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Mar Apr 2015

Express’O– faith & lifestyle –

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About UsW380/590 is passionate for Christ - they are a group of fiery youth and young adults who believe that Christ is the cornerstone of our lives. “Love Never Fails” as their motto, they strive to love the unlovable, give hope to the hopeless, peace to the restless, light to the darkness - simply, bring Christ to the world. These core values they hold are translated and penned into beautiful words on Express’o! The articles teach us to be spiritual and, at the same time, to live life to the fullest. If you want an express bite of spiritual goodness and vitality of life, over a cup of coffee, Express’O is W380/590’s contribution to you :)

The Contributors

[email protected] @w590.loveneverfails

RevelationJeaneatte Zee @jeanettezee

Hannah Xu Qian Ru @hannah_qr

EditorSarah Teo@sarahteo

LifestyleYvonne Teo Yen Pin@pinpinnz

Mina Elizabeth Shin@mina_liz

Design & PhotographyJason Lee@ja5onlee

Sermon SummaryChris Benhard A. Sembiring@mamabiringgurki

Randall Wong Jia Jin@randallwjj

Horatio Fong@lameratio

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Table of Content

RevelationA Vision for Greater Mission – 4


Sermon SummaryFuture – 12

LifestyleColour Up Life! – 16

A Perfect Canvas – 22

Table of Content

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A Vision for Greater Mission words by Jeanet te Zee

A Vision for Greater Mission

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5A Vision for Greater Mission

Community Tribute at Tanjong Pagar CC, one of the many tribute centers setup for Singaporeans to pay their respect to the late Mr. Lee Kuan Yew

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6A Vision for Greater Mission

Singapore’s first Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew had a vision for Singapore. Despite countless disagreements, his unwavering belief that Singapore will succeed pushed him forward to uphold his stand – this produced an inconceivable confidence in his decision making and policies. As a result, Singapore is such a prosperous nation, and this would not have been possible if it wasn’t for his determination and drive for nation building. He left a legacy and will always be remembered for all his efforts and sacrifices for the country. What we as citizens can do is to continue shining his light and fanning his fire that his spirit will not fade.

As children of God, we can be living testimonies for Jesus Christ when we are determined to make our visions and dreams come to pass. Besides, what’s there to fear when we have such a great God who leads and guides us – He is our Ultimate Leader. Like what our church always recites, if God is for us, who can be against us? God is always here to remind us of our God-given visions and dreams, giving us strength and reassuring us that they will come to pass. Let’s be a great leader – live your life meaningfully, to the fullest, and glorify Him!

No matter which season we are in, a leader is always expected to be present in the midst of our chaos because he/she is someone whom we look up to. My definition of a Leader is that they are an inspiration, a role model that we model after. There’s a quote that resonates with me, “A leader has the capacity to turn visions into reality. Leaders are those who make the impossible, possible.”

In fact, everyone is and can be a leader. We lead our own life and have the ability to live a meaningful life. Leaders must have a vision and a dream to lead the community; we, as leader of our own lives, need to have a vision and a dream for our lives. Our visions and dreams produce the perseverance and determination to strive for greater heights – to be a better person.

In Proverbs 29:18, it says that where there is no vision, the people perish.

This means that every single one of us should have a vision for our lives. God gave us life and it is not for nothing; He is the giver of visions and dreams. We, as children of God, should never live as though we have no purpose because God has certainly designed us intricately with a divine destiny.

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7A Vision for Greater Mission

Community Tribute at Tanjong Pagar CC, a wall showcasing the timeline of Mr Lee Kuan Yew’s milestones & achievements in Tanjong Pagar GRC where he served as a MP for 60 years.

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追悼国父words by Hannah Xu Qian Ru

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Condolences book, f il led with many handwrit ten messages paying respect and thanking the late Mr. Lee for all his contributions to the nation of Singapore.

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When the late Mr. Lee’s body was moved to the parliament house for the public to pay their respoects, thousands lined up the streets braving the hot sun and rain for hours.

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Pastor Aries: Futurewords by Horat io Fong


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We often neglect prayers and Bible reading due to career and/or education commitments humming on all cylinders. God clearly knows what we are feeling; He knows us better than we will ever know ourselves. God knows every detail of how our lives will be even before we were even born. Ultimately, He knows that if we were not to experience hard times, trials and tribulations, we will not grow closer to Him.

The Angel of God that had been leading the camp of Israel now shifted and got behind them. And the Pillar of Cloud that had been in front also shifted to the rear. The Cloud was now between the camp of Egypt and the camp of Israel. The Cloud enshrouded one camp in darkness and flooded the other with light. The two camps didn’t come near each other all night.Exodus 14:19-20 (MSG)

God is doing and saying positive things behind our backs more than we know. Even though the Angel of God, Pillar of Fire and the Pillar of Cloud had shifted to the rear, God is still there to guide us. He never left us.

And the LORD, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed.Deuteronomy 31:8 (NKJV)

And He will always be with us.

In my distress I called upon the LORD,And cried out to my God;He heard my voice from His temple,And my cry came before Him, even to His ears.Psalm 18:6 (NKJV)

And to that I say, Amen.

Pastor Aries said: “We are not given a good life or a bad life. Instead, we are given a life; it is up to us to make it good or bad. And if we always take the shortest route to success, when problems arise we will find the easiest excuse to give up. So every blessing will come with problems and obstacles because God wants to prepare us for the future.”

Many a times, God will give us so much, much more than we can handle. We often look up and ask, “How much more, Lord?” It is never His desires to overwhelm us; He has lessons for us to learn regarding weakness. Weakness is His instrument - to give us more abundantly so that He can prepare us for what He has for us further in life.

A.R. Bernard preached that everything God does is based on a pattern and a principle.

Moses was given an assignment to lead the enslaved Israelites out of Egypt, but God led Moses through a longer and tougher route.

Then it came to pass, when Pharaoh had let the people go, that God did not lead them by way of the land of the Philistines although that was near; for God said, “Lest perhaps the people change their minds when they see war, and return to Egypt.”Exodus 13:17 (NKJV)

God will give us more than enough so that we will rely on Jesus through our prayers. Prayers for the soul are like oxygen for the body.

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NKJV)

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photo credit: www.myscripturestudies.comThe Pillar of Fire

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photo credit: Jamie Ong

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Colour up Life!words by Mina Elizabeth Shin

Colour up Life!

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17Colour up Life!

There are many ingredients which are beneficial to our bodies, but what are the specific ones which we need in order bring the best out of our bodies? Here are some colourful ingredients which you can incorporate into your daily diet in order to stay on top of your game at all times, and focus in accomplishing the things that you have envisioned in a vibrant life.

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Have a Splash of Greens

Green vegetables are really good for maintaining optimal focus, as it has the ability to restore energy, increase vitality and improve the quality of blood. This is primarily because of the fact that they are rich in iron. Iron plays a central role in the function of red blood cells, which help in transporting oxygen around the body, in energy production and DNA synthesis. In this way, you will have enough oxygen going to your brain to help you think better, as well as keep the tiredness away. Although this is not as effective as eating animal products, it is beneficial as there are extra properties, such as anti-inflammatory and anti-cancerous properties and are especially important for healthy eye-sight. By eaadding more greens into your diet, you can experience a more energetic, healthy, youthful life in the long run.

Colour up Life!

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Add a Lit tle Purple and Blue Blueberries are effective in preventing short-term memory and they possess similar properties to green vegetables. It is contains a significant amount of antioxidants, which are anti-aging and anti-cancerous; they are also good for eyesight. Not only are blueberries good for you, they are tasty and sweet too! Sometimes you can get them on promotion during peak seasons available at Cold Storage or NTUC. Blackcurrants are also known to have similar properties, however having the additional characteristic of having the power to increase mental agility as it contains a high amount of vitamin C. They are known to be one of the best sources of vitamin C.

If you feel like you need a little mental start up and don’t feel like sipping coffee, why not try a cup of Ribena instead?

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Colour up Life!

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Now For Some Orange

Salmon is well-known to be rich in omega 3 and this makes it one of the most eaten fish worldwide. There are many benefits related to omega 3 and here are just a few.

a) Cardiovascular BenefitsIt helps in decreasing the risk of heart attacks, stroke, heart arrhythmia, high blood pressure, and high triglycerides in the blood.

b) Improved Mood and ReasoningDHA is an important fat found in the human brain and studies have shown that it helps in thinking and helps to decrease the risk of certain brain-related problems. Also, it helps to decrease the risk of depression, decrease the risk of hostility in some studies of teenagers, and decrease the risk of reasoning and understanding decline in older people. Some studies have even shown an association between IQ and omega-3.

c) Joint ProtectionResearch has shown that EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) from fish, like salmon, can be converted by the body to prevent unwanted inflammation. The extra bonus is that this particular property also has the ability to work with other anti-inflammatory properties that has nothing to do with the omega-3, but helps with our proteins instead. This property gives the body the ability to kill two birds with one stone by having two anti-inflammatory boosts in one mouthful!

d) Eye BenefitsSalmon (omega-3) is related with decreasing the risk of two eye-related problems: macular degeneration and chronic dry eye, which are usually associated with aging and dehydration.

e) Decreased Cancer RiskIntake of fish rich in omega-3 fat is linked to the decreased risk for several types of cancer. These cancer types include colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, and breast cancer.

Colour up Life!

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21Colour up Life!

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A Perfect Canvaswords by Yvonne Teo Yen Pin

A Perfect Canvas

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23A Perfect Canvas

How many of you would agree a perfect skin is the most important element in looking beautiful? I would raise my hand as high as I can because our skin is the largest organ of our body, which means it’s practically what makes you up. Our skin is both the face we show the world and our most intimate means for physical connection. I always believe our skin is the reflection of our health. When we are not taking care of our body, it would “complain” by popping acnes, zits, pimples, rashes, or even allergies. These are signs that our body is telling us “you are abusing your body and we’re not happy about it!!!”

That’s my theory, but in 2004, the global demand for skincare products represented the second largest share of the estimated $200-billion-plus-a-year personal-care market. And yet, the fact remains that dollars alone can’t buy truly healthy skin. That’s because our skin is an intrinsic component of the health of our entire bodily organism. Meaning, unless we are optimally healthy, our skin won’t be either.

Well fortunately, although not everyone is blessed with perfect skin, we all can appear like we have perfect skin! (This is applicable to guys as well!)

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Steps to a Perfect Canvas

Choose a tone of your shade

A shade that is too light or too dark can instantly make you look haggard and inappropriate. Try all shades and pick the one that fades into your skin best. In simpler words, the shade that “disappears” on your skin is your colour tone.

A Perfect Canvas

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Steps to a Perfect Canvas

Check Your Skin Type

Different type of skin requires different texture of foundation. An oil-based foundation used on oily skin will only make the skin look too oily.

Types of Skin Recommended Foundation Texture

Oily Water-basedDry Gel-based / Oil-based / Cream-basedNormal Any kindSensitive Water-basedAging Gel-based / Oil-based

A Perfect Canvas

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Steps to a Perfect Canvas

Application Method

To keep things simple, I would only recommend one type of application method that works for EVERYBODY and ANY TYPE OF SKIN, and still achieve what I claimed as ‘ the perfect skin’. This, I believe, should be used by everyone. It is the Beauty Blender. Do not underestimate this sponge as just another dish-washing sponge; it works wonders! (P.S. this is also my personal technique for perfect looking skin)

I have sensitive skin and you may think I won’t have acne/zits issues because I do not have an oily face. However, in my younger teenage years, not only did I have acne issues, I frequently wake up to unknown rashes all over my face. I grow up having the habit to check if my face had a sudden allergic outbreak every single day. Thankful to a good skincare regime, my skin condition is very much tamed.

However, there are scars and imperfections that made me look tired due to sleeping late and eating junk food. I have to be honest that I haven’t been taking care of my health and my skin in recent years, which I totally regret! Dark eye circles, acne scaring and dull skin. I believe I am not the only one facing issues like these. Now, I’ll be sharing my makeup/foundation routine when I go to school or work, which will be lighter than normal.

A Perfect Canvas

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27A Perfect Canvas


U can be more hardworking and do a full makeup, if you’re heading for a night out!

Saying goodbye with a smirk!

I own one beauty blender myself! And it’s my personal secret to flawless looking skin because the blender can get into the unreachable corners in your face.

Done! With some mascara and eyebrows.