  • 7/30/2019 Facebook users urge Clark to support struggling film, TV industry


    Kelsey EvansChristy, Not only are you killing the film industry but you are

    killing businesses that cater to the film industry.

    4 hours ago Like 11

    Dawn CharettePlease help the film industry get back to what is was. I just

    want to get back to work along with many of my co workers. I'm pretty sure

    it can be done!

    4 hours agoviamobile Like 9

    Kendra VothThis is a decision that needs to be reconsidered. The industry

    is a vast and covers many, if not all trades of expertise, with a population of

    over 25000 people that bring value to the industry, and who's skills

    combined cause this economy to thrive. It was reported over 1.2 Billion

    dollars of business was spent in BC. but this number is quickly declining as

    other provinces are keen to ofer better advantages, the numbers show the

    results when it comes to votes and lost of economic growth.

    4 hours ago Like 9

    Stephen TibbettsHey Christie what's up - just wanted to drop you a line.

    Just wondering when you crumble in the next election what will you do

    apart from collect a pension? Film contributes billions of dollars to the BC

    economy and you give it a snub? Even your own party is distancing

    themselves from you - dod you ever wonder why? Happy trails Christie

    Clark and may your pension keep you happy, wise ( hahahahaha) and

    fulfilled. Oh and you suck - just had to get that in... Happy 2013

    Josh HinksonChristy, your decisions afect the people of the province that

    elected you into government. First, you eliminated the HST. Now, you haveneglected to include the 30,000+ BC residents who depend on the Film & TV

    industry to survive. It's time to put yourself in someone else's shoes and realize

    the consequences of your choices. You're on the brink of bringing this incredible

    industry that has brought millions into this province, down to it's knees.

    4 hours ago Like 10
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    Adrien van ViersenIf 80-90% of our industry is out of work, that means

    approximately 20,000 people are on EI. Granted, some of us are incorporated, but

    the majority of us are not. It means a lot of people not spending money, leaning

    on the taxpayers of the province to make it through the dark times you have

    perpetuated. Your plan makes no economic sense at all. Just go to Biercraft on

    Commerical Drive and ask Dean, the owner, if his business has dropped because

    the film industry is suf

    ering. The impact of the collapse of our industry goes farbeyond your so-called 'screen- related" business.

    4 hours ago Like 11

    Robert FinniganPlease help out the thousands who work in the film industry, by

    simply throwing us a life line. Simply match Ontario's tax incentives. Or the other

    choice is to give someone else hundreds of millions of Dollars to do the work that

    we are both willing and able to do. Thanks in advance for your time and

    considerations on these matters

    4 hours agovia




    Robyn WienerPremier Clark, as I read through the myriad of posts, I realize that I

    personally KNOW or know of nearly everyone posting on your page. Do you know what

    that means? that means WE here in the film industry are a family! We have families, we

    have lives we have to support. When I moved to this province in 1993, my goal was to

    work in the film industry. I have maintained a career here for over 17 years and I plan on

    continuing one but not if the government has such a disregard for what we do. THIS IS

    NOT A WHIMSICAL JOB.. THIS IS MY LIVELIHOOD and the livelihood of thousands of

    workers not to mention all the subsidiary industries that are afected. I have seen the

    good years here and I am now witnessing friends and colleagues move EAST because of

    the incentives that are ofered out East. I have witnessed too many people to count that

    have left this sector because of the lean years they have faced and have gone bankrupt. Ihave seen industry pros who are so skilled taking jobs in other sectors because they

    cannot survive. I would like you to take to reflect being forced out of your profession

    because you could not feed your family. Now, think of thousands of film workers doing

    the same thing. Our rating for film production has dropped from 3 in North American to

    4 due to a lack of business. Every week, shows are moving out East along with workers. Is

    that not loud and strong enough for you to hear? We don't live on expense accounts or

    fancy dinners or car services. We are contract workers who survive one contract to the

    next - that is the nature of this business. The less business, the less work - the math is

    simple. We are highly skilled contract workers that have assisted in putting billions into

    this province. If that is not enough for you to recognize us, then you will lose thousands

    of votes and support. I cannot even "like" your FB page until I feel you are listening to and

    doing something about our concerns. We are a strong and united front!

    Troy RudolphIn 2005, after 9 years of working in the Alberta Film Industry, I was forced

    to leave behind my family, my friends and my home, and completely start over in

    Vancouver, because I lived in a province whose government refused to see the benefit of

    supporting and encouraging the growth of filming in that province.

    Filming in British Columbia is of huge financial benefit to the entire province. It employs

    tens of thousands of people, both directly and indirectly. It pumps money into the

    economy in the form of wages, equipment, vehicle and studio rentals, location fees,

    purchase of building materials, costumes and props, furniture, etc. Let alone the food.

    Do you know how much food it takes to feed a crew of 100 people every day for the 9

    months it takes to film a TV series? All of that money goes to local businesses.

    Also, tourism benefits greatly from having films and TV shows shot here. People travel to

    BC from all over the world because they've seen it used in their favourite TV shows or

    movies, and they want to visit the locations where it was filmed, and stand where the

    actors stood in their favourite scenes.

    US producers WANT to film in BC, over Ontario or Quebec. We're in the same time zone,

    we're a short flight from L.A., and we have world renowned crew and talent here. But,

    unfortunately, because the current government is too short sighted to see the positive
  • 7/30/2019 Facebook users urge Clark to support struggling film, TV industry


    impact that the film, television and gaming industry have on our province, they are being

    forced to go east where they're getting a better bang for their buck.

    Premier Clark, I implore you to reconsider. Give our industry the respect and the support

    that it deserves. We are as strong and as viable an industry as every other one your job

    plan sees fit to endorse, so why are we being left out in the cold?

    I already uprooted my life once in the pursuit of my career, please don't make me do it

    again, when it's so unnecessary.

    3 hours agoLike


    Katie WeekleyVery, very well said,Robyn Wiener!

    3 hours ago Like 8

    Sarah GrahamBy not supporting the local BC film industry with competitive tax credits is

    backwards thinking. It's 'stepping on a dollar to pick up a dime'. By ofering a tax

    incentive for film and television production you are thereby bringing in and supporting a

    billion dollar industry that nourishes and supports the growth and development of our

    community. Please Ms. Clark if you would explain to us your reasoning behind your

    decision to Not support our industry there are plenty of out-of-work technicians,

    producers, artist, actors etc. that would be a captive audience for your response.

    3 hours agoviamobile Like 11

    Katie MaxwellChristy Clark, you are missing a great opportunity by not supporting the

    BC film industry. There are many people whose livelihoods depend on it. If supported,

    this industry has a track record of bring millions, if not billions of dollars to the BC

    economy. BUT what I'm sure you will be able to take into greater consideration, is that

    these people are also voters and will not forget your lack of support come the next

    provincial election. Please do right by this industry.

    2 hours ago Edited Like 8

    Donovan CerminaraPremier Clark,

    By ignoring one of the province's dominant industries in
  • 7/30/2019 Facebook users urge Clark to support struggling film, TV industry


    your plans for your budget, namely that of the film and television/entertainment sector, you

    announce to us all your disdain for the importance of art and story upon our community,

    culture and livelihoods. I moved to this fine province over a decade ago to work in the film and

    television industry, and despite restrictive tax policies versus comparatively high

    unemployment, I am just one of the legion of Canadians that depend upon this industry to

    survive, not only financially but spiritually.

    Vancouver's reputation for its film crews is legendary. Canada has been both the proving

    ground and launching point for some of the world's greatest filmmakers. Your actions threaten

    to make these facts past tense.

    Why, if you so love your role as Premier, would you ignore (through your denial of the

    imperative of a tax credit reconsideration) such a diverse, creative, positive and capable group

    of working artistic professionals in favor of the continued export of our natural resources to

    international interests and propping up a non-competitive manufacturing industry?

    Shame on you. Please reconsider.

    3 hours ago Like 12

    Stephen TibbettsSarah - well said - only problem or maybe not is Christie will be a Walmart

    greeter in May when the NDP pro film candidate gets into oce and sparks our industry once

    again. And in the US - New Orleans - they cannot support their film credits anymore - this

    business is cyclical and it will return in full force - we have the crews, infrastructure, studios,

    technicians, oces, stages, actors... you name it - we have one stop shopping here - in New

    Orleans you have to import a lot of 'stuf' - in Vancouver you don't. We will come back.

    Daryl MakortofChristy, it is mind boggling that you are willing to watch millions of tax dollars go

    elsewhere while you proclaim that this province is in massive debt. It is a simple solution, all we areasking you to do is match Ontario and Quebec, and it will create a ton of jobs and tax dollars. But you

    won't even do that. You have obviously turned your back on us, leaving the film industry to die. You

    are not the leader this province needs. I will make sure to tell everyone I know not to vote for a

    government that does absolutely nothing to help it's own taxpayers.

    3 hours ago Like 9

    Maurice WoodworthRobyn Wienerand Troy Rudolph those posts were very well written... thank you.

    3 hours ago Like 5

    Mariela ZapataPlease do something about the tax credits for the BC film industry. It has brought so

    many incredible jobs and experiences to Vancouver, it would be a shame to just let it go elsewhere.
  • 7/30/2019 Facebook users urge Clark to support struggling film, TV industry


    2 hours ago Like 5

    Alberta MaynePlease, save the film industry. Fix the tax credit. There has been a mass exodus to

    Ontario and down south. The film industry supports so many other industries its absolutely crazy and

    short sighted to let it go. Without film, BC may be beautiful but its not extraordinary.

    2 hours agoviamobile Like 5

    Richard JollymoreYour action/nonaction in BC film and creating competitive provincial tax credits almost

    seems like the behavior of someone who is in the pocket of the Ontario film industry. Why have you forsaken

    the B.C. film industry?

    2 hours agovia




    Adam K. MaglioPlease listen to what is being said here. I cannot say it better than my peers have so far. I've

    taken the time to read them all. The least you can do is the same.

    2 hours ago Like 5

    Asher IsakBC has to remain competitive in attracting production dollars. So many people depend on it. Not

    forgetting.. continuing to bring film production into BC generates billions in revenues for the economy. We

    need to ofer incentives like we have in the past, so Hollywood comes here instead.

    2 hours ago Edited Like 6

    Melissa CrichI have been in this business for 23 yrs. I am now working for less money than when I started,

    when I can find work. We've had to take massive pay cuts to get work and make concessions. We want to

    work. I am currently on EI and hoping I don't have to sell and move back to Ontario. I've had to leave the

    province and work in Calgary, Toronto and Halifax. I want to make BC my home. I don't understand why we

    can not compete with Toronto? You are so big on creating jobs, why won't you help us keep our jobs?

    Honestly, I don't always vote. I will make sure no matter where I am and what I'm doing that I will vote this

    year. I have always been a Liberal and was looking forward to a Trudeau leadership. I will now also convey to

    him why I can not vote Liberal.

    about an hour ago Edited Like 6
  • 7/30/2019 Facebook users urge Clark to support struggling film, TV industry


    Jill Bailey"Mom. Premier of British Columbia.Working to protect and create jobs for families in B.C. Sports

    fan (go Whitecaps!) I want to hear from you!" this is quoted straight from the top of your page... you said

    this... " for families in B.C." How about doing that for all the film and tv families. Be true to your


    Ilze BurgerAs a young female actor having spent 5 or 6 years just starting out in BC's film industry, I grew up in

    South Africa and came here with my family, (who have sacrificed alot for me and been very supportive) believing

    THIS WAS HOLLYWOOD NORTH??!! Me and my family JUST received Canadian citizenship 2 years ago, and it would

    be impossible for many reasons to move to America to start over all the years of networking in Vancouvers industry.And it's such a beautiful place!

    This is an ideal location for Filming, and could mean alot more income for our economy if you decided NOT TO


    It's disheartening to see the governments lack of support for the fine arts as the Theatre and Film scene has gone

    icy cold. ESPECIALLY to the individuals' living and working conditions.

    Please understand how many lives will be afected, and save our jobs.

    2 hours ago Edited Like 6

    Phil KlapwykI don't believe that you have done any work to "protect" my job! In fact, the policies of yourgovernment mean that for the first time in a decade, I'm seriously wondering how to pay my mortgage, let alone my

    union dues. Thank you so much for your misguided attempts to steer this province straight into the ditch. I hope we

    as a province can rebound from your "resolutions".

    2 hours ago Like 5

    Camille QuintonTax Credits are the biggest incentive for other Countries and Productions to film here. We need to give

    productions an easy no brainer solution on why they would choose B.C. to film their project. Film productions help so

    many local business's too, not just our own. Thanks.

    2 hours ago Like 5

    Alleris GillhamThe British Columbia film industry was a booming industry, even during the recession, and the lack of

    support from the government has made it almost impossible for hundreds of workers to find jobs. Please match the tax

    breaks and boost our once-booming industry again!

    2 hours ago Like 7
  • 7/30/2019 Facebook users urge Clark to support struggling film, TV industry


    Sharra GanzeveldAnyone who cannot understand the cultural, social, and economic importance of the arts (be it film,

    theatre, art, music, or any related subject) and neglects those industries automatically loses my vote. I will not stand for

    these important parts of our society to be ignored any longer.

    2 hours ago Like 6

    Thom M. KyleI know many of the people who have posted on here. I, like many of them have worked in this industry for

    13 plus years. We are all in the same boat. I don't understand how a government can not back a Billion Dollar industry that

    was growing. Many large productions that come through town always boast about how nice it is to work somewhere and

    work with responsible and capable crews. Yet you can't remain competitive with places such as Ontario, Quebec, Louisiana,

    North Carolina and so on. The latter of those two places don't have a fraction of the talent and professionalism that this

    great province and city have to ofer. Would you rather us all be in the EI line

    Gil ForresterFor over 30 years, thousands of British Columbians have made their living from BC's film industry. Things have

    definitely changed. Some folks have been forced to leave the industry and some are hanging on by a thread. Right now, we need

    our governments help. Responsible support like we have received in the past. Creative solutions to keep this community striving.

    We cannot aford to lose experienced technicians and the amazing infrastructure which has taken so long to build. BC cannot

    aford to loose this industry. This government needs to once again take responsibility.

    58 minutes ago Edited Like 8

    Vanessa DrivenessIt's really sad that I can find both more acting and crew work in the Seattle film industry than in Vancouver.

    Unless something is done NOW, the amazingly talented actors and crew that BC is world famous for, will leave for jobs in other

    cities. And the cost to rebuild the industry here after that will be far more than the much needed help we're currently asking.

    about an hour ago Like 5

    Kit MarlattMake Vancouver what is was and always has been: the best place to shoot a production in. Fantastic locations, studio

    space, talented cast and crews, and production houses. Not to mention all the revenue it brings to the city and the surrounding

    communities It's pretty simple: Bring back the tax incentives or lose the votes.

    about an hour ago Like 5
  • 7/30/2019 Facebook users urge Clark to support struggling film, TV industry


    Melissa CrichI cringe everytime I see one of the creating jobs commercials. Its morbid that we made those commericals for her

    and she cuts our livelihoods. thanks. Oh wait, maybe she had them made in Ontario, better tax credits.

    13 minutes ago Edited Like 5

    Simon BayleyChristy, I can't even be bothered to try to convince you. You're done. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

    about an hour ago Like 4

    Troy RudolphBarry Nerlinghas set up a YouTube page with access for anyone who wants to add their face and voice to this. You can

    upload it here: [email protected] Password: bcfilm13

    about an hour ago Like 6

    Kathryn CoutuI have worked in the film industry for the last 6 years. Not only has this supported my family but it gave me a new one. I

    know so many of these people trying to petition you. This isn't just some job you show up at and fill your time card. We take pride in

    what we do. We create something for the entertainment of you and millions of others. In doing so we have created life long bonds with

    the people we work with. To think that that family will disappear because you refuse to consider it in your job plan is devastating to us

    all! I have been a supporter of the liberal party in the past but due to your callousness for thousands of people in your very own

    province I will not support you. Please rectify this situation.

    about an hour agoviamobile Like 5

    Mikey WDear Premier Clark. I understand that you have a lot of responsibilities on your hands as the leader of the province and your

    political party. I appreciate your hard work when you try to fix the HST nightmare which your predecessor left behind.

    For many decades, BC had been the preferred destination for foreign film makers. They used to bring in hundreds of thousands of dollars or

    even millions for every production they make in the Province. In turn, many other industries in the province and the government benefited.

    However recently, many productions had moved out East as their tax incentives became more competitive. Many of our skilled labourers and

    producer have move as a result. If this trend continues, I'm afraid our province will lose it status as Hollywood North under your government. It
  • 7/30/2019 Facebook users urge Clark to support struggling film, TV industry


    will also in turn hurt many others industries as well.

    I appreciate you for the time you set a side to post on facebook wishing your citizen a happy new year and the time you take to read this


    about an hour ago Like 3

    Karin Behrenzi have read every post here. please show us the courtesy and do the same. together with my fellow co-workers and friends we

    are united in this efort to save an industry that we dearly love. i hope you realize that by putting 10's of 1000's of futures on the line you are

    putting yourself right there with us. i know who i will NOT be voting for on may 14th.

    55 minutes ago Like 6

    David MarkowitzHonorable Christy Clark

    The Oce of the Premier

    West AnnexParliament BuildingsVictoria, BCV8V 1X4

    Re: British Columbia Film Industry Tax Credit

    Dear Premier Clark:

    For the past twenty-nine years, I have been employed in the film and television industry here in British Columbia. In addition to the majestic beauty of

    the province, government incentives have helped lay the foundation for a thriving, competitive film community able to compete with larger

    metropolitan centers throughout North America.

    I am one of 25,000 BC residents employed directly in the industry, among the thousands more who rely on film and television production for their

    income. From set construction, to equipment rental, to technical production houses, we have helped the BC economy grow. The building supply

    companys, car rental providers, equipment rental houses, and the food industry, to name a few. The city permits and location fees and VPD

    employment for trac control and security. Thanks to a completive tax credit, have held steadfast, regardless of large fluctuations in the


    Our ability to remain competitive relies heavily on the support of the provincial government and their enthusiasm for maintaining an attractive

    taxation scheme. With a strong Canadian dollar, this is the only way to ensure and build upon the long-term success that has been established.

    Recognizing this has prompted other provinces, like Ontario, to initiate attractive incentives that are proving successful, and reflected in their

    increased productions.

    We need your support. Without it, you jeopardize not only our industry standards but our live hoods as well leaving many of us with no alternative but

    to draw upon social programs like employment insurance and welfare.I urge you to consider taking a more strategic approach towards the film and

    tax credit before irreparable damage has been done.

    David Markowitz

    Directors Guild of Canada Member

    1st Assistant Director

    54 minutes ago Like 12

    Helen E. SeelyShe seems so fake.

    38 minutes ago Like
  • 7/30/2019 Facebook users urge Clark to support struggling film, TV industry


    Sanchia WongIf you are really wanting to protect jobs for families in B.C., how about supporting the BC Film Industry? Lots of BC families work in

    film, TV, or the places that are related to film. How about the money film industry pays to the various cities? Please don't forget about the families in

    film and TV. And here is to hoping that whoever reads these posts for you will pass on the message to you.

    35 minutes ago Like 3

    Bulent HasanI appreciate Christy Clarke as premier of BC. she doesn't believe in a quick kill, she likes to 'slowly' poison and destroy the provinces

    chances of staying alive in the already competitive industry thats got Toronto, New York, South Africa, and other cities, stealing our opportunities.

    First kill the HST by their confusing campaign, THEN destroy our

    chances of keeping productions in town, THEN kill the industry for Canadians in making canadian content on the west coast. Bravo Premiere Clarke! Bravo!

    31 minutes ago Like 2

    Shlengiwe N. KheswaWhat have you done really for the film and tv as well as the arts. Vancouver artist are losing work and productions for your lack of

    understanding how work coming in here vs Tax cuts is killing the industry. I feel let down by the lack of support you have shown towards the arts. As much

    as you love press time you should be supporting the film. In the last 5 years, you guys have killed the work that could be coming here because of your lack

    of understanding how we get work here in BC and what we need to do to contend with other countries n provinces when it comes to us getting more

    productions coming to work. Why would you let your fellow canadians lose work just because you guys don't really understand nor listen to TV n Film

    workers. Please stop posing and start working. Sista you make us look bad and that is a shame. You have so much to give n yet you choose to ignore what

    keeps work coming to BC. Come now Ms. Clark

    23 minutes ago Like 3

    Jenny Clarke- AmbersonIt's about creating jobs, correct? It's not that hard to figure out.

    22 minutes agoviamobile Like 2
  • 7/30/2019 Facebook users urge Clark to support struggling film, TV industry


    Rachael FortierWays to save on the employment insurance budget..... BC film and television tax incentives!

    15 minutes agoviamobile Like 3

    Sandra MontgomeryHow about preserving the film industry here in BC? How about better tax credits to bring in more work for those of us who have to go

    on EI - which is now going to be taken away from us forcing us into other areas of work, seriously undermining the crew talent pool here. If there was more

    work, this wouldn't be an issue. I WAN'T to work.... not be on EI. So bring our tax credits up to better than other places and watch the work flow back in

    along with the mega $$ into BC economy.

    13 minutes ago Like 3

    Matthew TingeyIn addition to the public fb page please email her: [email protected]

    11 minutes ago Like

    James MichalopoulosI hope you can see by all the posts that the Film Industry here is in dire need of attention. You want to create what it takes

    to get Vancouver back on track as a leader in Film and Television Production. We are on the brink of losing an industry that employs thousands and brings in

    millions in revenue. Pay attention to what we are all saying and do something instead of just waiting for the day when people ask...hey was there a film

    industry in Vancouver???

    10 minutes ago Like 2

    Michael DinerLets get these people back to work, match the Ontario tax credit and voila! Instant work for hundreds of people. Keep it on the books for

    good and the stability will keep them coming for years to come.

    8 minutes ago Like 1

    Tanja KnightI cannot say it any better than everyone else already did!

    I moved to Vancouver 2.5 years ago to fulfill my dream of working in the movie industry here, the so called best place on earth. Please do not destroy an

    entire industry so many people have bu...See More

    6 minutes agoviamobile Like 1
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    Brynn Kinnee Princewell saidTanja Knight!!