

Fano resonances in quasi-one-dimensional electron waveguides

Erkan Tekman* and Philip F. BagwellSchool of Electrical Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana $7907

(Received 19 November 1992; revised manuscript received 11 February 1993)

In the spectroscopy of atoms and molecules, an asymmetric Fano resonance arises whenevera bound state associated with one electronic configuration is coupled to the ionization contin-uum of a different configuration. A strikingly similar resonance appears for electronic transportin conductors with more than one subband, independent of the specific details of the system understudy. We develop a two-subband approximation which describes the Fano resonances for conduc-tion through an electron waveguide containing donor impurities, for I —X —I' intervalley tunnelingin a GaAs/Al Gap As/GaAs heterojunction, and for an electron waveguide coupled to a resonantcavity. Interference between the direct and intersubband transmission channels gives rise to theasymmetric Fano resonance.


Atoms and molecules have different electronic con-figurations. In the simplest treatment of an atom ormolecule these different configurations do not interact,and their Schrodinger wave functions are approximatelyorthogonal. For certain transitions between high-lyingenergy levels, however, the electron-electron interactionbetween these different electronic configurations mustbe taken into account. The most interesting type ofsuch a "configuration interaction" arises when one ofthe states belongs to an ionization continuum of en-ergy levels, while the other is a discrete state. An elec-tron in such a bound state can then decay into thecontinuum, moving away from the atom or molecule.Fano~ showed that the asymmetric resonances observedin the inelastic-scattering spectra of light and electronsfrom atoms and molecules arise from these autoioniza-tion states. The same type of scattering resonances arisein nuclear physics.

Recent theoretical studies of electron scattering fromdonor impurities in quasi-one-dimensional (quasi-1D)electron waveguides4 s have revealed similar asymmet-ric resonance structures for conductance as a functionof Fermi energy (or channel width). These asymrnet-ric resonances appear when a continuum level from onesubband is degenerate in energy with a bound state sup-ported by a diff'erent subband, very similar to the atomicautoionization resonances. References 7—9 pointed outthat the same asymmetric resonance feature also ap-pears in other, seemingly unrelated physical systems.In addition to scattering from donor impurities in anelectron waveguide, the scattering from an oscillatingbarrier, optical absorption or electronic transportin "type-II" GaAs/Al~Gaq As/GaAs heterojunctions,transmission through a waveguide linked to a resonantcavity, ' transmission through a quantum-dot in mag-netic field, and conduction through an array of disor-dered quantum wires~s all display the Fano resonances.

Each of these systems contains two different scatteringchannels, one belonging to a continuum and the other toa bound state.

In this paper we analyze the Fano resonances in quasi-1D systems. In Sec. II we develop a two-band model forthe electronic transport in quasi-1D systems. Section IIIapplies this two-band model to scattering from a donorimpurity in an electron waveguide, 4 s tunneling throughan Al Gaq ~As barrier, and transmission through awaveguide linked to a resonant cavity. ~~ ~s In Sec. IV weanalyze how the Fano resonances are modified in morerealistic, multiple-subband systems.


The Schrodinger equation describing scattering in aquasi-1D electron waveguide is

(—V'+ V.(y)+ V..(x, y)) C(x, y) = EC(x, y), (2.1)

where V, (y) is the confining potential in the lateral direc-tion and V„(x,y) is the potential due to the scatteringcenter. The geometry is shown in Fig. l. We assumethat the confining potential is uniform along the prop-agation direction, since any inhomogeneity can well berepresented by an effective scattering potential. 7 We areinterested in scattering solutions @(x,y) for an electronwave incident from a single subband on the scatterer.As a result, there will be both transmitted and refiectedwaves, which may be either propagating or decaying asthey move away from the scatterer.

For arbitrary V„an analytical solution of Eq. (2.1) isnot possible. Therefore, we make a simplifying assump-tion that the scattering potential is extremely localizedalong the direction of propagation, that is,


0163-1829/93/48(4)/2553(7)/$06. 00 48 2553 1993 The American Physical Society


quire Kq ) 0 to keep the wave function finite as ~x~—+ oo.)

The conductance is given by G = ~Tqq~ for sq & E & e2.There exist three special points for the conductance G

(or equivalently Tqq) in the complex energy plane; whereG (a) is zero, (b) is unity, and (c) has a pole. ~s InvertingEq. (2.5) shows that the transmission zero, Tqq = 0, isdetermined from20

2K2 + V22 ——0.

Unity transmission amplitude Tzp ——1 occurs when


2K2+ V22 ——


FIG. 1. Transmission through a donor impurity in an elec-tron waveguide. A quasibound state produced near the locallyattractive donor potential gives rise to Pano resonances in thewaveguide conductance.

where v(y) is an arbitrary function of the lateral coordi-nate. By expressing the scattering wave function @(x,y)in terms of the eigenstates (P~j of the confining po-tential V„Eq. (2.1) can be converted to a set of linearequations. The resulting matrix equation is

2~2+ V22 ———2zkg + Vjg(2 8)

The poles of Tqq or G define the bound and quasiboundstates of the system as discussed in Ref. 7.


A. Donor impurity in an electron waveguide

The transmission pole Tqq —+ oo exists at the complexenergy satisfying

[—2iK+ V] T = —2iK, (2.3)

where K is the diagonal matrix of wave vectors Kk 6 „= (E —s ) ~ 6'~„, V is the interband transi-tion matrix having elements V „=(P ~v(y) ~P„), and Tis the matrix of wave-function transmission amplitudes.The subband energies e~ correspond to the eigenstates

The conductance can be calculated from the two-terminal Landauer formula,

This problem has been studjed previously ' ' jnthe context of scattering in quasi-1D systems. By a donorimpurity, we mean that v(y) in Eq. (2.2) is negative asshown in Fig. 1, so that Vj~ & 0 and U22 & 0. Thepredicted transmission ~Tqq~ from the two-band modelis shown in Fig. 2. The asymmetric Fano resonance




—2xkg + Vj g Vg2 Tgg

V21 2K2 + U22 T21(2.5)

where the inverse decay length e2 is k2 = iwq. (We re-

where the m and n are summed only over the propagat-ing subbands. Here T~„denotes the amplitude of thetransmitted wave in the mth subband resulting from anincident wave in the nth subband. The unit of conduc-tance in Eq. (2.4) is 2e2/h.

The transmission amplitudes T can be extracted fromEq. (2.3) by inverting the matrix on the left-hand side.We do not discuss this general problem, since it usuallyrequires numerical matrix inversion and has been studiedby others. s 7 The simplest approximation to Eq. (2.3) isto neglect all but two subbands and solve the resulting2x2 matrix equation. When e~ & E & e2, so that theonly incident wave is in the lowest subband, the reducedmatrix equation for our scattering problem is


= 1.0I—



0.00.0 0.5 1.0


FIG. 2. Transmission probability as a function of energyfor a donor impurity in an electron waveguide. A clearFano resonance develops for weak intersubband interaction(V&2 = 0.05), and gradually distorts as the intersubbandscattering (Vj2 = V2q) increases. The two subband energiesare eq ——0 and t'2 ——1. The potential matrix elements are+11 —+22 — 1 ~


is observed most clearly below a new subband open-ing when the intersubband matrix element Vi2 is weak(Vi2 = 0.05). We now analyze the two-subband model toexplain all the qualitative features of Fig. 2.

In the absence of any intersubband interaction, thetransmission amplitude Tii from Eq. (2.5) is



(3 1) GaAs Al-Ga-As GaAs

There is also a bound state in the second subband at anenergy given by Eq. (2.6). We can write Eq. (2.6) as Kq =—V22/2, which corresponds to an energy E = E2 EQ.The binding energy is E~ = (Pz) . Due to absence ofinteraction, this bound state is equivalent to that foundfor a strictly 1D problem. Therefore, in the absenceof intersubband interaction, we have two types of statesbelow t q. scattering states from the first subband and abound state from the second subband.

The shape of the transmission resonance is deter-mined by interference between the direct and intersub-band transmission channels. Turning on the interactionbetween the subbands, the transmission amplitude be-comes

+Ti i Tq i 4ikg


B. X valley tunneling in Al Gaq As

A 1D band diagram for an Al Gai ~As barrier be-tween two GaAs electrodes is shown in Fig. 3. By ap-propriately choosing the composition ratio of the barrier

In addition to the direct transmission via the first sub-band (the first term), one has transmission mediatedby the second subband (the second term). Noting that1/Tii has a negative imaginary part (when Vii ( 0),one easily finds destructive interference between the di-rect and intersubband transmission channels below thebound-state energy, i.e. , for K2 )P,2 For energ. ies abovethe bound state, the wave interference is constructive.At the bound-state energy the second term in Eq. (3.2)diverges, thus transmission vanishes.

As one further increases the energy beyond the boundstate (decreases Kq), unity transmission is obtained ata wave vector given by Eq. (2.7), that is, rc2 = K2 +(~V2i /2Vii). For very weak intersubband scattering,V2i 0, the transmission zero and unity transmissionoccur at almost the same energy. This gives the charac-teristic Fano line shape for the asymmetric transmissionresonance. Stronger intersubband scattering increasesthe separation between the transmission zero and unitytransmission points. When ViiVz2 = ~V2i~, the casefor a h-function scatterer in the lateral direction, s unitytransmission takes place exactly at the onset of prop-agation for the second subband. A further increase in~Vqi~ /Vi i, such that the second subband becomes prop-agating where unity transmission should occur, removesthe unity transmission point altogether.

FIG. 3. Conduction-band edge for a GaAs-Al Gaq As-GaAs single barrier tunneling structure. The alloy composi-tion ratio in the barrier is chosen so that the A valley mini-mum is lower than the I' valley minimum in the barrier, pro-ducing a quasibound state in the barrier.

alloy, the X valleys can lie below the I' valley in the bar-rier. The transmission probability through such a bar-rier has previously been calculated. ~ It was found thatthe transmission probability has asymmetric resonances,which were attributed to Fano-type effects.

Our two-band model may be used to approximate thetunneling through an Al Gai ~As barrier. Since thepresent treatment is only a crude approximation to therealistic problem, we intend no quantitative comparisonwith Ref. 11. For example, our model completely ne-glects the effect of the underlying atomic structure, con-sidered through the use of the Bloch states in Ref. 11. Inaddition, the 6 potential in Eq. (2.2) is only an approx-imation to the actual conduction-band structure. Nev-ertheless, we believe our two-band model captures theessential physics of I' —X —I intervalley tunneling.

The only essential difference between scattering from adonor impurity in a waveguide and I' —X —I' intervalleytunneling is a sign change of the intrasubband matrix el-ement V». Since the barrier potential is repulsive for theI valley, we have V» & 0. The potential is still attrac-tive for the X' valley, so that V2z ( 0 as before. Changingthe sign of Vii reverses the condition for destructive andconstructive interference between the direct and inter-subband transmission. This sign change therefore "in-verts" the Fano resonance, as shown in Fig. 4. Equation(2.7) still describes the point of unity transmission, andEq. (2.6) still determines the transmission zero. But theunity transmission point now occurs at a lower energythan the transmission zero. (The unity transmission ob-tained at E = 0 for Vjg ——1.0 in Fig. 4 is an artifactof the two-band approximation, which disappears whenother subbands are taken into account. )

One shortcoming of our two-band model is that moresophisticated calculations observe both types of Fanoresonances shown in Figs. 2 and 4. This shortcoming is aconsequence of our disregarding any crystal structure atthe atomic scale. The form of the Bloch wave functionsused in Ref. 11 (taken as a basis in which to expand thetunneling wave functions) may give rise to both positiveand negative potential matrix elements V». The result-ing resonance structure may vary therefore between Figs.2 and 4.




= 1.0


1.5of the Schrodinger equation for a network of quantumwires given in Ref. 24. Assuming that only the lowestsubband is populated in all the wires (i.e. , using strictly1D wires instead of @1Dones), the wave function is equalto a scalar wave function Q, along each edge e of thenetwork. These functions are determined by the match-ing conditions at the vertices (v$, and by the boundaryconditions for incident and reOected waves far from thejunctions. Since the electron probability distribution isa measurable entity, the wave function has to be singlevalued throughout the network. That is,


0.00.0 0.5 1.0

FIG. 4. Transmission probability as a function of energy fora two-band model of I' —X —1" intervalley tunneling. Modelparameters are the same as Fig. 2, except that Vjq ——+1. TheFano resonances are therefore "inverted" with respect to Fig.2.

C. Waveguide linked to a resonant cavity

An electron waveguide is coupled to a resonator (aterminated stub of length I) via a tunneling barrier asshown in Fig. 5. References 12 and 13 obtained theconductance through this geometry by using the Lan-dauer formula, is finding transmission resonances as onechanges either the energy of the incident wave or thelength L of the resonant cavity. Reference 13 also deter-mined the pole-zero structure of the transmission coeK-cient in the complex energy plane, further clarifying thenature of the bound states.

Although the problem at hand is somewhat difFerentthan those studied above, it is possible to cast it into anequivalent two-band form. First, we discuss the solution


where (ei, es, . . . , e~} denote the edges joining at thevertex v. Similarly, conservation of charge is used toB.nd a matching condition for the derivatives of the wavefunctions. Integrating the probability current density ona closed surface around v, one finds that


where V', denotes the derivative along the edge e, , takeninto the junction. In the original derivation2~ of Eq. (3.4),A(v) is related to the scattering matrix for the junction.If one neglects the internal structure of the junction, onthe other hand, the right-hand side of Eq. (3.4) denotesthe presence of a 6-function potential barrier of the formV(v) = +i%(v)6(v) at the junction.

Applying the matching technique described above tothe system shown in Fig. 5(a), one gets the solution asfound in Ref. 13. Instead, we modify the system to yieldthe two-band approximation. The approximate equiva-lent system is shown in Fig. 5(b). We take the electronwaveguide as the first "subband, " and consider the reso-nant cavity as the second "subband. " The intersubbandinteraction between the waveguide and resonant cavity isintroduced using a dimensionless coupling parameter rl,with 0 & rl & 1. Let @st„b denote the cavity wave func-tion in the absence of any coupling to the waveguide,so that /st„b sin(ky) inside the cavity. To a goodapproximation, allowing the localized cavity state toleak into the waveguide increases the unperturbed wave-function /st„b by I/g at the junction, and decreases itsderivative by g. The matching conditions then become


(b) and

Vp~L, (v) + VQR(v) + &V@st„b(v) = —iA(v)g(v). (3.6)

FIG. 5. (a) An electron waveguide coupled to a resonantcavity. L is the length of the cavity and the gray box de-notes a tunneling barrier determining the strength of wave-guide-cavity coupling. (b) The equivalent two-band approxi-mation. The waveguide produces the first band and the cav-ity the second band. The dotted line denotes the interactionstrength g between the subbands.

= il kcot(kI)@st b


The coupling parameter g thus scales the logarithmicderivative of the cavity wave function by a factor g atthe junction, namely, the logarithmic derivative of thewave function along the stub edge becomes


The two-band model above corresponds to the matrixequation


—2ik + i A —2rjik cos(kL)—

tupik 2k sin(kL)TllT21


(3 8)0.0

The second row of Eq. (3.8) enforces continuity of thewave function (3.5), while the the first row enforces cur-rent conservation (3.6). In the limit g ~ 0, the wave-guide and cavity are completely decoupled. One thenfinds the transmission down a waveguide with an impu-rity, i.e. , Tii = (1 —A/2k) . The cavity, on the otherhand, has a set of resonant states given by kL = na. Fornonzero g the transmission amplitude becomes


0.00.0 1.0 2.0


(2 —A/k) + its cot kL(3.9)

When g = 1 and A = 0, our result for transmission isequal to that found by Porod et aL for the "stronglycoupled" case they studied. For this case, the interac-tion between the subbands (i.e. , the branches) is purelygeometrical and our approximate model becomes equiv-alent to that of Ref. 13. The transmission zeros andresonances are given by kL = n7r and kL = (n+ I/2)vr,respectively. For A = 0, Eq. (3.9) states that the inter-ference between the direct and intersubband channels isalways destructive. This is because the noninteractingwaveguide always has unity transmission. The poles ofEq. (3.9) are given by (for A = 0)

k = —i tanh-, (rl'lL q2)' (3.10)

which has the same real part as the transmission zeros.Increasing the intersubband interaction causes the polesto move away from the real axis, so that the quasiboundstates become more leaky.

The transmission probability ~Tii~ as a function ofenergy is shown in Fig. 6. Increasing the interactionbetween the subbands causes the regions of near unitytransmission to become narrower and the dips to becomewider, in qualitative agreement with Refs. 12 and 13.Movement of the poles and zeros in the complex energyplane is consistent with this behavior. Since our presenttwo-band model is only a crude approximation to the sys-tem of Refs. 12 and 13, we do not intend a quantitativecomparison.

When we include additional scattering at the junc-tion by having A g 0, we find that the interferencevaries from constructive to destructive (as in Figs. 2 and4). Including intrasubband scattering along the wave-guide (in this approximation) also forces the real part ofthe poles away from kI = n~. Thus, in the presence ofa barrier near the junction, our results even more closelyresemble the ones of Ref. 13, further strengthening thejustification for our two-band model.

FIG. 6. Transmission probability versus energy for theelectron waveguide coupled to a resonant cavity of lengthL = 5. The lower two panels show different values of cou-pling strength g. Intrasubband scattering along the waveg-uide has also been taken into account in the upper panel,where Vjq = +iA = 0.5. A clear Fano line shape emergeswith sufBcient intrasubband scattering. The dashed curve inthe upper panel corresponds to the case when the waveguideand resonant cavity are decoupled (g = 0).


Real scattering problems cannot be quantitatively de-scribed using only two subbands. The effects of otherconfigurations (which correspond to more than two sub-bands in quasi-1D systems) have been investigated byFano and Mies, who called them "overlap" effects.Despite the differences with atomic systems, the Fano-resonance line-shape still survives in quasi-1D electronicsystems in the presence of further intersubband interac-tions.

Figure 7 shows the conductance of the waveguide forthe model of Sec. II when multiple subbands are present.Neither (a) additional propagating subbands, (b) addi-tional evanescent subbands, or (c) both qualitatively al-ters the Fano line shape. Further, the Fano line shapeis not very sensitive to the type of intersubband inter-action. In Figs. 7(a) and 7(b) the interaction matricesare tridiagonal, so that only adjacent subbands interact,while Fig. 7(c) allows all the subbands to interact.

The presence of additional subbands can weaken thecompletely constructive and completely destructive inter-ference present in the two-band model, removing the per-fect unity or zero transmission. Including extra evanes-cent subbands also causes a lowering of the bound-stateenergy, shown in Figs. 7(b) and 7(c). However, the basicFano line shape of the resonance remains qualitativelyunchanged in the presence of multiple subbands.

Reducing the number of "subbands" to one elimi-nates the Fano resonance. If all transmitted waves must


1.0 Im fE}

















0.00.60 0.70 0.80

E0.90 1.00

FIG. 7. Conductance versus energy through a multisub-band waveguide. We consider (a) one decaying and fivepropagating subbands, (b) five decaying and one propa-gating subband, and (c) five decaying and five propagat-ing subbands. The resonances are qualitatively unchangedby the presence of multiple bands. (The subband ener-gies are e = (n —1). The potential matrix elements areV„„= —1 and V, +j. ——V,„q ——0.5. For the lowestpanel, the o8'-diagonal potential matrix elements are chosenas V,~

= 0.5 exp( —2[~i —j~ —I]). The dashed curves show theresult for the two-band approximation. )

pass through a resonant cavity, which is the case ina single-channel conductor, one obtains the standardresonant-tunneling transmission probability. The quasi-bound state in such a resonant cavity produces the pole(cross) shown in Fig. 8. For the Fano resonance, the elec-tron can either transmit directly through the conductoror pass through some type of resonant state. The inter-fering amplitudes for the direct and bound-state trans-mission channels give rise to a transmission zero (cir-cle) shown in Fig. 8. The combination of this pole-zeropair produces the asymmetric Fano line shape. Thus,the main feature which difFerentiates the Fano resonancefrom resonant tunneling is the existence of two inde-pendent transmission channels, only one of which passesthrough the quasibound state.

Re {E}

FIG. 8. Pole (cross) and zero (circle) structure of the trans-mission coefBcient Tzz in the complex energy plane. The poledenotes a quasibound energy level, while the zero arises froman interference between direct and intersubband transmissionchannels. The combined pole-zero pair produces the charac-teristic Pano line shape. The thick lines denote the cut for thesquare-root function used to find the wave vector associatedwith each subband (Ref. 19).

a GaAs/A1~Gai 2, As/GaAs heterojunction, and trans-port in an electron waveguide coupled to a resonant cav-ity. Wave interference between the direct and intersub-band transmission in quasi-1D electronic transport pro-duce Fano resonances in the conductance versus Fermienergy or waveguide width. We further showed the Fanoresonances arising in these systems to be robust to theinclusion of multiple subbands. Fano resonances can alsooccur in dirty electronic conductors, provided many suchconductors are added in parallel. These facts shouldencourage experimental searches for Fano-type efFects inmultisubband electron-transport systems.

Besides the three physical systems emphasized in thispaper, other systems display the Fano type of transmis-sion resonance. In addition to transmission through anoscillating potential, " the bound and resonant states as-sociated with the Hall efFect and bend resistance of quan-tum wire junctions ~ also appear to be of the Fanotype. Fano resonances seem to appear in low-dimensionalelectronic systems whenever a continuum level associatedwith one band is coupled to a discrete level from a secondband.



We developed a two-band model which adequately de-scribes electronic transport through a donor impurity inan electron waveguide, I' —X —I' intervalley tunneling in

We thank Muhammad Alam for pointing out the Fanoresonances and for discussions. We gratefully acknowl-edge financial support from the David and Lucile PackardFoundation. One of us (E.T.) is also grateful to the Sci-entific and Technical Research Council of Turkey.

* Permanent address: Department of Physics, Bilkent Uni-versity, Bilkent 06533, Ankara, Turkey.U. Fano, Phys. Rev. 124, B1866 (1961). A simple discus-sion can be found in Sec. 2.10 of A.P. Thorne, Spectro-physics (Wiley, New Y'ork, 1974).F. H. Mies, Phys. Rev. 175, 164 (1968).3. M, Blatt and V. F, Weisskopf, Theoretical Nuclear

Physics (Wiley, New Y'ork, 1952). See Chap. IX, Fig. 2.2,and Chap. VIII, Figs. 8.2, 5.4, and 5.5.C. S. Chu and R. S. Sorbello, Phys. Rev. B 40, 5941 (1989).P. F. Bagwell, Phys. Rev. B 41, 10354 (1990); J. Phys.Condens. Matter 2, 6179 (1990).E. Tekman and S. Ciraci, Phys. Rev. B 42, 9098 (1990).P. F. Bagwell and R. K. Lake, Phys. Rev. B 46, 15329


(5 2)

(1992). See also P. F. Bagwell, A. Kumar, and R. K.Lake, Scattering and Quantum Localization of Electronsby Static and Time-Varying Potentials, in Quantum EffectPhysics, Electronics, and Applications, edited by K. Ismail,T. Ikoma, and H. I. Smith (IOP, London, 1992).J. U. Nockel, Phys. Rev. B 46, 15348 (1992).P. J. Price (unpublished).K. Maschke, P. Thomas, and E. O. Gobel, Phys. Rev. Lett.67, 2646 (1991).D. Y. K. Ko and J. C. Inkson, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 3,791 (1988); J. P. Cuypers and W. van Haeringen, J. Phys.Condens. Matter 4, 2587 (1992); T. B.Boykin, B.Pezeshki,and J. S. Harris, Phys. Rev. B 46, 12769 (1992); D. Z. Y.Ting and T. C. McGill, ibid 47, 72. 81 (1993).F. Sols, M. Macucci, U. Ravaioli, and K. Hess, J. Appl.Phys. 66, 3892 (1989).W. Porod, Z. Shao, and C. S. Lent, Appl. Phys. Lett, 61,1350 (1992).H. U Baranger, Phys. Rev. B 42, 11479 (1990); H. Tamuraand T. Ando, ibid 44, 1. 792 (1991).A. Kumar and P. F. Bagwell, Phys. Rev. B 44, 1747 (1991).The Schrodinger equation (2.1) does not define uniquelength and energy units. The only relevant quantity ish /2m*, which is equal to 57 A eV for GaAs. We takeh /2m* equal to unity in the analysis here. Thus, eitherthe length or energy scale is fixed once the unit of theother is given. In our numerical examples one can takethe unit of potential matrix elements to be 1 eVA, whichyields an energy unit of 18 meV and a length unit of- 57 A.E. Tekman and S. Ciraci, Phys. Rev. B 40, 8559 (1989);43, 7145 (1991).M. Biittiker, Phys. Rev. Lett. 57, 1761 (1986); R. Lan-dauer, J. Phys. Condens. Matter 1, 8099 (1989).At this point, we must define the square root function weare using. Since the square root is not a single-valued func-tion, it is necessary to have a cut in the complex energyplane. For each subband (1 and 2 in the two-band model)one has such a cut. The real (imaginary) part of k„has tobe positive for E ) e„(E( e ) for real energy, in orderto get physically acceptable scattering solutions. It is alsoclear that the imaginary part of the energy at the pole (thequasibound state) must be negative, so that the solutionsdecay in time. Putting all these considerations together, weconclude that the cut of the square-root function has to liein the fourth quadrant of complex energy plane (i.e. , forRe(E) ) 0 and Im(E) (0), as shown in Fig. 8. Clearly,the exact position of the cut has to be chosen so that thepole lies in between the two cuts, The more conventionalcuts along the negative or positive real axis are not accept-able since the former sweeps away the poles completely, andthe latter (as well as the former) does not comply with therequirement that the conductivity is a continuous functionof complex energy near the real axis.Equations (2.6)—(2.8) can also be expressed in terms of theelectron energy. The transmission zero occurs at an energyE = e2 —Ez, where the binding energy E~ is

4EIs = (V2z) (5.1)Unity transmission is obtained at E = e2 —Ez, with

Iv, il' —v,

Equation (2.8) cannot be solved analytically to determine

the complex energy pole. However, provided the boundstate is not too near a subband edge, and that the bindingenergy is weak compared to the subband separation, thispole occurs at the energy E e2 —E~ +i EI, with

4&1 —— (2ViiV22 —IV2il ) .2 (5.3)

Y. B. Levinson, M. I. I ubin, and E. V. Sukhorukov, PhysRev. B 45, 11936 (1992).Ch. Kunze and R. Lenk, Solid State Commun. 84, 457(1992).

s S. Gasiorowicz, Quantum Physics (Wiley, New York, 1974),p. 93.J. E, Avron, A. Raveh, and B. Zur, Rev. Mod. Phys. 60,873 (1988).The introduction of the parameter g is an approximationto the problem studied in Ref. 13. Consider the resonantcavity attached to a finite potential barrier, and in the ab-sence of any interaction between the cavity and waveguide.A hard wall terminates the cavity at y = 0, with a fi-nite potential barrier at y = 1. The cavity wave functionfor 0 ( y ( L is then @s«b = Asin(ky), with a loga-rithmic derivative 9'gs«b/gs«b = k cot(kL) at y = I.This wave function will be matched to an exponentiallydecaying one in the barrier, giving rise to gs«b(y)Asin(kL)e "" and 7'i/isa b(y) = rA i s(n—kL)e "" forL & y & oo, K being the inverse decay length in the bar-rier. The logarithmic derivative is therefore unchanged, sothat T@s«b/gs«b = —K = kcot(kL) for L ( y ( oo.When interaction between the cavity and the waveguide isturned on, i.e. , the finite potential barrier composing oneend of the cavity is lowered to form a portion of the wave-guide, the wave function will have exponentially growingcomponents in addition to exponentially decaying ones.The wave function for L ( y ( (L + d), where d isthe thickness of the barrier, will become proportional to(1 + ne "")e "".The derivative of the wave function isthen proportional to —K(l —ne "")e "".Here n is a smallnumber, of the order of e "",which must be determinedby the exact matching conditions for the problem. Insteadof the complete solution (Ref. 13) for these new match-ing conditions, we develop approximate matching condi-tions (3.5) and (3.6). It is then possible to focus on the ef-fects of the interaction, using a single parameter g, ratherthan the detailed mechanism of the interaction. From theprevious paragraph, the result of interaction is to increase(decrease) the wave function (derivative) compared to thenoninteracting case. For small values of ne "",which holdswhen the magnitude of the wave function inside the cav-ity is large (i.e. , close to resonance), we may approximatethe factor multiplying the wave function [see Eq. (3.5)]as (I/rt) and the one multiplying the derivative [see Eq.(3.6)] as rl. Hence (1+o.e "") 1/ri and (1 —ne "

)The logarithmic derivative for the interacting case becomes

il k cot(kL), which is Eq. (3.7).The intersubband interaction used in the present approachis not completely realistic, since g has to be a functionof A: as noted above. In addition, we can use the presentmodel only for rI & 1 in conjunction with the approxima-tion described above. Although the continuation for g ) 1seems plausible from a mathematical point of view, it isnot justifiable from a physical point of view. For example,for i7 ) ~2 one gets poles with El ) 0 from Eq. (3.10).
