Page 1: Exposing The Real Facts Behind Those Pajama Man Scam Reviews





Page 2: Exposing The Real Facts Behind Those Pajama Man Scam Reviews



With A Grain Of Salt – The Veracity Of Pajama-Man Scam Reviews


Who Is The Pajama-Man? Scam Reviews And Truths Investigated


Unlocking The Secrets Of The Ancillary Business – Shining A Light On Pajama-Man Scam Reviews


The Truth About The Pajama-Man: Scam Reviews Debunked


The Truth About The Pajama-Man: Scam Reviews And Facts Exposed


The Real Deal On The Pajama-Man Scam Reviews


Success Stories From The Alleged Pajama-Man Scam – Reviews Vindicate The Program


Setting You Straight About The Pajama-Man – Scam Reviews Denounced By Ancillary Experts


Setting The Facts Straight About Pajama-Man Scam Reviews


Pajama-Man Scam Reviews – Truths And Clarifications


Page 3: Exposing The Real Facts Behind Those Pajama Man Scam Reviews


With A Grain Of Salt – The Veracity Of Pajama-Man Scam Reviews

You can call today's kids lucky. Instead of

spending countless hours at the library, they

can use their computers and even their

smartphones to access information over the

Internet. Unfortunately, just as there is an

incredible wealth of information available

online, there is also a significant amount of

misleading content made by those with

malicious intent or those who are ignorant of

the facts. This includes Pajama-Man scam


Who is The Pajama-Man and why should you bother knowing the truth about him?

Also known as “Mr. Insurance of Nevada,” Andy Ross has more than eight years of experience

as one of the top independent insurance brokers of his state. Known for wearing loose-fitting

clothes, Ross earned the monicker The Pajama-Man from his wife Andee.

Success in the insurance industry did not come to Ross by chance or by stroke of luck. After

working in the telecoms industry as a reseller, he applied himself to studying the intricacies of

the insurance industry. Through his perseverance, he discovered and developed a unique

system by which anyone can sell insurance even without prior experience and without having

to deal with cold calls or getting out of the house. For over 18 years, Ross has worked right in

the comfort of his own home office.

Both as a top insurance broker and as a mentor to others, Ross subscribes to the mantra of

prescribe, educate, solve the problem and help people while earning a substantial income.

Through The Pajama-Man School, he shares the same techniques he uses to assess the

situation of a prospective client who, in one way or another, has been marginalized by the

insurance industry because of his or her current condition. While the insurance industry may be

a trillion dollar industry with more than 17 million potential clients, there is a wide gap between

those who are covered by insurance and those who are not. The main issue here, as Ross points

out, is that most brokers fail to thoroughly assess the situation of their potential clients and

give them poor advice — hence their rejection from insurance providers.

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Combining his knowledge with his connections within the industry, Ross enables his students to

communicate effectively with clients to find their needs and enable them to find the right type

of insurance for them from the right provider. To many individuals, including seasoned brokers,

his system may seem too good to be true — hence their scepticism — but looking at Ross's

record as well as the testimonies of his students who come from diverse backgrounds will lead

interested parties to believe otherwise.

There is plenty of information available over the Internet. While some are helpful, there are

also some that need to be taken with a grain of salt.

Who Is The Pajama-Man? Scam Reviews And Truths Investigated

Who is The Pajama-Man? Scam reviews and postings about this singular entity have become

quite abundant on the World Wide Web. The Pajama Man offers his students a way to earn

substantial incomes that are not easily affected by external factors such as impending

recessions and unstable economies — all within the comfort of their own home. Such a formula

seems too good to be true according to skeptics, some of which may have gone on to create

reviews about The Pajama-Man’s business model. Some of these reviews may be true, while

others may be fabricated in an effort to discredit an honest business. The problem, however,

lies in knowing whether there is any truth to these claims.

The Pajama-Man is not some anonymous entity who aims to get your money whilst wearing

sleepwear. The man behind this silly-sounding (or ominous, depending on how you feel about

it) moniker is Andy Ross, a man who is otherwise known as the “Mr. Insurance of Nevada.” He

earned the nickname of The Pajama-Man after his wife noted that he always wears this comfy

outfit to work. You may wonder, why does he wear pajamas to work? The answer is simple: Mr.

Ross works at home.

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Mr. Ross has had a long history of working from home, being a telecom reseller for almost 12

years. However, as time passed and the needs of people changed, the telecom industry broke

down and Mr. Ross found himself out of a job. Having a home-based job for more than a

decade, Mr. Ross also felt like he would not be employable; after all, his skills would be vastly

different from those of his corporate-bound colleagues. For this reason, he tried to find a way

to use his skills and still work in his chosen environment — and his efforts became a success. He

applied his telecom sales skills to a field that would always present a lucrative opportunity: the

insurance industry. It may appear to many that insurance is hard to sell, but Mr. Ross has

shown from his achievements that this is not so.

At The Pajama-Man School, Mr. Ross teaches his students about the different insurance

categories, such as life, casualty, health and property. He shares ways to help students start

their own insurance business and start earning in record time. Mr. Ross also offers an extensive

library of information that can be accessed by students at any time, as well as a support and

teaching system to help students replicate his own level of success. Seems too good to be true?

Don’t fret. The Pajama-Man School participates in the Better Business Bureau’s arbitration

program — a sure sign that the Pajama Man is the real thing, not just a man in sleepwear who

will lull you into a dreamless sleep.

Unlocking The Secrets Of The Ancillary Business – Shining A Light On Pajama-Man Scam


Pajama-Man scam reviews seek to discredit Andy Ross and his venture, The Pajama-Man

School. After all, how can one man have the audacity to claim that he can teach a person who is

totally clueless about the insurance business and transform him or her into a selling machine,

averaging $500 on a daily basis without having to deal with cold calls, working solely from his or

her own home?

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The Internet is replete with opportunities for individuals to earn. Some are legitimate while

some are pure scams. This is why most skeptics are quick to label any individual who makes a

bold claim as a con artist. However, before falling into the trap of misconceptions and

unfounded rumors, it is best to study the claims made with an open and non-judgmental


Who's The Pajama-Man? Andy Ross has over eight years of experience as Nevada's top

independent insurance broker. Ross started out as a telecom reseller but shifted to the

insurance industry in 2004. Ross was dubbed The Pajama-Man by his wife Andee for his

propensity to wear loose, pajama-like clothes as he worked from home. Using his experience

from the telecoms industry and educating himself using the available literature, Ross has

developed for himself a system that enables him to work right in the comfort of his own home

while earning substantial residual income. This fact has not escaped the attention of his own

peers who have badgered him to share his secrets. However, Ross has decided to share his

secrets only to those who enroll at his BBB-accredited business school, The Pajama-Man School.

More than being a successful independent insurance broker, Ross is also a passionate teacher,

coach, consultant and mentor. He will show you not only the fact that the insurance sector is a

trillion dollar industry and that there are about 17 million potential customers, but he will also

teach you how to tap into the system, earn well and help other people as well. And Ross does

not scrimp on what he shares with his students — through The Pajama-Man School, students

will have 24/7 online access to the school's library, one-on-one training via phone and Internet,

daily teleconferences and webinars, and time-management and problem solving support.

Students of The Pajama-Man School learn about the major insurance categories namely life,

health, property and casualty. Additionally, students may choose from 30 subcategories in

which they want to specialize. Through the course design, students can start earning

immediately right in the comfort of their own home on a part-time or full-time basis.

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The Truth About The Pajama-Man: Scam Reviews Debunked

The global financial crisis of recent years had a profound impact on the lives of countless

people. Some people lost their jobs while others who kept their jobs put their dreams of

retirement at the backburner. But despite these profound changes, some things remained

essentially the same. One of these things is the need for insurance — most especially health


The truth is, many people are desperate for health insurance but are often turned down by

insurance providers. But what if you had the ability to give hope to these desperate people and

give them the opportunity to have better access to health care — to give them peace of mind

while providing for yourself an opportunity to earn a substantial amount of money at the same


Andy Ross is The Pajama-Man and he has developed a unique system where you can play a

significant role in the lives of other people by providing them with insurance coverage while

providing yourself with a great opportunity for income. A veteran of the telecom industry, Ross

combined his experience from this industry with the study of relevant literature to create a

solid system to help him achieve his vision. He shares his techniques through The Pajama-Man


Because of his propensity to wear pajama-like clothing while working from his home office,

Ross's wife Andee has dubbed him the Pajama-Man. Scam reviews abound all over the Internet

about get-rich-quick schemes; however, with The Pajama-Man School, Ross teaches you first

and foremost about the reality that there is a vast number of people with a real need for

insurance coverage. Along with this fact, Ross teaches his students the same techniques he

personally uses which have earned him the monicker "Mr. Insurance of Nevada." This means

that you do not have to do cold calling or come over to a prospective client's home. You, too,

can earn an average of $500 per day working in the comfort of your home.

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Through The Pajama-Man School, you will learn to be like Ross who acts like a physician who

diagnoses the affliction of his clients and provides them with the right treatment for them. At

the same time, you will have an opportunity to invest in your future in a recession-proof

industry. Despite the recovery of the economy, there is still much uncertainty that looms. With

The Pajama-Man School, you are helping yourself and others. And that is no small feat.

The Truth About The Pajama-Man: Scam Reviews And Facts Exposed

In this day and age, it is understandable for people to be wary of any get-rich-quick schemes

that promise untold wealth in a short amount of time. This is because scams are abundant

wherever you may go, whether you attempt to look for the answer to your financial woes on

the World Wide Web or not. Because of the convenience it offers, however, most people turn

to the Internet first when searching for ways to supplement their income. This channel has also

made it easy to verify the truth behind any business scheme; reviews from previous users and

clients can help you determine whether a company or person offering financial advice is a fraud

or not. A sad consequence of the ease of delivering information through the Internet, however,

is that it has also made it possible for malicious parties to easily ruin the reputation of a

legitimate company and make the group or person seem too good to be true. Such is the case

with The Pajama-Man.

So who is The Pajama-Man? Scam reviews say that he is a fraud. After all, his offerings do seem

too good to be true: for a small price, he can teach you ways to sell insurance and reap great

residual incomes — all without leaving the comfort of your own home. At first glance, this type

of business may appear to have all the ingredients for deception: a funny moniker that isn’t

serious enough for business, a quick, surefire scheme to earn money, and an online entity that

clients and students may have no way of ever meeting.

However, all these fears are unfounded. The Pajama-Man is real man. He is Andy Ross, the man

who some people may know as the “Mr. Insurance of Nevada.” From 1992 to 2004, Mr. Ross

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worked as a telecom reseller who earned a substantial residual income. However, the industry

eventually fell and he had to find another way to earn income. He found his calling in the

insurance industry and proceeded to apply his telecom skills to selling insurance. In time, he

managed to earn more than enough for his family — even while wearing pajamas. His daily

work outfit eventually earned him the nickname The Pajama Man.

His method of business is simple. He teaches his students, for a fee, the basics of the insurance

industry and sales tactics. He helps them set up their own business and teaches them the very

methods that have helped him gain the title of “Mr. Insurance of Nevada.” Mr. Ross also

provides extensive support and a library that students can access at any given time.

Mr. Ross further proves the veracity of his business by participating in the Better Business

Bureau’s arbitration program, which helps resolve disputes among business and their clients.

This is a sure sign of an honest business: by working with recognized authorities, students can

rest easy that their investments are in good hands.

The Real Deal On The Pajama-Man Scam Reviews

Earning money in your jammies… that’s probably something that speaks to you. If you’re

longing to escape the drudgery of the typical work day (the early morning reveille, prepping to

go to work, the commute, the eight hours

punched in, the commute back, etc.), you’ll be

very interested to know about a low-cost, white

collar franchise opportunity to own and run an

insurance business – in the comfort of your

home, and in your pajamas if you prefer it.

Some eight years ago, Andy Ross, the famed

“Mr. Insurance of Nevada,” also known as The

Pajama-Man, deciding to tap into the trillion

dollar insurance industry, came up with a

system with an income goal of $3,000 a day,

and never looked back. For him, the key to

financial success is residual income and he

cannot fathom why not many people are

following a residual income model. Through The Pajama-Man School, a nation-wide insurance

training center, Ross eagerly teaches his system for producing large volumes of applications to

individuals wanting to achieve a similar brand of success.

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Because the program sounds like such an easy way to earn money, some cynics opted to be

suspicious and gave The Pajama-Man scam reviews, but those who are actually in the system

stoutly vouch for its efficacy. Ross has students from almost all the states and has developed

successful insurance entrepreneurs all over the US. Industry insiders understand that The

Pajama-Man School is a legitimate business opportunity with students being trained how to

prescribe solutions and educate others on the insurance option that works best for them and

their loved ones, while earning for themselves unlimited residual income in the process.

The Pajama-Man School package consists of 24/7 access to a comprehensive online resource

library, multi-daily teleconferences, webinars, and one-on-one support sessions with Ross

himself, etc. Students thoroughly learn about the insurance market and industry, transitioning

from part-time insurance sales to full-time, multiple income streams, high customer retention

rates, being able to work from anywhere in the world and the general flexibility of the setup,

etc. While some people claim that an insurance business is not as lucrative in a down economy,

Ross will explain why the opposite is true, giving evidence that his system is recession-proof.

The Pajama-Man scam reviews have long been debunked by individuals who have successfully

turned into first-rate producers. The program is excellent; to make it work for you, you have to

put in a solid effort applying Ross’s training.

Success Stories From The Alleged Pajama-Man Scam – Reviews Vindicate The Program

People in the insurance industry have probably come across Pajama-Man scam reviews as they

sought ways to increase their sales commissions. Those discerning enough not to believe the

reviews without looking further into the topic would have found out that there is no reason for

the scam label. Andy Ross, The Pajama-Man, aka “Mr. Insurance of Nevada,” is clearly not out

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to dupe investors out of their money; instead, he’s their number one supporter as they work

their way towards their fortune.

By enrolling in The Pajama-Man School, people are given access to a system that can net them

an unlimited amount of residual income. This is something that’s pure music to the ears of

insurance salespersons. It’s even better that Ross’s method will allow them to do everything

without leaving their house. For agents whose orientation involves hustling out in the field, this

should be a very welcome revelation. Even the insurance industry has evolved with the times;

through The Pajama-Man School, insurance agents can access a way to optimize the potential

of their work by simply leveraging the use of an Internet-connected computer, a printer and a

fax machine. By signing up for the program, students receive one-on-one training with

somebody who has already made The Pajama-Man School system work for him, The Pajama-

Man himself.

The school is pretty much a mentoring program and students get access to a wealth of training

materials and other resources, daily teleconferences and webinars, as well as complete ongoing

support from Ross. They can even observe the Pajama Man in action as he makes calls and

generates leads. Everything does come with a $5,000 price tag, but for people who have made

insurance sales their livelihood, they’ll soon find that the investment has incredible returns.

Success stories among The Pajama-Man School students are aplenty and they come from all

over the country, involving top producers from the different states, including those as far away

as Hawaii. These agents have all discovered that Andy’s success could also be their own, that

The Pajama-Man way is something that they can stick with to produce incredible results. Many

of these people have been in the business for a long time and have tried various methods of

marketing, driving traffic, lead generation, etc. It all boils down to choosing what works. The

Pajama-Man system, with its recession-proof, home-based income opportunity, has been the

clear choice for many.

Those who bothered to investigate the veracity of The Pajama-Man scam reviews have been

rewarded by the discovery of something completely life-changing. It truly pays to give the

benefit of the doubt, especially when it comes to online information from unverified sources.

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Setting You Straight About The Pajama-Man – Scam Reviews Denounced By Ancillary Experts

Andy Ross is “The Pajama-Man,” a nickname coined by his wife Andee. The Ross family is living

the dream life. Ross’s business gives him an incredible income without tying him to the

grindstone; this enables him to have plenty of quality days at home with his family. His success

also allows his wife to be a stay-at-home mom and affords his entire family an extraordinarily

wonderful lifestyle.

Ross is an esteemed coach as well as a valued mentor and consultant to many people. His

students attribute their own success to the system and training he has shared with them

through The Pajama-Man School. Ross’s program involves an insurance franchise business

opportunity that allows those privy to the system to tap a trillion dollar (and continually

expanding) industry. The demand for insurance is always great and the premiums rise, and

along with it, the existing residual income of those who’ve invested.

Ross’s system is simple – most things need to be in order for them to work. It is clear, though,

that absolutely anybody can achieve success following it. Students pay tuition of $5,000, which

is considered a bargain taking into account that its equivalent in the combination of franchise

and education is worth tens of thousands of dollars. Although the contract gives the duration of

but a year, Andy says that his commitment to his students is forever. His support will always be

there should they need it.

There are people who see a red flag in any form of initial investment. They want access to

special information that can give them success to be free. That’s not how life works at all;

nothing ventured, nothing gained. People with a sense of entitlement are unfortunately headed

toward a sad and disappointing life. Because of this, it is understandable why some individuals

have dismissed Ross’s system by giving The Pajama-Man scam reviews. However, the success

rate among The Pajama-Man School alumni is proof that the system works, and the

testimonials from students (the people who would know – as opposed to outsiders giving their

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opinion) will tell anybody exactly how they feel about Ross and the school. These are

experienced ancillary experts weighing in on the authenticity and efficacy of the program.

Everything is truly aboveboard. Ross helps his students get licensed and he teaches them until

he is certain that the transformation has taken place. To confirm that they have fully grasped

how the system works, he makes them teach it back to him.

Ross doesn’t guarantee specific numbers or that every student will be a success. He stresses the

importance of discipline and work ethics. The system is fool-proof, but people following it have

to be motivated. For those who need further assurance, Ross is completely forthcoming about

his credentials and accomplishments. His commitment to transparency is such that he

welcomes visitors to his home office to witness first-hand his money-making machine in action.

Whatever Pajama Man scam reviews there are, they can all easily be debunked by the reality of

the numerous success stories the school has produced, and by The Pajama-Man himself,

earning an insane amount of residual income each month.

Setting The Facts Straight About Pajama-Man Scam Reviews

Insurance is a trillion dollar industry with more than 17 million potential clients. Because there

is a consistent need for coverage no matter how bullish or bearish the economy is, selling

insurance is considered a recession-proof industry.

As such, why are there many people who have found little or no success in this niche? Using

medicine and doctors as an analogy, the main duty of an insurance agent to his prospective

client is to diagnose his or her condition and prescribe the right medicine and treatment. Across

the country, numerous people are denied access to insurance coverage — particularly health

insurance — because of their medical condition. Although they are willing to pay for insurance

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premiums, their condition and the inability of the insurance salesman to prescribe the right

type of insurance to his client results in this problem, which can have devastating results.

To many people, including those who work in the industry, insurance is difficult to sell. This has

led to a few Pajama-Man scam reviews to appear over the Internet. Many people, including

industry veterans, are skeptical about how one man can develop a winning system that helps

people earn good income while helping those who need insurance find coverage for their

specific needs and conditions.

There are two types of workers: those who work hard and those who work smart. You can

categorize Andy Ross, The Pajama-Man, under the second category. In a pool of over 1,000

independent brokers, Ross has emerged as the number one producing broker, earning him the

monicker “Mr. Insurance of Nevada.” With eight years of experience in the industry, he is no

novice and many have come to him to learn his secret techniques. However, he does not teach

his techniques to just anybody, opting to share his secrets only to his students at The Pajama-

Man School. He counts people from various walks of life (including homemakers, business

professionals and former athletes) as alumni of his school.

As a student of Ross, you can enter the insurance industry at once even without prior

experience. This is good news if you are looking for another source of income or if you are

thinking about getting out of the nine-to-five rat race. With the system developed by Ross, one

can learn how to tap into the vast market without having to deal with cold calls. You can even

work from home as The Pajama-Man himself has done for over 18 years. All you need is a

phone, a fax machine and a computer. You can even work while you are on the go.

As a student of The Pajama-Man School, you will be able to immediately start as an

independent broker working for the top insurance providers. Additionally, you'll have access to

The Pajama-Man School's vast online resource library anytime you choose to go online and

receive comprehensive training via phone and Internet as well as time management and

problem-solving support.

Ross’s system has been successfully adapted to different insurance niches including personal

liability, business liability, health insurance, life insurance, vehicle insurance and earthquake

and flood insurance. The trillion dollar insurance industry is just waiting for those who are

willing to put time and effort to learn its intricacies. You can believe what The Pajama-Man

scam reviews say — or you can start earning well today.

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Pajama-Man Scam Reviews – Truths And Clarifications

In your search for a new way to earn income, you may have encountered The Pajama-Man

School. Alongside this online find may be some Pajama-Man scam reviews. Many reviews seek

to discredit Andy Ross and The Pajama-Man School and lump them along with other get-rich-

quick schemes. Many are asking "How can you earn $500 a day?" To outsiders, Ross's claims

may seem too good to be true, but there are actually several truths that back his claim.

For one, Ross is not some snake oil salesman who suddenly popped out of the Internet making

bold statements. Also known as “Mr. Insurance of Nevada” and The Pajama-Man, Ross is

recognized as one of the top producers in insurance in Nevada. After starting a career as a

telecom reseller in 1992, he transitioned to the insurance business as the telecom industry

started slipping downhill in 2004. Having found critical success in the insurance business, many

have turned to Ross, asking him for his trade secrets. However, Ross has repeatedly turned

them down, opting to share the same winning techniques he uses to his students at The

Pajama-Man School.

One of the first lessons that Ross teaches his students is to become a sort of physician to their

prospective clients. While a doctor attends to his physicians and prescribes them the right

medicine and treatments, as a student of Ross, you will learn exactly where to put your clients

— especially those who were turned down by other insurance providers.

Ross is a firm believer in having multiple income streams. As such, students learn about niche

markets and use this knowledge to their and their clients' advantage. This includes earning

income in areas like health insurance, life insurance, accident insurance, critical illness

insurance and final expense insurance. The insurance industry is a trillion dollar industry with

17 million potential insurance clients. It is also considered recession-proof where Ross's

students have the opportunity to earn and help other people.

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Aside from being successful in the insurance business, Ross is passionate about educating his

students. Through the system he developed, he teaches students how to properly speak with

prospective clients as well as develop in them the ability to assess their prospective client's

issues and prescribe the right solution for them. The Pajama-Man School is accredited by the

Better Business Bureau (BBB) and, as such, counts people from various walks of life as students

including Ivy League graduates, former professional athletes and other business professionals.