Download pptx - Facebook Lead Software

  • 1.This Is The Most Powerful Tool To Find The Real Gold On Facebook..Period!

2. In the next few minutes Im going to demo a secret software program that youve never seen before that uses Facebook to earn BIG MONEY online 3. Then I am going to show you a number of strategies on how to leverage this software to make some SERIOUS MONEY day after day, week after week, month after month!! 4. I am going to reveal to YOU exactly how to "mine" Facebook for the biggest, best and MOST profitable leads. 5. For ANY business, product or service!!! And its so simple your 8 year old could run this software! 6. Then I will share with YOU a number of case studies showing exactly how others just like YOU made upwards of $1,000 per day using these strategies! 7. Including one about a 26 year old kid who closed a deal worth over $150,000! 8. And another one where a lady used this software to drive immediate traffic to her new website & she also attracted 77 guest bloggers! 9. Before I show YOU this incredible software LIVE, let me cover a couple of facts: 10. Facebook is the NEW gold mine on the Internet! Now with over 1 Billion Users, all segmented for us, this is the holy grail for highly qualified & targeted leads! 11. AND Facebook search functions are weak at best! 12. Before I show YOU the software, let me share with you what the software is NOT! 13. Its not a mass automation Spam Tool - we don't believe in spam and we would never use mass spamming tools. 14. Its not black hat marketing software. Facebook provides software API's, that developers can use to write programs to better access their site and its tools, and that's all we've done here. 15. This Software allows you to search through Facebooks millions of fan pages for highly targeted fan page owners that WANT you to message them! 16. And by the way Do you have any idea what the value of a Fan on Facebook is? 17. Fans are highly targeted and very valuable leads! And now the moment YOU have been waiting for.. 18. OK so now you are wondering what will my investment be to own this amazing software? 19. Well, when ever deciding how to price a product we always ask "How Much Value Does It Provide"? And in this case the Value is Tremendous!! 20. Remember the 26 year old kid that closed a $150,000 dollar contract using this tool. what was the value for him? 21. And by the way in fair disclosure I can personally vouch for this contract, as I read it, I reviewed it, before it was signed, because this kid was my son! 22. So the value of this software is limit less! 23. And it will create thousands and even tens of thousands of dollars for everyone who uses this software and the strategies we shared earlier. 24. So we have been arguing at the office about the price and my partner thinks it would be a steal at $497 25. He made a great case, considering just 1 sale could cover that cost and in some cases 1 sale could return 5-10 that cost. 26. But I argued that I wanted this software to be affordable for everyone and we know with our terrible economy money is tight. 27. So we decided Your Investment would Not be $497 Not even $297 Not even $197 28. Today and for a Limited Time Your Investment is Only $97.00 29. And of course, like we always do, we offer a 100% satisfaction Money Back Guarantee. 30. Bottom line if you are not happy for any reason just let us know and we will promptly refund 100% of your investment. 31. How's That For Confidence! 32. But Wait! We are also going to thrown in some BONUS Training for a Limited Time! 33. I created a number of training courses that go over in detail how to properly and effectively make money on Facebook, these courses cover 34. Keywords & Category Strategies, Copywriting Tips, Posting to Facebook Walls and Private Messaging Strategies that will give YOU exactly what YOU need to start accomplishing YOUR goals right away! 35. I could easily sell this training for $497, and frankly its worth more than the software itself, but its YOURS when you claim your copy today! 36. In addition we will be holding a number of LIVE hangouts, sharing the latest tactics to leverage this software & YOU will have access to this training too. 37. Don't wait to think about this, it's a no brainer for anyone who really wants to make money online. Just click the orange button below this video right now 38. Were taking all the risk.. and I cant promise you how long we will offer this software at such a ridiculously low price! So Claim YOUR copy now! 39. Just click the happy orange button below this video right now 40. Remember this is the ONLY proven software on the market that finds Facebooks best leads, you'll get instant access to the software, it costs almost nothing and everything is 100% Guaranteed 41. This is a real simple decision Claim YOUR copy now by clicking the happy orange button below. 42. I hope you claim your copy because I know this software works and I look forward to hearing about YOUR success. 43. Case Study Rich Dad Poor Dad Had Audio Book & Training That Sold for $97.00 Each Ran 6 Day Facebook Campaign Sold 128 Units Gross Revenues of $12,416 Net Profits of $8,576 44. Case Study Soccer Sold Soccer Training Course For $47.00 Each Ran A 12 Day Facebook Campaign Made 92 Sales Generated $4,328 45. Case Study Tea Ran Offer of Free Sample With $99 Upsell Ran 6 Day Facebook Campaign Had 526 Requests for Free Sample Had 46% Conversion on $99 upsell Made 242 Sales for $20,078 In Revenues 46. Case Study Golf Used To Get In Front OF 800,000 Golfers Reached Over 800,00 Golfers Built up Email Database Now Makes Money Every Month 47. Case Study South Park Sold Figurines of South Park Characters For $20.00 Each Ran 8 Day Facebook Campaign Sold 398 Sets Generated $7,960 Net Profit