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Hello, my name is Fabiola Seideman. I am twenty one years old. This is my firstyear at ecoturism carreer. My section is number one at Idma institute and I am going to talk about THE CHSC!" M#SE#M. The Chascona museum is located in Santiago s$ecifically in Fernando de la %lata &'()* with Constitution Street in the south of the city. It is surronded by +ella,ista neighbourhood wich is in the north of Ma$ocho ri,er and close to +a-uedano station. .ou ha,e to walk across %io "ono +ridge $assing Santa Maria ,enue then take left in ntonio /o$e0 de +ello street and you will find Constitution.THE Chascona is one of the three houses of %ablo "eruda. He was a Chilean di$lomat, $olitician, and one of the most chilean famous $oets. The house was built in ()12 by an S$anishman architect 3erman 4odrigue0 rias. The writer li,ed there with his lo,er Matilde #rrutia. "ow is a well5known museum where we can found all his books collections including his 6s$eciali0e section7 with si8 thousand and fi,e hundred of them. There are bottles collections, seashells and shi$ stuff like masts and figureheads. The museum is o$en from ten am to si8 $m during the week inclusi,e Mondays.The Chascona is similar to a shi$ like all the houses of %ablo because he lo,ed the sea and he was ,ery $assionate about it e,en when he didn9t know how to swim. He always wanted to be a sailor. His $oetry is usually well5known around the world furthermore he won the "obel %ri0e.t the museum you will found an audio guide tour a,ailable in English, French, 3erman, %ortuguese and S$anish. This system is included in the $rice of your ticket. "o reser,ation is re-uired. I choose THE CHSC!" I always heard about %ablo "eruda houses and because we often heard about him in our literature and culture. So, dear foreigners come to ,isit the museum it is going to blow u$ your mind. in orther to know more about his houses, $oetry and his life .thanks
