Page 1: Exhibit A Representative Solicitation Materials

Exhibit A

Representative Solicitation Materials

Federal Trade Commission, et. al. v. Help the Vets, Inc. , et. al. CON.IPLAINT Page 79 of79

Page 2: Exhibit A Representative Solicitation Materials

Our mission is helping severely injured vets and providing helpful

information for all Vets.

Veterans Centers In all 50 States provide treatment and support services to Veterans from all branches of service,

Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, and Coast Guard.

e unorO

4/13 NAMS-HTV-306

Help The Vets


www.helpthevets.o r g

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Program services approved to date Include:

1) Awarding grants and educational scholar­ship moneys, as determined by our board of directors, to indMduals with serious injuries, amputees, and paralyzed veterans from the Iraq or Afghanistan wars.

2) Providing a 24 hour veterans suicide hotline and veterans referral hotline, already posted on our website.

3) Providing awards and grants to disabled veterans who train and compete in athletic events despite their lmpalrrnent.

4) Providing home physical therapy equipment to physically impaired veterans who cannot afford the equipment once they are released from active treatment at their clinic or hospital.

5) Coordinating with physician providers. to allow reasonable, necessary, and related veteran treatment not prov1ded by the Veterans Administration, including non-tradi­tfonaJ care, including but not limited to chiropractic physician, access to acupunture therapy and massage therapy care, nuitrition­al counseling.

6) Organize and sponsor athletic events and educational events for the general public with significant veteran emphasis, participation, memorial significance and relevance; provide education to the public and responding citizens on veteran information through our wel:>site, mailings and direct communication.

Combat gear and front~line medicine has advanced in recent years, and more troops are survlvlng injuries that would have killed them In past wars and conflicts. This Is certainly good news, but It presents long-term, lifelong challenges for our present day war survivors. Quality of life, mobility, employability and lifespan are often limited much more than hoped. Family members, friends and spouses must attempt to adjust to the problems brought home by the Injured veterans.

Our injured veterans deal with post-traumatic stress disorder (PSTD), injuries to the neck, back and spine, dlsfiguration, traumatic brain injury, and more. It is estimated that 19% of the 1 .8 million troops who have served in kaq and Afghanistan (320.000) may have e)(perienced a traumatic brain Injury during deployment, according to the Rand corporation. http:/ /WWW.rand.erg/


WE HEL P Amputees and Severe ry Injured Veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars who need physical therapy at home and counseling following their

treatment at a VA Center.

Helping Severely Injured and Paralyzed U.S. Veterans and Amputees from the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars

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1 Sponoor -ihn; SW6epsrakes is sponoored by t1elll Tile Vets. Inc. (ff!V). llllflillll!ll!!!!!!ll!!IIJi•• Orlgfldo, l'Jlliida -2. Prizes- thfll'e ll!ll lw!; Prizes· i) Grana Prize o/ $10,036.12, alld 2) Bonus Pn:ie of $100 00 Pnzes are nQ11-11aJ1Sferat11e Bild tllllraara no subs\Hules 3. Ent!)' Instructions - to enter wiih or wHhout a don3oon, l?tum the ·wlY form In the enciosed envelope postmarKed Delore the entry deadline. 4 Prize Selection Process - 1) Grand Prize: Ille winning entry was randomly selll'lh:11 by an Independent agency WIIOSll decision was final and bindng betore I.he Pl'Omotion ~ers were Ina11ed ~n~ was rardomly

seeded among rnailoo letters. If your e~gillle en1ty matches tr1e pre-selectod numller, you win be noti1ied fh2t }'W !,ave won the Grand f>rtze. 2) 8ooos prtze wIMer will l)e randomiY selocte<I from ail quafliy~ entries.

5, Who iS eUgllile-lhe sweepstakes is Ol)e(l fo resldentl! {l 8 years or clde/1 or1he Unrled Stites and its jl)SSfSsions who receive t/m mailing. E'mjllo\iees, 3!1ents, ,endors and slalf of the Sponsor, Help Tua Vets, loc. (H'M, •-----� 011:nlo, Ronda - Its aqven1sio_g and promotional agencies, anp s'/.eepstlk~ administrator 1ana tiler nousellold memller.;J art! fill eligible 111 win n,e entrylorm wiO nci be iionored If not matted 1n the enc!Osed ef11'81ope witll sulflclent pos13JJe DYtne ent,y daadline.

6. frltry Deadline: - the deadline for mailing y00r el1tly Is Januaiy 21 2017 Postmar~detern11nes dale of entry. 7. General - Sweepstakes void where prohlolted !JV law. All ted91'nl, state and local regulations apply. Winners 1vill be notiffM by mail 6y parlicipallng, errtrents agree to be bound by ihese rules. Failure to comply

with lliese or ?11Y ot11er Ofllclal R!Jles will result Jo disqualiflcatoo Wlmff ln\JSt sign and renJrn an affi!!a'llt 01 elrgbiltty, a llaJJlllly release, ano e><tept wt1er& p11)11Jbijed by Jaw, a publicity release wiU,in 10 da:15 Qf ,ssuance of nomicaticn. tt winner ooes nor comply wtth the fo~ong or tt a priie or·prize notification is undeliVerable, and/or it a sa!ecled winner does notoompl\' witn any pomon of these Official Rutes, such wmnerwm be disquaHfied and, in iw., oase of the Bonus Pm& or4Y, an aHerr,ate winner will be selecled. Entrants agree that 1) Sponsor Sl1al nave r1ghland permlSSiOO ID use {It a winne~ entrant's name and city of rssidooce for advertising, lra"9 and/or other pulJ)oses in !lefl)ew/iY wttnout furt11cr oompcoooti!Jl (unless prnhibited by law); .lld 2) Sponsor, 1181WvertJs1ng Md promolr<lfl agencies and eaoh of their respet;tlve olfi:;tl,s, directors, emploYf€S, rtl!ll'eSl:ntaoves and agents shal have no llabl Illy and will lie held harmless by entrants 1or any kabiity, loss, Injury or damage to entrants or any otller person ilr enttly retatIng to tt11s SWetljlStakes, Taxes wle res\K)l)SibilifY of winner. Spo/'ISllr and rls agencies are not respOOSJbie for late, lost, or misct1rec100 maa or anv prtnting or leohnleal enc,s or milltunctions of any kind, Ir/ any hlrnan error Illa! may occur in the processing of the entries In this Sweeps1akes If for any reason that oorrupts or af\ects the .i.dmlnislratlon, secuitty, ratrness, /nteg<11y, or proS)8r' conduct of this s1~~ so Iha, it is noi capable of being cornlucled a<: oescrrbe<J In these nJles, Spoosor shall have the ligtn, at !ls SOie mscretion, to cancal, termlna1e, modify or suspMd Illa Sweepslllf<es. l\f'ly person woo supplies false InformatiC>11, enters by fraudulent = or IS olllerw/se ~ete,mlned to be in vlolatton of these rules in an atmmpt to obtain any prize ~-forlelt any prtze wa1. No gift or payment or any klM necessar,-10 mterorwrn. Entries booime tne property of L'ie Sponsor and will no1 be ren,ned

IJ, Wlnners- furthe name ol the Grand Prize winner. sen<! a selt-addf!l66ed stampoo envelope to H1V Sweepstakes Winner, PO Box 20553, S~ l..auts, MO 63139.0553 on or wllhin 60 days alter ttll) entiv deMll!l& date.

ll, Odds of Winning - l ) Grand Prize: the numberoi entry forms ma.kl~ determines the l'llds or Winofrig. Your odds c4 Vli1lllng will be no graator man 1 In 1,!17J,000 21 Bonus Prize: OddS'of 'Mllning lhe Bonus Prtze are 1Japenderi1 upon lhe llllf11fll,r of qualifying entries retumerj

10, Creative Prwenfal\oos-lhis sweepstal(f!s mcy be maUed Wll.h ddtP.rant creative pr8Sillllalions. The pre-~elected 1,.;,'llling Graoo Prize nurnbar has beeo seleCted frl>rtJ all entry num.ooratoratl creauve presematJOns, and the winning lkrus'Ptize number has beoo sef(dr)d from all entries rer:;elved rm all creative presentatlO/lsc 6ualanteect wlnntlfll who enter mulllple times during any 00 ilaY peiioo will be awarded only oo, guruanlee<l prtze

11. Mailing l.Jst ~ ons-n you do J"<Jt w1sl1 to rece,ve maIIIngs ot mis type~ Ille lutlwa please write to: HlV Name Rer111M1I, PO Box 20553, SI. Louis. MO 6Jn9-055J. BilCllUSe Winneis are seleoted in artvance and swe~ entries are pnnted in ~dvanca, rt will take SI• lo Eiglltweells before you stop receiving ma,t

1 i For additional lnfot'mation about this sweepSlllkes or sweepstakes In general, visit,

The HELP lHE VETS Foundation is proud of rts use of funds.

You, glfiis very much appreciated ant! fulIY oeduclible as a chantable C011!ril!ullan. A copy of the summary of Iha latest financial :;tatemenl, or annual ·eport. and ll!!Jislraliohiiled b~ HELP THE YETS, may be obtained by contacting us al Help the \lets, Inc. • .11!11!1!!1!!1!!!1!!! St. Orlando, Fl . If you are a resioent of one ot tnese st!tes, you may obtal/11inallcial infOffllaUOfl dlrecUy 1r00l lfJe state agency: Fi..DRIDA - A COPY OF iRE()fAClAL REGISTRATION AND FlNAN~l INFORMATION MAY BE OBiAlNED FROM fHE DJVISION OF CONSUMER SERVICES BY CALLING TOU.·Fllff.. 1-800-435·73S2 (800·HELP·R.A) WlnllN THE STATE. REGISTRA1I0N DOES tJOT lt,t PLY ENDORSEMENT, APPROVAL. OR RECOMMENDATION BY THE STATE. Florida Registration IICH37!l89. GEORGIA - A full and farf description of tile of lilV and our financial slalemem summary is ava1lallle upon request at the ottloe anci p!IOne number indicated above. Mlfil'.I.AfjQ - For the cost at copies and postagp, Office of tJ1e Secretary of Stale. Sti:lle House. Ann~IS. MO 21401. Mls.s!S,';11'!'! - lhe oHrcial regi~ilat1011 ana financial information of 1-m/ r1Jqy be obrained froo11he Mississippi Secretan, of State's office by calling 1-888·238·6167, Re.gistra!Jon by ttie Secretary ol State does no\ Imply endorsement NEW JERSEY - INFORMATION RlfD WITH THE ATTORNEY GENERAL CONCERNING THIS CHARITABI.E SOLICITATION AND TflE PERCENTAGE OF CONlRfBUTIONS RECEIVBJ BY THE CHARITY DURING lliE lAST REPORTING PERIOD THAT WERE IJEDIGATEO TO THE l,'l{f\RITABlE f'Uflf'OSE MAY BE OBTAINED FROM ffll: A 11 LifiNcY Gl:Nl:JW. U~ TliE S1ATE OF Nf.W JERSEY SY CAWNG (973) 504-6215 AND IS AVAILABlE ON THE. INTERNET AT tllllWWWW.staJa . .,n~~s/fpslca/charf(m.htm. REGISTRATION WITH Tl-IE ATTORNEY GENEflAL DOES NOT IMPI.Y ENDORSEMENT. NEW YORK - Office of the Attorney General, Department of Law, Charities Bureau,120 Broadway, New York, NY 10271. NORTH CAROLINA- FINANCIAL INFORMATION ABOUT THIS ORGANIZATION AND A COPY OF ITS LICENSE ARE AVAILABLE FROM THE STATE SOLICITATION LICENSING BRANCH ATl -888-830-4989. THE LICENSE IS NOT AN ENDORSEMENT BY THE STATE P!;/yt!_SYLVANIA- The official registration anct financial lnlomlation of HT\/ may be Olllained rrom ttte Penrsylvania Department QfState by cal1ng toll-free, within Pennsytvanll;l, 1~00-732-0999. Registration does not rmpty endorsement. VIRGINIA - Vorg1111a Sla1~ Drvis,on Of Consumer Affairs, Deparfmeot of AgrlcU1tura1 and Consumer Services. PO Box 1163. Richmond, VA 232t8. WASHINGTON - Chanfies Division, Office of 111s S!!Cl1lla,y Of Sl~te, State of Washilgtoo, Olympia, WA 98504·0422, 1 ·800·3~~-4483.

Our mission is helping veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan wars ..

Help The Vets

Paralyzed lliet ~ erans

Let's Help Our Vets Who Have Given So Much FOR USI Program services include: I) Award1og grants and educational scholarships to fndlviduals with serious inJunes, amputees and paralyzed vetetans from the Iraq or

Afghanistan wars.

2) Providing a 24 hour veterans suicide hotline and veterans referral hotline .

. 3) Providing awards and grants to disabled veterans who train and compete in athletic events despite their impairment.

4) Providing home physical therapy equipment to physically impaired veterans who cannot afford it once they are released from treatment at their clinic or hospitaL

5) Coordinating with physician providers to allow reasonable, necessary, and related veteran treatment not provided by the Veterans Administration,

6) Organize and sponsor athl!ltiC events and educational events for the general public with significant veteran emphasis, participation, memorial significance and relevance; provide education to the public and responding citizens on veteran information.

Captain Neil G. Paulson, SF. of Orlando, Florida, rs a Disabled Veteran who served honorably in the us Army as a. combat Infantryman, enlisted and officer for 1 o years.




Page 5: Exhibit A Representative Solicitation Materials

Vets Fighting Breast Cancer


Good evening Mr. /Mrs. . This is (Your name) with Donor Relations, LLC, a paid professional fundraiser, calling

on behalf of Vets Fighting Breast Cancer located at�����- Street, Orlando, FL-. How are you?

2 • GET YES TO SUPPORT Mr. /Mrs. _______ -Lthe reason for the call is to let you know that the association is underway with its sponsor drive. Funds raised during this drive will be used towards the education, prevention and treatment of breast cancer in US Veterans. Programs include education, providing grants for screening, mammography, surgery, chemotherapy and follow up care not covered by the Veterans Administration.

AK DISCLOSURE: I also want to mention that you are also entitled to receive, upon request, a financial statement of the charitable organization for whom the solicitation is being made and a copy of the contract. MS DISCLOSURE: Upon request, the professional fund-raiser and professional solicitor shall inform that person orally and then in writing within fourteen (14) days of the request of the fixed percentage of the gross revenue or the reasonable estimate of the percentage of the gross revenue that the non-profit organization or sponsor will receive as benefit from the solicitation campaign. In this case: 10% of gross revenues collected are retained by the charity. WA DISCLOSURE: A Notice of Solicitation required by law is on file with the Washington Secretary of State. You may obtain additional financial disclosure information by contacting the Secretary of State at 1-800-332-GIVE or visiting charities.

The association feels very strongly about this program, but they cannot do it by themselves. That's why we're calling

you ... to make sure the association can count on your support this year. Can they count on you?

3. ESTABLISH AMOUNT (FIRST NAME), we have three levels of support, let me know which one better suits your budget.

Our hero level is the largest, it costs the most but it helps the most and it's $50 Our life saver level is $35 And our first response level is $20

Which one of these could you do for the foundation?


No problem, we have a small single support package and its just $15 for the whole year.


Thank you for your support, please hold on for mailing and they will confirm your commitment and address so you won't be

bothered by a duplicate call! Here's mailing ...

Page 6: Exhibit A Representative Solicitation Materials

Dear Mr John Doe. Thn11/r J1011far yo11r 6/16/11 pledge ofS,211.IJ/J/ Pledge#: 9099· 123456

11,ank you for taking the time to speak with one of our callers and making a pledge of support. You have joined us in sharing concern for our veterans fighting breast cancer.

It is because of citizens like you that Vets Fighting Breast Cancer, a special project of Help the Vets, lnc. is able to continue its efforts on behalf of our veterans. The mission of Vets Fighting Breast Cancer is to provide education, prevention and treatment resources to US Veterans diagnosed and suffering with breast cancer including, but not limited to, providing grants for screening, mammograpnj;.surgery, c~em~,~rapy and follow up care not covered by the Veterans Administration. "· ' ;/ ;r ·

Your gift is fully tax-deductible as provided by 50 I (c)(3) organization. Please we need your help t . c:ommitments from people like you.

Thanks again for your support!

Vets Fighting Breast Cancer

Vets Fighting Breast Cancer is a :isu:eeuss completely depends on promised

When you provide a check as payment, you autborj~ Jjio ,ltJh~~:depo$it~e cbeck as If check transact ion or use in fom1ation on your check to make a one-time electronic debit from your accou~t .. ,,, , , ,

't2 Please take a moment to mail your pledge today/ ,..;,


f Vets Fighting Breast Cancer. , has retained Donor Relations, LLC, a paid solicitor, to ensure the success of this ~ campaign. Questions call xxx-xxx-xxxx.

Vets Fighting Breast Caneer Donor Processing PO BOX 250825 MILWAUKEE WI 53225-6513

Thank you .... Per phone conversation with: John Ooo

Sponsor Confirmation

1.1:1H1I Im 1.1}~1,1111.1 lullul ih1llu 1,; I, I ti II lul I I ,Iii MR JOHN DOE· 123'4 ANY STREET USA Any City TN 53222-1234

Plea#e Return This Portion With Your Cho1:k! C

0Yes, 1 will add an additional _$2 __ $5 _$10 to my pledge

Pledge#: 90-99-123456 6116/16

Pledge Amt: $20.00 Please Remit by: 6/26/16 REP1

Remit to VFBC

Veti Fighting Breast Cancer Donor Proce::;sing PO BOX 250825 MILWAUKEE WI 53225-6513

I ,I ,Ii 1, I I,, 1 I, I 1 ,I ,I I I ,I II I I 1, 1 l1 I 1111 I I 111 I,,, I, I, I ,I 111, I I I


Page 7: Exhibit A Representative Solicitation Materials

FAMILY COUNSELING TO RETURNING VETS: We support family counseling to help service members adjust back into their family. We provided $95,000 in-kind to the Camaraderie Foundation, Inc. for private counseling, family support, mentoring and peer group support.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Affects Returning Veterans

• Exposure to a traumatic event with persistent re-experiencing.

• Persistent avoidance and numbing. • Persistent symptoms of increased arousal. • Significant distress or impairment duration of at

least one month.

To treat PTSD there must be education to help the patient understand his condition and the process of recovery, a feeling of safety and support and a non­critical ear to emphasize that the patient is not alone. Exposure therapy can help the patient confront pain­ful memories and feelings. Cognitive therapy can help process their thoughts and beliefs. Anxiety manage­ment and interpersonal therapies can assist patients in understanding the ways the t raumatic event still affects aspects of their lives.

Veterans outreach projects we support with your giving include:

CHAPLAIN'S CLOSET: We send boxes of personal items and clothing to newly injured, hospitalized Veterans from Iraq and Afghani­stan who a rrive with often only the shirt on their backs from combat related injuries.

VETERANS FIGHTING BREAST CANCER: We sponsor Breast Cancer research for a vaccine with Veteran participants involved in clinical trials.

URBAN VETERANS CENTER: Helping Disabled Vets in Birmingham, Alabama who have substance abuse and homeless issues.

THOSE 1\'00 SERl7EI)

DONATIONS: Please make a donation to our 24/7 Suicide Hotline spon­sored by American Disabled Veterans Foundation and Help The Vets, Inc., our parent corporation. We are rated Gold by Guidestar, a non-profit charity rating organization.

American Disabled Veterans Foundation c/o Help The Vets, Inc,

~ Or by phone:


American isabled Veterans


Reach Out! Let·s Help our

Disabled Veterans and their Families!


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Make a Difference in Disabled Veterans· Lives! HELP DISABLED VETERANS IN OUR COUNTRY! For more than .200 years, American Veterans have de• voted their energy to caring passionately for their own injured, needy and under-represented disabled service­men and women. We veterans help each other, train our remaining abilities and help the families of those dis­abled veterans in need.

Since 9/11 over 2.3 million service members have been deployed. The Iraq and Afghanistan wars have left us with 55,000 newly wounded veterans who need your help! 20% of returning veterans suffer from Post Trau­matic Stress Disorder. There are over 26,000 reported mllitary sexual assaults and 22 Veterans will die each day from suicide unless we take action.

Find out how you ain contribute to the future of some­one in nNd through donations of money or time.

OUR MISSION: Amerl.can Disabled Veteram Foundation is a vocal provider for the disabled and displaced veteran. 750,000 veterans na­tionw·ide are awaiting disability claims through the VA and the average wait is more than 340 days. Some treatment is only a.vailable for veterans with 100% disability. That is why we raised .and donated over $460,000 in medical. care last year to veterans who were not receiving VA treatment.

HELP US PREVENT SUICIDE BY DONATING TO OUR 24-7 SUICIDE PREVENTION HOTLINE!22 VETERANS WILL DIE EACH DAY UNLESS WE DO SOMETHING. According to the Department of Veterans Affairs Suicide Data Report, .2012, an estimated 22 Veterans will die each day from suicide each calendar year. Those who die are sig­nificantly more likely to be male and age 50 or older. Male Veterans who die by suicide are old.erthan those non-Veter­an males who die by suicide. The average age is 59.6 years among Veterans identified on state death certificates and 54.5 years of age among those who could be validated us­ing VA Administration records.

The majority of Veterans who have committed suicide were last seen in a VA outpatient setting. A high prevalence of non-fatal suicide events result from overdose or other in­tentional poisoning. The question remains, if most of those Veterans who commit suicide have been seen in a VA out­patient setting, what Is lacking in VA care that allows for sui­cide to occur? Private sources, like American Disabled Vet­erans foundation and its parent corporation, Help The Vets, Inc., as well as YOU and I, have a duty to help all Veterans, including those Veterans who have been seen by the VA on an outpatient setting, and CAN BE SAVED!

As a result, our organization is sponsoring a 24/7 Veterans Suicide Hotline for Veterans who are having thoughts of harming themselves. Manned by a tralned Veteran with a psychology degree, we sponsor this program and have 5-6 calls a month for help, counseling and referral. Our Hotline number is ������ Please give this number to any­one you think may be considering suicide, suffering from depression or need help. Please support this project with your donations and vour oravers! God Bless!

Neil G. Paulson, Sr., US Army, retired Our Executive Director, a Disabled Veteran

FOUNDATION HISTORY: 1980 - Private Neil Paulson enlists in the US Army In­fantry, graduates from Officer Candidate School, goes to a Combat Alert Site and his life changes forever.

1983- Injured in training, Captain Paulson receives sur­gery and months of Physical Therapy to help his body continue to move.

2014- American Disabled Veterans Foundation starts to provide grants to help thousands of Disabled Veterans and their families while raising funds from non-corpo­rate donors.

2014 - Help the Vets, Inc., our parent organization, and American Disabled Veterans Foundation was rec­ognized by for efforts which provided over $1,000,000 of benefits to injured Veterans in 2013.

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• •

• • •

• •

2016 *City* Area Annual Fund Drive Help The Vets P.O. Box 758543 Topeka, KS 66675-8543

*Full Name* *Street Address* *City, State ZIP* *Barcode*

2016 *City* Annual Fund



Annual Fund Drive Voluntary Reply Form


Voluntary $10 Donation Amount:


*maildate+l mo.*

*findernumber* *mailkey*

• • • •

Please make your check or money order payable to: HTV. No contribution is required. • See HTV Facts. Your gift to HTV is tax deductible to the full ex.tent allowed by law.


How ma.rii.-1 times 1-1ou, 11 I 1 d gi',le .:i.n .:1.rm and a. leg 11 for th.:1.t special something-~those expensive shoes, that new car, that watch--

But for thousands of disabled veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, 11 •3-iving .:i.n arm a.nd -:1. le9 11 isn I t sirnpl•:1 ·='- fi•3ur·e of speec:h--i t I s -='- h-:irsh r· t':I.

Many of these vets literally gave their arms and their legs in battle to pr·eser·\,•e 1-jour fr·eedorn, your· pr·OsPer·it 1.:1, and qour· 1 s futur·e.

That 1 s wh':I I 1 m asking ':IOU to send ':IOUr gift of $!0 or more to our 2016 Annual

• • •

Fund C-:1.rnpaign. 8 Hemember·, 1-1ou don 1 t to 11 9ive -:1.n .:3.r-rn -3.nd -3. leqn to help our· dis-3.bled

veter·a.ns. 'r';:iu ~ c:a.r1 help no1.1_1 b 1:1 ser1din·3 us 1.:1our gift ot $IO or rnor·e to Help The 1~Jets {HT 1,}}.

'r'our $JO gift will mean so much to a disabled veteran.

3,f;;;jlt_ (f ~._ I ~ Neil G. Paulson, Sr., President US Rrrn:1 Heserve, Infantr:1-Hetired

HELP THE VETS• P.O. Box 758543, Topeka, KS 66675-8543 •

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• •


2016 *City* Area Annual Fund Drive Help The Vets P.O. Box 758543 Topeka, KS 66675-8543

*Full Name* *Street Address* *City, State ZIP* *Barcode*


2016 *City* Area

Annual Fund Drive Voluntary Reply form


Annual Fund Voluntary $10 Donation Amount:


*maildate+l mo.*

*findernumber* *mailkey* Please make your check or money order payable to: HTV. No contribution is required.

See HTV Facts. Your gift to HTY is tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law.


Do you know a military vet who has any of the following symptoms:

� Yes � No Has nightmares about an experience, or thinks about the experience when they do not want to?

� Yes � No Tries hard not to think about an experience or goes out of their way to avoid situations that remind him/her

of the experience?

� Yes � No Is constantly on guard, watchful, or easily startled?

� Yes � No Feels numb or detached from others, activities or surroundings?

If the answer is "yes" to any of these questions, it may be symptomatic of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). We suggest a visit with your family mental health professional or you may obtain help through the VA. According to researchers, 11-20% of the veterans of the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq developed PTSD and 30% of Vietnam veterans.

If you are having thoughts about harming yourself or others, call the 24 hour Help The Vets suicide referral hotline (407)376-7000

• • •

• • •

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American Disabled Veterans Foundation, Inc.


Good evening Mr. /Mrs. . This is (Your name) with Courtesy Call, Inc., a paid professional

fundraiser, calling on behalf of American Disabled Veterans Foundation located at

Street, Orlando, FL -· How are you?

2 • GET YES TO SUPPORT Mr. /Mrs. _____ __, the reason for the call is to let you know that the Foundation is underway with

its sponsor drive. Funds raised during this drive will be used towards grants to help thousands of Disabled

Veterans and their families. We send boxes of personal items and clothing to newly injured, hospitalized

Veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan who arrive with often only the shirt on their backs from combat

related injuries. We also assist Disabled Vets who have substance abuse and homeless issues. You are also

entitled to receive, upon request, a financial statement of the charitable organization for whom the

solicitation is being made and a copy of the contract.

The Foundation feels very strongly about this program, but they cannot do it by themselves. That's why

we're calling you ... to make sure the Foundation can count on your support this year. Can they count on


3. ESTABLISH AMOUNT (FIRST NAME), we have three levels of support, let me know which one better suits your budget.

• Our Warrior level is the largest, it costs the most but it helps the most and it's $50

• Our Hero level is $35

• And our Life Saver level is $20

Which one of these could you do for the foundation?


No problem, we have a small single support package and its just $15 for the whole year.


Thank you for your support, please hold on for mailing and they will confirm your commitment and address so you won't be bothered by a duplicate call! Here's quality control. ..

Page 12: Exhibit A Representative Solicitation Materials

REACH OUT! Let's Help our Disabled Veterans and their Families! Dear John Doe: Pledge # 90-99-123456

Thank you for your 8/1/14 pledge of $20.00!

Thank you for taking the time to speak with one of our callers and making a pledge of support. You have joined us in sharing concern for each and every disabled and displaced veteran and their families.

It is because of citizens like you that American Disabled Veterans Foundation, Inc. is able to continue its efforts on behalf of those afflicted with combat related injuries, substance abuse and homeless issues.

The mission of American Disabled Veterans Foundation is to provide grants to help thousands of Disabled Veterans and their families while raising funds from non-corporate donors. We send boxes of personal items and clothing to newly injured,

hospitalized Veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan who arrive with often only the shirt on their backs from combat related injuries.

Your gift is fully tax-deductible as provided by law, as American Disabled Veterans Foundation, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) organization.

Please we need your help today! Our goals and success completely depend on promised commitments from people like you.

Please take a moment to mail your pledge today!

Thanks again for your support!

"f a

; ADVF has retained Courtesy Call, Inc., a paid solicitor, to ensure the success of this campaign. a <C For any questions pertaining to this invoice, please call toll free 855-284-6749.

~ · ~ · Please return this sta1ement along with your gift in the envelope provided .

~. Yes, I will add an additional $2 to my pledge

. , . . American Disabled Veterans Foundation Rep 1 Pledge# 90-99-123456 I ' ' ' • 8/1 /14

· '· " Donor Processing Pledge Amount: $20.00

PO Box 14129 Please remit by: 8/11 /14

West Allis, WI 53214-0455

Thank you.,.per phone conversation with John Poe.

Page 13: Exhibit A Representative Solicitation Materials

) ,

+ ~ ..

rr ve nAv a r fcr a otten ____ ..... ~------- -"""'----···-~;hat y ou did f <;; t· me ...

i Please make your check or money order payable to: ITTV i See HTV Facts. No contribution is required. Your g ift to HTV

is tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law.

De.::1.r- Friend, ---

Yo•.J ' ve•::1 it man•::1 times .• •


Annual Fund Drive Voluntary Reply Form


2017 Od .ando A rf.':a AMOUNT:

Antiua l Fu nd Vohinte r y $3 Do nation Amount:


M~,y 1. 1 2017

0000000 .L'.::S


A friend, a c:0-1.,mrker, a r·el-3.tive. "did you a. fa\/or·" or· 11 • you breai.k" .:;,,nd it 1.o.,as ·='- big r1e.lp to you. Years later· ':!OU bumi;:, into them on the str eet and :5-9.'::1, 11 \'c,u kno~J , I've never-forgc,tten vlh-=<.t ':JOU did for· me,., "

Tod-3.':I ther·e ai.r-e tens of thc,us-:1.nds of soldiers in hospitals ei.nd reha.b clin­iics who didn't just "do us a favor" c,r "qive u:::. a break". These soldier·s r·isked their· lives for ':JOU and me in Kor·ea., \)ief.:n,a1.m, the Gulf ~Jar 1 and most r·ecentl•::1 I

, in Af 9h-=1nist-,rn and Iraq . Ma.ny of these s,:,ldier·s nou1 crippled , blind, dis- l l fi•3ured, and in r,)-c1.ny ,::ases , sadl':I forgotten. ·

You have been a generous past suppor ter of Help The Vets (HTV}. That's \•!h':I we' r..e countin°3 on you tc, send yo1.w gift for· $ ! (l or· more to hel p

'our needy and dis.:,.bled militar·'::J iletera.ns. Let ,:::,ur disabled vets know 1::1c,u ' ve "never· for•3otten 11

DI have included a bequest to Help The Vets in my will .

s)f;;;f Y-. (1~'- ~ . . Cpt. Ne~ . Paulso n! Sr . Adminis trato r US Arm y Reserve, Infantr y-R e tired

HELP Tm: VETS• P.O. Box 758543, Topeka, KS 66675-8543 • 126309

;, + � 1A

-~ 0

(' '

Page 14: Exhibit A Representative Solicitation Materials


Caller WARNING: You are required to say the introduction CLEARLY, WORD FOR WORD, NO changes or additions.

Misrepresenting the Charity, Courtesy Call, Inc. or yourself is against company policy and against the law. It will not be tolerated in any way and is grounds for immediate termination.


Hello Mr. /Mrs. (Customer) This is - --- - ------~ a paid professional fundraiser with Donor Relations, LLC (Phone: 302-660-0999; Email: [email protected]), calling on behalf of Help the Vets, Inc. located at -

treet, Orlando, FL- How are you? Great to hear./ Sorry to hear that./ OR other current topic (i.e. weather, current event) within the calling area .

PRESENTATION Mr./Mrs._, HTV is dedicated to providing assistance to amputees and severely injured vets returning from the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, and those in the US who are elderly, disabled and homeless. Referral is also provided to veterans in areas that are not covered by benefits, including A.A., Narcotics Anonymous counseling, mental health counseling and referral to other veteran and social agencies when appropriate. Donated hotel inventory is gathered and provided to veteran families in need of time alone together while blankets, toiletries and hygiene items are given to homeless vets. You are also entitled to receive, upon request, a financial statement of the charitable organization for whom the solicitation is being made and a copy of the contract. AK DISCLOSURE: I also want to mention that you are also entitled to receive, upon request, a financial statement of the charitable organ ization for whom the solicitation is being made and a copy of the contract. MS DISCLOSURE: Upon request, the professional fund -raiser and professional solicitor shall inform that person orally and then in writing within fourteen (14) days of the request of the fixed percentage of the gross revenue or the reasonable estimate of the percentage of the gross revenue that the non-profit organization or sponsor will receive as benefit from the solicitation carnpaign. In this case: 10% of gross revenues collected are reta ined by the charity. WA DISCLOSURE: Thank you for supporting Help the Vets, Inc., located in Orlando, FL. Help the Vets, Inc. is registered with Washington State's Charities Program as required by law and additional information is available by calling 800-332-4483 or visiting

Mr. /Mrs. ___, HTV is hoping to count on the support of residents like you to keep the programs going. Can they count on your support?

> (If YES): "Great! Mr. /Mrs. ___ _, we have three levels of support. Please let me know which one better suits your budget."

* Our HERO level is the largest, it costs the most, but it helps the most and its $50. * Our GUARDIAN ANGEL level is $35 * And our GOOD SAMARITAN level is $20 Which one of these can you do for the association? (FOR YES- Proceed to salutation)

> (IF TOO MUCH): Use pleasant rebuttal to suggest lower$ amounts of support. Always remain kind, empathetic and pleasant.)

"No, problem. We do have a KIND SOUL package and it's just $15. Can you definitely do that one for us?" (FOR "YES"- Proceed to salutation)

> (IF STILL NO): Always thank them for their time. Wish them a great day/eve/weekend and wait for an acknowledgement that you were heard. Be courteous and go to the next call .

SALUTATION Wonderful! One more thing, I have someone from Quality Control who needs to review everything we've discussed; they will confirm your commitment and address to make sure it's accurate. Thank you again and please hold the line.

Page 15: Exhibit A Representative Solicitation Materials

,.,. . . I -.,

J. ~. ,. . ~I ' w, Help The Vets

Dear Mr John Doe, Connrma1:,on No: 90 -99· l 234S6

Tfumk you.for your 9/16/16 pledge of $20.00!

Tl1anh }·OU tor taking. the time to sp-:ak with one: or our caller~ and making a pledge of suppon. You have joined u:; in :; lluing ,: 011i::111 ll>r

om veterans re1llming from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Please accept our thanks and be ~wam:d we\\ ill worh d,Lily :. o ea1:1 yuu1

cont inud suppol1.

11 i), hcl'a11st.: <•f' crtt l.c:ns like you 1h i: I lclp 1hi.: Wb, Int s oblc 10 continue its efforts on hi:lh1i r r>f Dur vc.:ll:rans. Th~ rnis~ion o: i I, Ip :he· Vet~. 111<:. is 10 µrv, ·idc ussistancc to amputees and severely injured vets rellrming from the war in Iraq and/\ lghan isr,111. 11 °10 ca,11I01 ;11 l"rd the con1m11ing homc therapy and equipn\clll needed to restore Hnd maintain their health when 1h~ir clinical therapy i, ,,vcr Jnd lilt.:~ :nt· di~c h,lJ'_;!.•~d 10 home 1rci11111cnt. Counsdinl!. is abo prm·idcd to vc1cnms in areas that are not covered by btnefits. including ~rnpi,>: nn:rI1 c:111111~cl i11g. nH:nt,1 1 lwahh counseling .rrd rcfcrrnl to rilhcr agencies when appropriate.

You•· gift is fully tax-deductible us provided by law, as Hl'lp the Vets, Inc is a S0l(c)(3) orgardznlion. ',>lease we nc..:d vr1.1r hc :r 1. ·, d;i_v' Our go.1ls and success completely depends on promised comrniuncnu, from people like you.

1 lwni-., .ri_!ain for )'lHII suppo11! For ,my qtn:stions p~r1:1iniug 10 this invoicc. call toll fr<:<.: 11--14-,.115 .. 2200.

1 kip ri1,: Vet~. lnc

Pl1?ase tak(! a moment to mail your pledge today'


Help The \ 'cl,. Inc. I ),11H ·· r !1r,it::l· :-. si1H!. ,,, >Ii(,., ~~o:c:5 \111.\\,\I IKLE \\'J 5.,~~:'--(:~ I:,

Spon::;,:,r Confirmation

I I I, I 11 r I I 11 1 I I I II I, I II I, I II ii I II I, I,, 11,, I,, I II I I II I II I, I, I, I ,"1R JOH:~ DOE 1234 ANY STREET USA Any City AL 53222-1234

r•to:Ha, flututtt rl1i :. l'u1t11 111 \.\' 'HI ~• •l l Lf,t•1 !

Conhrmat on No: 90 .99. ·1 ~1345G Pied£'"= Date: 3/ 1 G/ 1 0:'i

f=fo~1se Remit i)y: 9/ 2 Gi 1 •:i Pledqe Arnt: $2C.C•O Spc•n' ::•·

Thank you .. .. Per phone ccnversation with: John Dc•e

Remit to HTV

Help The Vt:t~. Inc-. LJonur Prucc,:, ':1:: 1'0 BOX 251181.i MILWAUKEE \\'I 5J2;::5.r,513

1,1 ii,. ,llrr,l,1 .. 1,1, 1,11111,11 I ,I, 11111 .. 11,,, l,l, 1, I,.., 111


Page 16: Exhibit A Representative Solicitation Materials



You ore required to soy the introduction CLEARLY, WORD FOR WORD, NO changes or additions. Misrepresenting the Charity, Courtesy Coll, Inc. or yourself is against company policy and against the low.

It will not be toleratedin any way and is grounds for immediate termination.


Hello Mr. /Mrs. (Customer) this is (Your Full Name) with Donor Relations, LLC, a paid solicitor/professional fundraiser calling on behalf of the Help the Vets, Inc. located at Street, Orlando, FL... How are you? Great to hear. /

Sorry to hear that./ OR other current topic (i.e. weather, current event) within the calling area.


Mr./Mrs._____, HTV is dedicated to the mission of providing assistance to amputees and severely injured vets returning from the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, who cannot afford the continuing home therapy and equipment needed to restore and

maintain their health when their clinical therapy is over and they are discharged to home treatment. Counseling is also provided to veterans in areas that are not covered by benefits, including employment counseling, mental health counseling

and referral to other agencies when appropriate. You are also entitled to receive, upon request, a financial statement of the

charitable organization for whom the sol icitation is being made and a copy of the contract.

AK DISCLOSURE: I also want to mention that you are also entitled to receive, upon request, a financial statement of the

charitable organization for whom the solicitation is being made and a copy of the contract. MS DISCLOSURE: Upon request, the professional fund-raiser and professional solicitor shall inform that person orally and then

in writing within fourteen (14) days of the request of the fixed percentage of the gross revenue or the reasonable estimate of

the percentage of the gross revenue that the non-profit organization or sponsor will receive as benefit from the solicitation

campaign. In this case: 10% of gross revenues collected are retained by the charity.

WA DISCLOSURE: Thank you for supporting Help the Vets, Inc., located in Orlando, FL. Help the Vets, Inc. is registered with

Washington State's Charities Program as required by law and additional information is ava i lable by calling 800-332-4483 or


Mr. /Mrs.--~ HTV is hoping to count on the support of residents like you to keep the programs going. Can they count on

your support?

> (If YES): "Great! Mr. /Mrs.---~ we have three levels of support. Please let me know which one better su its

your budget."

* Our HERO level is the largest, it costs the most, but it helps the most and its $50.

* Our GUARDIAN ANGEL level is $35

* And our GOOD SAMARITAN level is $20

Which one of these can you do for the association?

(FOR YES- Proceed to salutation)

> (IF TOO MUCH): Use pleasant rebuttal to suggest lower S amounts o f support. Always remain kind, empathetic and


"No, problem. We do have a KIND SOUL package and its just $15. Can you definitely do that one for us?"

(FOR "YES"- Proceed to salutation)

> (IF STILL NO): Always thank them for their time. Wish them a great day/eve/weekend and wait for an

acknowledgement that you w ere heard. Be courteous and go to the next call.


Wonderful! One more thing, I have someone from Quality Control who needs to review everything w e've discussed; they will

confirm your commit ment and address t o make sure it's accurate. Thank yo u again and please hold the line .

Page 17: Exhibit A Representative Solicitation Materials

+ Q

(_ -


201~/ Orl-.rndo 1'.rB,'? J;.rmual f<'und Drive Hel.p '1.'he Vets Annual Fund Drive

Voluntary Reply Form P.O. Box 75854:J Topekar KB 66675-8543

~-------IT_EM _____ l SUGGESTED

AMOUNT: 2017 Orlandc-, An:a Anw.:aJ .. &"'und Voluntai:·y $3 Donat.ion Amount;

Please make your check or money order payable to: HTV See HTV Facts. No contribution is required. Your gift to HTV is tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law.

De .c1.r· Friend,


Apd.1. Zr 2017

0000000125 H9367R


Our 2017 Annual Fund Drive 1s the single most important fundraiser of the year to support needy and disabled military veterans.

Thanks to 1;;our· past generous suppor·t, ar11j thei.t c,f other· HH.I supporters like you, we've been able to assist needy and disabled military veterans when they had no where else to turn . ·

So, if you haven't made ':JOUr donation for $10 or more to Help The Vets recentl'::I, •• take a. moment to mail your contribution toda•::J •

l ~ I 0


F7 I L . .-.J


-(.) ~,


J!n:.l) e}'::1 ,/D Av' l '~f94 U~'-

U I have included -,;, bequest to Help The Vets in m~ will.

cpt. Neil G. Paulso~, Sr., Rdminist~tor US Army Reserve, Infantry-Retired

HELP THE VETS P.O. Box 758543, Topeka, KS 66675-8543 • 125288

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Page 18: Exhibit A Representative Solicitation Materials


� B2A

l HP


HTV FACTS Solicitation For Nonprofit Purposes Card . ! 'Contributions made to Help The Vet~, lnc. (HTV) are used for fundraising expense~, administrative costs, public education and programi ,service~. Th~ services of a paid profo~sional fundrni~el, ,Direct Response Consulting Services, a~e used .to professionally a.~~ist them in i tlus solic1tat1on of funds. In the last fiscal year HT\' rmsed a total ot $6,61.2,747. ns expense d1stnbutwn was 17.75% lo lundra1smg, 0.84% to administration, 70.08% to program services and 11.33% to public education in COJ1junction with fundraising appeals. TI1e co,t ·of this solicitation is churged partly to fundraising and partly to public edu;;ation. Fundraising com include cost.~ incum:d in e~tablishing •a donor base. Public education costs i11cludc cost~ incurred in disseminating information contained in solicitations. Help The Yeti;, Inc. was founded in 2013. The information above reflects pasl nerformance Md 1s no guarantee of use of funds. A coov of our latest Annual

• Reoort Audited Financial St;1!e!fient max be ob;ained by \vriting to our h~~a,!quaiters address at St., Orlando Fl,. The Helo The Vets. Inc. is not affiliated with the Veterans ofFore1°n V.·ars, DAV or Am Vets. r·or r1unui11<:Mcteuts -A c9py ofthe

'.o cm registration and financial i11fonuation may be obtained from the Division of Consumer Services by calling l-800-435-7352 toU-1 free within the state, Florida Regisiration Number CH-3 7989, Georgia residents - A full and fair description of tile programs of HTV and ta copy of the most recent financial summary are available from the office and address set fo11h above. IUinois residents - Contracts and •~po1ts regarding_ HTV •!re on file with the Illinois Attorn~y Generai. Kansas reside~ts - '.fh.e financial sumll)ary of I fJ"V for the preceding fiscal year is available !mm the Secretary of State , Capitol 2nd Floor, Topeka, KS 66012. Maryland residents • Copies of documents nnd int'onnation submitted by HTV are available for tlie cost of copies and postage from the Secrcrnrv of State, Statehouse, Annapolis. MD 2140 ! .. Miss~ssi()pi rcsiclems - The official registra_tion and financial information oflITV m~y be obtained fr'?m t~e MissisSij)pi i Secretary ot State s office by calhng l -888-236-6167. Mmne~ma: Direct Re.,;ponse Consult1ng_Serv1ces. Inc. 1son fik m Mmnesota as 1be; professional fundn1isin$ co11sulta11t assisting with this solicitation. NEW JERSEY RESIDENTS - INFORMATION FILED WITH THE A TIORNEY GENERAL CONCER I\TJNG THIS CHA RTTABL E SOLICITATION AND THE PERCENTAGE OF CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED RY THE CHARITY DURING THE LAST REPORTING PERIOD T HAT WERE DEDICATED TO THECHARITABLEj ,PURPOSE MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE ATfORNEY GENERAL OF THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY BY CALLING (973) :5,04~6215 ,AND IS A VAI_LABL~ ON THE INTER N~T AT ~,ww.lli£ .. REGISTRf\.TION WITH! IHE AT1 O~.NEY GENF.l.<,A!. DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEJ\,1ENT. .Ne~. York rcs1dents may also obtain a_copy of HTV's annual . repoI1 b, wntmg to the Oft1ce of Attorney Genernl. Depai1ment of Law. Chantles Bureau, 120 Broadway New York, New York 10271 ' North C'arolina residents - Financial Infonnation about HTV and a coiiy of itsfunse are available from'the State Solicitation Licensing Branch at l-888·830-4989, Keg1i trat1on wit~ a srate agency does not c9n~ti!ilte or jmpl)' endorsement. app1:ova! orreco111mend(l(IOil by I

11 the stllfe. Penns_ylvama re,1dcnrs - The offic1al reg1strat1on and financial mformal!on of HTV may be obtamed from the Pennsylvama Department of State bv calling toll free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Virginia residents - A Financial Statement for t he most recent fiscal year is avaifable upon request frum the State Division of Consumer Services, P.O. Box 1163, Richmond, VA 23209. R egistrnti'?n does no\ imply endorsement. ..yashfogton State residems may obtain additional financial disclosure inforrnarion by contacting the Secretary ot State ai 1-800-332-GI\- E . 1

I Ow.· A. :~.,urance/o You ... If .. vo11 .wish 10 obtain of yow doaation to the f/eip The vets, Inc., simply send us a photocopy 1?f'your 1conce.!ed che~·K and a r.;tund will /,e issued 1mmediate1y. I

; Privacy N'otice: Your naine m,;y be made available to other org~1izations. If you would prefer your name not be JDade aVft1'11ble, 1please seM a postcard wnh your name and address to: "Do Not Share , Help TI1e Vets, Inc., P.O. Box 758543, Topeka, KS 6667)-8543., 1lf you decide you no longer wish to receive mail from us, please send a pClstcard with your name and address to: "No Mail Please'·, Help : The Vets, Inc .. P.O. Box 758543, Topeka, KS 66675-8543. After you send your request in it will be 8roce~sed within 30 days. However, · you may continue to receive inail ii,gs already in progress. but your re,1uest should be honorep within 9 -120 days.


lf you already lw. ve a "W'ill. it genernll y is po~s ible to add a bequesttn help American m iti1 ary veter,ms and their families without preparing a 110:w Will. Through a shun st:parnte documcn! (known a., a "cudicil'') . you c;in inclu<le HTV us your beneficiary.

Or simply add thi~· la11g11uge to your will: "I beqtteath !o lklpThc: Vets, Inc., a not-for-profit organization, the sum of$ ___ . ___ to he used exclusively !'orassistance

to American military veterans and their families. This beque.i;t will not be used for admirnstrative or fundraising expenses.•· For more infonnatioll p!ea,e write to: HTV Estate Planninf. S1r<0~t, Orlando, FL - _J

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