  • 1.Fall 2009
    LTT Program
    Roses e-portfolio Presentation

I am learning about collaborative technology tools to support constructivist learning in my classroom
3. My Most Enduring & Significant Learning Activities
My Share Point Site
4. My Most Enduring & Significant Learning Activities
Using Google Docs
Google Presentations for Early Human Project & Writing Portfolio
Google Docs for Bullying Essay
5. Early Human Presentation
I am learning that I have to be really organized when using digital technology to feel in control as a teacher
7. Implications For Change and Growth in my Teaching Practice
Need more class time and time for myself to learn new programs, preview videos and test out software
8. Implications For Change and Growth in my Teaching Practice
To be organized, I have created screen casts and video casts for French.
9. Video Cast for French Numbers
I am learning to explore and consider how technology can serve the learning needs of my students and the intentions of my teaching goals
11. Changes in My Thinking About Myself, Technology and Teaching and Learning
Importance of Universal Design for Learning
Gifted cluster need to challenge them
Curriculum Compacting in Math 7
Extension activities in LA and Socials
Variety of ways to demonstrate acquisition of knowledge
LD & ESL students need to adapt course content
written output and issues with fine motor skills
Use of technology -
netbooks and laptops in the classroom
12. Changes in My Thinking About Myself, Technology and Teaching and Learning
Digital Flash Writing Portfolio using Google Presentation
13. From Poster Projects
To Google Presentations
Changes in the Classroom
14. Changes in My Thinking About Myself, Technology and Teaching and Learning
Hand In box for on-line assignments
15. Changes in My Thinking About Myself, Technology and Teaching and Learning
Improved communication with parents and students
E-mails via distribution list
16. Changes in My Thinking About Myself, Technology and Teaching and Learning
Some disadvantages & pitfalls
Spend too much time doing work; thus, being disconnected from family
Never enough time to do anything else
Need better computers at school
Need to monitor copying & pasting of info from the web by students for reports and presentations
How to keep things new and fresh to reduce disengagement
17. In what ways does the learning statement connect my core beliefs, values and assumptions to new concepts and ideas?
I enjoy learning new things in an effort to make learning fun and meaningful for my students, making myself a better teacher.
Knowing that half of my students are willingly accessing the website regularly motivates me to try new things
Inquiry based and constructivist teacher
I dont really like to stand and deliver.
I believe that students have to be engaged in their own learning.
Various extensions can be catered to the needs of specific students be they gifted or learning disabled.
Technology can create a universal design for learning.
I want to motivate my students to be responsible, independent learners, giving them tools to get information if they cant reach me directly.
18. How does the learning I identify reshape how I see myself asa teacher and a learner?
I am a better teacher because I am relearning how to teach and see how students can be frustrated with learning new things
Varying strategies
New set of classroom managements skills.
Back up plan for when technology fails
19. What evidence from my work this semester illustrates the learning I have identified in my learning statements?
Create 2 sites: public and private site before September 2009.
Public site is mainly for parents to keep them up to date with school events and homework.
Private, virtual classroom site is mainly for class documents, including video links, notes and handouts.
20. What evidence from my work this semester illustrates the learning I have identified in my learning statements?
The following is an itemized list of what I did to complete my inquiry.
Created functional Share Point Virtual Classroom website
Created parent handout outlining my vision and field study goals
re: improved parent-teacher-student communication
Created a parent survey to determine parent anxiety re: technology and home habits
Eg. How often do you help your child with homework and check planner?
Used Polldaddy for parents to listen to French podcasts
Create an on-line survey (pre and post) for students re: internet usage & habits
Taught students how to submit assignments on-line (via Hand-in Box) and how to publish their Google presentations and documents
Have a regular rotation of students to update the homework calendar daily
Have an active homeroom class parent e-mail distribution list for important updates
21. Data collection
2 sets of data from my students (pre/post) regarding their internet usage.
Parent survey-upon listening to their childs French podcast.
Site usage data reports in SharePoint.
22. Data analysis Pre Student Survey
26 of 26 students completed the survey (100%)
Used Google forms
14 (54%) of them spend 1 hour or less on the net
15 (58%) of them plan to access the website 3 or more times per week.
Students use the internet to surf, facebook, msn and complete homework
23. Data analysis Post Student Survey
24 of 26 students completed the survey (92%)
12 (50%) use the website 3 or more times/week (3 less than anticipated)
20 (83%) of them have accessed the site more than 5 times between Oct and November
9 (38%) of parents access the homework calendar regularly
23 (96%) of them are accessing the internet the same or more than before
24. Data analysis Parent Survey
48 completed surveys out of 52 (92% respondent rate) remaining 4 had internet/computer issues.
Only 1 parent was unable to open the file to listen to the podcast
Only 2 parents found the podcast uninformative
None of the parents found the virtual classroom useless
18 parents did not visit the homework calendar site before this survey
65% of parents check the planner daily
25% of parents help their child everyday with homework
25. Site Usage Data
Most used sites in October on the public site were the homework calendar and virtual classroom link.
On my virtual site the most accessed sites were the French site for the podcast survey; the Math site for math notes; the flash writing site; the Socials and Software Downloads pages.
26. The connection between the sample evidence and my learning
Students are accessing both websites, making it useful for them and their parents.
Recently, students have been submitting some of their assignments on-line (power triplets or completed essays)
When I speak with parents, there is no excuse for the parent or the student regarding misinformation.
The website can definitely enhance communication between home and school.
I have found having the virtual class site to be very effective in engaging students to write.
27. Within which program capacities does your learning show growth or exploration? Explain
To be honest, I feel that I have demonstrated growth in all 5 Program capacities, but really showed exploration in the following 2 capacities:
To use, evaluate and integrate existing and emerging technologies into my practice(as per evidence) and
To engage in a critical cycle of action-reflection to understand and develop my practice.
As per results of my field study
28. Connection to Educational Theory
Using the Internet to Improve Homework Communication and Completion
Relevant and helped me see where I am in the grand scheme of things.
The authors, Salend et al., mention that our class sites can be launched in up to 3 phases.
I have elements of all three phases, but not all.
29. 3 Phases (Class Websites)
30. Connection to Educational Theory
The School Website as a Virtual Learning Environment
Technology is still not sufficiently integrated into the learning environment of students in the modern school to allow researchers to establish whether its integration is crucial for reinforcing the quality of learning and the achievements of the education system.
This is a very relevant statement. Until full integration of technology happens, no relevant data can be collected to see a difference.Many teachers fear using tools that they are not familiar with.We are teaching a generation of students things that arent really relevant we are teaching them what and how we learned
Technology is meant to help all learners (UDL) so that each child can become an independent learner.Web 2.0 students are both the participant and contributor. As teachers we must have learning activities that are relevant to our students and in their natural environment, the virtual environment.By not trying to integrate technology into our means of teaching, we are putting our future generations in a disadvantage.Our current methods of teaching are obsolete.Teachers need to create and use classroom websites to become the vital hub in the learners life.
31. Why is this learning is important to you?
Desire to improve communication between the parents and myself without the need for me to personally call each parent.
This website as a preventative tool rather than a reactive one.
Reassuring to know that the countless hours I have spent on my website will pay off.
Once I have laid the ground work, maintaining the site should not be an onerous task.
32. Vision and Goals
I want to continue the incorporation of technology into my classroom
I want to use our virtual class site to foster student-student interactions through on-line discussions.
I want students take more ownership of their learning via my virtual class site
I want to create and allow opportunities for self-directed (inquiry based) learning next term.
Mesopotamia Webquest
Myth Trailer (Movie Maker) based on student created myth
33. The End!