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Syndrome is prepared to DESTROY MR. INCREDIBLE!

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Networks:Nomanisan Island Birthday:May 17, 1982Political:Aims for chaosReligion:AtheistHometown:New York City, New York


Bomb Voyage Gi l b e r t Hu p h



Omnidroid to Sydrome prepared to DESTROY MR. INCREDIBLE!November 5, 2004

The Scientists

Mr. Incredible to Syndrome Hey Listen Buddy. Can’t we just work this out? December 29, 2000

Mirage to Syndrome working on detrimental machinery with Syndrome to destroy their enemies. June 11, 1988

Syndrome says Mr. Incredible will pay for the day he turned down Incrediboy as his sidekick. I’ll show him. June 6, 1988

Buddy Pine changed his name to SyndromeFebruary 19, 1988

Buddy Pine says “I’m Mr. Incredible’s number one fan!” October 28, 1987


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Personal Information


Syndrome is prepared to DESTROY MR. INCREDIBLE!

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Basic Information


Networks:New York Birthday:May 17, 1982Political:Aims for ChaosReligion:AtheistHometown:New York City, New York


Networks: Nomanisan Island Sex: MaleBirthday: May 17, 1982Hometown: New York City, New YorkRelationship Status: Single!!!Political Views: Aims for ChaosReligious Views: Atheist

Activities: Building Weapons, defeating enemies, being a mad scientist.

Interests: Being wicked, Taking over the world one city at a time,

destroying Mr. Incredible

Favorite Music: Techno

Favorite Movies: Foreign Horror Films

Favorite Villains: Mirage, Gilbert Huph, Omnidroid, The Underminer.

Favorite Books: Technology, Welding, The Beauty of Nomanisan Island, How to

easy destroy your enemies.


Updated last Saturday

2 Albums


Updated four months ago

Contact Information

Address: Nomanisan Island

Phone Number: (202) 456-1111

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facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes Syndrome Logout

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Syndrome’s Albums 2 Photo Alums

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Syndrome is prepared to DESTROY MR. INCREDIBLE!

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