Download pdf - Faith Messenger Feb 2015



So is my word that goes out from my

mouth: It will not return to me empty, but

will accomplish what I desire and achieve

the purpose for which I sent it.

Isa. 55:11

We’re kicking off the year of 2015 in the Name of the Lord with a printing of 25,000 copies of the Gospel of John in Tamil Nadu to be used in follow-up and discipleship.

Several times throughout the year, our ministry partners, David Jerald and the Mount Olive Foundation, blitz Hindu festivals with thousands of tracts. They set up booths near the entrances to the festival events and, over the course of the year, will distribute approximately 100,000 tracts in this way. From this blitzes, many people respond with a desire to know more about Christ. At that point, the Mount Olive Foundation will send a Gospel of John to the inquiring mind and connect them to the nearest Bible-preaching church. Christian Triumph is privileged to be able to provide this literature which should provide follow-up to tract evangelism throughout 2015. We thank each of you who support our ministry through your donations that made this Gospel of John printing possible. Please take a moment of prayer to dedicate the distribution of these booklets to be used of the Holy Spirit to bring precious Indian souls to a saving faith in Christ.

See, I am doing a new thing!

Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?

Isa. 43:19 NIV


India Mission Report........……….2-3

Does Jesus Care.....……..………… 4

Trouble….......…………….….....4- 5

Home Missions……………….........6

Missions and letters……...……..….7

*Volume 79 *No. 02 *Published by Christian Triumph Co. *Permit # 695 * FEB 2015


India Soul Winning Mission Report. October & November 2014

By David Jerald and Missionary Team

1. North India Missions North India is called the graveyard for missions! Many missionaries have lost their lives in the past for their Christian faith as martyrs. I have felt a great burden for souls and have prayed for 1 year to proceed with a mission trip to North India. Primarily, the trip is to encourage the missionaries working in tough fields with challenges and persecution. I went to 4 states Delhi, Utter Pradesh, Haryana and Uttaranchal, and was able to encourage 27 missionaries there, as we support only a few with prayers and finances. The scenes I saw there were heart breaking. Church buildings were broken; idols were put inside the Christian properties and Christian believers forced to reconvert to Hinduism by force of knives and swords. I hope you can understand the terrible situation. Please pray for the missionaries and believers in North India. There is a great need in North India. If you have a leading from God please let me know how you can help them. Here is a broken Church building:

Looted Christian Church building:

2. Ministry in Tamil Nadu: As we support 45 missionaries all over India, 25 are from Tamil Nadu. Things in Tamil Nadu are not serious like North India. All our missionaries are doing well although some face challenges. Gladson John from Vadipatti, Tiruvanamalai district faced several challenges when he went into a new village to preach. The people in the new village, Parappadi, are worshiping kali the killer idol false god. P 3

Faith Messenger

Permit #695

Published monthly, except July and August.


P.O. Box 5187

Corpus Christi, Texas 78405

L.Y. Janes, Founder (deceased); Israel Hernandez,

President; William Anderson, Vice-President;

Fred Pena, 2nd

Vice-President; Diana Beletic,

Secretary/Treasurer; Una Collins, Asst. Sec./Treas.

This periodical is issued without charge in the name

of the Lord Jesus to help inspire child-like faith and

maintain Christ-like simplicity among the people of

God. To send donations or for your FREE

SUBSCRIPTION, write to the address above or

contact Christian Triumph Co. at

[email protected]. Or see us on the web



They live under fear of death, doing animal sacrifices and bringing evil spirits into some of the young people in a festival. There he preached the Gospel and started open air prayer meetings along with a Children’s Sunday school. 10 to 20 people attend the meetings in the 2 new villages. In lalkudi, Trichy district, our missionary Amalaraj started 2 new church plants in 2 hamlets. In Madurai district, missionary Pradeep, started a new Church plant. In Virudunagar district: Missionary Selvam started 3 house plants with great opposition. In general, we approach the new villages with love and concern towards the children. We tell Jesus Stories to the Children and help them with pens and pencils along with clothes and food. These items make it easier for the children to go to school. When the parents see this love they slowly come to hear the Gospel. In the months of October and November, 1,291 souls believed Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. As December is a month of Christmas celebrations, we use it as a mission field opportunity to reach children through our missionaries. We adopt 30 villages. Each village has approximately 50 to 75 children. By spending just 2.5 dollar per child we expect 2000 children to benefit. We will bless them with a Bible story book, a new set of clothes, pen, pencil, rubber and some gifts. Please continue to pray for this great need. Horrible situation of the Children in our mission fields. (See pictures above, 2nd


Next month in Tamil Nadu we have Pongal- a harvest festival where we target to have a 10 day mission trip. Our plan is to preach the Gospel in 7 towns as many non believers gather in public places. We need thousands of Gospel tracts and Bibles, food, medicine and diesel for the trip. What ever God leads please go forward to take part in this soul winning ministry. I will present a yearly report at the end of the month. Our ongoing needs: 1. 500 Bibles- 1 Bible costs $3 2. 1000 Study Bibles- 1 Bible costs $10 3. 100,000 Gospel tracts in Tamil costs $ 700 4. 3 Missionaries need monthly support - $ 50/month 5. Food and Medicines -$ 300 Our prayers will be with your families. We expect your encouragement during these hard times of preaching the Gospel in India. We are so pleased to hear from you. God Bless David Jerald & Missionary David Jerald & Missionary David Jerald & Missionary David Jerald & Missionary Team.Team.Team.Team.



By Anita

WWWWhen I was still a school girl, my friend

and I decided to make a trip by public transportation. She walked with a limp and had a problem with her hand. I helped her with her parcels; we had enough money to make the trip.

WWWWe boarded a bus heading for Los

Angeles. I was to place the money in the fare receptacle. Some way, a coin was dropped. After we were seated, and the money accounted for, sure enough, a quarter was missing. That quarter was to pay on another portion of our journey. WWWWhat would I do now? My friend would

have difficulty walking the long distance if we couldn't pay the fare. She would have difficulty managing if she tried to go alone on the bus. I needed help - NOW! A prayer must surely have gone up in desperation!

LLLLooking down the bus aisle, there

seemed to be a quarter on the floor. Before long, we made our way down the aisle to a seat that was empty, near the possible quarter. To my dismay, the shiny piece turned out to be a bolt or some object in the floor. The Lord knew how much I needed that quarter!!

AAAAt one of the bus stops, a passenger who

had been sitting far back on the bus came forward, and in approaching the door, he said to me, “You dropped this.” To my surprise, it was a quarter. WHAT A RELIEF! Many times I have recalled that perplexing incident. Thank the Lord for caring for us!

TTTThere is a song: Does Jesus Care? The

lovely chorus rings out: O yes, He cares, I

know He cares, His heart is touched with

my grief. When the days are weary, The

long nights dreary, I know my Savior cares.

We can be assured that Jesus cares for each one of us.

“Casting all your care upon him; for he Casting all your care upon him; for he Casting all your care upon him; for he Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for youcareth for youcareth for youcareth for you.” 1 Peter 5:7 KJV

Gentle Shepherd

Triumphant King

In this world you will have trouble. But

take heart! I have overcome the world.

John 16:33 NIV - JESUS

By Editor: Two of many, perfect

characteristics about Jesus are that He is real and always up-to-date! In the scriptures, He says it like it is. We do and will have troubles in this world, whether in the USA or other countries. As the poet, George Bell, wrote in the November 2014 Faith Messenger: that is because - we are not Home yet.

As a youth, I remember hearing the


founder of Christian Triumph, Brother Janes, ask: Where are the miracles? In his life, trouble’s grip was familiar: large printers broke down, hurricanes threatened, heat was often oppressive, and, yet, many needs were met by fasting, prayer and a strong belief in the Lord.

When, as a teenager, I heard his question about miracles, I was a little perplexed because this trusting, dedicated man of God, assisted by many devoted saints, sent untold pounds of Gospel literature to South America and other countries, despite difficulties. In looking back, I believe he might have asked that question about miracles to awaken the faith of those around him and of those who received the mission’s periodicals.

TROUBLES! Some days, it just seems as though

they hang on – like a bad cold in the icy winter!

When trouble strikes, it may be through illness, family, autos, house repairs, jam-packed schedules, weary bodies, empty pockets, and the list goes on. And when things get tough, this old earth can be a lonely, self-seeking place!

JESUS SPEAKS: ...take heart!

I have overcome the world. This gentle Shepherd and

triumphant King- is exactly the same loving God as He was many years ago when David, the Psalmist, left us a little

song about his own diverse feelings. Why

are you downcast, O my soul? Why so

disturbed within me? Put your hope in

God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior

and my God… Psa.42:5-6 NIV

In 2015, there remains HOPE! Sarah Young writes these divinely inspired words from her JESUS CALLING book – referring to His promises in the scriptures which are real

and up to date. Jesus: Adverse circumstances

become growth opportunities when you

affirm your trust in Me no matter

what…Your continual assertion of trusting

Me will strengthen our relationship and

keep you close to Me. Jesus’ help in times of

enlightenment or needs, whether labeled answered prayer or miracles is real and available in 2015! Read Matthew 6 and 7.

He tends his flock like a shepherd: He

gathers the lambs in his arms and carries

them close to his heart… Isa.40:11

God cares! Seek first his kingdom and his

righteousness, and all these things will be given to

you as well. Therefore, do not worry about

tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.

Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matt.6 NIV


���� Please pray for those in other countries.


HOME MISSIONS Corpus Christi, TX

By Elena

Christian Triumph Pastor, Israel

Hernandez, is like Nehemiah in the Bible;

he too wears more than one hat. He

worked many years as a laborer but even

then supported and helped with the

Christian Triumph church, before being

called by God to shepherd this


In these last few years, he witnessed

the deterioration of the approximately 70

year old buildings and was disturbed to

see their unsafe condition. Desiring a

secure place to worship for the

congregation, he spent much time in

prayer. As well as working in the

mailroom, office and caring for the

property, he always kept busy but looked

forward, with faith, to the construction of

another church. Even a car wreck which

almost blinded him in one eye did not

prevent him from seeking God’s answer.

The construction process has not been

easy because there has been opposition,

changes of ideas, changes in contractors

and difficulties that suddenly emerged.

But like Nehemiah, Brother Israel has a

heart for God’s ministry; he fasts and

prays and believes in the power of God.

In reading Nehemiah 4:3NIV, one can

see there are all types of opposition to

rebuilding. For instance, Tobiah, one of

the discouraging individuals in this true

story even said, What they are building –

if even a fox climbed up on it, he would

break down their wall of stones.

The enemies of God’s Kingdom know

that the Lord’s sacred places will be great

blessings for the salvation of souls,

including a home mission church in this

Corpus Christi neighborhood which is

inhabited by drug users, prostitutes, and

offenders. Just because we are in the

United States does not mean that we keep

free from enemies. God does protect us

though - as His guards for us are angels

covering this place.

In this year, 2015, we, the Bible

students, and the congregation continue

to join with Pastor Israel, praying and

fasting for miracles, while completing our

studies and the construction project. We

wait upon the Lord through trusting in

Him and by helping with donations.

Because the church is also the

foundation for the non-profit Spanish

and English literature missionary work,

Rev. Israel is also President of the

Christian Triumph Company. Three of

us who work in the office and mail room

attend the church also. We are aways

happy to receive the very nice,

encouraging letters from our Brothers

and Sisters in the Lord. Since the church

and company are united, we need your

prayers. Please ask God to help us finish

this mission church.

Nehemiah faced any crisis he had with

prayer, For some days I mourned and

fasted and prayed before the God of

heaven. Nehemiah 1:4NIV. This is exactly

what Pastor Israel does along with the

church. And we are assured in Nehemiah

4:20NIV, that we are not alone. God’s

work will be done - because - Our God

will fight for us.

Please remember us. Thank you, Elena



MISSIONS! by Editor

As mentioned before in the Faith

Messenger, Wayne from Missouri, understands

Home Missions. He makes a special effort to help

kids who are in the Judicial system. Recently, he

was interviewed by a local newspaper and said

his desire began when a deacon at a local church

was preparing to send help overseas. Wayne

asked why the church wasn’t helping locally.

The answer was: There’s no need here.

Wayne reminds us again of Jesus’ story

of the poor man, Lazarus, who lay outside the

gate of the rich man, longing to eat what fell

from the table. He adds that there is nothing

wrong with being rich, but he has seen people in

need go to churches and ask for help and get

turned away right then or their requests get sent

to a committee for a decision.

In talking with the kids who are in

trouble, Wayne tries to refrain from preaching

to them. He does tell them that he reads the

Bible and that each one of them has a soul and

God loves them as much as anyone. He says,

YOU ARE SOMEBODY! Then Wayne asks of us

a question that is very introspective: Why would

anyone want to kick someone when he or she is


Wayne makes it clear to the kids that

each person has to do his or her part in changing

one’s own life. He says: I tell them, we’ll run

interference for you, but you have to carry the

ball. People have to make up their mind to be


Giving to others is not only about money;

sometimes it involves wisdom, truthfulness and

time spent, especially with those who have been

hurt or abused.

The most important aspect of home

missions or otherwise is remembering that every

person of any age has an eternal soul! Wayne

ends his article with: Something has to change in

this country. And I agree while adding to that:

And let it begin with me. Editor of the Faith Messenger

LETTER OF BLESSING Dear Brothers and Sisters, May the peace and blessing of God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. I give thanks to God for you, as I should since your faith and brotherly love is always growing. I have been so happy with your ministry and I tell this openly at the church I attend. May God help you to fulfill all your good intentions and may your faith motivate you to do them. Rosy, Cuba

LETTERS OF REQUEST Blessings, My wife and I have a ministry, Psalmists of Strength, in which we visit the sick in hospitals and jails. We sing and pray for the sick and bring them the good news of salvation. We need tracts and booklets in Spanish for this evangelism. We appreciate anything you can help us with. David P. Aguas Buenas, Puerto Rico

Special Greetings from the Congregation Messiah Christian Church in El Salvador, I am writing to request evangelical Bible literature for the work we do in communities and neighborhoods in our city each Sunday. We also visit hospitals. Thanking you in advance, and may God continue to use you in this beautiful work. David M. El Salvador

Dear Brothers and Sisters, In the love and unity of Christ, through the Spirit and prayer, we write this letter trusting our Lord that it will be answered according to His will. I serve the Lord as a leader of a project that builds up and support missions and churches. Through this project we distribute biblical materials, such as tracts, magazines and Christian books. I hope that you will support this project with any help you can send, according to the will of God. Yusnier P. Cuba

------------------------------------------------------ Thank you, our readers and friends, for

all your help, support, and prayers! God bless

you each one as, together, we continue

proclaiming the Good News of John 3:16.


Faith Messenger

A publication of Christian Triumph Company

PO BOX 5187

Corpus Christi, TX 78465

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For God so loved the world that

he gave his one and only Son,

that whoever believes in him

shall not perish

but have eternal life. John 3:16 NIV In him was life, and that life was

the light of men. The light shines in the darkness…John 1:4-5 NIV

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Corpus Christi, Texas

Permit # 695