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  • 8/14/2019 fall guide 08


  • 8/14/2019 fall guide 08


    Hour sMo nd ay t o F r i d ay 5 am-11 pm S at ur d ay 6 am-10 pm S und ay & Ho l i d ay s 7 am-10 pm

    N o r e g i s t e r e d p r o g r a m s o n s t a t u t o r y h o l i d a y s .

    Loc at i on2225 Mac l eo d T r ai l S o ut h C al gar y AB T 2G 5B6 P : ( 4 0 3) 233-8 39 3 F : ( 4 0 3) 26 2-10 0 1

    F ac i l i t y Ac c e ssY o ur member shi p o r d ai l y ad mi ssi o n

    i nc l ud es ul l use o t he ac i l i t y . Y o ur pr o gr am pur c hase ent i t l es y o u t o ac c ess t he ac i l i t y 30 mi nut es pr i o r t o t he pr o gr am o nl y o r t he d ay s and t i mes o y o ur c l asses / sessi o ns. C hi l d r en s pr o gr ams d o no t i nc l ud e par ent s use o t he ac i l i t y . A separ at e ad mi ssi o n ee must be pai d . P r esent y o ur pass o r pr o gr am c ar d at t he c ust o mer ser v i c e d esk o r e

    nt r y t o y o ur pr o gr am.G r o up and spec t at o r ac c ess t o t he ac t i v i t y l ev el i s t hr o ugh t he bac k gat e. Al l spec t at o r s w i l l r ec ei v e a st amp o r i d ent i f c at i o n.

    P r o g r a m R e g i s t r a t i o n R egi st er i n per so n at t he C ust o mer S er v i c e D esk ,by pho ne at 233-8 39 3 o r o nl i ne at w w w .t al i smanc ent r e.c o m

    R e g i s t r at i on d e ad l i ne i s 7 d ay s pr i or t o c our s e s t ar t . W her e appl i c abl e G S T w i l l be ad d ed at r egi st r at i o n.

    C o n t e n t s

    4 Me mbe r shi ps & Ad mi ssi on 7 P ubl i c S w i mmi ng 8 C hi l d c ar e 8 P r e sc hool P r ogr ams 9 F i t ne ss C e nt r e 10 Nut r i t i on P r ogr ams11 C at e r i ng & F ac i l i t y R e nt al sAquat i c s12 C h i l d r e n & Y o u t h S w i m P r o g r a m s16 P r i v a t e Le s s o n s

    17 Ad u l t S w i m P r o g r a m s

    C e r t i f c at i ons18 Aq u a t i c s C e r t i f c a t i o n s 18 C o a c h i n g C e r t i c a t i o n s20 T al i sman C e nt r e T r i C l ub22 S por t P r ogr ams C hi l d r e n & Y out h24 Y out h S

    por t C amps25 S c hool P r ogr ams26 S por t & W e l l ne ss P r ogr ams Ad ul t s30 P e r sonal T r ai ni ng

    31 F i t ne ss T e st i ng32 At hl e t i c P e r or manc e E nhanc e me nt 34 E nd ur anc e T r ai ni ng S y st e ms

    F U LL I N D E X P AG E 3 7

  • 8/14/2019 fall guide 08


    Programs and Services Fall 2008403-233-8393 www.tal smancentre.com3

    Talisman Centre More than a gym . . .

    Talisman Centre is a world-class sport and wellness acility right next to downtown and were c25 years o serving Calgarians and inspiring achievement. With over 250,000 square eet o theres room under our roo or both high-per ormance athletes and everyday athletes trying to tness goals. Talisman Centre boasts ve gymnasiums, two running tracks, our Olympic-sized pOlympic calibre dive tank, a steam room and 25,000 square eet o cardio and weight training spare adjacent to the 14,000 square oot Li eMark Physiotherapy and Sport Medicine Clinic, and tWellness Institute o Calgary. We have several board and meeting rooms available to our corporawith spectacular views o the surrounding Lindsay Park and Elbow river. Our very own Ca Sprovide the uel or your workout and on-sta personal trainers are ready to help you personally

    tness potential. Where else do you have the real possibility o working out next to an Olympic m

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    4 Programs and Services Fall 2008403-233-8393 www.tal

    Yo h(13-17)Youre young and carefree well, almost carefree.

    You care about playing sports, having un, andkeeping yoursel healthy. Whether you like basketball,

    swimming, diving, badminton, dancing, volleyball,kickboxing or just about anything else you can think

    o i you want to hang out and do what you love,you wont nd a better place than Talisman Centre!

    M e m

    b e r s h

    i p s a t

    T a l i s m a n C e n t r e

    A l (18+) Just because youre an adult doesnt mean you cant play! Our competitive prices and our world-class acilitymake our adult memberships one sweet deal. Withour wide range o drop-in group tness classesincluded with your membership, the deal getseven sweeter. Whether youre a high-per ormanceathletic machine, or an everyday athlete looking

    or the best environment to reach your goals,Talisman Centre is the place or you!

    S or (60+)You may not be a kid anymore, but you may just feel like one at Talisman Centre!

    You know that a healthy li estyle is more importantthan ever and Talisman Centre has everything youll

    need to keep t and have un doing it. Join one o our many drop-in group classes, or work at your ownpace in our tness centre. Try your hand at yoga, ortake a spin on one o our stationary bikes. Discover

    what you can do at Talisman Centre.

    Pos -S co ary(25 and under)Living the life of a student can be pretty tough.Late night cramming sessions, the stress of exams, theoften less-than-nutritious diet... Balance that equationwith a membership at Talisman Centre! Feel your stressmelt away with every lap around the pool, or everybasket sunk from the 3-point line. Whatever you do torelax and keep healthy, you can do it at Talisman Centre

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    Programs and Services Fall 2008403-233-8393 www.tal smancentre.com5

    Membership Benefts 5 complimentary friend passes One-month membership gift

    experience for a friend Referral program Auto renewal membership Monthly payment plan Members only special program pricing

    20% o regular priced retail items 10% o Personal Training 10% o Nutrition Services Corporate rates available Includes drop-in classes Day use lockers Free parking

    R r a r a w ll x yo r rsh p! Come in to Talisman Centre and pick up your re erral card. Give it to a riend. I they sign upmembership well extend your pass by one month!

    Workplac W ll ssO course you can get t and have un at Talisman Centre,

    but theres so much more to ofer your company,

    no matter how big or small! With the Workplace Wellness Membership, you get all thebene ts o membership (at a reduced price!) This membership

    cant be beat, and its all yours with as ew as veemployees signing up!

    Co pl s a Fa l s A amily that plays together stays together! And i they play at Talisman Centre, they also keep healthy anddevelop a li elong love o sport and tness together! Come swimin our pool (or play on our giant in atable water park!), play some

    sports in the gym, or have a race around the track. (Or, leave thekids at home and turn your partner into your workout partner!) Getcloser to reaching your tness goals and get closer to each otherwith the Couples and Families Membership at Talisman Centre!

    Un ique g i f t e xper iences

    for e ver yone.

    Inquire at the C u stomer

    Service De sk.

    We l l ne s s !Give the Gif t of

  • 8/14/2019 fall guide 08


    6 Programs and Services Fall 2008403-233-8393 www.tal

    Ask us about our

    W wa o r ov arr rs.W wa v ryo o joy aH al hy L s yl .

    For more information contact Cynthia Watson,Development Manager [email protected] 403-355-125

    Members ips & Admissi n Ra esPrices subject to change. Visa, MasterCard and American Express are accepted.

    Renewing Your Membership? 4 Month and Annual Members receive a special discount rate. Call or details 403-233-8393.

    * Monthly payments include an annual processing ee.

    Monthly Plan*

    4 Month Prepaid

    10-Card Passes


    Annual Prepaid $699.00 $459.00 $549.00 $449.00 $159.00 $129.00 n/a $1,199.00 $649.00 $1,099.00

    $62.00 $42.00 $49.00 n/a n/a n/a n/a $103.00 $57.00 $95.00

    $329.00 $199.00 $239.00 $189.00 $109.00 $79.00 n/a $569.00 $309.00 $499.00

    $109.00 $69.00 $99.00 $59.00 $39.00 $29.00 $119.00 $229.00 n/a n/a

    $12.50 $8.00 $10.50 $7.50 $5.00 $3.50 $13.50 $25.00 n/a n/a

    ACCeSS AdvAntAgeFundRAiSing CAmPAignso that all Calgarians, regardless o mental, physical or

    fnancial ability can have a un and inspiring place to reachtheir goals. Help us tear down the barriers to participation and

    welcome all shapes, sizes and abilities to Talisman Centre.

    La Ra e joy h las 90 s ach h or o ly $5

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    Programs and Services Fall 2008403-233-8393 www.tal smancentre.com7

    Lane Sw mm ngWhether youre training or tness or training to win, Talisman Centre guarantees that there will be a min25 metre lane equivalents available or you during all operational hours so you can accomplish your goal

    Fam ly Sw mm ngThe whole amily is invited! New or this year, space has been set aside or the whole amily to practicswimming skills or to just spend some quality pool time together. Enjoy time in the pool and then unwindour 2 hot tubsthe emphasis is on FUN! Pool toys will be provided to enhance the experience.

    Open D ngDo you have what it takes to launch yoursel o the10 metre plat orm? Come to open diving and test your nerve at Calgarys only public accessed 10m divin

    Please note: Times available for Lane Swimming, Family Swimming and Open Diving are subject to changecancellation. Please check the DAILY SCHEDULES at for the latest updates on spbefore you come down.

    Public Swimming at Talisman Centre

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    8 Programs and Services Fall 2008403-233-8393 www.tal

    Childcare Services

    Our unique preschool program develops your childs social, intellectual,physical and emotional skills through hands-on activities in all areas ospacious centre. While our creative team o Early Childhood EducationSpecialistsguide your child to learn through play, you can enjoy all thesport and wellness bene ts o Talisman Centre!

    3 Y $112 / mo th (Member)$140 / month (Non-member)

    4 Y $136 / mo th (Member)$170 / month (Non-member)

    For more in ormation, including upcoming registration dates, visit or call 403-355-1266.

    Preschool Program

    Childs First Visit (3 months-35 months)A 20 minute trial period or your childs rst visit!

    Two options for great service:1. Boo ahead or Mon-Fri, 9-11:30 amGuarantee a spot in child carecall ahead! I yourchild is between 3 months and 3 years, please call 1week in advance to reserve child care. Cancellationsneed to be called by 8:30 am on day o your bookingby phoning 355-1273 or a one hour ee shall beapplied to your next visit.2. Drop I : Drop-in spaces will be available everyday on a rst-come, rst-served basis.

    For ch ldren 3 months to 9 yearsYour child can enjoy expert care at Talisman Centre or up to three hours while you seek wellness in our acility. Oteam keeps your child active with games, toys, books, cra ts and creative play spaces. We appreciate you bringing

    and a bottle or your baby, as well as a nut- ree snack and drink or your child.


    SePtembeR tO June

    HOURSMonday-Friday 8:45 AM - 3 PMSaturday 10 AM - 2 PMSunday (Sep-Jun) 10 AM - 2 PMCLOSED ON STATUTORY HOLIDAYSRATESIn ants (3 - 12 months)$5/hour (Member) $6/hour (Non-member)$47/10 hrs (Member) $56/10 hrs (Non-member)

    $138/30 hrs (Member) $156/30 hrs (Non-member)Note: Maximum stay o 2 hours per visitChildren (1-9 yrs)$4.75/hr (Member) $5.75/hr (Non-member)$41/10 hrs (Member) $49/10 hrs (Non-member)$121/30 hrs (Member) $145/30 hrs (Non-member)Note: Maximum stay o 3 hours per visit

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    Programs and Services Fall 2008403-233-8393 www.tal smancentre.com9

    Welcome to ourFitness CentreThe coolest place or cardiovascular, strength and exibility training.

    neW tO tHe FitneSS CentRe?O r s af ak s a f r c ! W ar h r o h lp yo !

    Fitness consultants are eager to help provide you with a safe and e ective experfor them wearing Talisman Centre attire, ask questions and enjoy their diverse expertise.

    Sign up or a Fitness Centre orientation! To register call 403-233-8393. 24 hours notice is required to ensure our sta can accomodate you.

    F ss Zo

    The oor to ceiling windows maximize the natural light. This zone consists o selectorized (pin adjusted)equipment, light ree weights, cable gyms, an area or exibility, balance and core training and various cmachines. With ewer distractions, the mezzanine provides a cardio experience with a view. The tness z

    or those who are new to exercise.

    ma W h RooHere you will nd alarge assortment o dumbbells, barbells andplate loaded machines.The cardio deck hasa large selectiono cardiovascularequipment overlookingthe main track.

    g l sTo make your experience sa er and more enjoyable, please read the ollowing guidelines: Always wear appropriate clothi g i cl di g shorts, a shirt a d a pair of closed-toe shoes, Remove a d re-rack weights from all machi es Wipe dow all eq ipme t after se Keep cell pho e se to a mi im m Always se sig - p boards to e s re yo r time o cardiovasc lar machi es Ask for help if yo are s re Childre der the age of 13 are ot permitted i the Fit ess Ce tre Visitors ages 13-15Y m st be accompa ied by a pare t or g ardia

    Keep your eyes open or our monthly ftness challenges! Each month the tness centre team organizes a new challenge. These challenges test your balance, hand-coordination and exibility. Details are posted in the Fitness Centre and sta is available anytime to answand test your skills!For more deta ls please call o r F tness Centre @ 403-233-8393.

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    10 Programs and Services Fall 2008403-233-8393 www.tal

    A step above the rest, Talisman Centre recognizes the need or the union o tness and nutritionhelp i divid als meet their goals. Everythi g yo eed is der o e roof! Have oDietician work closely with you, your trainer, and your li estyle to bring orward a customized plan that will get you results. All Talisman Centre nutrition packages are tailored to the clients nwhether you are looking or sport enhancement, health or weight loss.

    Talisman Centre Nutrition Programs

    NuTRiTiON SERviCE 1 I cl des i itial o e-o -o e co s ltatio with o r Registered Dieticia , a c stomizednutrition menu plan that meets your energy needs and li estyle pre erences, andcontinued support with two hour-long ollow-ups.$210 (Member)$231 (Non-member)

    NuTRiTiON SERviCE 2Includes a 3-day detailed nutrient analysis o your average intake o carbohydrate,protein, at, vitamins, and mineral amounts and a comparison o your results to theideal val es. O r Registered Dieticia will i terpret these res lts for yo a d prepare acustomized menu plan to meet your daily energy and nutrient needs. You also receivethree hour-long ollow-ups or continued support and urther development o yournutrition plan.

    $330 (Member)$363 (Non-member)

    SoMEthING ELSE IN MIND? Customized packages are available to urther meet your speci c needs. Examples includeadditional ollow-up packages, grocery tours, body composition testing, group or amilysessions, or nutrition and personal training packages.

    For all n tr t on nq r es call 403-355-1281 or ema l n tr t on@tal

    Geared toward goal setting and tracking methods other than a number on a scale.Checkwww.tal smancentre.comor more details!

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    Programs and Services Fall 2008403-233-8393 www.tal smancentre.com11

    Catering Facility RentalsTal sman Centre ofers a n q een ronment eat r ng lly eq pped

    meet ng spaces w th complete cater ngser ces a a lable.

    It is the ultimate location in Calgary or: corporate team building and family days conference o sites and meetings birthday and Christmas parties kitchen parties

    special eventsVisit our website or details on room specsand to browse sample menus. Heathly Eating

    Healthy Li estyle!

    Fresh Seasonal Prod ctsCheck O t O r Da ly Spec als

    Reple ish yo r e ergy with onutritional menu options.Great take-home option for

    those on the run!

    A sk u s ab ou t the

    m e m b e R R e WA R d CA R d !

    Party in theKitchen!

    Book your group o 30 people or less or aninteractive cooking and wine-tasting event.Imagine all the un with no clean up!

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    12 Programs and Services Fall 2008403-233-8393 www.tal

    Aquatics Children & Youth Swim Programs

    PRE-ScHOOl DUcklIngS3 months-1YGive your baby the timeless gi t o com ort andsa ety in the water! You and your child will learnholds and essential skills while enjoying watergames and songs an un orgettable learningexperience!7 classes* $35 (Member) $44 (Non-member)8 classes $41 (Member) $51 (Non-member)Monday (no class Oct 13)

    11:00-11:30 AM Sep 8-Oct 27 (32243)*6:15-6:45 PM Sep 8-Oct 27 (32245)*11:00-11:30 AM Nov 3-Dec 15 (32244)*6:15-6:45 PM Nov 3-Dec 15 (32246)*

    Tuesday (no class Nov 11)6:15-6:45 PM Sep 9-Oct 21 (32247)*6:15-6:45 PM Oct 28-Dec 16 (32248)*

    Wednesday 11:35-12:05 PM Sep 10-Oct 22 (32249)*5:55-6:25 PM Sep 10-Oct 22 (32251)*11:35-12:05 PM Oct 29-Dec 17 (32250)5:55-6:25 PM Oct 29-Dec 17 (32252)

    Friday 11:3512:05 PM Sep 12-Oct 24 (32253)*5:25-5:55 PM Sep 12-Oct 24 (32255)*11:35-12:05 PM Oct 31-Dec 19 (32254)5:25-5:55 PM Oct 31-Dec 19 (32256)

    Saturday (no class Oct 11)9:35-10:05 AM Sep 6-Oct 25 (32257)*11:30-12:00 PM Sep 6-Oct 25 (32259)*9:35-10:05 AM Nov 1-Dec 20 (32258)11:30-12:00 PM Nov 1-Dec 20 (32260)

    Sunday (no class Oct 12)

    11:30-12:00 PM Sep 7-Oct 26 (32261)*11:30-12:00 PM Nov 2-Dec 21 (32262)

    t e m s efec ive learn- -swim pr gram in Canada! Our program content, methodsand structure ensure that children learn to swim more efciently, learn to swim aster, leamore skills, and learn more rapidly than in any other program.G aranteed.

    PRE-ScHOOl DInOS1-3YDevelop your childs independence and watersa ety skills! This parented class includes songs,games and activities to assist your child in gettingready or swim lessons. Its a blast!7 classes* $35 (Member) $44 (Non-member)8 classes $41 (Member) $51 (Non-member)Monday (no class Oct 13)

    11:35-12:05 PM Sep 8-Oct 27 (32223)*6:00-6:30 PM Sep 8-Oct 27 (32225)*11:35-12:05 PM Nov 3-Dec 15 (32224)*6:00-6:30 PM Nov 3-Dec 22 (32226)*

    Tuesday (no class Nov 11)6:30-7:00 PM Sep 9-Oct 21 (32227)*6:30-7:00 PM Oct 28-Dec 9 (32228)*

    Wednesday 12:10-12:40 PM Sep 10-Oct 22 (32229)*12:10-12:40 PM Oct 29-Dec 17 (32230)

    Thursday 6:30-7:00 PM Sep 11-Oct 23 (32231)*6:30-7:00 PM Oct 30-Dec 18 (32232)

    Friday 11:00-11:30 AM Sep 12-Oct 24 (32233)*6:00-6:30 PM Sep 12-Oct 24 (32235)*11:00-11:30 AM Oct 31-Dec 19 (32234)6:00-6:30 PM Oct 31-Dec 19 (32236)

    Saturday (no class Oct 11)11:15-11:45 AM Sep 6-Oct 25 (32237)*11:15-11:45 AM Nov 1-Dec 20 (32238)

    Sunday (no class Oct 12)9:35-10:05 AM Sep 7-Oct 26 (32241)*11:15-11:45 AM Sep 7-Oct 26 (32239)*9:35-10:05 AM Nov 2-Dec 21 (32242)11:15-11:45 AM Nov 2-Dec 21 (32240)

    Talisman Centre . . . CalgarysbeSt Membership Value!Join Today!

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    Programs and Services Fall 2008403-233-8393 www.tal smancentre.com13

    AquaticsSEARS I cAn SwIM DOlPHInS 13-5YLearn to love the water and have un! A un class orchildren with little or no swimming experience. Yourchild will learn basic water skills and orientation.7 classes* Member $35 Non-Member $448 classes Member $41 Non-Member $51Monday (no class Oct 13)

    11:35-12:05 PM Sep 8-Oct 27 (31910)*12:45-01:15 PM Sep 8-Oct 27 (31912)*4:15-04:45 PM Sep 8-Oct 27 (31914)*5:05-05:35 PM Sep 8-Oct 27 (31916)*11:35-12:05 PM Nov 3-Dec 15 (31911)*12:45-1:15 PM Nov 3-Dec 15 (31913)*

    4:15-04:45 PM Nov 3-Dec 15 (31915)*5:05-05:35 PM Nov 3-Dec 15 (31917)*Tuesday (no class Nov 11)

    4:50-5:20 PM Sep 9-Oct 21 (31918)*5:25-5:55 PM Sep 9-Oct 21 (31920)*4:50-5:20 PM Oct 28-Dec 16 (31919)*5:25-5:55 PM Oct 28-Dec 9 (31921)*

    Wednesday 11:00-11:30 AM Sep 10-Oct 22 (31922)*11:35-12:05 PM Sep 10-Oct 22 (31924)*4:15-4:45 PM Sep 10-Oct 22 (31926)*6:30-7:00 PM Sep 10-Oct 22 (31928)*11:00 -11:30 AM Oct 29-Dec 17 (31923)11:35-12:05 PM Oct 29-Dec 17 (31925)4:15-4:45 PM Oct 29-Dec 17 (31927)6:30-7:00 PM Oct 29-Dec 17 (31929)

    Thursday 5:05-5:35 PM Sep 17-Oct 29 (31930)*5:25-5:55 PM Sep 11-Oct 23 (31932)*5:05-5:35 PM Oct 30-Dec 18 (31931)5:25-5:55 PM Oct 30-Dec 18 (31933)

    Friday 12:10-12:40 PM Sep 12-Oct 24 (31934)*

    12:45-1:15 PM Sep 12-Oct 24 (31936)*4:15-4:45 PM Sep 12-Oct 24 (31939)*12:10-12:40 PM Oct 31-Dec 19 (31935)12:45-1:15 PM Oct 31-Dec 19 (31937)4:15-4:45 PM Oct 31-Dec 19 (31938)

    Saturday (no class Oct 11)9:00-9:30 AM Sep 6-Oct 25 (31940)*9:35-10:05 AM Sep 6-Oct 25 (31942)*10:40-11:10 AM Sep 6-Oct 25 (32131)*9:00-9:30 AM Nov 1-Dec 20 (31941)9:35-10:05 AM Nov 1-Dec 20 (31943)10:40-11:10 AM Nov 1-Dec 20 (32132)

    Sunday (no class Oct 12)9:00-9:30 AM Sep 7-Oct 26 (31945)*9:35-10:05 AM Sep 7-Oct 26 (31947)*10:40-11:10 AM Sep 7-Oct 26 (32133)*9:00-9:30 AM Nov 2-Dec 21 (31946)9:35-10:05 AM Nov 2-Dec 21 (31948)10:40-11:10 AM Nov 2-Dec 21 (32134)

    SEARS I cAn SwIM DOlPHInS 23-5YEnhance your childs confdence and independence!Com ortable swimmers will build on theirsubmersion, buoyancy and propulsion skills.7 classes* Member $35 Non-Member $448 classes Member $41 Non-Member $51Monday (no class Oct 13)

    11:00-11:30 AM Sep 8-Oct 27 (31949)*12:45-1:15 PM Sep 8-Oct 27 (31951)*4:50-5:20 PM Sep 8-Oct 27 (31953)*6:25-6:55 PM Sep 8-Oct 27 (31955)*11:00-11:30 AM Nov 3-Dec 15 (31950)*12:45-1:15 PM Nov 3-Dec 15 (31952)*4:50-5:20 PM Nov 3-Dec 15 (31954)*6:25-6:55 PM Nov 3-Dec 15 (31956)*

    Tuesday (no class Nov 11)4:15-4:45 PM Sep 9-Oct 21 (31957)*5:05-5:35 PM Sep 9-Oct 21 (31959)*4:15-4:45 PM Oct 28-Dec 16 (31958)*5:05-5:35 PM Oct 28-Dec 16 (31960)*

    Wednesday 11:00-11:30 AM Sep 10-Oct 22 (31961)*12:45-01:15 PM Sep 10-Oct 22 (31963)*4:50-5:20 PM Sep 10-Oct 22 (31965)*5:25-5:55 PM Sep 10-Oct 22 (31967)*11:00-11:30 AM Oct 29-Dec 17 (31962)12:45-1:15 PM Oct 29-Dec 17 (31964)4:50-5:20 PM Oct 29-Dec 17 (31966)5:25-5:55 PM Oct 29-Dec 17 (31968)

    Thursday 4:15-4:45 PM Sep 11-Oct 23 (31969)*6:00-6:30 PM Sep 11-Oct 23 (31971)*4:15-4:45 PM Oct 30-Dec 18 (31970)6:00-6:30 PM Oct 30-Dec 18 (31972)

    Friday 11:00-11:30 AM Sep 12-Oct 31 (31973)*

    12:10-12:40 PM Sep 12-Oct 24 (31975)*5:05-5:35 PM Sep 12-Oct 24 (31977)*11:00-11:30 AM Oct 31-Dec 19 (31974)12:10-12:40 PM Oct 31-Dec 19 (31976)5:05-5:35 PM Oct 31-Dec 19 (31978)

    Saturday (no class Oct 11)9:00-9:30 AM Sep 6-Oct 25 (31979)*9:35-10:05 AM Sep 6-Oct 25 (31981)*10:55-11:25 AM Sep 6-Oct 25 (31983)*9:00-9:30 AM Nov 1-Dec 20 (31980)9:35-10:05 AM Nov 1-Dec 20 (31982)10:55-11:25 AM Nov 1-Dec 20 (31984)

    Sunday (no class Oct 12)9:00-09:30 AM Sep 7-Oct 26 (31985)*9:35-10:05 AM Sep 7-Oct 26 (31987)*10:55-11:25 AM Sep 7-Oct 26 (31989)*9:00-09:30 AM Nov 2-Dec 21 (31986)9:35-10:05 AM Nov 2-Dec 21 (31988)10:55-11:25 AM Nov 2-Dec 21 (31990)

    Children & Youth Swim Programs

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    14 Programs and Services Fall 2008403-233-8393 www.tal

    SEARS I cAn SwIM DOlPHInS 33-5YLittle swimmers will evolve into masters o the

    ront and back paddle! Graduates know thebasics o reestyle, backstroke, breaststroke andbutterfy and can advance directly to Stage 2 o the I Can Swim program.7 classes* Member $35 Non-Member $448 classes Member $41 Non-Member $51Monday (no class Oct 13)

    12:10-12:40 PM Sep 8-Oct 27 (31991)*4:15-4:45 PM Sep 8-Oct 27 (31993)*5:40-6:10 PM Sep 8-Oct 27 (31995)*12:10-12:40 PM Nov 3-Dec 15 (31992)*

    4:15-4:45 PM Nov 3-Dec 15 (31994)*5:40-6:10 PM Nov 3-Dec 15 (31996)*Tuesday (no class Nov 11)

    4:15-4:45 PM Sep 9-Oct 21 (31997)*5:40-6:10 PM Sep 9-Oct 21 (31999)*4:15-4:45 PM Oct 28-Dec 16 (31998)*5:40-6:10 PM Oct 28-Dec 16 (32000)*

    Wednesday 12:10-12:40 PM Sep 10-Oct 22 (32003)*4:50-5:20 PM Sep 10-Oct 22 (32005)*6:25-6:55 PM Sep 10-Oct 22 (32001)*12:10-12:40 PM Oct 29-Dec 17 (32004)4:50-5:20 PM Oct 29-Dec 17 (32006)6:25-6:55 PM Oct 29-Dec 17 (32002)

    Thursday 4:50-5:20 PM Sep 11-Oct 23 (32007)*6:15-6:45 PM Sep 11-Oct 23 (32009)*4:50-5:20 PM Oct 30-Dec 18 (32008)6:15-6:45 PM Oct 30-Dec 18 (32010)

    Friday 11:35-12:05 PM Sep 12-Oct 24 (32011)*5:20-5:50 PM Sep 12-Oct 24 (32013)*11:35-12:05 PM Oct 31-Dec 19 (32012)

    5:20-5:50 PM Oct 31-Dec 19 (32014)Saturday (no class Oct 11)

    9:00-9:30 AM Sep 6-Oct 25 (32015)*10:05-10:35 AM Sep 6-Oct 25 (32017)*11:15-11:45 AM Sep 6-Oct 25 (32019)*9:00-9:30 AM Nov 1-Dec 20 (32016)10:05-10:35 AM Nov 1-Dec 20 (32018)11:15-11:45 AM Nov 1-Dec 20 (32020)

    Sunday (no class Oct 12)9:00-9:30 AM Sep 7-Oct 26 (32021)*10:05-10:35 AM Sep 7-Oct 26 (32023)*

    11:15-11:45 AM Sep 7-Oct 26 (32025)*9:00-9:30 AM Nov 2-Dec 21 (32022)10:05-10:35 AM Nov 2-Dec 21 (32024)11:15-11:45 AM Nov 2-Dec 2 (32026)

    SEARS I cAn SwIM STAgE 16-14YLearn the undamentals! Children startingswimming lessons or the rst time or still gettingcom ortable in the water will discover the thrill o submerging, foating, propelling and gliding.7 classes* Member $34 Non-Member $438 classes Member $39 Non-Member $49Monday (no class Oct 13)

    4:50-5:20 PM Sep 8-Oct 27 (32027)*4:50-5:20 PM Nov 3-Dec 15 (32028)*

    Tuesday (no class Nov 11)4:50-5:20 PM Sep 9-Oct 21 (32029)*4:50-5:20 PM Oct 28-Dec 16 (32030)*

    Wednesday 4:15-4:45 PM Sep 10-Oct 22 (32031)*4:15-4:45 PM Oct 29-Dec 17 (32032)

    Thursday 5:40-6:10 PM Sep 11-Oct 23 (32033)*5:40-6:10 PM Oct 30-Dec 18 (32034)

    Friday 4:50-5:20 PM Sep 12-Oct 24 (32035)*4:50-5:20 PM Oct 31-Dec 19 (32036)

    Saturday (no class Oct 11)10:10-10:40 AM Sep 6-Oct 25 (32037)*11:30-12:00 PM Sep 6-Oct 25 (32039)*10:10-10:40 AM Nov 1-Dec 20 (32038)11:30-12:00 PM Nov 1-Dec 20 (32040)

    Sunday (no class Oct 12) 10:10-10:40 AM Sep 7-Oct 26 (32041)*11:30-12:00 PM Sep 7-Oct 26 (32043)*10:10-10:40 AM Nov 2-Dec 21 (32042)11:30-12:00 PM Nov 2-Dec 21 (32044)

    Aquatics Children & Youth Swim Programs

    Talisman Centre . . . CalgarysbeSt Membership Value! Join Today! Program Reg strat on:Register i perso at theCustomer Service Desk, by phone at 233-8393 or

    online at www.talismancentre.comReg strat on deadl ne s 7 days pr or toco rse start.Where applicable GST will be addedat registration.

  • 8/14/2019 fall guide 08


    Programs and Services Fall 2008403-233-8393 www.tal smancentre.com15

    SEARS I cAn SwIM STAgE 26-14YEnhance your childs skill development! Already

    oriented to the water, your child will become anexpert in the basics o swimming strokes whilelearning the joy o streamlining, underwaterpush- o s, treading water and introductory dives.7 classes* Member $43 Non-Member $548 classes: Member $49 Non-Member $61Monday (no class Oct 13)

    4:15-5:00 PM Sep 8-Oct 27 (32045)*4:15-5:00 PM Nov 3-Dec 15 (32046)*

    Wednesday 4:15-5:00 PM Sep 10-Oct 22 (32047)*

    5:05-5:50 PM Sep 10-Oct 22 (32049)*4:15-5:00 PM Oct 29-Dec 17 (32048)5:05-5:50 PM Oct 29-Dec 17 (32050)

    Thursday 4:15-5:00 PM Sep 11-Oct 23 (32051)*4:15-5:00 PM Oct 30-Dec 18 (32052)

    Friday 4:15-5:00 PM Sep 12-Oct 24 (32053)*4:15-5:00 PM Oct 31-Dec 19 (32054)

    Saturday (no class Oct 11) 9:00-09:45 AM Sep 6-Oct 18 (32055)*10:45-11:30 AM Sep 6-Oct 18 (32057)*9:00-09:45 AM Nov 1-Dec 20 (32056)10:45-11:30 AM Nov 1-Dec 20 (32062)

    Sunday (no class Oct 12)9:00-9:45 AM Sep 7-Oct 26 (32059)*10:45-11:30 AM Sep 7-Oct 26 (32061)*9:00-9:45 AM Nov 2-Dec 21 (32060)10:45-11:30 AM Nov 2-Dec 21 (32063)

    SEARS I cAn SwIM STAgE 36-14YImprove your childs swimming pro ciency! Yourchild will learn the thrill o becoming aster andmore e cient in all our swimming strokes whileincreasing their endurance, learning basic turnsand trying advanced dives.7 classes* Member $49 Non-Member $618 classes Member $56 Non-Member $70Monday (no class Oct 13)

    4:15-5:15 PM Sep 8-Oct 27 (32064)*4:15-5:15 PM Nov 3-Dec 15 (32065)*

    Wednesday 4:15-5:15 PM Sep 10-Oct 22 (32066)*

    4:15-5:15 PM Oct 29-Dec 17 (32067)Thursday 4:15 PM-5:15 PM Sep 11-Oct 23 (32068)*4:15 PM-5:15 PM Oct 30-Dec 18 (32069)

    Friday 4:15PM-5:15 PM Sep 12-Oct 24 (32070)*4:15PM-5:15 PM Oct 31-Dec 19 (32071)

    Saturday (no class Oct 11)9:50-10:50 AM Sep 6-Oct 18 (32072)*10:10-11:10 AM Sep 6-Oct 18 (32074)*9:50-10:50 AM Nov 1-Dec 20 (32073)10:10-11:10 AM Nov 1-Dec 20 (32075)

    Sunday (no class Oct 12)9:50-10:50 AM Sep 7-Oct 26 (32076)*10:10-11:10 AM Sep 7-Oct 26 (32078)*9:50-10:50 AM Nov 2-Dec 21 (32077)10:10-11:10 AM Nov 2-Dec 21 (32079)

    SEARS I cAn SwIM FAST8-14YNow with underwater video eedback! Swimmerswill re ne their technique and increase speedwhile learning athletic skills like goal setting,

    stretching, swim sets and how to read paceclocks. This class is recommended or swimmersinterested in increasing swim skill or li esavingand leadership certi cation.Prerequisite: Stage 3 or Aquaquest 12.7 classes* Member $57 Non-Member $718 classes Member $65 Non-Member $81Tuesday (no class Nov 11)

    4:15 PM-5:15 PM Sep 9-Oct 21 (32080)*4:15 PM-5:15 PM Oct 28-Dec 16 (32081)*

    Saturday (no class Oct 11)10:10-11:10 AM Sep 6-Oct 18 (32084)*10:10-11:10 AM Nov 1-Dec 20 (32085)

    Sunday (no class Oct 12)10:10-11:10 AM Sep 7-Oct 26 (32086)*10:10-11:10 AM Nov 2-Dec 21 (32087)

    Aquatics Children & Youth Swim Programs

    Our Customer ServiceCommitment to YouServing our customers is always our toppriority. Our competitive advantage lies in

    our ability as a team to provide a uniquecustomer experience by taking prideand ownership in doing what it takes toexceed customer expectations.

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    16 Programs and Services Fall 2008403-233-8393 www.tal

    Aquatics Private Lessons

    PRIvATE AqUATIc lESSOnS3Y+Whether it is conquering a ear o the water orimproving swimming ability, private lessonsare custom-made to meet you and your childsswimming needs. Maximum o 2 people.7 lessons* Member $140 Non-Member $1548 lessons Member $160 Non-Member $176Monday (no class Oct 13)

    12:10-12:40 PM Sep 8-Oct 27 (32135)*5:25-5:55 PM Sep 8-Oct 27 (32137)*6:00-6:30 PM Sep 8-Oct 27 (32139)*12:10-12:40 PM Nov 3-Dec 15 (32136)*5:25-5:55 PM Nov 3-Dec 15 (32138)*

    6:00-6:30 PM Nov 3-Dec 15 (32140)*Tuesday (no class Nov 11)4:15-4:45 PM Sep 9-Oct 21 (32141)*4:50-5:20 PM Sep 9-Oct 21 (32143)*5:25-5:55 PM Sep 9-Oct 21 (32144)*6:00-6:30 PM Sep 9-Oct 21 (32145)*4:15-4:45 PM Oct 28-Dec 16 (32146)*4:50-5:20 PM Oct 28-Dec 16 (32142)*5:25-5:55 PM Oct 28-Dec 16 (32147)*6:00-6:30 PM Oct 28-Dec 16 (32148)*

    Wednesday 12:45-1:15 PM Sep 10-Oct 22 (32159)*6:00-6:30 PM Sep 10-Oct 22 (32271)*6:30-7:00 PM Sep 10-Oct 22 (32149)*12:45-1:15 PM Oct 29-Dec 17 (32160)6:00-6:30 PM Oct 29-Dec 17 (32272)6:30-7:00 PM Oct 29-Dec 17 (32150)

    Thursday 4:15-4:45 PM Sep 11-Oct 23 (32151)*4:50-5:20 PM Sep 11-Oct 23 (32152)*5:25-5:55 PM Sep 11-Oct 23 (32153)*4:15-4:45 PM Oct 30-Dec 18 (32155)4:50-5:20 PM Oct 30-Dec 18 (32156)

    5:25-5:55 PM Oct 30-Dec 18 (32157)Friday

    12:45-1:15 PM Sep 12-Oct 24 (32161)*5:40-6:10 PM Sep 12-Oct 24 (32163)*12:45-1:15 PM Oct 31-Dec 19 (32162)5:40-6:10 PM Oct 31-Dec 19 (32164)

    Saturday (no class Oct 11)9:00-9:30 AM Sep 6-Oct 25 (32165)*9:35-10:05 AM Sep 6-Oct 25 (32166)*10:10-10:40 AM Sep 6-Oct 25 (32167)*10:45-11:15 AM Sep 6-Oct 25 (32168)*

    11:20-11:50 AM Sep 6-Oct 25 (32169)*9:00-9:30 AM Nov 1-Dec 20 (32170)9:35-10:05 AM Nov 1-Dec 20 (32171)10:10-10:40 AM Nov 1-Dec 20 (32172)10:45-11:15 AM Nov 1-Dec 20 (32173)11:20-11:50 AM Nov 1-Dec 20 (32174)

    Sunday (no class Oct 12)9:00-9:30 AM Sep 7-Oct 26 (32175)*9:35-10:05 AM Sep 7-Oct 26 (32177)*10:10-10:40 AM Sep 7-Oct 26 (32178)*10:45-11:15 AM Sep 7-Oct 26 (32179)*11:20-11:50 AM Sep 7-Oct 26 (32180)*9:00-9:30 AM Nov 2-Dec 21 (32176)9:35-10:05 AM Nov 2-Dec 21 (32181)10:10-10:40 AM Nov 2-Dec 21 (32182)10:45-11:15 AM Nov 2-Dec 21 (32183)11:20-11:50 AM Nov 2-Dec 21 (32184)

    JUnIOR lIFEgUARD clUB15Y and Under The Junior Li eguard Club (JLC) Programaccommodates youth, age 15 yearsand under, with di erent abilities.Participants are encouraged to developskills based on personal bests inswimming, li esaving, tness, knowledge,leadership, and teamwork. JLC provideshigh activity challenges in an energeticenvironment in the pool and on thedeck. JLC competitions and communityinvolvelement are also part o theprogram.Prerequisite: Swim to Survive Standard

    11 weeksMember $120Non-Member $144Friday 6:30-8:30 PM Sep 19-Nov 28 (32116)

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    Programs and Services Fall 2008403-233-8393 www.tal smancentre.com17

    AqUATIcS FOR lIFE THE START17Y+ The water is calling you! The absolute beginnerwill become com ortable in the water learning

    undamental skills like foating, arm actionand breathing in a stress- ree, encouragingatmosphere!7 classes* Member $57 Non-Member $718 classes Member $65 Non-Member $81Monday

    5:25-06:25 PM Sep 8-Oct 27 (32097)*5:25-06:25 PM Nov 3-Dec 15 (32098)*

    Tuesday 5:25-6:25 PM Sep 9-Oct 21 (32099)*

    5:25-6:25 PM Oct 28-Dec 16 (32100)*Wednesday 5:25-6:25 PM Sep 10-Oct 22 (32101)*5:25-6:25 PM Oct 29-Dec 17 (32102)

    Sunday 9:00-10:00 AM Sep 7-Oct 26 (32105)*9:00-10:00 AM Nov 2-Dec 21 (32106)

    AqUATIcS FOR lIFE THE nExT STEP17Y +Launch your skills orward! Designed orswimmers already at ease in the water, thisprogram will teach you to swim in the deep endo the pool. This class is un, in ormative andyoull learn to swim like a sh!Prerequisite: deep water experience.7 classes* Member $57 Non-Member $718 classes Member $65 Non-Member $81Wednesday

    5:20-6:20 PM Sep 10-Oct 22 (32107)*5:20-6:20 PM Oct 29-Dec 17 (32108)


    5:25-6:25 PM Sep 12-Oct 24 (32109)5:25-6:25 PM Oct 31-Dec 19 (32110)Saturday

    11:15-12:15 PM Sep 6-Oct 18 (32111)*11:15-12:15 PM Nov 1-Dec 20 (32112)

    Sunday 11:15-12:15 PM Nov 2-Dec 21 (32113)*11:15-12:15 PM Nov 2-Dec 21 (32114)

    AqUATIcS FOR FITnESS17Y+Let the experts make you a master! Underwatervideo eedback by internationally renowned Talisman Racetek Systems Inc. as well as strokedrills and custom workouts allow you to developper ect technique in reestyle, backstroke,breaststroke and butterfy. Build endurance, learndives and turns and have a blast!Prerequisite: 50 metre swim ability.7 classes* Member $57 Non-Member $718 classes Member $65 Non-Member $81Monday

    5:20-6:20 PM Sep 8-Oct 27 (32089)*

    5:20-6:20 PM Nov 3-Dec 15 (32090)*Wednesday 7:00-8:00 PM Sep 10-Oct 22 (32095)*7:00-8:00 PM Oct 29-Dec 17 (32096)

    Friday 9:30-10:30 AM Sep 12-Oct 24 (32091)*9:30-10:30 AM Oct 31-Dec 19 (32092)

    Saturday 9:00-10:00 AM Sep 6-Oct 18 (32093)*9:00-10:00 AM Nov 1-Dec 20 (32094)

    MASTERS SwIM Talisman Centre Masters Swim Club o ers ayear-round approach to masters swim trainingwith expert national class swim coaches. Properswim technique is taught along with Video TechAnalysis provided by Talisman RaceTek Services. The club promotes sound conditioning orboth sprint and endurance events. Clinics areo ered throughout the year emphasizing swimtechnique, strength, fexibility and nutrition.Social Events are planned regularly throughoutthe year.I you aspire to compete in national/provincialevents or just come regularly to train in the

    our competitive strokes or un and tness, TCMasters is the club or you.Prerequisites: Must be 18 or older and able to swim200m without stopping.Member $395 Non-Member $495Full Season Sep 24-Jun 20 (32115) All the ollowing days and times included inregistration:Monday/Wednesday 8:00-9:30 PMTuesday/Thursday 12:00-1:00 PMSaturday 12:30-2:00 PM

    Aquatics Adult Swim Programs

    Talisman Centre . . . CalgarysbeSt Membership Value! Join Today!

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    18 Programs and Services Fall 2008403-233-8393 www.tal

    Aquatics CertifcationBROnzE MEDAllIOn

    Prepare to save a li e in the rst stage o li eguardcerti cation! You will learn basic knowledgeo water rescue, scene assessment, judgmentand cardiopulmonary resuscitation. CanadianLi esaving Manual and exam ees are included.$116 (Member) $130 (Non-member)Friday 4:30-9:00 PMSaturday & Sunday 9-5 PM

    Sep 12-14 (32120)Oct 31-Nov 2 (32121)

    BROnzE cROSSAcquire critical li esaving skills in the secondstage o li eguard certi cation! Study aquaticsa ety supervision, water rescue and emergencyprocedures while developing your skills o judgment, teamwork and rescue equipment.Exam ees are included.Prerequisite: Bronze Medallion.$92 (Member) $100 (Non-member)Friday 4:30-9:00 PMSaturday & Sunday 9-5 PM

    Oct 3-5 (32118)Nov 21-23 (32119)

    nATIOnAl lIFEgUARD SERvIcE/AEc (SFA)16Y +Become a li esaving expert in this exciting

    nal stage o li eguard certi cation! Developtechnical, physical and judgment skills with a

    ocus on drowning prevention and emergencyprocedures. Manual and exam ees are included!Prerequisite: Bronze Cross.$252Friday 4:30-9:00 PMSaturday & Sunday 9-5 PM

    Oct 17-26 (32127)Dec 12-21 (32128)

    nlS REcERTIFIcATIOnKeep your li esaving skills current and maintainan active certi cation at the NLS level.Prerequisite: Valid CPR-C within one year.


    6:00-9:00 PM Sep 24 (32123)6:00-9:00 PM Nov 26 (32124)

    CertifcationsASSISTAnT wATER SAFETy InSTRUcTORYou can be an educator! Study the oundationo instructional skills through theoretical

    knowledge by learning and teaching. This courseocuses on teaching methods, learning style,physical principles, progressions, communication,sa ety supervision and eedback. Youll have theopportunity to be evaluated on your skills andknowledge through an eight-hour practicalteaching experience and hands-on assignments!$220 Saturday & Sunday

    9:00 AM-5:00 PM Nov 15/16 & 22/23 (32122)

    wATER SAFETy InSTRUcTORBecome a leader in water sa ety! Learn howto instruct the Red Cross Swim Preschool, RedCross Swim Kids and Aqua Adults program by

    ocusing on strategies to introduce and developswimming and water sa ety skills!Prerequisite: Assistant Water Sa ety Instructor.$165 Friday 4:30-9:00 PMSaturday & Sunday 9-5 PM

    Sep 19-21 (32125)Dec 19-21 (32126)


    6:00-9:00 PM Oct 22 (32129)6:00-9:00 PM Dec 10 (32130)

    Coaching CertifcationnccP InTRODUcTIOn TO cOMPETITIOn16Y +From community sport instruction to highper ormance coaching, the National CoachingCerti cation Program is the education standard

    or coaches working with athletes.$80 PART ASaturday-Sunday

    9:00 AM-5:00 PM Sep 20-21 (32186)9:00 AM-5:00 PM Oct 18-19 (32187)9:00 AM-5:00 PM Nov 22-23 (32188)

    PART B Saturday-Sunday

    9:00 AM-5:00 PM Oct 25-26 (32193)9:00 AM-5:00 PM Dec 6-7 (32194)

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    Programs and Services Fall 2008403-233-8393 www.tal smancentre.com19

    Brought to you by the

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    20 Programs and Services Fall 2008403-233-8393 www.tal

    Our customized approach allows membersto build individual training schedules bychoosing rom a variety o course selections

    or each session. All o the training courses areacilitated by our specialized coaching team.

    Members can also choose to attend socialevents and seminars associated with the club.Seminars include goal setting, nutrition, sportpsychology and more.

    A non-re undable annual membership eeo $250 will provide you with the bene tsassociated with the club. This ee will entitleyou to the ollowing: Exclusive registration to Triathlon Club

    courses Talisman Centre Triathlon Club uni orm Workshop seminars & clinics Club socials & team events Talisman Centre facility membership

    Triathlon Club members are required toregister or two or more courses per sessionto activate their membership. Triathletescan re-customize their training schedules byregistering or courses every session. Monthlypayment plans are available or courseregistration ees.

    For more in o or to register or the club contact:

    ETS coordi ator 403-355-1259 [email protected]

    Sport & S hoo Pro ram coordi ator403-355-1276 [email protected]

    W e er r n y u areraining r a l cal r

    na i nal even , talisman

    Cen res tria l n Clubcan pr vide y u wie supp r y u need

    ac ieve y ur g als.

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    Programs and Services Fall 2008403-233-8393 www.tal smancentre.com21

    TRI clUB SwIMEveryone knows that you swim aster in groups! The Triathlon Club Swim course will provide youwith the motivating environment you need to

    increase your e ciency in the water. Coacheswill provide athletes with interactive intervals& drills designed to acilitate improvement intechnique and speed. Individual results romvarious assessments will be used to monitorprogression and determine training intensities.Coaches will also provide athletes with in o onhow to minimize their time in race situations.$75 / 10 asses*$88 / 11 asses**$92 / 12 asses

    Monday 12:00-1:00 PM Sep 29-Dec 15 (32265)**

    Tuesday 6:00-7:00 AM Oct 7 -Dec 16 (32268)*

    Wednesday 12:00-1:00 PM Oct 1-Dec 17 (32266)

    Thursday 6:00-7:00 AM Oct 2 -Dec 18 (32269)

    Friday 12:00-1:00 PM Oct 3-Dec 19 (32267)**

    TRI clUB gROUP RIDE Triathlon Club members can ride in a groupsetting using their own bicycles on TalismanCentre stationary trainers. For the past 4.5years, Endurance Training Systems has beenhelping cyclists o all abilities and disciplinesimprove their cycling tness using the mostcurrent training methods with an emphasison training with power output. TriathlonClub members can now take part in the sameprogram by developing cycling speci c powerand endurance to improve tness and raceper ormance. The all ocus is on developingones aerobic base and riding technique. Makeyour bike a stronger component o your race day.$220 / 11 clASSESSaturday

    9:00-11:00 AM Oct 4-Dec 13 (32270)

    Tri Club Fall Sessions Sep 29 to Dec 19 (Register by September 15)

    TRI clUB gROUP RUn (DROP-In)Sunday

    9:00-11:00 AM Oct 5-Dec 14

    TRI clUB RUn & SwIM The run and swim portion o a triathlon canbe the most challenging and sometimesintimidating! Our experienced coaches willprovide athletes with a supportive environmentto acilitate training needs. Athletes will increasetheir e ciency by learning proper running andswimming techniques.$143 / 12 assesTuesday

    7:00-9:00 PM Sep 30-Dec 16 (32263)

    Thursday 7:00-9:00 PM Oct 2-Dec 18 (32264)

    TRI clUB BRIck TRAInIng The ability to run a ter the cycling portiono a triathlon is a key element to having asuccess ul day. Athletes will train to run astera ter a hard bike ride, help to determinepacing strategies and opportunities to practicethe skills required or quick transitions.$188 / 12 asses

    Wednesday 6:30-8:00 PM Oct 1-Dec 17 (32222)

    Three Step Re istratio Pro ess:1) Pa $250 upo a ua re istratio2) Re ister for 2 tri ub ourses from the ist be o

    per sessio3) choose pa me t p a : mo th or ump-sum

    Talisman Centre . . . CalgarysbeSt Membership Value! Join Today!

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    22 Programs and Services Fall 2008403-233-8393 www.tal

    BadmintonBADMInTOn FOR kIDS

    Learn the basic skills, techniques, and ruleso badminton! Emphasis will be on un,participation, etiquette, and hand/eyecoordination. Participants will be divided upbased on age and skill level.Member Non-member$45 / 6 asses $56 / 6 classesMonday 7-9 Years

    4:30-5:15 PM Sep 22-Nov 3 (31651)4:30-5:15 PM Nov 10-Dec 15 (31652)

    10-12 Years 4:30-5:15 PM Sep 22-Nov 3 (31648)4:30-5:15 PM Nov 10-Dec 15 (31649)

    JUnIOR BADMInTOn DEvElOPMEnT11-17 Y Enhance your badminton skills with technicalinstruction, strategy awareness, and lots o

    un games with our certi ed and experiencedcoaches.Member Non-member

    $106 / 12 asses $132 / 6 classesMonday

    5:15 -6:15 PM Sep 22-Dec 15 (31736)

    JUnIOR BADMInTOn DEvElOPMEnT& lADDER11-17 YImprove your skills and have un with acombination o skill development and structuredgames. During the rst hour our certi edcoaches will teach you the proper techniques

    and strategies. In the second hour you will playstructured singles and doubles games againstplayers o similar ability. Member Non-member$192 / 12 asses $240 / 12 classesSaturday

    11:00-1:00 PM Sep 20-Dec 13 (31738)

    JUnIOR BADMInTOn lADDER11-17 YInterested in playing badminton games againstplayers o similar ability? Move up, or down in aladder ormat based on previous weeks results.Member Non-member$96 / 12 asses $120 / 12 classesSaturday

    12:00-1:00 PM Sep 20-Dec 13 (31740)

    SElEcT BADMInTOn12-17 YClasses two days a week Tuesdays & FridaysWant to train like the best? This program will

    urther develop your skills with shot and strokepractice, conditioning techniques, tactics andstrategy awareness, and high intensity games. Take your game to the next level to compete onyour school team and in regional tournaments.Prerequisite: solid basic badminton skills (a trial class may be required).Member Non-member$307 / 24 asses $384 / 24 classesTuesday & Friday

    5:30-7:00 PM Sep 23-Dec 16 (31742)

    GymnasticsAcTIvE START FOR kIDS3-4 Y Jump, twist, run and move in various wayswhile learning and building skills. This classwill allow your child to explore and ocus onthe undamental skills o balance, strength andspatial awareness in an active, sa e environment.

    $120 (Members) $150 (Non-member)Monday

    9:30-10:30 AM Sep 23-Dec 9 (31753)*Wednesday

    9:30-10:30 AM Sep 25-Dec 11 (31754)*

    *Drop-o : 9:15-9:30 am / Pick-up: 10:30-10:45 am

    KickboxingTEEn kIckBOxIng

    Classes two days a week Tuesday & Thursday 17 Y + This intense martial art program is speci callydesigned or teenagers! Have un while buildingpower, agility, and overall tness throughpunching, blocking, kicking and sel -de ense.Member Non-member$97 / 12 asses $120 / 12 classes Tuesday & Thursday

    5:30-6:30 PM Sep 23-Oct 30 (31761)5:30-6:30 PM Nov 4-Dec 16 (31762)

    Children & Youth ProgramsSport

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    Programs and Services Fall 2008403-233-8393 www.tal smancentre.com23

    Children & Youth ProgramsSportTriathlonI cAn TRIATHlOn FOR kIDS

    8-12YA great introduction to the sport o triathlon! The ocus is on individual accomplishmentand having un. Our coaching sta will provideyou encouragement and eedback to help youdevelop the undamentals o swimming, cyclingand running.Member Non-member$132 / 10 asses $165 / 10 classesSunday

    1:00-2:30 PM Sep 21-Nov 30 (32218)

    JUnIOR TRIATHlOn DEvElOPMEnT12-17YAthletes can improve all aspects o theirper ormance with technical coaching, endurancetraining and transition instruction. Programincludes RaceTek underwater video eedback tohone swimming technique.Member Non-member $176 / 10 asses $220 / 10 classesSunday

    3:00-5:00 PM Sep 21-Nov 30 (32220)

    Volleyball vOllEyBAll FOR kIDS10-13 YAn introductory course to learn the basic skillsand strategy o volleyball. Emphasis will be onhand/eye coordination, agility, and team work. This program is or players wanting to get startedin the sport.Member Non-member$96 / 12 asses $120 / 12 classesWednesday

    5:00-6:15 PM Sep 24-Dec 10 (31757)

    JUnIOR vOllEyBAll DEvElOPMEnT 12-16 YParticipants will enhance their key skills o serving, passing, blocking and hitting. Thisprogram is geared toward players whounderstand the basic skills and want to improvetheir game to excel on their school or club team.Member Non-member$120 / 12 asses $150 / 12 classesWednesday

    5:00-6:15 PM Sep 24-Dec 10 (31759)

    Talisman Centre . . . CalgarysbeSt Membership Value!Join Today!

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  • 8/14/2019 fall guide 08


    Programs and Services Fall 2008403-233-8393 www.tal smancentre.com25

    School ProgramsTalisman Centres school programs provide students of all abilities the opportunity to particaquatic, athletic, wellness and nutritional activities in an inclusive environment. Structured and Jamboree Days provide students with new experiences that emphasize fun, participatio success in a safe environment.

    Allow s o lly c s o z a ly phys calac v y or yo r school a o r ac l y or yo rs!

    For current School Program Pr c ng, L nch Opt ons and Proced res contact the Sport & School Program CoordinatorT: 403-355-1276 F : 403-262-1001E: [email protected]

    Daily or weekly physical activity programs available Sign up or single programs or ull days o activity Programs are per hour/ per student and based on 20

    participants Lunch option available

    Please pr vide e ll wing in rma i n: school ame a d co tact/maili g i formatio program type with rst a d seco d choice of dates start a d ish times each day whether or ot yo wo ld like the l ch optio grade a d mber of st de ts mber of sta a d vol teers

    swim lesso s waterpolo divi g triathlo kickboxi g

    badmi to basketball volleyball cooperative games track a d eld circ it trai i g cycli g Yoga weight trai i g Pilates step aerobic deep water r i g tritio oatables

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    26 Programs and Services Fall 2008403-233-8393 www.tal

    BadmintonADUlT BADMInTOn SkIllS, DRIllS & gAMES17 Y +Improve your game through a combination o skill and strategy development rom our certi edcoaches along with un and challenging games.Member Non-member$144 / 12 asses $180 / 12 classesSunday

    1:00-2:30 PM Sep 21-Dec 14 (31746)


    17 Y +Interested in playing badminton in a competitiveatmosphere? This program is designed to giveyou an opportunity to challenge your abilitiesby playing with athletes with a similar skill level.Participants will move up or down in a ladder

    ormat based on the previous weeks results. Theinstructor will be present to manage the ladderand en orce the rules o play.Prerequisite: Experience playing badminton.Member Non-member

    $112 / 10 asses $140 / 10 classesSaturday

    9:30 -11:00 AM Sep 27-Dec 6 (31744)

    KickboxingkIckBOxIng BASIcSClasses two days a week Monday & Wednesday 17 Y +Want an intense and un workout to let outsome steam? Learn the basic skills o kickboxing

    rom our expert coaches in this class geared orbeginners.Member Non-member$125 / 12 asses $156 / 12 classes Monday & Wednesday

    7:45-8:45 PM Sep 22-Nov 3 (31765)7:45-8:45 PM Nov 10-Dec 17 (31766)

    kIckBOxIng PlUSClasses two days a week Tuesday & Thursday 17 Y +Kick and punch your way to better tness andstamina! Geared toward the intermediate leveland beginners who have a background in thebasic skills. Prerequisite: Kickboxing Basics or previousKickboxing experience. Member Non-member$156 / 12 asses $195 / 12 classesTuesday & Thursday

    6:30-7:45 PM Sep 23-Oct 30 (31769)6:30-7:45 PM Nov 4-Dec 16 (31770)

    kIckBOxIng BOOTcAMP17 Y + This is an intense, high energy workout orthose who want to kick and punch their way toimproved tness and stamina.Member Non-member$124 / 12 asses $156 / 12 classes Friday

    6:30-7:30 PM Sep 26-Dec 12 (32212)

    PilatesPIlATES MAT clASS lEvEl 117 Y +Strengthen your core, align your posture andallow your body to become more de nedthrough Pilates! Beginners will master basicswhile improving fexibility and muscle tone.Member Non-member$143 / 11 asses $172 / 11 classes

    Monday 8:00-9:00 PM Sep 22-Dec 8 (31679)

    Wednesday 7:00-8:00 PM Sep 24-Dec 3 (31681)

    Adult ProgramsSport & Wellness

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    Adult ProgramsSport & WellnessTriathlonTRIATHlOn SwIM17 Y +Improve your swim times through intervaltraining sessions. Workouts ocus on reestyletraining or e ciency, endurance and speed. Ourcoaching sta will assist in technique re nementto maximize e ciency and help you achieve yourtriathlon swimming goals.Prerequisite: Must be able to swim 25MMember Non-member$86 / 11 asses $110 / 11 classes$96 / 12 asses $120 / 12 classesMonday

    12:00-1:00 PM Sep 22-Dec 8 (31774)Tuesday

    6:00-7:00 AM Sep 23-Dec 16 (31777)Wednesday

    12:00-1:00 PM Sep 24-Dec 10 (31775)Thursday

    6:00-7:00 AM Sep 23-Dec 16 (31778)Friday

    12:00-1:00 PM Sep 26-Dec 12 (31776)

    InTERvAl RUn 17 Y +Build your speed and your cardiovascularcapacity in high intensity workouts. Expertinstructors will help you improve your run timewith maximum capacity, anaerobic threshold,and sprint race training. Member Non-member $96 / 12 asses $120 / 12 classes Tuesday

    8:15-9:00 PM Sep 23-Dec 16 (32214)Thursday

    8:15-9:00 PM Sep 25-Dec 18 (32215)

    Training in MotionTRAInIng In MOTIOn17 Y + Training in Motion has been tailored to ensureyou get a great workout with un, high energy,nontraditional games and training methods.Push yoursel to your limits with agility drills and

    ull body strengthening exercises. For discountin ormation when registering or multiple classesplease call 335-1254. Note: Tuesday and Thursday night classes are strength only. Member Non-member$90 / 6 asses $108 / 6 classes$105 / 7 asses $126 / 7 classesMonday

    9:15-10:15 AM Sep 15-Oct 20 (31730)9:15-10:15 AM Oct 27-Dec 8 (31731)

    Tuesday 9:15-10:15 AM Sep 16-Oct 21 (31706)9:15-10:15 AM Oct 28-Dec 9 (31707)

    Wednesday 9:15-10:15 AM Sep 17-Oct 22 (31710)9:15-10:15 AM Oct 29-Dec 10 (31713)


    9:15-10:15 AM Sep 18-Oct 23 (31714)6:00-7:00 PM Sep 9-Oct 21 (31718)6:00-7:00 PM Sep 11-Oct 23 (31722)9:15-10:15 AM Oct 30-Dec 11 (31715)6:00-7:00 PM Oct 14-Nov 25 (31719)6:00-7:00 PM Oct 30-Dec 11 (31723)

    Friday 9:15-10:15 AM Sep 19-Oct 17 (31726)9:15-10:15 AM Oct 31-Nov 28 (31727)

    Goal SettinggOAl SETTIngMeet with your Li e Coach whenever you needthem the most to help you reach your ullpotential in li e!Member Non-member$156 / 4 sessio s $196 / 4 sessions$290 / 8 sessio s $364 / 8 sessions

    gOAl SETTIng cOnSUlTATIOnMeet with your Li e Coach whenever you needthem the most to help you reach your ullpotential in li e!Member Non-member$23 / sessio $28 / session

    Talisman Centre . . . CalgarysbeSt Membership Value! Join Today! Program Reg strat on:Register i perso at theCustomer Service Desk, by phone at 233-8393 oronline at

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    28 Programs and Services Fall 2008403-233-8393 www.tal

    New & Expecting MothersFITnESS FOR TwO AqUATIc

    This low impact pool exercise class uses theresistance o the water and your own body tomaintain your physical tness. Prevent poorpostural changes due to a shi ted center o gravity, prevent the onset o diabetes, and staystrong and toned. Our expert instructors will helpguide you along as your body adjusts throughthese magical months.Member Non-member$127 / 11 asses $152 / 13 classesWednesday

    6:30-7:30 PM Sep 24-Dec 3 (31666)Saturday

    10:00-11:00 AM Oct 4-Dec 13 (31667)

    yOU & ME BABy AqUATIcClasses are two days a week Mon & Wed or Tues & Thurs This low impact pool exercise uses the resistanceo the water and your own body to maintain yourphysical tness. Prevent poor postural changesdue to a shi ted center o gravity, prevent the

    onset o diabetes, and stay strong and toned.Member Non-member$150 / 13 asses $180 / 13 classesMonday & Wednesday

    1:05-1:55 PM Sep 15-Oct 29 (31657)1:05-1:55 PM Nov 3-Dec 15 (31658)

    Tueday & Thursday 11:00-11:50 AM Sep 16-Oct 28 (31654)11:00-11:50 AM Nov 4-Dec 18 (31655)

    yOU & ME BABy gyM

    Classes are two days a week Mon & Wed or Tues & ThursLearn sa e and un exercises while holding andstrolling your baby. Enjoy low impact aerobics,power walking and strollercize promoting post-delivery recovery and enhancing your energy!Suitable or 3 months+.Member Non-member$150 / 13 asses $180 / 13 classesMonday & Wednesday

    11:00-11:50 AM Sep 15-Oct 29 (31663)11:00-11:50 AM Nov 3-Dec 15 (31664)

    Tueday & Thursday 1:05-1:55 PM Sep 16-Oct 28 (31660)1:05-1:55 PM Nov 4-Dec 18 (31661)

    POST nATAl yOgARediscover your body and mind! An expertinstructor will reenergize, relax and gently return

    your body to its ormer tone. Bring your sweetbaby (under crawling age) or a un interactiveworkout created especially or new moms inpartnership with the Calgary Health Region.Member Non-member$80 / 6 asses $96 / 6 classesFriday

    10:45-11:45 AM Sep 12-Oct 24 (31693)10:45-11:45 AM Nov 7-Dec 12 (31694)

    PREgnAncy yOgAMember Non-member$80 / 6 asses $96 / 6 classesSaturday

    11:15-12:15 PM Sep 13-Oct 25 (31696)11:15-12:15 PM Nov 8-Dec 13 (31697)

    Tuesday 6:15-7:15 PM Sep 9-Oct 14 (31698)7:30-8:30 PM Sep 9-Oct 14 (31699)6:15-7:15 PM Nov 4-Dec 16 (31700)7:30-8:30 PM Nov 4-Dec 16 (31701)

    Adult ProgramsSport & Wellness

    Program Reg strat on:Register i perso at theCustomer Service Desk, by phone at 233-8393 oronline at www.talismancentre.comReg strat on deadl ne s 7 days pr or toco rse start.Where applicable GST will be addedat registration.

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    30 Programs and Services Fall 2008403-233-8393 www.tal

    PERSOnAl FITnESS TRAInIng8 sessions : $513 (Member) $564 (Non-member)12 sessions : $744 (Member) $818 (Non-member)4 sessions + 1 nutrition : $327 (Member) $360 (Non-member)8 sessions + 1 nutrition : $603 (Member) $663 (Non-member)20 sessions + 1 nutrition : $1155 (Member) $1271 (Non-member)

    Please note: This is not a substitute or physiotherapy. To quali y or this program, you must be re erred by a physiotherapist .

    Personal Training

    gROUP TRAInIngUse our team to help your team o riends and amily to get t, stay t, and get tter! I you have agroup o 2 to 4 riends with a common tness goal in mind, whether its weight management orathletic training, our Training Coaches will motivate you while you motivate each other. Reach yourgoals together, working in a un and challenging environment.

    8 sessions 12 sessions 24 sessions 2 people:$303 (Member) $420 (Member) $757 (Member)$333 (Non-member) $462 (Non-member) $833 (Non-member)

    3 people: $248 (Member) $299 (Member) $516 (Member)$273 (Non-member) $329 (Non-member) $568 (Non-member)

    4 people:$176 (Member) $229 (Member) $414 (Member) $194 (Non-member) $252 (Non-member) $455 (Non-member)

    Note: All rates are per person

    POST-PHySIOTHERAPy ExERcISE REHABIlITATIOnAre you a pre or post-surgery patient? Would you like to get a little stronger be ore your surgeryoccurs? Or have you nished your allotted Physiotherapy appointments yet do not eel 100%recovered? Why not join an exercise program with a certi ed Kinesiologist and Personal Trainerto help you reach your goals! The Kinesiologist will work with you through a customized andstructured program to keep you injury- ree.Individual Sessions:5 sessions: $272 (Member) $299 (Non-member)10 sessions $525 (Member) $578 (Non-member) 15 sessions: $763 (Member) $839 (Non-member)

    Your plan will be customized to suit your speci c needs through a series o one-on-oneconsultations and hands-on training with quali ed Registered Dieticians, Personal Trainers,and Certi ed Fitness Consultants. Whether you are looking to lose weight or improve youroverall body composition, get our TEAM working or you to ensure that you reach your goal.

    Customized Programs or


    For more in ormation and to book your initial consultation, visit the Customer Service Desk or call the Wellness Services Coordinator at 403-355-1260.

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    32 Programs and Services Fall 2008403-233-8393 www.tal

    With Talisman Centres Athletic Per ormance Enhancement team, weguarantee just that. I you are an athlete o any age or ability, dedi ateda d ommitted to achieving your personal best, or a coach that wants toprovide your team with a disti t ompetiti e ad a ta e , then TalismanCentres Athletic Per ormance Enhancement is per ect or you. The AthleticPer ormance Enhancement department doesnt want to make everyone abetter athlete; we want to make ou a better athlete.

    TEAM TRAInIngMinimum 5 Athletes- Maximum 20 Athletes

    Our Strength and Conditioning Coaches provide customized programs or the entire team, including Agility Speed Strength Conditioning Instruction and expert coaching on maintaining conditioning levels throughout the year

    3 MOnTH cOMPREHEnSIvE PAckAgE $1750Package Includes: Speci c performance-based tests that measure key physiological characteristics of the athlete to

    determine speci c training intensities and volume Sport-speci c programs that are designed around the athletes current level of conditioning and

    goals to achieve peak per ormance Access to the Athletic Training Zone which includes CycleOps computerized spin bikes and lifting

    plat orms. Continual support from your coach 2 training sessions per week with a coach 12 week program design Pre and post-performance testing Pre and post-Advanced Body Composition testing 1 one-on-one consultation with a dietician

    6 MOnTH cOMPREHEnSIvE PAckAgE $3000Package Includes: Speci c performance-based tests that measure key physiological characteristics of the athlete to

    determine speci c training intensities and volume Sport-speci c programs that are designed around the athletes current level of conditioning and

    goals to achieve peak per ormance

    Access to the Athletic Training Zone which includes CycleOps computerized spin bikes and liftingplat orms.

    Continual support from your coach 2 training sessions per week with a coach 24 week program design Pre/mid/post-performance testing Pre/mid/post-Advanced Body Composition testing 4 one-on-one consultations with a dietician

    The name of the game is achieving results!

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    Programs and Services Fall 2008403-233-8393 www.tal smancentre.com33

    SMAll gROUP ATHlETIc TRAInIngGet the bene ts o individual training with the com ort o a small group. Training with riends canmake a more competitive and enjoyable environment. 8 sessions 12 sessions 24 sessions2 people: $286 (Member) $396 (Member) $714 (Member)

    $316 (Non-member) $444 (Non-member) $792 (Non-member)3 people: $236 (Member) $282 (Member) $486 (Member)

    $262 (Non-member) $309 (Non-member) $540 (Non-member)4 people: $166 (Member) $216 (Member) $390 (Member)

    $184 (Non-member) $237 (Non-member) $432 (Non-member) All rates are per person. Expires a ter one year.

    For more details, please call 403-355-1258.

    InDIvIDUAl ATHlETIc TRAInIngBased on your speci c needs as a player, our coaches will work with you one on one to produceresults. Preliminary testing will reveal any weaknesses that will be addressed prior to training.

    Included in the 20 session packages are a one-on-one consultation with our dietician.Member Non-member8 sessions $484 $53612 sessions $780 $86420 sessions $1155 $1260

    ATHlETIc cOnSUlTATIOn/TESTIng Talk to one o our expert coaches to get advice on how to take your game to the next level. Theathletic consultation will help you set goals and get training tips on how to break through theplateaus that you have been acing. This package can also be used to administer and interpret sportspeci c tests. Each sport has its own set o demands, and we have the tests or all o them. Ourexpert coaches will design a testing protocol to extract and interpret the most use ul in ormation oryour sport.$68 (Member) $75 (Non-member)

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    34 Programs and Services Fall 2008403-233-8393 www.tal

    Endurance Training Systems (ETS) is closing in on its th anniversary and since itsinception the coaching team has helped many athletes achieve their goals and realizesuccess. Over this time period we have expanded our coaching team along with therange o programs and services o ered to those looking or guidance, accountabilityand structure in their training, those seeking a technological and/or scienti c edgein high level competition as well as those seeking new challenges o physical andmental endurance. In short, the ETS coaching team remains dedicated and passionatein helping each athlete reach a new level o per ormance and in achieving their goals

    through blending both the science with the art o coaching.

    Ser i es 3 mo ths 6 mo ths$1000 $1650

    Program Design

    12 weeks

    24 weeks


    Body Composition Analysis 2 3One o the ollowing:Cycling Lactate ORRunning Lactate Testing 2 3


    Exclusive access to the Athletic Training Zone

    Facility membership or duration o package

    Unlimited athlete-initiated email/phonecommunication with coach

    One-on-onecoaching sessions 4 8

    Nutritional counseling session 1 2

    Access to 2x group training sessions per week

    Use o stationary bicycle trainers or cycling

    cOMPREHEnSIvE ETS TRAInIng PAckAgEETS training packages are designed to meet the complete training needs o endurance athletesand the Talisman Centre provides the per ect training environment or athletes o all ability levels.Athletes have access to quali ed coaches, trainers and nutritionists to help provide training guidance,motivation, expertise and support. This unique training package provides endurance athletes theservices o ten available only to high-per ormance athletes at an attractive cost under one roo !Athletes who have committed to a 6 month package have all achieved personal bests and reachednew per ormance levels.

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    Programs and Services Fall 2008403-233-8393 www.tal smancentre.com35


    The will to win is nothing without the will to train. ETS guarantees no use o generic or computer generated training programs. Each program is designedaround the athlete, their current level o tness and their speci c sport to achieve a peak per ormance.Programs are emailed to athletes regularly and consistent email or phone communication with an ETS

    coach is included with this service.3 mo ths: $490 (i udes utritio sessio a d 1 test sessio )6 mo ths: $820 (i udes utritio sessio a d 2 test sessio s)We also offer individual coaching and testing services. For more information please contact the ETSCoordinator at 355-1259.

    ETS FAll InDOOR cyclIng PROgRAMETS indoor cycling programs are some o the most popular training programs at Talisman Centre. ETScoaches provide a motivating, supportive and educational environment and push everyone to becomestronger and aster cyclists using power output which has revolutionized the way pro essional cyclists

    and triathletes train to increase their cycling per ormance. Bikes must be in excellent working condition and have a minimum 8 speed rear cogset in order to t

    the stationary trainers. I in doubt please call 355-1259 be ore registering.

    ETS FAll BASE BUIlDIngFocus on developing your aerobic base, pedalmechanics, cycling-speci c strength and lactatethreshold by training with power. Participantswill receive individualized power training zonesas well as a power pro le to provide an accurateassessment o cycling ability and increase traininge ciency.Member Non-member$145 / 9 sessio s $177 / 9 sessions*$161/ 10 sessio s $197 / 10 sessions**$177 / 11 sessio s $216 / 11 sessionsMonday

    10:00-11:30 AM Oct 6 - Dec 15 (31860)*6:30-8:30 PM Oct 6 - Dec 15 (31861)*

    Tuesday 6:30-8:00 PM Oct 7 - Dec 16 (31862)**

    Wednesday 10-11:30 AM Oct 8 - Dec 17 (31863)6:30-8:00 PM Oct 8 - Dec 17 (31864)

    Thursday 6:30-8:00 PM Oct 9 - Dec 18 (31865)

    Friday 10:00-11:30 AM Oct 10 - Dec 19 (31866)

    ETS wEIgHT TRAInIng FOR EnDURAncEATHlETES This popular program provides athletes aprogressive resistance training and coretargeted program designed to help improvethe general strength or cyclists, triathletesand runners. Based on the latest scienti cresearch and coaching practices this programwill help develop a solid oundation o tness

    or your season.Member Non-member$131 / 9 sessio s $155 / 9 sessions$159 / 11 sessio s $194 / 11 sessionsMonday

    6:00-7:30 PM Oct 6 - Dec 15 (31868)Thursday

    6:00-7:30 PM Oct 9 - Dec 18 (31869)

    ETS coaches strongly advise the Fall Weight Training or Endurance Athletes program as a pre-requisite or the cycling and running specifc programs o ered in the Winter session to o set injury and allow or a smooth transition intraining.

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    Programs and Services Fall 2008403-233-8393 www.tal smancentre.com37

    Index o Programs & ServicesActive Start or Kids 22Admission 5

    Aquatics 12Aquatics Certi cation 18Aquatics or Fitness 17Aquatics or Li e The Start 17Assistant Water Sa ety Instructor 18Athletic Adventurers 28Athletic Consultation/Testing 33Athletic Per ormance Enhancement 32

    Badminton 22, 24Badminton or Kids 22Badminton Ladder or Adults 24Badminton Skills, Drills

    & Games (Adult) 24Bronze Cross 18Bronze Medallion 18

    Catering 11

    Childcare 8Coaching Certi cation 18

    Endurance Training Systems 34ETS Fall Base Building 35ETS Fall Indoor Cycling Program 35ETS Weight Training or Endurance

    Athletes 35

    Facility Rentals 11FitKids 28Fitness Centre 9Fitness or Two Aquatic 26Fitness Testing 31

    Goal Setting 25Goal Setting Consultation 25Group Training 30

    Gymnastics 22

    Individual Athletic Training 33Interval Run 25

    Junior Badminton Development 22Junior Badminton Development

    & Ladder 22Junior Badminton Ladder 22Junior Li eguard Club 16Junior Triathlon Development 23Junior Volleyball Development 23

    Kickboxing 22, 24Kickboxing Basics 24Kickboxing Bootcamp 24

    Kickboxing Plus 24

    Masters Swim 17Memberships 5MultiSport Camps 28

    National Li eguard Service/AEC 18NCCP Introduction to Competition 18New & Expecting Mothers 26

    NLS Recerti cation 18Nutrition and Personal Training

    Combo Packages 31Nutrition Programs 10

    Personal Fitness Training 30Personal Training 30Pilates 24Pilates Mat Class Level 1 24

    Post Natal Yoga 26Post-Physiotherapy Exercise

    Rehabilitation 30Pregnancy Yoga 26Preschool Program 8Pre-School Dinos 12Pre-School Ducklings 12Private Aquatic Lessons 16Public Swimming 7

    School Programs 29Sears I Can Swim Dolphins 1 13Sears I Can Swim Dolphins 2 13

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    Sears I Can Swim Dolphins 3 14Sears I Can Swim Fast 15Sears I Can Swim Stage 1 14Sears I Can Swim Stage 2 15Sears I Can Swim Stage 3 15Select Badminton 22Small Group Athletic Training 33Sport Camps 28Sport Enthusiasts 28

    Talisman Centre Triathlon Club 20 Team Training 32 Teen Kickboxing 22 Training in Motion 25 Triathlon 23, 25 Triathlon Swim 25

    Tri Club Brick 21 Tri Club Group Ride 21 Tri Club Group Run (Drop-in) 21 Tri Club Run & swim 21 Tri Club Swim 21

    Volleyball 23Volleyball or Kids 23

    Water Sa ety Instructor 18Water Sa ety Instructor Recert 18Weight Management 30

    You & Me Baby Aquatic 26You & Me Baby Gym 26

    Index o Programs & Services

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    Valuable tips, in ormative articles and innovative strategies or everydayathletes and those wanting to take their sport and wellness goals to thenext level. Youll get the insider view rom the top sport and wellness

    pro essionals personal trainers, athletic trainers, registered dieticians,coaches, sport psychologists and more.


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