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Faith & Zealthe Magazine of the

Christian Brothers of the Midwest

A U T U M N 2 0 1 2 W I N T E R 2 0 1 3

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e: Cover Photo: Senior Drew

Jones of Christian Brothers H

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phis reflecting by the stained glass.“innovative, noteworthy, affirming a culture of charity, and giving the

campus a chance to promote Lasallian values”

Johnny Blount, a junior at Christian Brothers University reflecting on September of Service: page 18

“I have held Brother Pi in my heart since working

at Darrow Hall in the late 70s, it has led me into a

career of service and right action towards others”Ben Dobbin reflecting on the impact that Brother

Pius Kamphefner had on his life: page 20

2Midwest District

Postulants made their

First Promises in October:

page 17

Christian Brothers of the Midwest Province • Lasallian MinistriesProvincial- Brother Larry Schatz • Auxilary Provincial- Brother Mark Snodgrass

CALIFORNIA Stockton • Fe y Vida

ILLINOIS Burr Ridge • Midwest District Provincial Office Chicago • Brother David Darst Center • De La Salle Institute • San Miguel Schools - Back of the Yards Campus • St. Patrick H.S. • Tolton Adult Education Center Lombard • Montini Catholic H.S. Plano • La Salle Manor Retreat Center Romeoville • Lewis University Westchester • St. Joseph H.S.

MINNESOTA Fridley • Totino-Grace H.S. Marine-on-St. Croix • Christian Brothers Retreat Center

St. Paul • Christian Brothers Medical Office • Cretin-Derham Hall Minneapolis • De La Salle H.S. • Saint Mary’s - University of MN Minneapolis Center - San Miguel M.S. Victoria • Holy Family H.S. Winona • Saint Mary’s University of MN • Saint Mary’s Press

MISSOURI Jefferson City • Helias H.S. Kansas City • Archbishop O’Hara H.S. St. Louis • Christian Brothers College H.S. • De La Salle at St. Matthew Wildwood (Glencoe) • La Salle Institute Retreat Center

MONTANA Browning • De La Salle Blackfeet M.S.

NEBRASKA Omaha • Roncalli Catholic H.S.

OHIO Cincinnati•La Salle H.S.

OKLAHOMA Tulsa • Bishop Kelley H.S. • San Miguel M.S.

TENNESSEE Memphis • Christian Brothers H.S. • Christian Brothers University • De La Salle at Blessed Sacrament

WISCONSIN Manitowoc • Roncalli H.S.


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Friends,Someone said to me the other day, “Brother Larry, you really get around!” and it’s true. That’s my job, or better said, it is the way Our Lord has called me to serve Him, and to serve the Brothers at this time.

The Midwest District is big: 9 states, 3 universities, 15 high schools, 3 retreat centers, St. Mary’s Press, and 152 Christian Brothers. That’s not to mention the many hundreds of lay colleagues, faculty and staff, and the thousands upon thousands of students who are at the very core of our educational Mission.

When I visit our ministries throughout the District, I see the faces of our students and their teachers; in prayer, in study, and in athletic competition. They are a joy to behold, a source of great pride and blessing to us. In the spirit of this Thanksgiving season we give thanks for them, and we want to share the Faces of the Midwest District with you. Enjoy.

And in the spirit of Thanksgiving we give thanks for you, our benefactors and friends, who so generously extend your support to the Christian Brothers through your year-end giving. God bless you.

Live Jesus in Our Hearts – Forever!

Brother Larry Schatz, FSCProvincial/Visitor

Brother Larry Schatz, FSC

Greetings from the Provincial


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Faces of the MidwestThe Mission of our Founder, St. John Baptist de La Salle, is reflected in

this essay of photographs from throughout the Midwest District.

De La Salle (Chicago) Meteors praying before the big game. 


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Faces of the Midwest


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Faces of the Midwest

Ash Wednesday Mass at Christian Brothers College High School, St. Louis.

Bishop Kelley

Comets Girls Soccer

Team celebrating their win as the 6A State Champions!


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Faces of the Midwest

Sixth grader Mattea Fox at

De La Salle Blackfeet, Browning, Montana is

excited about learning!

At La Salle Manor, students on retreat are able to reflect and pray in the labyrinth. 


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Faces of the Midwest

Lasallian Volunteers


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Faces of the Midwest

At the Dunrovin Retreat Center, the

students of San Miguel Chicago enjoy playing

in the water. 

Father Kerry Wakulich talks with students at Bishop Kelley.9

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Faces of the Midwest

Students at Montini Catholic H.S. in solidarity with their classmate, Johnny Weiger, #76,

who is battling leukemia. 


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Faces of the Midwest

The smile of Sister Carole at St. Joseph’s High School.


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Faces of the Midwest

All Roads lead to this Holy Ground at La Salle Retreat Center, Glencoe, MO


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Faces of the Midwest

All Roads lead to this Holy Ground at La Salle Retreat Center, Glencoe, MO

Lasallian Volunteer Steve

Schmidt working with a student at

San Miguel Tulsa.

Christian Brothers College H.S. Cadets Gameface.


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Faces of the Midwest

Brother Anthony giving Communion during Bishop Kelley’s School Mass.

Montini Broncos in a moment of reflection. 


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Faces of the Midwest

The Founder serves as a Reminder of Faith,

Service, and Community in the La Salle Retreat

Center Chapel.

Montini Broncos in a moment of reflection. 


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Lasallian Volunteers all over the Midwest! For the 2012-2013 service year, there are eighteen Lasallian Volunteers serving across the Midwest in various ministries. They are serving in Montana, Oklahoma, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Illinois, Minnesota, and Missouri. Twenty-one volunteers that are serving across the country have attended Midwestern high schools and universities.

New Laboratory Equipment for Nigerian Students We were blessed to receive a letter from Veakpe Kelvin, Senior Prefect and President of the Student Parliament of Mount La Salle College in Naka, Nigeria. Mr. Kelvin explained how the financial support of the Midwest Brothers has provided student equipment for classes, in Chemistry, Biology, Physics, and Agriculture. The updated equipment will motivate students to perform better on examinations and develop a broader interest in science.

Book Published on Racial IntegrationBrother Terence McLaughlin, former administrator and teacher at Christian Brothers University has recently completed a book entitled Silent Acceptance. The book follows the story of a young black man who seeks to enroll as a student in an all-white Catholic school in 1963. The story takes place in the two-culture city of Memphis and the school’s willingness to accept him, despite the racial prejudices that existed at the time. The book sheds light on events that started racial integration in the high schools of Memphis.

News from the Midwest District


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International Lasallian Days for Peace Month2012 serves as the sixth edition for International Lasallian Days for Peace. Lasallians worldwide have committed to a month of striving for peace. Beginning on September 21st, the United Nations sanctioned International Day of Peace, all ministries will be kicking off four weeks of intentionally praying, acting, and studying how to make effective change in our world. Brother Alvaro Rodriguez Echeverria FSC, Superior General calls us to think how we can be agents of peace for the children of our world. The month wrapped up at the end of October, all Lasallians are united through this ideal and contribute in a multitude of ways to create peace.

Br. David Darst Center Kicks off Speaker SeriesEvery month, the Darst Center offers a speaker series to educate the local community about social justice issues. This serves as an extension of their urban immersion retreat program, which focuses on education through experiential learning. In September, Kris Biegel and Sr. Sarah Martz of Port Ministries shared stories of their experiences working with at-risk youth on the south side of Chicago. Both speakers discussed the services that Port Ministry offers, while emphasizing the importance of holistic education.

First Promises(Picture to the left) On Saturday, October 20, the two Midwest District Postulants, Mark Engelmeyer and Johnathan Emmanuelson, made their First Promises with the Jeremy House community in Philadelphia. Brothers Larry and Stephen were present form the Midwest District. The liturgy was followed by a social and dinner at Jeremy House.


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Around the DistrictNews from our Universities, Schools, and Ministries

Thirty Days of ServiceSeptember of Service reflects thirty days of service called CBU: SOS at Christian Brothers University. Students, faculty, and alumni all participated in a variety of service projects; from cleaning up community gardens, working at homeless shelters, and supporting other non-profits that are in the Memphis area. Johnny Blount, a junior at CBU, described the project as innovative, noteworthy, affirming a culture of charity, and giving the campus a chance to promote Lasallian values. Tracie Burke, Professor and Director of the Honors Program concluded the month by saying, “this initiative excited the University about how we can help our community and hopes this commitment to service continues throughout the year.”

Old Wine in a New SkinBrother Belayneh Medhanit, who has pursued advanced degrees at Saint Mary’s University and Lewis University, has had his Doctoral thesis published as a book. The book is entitled, Old Wine in a New Skin: “Acculturation experiences and Socialization Pattern of Ethiopian Immigrant students in the Twin cities”.The book examines cultural adjustment experiences, perceived American values, and ethnic discrimination issues. His thesis determined that Ethiopian immigrant students have social interaction challenges among themselves due to tribal and political issues in their home country, and in order to combat this he recommends Ethiopian Community Centers to improve the situation. Br. Belayneh is now the principal at St. Joseph’s School in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.


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Around the DistrictSaint Mary’s University Celebrates Centennial Towards the end of September, Saint Mary’s University commemorated their Centennial by inviting all Chicagoland alumni, parents, benefactors, and friends of Saint Mary’s and the College of St. Theresa to Millennium Park. Amidst the backdrop of the beautiful city, all took part in an evening of festivities, food, and celebration of 100 years.Photo at Right: The Brothers are pictured here on campus to celebrate the Centennial of Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota. Amongst the group pictured here, several Brothers come from India, Colombia, Peru and Sri Lanka. The International Brothers are pursuing advanced degrees at Saint Mary’s. The vibrant and lively Brothers are ready to celebrate the next century of Lasallian education at Saint Mary’s!

De La Salle Blackfeet has Wind PowerDe La Salle Blackfeet in Browning, Montana received two wind turbines to harness wind power and provide electricity for the school and mission. The generous support of Central Catholic High School in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania provided the funds for this new initiative. The students from Central Catholic came up with the idea while they were visiting De La Salle on an immersion trip, and as a result, raised over thirty thousand dollars during Lent for the wind turbines’ purchase and installation.

New Principal at Blessed SacramentDe La Salle Elementary at Blessed Sacrament Parish in Memphis, Tennessee is welcoming a new principal! Daniel Salvaggio, a Lasallian product, graduated from Christian Brothers University High School and Christian Brothers University in Memphis. After his high school and undergraduate education, he served as a Lasallian Volunteer from 2006-2008 at the La Salle School for Boys in Albany, New York. Mr. Salvaggio joined the Lasallian Association of New Catholic Educators (LANCE) a two-year teacher education program that provides master’s degree while teaching underprivileged and at-risk youth.

De La Salle Signum Fidei InstituteAt La Salle High School in Cincinnati, Ohio, the Lasallian charism is thriving! The De La Salle Signum Fidei Institute is a leadership-training program that centers around eight specific foundations and Brothers who were critical to the Lasallian Mission. According to Steve Dalton, DLSFI Director, the goal of the Institute is to develop every student into a servant leader that will enforce the student’s application of a faith-guided passion and fervor to be a leader in our local and global communities.


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In Memoriam: Brother Pius Kamphefner, FSC

I finally made it to Mound Bayou. It was a warm and sunny Saturday afternoon on the Delta, and we were there for the burial of Brother Pius Kamphefner on October 13.

Mound Bayou, Mississippi, is about two hours south of Memphis, surrounded by lots of cotton fields. Pius’s grave is in the center of little St. Gabriel’s Cemetery there behind the church. It is fitting, because in so many ways for so many years, he was the center of that parish and town.

I first met Pius little more than a year ago when he was already a resident at Highlands in Memphis. Before I even got to his room, I was struck by how well he was known---and clearly loved---by the staff at Highlands, and I quickly realized why. Despite some significant health challenges, he was relentlessly upbeat and positive, and he regaled me with stories of his career as a Brother and the various ministries that his vocation called him to.

I really only know him as the Brother who had been at Mound Bayou for many years. He filled me in on his years in Chicago, Wheaton, Wichita, Quincy, Kansas City, and Mercy Home. It was only during his wake and funeral that I learned about Darrow Hall, a place I had not heard of before. Thanks to former Brother Pete Schmidt and his wife, Mary, I was privy to a host of email tributes from several former staff members of Darrow Hall. To a person, they sang the praises of that place and Pius and all the good that happened there. Perhaps John Cullen summed it up best: “Darrow Hall was just a perfect moment in a perfect place at a perfect time in our lives. And we wouldn’t have had all that without Pi.”

Several others weighed in on the huge impact Pius had on their lives: “I will never forget our conversations at the DH kitchen table. He played a large part in my decision to go to law school and a legal career focused on representing children and families.” ( Jay McCarthy)“I have held Brother Pi in my heart since working at Darrow Hall in the late 70s; it has led me into a career of service and right action towards others.” (Ben Dobbin)

Reflections by Brother Larry Schatz, FSC, Provincial/Visitor


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In Memoriam

Pius was a big man with an even bigger heart who serves as a shining witness to his Lasallian vocation to touch the hearts of young people and to inspire them with the Christian spirit. I can think of no higher praise for Pi than this message sent to me by Bro. Tom Hetland: “Today I called Ken Pock, St. Mel ‘56, in Florida to let him know that Br. Pius had died. There are several that the alumni office will be alerting, but from my visits to Florida it stuck with me that Ken had such high regard for Pius that I decided to call him myself.

“He broke down. He started crying. It’s a testament to Pius and his pastoral efforts and outreach that 56 years after Ken left St. Mel he still treasured Pius’s help in those formative years and that he would so spontaneously grieve his loss.

“We’ve lost a giant of a man.”

Indeed we have.

Yearbook Dedication to Brother Pius, from Christian Brothers High School, Quincy, IL 1967.


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Heritage Society

John Albert Mrs. Gerry Allard Robert & Marjorie Allard †Frank A. Allseits Patricia M. Arent John & Ferol Armitage James BarrettJames J. Barrett Dr. Richard J. Bealka †Margaret Bedor †Frank D. Bergheim †Dr. Stuart J. Bintner Robert F. Bishaw Lorraine Blaylock Roland Boertitz †Forrest † & Dorothea Borden George P. Borre †Albert Borrelli †Francis W. Boulger William T. Bowler John & Irene Bowman †Ruth M. Boyle †Jacqueline Breher Forrest D. Brown †Theodore & Mildred Bulinski †William & Annette Butcher †Sylvia Cafferate †Nick T. Campbell Clement & Elizabeth Caponi Edward & Alice Carey Richard & Beatrica Carlson †

Earl & Nertha Carpenter †Vincent & Lori Carraher John J. Carroll †Charles † & Joanne M. Cartier Marie Caviale †Dr. Donald † & Marlene J. Cerniglia Paul & Dorothy Clark Edward M. Connelly † Martin P. Connolly William P. Connolly, AFSC † Leona M. Conway Leighton H. Cooney † James F. Corrigan † T. William Coughlan, AFSC Geraldine Craven † Joseph M. Cresham † Loretto M. Cummings † Bernard & Marilyn Dansart Fr. Francis Dauss Walter F. Davidson † Dr. Rose G. Deal, AFSC †Benice Decowski †Lon & Kathleen DeHaitre Richard & Mildred Dehlinger Iris DeRouen Alphonse E. Dick † Mary Ann Dicke † Robert S. Didier † Leo V. Donaghue †Joseph A. Doyle

Paul & Elaine Drack Catherine Drahmann Br. Theodore Drahmann, FSC † Miles Duffy † Daniel & Terese Dufresne Irene L. Dulin, AFSC † H. James & Aimee Farrell Philip & Barbara Feiten Robert J. Fenlon Bernice T. Ferretti † Robert & Janice Flannery Henry D. Flasch Msgr. Francis J. Fleming † Ward Fleming † Frank Florik † Rev. Joseph & Nancy Fontana Dr. Mary C. Fox Margaret Gaffney † Dean & Mary Ann Gall Joseph R. Gallagher Timothy & Marge GarveyGeorge Gersten † Catherine M. Gibson † John H. Godar † Walter Hafner Elizabeth F. Hanlon † Isabelle & Carl Hanson † William E. Haugh, Jr. James & Cher Heath Timothy Heffernan † Nicholas & Rosemary Heille

The Heritage Society was established to recognize our friends, our Partners in Mission, who have established a “Planned Gift” with the Christian Brothers of the Midwest to further our shared ministries. A planned gift can be a will bequest or any one of many life income plans, such as a trust or a gift annuity. We are deeply grateful to the Heritage Society Members for their thoughtfulness, their generosity and their willingness to share in the Mission.

Honor Roll of DonorsWe gratefully acknowledge the following very generous members of our extended De La Salle Christian Brothers Family for their donations received at the Provincial office

between September 1, 2011 and August 31, 2012. Those who have made donations directly to one of our schools will be acknowledged in that school’s publication.

If you have made a gift, but your name does not appear, we apologize for our error. Please call the Development Office at 630-323-3725 or write to

us. Your name will appear in the next issue of Faith and Zeal.


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Heritage SocietyEdwin & Cheryl Henrich John & Debra Heydt Michael F. Hickey Walter F. Hickey † Alice Hill † Leo & Patricia Hirsch Thomas & Judy House Michael Hurley Robert F. Jackwerth † Donald M. Jacobsen † John J. JohnsonDr. Michael P. Joseph Mary A. Kelly † Nora A. Kelly † William T. Kelly † Fr. George D. Kennedy † Rose Kennedy † Frank Kilker † Gertrude Killeen † Madeleine B. Kinney † William J. Kirven † Richard C. Klimes † Bernadette G. Kohl † Albert & Elizabeth Konar Horatio † & Marguerite Krause Edwin Kurland † Mrs. Robert Larkin Anna M. LaRocque † Donald L. LaRocque Geraldine M. Lawhon, AFSC Chester Lazarsle † Edward P. Lienhard † Raymond A. Linzer † Richard D. Lis † Adeline Lococo † Robert L. Lux † Gerald W. Mahoney † William & Lillian Mahoney † Dr. Harold M. Manfredi † Ralph G. Mayer † Maureen McCarthy E. Ray McCracken † William D. McDonald † Daniel † & Margaret F. McEnery

Catherine M. McEvoy Margaret M. McEvoy † Patricia McEvoy James E. McGovern † Willard & Elaine Meier Dr. Arnold Mersch † Albert W. Meuer Mildred H. Mick † John B. Miecznikowski † Germaine Miller Joseph & Marie Mitchell Edwin & Marie Mohrman † John M. Mooney † John T. Mooney † Thomas Mooney † Irene Murphy † Hans Nadler Stanley J. Nastav Barbara M. Newman Edmund J. Nierowiecz Edith M. Nowicki Dean R. Oberpriller Helen O’Brochta † Daniel J. O’Connell † Laverne O’Donnell † David P. O’Hern † Bud Paape Stanley & Reginia Pacholski † Lester Pakulski † Peter A. Pascarella Arthur Pavek † Mrs. Louis (Vivian) Polka Robert Procter †Maria G. Ramirez Frank † & Frances B. Raus Ronald & Susan Reddin Theada Rice, AFSCDr. & Mrs. William H. Rice Anne M. Roach † Gregory † & Maura Robertson Sadie Rogers † Mr. & Mrs. George Romero Dr. Joseph C. Rost † Gerald F. Rozek

Paul Rufli Most Rev. Daniel Ryan Dr. James † & Julia Salmen Vincent D. Salvino † Norman O. Sanders † Pauline M. Schain † John & Sue Schutz Dr. James P. † & Ruth Shannon John J. Shields † Robert & Frances Skemp Howard M. Skow Paul J. Snyder † Robert, AFSC & Lucille Speeter †John W. Spellman Dr. James C. Spengler John, AFSC & Nan Steger George Stricker Dennis J. Sullivan Paul & Judith Sutfin Raymond Sweeney, AFSC † Jeanne E. Taraba Richard & Debbie Taylor Robert L. Thienes Emily Tonigan † Joseph Trezek † Carl & Cynthia Tutera Robert J. Twohig Margaret Vance † Bert & Rose Vuco † Msgr. Joseph Wagner † John M. Waligora † James L. Walsh Delbert & Alice Weber Dr. Henry & Evelyn Wellman Patricia WheelerRichard R. Williams Jane Wiora John & Dorothy Woodrich † Dr. Frank & Elaine Wray Rosemary L. Wray Donald F. Wrobleski James & Barbara † Wyza, Jr.

Heritage Society Members have a special place in the prayers and Masses of the Christian Brothers.

Membership in the Heritage Society consists of only those donors who have arranged a planned-giving gift directly with the Christian Brothers of the Midwest Provincial Office.

If you would like more information about joining the Heritage Society, please call the Development Office at 630-323-3725 or return the enclosed envelope.

†Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and may your perpetual light shine upon them.


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Lasallian Circle

$500,000+ Philip H. Corboy †

Bernadine Worland†

$100,000+Robert Boller

Edward & Alice CareyBernice Decowski†George Gersten†

John Godar†Nora Kelly†

James D. KennedyMadeleine Kinney†Bernadette Kohl†

Dr. Harold Manfredi†John† & Joan MullinsFrank†& Frances Raus

Paul Synder†

$250,000+Frank Allseits

John Bowman†Edward OchylskiLester Pakulski†Vincent Salvino†

John Shields†Bert Vuco†

$50,000+ John Alogna

Virginia Blotnik†Roland Boertitz†George Borre†

Albert† & Marianne BorrelliJoseph Cresham†

Robert CurleyRobert Larkin

John Luncsford†Gilbert Manning†

Stanley & Regina Pacholski†Joseph & Gina Prochaska

Theda RiceJohn WaligoraJack Zachary

With special gratitude, we recognize our principal benefactors as members of the Lasallian Circle. These are devoted friends, who through their exceptional philanthropy significantly enhance the mission of the Brothers and all Lasallian Partners. Membership is comprised of those individuals whose lifetime contributions have totaled $50,000.00 or more.

Lifetime contributions of

†Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and may your perpetual light shine upon them.

Their generosity helps us to strengthen the Lasallian network through programs of training and faculty formation, to remain true to our preferential option for the poor by establishing new

ministries to serve those most in need and to sustain the ongoing care of our retired Brothers.24

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DonorsFounder’s Circle$50,000 - $1,000,000Roland BoertitzBernice DecowskiBernadine Worland

Provincial Circle$25,000 - $49,999Leo V. Donaghue

Partners - Gold$10,000 - $24,999Frank A. AllseitsRobert N. BollerRobert & Pauline ProcterSunny B. Wicka

Partners - Silver $5,000 - $9,999Robert & Isabel CurleyRobert & Jill DelaneyJoan MullinsReno & Rosemary RossiniCharles J. Rothweiler

Partners - Bronze$1,000 - $4,999William & Susan AlmonDavid J. KellyRichard & Janet AugustineJames & Pat BaudendistelGeorge R. BlackMichael & Mary Bonamarte, Jr.Vincent & Margaret Braband, Jr.Wally & Betsy Bryce, Jr.Joyce A. ByronThomas & Nancy Campbell, Jr.Richard & Mary Carrigan, Jr.James & Patricia CassidyJack & Barbara CavalenesJames & Judith CooneyT. William CoughlanJohn & Joan CourseyMary DempseyMichael & Jeanne DevineRichard & Gayle DompkeSteven & Ellen EganJames & Aimee FarrellThe French Family FoundationRobert & Jane FrielDonn & Wendy FullenweiderMichael & Joette GostomskiMichael & Patricia GraftLouis & Maureen GuillouNicholas & Rosemary HeilleChicago Hardware & Fixture Co.

Dudley W. JoyceRoger A. KennedyMyles & Joanne KerriganKenneth & Judy KlostermannDennis & Mary LaLibertyGeorge & Betty LombardConstance LuncsfordPaul & Joan MaasJohn & Mary MaddenJoseph & Charlene MaddenPhilip F. MaherDr. John & Mrs. Ann Marie McAuleyStephen & Anita McAvoyArthur & Anne McGivernDonald & Phyllis McLeanPaul & Carol MeyerThomas & Mary Ellen MihajlovRichard & Pamela Jo MooneyRobert & Carol PassaneauDonald & Jean ReganWilliam & Jane RybakRocco & Teresa SapienzaMaurice & Rosemary ScanlonJohn & Claire SchermerhornDr. Giles & Mrs. Marguerite SchmidMark J. Schulte & Mary A. HolcombWayne & Jeanette ShustDorcel M. SpenglerStephen StahlLeonard & Nancy StrauchWilliam & Kathleen Streff, Jr.David & Marlys ThiesTurano Foundation, Inc.Br. Thomas Dominic Vance, FSCThomas & Barbara Vetter, Sr.Bernie & Janet WagnildMichael R. WaltonJohn & Anne WickaJudge Charles & Mrs. Connie WinklerGeorge & Joan Wray

Partners$500 - $999Dirk AhlbeckPatrick ArborTom & Annette ArztJohn W. Atz, Jr.Edward & Barbara BalesManuel & Maria BerriozabalRobert F. BishawRobert & Joan BourneBrookview StoneBridge & Maryland Heights Nursing HomesMax & Carol Burnell, Jr.Thomas L. BurnsJohn D. CampbellPeter & Rosann CandelaJames & Mary CarozzaChristian Brothers-HMSRThomas & Joan ChurchBarry & Patricia CiceroWilliam A. Clement

Robert J. CroninThomas & Barbara CummaneDr. Roman & Mrs. Jan DaczkewyczBernard & Marilyn DansartErnest & Catherine DawsonDr. Rose G. DealPeter & Ruth DeGraveFrank & Paulette DenistonFrank & Johanna DiMartinoMichael & Claudia DooleyKelly DowdDr. Gregory & Mrs. Peggy DuickJoseph & Mary Patricia EberveinJerry & Frances FallonIsabella J. FioreGordon W. FitzsimmonsJames & Jean FrankardJohn & Irene Gaffney, Jr.William & Helen GallianiKenneth & Nancy GillisDonald & Terry GimbelEileen M. GradyGregory & Rose GuarrinePhilip & Marian HanniganWayne L. HaraldsonJoseph J. HennessyMichael F. HickeyClark & Wyleen HighJohn M. HorbaczFr. Michael Jonhston Robert & Suzanne KleinLee & Eileen KummerRichard A. LeeJohn & Georgiana LeenRobert & Marcia LeonardRobert & Mary Lou LittlefieldRaymond A. MajestyJohn & Dianne MaulJoseph & Jona McCarthy, Jr.Margaret F. McEneryThomas & Mary McGinnisSean & Millie McWeeneyThomas & Sheliah MulvaneyMark & Judy OganRobert & Jean Orth, Sr.Thomas J. PachollThomas & Maureen PattonRobert & Linda Pluth, Jr.Leonard & Diane RiccoTerrance & Kathleen RussellDavid F. SavickasThomas & Margaret SchneiderJohn & Sue Schutz John & Carol SemerauLynn ShunkWilliam D. SpillaneSt. Mary’s PressDavid & Laura StaileyRichard & Doris StockFrank & Mary Lou StotzRev. James S. StrombergTim Taylor


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Lasallians $100 - $499

Partners$500 - $999 Henry & Elizabeth ThumannThe Valley-A Stonebridge Nursing CommunityMary VavroskyWilliam & Louann VossVincent & Cathleen WalshWilliam & Diana WeigelJohn & Barbara WhiteDennis & Darlene WilsonAnne C. WisenorPhilip & Susan Zera

Lasallians$100 - $499Carl & Ann AbbateRaymond & Roberta AbbottThomas & Libby AdamsonTerry & Janis AdolphsBernard & Ann Marie AffettoJohn & Elaine AlbertsRobert & Paula Stec AltRichard & Carolyn AmRheinFred & Alice AndrusBr. Kent Connolly, FSCDavid & Pat StieberRobert T. BarbourAndrew & Sandra ArellanoWalter & Mary ArnottJames & Lois AufmannDonald & Irma BachaliRaymond & Patricia BaderRobert J. BargWalter C. BarnesRichard & Sandra BarrettoThomas & Gail Baryl, Sr.Joseph & Diane BastWilliam & Susan BattistaGerald & Mary BauerAnthony J. BaumanAllan & Mary BavolekF. Stephen & Ann BaxPatrick & Catherine BeattieJames & Rita BeaumontJohn & Della BeaumontLouis & Anne BeccavinBernard & Patricia BeckJoseph & Marcie BeckerJoseph L. BeckerDr. William & Mrs. Carol BeckmannKenneth & Sheila BehrensDonald & Anne BelingerDonald & Roberta BellTimothy & Elaine BellAllen & Diane BenningMark & Barbara BerensKenneth & Mary Ann BergquistCharles & Dianne BertholdDonald & Lois BianchiRichard & Lisette Bianchi

Robert & Joan BiebelPhilip & Carol BielendaEdwin & Matilda BiesingerJoseph & Nelly BiesingerDr. Marion F. BiondoJohn & Marguerite BlakeMartin F. Blake, IIIBr. Felix Bland, FSCLorraine BlaylockFrank & Pearl Ann BleersGeorge & Regina BlockJoseph & Ann BoberschmidtPhilip BobzinGeraldine M. BolandChester & Frances BolesThomas & Joan BondiJulius & Sara BonelloJoseph & Anne BorekHarold M. BorgmannJohn BotkinMark & Serena BoulangerFrank & Diane BourgetJames & Jaclyn BoyleAlbert L. Braggs, IIISue Ann BranderLeandro BreaJeffrey & Maureen BrenkHenry L. BrennerDr. Timothy & Mrs. Sharon BresnahanJames & Mary BristowStephen & Mary BrooksJohn & Victoria BrueckRussell & Mary Ellen BrumbachGerald & Estrella BrummStanley & Janet BuczekDennis & Lan BuiJohn & Dawn BureWilliam & Joyce Burkart, Jr.Edmund & Jane BurkeJoseph & Sue Ellen BurliniFritz & Joan BuschRichard & Pamela ButlerThomas & Nancy ButtnyDonald & Joan ButzenRobert & Barbara Ann ButzenWilliam & Kathryn ByerDennis & Barbara ByrneJames P. CahillMichael & Mary Ann CahillJoseph & Isabelle CalabreseThomas & Maryu Ann CallumPaul A. & Kathleen McNulty CamastroNick T. CampbellRobert & Mary Lou CampbellJohn & Susan CapecchiFrank & Marge CapilupoClement & Elizabeth CaponiThomas J. CarrJohn D. Carrara, Jr.Jack A. CarriganRonald F. Carsella

Dr. Samuel J. CascioMichael & Eileen CaseyPatrick & Anne CaseyRobert T. CaseySamuel & Majorie CassatoJoseph & E. Faye CastonguayDr. Joseph & Mrs. Barbara CastroDr. Joseph & Mrs. Karen CernigliaThomas R. Challos, Jr.John & Mary Jeanne ChovanChristian Brothers College High SchoolChristian Brothers CommunityPhilip & Mary CiafardiniCasimir & Jeanette CieniawaDominick & Laura ClarizioThomas & Margaret ClarkeGeorge W. ClearyDavid & Kathleen CoffeyEdward & Mary Coffey, Jr.John & Patricia Coffey, IIIHenry J. ColemanRocco & Margaret CollettiJohn & Kathleen CollinsRaymond & Winifred CollinsTerrence J. CominaEdwin & Marie ComiskeyDr. Thomas & Mrs. Ann ConnellyJohn & Elizabeth ConnollyDonald & Mary Ellen ConwayRichard & Lillian CorazzaEdward & Mary CorcoranGerald & Florence Corcoran, Jr.John B. CorcoranRobert & Virginia CornogRichard & Nancy CorpolongoWilliam & Maureen CosgriffJeanne M. CostelloJ. Patrick & Arlen CraddockCretin Class of 1953William & Victoria CrittendenJohn T. CrowderLouis & Jacqueline CuddyLuis E. CuevasDavid & Anne CurleyDr. Gilbert & Mrs. Laura CyrTed & Jo DabrowskiDr. Anthony & Mrs. Beverly D’AgostinoRobert & Patricia DailyJohn C. Daleiden, Jr.John F. DaleyPaul & Loalane DalyWalter & Mary DalyDaniel & Margaret HenrickWallace & Barbara DanielsDr. William J. DarringtonFrancis & Melanie DavenportThomas & Judy DaviesHallam DawsonRobert & Sheila DayGerald P. Dechambre & Annette


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$100 - $499 Lasallians E. ButlerWilfred F. DeclercqJohn & Carol DeLeonardisTimothy DelroseRobert & Catherine DeRoseJames & Jean DevereuxRichard & Jean DiazLawrence & Shirley DietermanJoseph & Margaret DillenburgFr. Meinrad J. DindorfWilliam & Geri DisselhorstEdward & Carol DluzenJames & Maureen DoesselMatthew & Janet DoetschJames & Jacqueline DolanDr. Henry & Mrs. Mary DoldLeonard J. DominguezMichael & Jean DoranRichard & Jeanne DorganTimothy & Kathleen DoronJoseph & Sheila DowdJohn & Lynn DoyleRichard A. DoyleWayne & Mary Ann DraudtRichard & Marianne DrogoszKenneth & Carol DruhotDaniel P. DruryMarty & Mary DuffelsThomas & Kathleen DuffyKevin M. DugganJames & Mary DunfordPatrick E. DunlapFlorence N. DusselierJohn & Barbara DvorakRobert & Carol Dylla, Sr.Francis & Mary EhmannTerence & Peggy EidenJohn G. EileringGoldie G. EineckerMichael & Rita EischenRichard & Denise ElferingLeroy & Susan EndreJames & Virginia EngelDonald & Dorothy EngelsBr. Christopher Englert, FSCRalph & Mary EnglertJohn & Melissa FarrellAnthony M. FasanoJames & Rita FeenyPhilip & Barbara FeitenGerald & Rita FenlonEdward & Charlene FennellyHenry & Kate FernstromLeonard & Catherine FichtRobert & Jeanette FiebergStanley & Suzanne Fiorito, Jr.William & Phyllis FiralioArthur & Ruth FitzgeraldMichael & Kathleen FitzgeraldWilliam A. FitzgeraldJohn & Therese FitzpatrickRobert & Rosemarie Fitzsimmons

James & Julie FlahertyRobert & Janice FlanneryHenry D. FlaschKathleen S, FlemingJames & Mary Ellen FlynnRev. Joseph & Mrs. Nancy FontanaJoseph & Joanne ForgueH. Lance & Emily Forsdick, Sr.Eugene Peter & Joyce FoxJerry FoxDavid & Gayle Ann FoyGeorge C. FrckaDr. Alan & Mrs. Dorothy FredianBr. Paul French, FSCJoseph & Jeanie FroehlingMargaret M. FryJeff FrystakW. Michael & Ellen FunckDr. Sylvester & Mrs. Maxine FurmanekJohn & Tina GaffneyWalter & Ellen GajcakRobert & Carmen GallagherJames & Donna GalvinRichard J. GayDonald & Mary GeimerBr. Richard Geimer, FSCDonald & Julie GeistRobert & Andrea GeistJohn J. GelasiAgnes A. GerlachC.F. & Teresa GeroldGerry CichanowskiPatrick & Theresa GibbonsEttore & Loretta GiovannettiRichard & Nancy GirardRichard & Janice GlanzEdward & Kathleen GleasonJohn & Mary Ann GlenskiThomas & Sandra GlodekSteven J. GloeckleCarol Z. GobelEdward & Judith GonwaDr. John & Mrs. Laverne GoossensKenneth & Lynne GotschJeffery & Helen GottsteinHarry & Susan GraceTimothy & Jolene GrahamJohn & Patti GreeneSalvatore & Barbara GrigolaTerrence & Mary Ellen GrisimVictor E. GroosKathi GrummelFrancis & Christine GrzeticFrank L. GuagentiJohn & Dianne GuestMartha GuilfordJohn & Beverly GuyWayne F. HaagRobert J. HaberskiJohn & Lucille HahnJerome & Carol Halloran

Theresa A. HammerPaul & Catherine HampelEmil & Barbara HannerNancy M. HannonMichael & Loretta HanrahanRobert & Nancy Happ, Sr.James T. HartJames & Phyllis HartfordRobert & Mary HauwillerRichard & Mary Ann HawkinsJoanne T. HayterJames & Diane HealyThomas J. HeffernanMichael & Patricia HeffronDr. David L. HeggRobert & Mary HeidenrichEugene A. HeidkampDonald & Mary HeldmannMartin & Corinne HeneghanEdwin & Cheryl HenrichFrank & Beverly Herbig, Jr.John & Debra HeydtDr. Jeffrey R. HighlandMichael & Victoria HildenRobert & Nancy HillingerLeo & Patricia HirschRoy & Ruth Holm, Jr.Charles & Ruth HouleDr. James HoulihanPatrick H. HoulihanMichael & Janice HourihaneRay G. HovenHugh & Dorothy HoyleJack & Cathy HubenyMichael & Margaret HuckTerrence & Marjorie HurleyWilliam & Diane HurleyThomas D. Hutchings, Jr.Samuel & Siham IbrahimDonald & Barbara InnocenziMichael & Nancy IrelandWilliam & Jeanne Isbell, Jr.Charles & Margaret JacobusPaul J. JaegerAnthony & Patricia JandaAlan & Judy JaniaBr. Roman Jarosz, FSCCharles & Mary JensikJames & Patricia JohnsonJohn J JohnsonJohn & Vicki JohnsonRobert & Suzanne JohnsonRobert & Mary JonesMichael F. JordanMichael & Patricia JorgensonLawrence Jostock & Gloria ClancyMichael E. Juhan & Gayle SweitzerJoan M. JungkunzNorman & Margaret JungmannBetty KabaraHarold J. KaepplingerRosemary Kaiser


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Lasallians $100 - $499Wayne F. KalinaRoman & Mary Jean KaminDr. Michael & Mrs. Beverly KarbowskiClifford & Barbara KarchmerJames S. KargolKenneth & Audrey KarrelsRonald & Margaret KassenDennis & Karen KaveEdmund & Donamarie KeefeThomas F. KeenanRobert & Barbara KeenerStephen & Rae Marie KeippelRobert & Regina Kelley, Jr.Robert & Anne KemperDonald & Nancy Kempf, Jr.Charles T. KennyPatrick J. KennyJohn & Catherine KentC. Thomas & Carol KerinsEugene F. KernanJacob D. KertzGeorge & Mary Ann Kies, Jr.Dr. James E. KingWilliam P. Kinsella & Margaret GettingsJames & Virginia KintzDonald & Rosemary KleinJohn C. KleinDonald & Linda KluckenGordon & Karen KnappGerard & Sylvia KochJerome & Janice KokosinskiLouis & Carolyn Kolssak, IIEdward & Barbara KomacMary Elizabeth KopkoRonald W. KorajczykAdrienne A. KotrbaJames & Judy KotrbaJohn & Sylvia KronesWilliam M. KronschnabelKenneth & Nancy KufnerWilliam L. KugelmanEdward & Rose Ann KuhnThomas & Donella KurczRobert P. KurekLa Salle Institute CommunityMichael & Linda LaakLambert Hall CommunityMichael & Jana LangWilliam & Margaret LangloisRonald & Nancy LangtonPaul & Alice Ann LaRoccaDonald L. LaRocqueRod & Jan LarsonLaSalle Retreat CenterRaymond & Caroline LauerGeraldine M. LawhonWilliam & Carolyn LeahyJames & Delight LeBelKenneth & Karen LeeHerman & Barbara LeFevreJames & Lyn LeFevre

Michael & Margaret LesiakLawrence LevandGrace LeVanderRichard & Joal LewandowskiRobert & Virginia LindseyDr. Peter & Mrs. Cathie LioJames M. LivingstonMichael & Linda LoosJames & Christine LotarskiEdward & Phyllis LouisJack L. Luft, Jr.Thomas & Verone LundThomas & Elsie LunneyRichard H. LutterThomas & Dolores LynchRobert MaceWalter & Marie MaciagMelvin & Karen MackDaniel & Louann MackowiakSteven J. MacMillan & Kristina M. RoachRobert & Jeanne MadayJohn & Kathy MaherMichael MaherEmil & Mary Ann Mahler, Jr.Robert & Margaret MahonyJohn & Kay MallonDaniel & Michele MaloneRobert & Donna Rae MaloneJoseph & Mary ManningRoger N. MargottoNicholas & Mary MarinoWilliam & Vivian MarkhamBr. Alfred Marshall, FSCJoseph MartinoGeorge MasekLucian & Christine MasurJoseph E. MatulonisWilliam & Patricia MayerStephen & Carol MayianDr. Paul & Mrs. Maureen McAvoyThomas & Sandra McBreenJudge Henry & Mrs. Genevieve McCarrJohn & Catherine McCarthyThomas & Joanne McCarverDavid & Kathleen McCauleyKevin & Therese McCloughanDr. Michael & Mrs. Noreen McCormackMichael & Helen McDermottMaureen M. McDonaldHugh C. McElroyFrank & Anne McFaddenAnne McGivernDolores G. McGowanJohn & Margaret McGuireSean & Erin McGuireThomas & Nancy McHughPatrick & Lynne McKiernanTimothy & Sandy McLeanBarbara McMannis

William & Judy McMurrayJohn & Judith Meade, Sr.James D. MeagherJohn & Dolores MeehanJohn & Donna MeersmanEdward & Mary Ellen MellonGeorge H. MendellGeorge & Connie MercerWilliam & Ellen MerkleMartin & Mary Beth MerschStephen & Darlene MetzgerCharles & Susanne MeyerWilliam & Sheryl MeyerEdward & Terri MeyersGeorge J. Meyers, Jr.Edward & Martha MichalakGus & Mary MichudaWilliam W MidwoodPeter & Martha MihajlovFrancis & Katherine MileyWilliam & Sally Millon, Jr.John & Anne MitchellWerner & Louann MittermeierJohn & Judy MoellerDennis R. MolendaKen & Rita MonacoDennis & Barb MondlPaul & Eileen Monteil, Jr.Br. Dale Mooney, FSCRobert & Lois MooreAlfred MorettiDonald & Jacqueline MorganDr. James A. MormanCharles & Rosemary Morris, Jr.Most Rev. Daniel RyanIrving & Dolores MotluckMotorola Mobility LLCMichael & Marie MourekMr. John CahillCasimir & Edwina MrozLouis & Susan Mueller, Jr.James & Carol Murphy, IIJoan E. MurphyWilliam & Therese MurphyJohn & Ann MurrayKathy MurrayMichael P. MurrayMr. & Mrs. Donald MusilMick & Joanie NealDennis & Jane NefeldtThomas W. NefeldtDaniel & Judith NeubauerThomas M. NeumannJohn J. NeumayerKenneth & Arlene NewtonRobert & Linda NewtonJames T. NicholsEdmund J. NightingaleRegis M. Nolan & LaVaughn M. GreenwaltThomas J. NolanRobert & Sharon Nolter


Page 29: Faith & Zeal, Winter 2013

$100 - $499 LasalliansGeorge & Mary Ann NoonanJohn & Evelyne NorrisJack & Sharon NovakGary & Ellen Marie NowickasEdith M. NowickiRobert & Helen NugentBr. Frederick J. Oberrieder, FSCHonorable Gregory O’BrienJames P. O’Brien, Jr.Raymond & Mary O’BrienRichard & Jane O’GradyStephen & Lori O’HaraDennis M. OhlerEdward & Georgiana OkenDonald M. Olcikas, Sr.John & Rita O’LearyWilliam S. O’Leary, IIIDr. James & Mrs. Jennie OllmannMarlene D. OlsenDennis & Mary Lu O’MalleyEdward & Linda Marie O’ReillyVincent & Joan O’ReillyKenneth P. OsmolakRobert & Dolores PadulaRobert & Michaeline PajorTheodore & Marilyn PajorGeri PanickoMichael & Maryanne PaqueRimantas & Aristida ParakininkasWilliam & Joyce ParisiDonald & Frances PassmannJohn A. PaternoDr. Bernard & Mrs. Therese PawlowskiRaymond & Love PazdziorWilliam & Mary PedersonRene & Linda PelletierDonald & Dorothy PerronScott & Susan PersbyEdwin & Dolores PeszekJanet C. PetersonPatricia C. PetersonGeorge & Cecile PfaffJohn S. PflaumerJohn & Nancy Phelan, Jr.Michael & Kathy PhelanMichael & Mary PhennerBob, Catherine, & Eric PietrusiakDr. Robert & Mrs. Penelope PirseinJames & Michaelina Pisano, Jr.George C. PlattAndrew & Suzanne PlummerJames & Dorothy PorterEdward & Ellyn PotokarThomas & Dottie PowersDr. Joseph & Mrs. Jean PrieboyMrs. Joseph ProchaskaJohn W. ProchutWilliam J. ProvostAndrew PrzybyloRosario & Beverlee PullanoJames F. Purgatorio & Mary Beth Howard

James M. Quinn & Agnes SebastianJohn F. QuinnGene J. QuiriniCyril & Theresa Ann RaceMark & Sandra RappGregory W. RatajRev. Patrick ReardenDaniel & Janice RedfearnJohn & Judith RedmondRichard & Rosemary ReesWilliam & Roberta RekusKenneth M. RepholzLawrence & Rill Ann ReuterLouis & Diane RichterRobert & Susan RileyThomas & Linda RinellaDaniel & Barbara RiordanJoseph & Marilyn RipkaJohn & Marija RiskaBr. Michael Rivers, FSCRobert & Carol RizzieJohn & Carolyn RobertsonMaura W. RobertsonJoseph RookNicholas & Diane RoschKenneth & Mary Ann RoseRandy & Bonnie RoseJan RossDaniel & Ann RussellRoger & Donna RussellGail A. RutherAnthony H. Sacco, Jr.John & Betty SantiJames & Barbara SarazinPatricia Ann SauerMary Jean SaundersBrian & Linda SavagePatrick & Melissa Savage, Jr.Joseph & Mary ScanlonAndrew & Barbara Scelsi, Jr.Michael & Pam ScelsiDavid & Sandra SchenkRichard & Patricia Schermerhorn, Sr.Robert F. Schermerhorn, Sr.Paul & Kathleen SchmidtStanley & Joan SchmidtWilliam & Judy SchmidtAlan & Marie SchmiedererPeter & Mary SchmitWalter & Mary SchmitWilliam & Maureen Schmit, Jr.Daniel & Joyce SchmittRobert & Shannon SchmittCharles & Elaine SchmitzVirginia L. SchraderRichard A. SchranzDonald T & Germaine SchroederRichard & Barbara SchulzTheodore & Shirley SchwederStephen & Joan SchwegelJohn & Karen SchwindRichard Sciortino

Michael & Jeannie ScottUlric C. Scott & Deborah J. SchreiberJoseph & Joan Sebastian, Jr.Earl E. SegerdahlJames SengDaniel & Rita SevenichJerry & Marilyn SextonWilliam & Judy ShayJoseph “Tim” & Sue SheehanF. Hugh & Mollie SherryJohn L. ShrakeLoras & Rosemary SieveGeorge & Mary SimonJudith L. SitarzRobert & Frances SkempEdward & Roberta SkripJoel SliegelMel SloanJohn & Sandra SlugaDonald & Debby SmithMichael & Patricia SommervilleJames & Patricia SoverWilliam & Gerry SowinskiBr. Martin Spellman, FSCJames & Mary SpreitzerKristine StablerRev. Robert P. StamschrorDr. Marvin & Mrs. Ann StarzykJohn & Chris StaubRonald & Loretta SteigerwaldNicholas A. SteinJohn & Sharon StengleinMichael & Carol StephanRobert & Valerie StockmarTerrance & Linda StrauchFred & Linda Stumbaugh, Jr.William C. SudkampRaymond & Margaret SuerthCharles & Mary SugrueRose Mary SullivanTerrence & Monica SullivanTerry & Pam SullivanThomas & Diane SullivanDr. Thomas & Mrs. Mary Susan SullivanPhillip & Betty SvetichThomas J. SvobodaGerald & Lourdes SwansonHarry & Mary Ann Sweeney, Jr.Dr. Walter S. SzalajkaDr. Richard & Mrs. Marilyn TarizzoGeorge & Adeline TefftClarence & Lois TelkesDr. John & Mrs. Regina TeskThe William Sullivan FamilyAlfred Thiede & Christine TaylorFrank & Virginia Thinnes, Jr.Louis & Patricia Tinucci, Jr.Charlene A. TjadenRichard & Betty ToepferHarry & Jo Ann TrauschDonald G. Tres


Page 30: Faith & Zeal, Winter 2013

Lasallians $100 - $499

Lasallians$100 - $499Robert & Janet Tres, Sr.Howard & Suzanne TrudeauRobert & Patricia TrudeauClarence & Arlene TurekCarl & Cynthia TuteraChris & Mary TwarDavid L. UedingMark Ulankiewicz & Joyce WittJeffrey & Marcy Van FossenDennis & Jacquelyn Van MieghemGeorge & Nancy Van OsRobert & Elizabeth VarnesJoseph & Michelle VavrusaGeorge & Isabel VoitikDr. Dominick & Mrs. Patricia VoliniKurt & Cynthia WachtlerMary WagnerRichard & Patricia WagnerGunther & Judy WaldeckJohn & Joan WallaceGerald M. WalshAlbert & Lorraine WalterHarlan & Marilyn WandEdward & Dale WardJames & Joan Ward

John, Teresa, & Forrest WardBarton J. WarrenPatrick & Noreen WatersDexter Watson & Robin Elizabeth JonesVernon & Bonnie WegenerLeonard & Kathleen WeigelKenneth & Mary Beth WejmanRobert & Barbara WelchDr. Philip & Mrs. Marion WeynaFrank & Lucy WhalenRobert & Jewel WhiteJohn & Jane WhitesideEdward S. WiacekDr. Thomas & Mrs. Barbara WibergAlfred B. WieczorekRichard & Patricia WierRobert & Joan WilhelmPearl K. WillDonald & Nancy WilliamsEdward & Mary Janet WilliamsDr. Lawrence & Mrs. Betty WilmoreJames & Rose Wilson, Jr.Dr. Paul & Mrs. Carmen WilsonThomas E. WilsonMary Jo WiltgenKenneth & Patricia WinchelCharles F. Wiser, Jr.

Kenneth & Judith WitcherDr. Richard & Mrs. Christine WitekPeter & Nancy WittieWalter & Suzanne WlodekLeslie R. WolfGregory & Elfriede WolfeMary E. WolfeRobert & Patricia WorthLawrence & Sharon WsolVaughn & Judith WuertzJames J. Wyza, Jr.David YankeeJack & Caroline ZacharyRonald & Colette ZankoDaniel & Irene ZauraDavid & Laura ZehrenEugene & Merrie ZellF. Anthony & Jean ZellEdward & Pamela ZenzolaAngelo ZeraJames & Geraldine ZilinskyDonald & Irene ZimmerTerrence M. Zimmer & Sandra Corry-ZimmerWilliam L. ZimmerJohn C. ZordanRobert J. Zuccaro

Due to printing constraints, only gifts of $100 and more are listed in the print edition of Faith & Zeal.

To view the entire Honor Roll of Donors, please visit our website:


Page 31: Faith & Zeal, Winter 2013

Friends,The Faces of the Midwest District are the brightest reflection of your generous support to the Christian Brothers.

Those faces reflect the return on your investment, and they give clear evidence of the impact your gifts have as we fulfill the Mission of our Founder, St. John Baptist de La Salle.

We know that impact and return are important to you. They’re important to us, too. Let’s look at how your gifts are invested: • Vocations. Your gifts are used to support young men in the various stages of formation; the Novitiate, Postulancy, and the earliest stage of discernment, our “Contact” program. • Senior Brothers. Supporting the care of our retired and elderly Brothers, in community and in health care facilities when needed, is a principal recipient of your support.

• Outreach to the Poor. From science equipment for a Lasallian school in Kenya, to textbooks for our school serving native American students in Montana, you help the Brothers minister to those less fortunate.

• Lay Formation. Scores of lay colleagues each year grow in their understanding of, and commitment to, our Lasallian Mission.

Know that you are in our prayers this holiday season, and thank you for remembering the Brothers with your gift. From our Midwest District family to yours, God’s choicest blessings at this special time of year.


Robert L. CummingsChief Development Officer

Brother Larry Schatz, FSC, Provincial/Visitor and

Rob Cummings, Chief Development Officer

for the Midwest District

If we can be of service to you in your year-end giving to the Christian Brothers

of the Midwest, please don’t hesitate to call.

Rob CummingsChief Development Officer

[email protected]


Back Cover Photo: Israel Roberts, Christian Brothers High School junior striding down the hall.


Page 32: Faith & Zeal, Winter 2013

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