
Facebook Update

July 16, 2015

The purpose of this meeting is to inform and introduce

technology to Chamber members, not necessarily to give a complete education on the topics discussed.

Some of the technologies discussed are quite often available through Chamber member companies, including several of the volunteers in the subcommittee. Other topics are presented as classes by the Chambers.

If you would like to discuss any of these topics more in-depth, please contact one of the subcommittee members after the meeting and we’ll get you in touch with the best contact for your interest.



Chamber Member Companies working together to bring you the information on the technological topics that interest you and can benefit your business!


Ken Tucker, Changescape Web

Mark Peimann, EPC Computers

Andy Kastrup, ProTronics Technologies, Inc.

Art & Candy Zemon, Hen’s Teeth Network

Beth Richter, ProTronics Technologies, Inc.

Don & David Weir, Managed Computer Services

Paul Barthel, Minuteman Press

Randy Downs, Independent Consultant

“Like” our Facebook

Collect Curate Create Share Engage

Social Media System









Why Have a Facebook Page?

Professional Image

Only Way to Advertise on Facebook

Potential SEO Benefits

Good for Know and Like

Important Component for Lead Generation/Nurturing

“Of the 1,500+ stories a person might see whenever they log onto

Facebook, News Feed displays approximately 300.” Source: Facebook

Newsfeed and Reach


∑ – The sum of each individual edge. An edge is a

story that can show up in your News Feed, like

a status update, comment, Like, tag, and so on.

u – The affinity score. This is the factor that weighs how

close you are with the person doing the

posting. If you frequently interact with the person posting,

have several mutual friends, or are related, Facebook is

more likely to give that content a higher weight.

w – The weight for this edge. Not all actions are

considered equal in the eyes of Facebook’s algorithm.

For example, a friend creating a status update would carry

more weight than someone simply liking a status update.

d – The time decay factor. As a posts gets older, it’s more

likely that it has already been seen or that it is

no longer as relevant. Facebook remedies both of

these problems by taking the age of the post into


Source: socialsprout


History: EdgeRank for the Newsfeed

Aug. 23, 2013: Facebook Enforces Quality

Dec. 2, 2013: Facebook Breaking News

Jan. 21, 2014: The Importance of Text Updates

Feb. 24, 2014: Tagging for Additional Reach

Aug. 25, 2014: The Fall of Click-Bait

Sept. 18, 2014: Taking Advantage of Trends

Nov. 14, 2014: Penalizing Promotional Posts

As a Business, you don’t control the Facebook newsfeed

Source: socialsprout

Users can prioritize Facebook friends and pages…

Make sure to select “See First” for the Changescape Facebook page

• Can choose only 30 friends and Pages to prioritize

• Can tell their updates apart (star in upper right corner.

• Only after you’ve gone through the updates from

your “See Firsts” will the regular old algorithm-

driven Newsfeed take over.

NEW: Newsfeed Control

The biggest arguments against the Edgerank algorithm have been from brands.

The biggest argument from brands fits this general idea: they are, and have been

in the past, encouraged to spend their Facebook ad dollars promoting their

Pages to increase their followings. This made sense in the past.

Brands would pay Facebook to increase their follower numbers, and

every time they created an organic post their followers would see it.

But now that these Facebook algorithm updates have seriously cut into the

amount of organic reach a Page’s posts get, these advertisers feel like

they’ve invested into their social followings for nothing. Even

brands that never spent a dime creating a following dislike Edgerank

because they find it difficult to reliably reach their audiences.

Source: socialsprout

Edgerank for Brands

Facebook Ads

Best Practices• Mention and Tag a person, page, or group

• Post Evergreen Content (longer lasting)

• Post Pictures, Infographics, Videos and Links

• Determine best time to post

• Target and Advertise

• Get Recommendations

Facebook Reviews Now Get You Rich-Snippet

“Review Stars” in the Local Search Results

Good Likes and Detrimental Likes

Facebook Ads – Keep in Facebook or Take outside of


Use 3rd Party Apps or not? Does it hurt EdgeRank?

Upside and Downside of Scheduled Posts

Upside and Downside of Posting to Multiple Social Media

The Value of a Page Like

Discussion (starter)

Ask a Techie

July 16

Presented by:

Please fill out your survey & drop it in the box before you leave

Art & Candy

ZemonMark Peimann

Ken Tucker Andy Kastrup

Beth RichterPaul Barthel

Randy DownsIndependent


Facebook Update

Upcoming Events

Next Month’s TechComm Topic

August – Visual Marketing (Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube)
