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    Annexure A

    University Centre Address :- S.C.O.829 (IInd Floor) NAC


    Code No. :- 02845

    Title of project

    Export financeExport credit in foreign currency

    Submitted By : Narinder Singh Atwal

    Regn. No.: 520835877




    Sikkim- Manipal university of Health, Medical and technological sciences Distance education wing

    Syndicate house Manipal -576104

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    Annexure B

    I here by declare that the project report entitled Export finance Export credit

    in foreign currency submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master

    of Business Administration (MBA) to Sikkim- Manipal University, India, is my original work and not

    submitted for the award of any other degree, diploma, fellowship or any other similar title or prizes

    Place : Chandigarh Narinder Singh Atwal

    Date : 03.05.2010 Reg. No. 520835877


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    Annexure C (Examiners certification)

    The project report ofNarinder Singh Atwalof studentExport financeExport credit in foreign currency

    is approved and is acceptable in quality and form

    Internal Examiner External Examiner

    Name Name

    Qualification Qualification



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    Annexure D (University study center certificate)

    This is to certify that the project report entitled

    Export financeExport credit in foreign currencySubmitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Business Administration

    (MBA) to Sikkim Manipal University of Health, Medical and technological sciences Narinder

    Singh Atwal has worked under my supervision and guidance and that no part of this report has been

    submitted for the award of any other degree, diploma, fellowship or any other similar title or prizes and that

    the work has not been published in any Journal or Magazine.

    Reg. No. 520835877 Certified

    Guide Name



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    S.No Table of Contents Page


    1 Introduction 02

    2 Concept of Export Finance 03

    3 Types Pre-shipment & Post Shipment finance 04/05

    4 Letter of Credit 10

    5 Export credit in foreign currency 116 Role of EXIM Bank in export promotion 12

    a) Features/Objectives/Operations 13

    b) Lending Programs 15

    c) Financing Programs 18

    d) FREPEC 20

    e) EXIM business profile 22

    f) Export Services 23

    g) Forfaiting 28

    7 Role of ECGC in export promotiona) Introduction/features 32

    b) Products of ECGC 33

    8 FAQ EXIM bank 40

    9 Recent developments-EXIM Bank 43-46

    10 Exchange Control on Exports 47

    11 Trade Related Investment Measures (TRIMs) 49

    12 Factoring 50

    13 Monetary & Credit Policy 52

    14 High Court Ruling 5315 Learnings from the Project 54

    16 Bibliography 55


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    Introduction :

    Credit and finance is the life blood of any business whetherdomestic or international . It is more important in the case ofexport transactions due to the prevalance of novel non-pricecompetitive techniques encountered by exporters in variousnations to enlarge their share of world markets.

    The selling techniques are no longer confined to mere quality,price or delivery schedules of the products but are extended topayment terms offered by exporters . Liberal payment termsusually score over the competitors not only of capital equipmentbut also of consumer goods.

    The payment terms however depend upon the availability offinance to exporters in relation to its quantum, cost and theperiod at pre-shipment and post-shipment stage.

    This project is an attempt to throw light on the various sources ofexport finance available to exporters , the schemes implemented byECGC and EXIM for export promotion and the recent developmentsin the form of tie-EXIM tie-ups , credit policy announced by RBI inOct 2001 and TRIMS .


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    Export finance is a short term working capital finance allowed to an exporter.Finance and credit are available to help not only export production but alsoto sell overseas customers on credit .

    Need for Export Finance :

    To cover commercial & Non-commercial or political risks attendant ongranting credit to a foreign buyer.

    To cover natural risks like an earthquake, floods etc.

    An exporter may avail financial assistance from any bank which consider theensuing factors:-a) Availability of the funds at the required time to the exporter.b) Affordability of the cost of funds.


    When a commercial bank deals in export finance it is bound by the ensuingguidelines:-a) Exchange control regulations.b) Trade control regulations.c) Reserve Banks directives issued through IECD.d) Export Credit Guarantee Corporation guidelines.e) Guidelines of Foreign Exchange Dealers Association of India.

    We now have a look at the different types of export finance.Basically the point separating the two types of finances is related to whether thefinancial assistance is granted to an exporter prior to or after the shipment of thegoods. Thus, as indicated above the two types of export finances are as follows:-

    i. Pre-shipment finance

    ii. Post-shipment finance


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    Definition of Pre-shipment finance:-

    Financial assistance extended to the exporter from the date of receipt of theexport order till the date of shipment is known as Pre-shipment credit. Suchfinance is extended to an exporter for the purpose of procuring raw materials,processing, packing, transporting, warehousing of goods meant for exports.

    Definition of Post-shipment finance:-

    Credit facility extended to an exporter from the date of shipment of goods till the

    realisation of the export proceeds is called post-shipment credit.

    Pre-shipment finance is available in the form of packing credit and advances

    against receivables from the Government like duty drawback, etc.

    Post-shipment finance is available in the form of ;i. Export bills purchased / negotiated / discounted.ii. Advances against bills sent on collection basis.iii. Advances against exports on consignments basis.iv. Advances against undrawn balances.v. Advances against duty drawback.

    We now discuss in detail about pre-shipment finance.

    Pre-shipment finance which is generally called packing credit is essentially aworking capital advance made available for the specific purpose of procuring orprocessing or manufacturing of goods meant for export.

    Two essential features of packing credit advances are:-a) There should be an export order or a letter of credit.b) The advances to be liquidated from the relative export proceeds.


    While appraising an export credit proposal as a commercial banker, obligation tothe following institutions or regulations needs to be adhered to.

    To RBI under the Exchange Control Regulations:-Obligations are:-

    Appraisee to be the banks customer.Appraisee should have the exim code number alloted by the Director General OfForeign Trade.


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    Partys name should not appear under the caution list of the RBI.

    To the Trade Control Authority under the EXIM policy:-Obligations are:-

    Appraisee should have IEC number alloted by the DGFT.

    Goods must be freely exportable i.e. not falling under the negative list. If it fallsunder the negative list, then a valid license should be there allowing the export.Country with whom the appraisee wants to trade should not be under tradebarrier.

    To ECGC:-Obligations are:-Verification that appraisee is not under the Specific Approval list (SAL).


    There are certain factors to be considered while sanctioning the packing creditadvances viz.

    i. Banks may relax norms for debt-equity ratio, margins etc but no compromisein respect of viability of the proposal and integrity of the borrower.

    ii. Satisfaction about the capacity of the execution of the orders within thestipulated time and the management of the export business.

    iii. Quantum of finance.iv. Standing of credit opening bank if the exports are covered under letters of

    credit.v. Regulations, political and financial conditions of the buyers country.


    After proper sanctioning of credit limits, the disbursing branch should ensure:-To inform ECGC the details of limit sanctioned in the prescribed format within 30days from the date of sanction.a) To complete proper documentation and compliance of the terms of sanction

    i.e. creation of mortgage etc.b) There should be an export order or a letter of credit produced by the exporter

    on the basis of which disbursements are normally allowed. In both the casesfollowing particulars are to be verified:-

    i. Name of the buyerii. Commodity to be exported

    iii. Quantityiv. Valuev. Date of shipment / negotiationvi. Any other terms to be complied with.



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    On the basis of the above particulars, the quantum of finance will be fixed.Normally, the quantum will be fixed on the FOB value of the contract or the LC orthe domestic value of the goods which ever is less after deducting the profitmargin.If the contract or the LC is on CIF basis, the FOB value will be arrived at by

    deducting 13 to 14% from the CIF value if the despatch is through sea andaround 25% if the despatch is by air. After arriving at the FOB value the usualmargin i.e. profit margin stipulated in the terms of sanction to be deducted.


    This is decided on the basis of the production cycle or upto the date of shipmentmentioned in the order / LC whichever is earlier. But in no case it should exceed180 days. For reasons beyond the control of exporter, if the shipment could notbe made within 180 daysfrom the date of advance, a further extension of 90 dayscan be granted by the banks themselves without referring to Reserve Bank.Extension of any packing credit beyond 360 days requires ECGCs approval.

    In order to have proper control over the granting and settlement of pre-shipmentcredit allowed to exporters at concessive rates of interest, it is necessary for thebanks to maintain separate accounts in respect of each packing credit advancedto the exporter. Packing credit advance should also be followed up properly at allstages like submission of stock statements and inspection of stocks at regularintervals, adequate insurance cover for the stocks etc.Packing credit advance will always be liquidated with the export proceeds of therelevant shipment. At this stage the pre-shipment liability of the party is convertedinto post-shipment liability.

    Post-shipment finance

    is essentially an advance against receivables which will be in the form ofshipping documents.Some of the major exchange control regulations concerning export finance at thepost-shipment stage are as follows:-

    i. Exporter should have the code number and each shipment shouldaccompany the prescribed declaration form in which the value of export willbe declared and duly certified by the customs authority.

    ii. Shipping documents along with relative GR form must be submitted to anAD within 21 days from the date of shipment.

    iii. The payment should be received in an approved manner within theprescribed time limit. i.e. within six months from the date of shipment.

    Different types of post-shipment advances

    i. Export bills purchased / discountedii. Export bills negotiatediii. Advances against bills sent on collection basis.


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    iv. Advances against exports on consignment basis.v. Advances against undrawn Advances against duty drawback.

    Export bills purchased / discounted:-

    Proper limit should be sanctioned to the exporter for purchase of export bills

    facility. Since the export is not covered under LC, risk of non-payment may arise.

    Export bills negotiated:-(bills drawn under LC)

    When export documents are presented to the bank for negotiation, they should

    be scrutinized carefully with the terms and conditions of the LC. The operation ofletter of credit is governed by Uniform Customs & Practices for Documentary

    Credits (1993 revision) of the International Chamber of Commerce, Brochure no.


    Advances against bills sent on collection basis:-

    At times, the exporter might have fully utilized his bills and in certain cases the

    bills drawn under the LC may have some discrepancies. In such cases the billswill be sent on collection basis. In some cases, the exporter himself may request

    for sending the bills on collection basis anticipating the strengthening of the

    foreign currency. Banks may allow advance against these collection bills to an

    exporter. Concessive rate of interest can be charged for this advance upto the

    transit period in the case of DP Bill and the transit period + usance period +

    grace period (if any) in case of usance bills.

    Advance against goods sent on consignment basis:-

    Goods are exported on consignment basis at the risk of the exporter for sale

    abroad. Eventual remittance of sale proceeds will be made by agent / consignee.


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    Advances against undrawn balances:-

    In certain line of export trade, it is the practice of the exporter to leave a part of

    the amount as undrawn balance. Adjustment will be made by the buyer for

    difference in weight, quality etc. ascertained after arrival and inspection or

    analysis of the goods.

    Advances against receivables from Government such as Duty Drawback:-

    Where the domestic cost of production of certain goods is higher in relation to

    international price, the exporter may get support from the Government so that he

    may compete effectively in the overseas market. Export incentives are provided

    under the Export Promotion Scheme by the Government of India and other

    agencies. This can only be in the form of refund of excise and customs duty

    known as Duty Drawback

    Period of finance

    Post shipment advance against demand bills will be for a period upto normaltransit period. In case of unasked bills the advance will be for the transit period +usance period + grace period if any, but in any case not exceeding 180 daysfrom the date of shipment.

    Quantum of finance

    In case of post-shipment advances, normally no margin is maintained for bills

    drawn under LCs. Only in case of export bills purchased against contracts / firm

    orders, depending upon the additional security available, some banks prescribe

    certain amount of margin.


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    Letter of Credit

    A letter of creditis a banking mechanism which allows importers to offer secureterms to exporters.All letters of credit contain these elements:

    a payment undertaking given by the

    bank (issuing bank) on behalf of the buyer (applicant)

    to pay a seller (beneficiary)

    a given amount of money

    on presentation of specifieddocuments representing the supplyof goods

    within specific time limits these documents conforming to

    terms and conditions set out in theletter of credit

    documents to be presented at aspecified place.

    Put simply, the issuing bank's role is twofold:

    to guarantee to the seller that if compliant documents are presented, the bankwill pay the seller the amount due. This offers security to the seller - the banksays in effect "We will pay you if you present documents (XYZ)"

    to examine the documents, and only pay if these comply with the terms andconditions set out in the letter of credit. This protects the buyer's interests - thebank says "We will only pay your supplier on your behalf if they presentdocuments (XYZ) that you have asked for"

    Note that the letter of credit refers to documents representing the goods - not the goodsthemselves! Banks are not in the business of examining goods on behalf of theircustomers.Typically the documents requested will include a commercial invoice, a transport

    document such as a bill of lading or airway bill, an insurance document; but there aremany others.

    Letters of credit deal in documents, not goods.


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    Export Credit In Foreign Currency :

    Both Pre-shipment & post shipment credits are available in foreign currencies

    under 2 schemes :

    1. Foreign currency pre-shipment credit (FCPC) Scheme :2. Rediscounting of Export Bills Abroad (EBR) Scheme :

    1. FCPC :The FCPC is available to exporting companies as well as commercialbanks for lending to the former.It is an additional window to rupee packing credit scheme & available tocover both the domestic i.e indigenous & imported inputs . The exporterhas two options to avail himself of export finance.To avail himself of preshipment credit in rupees & then the post shipmentcredit either in rupees or in foreign currency denominated credit ordiscounting /rediscounting of export bills.To avail of preshipment credit in foreign currency & discounting/rediscounting of the export bills in foreign currency.

    FCPC will also be available both to the supplier EOU/EPZ unit and thereceiver EOU/EPZ unit .

    Pre-shipment credit in foreign currency shall also be available on exports toACU (Asian Clearing Union) countries with effect from 1.1.1996.

    Eligibility : PCFC is extended only on the basis of confirmed /firm exportorders or confirmed L/Cs . The Running account facility will not be availableunder the scheme . However , the facility of the liquidation of packing creditunder the first in first out method will be allowed .

    Order or L/C : Banks should not insist on submission of export order orL/C for every disbursement of pre-shipment credit , from exporters withconsistently good track record. Instead , a system of periodical submissionof a statement of LCs or export orders in hand , should be introduced.


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    Sharing of FCPC : Banks may extend FCPC to the manufacturer alsoon the basis of the disclaimer from the export order

    Rediscounting of Export Bills Abroad (EBR) Scheme :The exporter has the option of availing of export credit at the postshipment stage either in rupee or in foreign currency under therediscounting of export bills abroad (EBRD) scheme at LIBOR linkedinterest rates.

    This facility will be an additional window available to exporter along with theexiting rupee financing schemes to an exporter at post shipment stage. This

    facility will be available in all convertible currencies. This scheme will coverexport bills upto 180 days from the date of shipment (inclusive of nromaltransit period and grace period) .

    The scheme envisages ADs rediscounting the export bills in overseasmarkets by making arrangements with an overseas agency/ bank by way ofa line of credit or bankers acceptance facility or any other similar facilityat rates linked to London Inter Bank Offered Rate (LIBOR) for six months.

    Prior permission of RBI will not be required for arranging the rediscountingfacility abroad so long as the spread for rediscounting facility abroad doesnot exceed one percent over the six months LIBOR in the case ofrediscounting with recourse basis & 1.5% in the case of without recoursefacility. Spread , should be exclusive of any withholding tax. In all othercases , the RBIs permission will be needed .


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    Role of EXIM Bank


    Exports Promotion

    Exim Bank Act

    Set up by an Act of Parliament in September 1981

    Commenced operations in March 1982

    Wholly owned by the Government of India

    Export-Import Bank of India was set up for the purpose of financing,

    facilitating and promoting foreign trade in India.

    Exim is the principal financial institution in the country for co-coordinating

    working of institutions engaged in financing exports and imports


    Exim Bank extends lines of credit to overseas governments/agencies nominated

    by them or financial institutions overseas to enable buyers in those countries to

    import capital/engineering goods, industrial manufactures and related services

    from India on deferred payment terms. This facility enables importers in those


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    countries to import from India on deferred credit terms as per the terms and

    conditions already negotiated between Exim Bank and the overseas agency. The

    Indian exporters can obtain payment of eligible value from Exim Bank against

    negotiation of shipping documents, without recourse to them.


    The lines of credit are denominated in convertible foreign currencies or Indian

    Rupees and extended to sovereign governments/agencies nominated by them or

    financial institutions. Such governments/agencies/institutions are the borrowers

    and Exim Bank the lender. Terms and conditions of different lines of credit arevarying and details in respect of each line of credit can be obtained from Exim

    Bank. It would need to be ascertained from time to time that the lines of credit

    have come into effect and uncommitted balance is still available for utilization.

    Indian exporters also need to ascertain the quantum of service fees payable to

    Exim Bank on account of prorate export credit insurance premium and / or

    interest rate differential cost that they can then paid up in their prices to their



    Export-Import Bank of India (EXIM INDIA), an apex financial institution, was

    set up in 1982 to finance, facilitate and promote India's international trade. The

    Bank is the principal financial institution in the country for co-coordinating the

    working of institutions engaged in financing exports and imports. The mission of

    the Bank is to develop commercially viable relationships with externally oriented

    companies by offering a comprehensive range of products and services aimed at

    helping Indian companies to globalize.

    OPERATIONS - How it works :


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    The buyer arranges to obtain allocation of funds under the credit line from

    the borrower. The exporter then enters into contract with the buyer, for the

    eligible items covered under the line of credit. The contracts would need to

    conform to the basic terms and conditions of the respective credit lines.

    (Particulars of effective lines of credit are available separately).

    The delivery period stipulated in the contracts should be such that credit

    can be drawn from Exim Bank within the terminal disbursement date stipulated

    under the respective line of credit agreements. Also, all contracts should provide

    for pre-shipment inspection by the buyer or agent nominated by buyer.

    The buyer arranges to comply with procedural formalities as applicable in

    his country and then submits the contract to the borrower for approval. The

    borrower in turn forwards copies of the contract to Exim Bank for approval.

    Exim Bank advises approval of the contract to the borrower, with copy to

    exporter, indicating approval number, eligible contract value, last date for

    disbursement, and other conditions subject to which approval is granted.

    The Buyer, on advice from the borrower, establishes an irrevocable sight

    letter of credit(L/C). A single L/C is to be opened, covering the full eligible value

    of the contract including, freight and/or insurance as laid down in the contract.

    The letter of credit is advised through a bank in India designated by Exim


    Exporter ships the goods covered under the contract and presents

    documents for negotiation to the designated bank. The Bank forwards negotiated

    documents to the buyer.

    On receipt of clean non-negotiable set of shipment documents along with

    the relative invoices, inspection certificate and a certificate that documents

    negotiated are as per terms of L/C and without reserve from the negotiating bank

    and after having satisfied itself, that all formalities have been complied with in

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    conformity with the terms of the Credit Agreement, Exim Bank reimburses the

    eligible value of shipment in equivalent rupees at spot exchange rate to the

    negotiating bank for payment to the exporter.

    Exim Bank debits the borrower's account and arranges to collect interest

    and principal receivable on due dates as per the terms of the line of credit

    agreement between Exim Bank and the borrower.


    A Range of Export Services

    In addition to finance, EXIM INDIA provides a range of analytical information and

    export related services necessary for globalization of Indian companies. EXIM

    INDIA through its wide network of alliances with financial institutions, trade

    promotion agencies, information providers across the globe assists externally

    oriented Indian companies in their quest for excellence and globalization.

    Services include search for overseas partners, identification of technology

    suppliers, negotiating alliances, and development of joint ventures in India and


    A Network of Institutional Linkages

    EXIM INDIA is a wholesale bank. The Bank works closely with commercial banks

    in India, who through a network of around 60,000 branches operate the retail

    export credit system in the country. Besides extensive linkages with commercial

    banks by virtue of its refinancing / rediscounting activities and risk participating

    arrangements, EXIM INDIA has a working relationship with the sole export credit

    insurance agency in India, i.e., the Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India



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    A Variety of Lending Programs

    EXIM INDIA offers a range of financing programs that match the menu of Exim

    Banks of the industrialized countries. However, the Bank is atypical in the

    universe of Exim Banks in that it has over the years evolved, so as to anticipate

    and meet the special needs of a developing country. The Bank provides

    competitive finance at various stages of the export cycle covering :

    EXIM INDIA operates a wide range of financing and promotional programs. The

    Bank finances exports of Indian machinery, manufactured goods, consultancy

    and technology services on deferred payment terms. EXIM INDIA also seeks toco finance projects with global and regional development agencies to assist

    Indian exporters in their efforts to participate in such overseas projects.

    The Bank is involved in promotion of two-way technology transfer through the

    outward flow of investment in Indian joint ventures overseas and foreign direct

    investment flow into India. EXIM INDIA is also a Partner Institution with European

    Union and operates European Community Investment Partners' Program

    (ECIP) for facilitating promotion of joint ventures in India through technical and

    financial collaboration with medium sized firms of the European Union.

    Export Financing - Finance from Exim Bank

    Exim Bank is fully owned by the Government of India and is managed by the

    Board of Directors with repatriation from Government, financial institutions, banks

    and business community. The Export- Import Bank of India (Exim Bank) provides

    financial assistance to promote Indian exports through direct financial assistance,overseas investment finance, term finance for export production and export

    development, pre-shipping credit, buyer's credit, lines of credit, relending facility,

    export bills rediscounting, refinance to commercial banks. The Exim Bank also

    extends non-founded facility to Indian exporters in the form of guarantees. The

    diversified lending program of the Exim Bank now covers various stages of


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    exports, i.e., from the development of export makers to expansion of production

    capacity for exports, production capacity for exports, production for exports and

    post- shipment financing. The Exim Bank's focus is on export of manufactured

    goods, project exports, exports of technology services and exports of computers



    Loans to Indian Companies

    Deferred payment exports : Term finance is provided to Indian exporters of

    eligible goods and services which enables them to offer deferred credit to

    overseas buyers. Deferred credit can also cover Indian consultancy,

    technology and other services. Commercial banks participate in this programdirectly or under risk syndication arrangements.

    Preshipment credit : finance is available form Exim Bank for companies

    executing export contracts involving cycle time exceeding six months. The

    facility also enables provision of rupee mobilization expenses for

    construction/turnkey project exporters.

    Term loans for export production : Exim Bank provides term loans/deferredpayment guarantees to 100% export-oriented units, units in free trade zones

    and computer software exporters. In collaboration with International Finance

    Corporation. Washington, Exim Bank provides loans to enable small and

    medium enterprises upgrade export production capability. Facilities for


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    deeded exports; Deemed exports are eligible for funded and non- funded

    facilities from Exim Bank.

    Overseas Investment finance : Indian companies establishing joint ventures

    overseas are provided finance towards their equity contribution in the joint


    Finance for export marketing : This program, which is a component of a World

    Bank loan, helps exporters implement their export market development plans.

    Loans to Foreign Governments, Companies and financial Institutions :

    Overseas Buyer's Credit : Credit is directly offered to foreign entities for

    import of eligible goods and related services, on deferred payment.

    Lines of Credit : Besides foreign governments, finance is available to foreign

    financial institutions and government agencies to on-lend in the respective

    country for import of goods and services from India.

    Relending Facility to Banks Overseas : Relending facility is extended to banks

    overseas to enable them to provide term finance to their clients world-wide for

    imports from India.

    Loans to Commercial Banks in India

    Export Bills Rediscounting : Commercial Banks in India who are authorized to

    deal in foreign exchange can rediscount their short term export bills with Exim

    Banks, for an unexpired usance period of not more than 90 days.

    Refinance of Export Credit : Authorized dealers in foreign exchange can

    obtain from Exim Bank 100% refinance of deferred payment loans extended

    for export of eligible Indian goods.

    Guaranteeing of Obligations:

    Exim Bank participates with commercial banks in India in the issue of


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    guarantees required by Indian companies for the export contracts and for

    execution of overseas construction and turnkey projects.

    Finance for Rupee Expenditure for Project Export Contracts (FREPEC)

    What is FREPEC program?

    This program seeks to Finance Rupee Expenditure for Project Export Contracts,

    incurred by Indian companies.

    What is the purpose of this credit?

    To enable Indian project exporters to meet Rupee expenditure incurred/required

    to be incurred for execution of overseas project export contracts such as for

    acquisition/purchase/acquisition of materials and equipment, acquisition of

    personnel, payments to be made in India to staff, sub-contractors, consultants

    and to meet project related overheads in Indian Rupees.

    Who are eligible for assistance under FREPEC program?

    Indian project exporters who are to execute project export contracts overseas

    secure on cash payment terms or those funded by multilateral agencies will be

    eligible. The purpose of the new lending program is to give boost to project

    export efforts of companies with good track record and sound financials.

    What is the quantum of credit extended under this program?

    Up to 100% of the peak deficit as reflected in the Rupee cash flow statement

    prepared for the project. Exim Bank will not normally take up cases involving


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    credit requirement below Rs. 50 lakhs. Although, no maximum amount of credit is

    being proposed, while approving overall credit limit, credit-worthiness of the

    exporter-borrower would be taken into account. Where feasible, credit may be

    extended in participation with sponsoring commercial bank(s).

    How are disbursements made under this program?

    Disbursements will made in Rupees through a bank account of the borrower-company against documentary evidence of expenditure incurred accompanied by

    a certificate of Chartered Accountants.

    How is a FREPEC loan to be extinguished?

    Repayment of credit would normally be out of project receipts. Period of

    repayment would depend upon the project cash flow statements, but will not

    exceed 4 (four) years from the effective date of project export contract. Theliability of the borrower to repay the credit and pay interest and other monies will

    be absolute and will not be dependent upon actual realization of project bills.

    What is the security stipulated for FREPEC loan?

    a. Hypothecation of project receivables and project movables.

    b. optional: where available

    o Personal Guarantees of Directors of the Company.

    o Available collateral security.


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    Refinance of Export Credit

    Authorized Dealers in foreign exchange can obtain from Exim Bank, hundred

    percent refinance of deferred payment loans extended for export of eligible

    Indian goods.

    Exim Bank - Business Profile



    Bank provides exports of Indian machinery, manufactured goods,

    consultancy and technology services on deferred payment terms

    Lines of credit/buyer's credits are extended to overseas entities i.e.

    governments, central banks, commercial banks, development finance institutions,

    regional development banks for financing export of goods and services from


    1. Project Finance

    2. Trade Finance


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    Export Product Development

    Export Marketing Finance

    Export Oriented Units

    1. Project Finance

    2. Working Capital

    3. Production Equipment Finance

    European Community Investment Partners (ECIP)

    Asian Country Investment Partners (ACIP)

    Overseas Investment Finance

    Export Facilitation Programs

    1. Software Training Institutes

    2. Minor Ports Development


    In addition to finance, Bank provides a range of information and advisory

    services to Indian companies to supplement their efforts aimed at globalization of

    Indian business.

    What are the types of services provided by Exim Bank?

    Exim Bank provides a range of analytical information and export related services.

    The Bank's fee based services help identify new business propositions, source


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    trade and investment related information, create and enhance presence through

    joint network of institutional linkages across the globe assists externally oriented

    companies in their quest for excellence and globalization. Services include

    search for overseas partners, identification of technology suppliers, negotiating

    alliances, and development of joint ventures in India and abroad. The Bank also

    supports Indian project exporters and consultants to participate in projects

    funded by multilateral funding agencies.

    What are the various types of financial facilities provided by Exim Bank to

    Indian Companies for export of turnkey/ construction projects, export of

    services and export of capital/ engineering goods & consumer durables ?

    Exim Bank provides financial assistance to Indian Companies by way of a variety

    of lending programs, viz.,


    Bid Bond

    Advance Payment Guarantee

    Performance Guarantee

    Guarantee for release of Retention Money

    Guarantee for raising Borrowings Overseas

    Other guarantees

    Non-Fund Based Facilities

    Exam Bank issues following guarantees directly or in participation with other

    banks, for project export contract.


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    Bid Bond:

    Bid Bond is generally issued for a period of six months.

    Advance Payment Guarantee:

    Exporters are expected to secure a mobilization advance of 10-20% of the

    contract value which is normally released against bank guarantee and is

    generally recovered on a pro-rata basis from the progress payments during

    project execution.

    Performance Guarantee:

    Performance guarantee for 5-10% of contract is issued, valid upto completion of

    maintenance period normally one year after completion of contract period and/or

    grant of Final Acceptance Certificate (FAC) by the overseas employer. Format of

    guarantee is expected to be furnished by exporter, at least four weeks before

    actual issue, to facilitate discussions and formal approval.

    Guarantee for Release of Retention Money:

    This enables the exporter to obtain the release of retention money (normally 10%

    of contract value) before obtaining Final Acceptance Certificate (FAC) from client.

    Guarantee for Raising Borrowings Overseas:

    Bridge finance may be needed at the earlier phases of the contracts to

    supplement the mobilization advance. Bridge finance upto 25% of the contract

    value may be raised in foreign currency from an overseas bank against this

    guarantee issued by a bank in India. Request for overseas borrowings must be

    supported by currency-wise cash flows, also indicating the outstanding letters of

    credit and L/C drawl schedule.

    Other Guarantees:


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    e.g. in lieu of customs duty or security deposit for expatriate labor.

    Guarantee commission is charged at rates stipulated by the Foreign Exchange

    Dealers Association of India (FEDAI) or as stipulated by guarantee issuing bank.

    Margin requirement for issue of guarantee is generally waived by banks for

    Export Performance Guarantee. However, appropriate securities are availed of.

    Funded :

    Pre-shipment Rupee Credit

    Post-shipment Rupee Credit

    Foreign Currency Loan

    Overseas Buyer's Credit

    Lines of Credit

    Loan under FREPEC program

    Refinance of Export Loans

    Fund-Based Facilities

    1. Pre-Shipment Rupee Credit

    Pre-shipment Rupee Credit is extended to finance temporary funding

    requirement of export contracts. This facility enables provision of rupee

    mobilization expenses for construction/ turnkey projects. Exporters could also

    avail of pre-shipment credit in foreign currencies to finance cost of imported

    inputs for manufacture of export products to be supplied under the projects.

    Commercial banks also extend this facility for definite periods.

    Supplier's Credit for deferred payment exports


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    What is on offer?

    Exim Bank offers Supplier's Credit in Rupees or in Foreign Currency at post-

    shipment stage to finance export of eligible goods and services on deferred

    payment terms.

    Supplier's Credit is available both for supply contracts as well as project exports;

    the latter includes construction, turnkey or consultancy contracts undertaken


    Who can seek finance?

    Exporters can seek Supplier's Credit in Rupees/ Foreign Currency from Exim

    Bank in respect of export contracts on deferred payment terms irrespective of

    value of export contracts.

    What are the general terms of Supplier's Credit?

    a. Extent of Supplier's Credit

    100% of post-shipment credit extended by exporter to overseas buyer.

    b. Currency of Credit

    Supplier's Credit from Exim Bank is available in Indian Rupees or in Foreign


    c. Rate of Interest

    The rate of interest for Supplier's Credit in Rupees is a fixed rate and is available

    on request. Supplier's Credit in Foreign Currency is offered by Exim Bank on a

    floating rate basis at a margin over LIBOR dependent upon cost of funds.

    d. Security

    Adequate security by way of acceptable letter of credit and/or guarantee from a

    bank in the country of import or any third country is necessary, as per RBI


    Period of Credit and Repayment

    Period of credit is determined for each proposal having regard to the value of


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    contract, nature of goods covered, security, competition. Repayment period for

    Supplier's Credit facility is fixed coinciding with the repayment of post-shipment

    credit extended by Indian exporter to overseas buyer. However, the Indian

    exporter will repay the credit to Exim Bank as per agreed repayment schedule,

    irrespective of whether or not the overseas buyer has paid the Indian exporter.

    Overseas Buyer's Credit

    Credit is offered directly to overseas buyer for a specific project/ contract.


    Recent Headlines:

    Shri T. C. Venkat Subramanian, Managing Director, Exim Bank of India, handedover a cheque for Rs. 38 crores to Union Finance Minister, Shri Yashwant Sinha,representing the dividend paid by the Bank to the Government for the year endedMarch 31, 2001. The dividend payout amounts to 24.6 % of the Bank's net profitfor the year 2000-01. The profit before tax of the Bank for the year April 2000 toMarch 2001 amounted to Rs. 205 crores. The Bank has maintained one of thehighest employee productivity in India. Its profit before tax per employee for theyear 2000-01 was Rs. 135 lacs.

    Forfaiting - An Export Finance Option by EXIM

    Forfaiting is a mechanism of financing exports.

    by discounting export receivables


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    evidenced by bills of exchange or promissory notes

    without recourse to the seller (viz. exporter)

    carrying medium to long term maturities

    on a fixed rate basis (discount)

    upto 100 percent of the contract value.

    The word `forfait' is derived from the French word `a forfait' which means the

    surrender of rights.

    Simply put, forfaiting is the non-recourse discounting of export receivables. In aforfaiting transaction, the exporter surrenders, without recourse to him, his rights

    to claim for payment on goods delivered to an importer, in return for immediate

    cash payment from a forfaiter. As a result, an exporter in India can convert a

    credit sale into a cash sale, with no recourse to the exporter or his banker.

    What exports are eligible for forfaiting?

    All exports of capital goods and other goods made on medium to long term credit

    are eligible to be financed through forfaiting.

    How does forfaiting work?

    Receivables under a deferred payment contract for export of goods, evidenced

    by bills of exchange or promissory notes, can be forfaited.

    Bills of exchange or promissory notes, backed by co-acceptance from a bank

    (which would generally be the buyer's bank), are endorsed by the exporter,without recourse, in favour of the forfaiting agency in exchange for discounted

    cash proceeds. The banker's co-acceptance is known as avalisation. The co-

    accepting bank must be acceptable to the forfaiting agency.

    Is there a prescribed format for the bills of exchange or promissory notes?


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    Frees the exporter from cross-border political or commercial risks

    associated with export receivables

    Finance up to 100 percent of the export value is possible as

    compared to 80-85 percent financing available from conventional

    export credit program

    As forfaiting offers without recourse finance to an exporter, it does

    not impact the exporter's borrowing limits. Thus, forfaiting

    represents an additional source of funding, contributing to improved

    liquidity and cash flow

    Provides fixed rate finance; hedges against interest and exchangerisks arising from deferred export credit

    Exporter is freed from credit administration and collection problems

    Forfaiting is transaction specific. Consequently, a long term banking

    relationship with the forfaiter is not necessary to arrange a forfaiting


    Exporter saves on insurance costs as forfaiting obviates the need

    for export credit insurance

    Simplicity of documentation enables rapid conclusion of the

    forfaiting arrangement.


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    ECGC (Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India Limited )

    Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India Limited, was established in the

    year 1957 by the Government of India to strengthen the export promotion drive

    by covering the risk of exporting on credit.

    Being essentially an export promotion organization, it functions under the

    administrative control of the Ministry of Commerce, Government of India. It is

    managed by a Board of Directors comprising representatives of the Government,

    Reserve Bank of India, banking, insurance and exporting community. ECGC, the

    fifth largest credit insurer of the world in terms of coverage of national exports.

    The present paid-up capital of the company is Rs.340 crores, which is expectedto be enhanced to Rs.500 crores by the year 2002.

    What does ECGC do?

    provides a range of credit risk insurance covers to exporters against loss

    in export of goods and services, and also

    offers guarantees to banks and financial institutions to enable exportersobtain better facilities from them.

    Provides Overseas Investment Insurance to Indian companies investing in

    joint ventures abroad in form of equity or loan.

    How does ECGC help exporters?

    ECGC provides

    insurance protection to exporters against payment risks

    guidance in export related activities

    provides information on credit-worthiness of overseas buyers

    provides information on about 180 countries with its own credit ratings


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    makes it easy to obtain export finance from banks/financial institutions

    assists exporters in recovering bad debts

    When should an exporter approach ECGC?

    The point at which cover normally begins is the date of dispatch i.e. shipment

    Proposal for a Standard Policy may be made at any time. For specific policies

    ECGC should be approached well before shipments begin, preferably before

    concluding a contract.


    The covers issued by ECGC can be divided broadly into four groups:

    1) Standard Policy

    2) Specific Policies

    3) Financial Guarantees

    4) Special Schemes


    Shipments (Comprehensive Risks) Policy, which is commonly known as

    the Standard Policy, is the one ideally suited to cover risks in respect of

    goods exported on short term credit; i.e. credit not exceeding 180 days.

    The policy covers both commercial and political risks from the date of


    Risks covered under the policy :

    Under the Shipments (Comprehensive Risks) Policy, the Corporation

    covers, from the date of shipment, the following risks:

    1) Commercial Risks

    Insolvency of the buyer


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    Failure of the buyer to make the payment within a specified period,

    normally 4 months from the due date

    Buyer's failure to accept the goods, subject to certain conditions

    2) Political Risks

    Imposition of restrictions by the Government of the buyer's country or any

    Government action which may block the delay of transfer of payment made by

    the buyer.

    War, civil war, revolution or civil disturbances in the buyer's country

    New import restrictions or cancellation of a valid import license

    Interruption or diversion of voyage outside India resulting in payment of

    additional freight or insurance charges which cannot be recovered from the


    Any other cause of loss occurring outside India, not normally insured by

    general insurers and beyond the control of both the exporter and the buyer.

    Risks not covered

    The policy does not cover losses due to the following risks:

    Commercial disputes including quality disputes raised by the buyer, unless

    the exporter obtains a decree from a competent court of law in the buyer's

    country in his favor.

    Causes inherent in the nature of the goods

    Buyer's failure to obtain necessary import or exchange authorization from

    authorities in his country.

    Insolvency or default of any agent of the exporter or of the collecting bank.

    Loss or damage to goods which can be covered by general insurers

    Exchange rate fluctuation


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    Failure of the exporter to fulfill the terms of export contract or negligence

    on his part.

    Shipments Covered

    The shipments (Comprehensive Risks) Policy is meant to cover all the shipments

    that may be made by an exporter on credit terms during a period of 24 months

    ahead. In other words, an exporter is required to offer for insurance each and

    every shipment that may be made by him in the next 24 months on DP, DA or

    Open Delivery terms to buyers other than his own associates. The Policy cannot

    be issued for selected shipments. selected buyers or selected markets.


    Where an exporter is dealing with several distinct items, ECGC may agree to

    exclude all shipments of certain agreed items, provided that what is offered for

    insurance consists of all items of an allied nature and offers the Corporation a

    reasonable portion of the exporter's total business with a fair spread of risks.

    Maximum Liability

    As the policy is intended to cover all the shipments that may be made by an

    exporter in a period of 24 months ahead, the Corporation will fix its Maximum

    Liability under each policy. The Maximum Liability is the limit up to which ECGC

    would accept liability for shipments made during the policy period for both

    commercial and political risks. It will be advisable to estimate the maximum

    outstanding payments due from overseas buyers at any one time during the

    policy period and to obtain the policy with maximum liability for such a value. The

    maximum Liability fixed under the Policy can be enhanced subsequently, if


    Credit Limits


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    Commercial risks are covered subject to a Credit Limit approved by the

    Corporation on each buyer to whom shipments are made on credit terms. The

    exporter has therefore to apply for a suitable Credit Limit on each buyer. On the

    basis of its own judgment of the creditworthiness of the buyer, as ascertained

    from credit reports obtained from banks and specialized agencies abroad, the

    Corporation will approve a Credit Limit which is the limit up to which it will pay

    claim on account of losses arising from commercial risks. The Credit limit is a

    revolving limit and once approved it will hold good for all shipments to the buyer

    as long as there is no gap of more than 12 months between the two shipments.

    Credit limit is a limit on the Corporation's exposure on the buyer for commercial

    risks and not a limit on the value of shipment that may be made to him. Premium

    has, therefore, to be paid on the full value of each shipment even where the

    value of the shipment or the total value of bills outstanding for payment is in

    excess of the credit limit.

    As the Credit Limit is indicative of the safe limit of credit that can be

    extended to the buyer, it will be advisable for exporters to see that the total value

    of bills outstanding with the buyer at any one time is not out of proportion to the

    Credit Limit. In cases where the Credit Limit that the Corporation is prepared to

    grant is far lower than the value of outstanding, exporters should discuss the

    problem with the Corporation.

    Credit Limits need not be obtained if a shipment is made on D.P or C.A.D

    terms and if the value of shipment does not exceed Rs. 10 lacs. Political as well

    as commercial risks will stand automatically covered for such shipments, the only

    qualification being the claims will not be paid on more than four buyers during the

    Policy period under this provision.

    Premium Rates

    Depending on the combination of the payment term and the country group, the

    premium may range from 0.07% to 3.5%. ECGC's premium rates are one of the

    lowest among credit insurers in the world.


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    When does a claim become payable?

    A claim could arise when the exporter suffers loss arising from any of the

    insured risks and will be paid to the exporter immediately upon the loss being

    ascertained by the Corporation. In case of insolvency of an overseas buyer,

    losses will be ascertained one month after the exporter's claim is admitted to rank

    against the insolvent's estate or after four months from the due date, whichever is

    earlier. In case of default by the buyer and in all other cases, loss will be

    ascertained four months from the due date. Expenses incurred by the exporter

    on account of additional handling, transport or insurance charges because of

    interruption or diversion of voyage out side India could also form part of the

    insured loss.

    The Corporation normally pays 90% of the loss, whether it arises due to the

    commercial risks or political risks. A lower percentage of cover may be offered in

    certain cases.

    Sharing recovery with ECGC

    All amounts recovered, net of recovery expenses, should be shared with

    ECGC in the ratio in which the loss was originally shared. Receipt of a claim from

    ECGC does not relieve an exporter from obligations to the Exchange Control

    Authority for recovering the amount from the overseas buyer.

    Small Exporter's Policy

    ECGC issues a Small Exporter's Policy to exporters whose anticipated

    export turnover for the next twelve months does not exceed Rs. 50 lakhs. For

    further information about the scheme, feel free to contact ECGC.

    Specific Policies

    Specific Policies are designed to protect Indian firms against payment risks

    involved in a) exports on deferred terms of payment b) services rendered to

    foreign parties and c) construction works and turnkey projects undertaken


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    abroad. These policies are issued separately for each specific contract, and

    cover risks normally from the date of contract.

    Financial Guarantees

    Financial Guarantees are issued to banks in India to protect them from risks

    of loss involved in their extending financial support at pre-shipment and post-

    shipment stages. These also cover a host of non-fund based facilities that are

    extended to exporters.

    Special Schemes

    Transfer Guarantee meant to protect banks which add confirmation to Letters of

    Credit opened by foreign banks, Insurance cover for Buyers Credit and Lines of

    Credit, and Exchange Fluctuation Risk Insurance.

    Overseas Investment Insurance

    ECGC has evolved a scheme to provide protection for Indian investments

    abroad. Any investments made by way of equity capital or untied loan for thepurpose of setting up or expansion of overseas projects will be eligible for cover

    under investment insurance.

    The investments may be either in cash or in the form of export of Indian

    capital goods and services. The cover will be available for the original investment

    together with annual dividends or interest receivable.

    The risks of war, expropriation and restriction on remittances are covered

    under the schemes. As the investor would be having a hand in the management

    of the joint venture, no cover for commercial risks would be provided under the

    scheme. For investment in any country to qualify for investment insurance, there

    should preferably be a bilateral agreement protecting investment of one country

    in the other. ECGC may consider providing cover in the absence of any such


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    agreement provided it is satisfied that the general laws of the country afford

    adequate protection to the investments.

    The period of insurance cover would not normally exceed 15 years. In case

    of projects involving long construction periods, cover may be extended for a

    period of 15 years from the date of completion of the project subject to a

    maximum of 20 years from the date of commencement of the investment.

    Amounts insured shall be reduced progressively in the last five years of the

    insurance period.


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    1. What is Export-Import Bank of India? What are its objectives? The Export-Import Bank of India (Exim Bank) is a public sector financialinstitution created by an Act of Parliament, the Export-import Bank of India Act,1981. The business of Exim Bank is to finance Indian exports that lead tocontinuity of foreign exchange for India. The Bank's primary objective is todevelop commercially viable relationships with a target set of externally orientedcompanies by offering them a comprehensive range of products and services,aimed at enhancing their internationalisation efforts.

    2. What is the place of Exim Bank in the institutional structure for financingdevelopmental needs?There are apex institutions in the country, which deal with major economicactivities, viz. industry, agriculture and foreign trade. The Industrial DevelopmentBank of India extends term industrial loans; the National Bank for Agriculturalloans; and the Exim Bank extends term loans for foreign trade. All theseinstitutions are wholesale banks. They, therefore work closely with commercialbanks and other state level financial institutions that operate the retail bankingsystem in the country.

    3. What are the types of services provided by Exim Bank? Exim Bank provides a range of analytical information and export related services.The Bank's fee based services help identify new business propositions, sourcetrade and investment related information, create and enhance presence through

    joint network of institutional linkages across the globe, and assists externallyoriented companies in their quest for excellence and globalisation. Servicesinclude search for overseas partners, identification of technology suppliers,negotiating alliances, and development of joint ventures in India and abroad. TheBank also supports Indian project exporters and consultants to participate inprojects funded by multilateral funding agencies.

    4. How does Exim Bank support Indian consultants to secure assignmentsoverseas?Exim Bank encourages Indian consultants to gain and enhance their internationalexposure by assisting them in securing assignments overseas.

    Assignments are awarded under programme sponsored by International FinanceCorporation (IFC) in Washington to promote private sector development in selectcountries and regions. Arrangements set in place cover:


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    Africa Project Development Facility

    African Management Services Company

    Africa Enterprise Fund

    South-east Europe Enterprise Development Facility

    Mekong Project Development Facility

    Business Advisory and Technical Assistance Services (BATAS)

    Other Technical Assistance & Trust FundsExim Bank assists these agencies in the recruitment of Indian consultants andmeets the professional fees of the consultant selected by IFC.Consultancy assignments undertaken comprise pre-feasibility studies, projectand investment related services, management information systems, operationsand maintenance support mainly for SMEs in a variety of sectors like agriculture,agro-industry, consumer goods, light engineering, telecom.

    5. What are the various types of financial facilities provided by Exim Bankto Indian Companies for export of turnkey/ construction projects, export ofservices and export of capital/ engineering goods & consumer durables ?Exim Bank provides financial assistance to Indian Companies by way of a varietyof lending programmes, viz.,Non-Funded

    Bid Bond

    Advance Payment Guarantee

    Performance Guarantee

    Guarantee for release of Retention Money

    Guarantee for raising Borrowings Overseas

    Other guaranteesFunded

    Pre-shipment Rupee Credit

    Post-shipment Rupee Credit

    Foreign Currency Loan

    Overseas Buyer's Credit

    Lines of Credit

    Loan under FREPEC programme Refinance of Export Loans

    6. How is Forfaiting useful as an export financing option ? What role doesExim Bank play in a Forfaiting transaction ?Forfaiting is a mechanism of financing exports by discounting export receivablesevidenced by bills of exchange/ promissory notes without recourse to theexporter.Exim Bank plays the role of an intermediary for facilitating the forfaitingtransaction between the Indian exporter and the overseas forfaiting agency.


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    7. What are the various types of financial facilities provided by Exim Bankto Indian Companies for export capability creation?Exim Bank provides financial assistance to Indian Companies for exportcapability creation by way of a variety of lending programmes, viz.,

    Lending Programme for Export Oriented Units

    Production Equipment Finance Programme

    Import Finance

    Export Marketing Finance Programme

    Lending Programme for Software Training Institutes

    Programme for Financing Research & Development

    Programme for Export Facilitation: Port Development

    Export Vendor Development Lending Programme

    Foreign Currency Pre-Shipment Credit Working Capital Term Loan Programme for Export Oriented units

    8. What type of financial assistance is extended by Exim Bank in setting upjoint ventures?Assistance is extended to Indian Promoter Companies by way of programmesthat address to different requirements of the promoter company in setting up ofthe joint venture.

    Overseas Investment Finance Programme for setting up joint venturesand wholly owned subsidiaries abroad.

    Asian Countries Investment Partners (ACIP) Programme for creationof a joint venture in India with East Asian countries, through four facilitiesthat address different stages of a project cycle.


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    Exim Bank Goes The Electronic Way :

    Exim Bank has introduced an option to investors in its bonds to hold the same indematerialised form. The Bank has established connectivity with the NationalSecurities Depository Limited and Central Depository Services (India) Limitedthrough its new Transfer Agent, viz, NVs Datamatics Financial Software andServices Limited, with effect from November 1, 2001.

    As on October 31, 2001 there were 9 series of Exiin Bank bonds guaranteed byGovernment of India (SLR Bonds) amounting to Rs. 526.45 crores and 8 seriesof Exim Bank bonds (non-SLR Bonds) amounting to Rs. 1,800.00 crores. As apart of risk management strategies and in an effort to average out the cost offunds, the Bank has started tapping the debt market in tranches, in the currentyear. So far, in the current year the Bank has raised Rs.250 crores of 5-yearnon-SLR Bonds at bench-mark pricing levels ranging from 8.80% p.a. to 8.95%p.a. (payable annually). Apart from Bonds, the Bank also issues CommercialPapers for period upto 1 year, Certificate of Deposits for period from 1 to 3 yearsand Term Deposits for period from 1 to 5 years. All the above instrumentsacross the maturity spectrum have been assigned the highest credit rating byCRISIL and ICRA.


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    Exim Bank has come out with a new study, titled "Business Practices ofSuccessful Indian Exporters." The book was released by the Union CommerceSecretary, Mr. Prabir Sengupta, at a function jointly organised by Exiin Bank andthe Federation of Indian Export Organisations (FIEO), in New Delhi on

    September 14, 2001.

    While a favourable trading environment may condition a firm's entry into theexport trade, long-term success, to a large extent, is determined by the efforts ofthe individual firms. This is evident from the fact that even within sectors whichhave a high share of the export basket, not all firms are successful exporters.This latest study from Exim Bank, therefore, attempts to trace out the genericsuccess factors/ business practices that characterise successful exporters acrossexport sectors,

    The study focuses on six sectors: three traditional (apparel, spices and marine

    products) and three nontraditional (pharmaceuticals, agro-chemicals and auto-components). For each of these sectors, the study offers an overview of theworld trade environment and the Indian export scenario, which serve as abackdrop for understanding the industry level issues.

    The study is based on a sample of 138 firms from 21 locations across thecountry, ensuring adequate coverage and response. Detailed information wasobtained and in-depth interviews carried out in order to gain insights into thebusiness practices followed by the successful exporting firms in different sectors.

    The study is based on a cluster analysis, which involves clubbing firms with

    similar business practices into one cluster, and isolating the characteristics andimperatives for such clusters in each sector. The set of business practices thusobtained was then compared across the six sectors, to yield a set of commonor ,generic' success factors that would apply across sectors. The study,thereafter, highlights the need for transfer of these business practices betweenfirms, and identifies potential avenues for intervention by policy makers and otheragencies, for facilitating such a transfer. Some of the recommended measures


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    include awareness programmes, establishing an export-information repository,and mechanisms for inter-industry learnings.

    According to the study, twelve success factors/ business practices appear to begeneric, although varying in criticality and emphasis, across sectors. These are:

    global market intelligence, strong global networking, direct relationship withbuyers, clear product-market strategy for exports, strong R & D skills, access totechnology, competitive raw material sourcing skills, world class manufacturingand quality standards, timely execution of orders, moving up the global valuechain, clear export thrust, and entrepreneurial zeal.

    The study firmly establishes that the days when firms could turn to thegovernment for support, subsidy or protection for their business are well and trulyover. Exporters now need to evolve their own strategies to meet the challengesof a dynamic business environment, not only in India, but also at the global level.Export success therefore, hinges more on firm dynamics than on government

    policies and regulations.


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    Exim Bank, UTI Bank Sign Business Tie-Up

    Export-Import Bank of India (Exim Bank) and UTI Bank Ltd., have announced atie-up for co-financing exports and export oriented companies, as also forproviding value added services to support the internationalisation efforts of smalland medium-sized externally oriented companies. The two Banks signed aMemorandum of Understanding (MOU) to signal this joint initiative, on Monday,December 10, 2001, in Mumbai. Mr. T. C. Venkat Subramanian, ManagingDirector of Exim Bank and Mr. P. J. Nayak, Chairman & Managing Director of

    UTI Bank Ltd. signed the MOU.

    Under the MOU, the institutions have agreed to: Jointly provide export credits and loans to exporter customers, consistent

    with their respective operational policies and procedures. Offer available information and advisory services to assist corporate

    clients seeking to create and enhance their international presence throughexports, technology and investment tie-ups.

    Co-operate in promotional activities, including exchange of informationrelating to business and investment opportunities, organising seminars/workshops and exchange of faculty.

    Exim Bank, with its overseas offices and institutional linkages with multilateralinstitutions, export credit agencies, foreign banks, and trade and investmentpromotion agencies in more than 28 countries, has in place a global network forpromotion of India's international trade and investment. Exim Bank's range offinancing programmes cover import of technology, strategic export marketing,equipment finance, project finance and overseas investment finance, includingequity investments in Indian ventures overseas. Exim Bank's joint venturecompany, Global Trade Finance Pvt. Ltd., offers export factoring / forfaitingservices.

    UTI Bank has a network of 116 branches and extension counters, which offerboth working capital and term loans to its exporter customers. The Bank also hasa strong network of 411 ATMs across 47 cities and towns in the country.Branches offer a full range of services in corporate, retail and internationalbanking, treasury management, and merchant and investment banking.For the half year ended 30th September, 2001, the total income of UTI Bankincreased by 67% yoy to Rs. 733.53 crores. The net profit of the bank was Rs.


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    56.32 crores, up from Rs. 35.17 crores for the first half of the previous year,representing a 60% rise .

    Given the synergy of operations between the two institutions, this alliance willfurther the consolidation of a one-stop, single banking window for exporters of

    goods and services.

    Exchange Control Relating to Exports:

    1. Export Import Code Number : every person/firm/company engaged inexport import business should obtain an Export Import Code numberissued by the DGFT . The exporter should invariably quote the codenumber in all declarations/forms which are explained below:

    2. Export Declaration forms:

    As per Section 7 (1) (3) of FEMA , any export of goods from India should bedeclared in the prescribed forms to the effect that full value of exports willbe realized within the prescribed period in the prescribed manner.

    The prescribed forms which are used for the purposes are given below:

    GR Form : Exports made otherwise than by post.

    PP Form : Exports made by post parcel.

    Softex Form : Exports of software in non-physical form.

    SDF Form : On account of introduction of electronicdata inter change system at certain customs offices where shipping bills areprocessed electronically.

    3. Prescribed Time : The maximum time prescribed by RBI for realization ofexport proceeds is six months from date of shipment . If the bills arenot realized within this time stipulated , the exporter should apply to RBIfor extension of time in a form called ETX form . All overdue bills whichare not realized within the due date will be reported to RBI in a half

    yearly statement.

    4. Prescribed Method : The payment for export proceeds should bereceived through the medium of Authorized Dealers (ADs) . Inexceptional cases where the track record of the exporter is good , ADswill accept the amount received by exporters direct by cheque , DD etc.


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    The currency of the receipt of payment should be appropriate to thefinal place of destination of the shipment as declared in the GR formirrespective of the country residence of the buyer.

    5. Submission of export documents : The exporter has to declare the value

    of the goods of export to the customs in GR form and submit theform in duplicate to them. After certication , the original will be retainedby the customs for onward transmission to RBI & the duplicate will behanded to the exporter .

    As per exchange control regulations , the duplicate copy of GR form alongwith the shipping documents should be submitted to the AuthorizedDealers (ADs) within 21 days of shipment. If the exporter receivesadvance payment for exports for the full value , the ADs will release theGR form accordingly.

    6. Remittances connected with exports :

    Remittance of Agency Commission : Agency commission can be remittedby the ADs upto a maximum of 12.5% of invoice value provided it isdeclared & approved by customs in exchange control forms.

    Reduction in Invoice Value : After the export bill has been negotiated orsent for collection , if the invoice is to be reduced , ADs can approve thesame if the reduction does not exceed 10% of the invoice value.

    Claim Against Exports : Can also be upto 10% of invoice value whichwill be cleared by Authorized Dealers .


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    Agreement on Trade-Related Investment Measures (TRIMs)

    This Agreement, negotiated during the Uruguay Round of WTO, applies onlyto measures that affect trade in goods. Recognizing that certain investmentmeasures can have trade-restrictive and distorting effects, it states that noMember shall apply a measure that is prohibited by the provisions of GATT

    Article III (national treatment) or Article XI (quantitative restrictions). Examplesof inconsistent measures, as spelled out in the Annex's Illustrative List,include local content or trade balancing requirements. The Agreementcontains transitional arrangements allowing Members to maintain notifiedTRIMs for a limited time following the entry into force of the WTO (two yearsin the case of developed country Members, five years for developing countryMembers, and seven years for least-developed country Members). The

    Agreement also establishes a Committee on TRIMs to monitor the operationand implementation of these commitments.

    Summary of the TRIMs Agreement

    The agreement recognizes that certain investment measures restrict anddistort trade. It provides that no contracting party shall apply any TRIMinconsistent with Articles III (national treatment) and XI (prohibition ofquantitative restrictions) of the GATT. To this end, an illustrative list of TRIMsagreed to be inconsistent with these articles is appended to the agreement.The list includes measures which require particular levels of localprocurement by an enterprise ("local content requirements") or which restrictthe volume or value of imports such an enterprise can purchase or use to anamount related to the level of products it exports ("trade balancing


    The agreement requires mandatory notification of all non-conforming TRIMsand their elimination within two years for developed countries, within fiveyears for developing countries and within seven years for least-developedcountries. It establishes a Committee on TRIMs which will, among otherthings, monitor the implementation of these commitments. The agreementalso provides for consideration, at a later date, of whether it should be


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    complemented with provisions on investment and competition policy morebroadly.


    Factoring may be defined as a contract by which the factor is to provideat least two of the services (finance , the maintenance of accounts , thecollection of receivables and protection against credit risks) and the supplier isto assign to the factor on a continuing basis by way of sale or security ,receivables arising from the sale of goods or supply of services .

    Factoring offers smaller companies the instant cash advantage that was onceavailable only to large companies with high sales volumes. With factoring, there'sno need for credit or collection departments, and no need to spend your profitson maintaining accounts receivables.

    Simply put...factoring turns your receivable into cash today, instead of waiting tobe paid at a future date.

    International export Factoring Scheme :

    RBI has approved the above scheme evolved by SBI Factors andCommercial Services Pvt. Ltd Mumbai for providing International ExportFactoring Services on with recourse basis. The salient features of thescheme are as follows:

    a) An exporter should submit to SBI Factors & Commercial Services Pvt.Ltdi.e the Export Factor (EF) a list of buyers (customers) indicating theirnames & street addresses and his credit line needs .

    b) The Import Factor (IF) located in the importers country selected by EF ,will rate the buyers list and the results will be reporter to the exporter

    through EF . The exporter will apply for a credit limit in respect ofoverseas importer . IF will grant credit line based on the assessment ofcredit-worthiness of the overseas importer.

    c) The exporter will thereafter enter into an export factoring agreement withEF. All export receivable will be assigned to the EF , who in turn willasiign them to IF.


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    d) The exporter will ship merchandise to approved foreign buyers . Eachinvoice is made payable to a specific factor in the buyers (importer)country . Copies of invoices & shipping documents should be sent to IFthrough EF. EF will make prepayment to the exporter against approvedexport receivables.

    e) EF will report the transaction in relevant ENC statement detailing fullparticulars , such as Exporters Code No. ,GR Form Number , CustomNo . Currency , Invoice value etc.

    f) On receipt of payments from buyers on the due date of invoice , IF willremit funds to EF who will convert foreign currency remittances intorupees and will transfer proceeds to the exporter after after deductingthe amount of prepayments, if made. Simultaneously , EF will report thetransaction in the relative R return enclosing duplicate copy of therespective GR form duly certified . The payment received will be the net

    payment after deduction of a service fee which ranges from 0.5 % to 2%of the value of the invoices.

    g) If an approved buyer (importer) is unable to pay the proceeds ofexports , IF will pay the receivables to EF , 100 days after the due date.The transactions of this nature will be reported by EF in the half yearlyXOS statements to be submitted to RBI , indicating therein the reasonsfor delay /non payment .


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    Monetary And Credit Policy 2001-02 dated 22.10.01

    The major features Relating to Exports in this mid term policy are asfollows:

    On account of global slowdown , exports have not done well during thecurrent year & imports increased by 2.5% as against an increase of

    13.8% last year . Trade deficit in the first 5 months of the current financialyear at US $ 4.6 billion was higher than that of US $3.7 billion in the sameperiod last year.

    The Governor recalled that as part of the efforts to provide support toexporters during the prevailing period of global uncertainty , the ReserveBank advised reduction in ceiling interest rates on rupee export credit by 1%point across the board for a period of 6 months. Taking into accountforward premia , the effective interest cost on rupee export credit is only3.0- 4.0 percent (assuming a forward premia of 5.0% ) which is internationally

    competitive. Similarly , exporters are free to avail of foreign currency loansin the currency of their choice at internationally competitive rates.

    In the past several measures have been introduced to ensure timelydelivery of credit to exporters at reasonable cost and removal of proceduralhassles. RBI Governor has mentioned the work of the survey on exporters satisfaction has been launched by the National Council Of Applied Research(NCAER) New Delhi.


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    July 2,2001 High Court Ruling :Export Losses not Entitled to tax concessions

    In a landmark judgement , the Mumbai High court ruled that onlyprofit from exports is entitled to tax concessions under Section 80HHCof the Income tac act. Losses are not to be considered for deduction underSection 80 HHC , the court ruled. The division bench comprising of Justice SH Kapadia & Justice V C Daga , gave this ruling on 2.7.2001 , in an appeal

    filed by Ipca Labs against and order by the Income Tax Appelate Tribunal.

    Case Details : The HC had to decide whether the loss incurred in export ofgoods was to be ignored while determining the appellants entitlement todeduction u/sec 80 HHC (3) c of I-T Act . In this case , Ipcas export incomecontained 2 parts : One that resulted in Profit and the other that resultedin losses . Ipca claimed deductions for the profit it had made in the exportof goods manufactured by it , even though it made a loss in the export ofgoods made by other manufacturers .

    The company claimed that the loss it had incurred should be ignored

    because the loss was in export of gods made by others , the benefits ofwhich had been surrendered by the company in favour of the supportingmanufacturers.

    The It dept on the other hand , took a stand that profit & loss should beaggregated & only the balance is entitled for deductions. As per thedepartment , the result was a net loss from the export of goods , in the caseof Ipca. As a result the company did not get any benefit under Section 80HHC.

    Ipcas return indicated a net loss from the export of goods - loss from goodsmanufactured by supporting manufacturing at Rs.6.86 crore and profits fromexport of goods manufactured by it at Rs.3.78 crore. In its ruling the highcourt said:

    However , the argument is that because of the disclaimer , the loss on theexport of trading goods amounting to Rs.6.86 crore be ignored and only thep
