development of projects and campaigns for consumer awareness on food safety; etc.

Civil Society FOCSIV - Federazione Organismi Cristiani Servizio Internationale Volontario

Memorandum of Understanding

08-06-2017 07-06-2020 SP1 2 Global The purpose of this MoU is to provide a framework for coopera on between FAO and FOCSIV with the overall objective of enhancing the implementation of FAO SOs through the assignment of Italian Volunteers to FAO offices.

Civil Society Interpeace Memorandum of Understanding

29-09-2017 28-09-2020 SP5 2 Colombia, Chad, Central African Republic, Congo, The Democratic Republic of the, Somalia, South Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic

Within this partnership framework, the two parties are working together to develop, promote and strengthen joint actions and initiatives to improve contributions to sustaining peace and conflict prevention in the context of Agenda 2030. Among other things, FAO and Interpeace are developing training modules on conflict sensitivity for FAO staff.

Civil Society Réseau International URGENCI (Urgenci)

Memorandum of Understanding

30-10-2017 29-10-2020 SP2, SP3, SP4 2, 12 Global, Turkey, Togo, Lebanon

Within this partnership framework, among other areas of work, FAO and Urgenci have agreed to collect evidence and promote the exchange of existing practices, methods and good experiences on local and solidarity-based food distribution systems between consumers and producers, as well as to strengthen territorial food systems as an efficient tool to make agriculture and food production more productive and sustainable.

Civil Society Asociación Coordinadora Indígena y Campesina de Agroforestería Comunitaria Centroamericana (ACICAFOC)

Letter of Intent 01-10-2018 SP2, SP3 2, 5 Regional Latin America The two parties agreed to work together on issues related to strenghtening of indigenous food-systems, as well the active inclusion of rural and indigenous women and youth, and the exchange of experiences and knowledge through South-South cooperation.

Civil Society 6 Canadian International Cooperation Organisations: Carrefour; CECI; SUCO; SOCODEVI; UPA-DI; Mer et Monde

Letter of Intent 11-07-2018 11-07-2021 SP1, SP2, SP3, SP4, SP5

2 Senegal The general objective of the CP is to mobilize knowledge and consolidate and nurture a dynamic of learning, exchange, mutual aid and innovation, by pooling the French-speaking expertise of OCI and the expertise of the FAO office in Senegal. It will enable Members to work collectively to build their climate resilience capacity for food and nutrition security in Senegal, both at the level of cooperation projects and internally, within each organization.

Civil Society IFOAM Organics International Memorandum of Understanding

31-05-2018 30-05-2021 SP2, SP3, SP4 2, 12, 15

Global This partnership agreement envisions common actions that are aimed at, among other things, improving market access and value chains for small-scale producers, conservation and use of biodiversity,reduction of food loss and food waste, and animal welfare.

Civil Society African Conservation Tillage Network (ACT)

Memorandum of Understanding

07-02-2019 06-02-2021 SP2, SP4 2 Regional Africa The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between FAO and African Conservation Tillage Network (ACT) is to formalize collaboration in areas relating to Conservation Agriculture and Sustainable Mechanization for the African Continent. It will strengthen technical linkages between FAO and ACT and build on knowledge hubs and connections to service industries established by ACT.

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Civil Society Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) General Agreement 26-07-2008 SP1, SP5 2 This Agreement between NRC and FAO provides a framework for coopera on in which NRC will contribute towards the implementation of FAO’s emergency and rehabilitation projects/programmes through the loan to FAO of Stand-by Personnel to work on FAO’s emergency operations.

Civil Society Canadian Civil Response Corps (CANADEM)

General Agreement 27-05-2011 SP1, SP5 2 This Agreement provides a framework for coopera on in which the partner organization will contribute towards the implementation of FAO’s emergency and rehabilitation projects/programmes through the loan to FAO of Stand-by Personnel to work on FAO’s emergency operations.

Civil Society iMAAP General Agreement 31-05-2011 SP1, SP5 2 This Agreement between iMAAP and FAO provides a framework for cooperation in which iMAAP will contribute towards the implementation of FAO’s emergency and rehabilitation projects/programmes through the loan to FAO of Stand-by Personnel to work on FAO’s emergency operations.

Civil Society Danish Refugee Council (DRC) General Agreement 31-10-2011 SP1, SP5 2 This Agreement between DRC and FAO provides a framework for coopera on in which DRC will contribute towards the implementation of FAO’s emergency and rehabilitation projects/programmes through the loan to FAO of Stand-by Personnel to work on FAO’s emergency operations.

Civil Society Development Association World Rural Forum (WRF)

Memorandum of Understanding

01-03-2019 01-03-2023 SP1, SP2, SP3 2, 5, 6, 12, 14, 15

Global I. Advocate and raise public awareness on family farming to enhance sustainable agriculture , ensure food security and nutrition and to advance rural development (SOs 1, 2 and 3; SDGs 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 12, 13, 14, and 15). II. Improve policy and legal frameworks of agriculture and rural development for the benefit of family farmers (SOs 1, 2 and 3 and SDGs 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 12, 13, 14 and 15). III. Strengthen forest and farm producer organizations to contribute to rural poverty reduction (SOs 2 and 3 and SDGs SDGs 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 12, 13, 14, and 15). IV. Support the mechanisms of dialogue in the context of the UN Decade of Family Farming (SO3 and SDGs 2 and 17).

Acdemia College of Agriculture and Natural Resources of the University of Tehran (UTCAN)

Memorandum of Understanding

07-10-2013 07-10-2017 SP2 2 Iran, Islamic Rep., Regional Near East

The two organizations continue to strengthen the human resource development and research capacities in Iran through promotion of synergies and elaboration of collaborative programmes and facilitating visiting scientists and internships.

Academia Meiji University Memorandum of Understanding

16-01-2014 16-01-2017 SP1, SP2 2 Japan, Thailand, Regional Asia Pacific

This partnerships aims to strengthen the promotion of knowledge sharing in the field of FAO’s strategic objectives, and contribution to human resource capacity building towards sustainable development through joint advocacy and collaboration through a UN Model program and internship exchanges.

Academia Asian Institute of Technology - AIT Memorandum of Understanding

10-01-2014 10-01-2017 SP2, SP4 12 Cambodia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Viet Nam, Thailand, Regional Asia Pacific

This partnership aims to strengthen collaboration in the areas related to food security, natural resources management, food supply chains, communications, agricultural extension, climate change/CSA, statistics, food safety and nutrition, water management, gender, statistics, economics, etc.

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Academia Universidad de Buenos Aires Memorandum of Understanding

20-05-2014 19-05-2017 SP1 2 Global The overall objective of the MOU is to share knowledge and expertise of the University in order to ensure their application in specific activities related to trade and food security, livestock and environment, and investment in agriculture through South-South cooperation at the regional level.

Academia Galilee International Management Institute

Exchange of Letters 04-12-2014 04-12-2016 SP1 2 Global This collaboration aims at improving the national capacities on agriculture and rural sector development, by, inter alia, collaborating in organizing and conducting regional training workshops, expert consultations and study tours on innovative agriculture technologies, providing support in developing trainees’ capacity for developing strategies, policies, etc. at the national level, developing training modules, programmes and materials.

Academia Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M)

Memorandum of Understanding

09-11-2015 09-11-2017 SP2 2 Spain, Regional Europe and Central Asia

This Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between FAO and the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) envisioned the development of foint courses; internships, and other activities of mutual interest.

Academia International Forestry Students' Association (IFSA)

Memorandum of Understanding

08-09-2015 07-09-2019 SP1 15 Global This partnership provides a framework of coopera on for the dissemina on and enhancement of forestry educational information; promotional events, learning and career opportunities and networks.

Academia Tufts University Exchange of Letters 01-09-2016 31-08-2019 SP1 2 Global This EoL aims at generating, sharing and disseminating reliable indicators of food and nutrient consumption. In particular, FAO and FSNSP will exchange methodologies and review scientific documents through: utilizing data compiled by FSNSP through its Global Dietary Database (GDD) to directly contribute to the pilot FAO/WHO Global Individual Food consumption data Tool (FAO/WHO GIFT).

Acdemia University of the Basque Country General Agreement 26-07-2016 25-07-2019 SP1 2 Global With this Agreement between FAO and the University of the Basque Country – Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea - Master on Decentralized International Cooperation: Peace and Development UPV/EHU (MPD), the parties agree to renew the collaboration for the assignment of recent graduates of different nationalities from UPV/EHU (MPD), to work as Fellows in one of FAO’s decentralized offices.

Academia The Australian Animal Health Laboratory (AAHL)

Exchange of Letters 07-07-2015 12-07-2019 SP1 2 Global Exchange of Le ers between the Australian Animal Health Laboratory (AAHL) of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) and the Animal Health Service of FAO assist with standardization of biosafety procedures and techniques, as part of quality assurance systems, including harmonization with activities of OIE and WHO in developing relevant considerations and applications from the CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA).

Academia University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign United States of America

Memorandum of Understanding

03-08-2016 22-08-2018 SP1, SP3 5 Global This partnership provides a framework for cooperation between the parties, in the context of its leadership role in the Integrating Gender and Nutrition within Agricultural Extension Services (INGENAES) Consortium. The overall objectives are to generate and disseminate knowledge and to develop the capacities in the field of gender-equitable rural advisory services through piloting the Gender and Rural Advisory Services Assessment.

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Academia International Institute of Social Studies, The Netherlands

Memorandum of Understanding

03-07-2014 03-07-2017 SP1 2 To be decided ISS, Netherlands - an interna onal graduate school of social sciences of Erasmus University has conducted national case studies (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia and Guatemala) to identify challenges and opportunities for the implementation of VGGT in communities that seek to promote better distribution and access to land, fisheries and forests, and/or seek protection or restitution of tenure rights. These studies increase the possibilities.

Academia Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT)

Memorandum of Understanding

22-07-2013 22-07-2021 SP1, SP2 2, 12 Japan, Ghana This MoU for facilitates collaboration between the parties in relations to the field of green and clean food production, exchange of experts, policy dialogue, etc.

Academia Institut Polytechnique Lasalle Beauvais

General Agreement 13-09-2013 09-12-2023 SP1 2 France, Regional Europe and Central Asia

The partnership builds capacity development through FAO technical support to LaSalle’s Masters Course in Food Security; exchange of fellows, interns; and joint participation in related research projects.

Academia Mississippi State University Memorandum of Understanding

05-11-2010 SP2, SP5 2, 6, 14 Global This collaboration is aimed at enhancing the capacity of developing countries in managing animal and veterinary public health, plant health, fish health, food safety and nutrition programmes thereby contributing to improved food security, human health and economic development globally.

Academia Agrinatura Memorandum of Understanding

28-03-2014 27-03-2020 SP2 2 Angola, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Honduras, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Rwanda

This MoU between FAO and Agrinatura provides a framework for cooperation aimed at strengthening comprehensive capacities to accelerate agricultural innovation processes and partnerships between Universities and Research Centres throughout Europe and developing countries.

Academia Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center - CATIE

Memorandum of Understanding

02-04-2014 02-04-2020 SP2, SP5 2, 15 Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatemala

CATIE – a regional university for research and education based in Costa Rica and FAO are jointly carrying out capacity development activities throughout the Central America region, in areas related to natural resource conflict management, forest financing strategies, and forest biomass assessment. In Central America, the collaboration focuses on forest/agro-forestry and natural resource-related projects and conducting joint research and studies.

Academia Texas A&M University System-USA

Memorandum of Understanding

25-07-2014 25-07-2024 SP1, SP2, SP5 2, 6, 12 Kenya, Myanmar, Union of, Cambodia, Nepal, Ethiopia, Global

The aim of this partnership is strengthen agricultural production innovations in order to improve food security. Joint activities contribute to sound quantitative data generation on quality and safety of feed resources, enabling their efficient and safe utilization, strengthening sustainable use of locally available feed resources, leading to sustainable development of the livestock sector.

Academia Universidade Aberta of Portugal Memorandum of Understanding

28-07-2014 SP1, SP2 2 Brazil, Angola, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Sao Tome and Principe, Equatorial Guinea, Cape Verde, Timor-Leste

UAP and FAO have joined in partnership to undertake activities directly contributing to the support of food security and nutrition in the Community of Portuguese Language Speaking (CPLP)Countries. Joint activities are undertaken to promote capacity development to advance knowledge on food security, nutrition and sustainable agriculture.

Academia Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Memorandum of Understanding

27-09-2016 26-09-2019 SP1 2 Spain The overall objec ve of this MoU is to leverage the knowledge and experience of UPM in the implementation of activities related to development cooperation in the fields of agriculture, food and nutrition, environment and climate change. Planned activities include: research, capacity development on rural and economic impacts of agriculture, resource mobilization, master course development, and developing the

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Academia Michigan State University Memorandum of Understanding

26-01-2015 26-01-2021 SP1, SP2 2, 6, 14 Malawi, Global This partnership aims to promote cooperation in the area of inland fisheries, with the overall goal of improving food security, sustainable production, poverty alleviation and resilient livelihoods through the integration of inland capture fisheries into global discussions on land and water development and management.

Academia University of Tsukuba Memorandum of Understanding

06-02-2015 06-02-2020 SP2 2 Japan This partnership supports promotion of knowledge sharing, contributing to human resource capacity building towards sustainable development through joint effort and collaboration. Main areas of cooperation include capacity building and training for university students including the organization of internships, lectures and other relevant programmes and events and curriculum development. Academia M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State

University (MSU)Memorandum of Understanding

27-02-2019 26-02-2022 SP1, SP2 2, 15 Regional Europe and Central Asia , Russian Federation

To advance social and economic development of countries in Europe and Asia through knowledge exchanges and development of institutional capacities and technical competencies on sustainable management of natural resources ( with a focus on soils), agricultural innovation, food

security and nutri on.

Academia University of Milan (UNIMI) Memorandum of Understanding

23-06-2015 23-06-2020 SP1 15 Italy, Global The partnership promotes capacity building and training on sustainable management of Mountain Areas, among the Mountain Partnership member countries and organizations. This is done through the coordination of educational and capacity building activities related to mountain development issues by jointly organizing courses within the International Programme on Research and Training on Sustainable Management of Mountain Areas (IPROMO).

Academia Ankara University Turkey Memorandum of Understanding

29-01-2016 29-01-2022 SP3, SP4 2 Turkey, Syrian Arab Republic This partnership supports food security and nutrtion and natural resources management through: capacity development by use of FAO resources and materials to support curricula and development of training modules/courses; advocacy activities undertaken in support of IYP, World Food Day, Family Farming; joint project collaborations including Ankara Initiative and Land Degradation Neutrality, Decision Support for Scaling Up and Mainstreaming Sustainable Land Management.

Academia The African Rice Center (AfricaRice)

Memorandum of Understanding

08-04-2016 08-04-2021 SP1, SP2 2 Regional Africa This partnership envisions joint implementation of Programme for Rice Development in Africa (PARDA) and implementation of National Rice Development Strategies to strengthen rice value chains .

Academia Unión de Universidades de América Latina y el Caribe (UDUAL)

Memorandum of Understanding

28-02-2016 28-02-2020 SP1 2 Regional Latin America A network of 226 universities partner with FAO for the joint development of a Master’s Degree in Food Security, based on FAO’s e-learning courses available through the FAO e-learning Center. The partnership with UDUAL ensures knowledge and education are made accessible to thousands of professionals working in food security and nutrition in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Academia Wageningen UR (University and Research Centre)

Memorandum of Understanding

15-03-2013 14-03-2021 SP1, SP2, SP3, SP4, SP5

2, 12, 14, 15

Global Cooperation on research and projects in support of Climate Smart Agriculture; joint case studies on cooperatives and cooperatives management; research food loss and waste program, promotion of the SAVE Food Initiative; and joint projects related to agroecology. Addendum to MoU signed in 2016 for formation of joint Nutrition Focus Group .

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Academia Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (embrapa)

Memorandum of Understanding

06-02-2015 05-02-2020 SP1, SP2, SP4 2 Regional Africa, Regional Latin America

The MoU envisages collabora on through various coopera ve mechanisms and knowledge exchange, including South-South and Triangular Cooperation capacity development; knowledge transfer in sustainable agricultural technologies and practices; scientific cooperation and knowledge; formulation of public policies; identification and dissemination of good governance mechanisms for equitable and sustainable management of natural resources; promote efficiency improvements in small scale agro-industries.

Academia Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS)

Memorandum of Understanding

29-11-2015 28-11-2020 SP2, SP4, SP5 2 Global This Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) and FAO provides a framework for cooperation between the parties with the overall goal of fostering institutional capacity development, technology and experience transfer to other developing countries under the South-South Cooperation (SSC) framework between FAO and the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China.

Academia Università degli Studi Roma Tre Exchange of Letters 15-06-2016 14-06-2022 SP1, SP3, SP4, SP5

2, 5 Italy The parties agreed to strengthen cooperation in relation to Roma Tre’s two Master's programmes. The long term goal of this collaboration is to contribute to Roma Tre's research and academic activities through the integration of the following FAO priority themes in the Courses: Family Farming, Nutrition, Microfinance, Statistics, Cooperatives, Gender, Responsible Investment in Agriculture and the VGGT, and RAI.

Academia The Animal Population Health Institute (APHI), Colorado State University

Exchange of Letters 14-07-2016 22-07-2020 SP1 2 Global With this Exchange of Letters between the Animal Population Health Institute (APHI), Colorado State University and the Animal Health Service of FAO, the designation of APHI as an FAO Reference Centre for veterinary epidemiology is renewed for a further four-year period. provide advice and expertise on veterinary epidemiology at large and in particular on global food security and geospatial analysis.

Academia The Royal Veterinary College (RVC)

Exchange of Letters 19-05-2016 03-07-2020 SP1 2 Global Through this partnership, the RVC provides advice and exper se on veterinary epidemiology at large and in particular on risk-based animal disease surveillance to FAO or countries which are FAO Members; inform FAO with regard to changes in epidemiologic situations of animal diseases and to any risks that have been identified to be associated to animal diseases; assess risks associated to animal diseases and provide advice.

Academia The Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory (SEPRL)

Exchange of Letters 02-07-2012 17-07-2020 SP1 2 Global Through this partnership, the SEPRL provides emergency animal influenza (AI) and Newcastle disease (ND) reference laboratory services without charge to FAO or to FAO members according to the title/function of the reference centre; contribute to the OIE/FAO network of expertise on animal influenza (OFFLU) by sharing information with the OFFLU network; share biological materials and associated information.

Academia Kazan State Agrarian University, Russian Federation

Letter of Intent 25-06-2015 SP1 2 Russian Federation This partnership envisions joint actions for sustainable development of agriculture under climate change; increased agricultural productivity on the base of innovative technologies; coordination of a KSAU student study tour to the FAO Agriculture Department; refinement of KSAU Master's level curricula through integration of FAO technical materials in areas that are pertinent to the expertise of the Organization, i.e., food security.

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Academia Sam Moyo African Institute for Agrarian Studies

Memorandum of Understanding

08-09-2016 08-09-2020 SP3 2, 5 Global, Regional Africa In 2016, FAO signed a Memorandum of Understanding with SMAIAS committing to partner to support the agrarian and rural transformation in developing countries that would reduce inequality of access to rural land rights, increase rural employment opportunities help to eradicate rural poverty and improve the sustainable livelihoods of the poor.

Academia Kyoto University, Japan Memorandum of Understanding

07-06-2016 06-06-2021 SP2, SP4 2, 12 Global This partnership is aimed at promoting and advancing joint work on economic and natural resources modelling tools to support agricultural decision-making and management under climate change conditions; Joint work on generation of statistics and statistical analysis.

Academia Sapienza University, Italy Memorandum of Understanding

03-11-2016 03-11-2019 SP2, SP3, SP4, SP5

2 Italy This partnership provides a framework for cooperation between the parties with the overall goal of enhancing food security and sustainability in agriculture through use of innovative research, knowledge sharing, capacity development and implementation of research outputs and through responsible investment in agriculture. Areas of collaboration include: statistical and data analysis; food safety and quality; agriculture climate Academia University of Catholique de

Louvain BelgiumMemorandum of Understanding

19-12-2016 19-12-2019 SP2, SP5 2, 15 Global, Regional Africa, Regional Asia Pacific

FAO and University of Louvain are working together towards strengthening of capacities to address global climate change mitigation and adaptation as well as combating desertification. Among other things, the two partners are working on remote-sensing dryness mapping for early warning systems of desert locust affected countries in Africa and Asia; and assessment, monitoring, sustainable management and restoration of dryland forests and agrosilvopastoral systems to address land degradation/desertification and climate change.

Academia Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande do Sul Brazil

Letter of Intent 15-10-2014 14-10-2019 SP1, SP2 2 Regional Latin America This Protocol may promote developing links in the following fields: exchange of staff members from both Institutions; learning and teaching, including the development of a programme that leads to a diploma; exchange of documents and research material; coordination by the corresponding departments in collaborative or joint research projects.

Academia Agreenium General Agreement 16-02-2018 16-02-2022 SP1, SP2 2 Rwanda Agreenium - a consortium of six French research and higher education institutions in agriculture, food, animal health and environment is partnering with FAO to cooperate in key research areas and coordinate action within the global framework of FAO’s revised Strategic Framework. The collaboration foresees promotion of the Tropical Agriculture Platform through consultation and exchange of experts and researchers.

Academia International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)

Memorandum of Understanding

30-03-2017 29-03-2022 SP1, SP2, SP4 2 Regional Asia Pacific, Regional Latin America, Regional Africa, Indonesia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Thailand, Viet Nam, Philippines

FAO and the Interna onal Rice Research Ins tute (IRRI) have agreed to cooperate more closely to support sustainable rice production in developing countries to improve food security and livelihoods while safeguarding natural resources. The partnership primarily aims to enhance sustainable rice-based farming systems through capacity building activities - including assisting governments draw up and implement national and regional policies and strategies.

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Academia University of Liege Memorandum of Understanding

03-10-2017 02-10-2020 SP1, SP2, SP3, SP5

2 Libya, Tunisia, Central African Republic, Regional Africa, Cameroon, Congo, The Democratic Republic of the

The purpose of this MoU is to provide a framework for cooperation between the parties with the overall goal to build resilience of African francophone communities. This collaboration will initially focus on climate change and migration impacts on rural youth, One Health/pandemic threats, sustainable energy for migratory populations, urban agriculture and more generally in fields of veterinary medicine, bio-engineering and agriculture.

Academia Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM)

Memorandum of Understanding

26-10-2017 25-10-2020 SP2, SP3 2 Regional Africa The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is to provide a framework for cooperation between FAO and RUFORUM with the overall goal to strengthen the capacities of RUFORUM member universities to better contribute to the improvement of food security, nutrition, increasing sustainability, inclusiveness and resilience of agricultural and food systems, adapting to the climate change.

Academia Research Institute of Agricultural Economics (Hungary)

Memorandum of Understanding

13-03-2017 12-03-2020 SP1 2 Hungary, Regional Europe and Central Asia

This MoU provides a framework of collaboration between FAO (REU) and AKI aimed at strengthening capacities at national and regional level on food and nutrition security, sustainable management of natural resources and rural development; and raising awareness on good policies and practices, and global events in support of food and nutrition security.

Academia Chiang Mai University Exchange of Letters 29-11-2017 28-11-2019 SP2 2 Regional Asia Pacific, Cambodia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Thailand, Myanmar, Union of, Viet Nam

The partnership enables the collaboration on curricula development leading to improved training for land specialists within the Mekong region; development of joint research activities; organization of regional training workshops, expert consultations and study tours on relevant issues related to land and natural resources governance. The particular focus will be on related to the promotion of VGGT.

Academia Humboldt University Letter of Intent 28-03-2017 SP3 2 To be decided This LoI exchange demonstrate the aim of two parties to collaborate on the activities related to rural investments and information sharing between private sector actors and universities.

Academia University of Lisbon Memorandum of Understanding

02-11-2017 01-11-2020 SP1, SP2 2 Portugal, Cape Verde, Mozambique, Brazil, Sao Tome and Principe, Guinea-Bissau, Timor-Leste, Angola

The purpose of this MoU is to provide an initial institutional framework for further cooperation between the parties with the overall goal to contribute to the improvement of food security and nutrition situation in Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP).

Academia Universite Laval Memorandum of Understanding

24-09-2017 23-09-2020 SP1, SP4 2, 15 Global, Haiti FAO and UL, amongst other things, have agreed to develop and provide technical guidance, data and tools to support FAO Member States’ implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions to mitigate and adapt to climate change impacts; strengthen stakeholder capacities to combat desertification through joint development and dissemination of knowledge products and projects on agroforestry and forest tenure; and to develop technical tools and guidance on food safety and controls.

Academia Szent Istvan University (Godollo - SZIU)

Memorandum of Understanding

23-08-2017 22-08-2020 SP1 2 Regional Europe and Central Asia

This partnership agreement envisages collaboration in relation to the engagement of academic and research expertise in evidence-based policy processes at the regional level (REU), use of FAO e-learning resources in the University curricula, etc.

Page 20: FAO PARTNERSHIPS WITH NON-STATE ACTORS · losses, farmers’ production, and farmers’ organizations and cooperatives. Joint design and implementation of field projects aiming to

Type of Partnership

Name of Partner Type of Agreement Start Date End Date SP SDG Partnership Coverage Main Objectives


Academia Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy

Memorandum of Understanding

16-10-2017 15-10-2020 SP1, SP2, SP3, SP4

2, 15 Regional Europe and Central Asia , Armenia, Republic of, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Moldova, Republic of, Tajikistan, Russian Federation

The purpose of this MoU is to provide a framework for cooperation related to capacity development, joint research and studies, data exchange, information sharing and outreach, in particular as relevant to the region, on themes of family farming, soil and water management, climate change, rural development, and agriculture trade.

Academia Agriculture Faculty of Kabul University (AFKU)

General Agreement 13-09-2017 31-12-2019 SP1 2 Afghanistan This Arrangement between FAO and Agriculture Faculty of Kabul University (AFKU) aims to set up partnership and technical collaboration between the parties on joint actions and activities related to capacity building, food security and zero hunger in Afghanistan.

Academia Soka University General Agreement 06-02-2018 31-12-2019 SP1 2 Global The two institutions agree on a collaboration to promote knowledge exchange on topics relevant to food security as a way to achieving sustained peace and increasing the implementation of SDGs among youth and students.

Academia Graduate Institute Geneva Exchange of Letters 04-06-2018 03-06-2021 SP1, SP2, SP3, SP4, SP5

2 Global The agreement envisions cooperation related to the use of FAO e-learning courses by the Graduate Institue as well as placing IHEID students as interns in FAO offices and conducting joint outreach activities aimed at promoting SDGs.

Academia Sargodha University Letter of Intent 07-09-2018 07-09-2020 SP2 2 Pakistan To enhance institutional capacities to supply quality seed to the farming community and strengthen the UOS Faculty of Agriculture to Outreach and Extension educational programme to build capacities of stakeholders.

Academia LUISS - Libera Universitá Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli

General Agreement 28-09-2018 27-09-2021 SP1 2, 12 Global, Italy Increase knowledge and resources to support Food Law through FAO knowledge in Masters in Food Law programme; raise awareness on FAO key themes.

Academia World Maritime University Memorandum of Understanding

09-05-2018 31-12-2021 SP1, SP2 2, 14 To be decided The purpose of this MOU is to provide a framework of cooperation and to facilitate collaboration between the Parties to further their shared goals and objectives in regard to the fisheries and oceans management for the purpose of promoting sustainable and productive oceans.

Academia The University of the Western Cape

Memorandum of Understanding

16-10-2018 SP2 14 Globa, South Africa The goal of MoU is to strengthen the knowledge base in marine sciences, to support capacity development activities and to facilitate training and academic activities in line with the objectives andprinciples of UWC and the EAF-Nansen programme. Note: The MoU is valid until the end of EAF-Nansen programme.

Academia ETH Zurich - World Food Systems Center

Exchange of Letters 06-12-2018 05-12-2020 SP2, SP5 2, 15 Regional Africa, Switzerland This partnership is aimed at facilitating and promoting the development and implementation of FAO’s SHARP tool with a view at improving the resilience of smallholders and the sustainability of global food systems and, in particular, providing tools and facilitating processes for communities to understand, assess and strengthen their resilience.

Academia Universidad de Chile General Agreement 08-01-2019 SP2, SP3 2, 6, 12 Chile, Regional Latin America This partnership is aimed at promoting public health policies to reduce overweight and obesity in the region; promote consumption of healthy foods and facilitating the participation of local markets; support territorial ruraldevelopment through family farming, the conservation of biodiversity and the recovery of food heritage throughout the national territory; improve sustainable use of natural resources, adaptation to climate change and disaster risk management.

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Type of Partnership

Name of Partner Type of Agreement Start Date End Date SP SDG Partnership Coverage Main Objectives


Academia Universitá degli Studi di Roma UNITELMA Sapienza

Exchange of Letters 07-02-2019 07-02-2022 SP1 2 Italy Build capacities in support of the Sustainable Development Goals by contributing FAO expertise and knowledge products, including e-Learning products, to the Master programme "Sustainable Development Goals in the Digital Society" and "International Cooperation, Finance and Development".

Academia Sultan Qaboos University Exchange of Letters 24-01-2019 24-01-2022 SP2, SP3 14, 15 Oman Build national and regional capacities to to make agriculture and fisheries sectors more productive and sustainable and improve livelihoods of small-scale family farmers through joint support to FAO’s Regional Initiative on Small Scale Family Farming.

Academia PRIMA Foundation Memorandum of Understanding

19-02-2019 18-02-2022 SP1, SP2 2, 6, 15 Algeria, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Malta, Morocco, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Tunisia, Turkey

This partnership is aimed at: a) Strengthening institutional and technical capacities in the Mediterranean region through the increased uptake of FAO’s e-learning courses; b) Promoting information and knowledge exchanges which will contribute to research activities and institutional agendas to support sustainable agricultural and food systems in the Mediterranean region; c) Scaling-up of successful innovations through technical collaborations, d) Raising awareness and promoting multi-stakeholder dialogue.

Academia Mediterrarean Universities Union (UNIMED)

Memorandum of Understanding

10-06-2019 09-06-2022 SP2 2, 6, 15 Regional Near East The overall goal to strengthen technical capacities of UNIMED member universities to deliver higher agricultural education in the Mediterranean region, to enhance information and knowledge exchange on themes of food security, sustainable water management in agriculture and combat against desertification, and to promote policy dialogue and information exchange between academia and other stakeholders, including Parliamentary Alliances, in order to contribute to eradication of hunger and malnutrition, sustainability of agriculture, and achievement of the SDGs.

Academia Future Food Institute (FFI) Memorandum of Understanding

10-06-2019 09-06-2022 SP1, SP4 2, 12 Global The overall goal is strengthening knowledge and expertise exchanges, capacity development and outreach activities on themes of food innovation and sustainable food systems in support of achievement of the SDGs.

Academia University of California Los Angeles

Memorandum of Understanding

10-06-2019 09-06-2022 SP1 2 Global Development of joint research programs and collaborations on food security and nutrition laws, including food safety and quality laws and consumer protection and food fraud.

Academia American University of Beirut Memorandum of Understanding

10-06-2019 09-06-2024 SP2 2, 15 Lebanon, Regional Near East Strengthen capacity development for sustainable management of natural resources and address climate change in Lebanon and in the NENA region through technical collaboration on thematic areas of mutual interest, such as soils, land, water and rural development to contribute to improvement of sustainable food production, rural and agricultural development and achievement of SDGs; Support the UN Decade for Family Farming, and initiatives for communication for rural development; develop joint activities on strengthening food security and nutrition approaches and local food production systems with a focus on urban food systems and rural-urban interface.

Academia Johns Hopkins University Memorandum of Understanding

10-06-2019 09-06-2022 SP1 2 Global Collaborate to support evidence-based policy making on systems-wide approaches for improving nutrition and health equity for vulnerable, marginalized and underserved populations.

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Type of Partnership

Name of Partner Type of Agreement Start Date End Date SP SDG Partnership Coverage Main Objectives


Academia University of Nottingham Memorandum of Understanding

10-06-2019 09-06-2022 SP1, SP4 2, 12 Regional Latin America Improve design and implementation of policies to strengthen urban food agenda including studies and diagnostics on food deserts, access to healthy foods and promote healthy urban diets; promote policies for safe food and food security, linking animal and plant health, healthy production and environment; strengthen dialogue between suppliers and consumers, including with private sector for balanced food systems.

Academia University of the Philippines Los Banos

Memorandum of Understanding

10-06-2019 09-06-2022 SP3, SP4 2,12,15 Global, Philippines, Regional Asia Pacific

Build capacities for inclusive and efficient agricultural systems through strengthening national policies, strategies and frameworks on food loss and waste throughout the value chain; enable inclusive environment and poverty reduction through development of tools and methodologies and scaling-up of knowledge products on communication for rural development; formulate and undertake actions to protect and manage natural resources and sustainable production including on market and trade of legal timber; dissemination of FAO knowledge products.

Acdemia Universita degli studi di Torino Memorandum of Understanding

01-03-2019 28-02-2022 SP2 15 Global Raise awareness and capacity development on sustainable development of mountain ecosystems, including through cooperation on the International Programme on Research and Training on Sustainable Management of Mountain Areas.

Academia Queensland University of Technology

Exchange of Letters 01-08-2019 31-07-2021 SP1 2 Regional Asia Pacific Improve nutrition in the Asia region by promoting and enhancing systematic capacities for effective school-based food and nutrition (SFNE), through piloting SFNE to assess feasibility and effectiveness of its objectives and validation of the piloting assessment results.

Research Institutions

Global African Swine Fever Research Alliance - GARA

Memorandum of Understanding

17-12-2013 16-12-2018 SP1 2 Global The purpose of this MOU is to describe the coopera ve rela onship among the participants to facilitate the sharing of confidential information and the development of proposals for research and development projects in the area of the detection, management and eradication of African Swine Fever (ASF) and any other areas of scientific research and development the participants agree to focus on.

Research Institutions

French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development - CIRAD and INRA

Memorandum of Understanding

16-02-2018 16-02-2022 SP1, SP2, SP3, SP4, SP5

2, 6, 12, 14, 15

Global This collaboration focuses on (1) sustainable agriculture systems (in particular, agroecology, sustainable natural resources management, eg., water, land); (2) safe and sustainable food systems (in particular nutrition, waste and losses, food safety); (3) sanitary risks (animal and plant health, One Health, AMR), (4) territorial development (with territorial approaches), (5) biodiversity and genetic resources, with crosscutting issues like innovations, climate change and migration.

Research Institutions

International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Memorandum of Understanding

08-05-2014 08-05-2020 SP2 2, 5, 6 Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia

This partnership provides a framework for cooperation in the area of sustainable agricultural development, sustainable management of water and land resources, food security, rural livelihoods in NENA region.

Research Institutions

Japan International Centre for Agricultural Sciences - JIRCAS

Memorandum of Understanding

31-10-2014 31-10-2020 SP2 2, 12 Regional Asia Pacific This partnership envisions joint activities to promote knowledge exchange and policy dialogue to support research and advocacy in areas of food security, food loss/waste, sustainable agricultural mechanization, and Climate Smart Agriculture. Main activities include information analysis on food demand and supply modeling and joint research and advocacy on soil and crops .

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Research Institutions

International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA)

Memorandum of Understanding

14-03-2015 14-03-2020 SP2 2, 6 Tunisia, Morocco, Jordan, Lebanon

ICBA collaborates with FAO to promote and disseminate adapted technologies for sustainable agriculture production through activities to combat desertification and developing water efficiency models, among others.

Research Institutions

Asia-Pacific Network for Sustainable Forest Management and Rehabilitation (APFNet)

Memorandum of Understanding

03-04-2015 03-04-2020 SP2 15 Thailand This partnership provides a framework for cooperation between the parties with the overall goal of developing capacity of the Asia-Pacific region for sustainable forest management. This is facilitated through technical cooperation, trainings, information exchange, effective policy development and implementation, and enhancement of partnerships in areas related to sustainable forest management and rehabilitation.

Research Institutions

Italian Research Institutions: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche; Consiglio per la ricerca in agricoltura e l’analisi dell’economia agraria; Agenzia Nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l’energia e lo sviluppo economica sostenibile

Memorandum of Understanding

23-06-2015 22-06-2021 SP1, SP2, SP4 2, 6, 15 Italy, Global This partnership provides a framework for cooperation between the parties with the overall goal of enhancing the sustainability of the food production and nutrition in developing countries. Partnership being renewed in June 2018 under guidance of Italian Permanent Representation, with addition of ISPRA to support new identified themes of work.

Research Institutions

International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Memorandum of Understanding

04-12-2015 04-12-2019 SP5 2 Zambia, Malawi, Uganda, Tanzania, United Republic of, Ghana

This partnership envisions collaboration in implementing data collection on issues pertaining to sustainable agriculture and Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA). Main activities include: (a) promotion of collaborative research on CSA in Malawi and Zambia; (b) collection of household and community level data in Malawi; (c) share data resulting from ongoing research activities in Malawi and Zambia.

Research Institutions

the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe)

Exchange of Letters 01-08-2012 31-07-2020 SP2 2 Regional Africa This partnership envisions the provision of advice and recommenda ons on interventions and control measures against vectors and pathogens of African animal trypanosomosis and arthropod-transmitted viral animal pathogens (arboviruses) to FAO and FAO members; identifying vectors of animal African trypanosomoses and arthropod-transmitted viral animal pathogens (arboviruses), and advising on their ecology without charge to FAO or to FAO members; making expertise available to contribute to capacity.

Research Institutions

International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM)

Memorandum of Understanding

23-10-2015 22-10-2022 SP2, SP3 2, 5, 6, 12

Tunisia, Egypt, Uganda, Burkina Faso, Morocco, Jordan, Lebanon, Algeria

This collabora on is aimed at facilita ng, organizing and par cipa ng in regional and global policy consultation processes and awareness-raising events, highlighting the important contributions of Mediterranean perspectives and approaches and advancing the Mediterranean issues related to food security and nutrition; supporting field programme implementation; and genera ng and sharing knowledge.

Research Institutions

The Institut de Recherché pour le Développement (IRD)

General Agreement 16-02-2018 15-02-2022 SP1, SP4 2 Global FAO and the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) shall cooperate in the following areas: sustainable and innovative agricultural production systems; healthy and sustainable food systems; health risks (plant health, animal health, "one health" concept); biodiversity and genetic resources for agriculture and food; sustainable territorial development which includes rural employment issues.

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Research Institutions

Natural Resources Institute Finland - LUKE

Memorandum of Understanding

19-07-2018 18-07-2020 SP2 15 Ethiopia, Global, Myanmar, Union of

The main objectives of this MoU are to strengthen the capacities in sustainable and integrated management of forestry resources in order to enhance food security, exchange knowledge and expertise to improve the measurement of SDGs indicators; support the Member States in adapting to and mitigating the climate change impacts.

Research Institutions

International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)

Memorandum of Understanding

31-07-2018 30-07-2020 SP2, SP5 2,6,15 El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Regional Asia Pacific

FAO and CIAT collaborations to support the adaptation of tropical agriculture to the climate change and build resilience of rural communities in Latin America through capacity building, information and knowledge exchanges, joint research studies, South-South and Triangular cooperation. Annex 2 to MOU-Asia: Climate Change; Natural Resources Management; Nutrition and Food Systems; Big Data and SDG Moitoring.

Research Institutions

WorldFish - International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management

Memorandum of Understanding

11-07-2018 10-07-2021 SP1, SP2, SP4 2, 12, 14

Global, Regional Africa, Regional Asia Pacific

Improving research for informing global, regional, national policy and implementation in fisheries and aquaculture development, focusing on small-scale fisheries, sustainable aquaculture and improvement of nutritional and economical benefits from fish value chains.

Research Institutions

Indian Council of Agricultural Research

General Agreement 20-08-2018 19-08-2021 SP1, SP2 2 To be decided The purpose of this Mou is to provide a framework for cooperation between the Parties with the overall goal of fostering institutional capacity development, technology and experience transfer to other developing countries under the FAO partnership frameworks, in particular the South-South Cooperation Framework (SSC).

Research Institutions

International Water Management Institute

Memorandum of Understanding

05-01-2015 04-01-2020 SP2 6 Global Through the CGIAR Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE), IWMI and FAO will exchange expertise and develop capacities on themes of water productivity, water accounting and metrics/indicators, support to AQUASTAT database, use of wastewater in agriculture, water quality, waste water and salinity management, efficient groundwater use in irrigation, groundwater governance, water-energy-food nexus, scenario development in water futures, ecosystem services in agricultural systems, irrigation systems, and cross-cutting themes of gender and equity.

Parliamentary unions

Pan-African Parliament Memorandum of Understanding

13-10-2016 13-10-2021 SP1, SP2, SP3, SP4, SP5

2, 5, 6, 12, 14, 15

Regional Africa, Regional Near East

This partnership provides a framework for continuing collaboration on activities of common interest when such collaboration is deemed: to position the issue of food security and nutrition at the highest level of the political and legislative agendas in order to achieve the developmental objectives of Africa; and to contribute to a Pan-African Parliament Alliance on Food Security and Nutrition.

Parliamentary unions

Latin American Parliament (Parlatino)

General Agreement 26-11-2013 25-11-2019 SP1, SP2, SP3, SP4, SP5

2, 5, 6, 12, 14, 15

Regional Latin America The aim of this partnership is to promote an exchange of experiences, support and information, so that Latin American national parliaments and subregional and regional parliamentary organizations can address the challenges of food security, right to food, social protection, education, health and agriculture.

UN agencies United Nations Volunteers (UNV) Memorandum of Understanding

16-06-2017 SP1 2 Global This partnership is aimed at further enhancing coopera on between the two organizations and supporting global citizens, including young women and men, committed to working for a world without hunger. The agreement envisions placement of UN Volunteers in FAO offices around the world.
