
Somewhere between the patriotic holidays of Colum-bus Day and Veteran’s Day each year, eastern U.S. hardwood forests lift the curtain on their annual fall spectacular. It’s a brilliant production of crisp, clean air, fiery colors and majestic views, and the theater seats are often as comfortable as the inside of your car. Between the ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ that rival the fourth of July, it’s easy to forget those who are over-seas in deserts and mountains, far removed from the deciduous autumn splendor. In the matter of a few hours, two emails and one phone call brought to light the role of hardwoods in past war ef-forts, and the possibilities with which we can honor those who have served for our freedom.

★ At Crane Naval Base in southwest Indiana, IHLA member Jeff Page’s logging crew will be harvesting some white oak trees, known as the “Constitution Trees.” The trees will be transported to Boston, where they

will be sawed into long planks and used to refur-bish the USS Constitution. This mighty ship, first commissioned by President George Washington and launched in 1797, is nicknamed “Old Ironsides” for her ability to withstand constant cannonball barrages and defeat five British warships in the War of 1812. It might have been the earliest known record of the hardwood industry getting slighted, but the resilient hull of the three-masted frigate was made of wood, oak in fact. She continued to serve as flagship for a century, and served as a training ship at the Naval

Inside This Issue

Stategic Plan Summary Page 217th Annual Fun Shoot Page 3 IHLA News Page 4

IHLA Convention Page 5 IHLA Exhibitors Page 6 IHLA Sponsors Page 7

Volume 18, Number 3 Fall Issue

Hardwoods Drafted into Service for Patriotic Projects Academy during the civil war. She was retired in 1881 and became a museum ship in 1907. She sailed under her own power on her 200th anniversary in 1997, and again in 2012 to commemorate her greatest victory.

★ At the October 25 IHLA Board meeting, re-tired Air Force Brigadier General Stewart Good-win will ask IHLA for its help in restoring trees on the 24-acre Indiana War Memorial in downtown Indianapolis. The five-block city plaza was con-

ceived in 1919 to honor veterans of World War I, and to serve as a headquarters for the American Legion. The plaza opened in 1930, but most of the trees and grass were added in 1975 as part of a beautification effort tied to America’s bicentennial celebration. Due to the Emerald Ash Borer, a large number of the trees need to be taken out and replaced. The ex-ception, of course, is the world’s largest Christmas tree, also known as the Soldiers and Sailors Monu-ment, the limestone centerpiece of downtown Indy. While it certainly pales in comparison to sacrifices made abroad, IHLA and its members are doing their part to honor those who have served our country.

Watch your mail for the 2014 IHLA Convention Registration Brochure!

The IHLA Executive Committee took a different, yet successful ap-proach to its strategic planning pro-cess for 2014. They began by review-ing the 2013 plan, and identifying those issues and goals which would need to be carried forward. Among those were tasks related to the Indi-ana bat issue and recommending an IHLA Board endorsement of a na-tional hardwood check-off program.

From there, surveys recently re-turned by Board members and past presidents, were reviewed to de-termine the key areas of empha-sis to consider in the 2014 plan.

Membership growth was one of the reoccurring topics. Increased staff vis-its to member and prospect businesses will be a priority in 2014. Regional breakfast and lunch meetings in a “town hall” format, with an empha-sis on listening to issues will be held across Indiana and neighboring states.

Hardwood promotion continues to be an important part of IHLA’s mis-sion. Efforts were made this year to promote hardwoods to architects and this will continue to be a fo-cus in 2014. In addition, the com-merce committee is tasked with the pursuit of continuing education pro-grams for architects and collabo-ration with Ball State University.

Forestry health is always on the mind of the industry as invasive pests and species remain a problem. The com-mittee decided to address this issue by providing matching funds to member donations to the Hardwood Tree Im-provement and Regeneration Center. The education committee made great strides this year in establishing the


Hard NewsPublished

by the Indiana Hardwood

Lumbermen’s Association

1849 Broad Ripple AvenueIndianapolis, IN 46220 Phone (317) 875-3660Fax (317) 875-3661

PresidentMatthew Smith

1st Vice President Mark Williamson

2nd Vice President Rich Solano

Financial Chairman Rick Zorman

Forestry Council President Paul Myers

Immediate Past President Michael Powers

Board of Directors

Josh BrennanLuke Brogger Angie Capper

Chip CookLenny FarleeJack Grace

Scott Heidler Kyle Hilligoss

Liz Jackson Doug Keele Jeff Mercy

Kevin Mershimer Percy Mossbarger

Tom OilarJohn RoweAndy Weas

EditorRay Moistner

Office ManagerDenice Helmbrecht

(317) [email protected]


Ashley Tandy

Green Team, a growing, state-wide network of volunteers, who can assist teachers and schools with various in-structional resources, including and distributing Arbor Day kits and Careers in Hardwoods posters. The committee will focus on growing and strengthen-ing the Green Team further. The com-mittee will also look into recommend-ing a means for updating industry data, such as economic impact and jobs.

The legislative committee success-fully met with the new administra-tion and established a good relation-ship this year. It will be important to maintain a strong presence going forward. Increasing the IHLA-PAC is always a goal of the committee‘s and will be at the forefront for 2014. It is worthwhile to report that the com-mittee also discussed a number of other issues which are impacting our industry and its members. Some, such as eco-nomic conditions, were viewed as out-side the control of the association or its members. Others, such as employee training, were viewed as best done in-house. For others, it was felt that the association or its committees could pro-vide resources and links to existing re-sources. A final category would be those that we could address on an as-needed basis, such as support for research on White-Nose Syndrome in bats, or a webinar on health insurance reform. You can be confident that IHLA and its board will be hard at work in the coming year to keep IHLA a rel-evant, member-driven trade associa-tion, whose members share a passion for creating the world’s finest hard-wood products, and a determination to maintain the sustainable produc-tivity of our nation’s forest resources.

S t r a t e g i c P l a n w i l l S h a p e 2 0 1 4 By Matthew Smith, IHLA President


17th Annual Ross Gilp Jr. Fun Shoot Benefits Riley Hospital for Children

17th Annual Ross Gilp Jr. Fun Shoot

On behalf of IHLA, we want to offer a big thank you to everyone who supported the 17th Annual IHLA Ross Gilp Jr. Fun Shoot, benefiting Indiana Log-A-Load for Kids and Riley Hospital for Children. Terre Haute Sporting Clays did a great job of hosting this fun event.

G a r m o n g Construc-tion Servic-es (Dan Zu-erner, Paul W r i g h t , J o h n M o o r e , L a r r y Jones and Ed Starr) won the $500 top team prize and gen-

erously donated their prize money back to Riley Hospital. Congratula-tions to our other individual top shooters Deb-bie Emrick, Larry Jones and Payton Utterback who ALL donated back their winnings to Riley!

Our con-tribution to Riley H o s p i -tal from the Fun S h o o t this year will be at $ 3 , 9 0 0 . M a r k your cal-e n d a r for the

18th Annual Fun Shoot for Riley Hos-pital next year on September 20, 2014.

Thank You!!

Title SponsorMacBeath Hardwood Company

Station SponsorsLoggers, Inc.

Northern Wood ProductsRudd Equipment Company

Society of Wood Heads Only Sugar Ridge Timber

West Side Tractor Sales Company Worley Lumber Company

Still board SponsorsCrone Lumber Company Worley Lumber Company

Prizes & DonationsFlambeau, Inc.

Indiana Hardwood SpecialistsWerner Sawmill



SHORT COURSE!Carter Rothrock & DeWayne Felt-ner, MacBeath Hardwood Co.



IHLA Has D e s i g n s o n Reaching ArchitectsIHLA Com-merce Commit-tee Chairman Rich Solano of Pike Lumber Company, pic-tured, recently r e p r e s e n t e d the hardwood industry at a regional con-vention of architects from Ohio, Ken-tucky and Indiana, held in Louisville, KY.

Over 300 architects attended the show, many of whom visited the new IHLA exhibit de-signed to highlight the benefits of using hard-woods in projects. The benefits range included carbon sequestration, cost effectiveness, sustainabil-ity, lasting beauty, code acceptance, and renewability.

A crowd of over 50 log-gers, forest-ers, and fam-ily gathered at Morgan-Monroe State Forest on the last Saturday in September

for the IHLA Forestry Council’s annual meeting. The DNR’s beautiful new training center played host to the event, and the weatherman ordered up a perfect day.

After a tour of the fa-cility from State For-ester Jack Seifert, the at tendees heard pre-sentations on DNR i s s u e s from Seif-

ert, and the Indiana Bat from Scott Pruitt of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Ronnie Cook and Pete Halstead were honored with the prestigious Legacy Awards, while two non-loggers/foresters, includ-ing young Amanda Engle, dominated the tree-di-ameter guessing contest sponsored by Jack Nelson.

West Side Trac-tor Sales and Battle Wagon Trailers brought equipment to demonstrate, and the day’s un-sung heroes were Brett Frank-

lin and Rusty O’Neal of Tri-State Timber, who generously donated all of the food for the cookout.

Ronnie Cook and Pete Halstead, 2013 recipients of the IHLA Forestry Council’s Legacy Awards

L o g g e r s G a t h e r f o r I n f o r m a t i o n a n d F u n

Visit our Convention Web

Page for ALL convention

news, including registration, sponsorship

and exhibitor information.

IHLA Convention


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Convention Seminars Hit the Mark

Superstars Of Sales

Every great salesperson will tell you that they nev-er stop learning, and we have assembled a panel of the industry’s most successful and well-regard-ed salespersons. The diverse panel will cover the spectrum of the hardwood industry, including do-mestic, international, primary and secondary sales. Bring your notebooks, and learn from the very best! Moderator: Dave Bramlage, Cole Hardwood, Inc.

Industry Hot Topics

This session will address the most important and im-pacting issues facing the hardwood industry at the time of the convention. Whether it is a national issue that affects the entire industry, a technological advance, or a specific new law or regulation, you can be cer-tain you will leave with everything you need to know.

Sharpen Your Saw: Sales & Product Knowledge Training

Give yourself an advantage in the marketplace by sharpening your sales force’s training and product knowledge. IHLA has identified the need to offer our members industry-specific sales training at all lev-els, along with product knowledge training for new hires or cross-trained employees. Come and get a pre-view, and see the value it will add to your company. The product knowledge course will cover topics in-cluding: species identification; log scaling; wood characteristics; sawing patterns’ grades and pric-ing; gross vs. net tally; veneer quality logs; dry-ing and storage, and color issues. Sales topics will range from basic to advanced, and will refresh topics such as closing, contracts, strategies, conflict resolu-tion and dealing with the most difficult challenges. Presenters: Dan Cassens, Purdue University, and Herman Haffner, Total Solutions Sales Coaching

Construction Outlook and Trends Panel

The more you know about the factors affecting de-mand for hardwoods, the greater your chances for increasing sales and profits. Give yourself the best information possible, by hearing from those who are closest to the construction sectors. Experts in sin-

gle-family, multi-family and commercial construc-tion will discuss expected activity and the latest trends in interiors, furniture, cabinets and flooring. Panel: Rick Wajda, CEO, Indian Builders As-sociation, Lynne Petersen, President, Indiana Apartment Association, and J.R. Gaylor, Presi-dent, Indiana Associated Builders and Contractors

The Indiana Bat - Six Grams of Grief

Because of its listing as a federally-endangered species, the Indiana Bat has already brought harvesting restric-tions to the region, and could become the next spotted owl. While the Association works with state and federal officials to create a program for saving the bat without disrupting the industry, we all need to build awareness of its habitat and the threats to its survival. Dr. Joy O’Keefe of Indiana State University is one of the world’s re-nowned experts on the creature, and she’ll be on hand to provide complete information to help us coexist.

IHLA Convention Exhibitors

A.W. Stiles Contractors Inc.Babcock Lumber Company Battle Wagon Trailers BB and T Insurance ServicesBrewco Inc.Bright ROICargo Services, Inc.Cleereman Industries, Inc. Cool Cat Apps, Inc.Corley Mfg. Co.eLIMBSForestry Systems Inc. Froedge Machine & SupplyFumigation Service & Supply Inc.HMC CorporationHoneyville Metal Inc. Independent Dispatch Inc.Indiana Division of Forestry Indiana Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Co.Indiana Rail Road CompanyIndustrial Adhesives of IndianaIndustrial Carbide Saw & ToolInnovative Functions Inc. Interglobo North America, Inc.ISK Biocides, Inc.Laidig Systems IncLonza Wood ProtectionLumbermen’s Underwriting AllianceMcDonough ManufacturingMessersmith Manufacturing, Inc.Mill-Quality Equipment & DesignsNova Dry Kiln, LLCPendu Manufacturing, Inc.Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Co.PHL ProLift Industrial EquipmentPurdue UniversityRotochopper, Inc.

2014 Convention & Exposition Exhibitors

As of 10/15/13 Rudd Equipment Company SII Dry Kilns Simply Computing International, Inc. Stone Belt Freight Lines Stringer Industries, Inc. TS Manufacturing U-C Coatings Corporation USNR Vecoplan Midwest, LLC Veneer Services Vollmer of America Weas Engineering WEIMA America, Inc. Wood-Mizer Blades Wood-Mizer Industrial

2014 Convention & Exposition Exhibitors (cont’d.)


IHLA Convention Sponsors


IHLA Welcomes New Members:

Ally Global Logistics

Scituate, Massachusetts

Cool Cat Apps, Inc. Tompkinsville, Kentucky

Engelberth Enterprise, Inc.Hudson, Indiana

Forestry Systems Inc.Summerfield, North Carolina

Ronald Mishler LaGrange, Indiana


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BLA 35411 IHLA - Sponsorship newsletter.indd 1 3/26/13 4:21 PM

Thank You Sponsors

Title SponsorIndiana Lumbermens Mutual Ins. Co.

AlderCascade Hardwood Group

Cherry Cole Hardwood, Inc.


WalnutFrank Miller Lumber Co., Inc.

Holmes & Co., Inc. Pike Lumber Company, Inc.


Affinity Mutual Insurance Co. American Stave Company

Buchan Sawmill, Inc.

MapleBrewco, Inc.

Domtar Paper Company, LLCHoneyville Metal, Inc.

Midwest Hardwood Corporation U-C Coatings Corporation


Agresta, Storms & O’Leary, PC

Let IHLA’s insurance agency find the best solutions for your business insurance needs. We have the industry’s most experienced agent and support staff. They will work diligently until they find the best deal for you. Best of all, the portion of the premium that used to go to an agent, now get re-invested the industry in the form of association programs and services.

We offer the IHLA Safety Group programs which return dividends to our members, often equaling several years of membership dues.

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