
FaceFaceFaceFace►Muscles of facial expression.Muscles of facial expression.►Nerve supply (sensory, Nerve supply (sensory,

motor).motor).►Arterial supply.Arterial supply.►Venous Drainage.Venous Drainage.►Lymph drainage.Lymph drainage.►Clinical points.Clinical points.

►Muscles of facial expression.Muscles of facial expression.►Nerve supply (sensory, Nerve supply (sensory,

motor).motor).►Arterial supply.Arterial supply.►Venous Drainage.Venous Drainage.►Lymph drainage.Lymph drainage.►Clinical points.Clinical points.

Skin of the faceSkin of the faceSkin of the faceSkin of the face Posses numerous sweat and sebaceous Posses numerous sweat and sebaceous

glands.glands. Connected to the underlying bones by loose Connected to the underlying bones by loose

connective tissue.connective tissue. No deep fascia in the face.No deep fascia in the face. Muscles of facial expression are located in the Muscles of facial expression are located in the

superficial fascia of the face.superficial fascia of the face. Wrinkles occurs perpendicular to line of Wrinkles occurs perpendicular to line of

muscle contraction.muscle contraction. Surgical incision is done through the wrinkle Surgical incision is done through the wrinkle


Posses numerous sweat and sebaceous Posses numerous sweat and sebaceous glands.glands.

Connected to the underlying bones by loose Connected to the underlying bones by loose connective tissue.connective tissue.

No deep fascia in the face.No deep fascia in the face. Muscles of facial expression are located in the Muscles of facial expression are located in the

superficial fascia of the face.superficial fascia of the face. Wrinkles occurs perpendicular to line of Wrinkles occurs perpendicular to line of

muscle contraction.muscle contraction. Surgical incision is done through the wrinkle Surgical incision is done through the wrinkle


Sensory Nerves of Sensory Nerves of FaceFace From ophthalmic nerveFrom ophthalmic nerve::1.1. Lacrimal (lateral palpebral) nerve.Lacrimal (lateral palpebral) nerve.

2.2. Supraorbital nerve.Supraorbital nerve.

3.3. Supratrochlear nerve.Supratrochlear nerve.

4.4. Infratrochlear nerve.Infratrochlear nerve.

5.5. External nasal nerve.External nasal nerve.

Sensory Nerves of Sensory Nerves of FaceFace From Maxillary nerveFrom Maxillary nerve::1.1. Infraorbital nerve.Infraorbital nerve.

2.2. Zygomatico-facial nerve.Zygomatico-facial nerve.

3.3. Zygomatico-temporal nerve.Zygomatico-temporal nerve.

Sensory Nerves of Sensory Nerves of FaceFace From Mandibular nerveFrom Mandibular nerve::1.1. Mental nerve.Mental nerve.

2.2. Buccal nerve.Buccal nerve.

3.3. Auriculo-temporal nerve.Auriculo-temporal nerve.

Sensory Nerves of Sensory Nerves of FaceFace From cervical plexusFrom cervical plexus::1.1. Great auricular nerve (from C2 Great auricular nerve (from C2

and C3 from cervical plexus) and C3 from cervical plexus) supplies the area of skin over supplies the area of skin over the angle of the mandible and the angle of the mandible and parotid gland.parotid gland.

Motor Nerves of FaceMotor Nerves of Face

From facial nerveFrom facial nerve::1.1. Temporal branch.Temporal branch.

2.2. Zygomatic branch.Zygomatic branch.

3.3. Buccal branch.Buccal branch.

4.4. Mandibular branch.Mandibular branch.

5.5. Cervical branch.Cervical branch.

Arterial Supply of FaceArterial Supply of FaceArterial Supply of FaceArterial Supply of Face1.1. Facial artery:Facial artery:

Branch of external carotid artery.Branch of external carotid artery. Curves around the inferior border of the mandible Curves around the inferior border of the mandible

at the antero-inferior angle of masseter muscle at the antero-inferior angle of masseter muscle (site to feel its pulsation).(site to feel its pulsation).

Has a tortuous course in the face.Has a tortuous course in the face. Directed upward and medial till the angle of the Directed upward and medial till the angle of the

mouth then ascends on the side of the nose till the mouth then ascends on the side of the nose till the medial angle of the eye.medial angle of the eye.

Branches in the face:Branches in the face:1.1. Submental artery.Submental artery.2.2. Inferior labial artery.Inferior labial artery.3.3. Superior labial artery.Superior labial artery.4.4. Lateral nasal artery.Lateral nasal artery.

1.1. Facial artery:Facial artery: Branch of external carotid artery.Branch of external carotid artery. Curves around the inferior border of the mandible Curves around the inferior border of the mandible

at the antero-inferior angle of masseter muscle at the antero-inferior angle of masseter muscle (site to feel its pulsation).(site to feel its pulsation).

Has a tortuous course in the face.Has a tortuous course in the face. Directed upward and medial till the angle of the Directed upward and medial till the angle of the

mouth then ascends on the side of the nose till the mouth then ascends on the side of the nose till the medial angle of the eye.medial angle of the eye.

Branches in the face:Branches in the face:1.1. Submental artery.Submental artery.2.2. Inferior labial artery.Inferior labial artery.3.3. Superior labial artery.Superior labial artery.4.4. Lateral nasal artery.Lateral nasal artery.

Arterial Supply of ScalpArterial Supply of ScalpArterial Supply of ScalpArterial Supply of Scalp2.2. Superficial temporal artery:Superficial temporal artery:

One of the two terminal branchs of external carotid One of the two terminal branchs of external carotid artery.artery.

Ascends from behind the neck of the mandible to Ascends from behind the neck of the mandible to be distributed over the temple, face and distributed over the temple, face and auricle.

Branches in the face:Branches in the face:1.1. Transverse facial artery.Transverse facial artery.

3.3. Supraorbital artery (from ophthalmic from internal Supraorbital artery (from ophthalmic from internal carotid artery).carotid artery).

4.4. Supratrochlear artery (from ophthalmic from internal Supratrochlear artery (from ophthalmic from internal carotid artery).carotid artery).

5.5. Small arteries accompanying the nerves: lacrimal, Small arteries accompanying the nerves: lacrimal, dorsal nasal, zygomatico-facial, zygomatico-temporal, dorsal nasal, zygomatico-facial, zygomatico-temporal, infraorbital, mental and buccal arteries.infraorbital, mental and buccal arteries.

2.2. Superficial temporal artery:Superficial temporal artery: One of the two terminal branchs of external carotid One of the two terminal branchs of external carotid

artery.artery. Ascends from behind the neck of the mandible to Ascends from behind the neck of the mandible to

be distributed over the temple, face and distributed over the temple, face and auricle. Branches in the face:Branches in the face:

1.1. Transverse facial artery.Transverse facial artery.3.3. Supraorbital artery (from ophthalmic from internal Supraorbital artery (from ophthalmic from internal

carotid artery).carotid artery).4.4. Supratrochlear artery (from ophthalmic from internal Supratrochlear artery (from ophthalmic from internal

carotid artery).carotid artery).5.5. Small arteries accompanying the nerves: lacrimal, Small arteries accompanying the nerves: lacrimal,

dorsal nasal, zygomatico-facial, zygomatico-temporal, dorsal nasal, zygomatico-facial, zygomatico-temporal, infraorbital, mental and buccal arteries.infraorbital, mental and buccal arteries.

Venous Drainage of ScalpVenous Drainage of ScalpVenous Drainage of ScalpVenous Drainage of Scalp1.1. Supratrochlear vein (angular vein Supratrochlear vein (angular vein facial v.). facial v.).2.2. Supraorbital v. (angular vein Supraorbital v. (angular vein facial v.) facial v.)3.3. Facial vein (with anterior division of Facial vein (with anterior division of

retromandibular, they form the common facial retromandibular, they form the common facial vein which drains into the internal jugular vein which drains into the internal jugular vein.vein.

4.4. Superficial temporal vein (retro-mandibular Superficial temporal vein (retro-mandibular v.).v.).

5.5. Small veins accomapying the nerves (same Small veins accomapying the nerves (same like arteries).like arteries).

Facial vein communicates with the cavernous Facial vein communicates with the cavernous sinus through ophthalmic veins and deep sinus through ophthalmic veins and deep facial vein (may spread infection to them)facial vein (may spread infection to them)

1.1. Supratrochlear vein (angular vein Supratrochlear vein (angular vein facial v.). facial v.).2.2. Supraorbital v. (angular vein Supraorbital v. (angular vein facial v.) facial v.)3.3. Facial vein (with anterior division of Facial vein (with anterior division of

retromandibular, they form the common facial retromandibular, they form the common facial vein which drains into the internal jugular vein which drains into the internal jugular vein.vein.

4.4. Superficial temporal vein (retro-mandibular Superficial temporal vein (retro-mandibular v.).v.).

5.5. Small veins accomapying the nerves (same Small veins accomapying the nerves (same like arteries).like arteries).

Facial vein communicates with the cavernous Facial vein communicates with the cavernous sinus through ophthalmic veins and deep sinus through ophthalmic veins and deep facial vein (may spread infection to them)facial vein (may spread infection to them)

Lymph Drainage of FaceLymph Drainage of FaceLymph Drainage of FaceLymph Drainage of Face1.1. Anterior part of face and Anterior part of face and

forehead forehead submandibular submandibular lymph nodes (buccal lymph lymph nodes (buccal lymph nodes in the way).nodes in the way).

2.2. Lateral part of face and eyelids Lateral part of face and eyelids preauricular (parotid) lymph preauricular (parotid) lymph nodes.nodes.

3.3. Central part of lower lip and skin Central part of lower lip and skin of the chin of the chin submental lymph submental lymph nodes.nodes.

1.1. Anterior part of face and Anterior part of face and forehead forehead submandibular submandibular lymph nodes (buccal lymph lymph nodes (buccal lymph nodes in the way).nodes in the way).

2.2. Lateral part of face and eyelids Lateral part of face and eyelids preauricular (parotid) lymph preauricular (parotid) lymph nodes.nodes.

3.3. Central part of lower lip and skin Central part of lower lip and skin of the chin of the chin submental lymph submental lymph nodes.nodes.
