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Page 1: Existing Magazines

Existing magazines

Page 2: Existing Magazines

Dark background makes the heading, sub-heading and cars a focus point .

Heading is also in bold to emphasise it.

Highlighting on the content information links them together and draws the audiences attention whilst focusing on key phrases.

Organised and uncluttered gives it professional and intellectual look.

The denotation of the image is two cars and the stig who features on the TV show of topgear.The connotations of the image are power, confidence and independence.

The target audience is males of all ages and backgrounds, though particularly males over 20 who are working fulltime and in the A, B bracket. The audience will have to have a interest in cars and there performance.

Page 3: Existing Magazines

Consistent colour scheme, with few colours . Contrast between the pink and black helps the text to standout.

Sub headings-Bold font easy to read All the same colour which links them together. Also they follow the colour scheme Short containing only key words and phrases gives a simple summary of what the magazine contains.

Background-RelevantGives the magazine detail and gives a high quality look to the product.Monotone so that it doesn’t distract the audience from the main focal point. Also the fact that the detailed background is monotone keeps the magazine looking uncluttered.

Target audience- is women with relatively high incomes. Who's interests are in fashion and beauty and has some interest in celebrity's.

The denotation of the image is kiera Knightley a successful actress.The connotations of the image are of success, independence, and freedom.

Page 4: Existing Magazines

The denotations of the image is the blackout a relatively successful band.The connotations of the image: courage and individuality.

The page is quite cluttered which could reflect the type of music the magazine features and the atmosphere of the concerts.

Shows images other relating to the articles inside which will help the audience recognise what the articles are about even if the only glance at it.

The ‘5 FREE POSTERS’ makes the audience think they are getting value for money.

Page 5: Existing Magazines

Bright colour scheme with lots of colours makes it look exciting and grabs your attention. Very cluttered, there is a lot

going on and there are a lot of images with minimal text. Which is good as the target audience is children who may not be able to read very well.

The use of lots of images will help the audience understand what is in the article as there reading ability will be limited.

The ‘50 superhero secrets’ entices the audience to read the article as well as engages them.