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Page 1: Exercise Solutions

Exercise SolutionsThis chapter contains the exercises and solutions for the book Beginning Access 2000 VBA Programming. Where appropriate the code for the solutions are shown here, and if not, they are contained in solutions.mdb. This is a copy of IceCream.mdb as complete at the end of the book, but with the addition of the exercises completed.

Chapter 1There are no exercises for this chapter.

Chapter 2With Office applications you have the Customize dialog (available from T oolbars on the V iew menu) to allow you to create custom menus, toolbars and shortcut menus – something that was only possible with macros in previous versions of Access. Make sure that you know how to take advantage of this powerful new dialog. Try adding a menu bar to the Company Details form (frmCompany) that allows the user to navigate through the records in the same way as the buttons in the form footer without using macros.

SolutionThere's no real solution to this – it was thought of more as a process of discovery for you. We hope you managed to try out the Customize stuff, as it's really good. If you had a little trouble playing with this, then there are a few easy things to remember:

A right-mouse click over any menubar/toolbar will give the Customize… option and dialog (unless it's disabled for that bar). Dragging items between the toolbar and the Customize dialog adds and removes them. To add submenus pick the Commands tab and the New Menu Category. Then drag the New Menu command onto your toolbar.

When the Customize dialog is displayed you can right-mouse click over a toolbar item to customize it further, changing the text, button image, etc.

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The Autokeys macro is used to associate macro actions with keyboard shortcuts. Try using the Autokeys macro to display the property window whenever you hit F4. When does this shortcut not work? What happens if you try to associate this action with Alt+F4 and why?

For a hint, use the Access Help and search for Autokeys using the Answer Wizard.

SolutionThe macro name should be {F4}. We use curly braces to tell Access this is a special key (look under Autokeys in the help for a full description of the other keys). The Action should be RunCommand and the Command should be Properties. There are several places when this doesn't work. One is the Macro design Window. Another is when running a form. We are sure you found others, just by pressing F4 wherever you were. You cannot assign any action to Alt+F4, as this is the Windows command to end an application.

Chapter 31. One of the most important things to remember when working with events

in VBA is the order in which events occur. For example, when you save a record on a form, several events occur, one after another. By looking at the list of events on the property sheet, try to work out the order in which they happen.

SolutionThere's also a good way to see this in action yourself. Create a new form and put Debug messages in each event handler that you are interested in. Then when you open the form the messages are written to the Debug window and you can see the order in which they have been displayed. The solutions database has a copy of the company form called frmEventOrder, which prints all of the events to the debug window. You might like to experiment with this. Be careful though, as it's based upon the company data, so any records you change affect the other forms and queries using this data.

Take some time to read through the list of events and their uses. You will find that some events are more useful that others – in other words, you will find yourself writing custom even handlers for some events more often that for other events. Look at the list and try to think about which events you would most commonly handle with custom event handlers.

SolutionThis was really just a mental exercise. The most common event procedures are probably:

The Click event for command buttons. This is generally used to close the current form, open new forms etc.

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The Open event for forms. This is typically used to set some properties on the form, perhaps depending upon some value on another form.

Chapter 41. Create a function called Power with two integer arguments, the second of

which is optional. The function should raise the first argument to the power of the second. If the second argument is omitted then raise the first number to the power of 2.

SolutionThis is quite simple, and can be done in two ways. The first uses a Variant argument and the IsMissing function:

Public Function Power (intNumber As Integer, _ Optional intPower As Variant) As Long

If IsMissing(intPower) Then Power = intNumber ^ 2 Else Power = intNumber ^ intPower End If

End Sub

The second method uses a default value:

Public Function Power (intNumber As Integer, _ Optional intPower As Integer = 2) As Long

Power = intNumber ^ intPower

End Sub

You can see that the second method is much neater.

Spend some time looking through the help file, especially the list of VBA functions. You can find these under Visual Basic Language Reference, Functions.

SolutionThere's obviously no solution to this one. The reason we've included this as an exercise is that it's important to know what functions are available, so that you don't constrain yourself by thinking that something is too hard to do. It will also save you having a good idea for a function, spending hours trying to write it, and then finding out that there's already a built in version.

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Chapter 51. Using a control structure, create a procedure to print a number out as a

string, such as those used on checks. For example, 120 should be printed as ONE TWO ZERO. Hint-Convert the number to a string first.

SolutionFunction NumberToString(lngNumber As Long) As String

Dim strNumber As String ' will hold the string of numbers Dim intLoop As Integer ' loop counter Dim strRV As String ' return value – ie the string Dim strTemp As String ' temporary work string

' convert the number into a string strNumber = lngNumber

' loop through each character in the string ' this will be a signle digit of the number For intLoop = 1 To Len(strNumber) ' extract the digit from the string and convert it ' to a name of the number Select Case Mid$(strNumber, intLoop, 1) Case "0" strTemp = "Zero" Case "1" strTemp = "One" Case "2" strTemp = "Two" Case "3" strTemp = "Three" Case "4" strTemp = "Four" Case "5" strTemp = "Five" Case "6" strTemp = "Six" Case "7" StrTemp = "Seven" Case "8" strTemp = "Eight" Case "9" strTemp = "Nine" End Select

' add the single digit name onto the full string strRV = strRV & strTemp & " " Next

' and return the string NumberToString = strRV

End Function

I've called the function NumberToString and it takes one argument, the number to convert. I've made this a long, so I'm assuming whole numbers. The first thing I do

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is assign the number to a string – this automatically converts it into a string of numbers for us. Next I loop from 1 to the number of characters in the string, and then I extract the current character and compare it to strings of the characters, setting a temporary variable to the string equivalent of the number. Before the loop cycles again, I append this temporary string to a string containing all of the numbers so far. And lastly I return the value.

Convert the above function to use an array of strings for the words and replace one of the control structures. Now compare this version with the previous version and think about how this type of look-up can be used to improve the speed of functions within loops.

SolutionFunction NumberToString(lngNumber As Long) As String

Dim strNumber As String ' will hold the string of numbers Dim intLoop As Integer ' loop counter Dim strRV As String ' return value – ie the string Dim strTemp As String ' temporary work string Dim astrNumbers As Variant ' array of digit names Dim iNumber As Integer ' digit number

' create an array of the digit names astrNumbers = Array("Zero", "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", _ "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine")

' convert the number into a string strNumber = lngNumber

' loop through each character in the string ' this will be a signle digit of the number For intLoop = 1 To Len(strNumber) ' extract the digit from the string and convert it ' to a single digit for the number iNumber = Int(Mid$(strNumber, intLoop, 1))

' use that digit to index into the array of names ' and add it to the string strRV = strRV & astrNumbers(iNumber) & " " Next

' return the string NumberToString = strRV

End Function

The function declaration is the same. As well as the other variables you notice I now have a Variant too - this is one time where they are useful, as I can now use the Array function. This takes a list of arguments and converts it into an array – very simple. You could use a normal string array and assign the values individually, but this way is much easier to code. Inside the loop I turn the individual number from the string back into an integer, and then I use this to index into the array. It's not much different in execution speed from the first example, but it's easier to maintain.

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Create a user logon form that asks for a user name and a password and only lets the user carry on if the correct details have been entered. Think of two ways that you can use to make the user name case insensitive (so it ignores case)

SolutionI won't go into detail here, but just put a text box on a form and set its Input Mask property to Password. This is a special mask that shows a * for every character you type. Put a button on the form too, and in the Click event for this button just check the text from the textbox against a password string. The text won't contain the *, this is just the visible character. To make the password case insensitive use either LCase or UCase on the string entered before comparing it with the password. Chapter 16 looks at password forms in a little more detail, in particular a form that allows you to change user passwords.

Chapter 61. For the FormsFonts procedure, think about how you could make the

changes to the font permanent. Remember that the Forms collection only shows the open forms, so you would have to use the AllForms collection. You should also remember that changes to a form opened in form view are never saved, so the form should be opened in design view. Have a look at the OpenForm and Close methods of the DoCmd object.

SolutionSub PermanentFormFonts (strFont As String)

Dim objAO As AccessObject ' an Access object – ie a form Dim objCP As Object ' Current Access project Dim ctlControl As Control ' control on a form

' point to the current project Set objCP = Application.CurrentProject

' loop through the forms in the project For Each objAO In objCP.AllForms ' open the form in design view, and hidden DoCmd.OpenForm objAO.Name, acDesign, , , , acHidden

' loop through the controls setting the font For Each ctlControl In objAO.Controls ctlControl.FontName = strFont Next

' close the form, saving the changes DoCmd.Close acForm, objAO.Name Next

End Sub

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The above routine doesn't take into account controls that don't have a FontName property. You might like to amend it so that it does, in a similar fashion to the Try It Out – Objects, Controls and Errors.

SolutionSub PermanentFormFonts (strFont As String)

On Error GoTo PermanentFormFonts_Err

Dim objAO As AccessObject ' an Access object – ie a form Dim objCP As Object ' Current Access project Dim ctlControl As Control ' control on a form

' point to the current project Set objCP = Application.CurrentProject

' loop through the forms in the project For Each objAO In objCP.AllForms ' open the form in design view, and hidden DoCmd.OpenForm objAO.Name, acDesign, , , , acHidden

' loop through the controls setting the font For Each ctlControl In objAO.Controls ctlControl.FontName = strFont Next

' close the form, saving the changes DoCmd.Close acForm, objAO.Name, acSaveYes Next

PermanentFormFonts_Exit: Exit Sub

PermanentFormFonts_Err: If Err.Number = 438 Then Resume Next Else MsgBox Err.Description Resume PermanentFormFonts_Exit End If

End Sub

Chapter 71. Earlier in this chapter we looked at the AbsolutePosition property of the

recordset. See if you can use this to create a record indicator on the Company form (frmCompany). What are the limitations of this record indicator?

SolutionThere are a couple of ways you could use AbsolutePosition on the form. One way would be to just put a label on the form to indicate the current record number.

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Then, in the Form_Current event, after you have synchronized the bookmarks, just set this label to show the position, as so...

recClone.Bookmark = Me.BookmarklblPosition.Caption = recClone.AbsolutePosition

You might also want to blank this label for a new record.

Another way would be to put some sort of gauge on the form, to show how far into the records you are – you could also use the PercentPosition for this.

The limitation of this property is that for certain recordsets it does not get updated. Personally, I don't think a user should ever need to know the position of a record – it doesn't really make much sense, since the data can be re-ordered.

We mentioned earlier on that the Relations collection contains a Relation object for every relation defined between tables in a database. See whether you can write a procedure to document these relations in the Immediate window like this:

*** Insert picture: 1762_07_24.bmp

SolutionThis is quite a simple procedure and relies upon the Relations collection:

Public Sub ShowRelations()

Dim db As Database ' current database Dim relR As Relation ' an individual relation object Dim strDetail As String ' string of the relationship details

' point to the current database Set db = CurrentDb()

Debug.Print "Relationshipts:" Debug.Print

' loop through the Relations collection For Each relR In db.Relations strDetail = relR.Table & " is related to " & relR.ForeignTable Debug.Print strDetail Next

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End Sub

Chapter 81. You can use the Immediate window to inspect the properties of data

access objects. What line would you have to type in the lower pane of the debug window to determine how many fields there are in the tblSales table?

SolutionThere are two approaches you can use here:




Although these produce the same result, there is a subtle difference. See the breakout box in Chapter 7, in the Database Object section for an explanation of this.

See if you can use the Immediate window to determine how many properties each of the fields in the tblSales table have. Why do some have more properties than others?

SolutionYou can use a similar method to that shown above:


The difference between the number of properties is because of the different data types for the fields. Numeric fields, for example, have properties such as precision and number of decimal places etc., while text fields don't.

In this chapter, we used the BuildResultsTable procedure to build up the tblResults table from a given SQL string. We built the table by running a make-table query. See if you can rewrite the BuildResultsTable procedure to build the table using the Data Access Object hierarchy instead. Once the table has been built using DAO, the procedure should populate it with an append query, for example:


SolutionThis is really simple, and consists of only a few lines of code:

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Dim db As Database ' current databaseDim tdfT As TableDef ' the new tabledefDim fldF As Field ' a new field

' point to the current databaseSet db = CurrentDb()

' create a new tabledef – use strTableName as the nameSet tdfT = db.CreateTableDef(strTableName)

' create a new fieldSet fldF = tdfT.CreateField("SalesID")

' set the field propertiesfldF.Type = dbLong

' append the field to the Fields collection of the tabledeftdfT.Fields.Append fldF

' append the tabledef to the TableDefs collection of the databasedb.TableDefs.Append tdfT

The solutions database (solutions.mdb) has this code built into the BuildResultsTable function, in the code module for frmCriteria.

Next (if you are feeling really brave) see if you can modify the BuildResultsTable function so that it has more flexibility. Change the function so that the declaration looks like this:

Function BuildResultsTable(sSQL As String, _ sTableName As String, _ lRecordsAffected As Long, _ Optional vIndexed As Variant, _ Optional vMethod As Variant)

The function arguments we want you to use are described below:

This argument… does this…

sSQL supplies the SQL statement which was built up from the selections made on the criteria selection form.

sTableName supplies the name for the table to be created.lRecordsAffected is used to return a long integer signifying the number of

records placed into the new table.vIndexed is used to indicate whether the new table should be indexed

on the SalesID field. If this argument is not supplied, the field will not be indexed.

vMethod is used to specify what method will be used to build the new table. If this argumentis not supplied, the table will be created using a make-table query. The alternative is to use DAO which you should have completed in the previous exercise.

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SolutionWe won't go into the code here, as the solutions database (solutions.mdb) has this code built into the BuildResultsTable function, in the code module for the form frmCriteria.

Finally, see if you can modify the application so that it informs the user how many records met the criteria and asks whether the frmSales form should be displayed. Use this for the cmdFind_Click procedure on the criteria form and then put the required functionality into the DisplayResults procedure.

SolutionTo do this you need to create a routine called DisplayResults:

Function DisplayResults(lRecords As Long) As Boolean

Dim iReturn As Integer ' user response to question Dim sMsg As String ' string to display

' how many records were there Select Case lRecords Case 0 sMsg = "No records matched the criteria you specified." MsgBox sMsg, vbExclamation, Application.Name DisplayResults = True Exit Function Case 1 sMsg = "1 record matched the criteria you specified." sMsg = sMsg & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Would you like to see it?" Case Is > 1 sMsg = lRecords & " records matched the criteria you specified." sMsg = sMsg & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Would you like to see them?" End Select

' ask the user if they want to see the results iReturn = MsgBox(sMsg, _ vbQuestion + vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton1, _ Application.Name)

' if yes, then show the sales form If iReturn = vbYes Then DoCmd.OpenForm "frmSales" DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name End If

DisplayResults = True

End Function

This just accepts a single parameter to identify the number of records that matched the criteria. It then builds a string, which either tells the user that no records matched, or tells them how many matched and asks if they want to see the results. If they do wish to see the results the sales form is opened.

In the Click event for the Find button, instead of opening the form directly, we call the new procedure:

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Private Sub cmdFind_Click()

Dim sSQL As StringDim lRecordsAffected As Long

If Not EntriesValid Then Exit Sub

If Not BuildSQLString(sSQL) Then MsgBox "There was a problem building the SQL string" Exit SubEnd If

If Not BuildResultsTable(sSQL, "tblResults", lRecordsAffected, vMethod:="DAO", vIndexed:=True) Then MsgBox "There was a problem building the results table" Exit SubEnd If

If Not DisplayResults(lRecordsAffected) Then MsgBox "There was a problem displaying the results" Exit SubEnd If

End Sub

Chapter 91. Use the Database Splitter to create a back-end and front-end database. Are

there any changes you need to make to the front-end to make sure that it still works correctly?

SolutionThe first part of this is just an experiment for you, just so you are familiar with how it works. There might be some changes to make, but it really depends upon how you've written your application. The main thing to look out for is use of the Seek method, as this is not valid against attached tables. Other than that you should find your application works as normal.

If you are connected to a mail system, create a form to allow users to fill in Bug Reports and Enhancement Requests, and use the SendObject method to let the user send them to you.

SolutionI won't put the form here, but it's in the solutions database, as frmBugReport.

I put on the form several fields:

User NameDepartmentProblem DescriptionSeverity (ie, “Can work around”, “Fatal”, etc)

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Date Occurred

Then I put a command button on the form, and in the OnClick event for the button I put this code:

DoCmd.SendObject acSendForm, "frmBugReport", acFormatTXT, _ "Your Mail Name", , , "Bug Report", , False

This sends the text from the form as a mail attachment. You'll see other ways to do this later.

Chapter 101. For the filter form, how could you modify this so that instead of being

fixed to the date ordered, you can pick any of the fields on the form?

SolutionIt's fairly easy to do this, but there are limitations. Let's look at a solution that just allows you to pick fields from the detail section. Add a combo box (cboField) to the form and set its Row Source Type property to Value List. In the Load event for the filter form (frmReportFilter) you could have this code:

Dim ctlC As Control ' general controlDim strField As String ' list of fields

' point to the open reportSet m_rptSales = Reports("Sales By Supplier By Month")

' loop through the controls in the detail sectionFor Each ctlC In m_rptSales.Section("Detail").Controls strField = strField & ctlC.Name & ";"Next

' set the source of the combo to the stringcboField.RowSource = strField

This loops through the controls in the detail section and adds them to the combo box. You could equally loop through all controls on the Report, but this would show up all labels, lines, etc.

In the Apply button, you then change the WHERE clause:

strWhere = "[" & cboField & "] " & _ cboOperator & txtValue

So instead of using a fixed field name you use the name that's in the combo box.

The problem with this method is that the user has to add any field-specific bits – such as hash signs around the date or quotes around strings. The user will have to do this because you cannot find out what data type the control is. With a form, you have the Recordset property, which is the underlying set of records, and through this you can get the data type. Reports, however, don't have a Recordset property, so you can't get at the underlying data type. You could make a guess using the format of the field, but that's not guaranteed.

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Chapter 111. Modify the frmCriteria form by giving it a custom property of type Long

and called TimesOpened. Then you should try to write some code that increments the value of this new property whenever the form is opened.

SolutionThe initial part of this is fairly easy, since it only involves creating a module level variable and a Property Get procedure:

Private m_lngTimesOpened As Long

Public Property Get TimesOpened() As Long

TimesOpened = m_lngTimesOpened

End Property

That's the simple bit. What's harder is where to store this value on a permanent basis – remember that a private variable loses its value when it goes out of scope, and in this case that's when the form is closed. So, currently, this would only ever show a value of 0. The sensible place to store this is as a new property on the Document – remember how there are Containers (Tables, Queries, Forms, and so on) and each of these has a Documents collection? These collections store the saved form, and not just the active instance. So, for the Forms container, there is a Document named frmCriteria. If we create a property on this Document, then it's permanent.

One of the disadvantages of properties is that you can't check to see if the property exists or not. You have to access the property and then see if you get an error. Although this isn't complex, it makes your code a little less readable. One way around this is to create a couple of procedures, GetAccessProperty and SetAccessProperty, which will read and write the property details, creating the property if it doesn't exist.

To create properties you use the CreateProperty method. We won't go into the details of it here (it's well documented), and the GetAccessProperty and SetAccessProperty functions are in the Solutions database, in the Chapter 11 Code module. Using these functions is simple – we simply place them in the Open event for the form:

Dim db As DatabaseDim docForm As Document

' point to the current document - this is the saved version of the formSet db = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).Databases(0)Set docForm = db.Containers("Forms").Documents(Me.Name)

' set the current property to the saved property + 1m_lngTimesOpened = GetAccessProperty(docForm, "TimesOpened", dbInteger) + 1

' resave the propertySetAccessProperty docForm, "TimesOpened", dbInteger, m_lngTimesOpened

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All that's left to do is show this value somewhere. So, create a text box on the form, call it txtTimesOpened, and add the following just after the call to SetAccessProperty:

' display ittxtTimesOpened = m_lngTimesOpened

That's it. Now when you open the form, a text box shows how many times the form has been opened.

The Kernel32 dynamic link library contains a function called GetWindowsDirectory which returns the path to the Windows directory. You can declare the function like this in VBA:

Private Declare Function GetWindowsDirectoryA Lib "kernel32" _(ByVal strBuffer As String, ByVal lngSize As Long) As Long

The first argument should be passed as a fixed-length string and will be populated by the function with a string representing the path to the Windows directory. You should populate the second variable (lngSize) with the length of strBuffer before you call the GetWindowsDirectory function. The GetWindowsDirectoryA function returns a long integer denoting the length (max. 255) of the value it has placed in strBuffer.

Use this function to create a VBA procedure called GetWinDir that accepts no arguments and simply returns the path to the Windows directory.

SolutionMost of what you need is in the chapter, but there's one catch, which you might have found. Here's the code:

Public Function GetWinDir() As String

Dim strBuffer As String * 255 ' holds windows directory Dim lngRetVal As Long ' return value of API call

lngRetVal = GetWindowsDirectoryA(strBuffer, Len(strBuffer))

If lngRetVal > 0 Then GetWinDir = Left$(strBuffer, lngRetVal) Else GetWinDir = "Unknown" End If

End Function

Remember that strings for API calls are fixed length. Once the string has been filled, it is null terminated, and VBA doesn't recognize the null as the end of the string. So if you just print out the string directly after the API call, it will have lots of spaces at the end. So the trick is to use the return value of this API call, which identifies how many characters it used. We can then use this to just trim off the correct number of characters from the left hand side of the string.

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Chapter 121. Examine the forms in the sample database. Do you think that any error

routines could be removed and a global error routine used instead? What would be the disadvantage of this?

SolutionYes you could quite easily remove much of the error handling to a single location. In fact, for those occasions that just report the error and exit, there's no reason not to do so. There's actually no real disadvantage if all you are doing is reporting errors. However, if you want to be more selective in your error handling, then you've just got to be sure that this central routine is able to process every type of error. This means that it could get quite large, with lots of little pieces of code handling specific errors. It's always a trade-off, so don't automatically create a central routine.

I like to create a central routine for the purpose of error logging (to a table), and that allows one very important thing. Easier support. How many times have you had a user complain about an error but they can't remember what it said on the screen? Or you can't reproduce it? Logging the error details means that they will always be available to you.

Having thought about a central error routine, create one. Give it two arguments: strProc, which should be the name of the procedure that calls the routine, and optionally, strDesc, for a general description. The routine should check to see if the error was a VBA error or a Data Access error, and display any messages in a message box, along with the procedure that called the routine, and the additional text.

SolutionHere's a little sample routine:

Public Sub ErrorHandler(ByVal strProc As String, _ Optional strDesc As String)

Dim errE As Error ' Error object Dim strErr As String ' holds the error message

' what sort of an error is it? If Err.Number = DBEngine.Errors(DBEngine.Errors.Count - 1).Number Then ' add the procedure name and description strErr = "Data Access Error in " & strProc & _ vbCr & vbCr & _ strDesc & _ vbCr & vbCr

' now loop through the errors For Each errE In DBEngine.Errors strErr = strErr & _ "Error: " & errE.Number & ": " & _ errE.Description & vbCr Next Else Debug.Print "VBA run-time Error in " & strProc & _

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vbCr & vbCr & _ strDesc & _ vbCr & vbCr _ "Err = " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description End If

MsgBox strErr, vbOKOnly, "Error"

End Sub

This is quite simple, and takes two arguments. The first is the procedure name, and the second, optionally, is a description. The routine builds a string of the error details and then displays it, much as we did in the chapter. It could be called like this:

ErrorHandler "Foo", "Something bad happened"

Chapter 131. In PaymentStats class you added a write-only property, Accuracy. Make

sure that the accuracy is applied to the FinePayable method.

SolutionThis simply involves using the Round function and the accuracy to ensure that the fine payable is shown correctly:

Public Function FinePayable(Optional Days As Integer = 40, _ Optional Percent As Single = 90, _ Optional UnitFine As Currency = 1000) As Currency

Dim i As IntegerDim sngPercentActual As Single

If VarType(varSalesArray) And vbArray Then sngPercentActual = Percentile(Days) If sngPercentActual < Percent Then FinePayable = Round((Percent - sngPercentActual) * UnitFine, intAccuracy) End IfEnd If

End Function

Try to modify the MyRectangle class so that it contains a Sides collection. This collection should contain a Side object for each of the four sides of the rectangle. The MyRectangle should create these when it is created.

Each of these Side objects should have a Length property (the length of the side in centimeters which is specified when the Height and Width properties of the MyRectangle are set) and a read-only ImperialLength property which specifies the length of the side in inches (1 inch = 2.54 cm). When you have made these modifications, you should be able to use this procedure to print the area of the rectangle and the lengths of the four sides.

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Sub ClassDemo5()

Dim objRect As MyRectangleDim sd As Side

Set objRect = New MyRectangle

objRect.Height = 5objRect.Width = 8

Debug.Print "Area:"; objRect.Area; "cm"

For Each sd In objRect.Sides Debug.Print sd.Length; "cm", sd.ImperialLength; "inches"Next

Set objRect = Nothing

End Sub

This should yield the following results:

*** Insert picture: new18.bmp

For an indication of the steps you will need to follow to implement this solution, have a look at the section on creating hierarchies using collections towards the end of Chapter 13.

SolutionThis isn't as complex as it sounds, and doesn't involve much coding. The important thing is to think very carefully about what you need to do before you do it. Let's start with the Side object – here's the class:

Private dblLength As Double

Public Property Get Length() As Double

Length = dblLength

End Sub

Public Property Get ImperialLength() As Double

ImperialLength = dblLength / 2.54

End Sub

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Public Property Let Length(dblParam As Double)

dblLength = dblParam

End Sub

This simply declares a private variable to store the length of the side, and adds Property Let and Get routines to make this a property of the object. A property for the imperial length is also added, but as a read-only property.

To use this object you need to modify the rectangle class. You'll need a Collection to store the four instances of the Side object, and when the rectangle is constructed, you create a new Side object for each side of the rectangle and add it to the collection. To do this you need to add a new public variable to the rectangle class at the top of the class module, just under the variable declarations:

Public Sides As New Collection

Now you need to create a Class_Initialize event:

Dim sd As SideDim i As integer

For i = 1 To 4 Set sd = New Side Sides.Add sd Set sd = nothingNext

This simply creates four objects of type Side, and adds each to the Sides collection.

Next we need to remove these sides where the class is destroyed, so the following needs adding into the Class_Terminate event:

Dim i As integer

For i = 1 To 4 Sides.Remove 1Next

Notice that we delete the Side object, which has an index of 1, four times over. We do this because when we delete Side(1), Side(2) becomes Side(1), Side(3) becomes Side(2) and Side(4) becomes Side(3) – and so on each time we delete. That’s a bit sneaky!

Now all you have to do is set the length of these new Side objects, and this is done when we set the Height and Width of the rectangle:

Public Property Let Height(dblParam As Double)

dblHeight = dblParam Sides(1).Length = dblParam Sides(3).Length = dblParam

End Property

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Public Property Let Width(dblParam As Double)

dblHeight = dblParam Sides(1).Length = dblParam Sides(3).Length = dblParam

End Property

That's it. Now when a rectangle is created, four new Side objects are added to the Sides collection. When the height and width of the rectangle are set, the sides take on these values.

Chapter 141. Think about how you could use the language converter so that the

language is changed as the form is opened, rather than a permanent change. If used with security, you could store a table of user names, along with their preferred language, and as each form is opened run a procedure that changes the controls. You've already seen how quick this is, so there will be no apparent slow down from the users point of view.

SolutionWe won't implement a full solution here, but there's a solution on the CD-ROM. Most of the solutions are in the solutions database (solutions.mdb), but for this exercise there is a directory, Language Solutions, containing two databases: Language.mda (a modified version of the standard Language.mda add-in), and TestLanguages.mdb, which is a copy of IceCream18.mdb, modified to use the new languages add-in. This version of Language.mda will work the same way as the one described in Chapter 14, but it has the additions for the dynamic setting of languages.

If you open the test database you need to use the Add-Ins option from the Tools menu to access the standard part of the add-in, and you'll also need to set a Reference to it (References from the Tools menu when in the VBA IDE).

Let's look at what I did:

The code that changes the text on the forms permanently is in the module for the form frmLanguageConverter, in a procedure called LanguageFormControlsEnumerate. This opens the form in design view, loops though the controls, sets the caption text, and then closes the form, saving the changes. For our new solution we need a procedure that just loops through the controls on a single form, setting the caption for each control. I created a new procedure in the Language module:

Public Sub wcs_SetLanguageText(frmF As Form)

Dim ctlC As Control ' control to set caption for Dim recLang As Recordset ' language recordset Dim strLanguage As String ' use language

' point to the user database Set wcs_dbUser = CurrentDb

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' get the user language ' this would either use the CurrentUser() function to look up the ' language preference for the current user (if using Access security), ' or would, perhaps, use a global variable set when the user logged in ' if a simpler security scheme was in use. strLanguage = GetUserLanguage(CurrentUser())

' open the language table Set recLang = wcs_dbUser.OpenRecordset(wcs_LANGUAGE_TABLE) recLang.Index = "PrimaryKey"

' set the form caption frmF.Caption = GetLanguageText(recLang, strLanguage, _ frmF.Name, frmF.Name)

' now the controls For Each ctlC In frmF.Controls If LanguageControlHasCaption(ctlC.ControlType) = True Then ctlC.Caption = GetLanguageText(recLang, strLanguage, _ frmF.Name, ctlC.Name) End If Next

' close the language table recLang.Close Set recLang = Nothing

End Sub

This function does some very familiar things, such as looping through the controls on a form, setting their Caption property. It uses CurrentUser() to get the current user name. If you haven't got an Access security scheme in place, then this will always return Admin – I left it at this because this is something you will have to decide yourself. You can either use a security database, in which case the you have to supply valid user credentials before you can access the database – in this case CurrentUser() will return the correct user name. Alternatively, you could just have a startup form that asks for a user name and password, and then store this user name in a global variable.

The GetUserLanguage function looks up the user's preferred language, using a table stored in the user database. This table just contains two columns: the user name and the user language.

Private Function GetUserLanguage(sUserName As String) As String

Dim recUL As Recordset ' user language

' open the user language table Set recUL = wcs_dbUser.OpenRecordset(wcs_LANG_USR_TABLE)

With recUL ' find the user .FindFirst "UserName = '" & sUserName & "'"

' return their language of choice (or English if no preference) If .NoMatch Then GetUserLanguage = "English" Else GetUserLanguage = recUL("UserLanguage")

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End If End With

' clean up recUL.Close Set recUL = Nothing

End Function

The GetLanguageText function looks up the text for a control on the language table:

Private Function GetLanguageText(recR As Recordset, _ strLanguage As String, strFormName As String, _ strControlName As String) As String

recR.Seek "=", strFormName, strControlName

If recR.NoMatch Then GetLanguageText = "" Else GetLanguageText = recR(strLanguage) & "" End If

End Function

Ok. That completes the changes to the add-in. In the database that uses this (TestLanguages.mdb), I added a table of the user names and language preferences. This only has one user (Admin) at the moment. I than added the following to the Form_Open event of the switchboard:

wcs_SetLanguageText Me

This just calls the new function in the add-in database, passing in the current form. Now whenever the form is opened, the language details are changed. Try changing the language in the LanguageUser table from French to English and back, opening the switchboard each time. See how the language changes depending upon the value in the table.

Obviously you must make sure that you run the extraction part of the add-in first, so that the languages table is created and filled. This is something that you'd do as the application is installed.

Add a facility to allow message boxes to have language facilities. This is fairly easy to do, as you could just add records into the language table, using a unique name for each message box. Then instead of calling MsgBox with a direct string, you could replace the string with a call to a function that looked up the language string in the table.

SolutionUnlike forms, it's quite difficult to extract the message box information. With forms and controls it's easy to extract the textual information, because you can just look at the Caption property. Message boxes, however, are more complex, because you have to cater with the various formats that MsgBox can take:

Peter Morgan, 11/10/03,
lower case “l”.
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MsgBox "This is plain text"MsgBox "This is plain text" & _ " but on two lines"MsgBox FunctionThatReturnsString()If MsgBox("Are you sure?") = vbYes Then

You can see that it would be quite difficult to accurately automate this, without a lot of complex code. Considering the number of message boxes there usually are in code, I feel it's not too much of a hardship to manually change them.

The only change you need to make to the add-in is to create a new function to get the language text for the message box:

Public Function wcs_GetLanguageTextMsgBox (strForm As String, strMsgBox As String) As String

Dim ctlC As Control ' control to set caption for Dim recLang As Recordset ' language recordset Dim strLanguage As String ' use language

' point to the user database Set wcs_dbUser = CurrentDb

' get the user language ' this would either use the CurrentUser() function to look up the ' language preference for the current user (if using Access security), ' or would, perhaps, use a global variable set when the user logged in ' if a simpler security scheme was in use. strLanguage = GetUserLanguage(CurrentUser())

' open the language table Set recLang = wcs_dbUser.OpenRecordset(wcs_LANGUAGE_TABLE) recLang.Index = "PrimaryKey"

' get the text for the message box wcs_GetLanguageTextMsgBox = GetLanguageText (recLang, strLanguage, strForm, strMsgBox)

' clean up recLang.close Set recLang = Nothing

End Function

This is similar to earlier functions, but instead of looping through the controls on a form, it gets the language text for a single control. You can then use this function in any code module:

MsgBox wcs_GetLanguageTextMsgBox (module_name, msgbox_name)

For example, in a form you might do this:

MsgBox wcs_GetLanguageTextMsgBox (Me.Name, "MsgBox1")

Or, in a code module:

MsgBox wcs_GetLanguageTextMsgBox ("Solutions Module","MsgBox12")

The switchboard in the TestLanguages database has a message box that does this.

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Because there is no automatic population of the languages table you'll have to add these entries yourself:

*** Insert picture: 1762_19_01.bmp

Chapter 151. For the Sales Figures Chart form (frmSalesFigures) add four buttons to

allow the user to rotate the chart. The buttons should rotate the chart left, right, up and down.

Hint: The chart has properties called Rotation and Elevation – make sure you check the help files for their acceptable values.

SolutionThis is actually quite easy, and looks really cool. I added four buttons like so:

*** Insert picture: 1762_19_02.bmp

I named the buttons cmdRotateLeft, cmdRotateRight, cmdRotateUp, and cmdRotateDown, and added the following code:

Private Sub cmdRotateLeft_Click()

If m_objChart.Rotation > 355 Then m_objChart.Rotation = 0 Else m_objChart.Rotation = m_objChart.Rotation + 5 End If

End Sub

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Private Sub cmdRotateRight_Click()

If m_objChart.Rotation < 5 Then m_objChart.Rotation = 360 Else m_objChart.Rotation = m_objChart.Rotation - 5 End If

End Sub

Private Sub cmdRotateUp_Click()

If m_objChart.Elevation < 5 Then m_objChart.Elevation = 90 Else m_objChart.Elevation = m_objChart.Elevation - 5 End If

End Sub

Private Sub cmdRotateDown_Click()

If m_objChart.Elevation > 85 Then m_objChart.Elevation = 0 Else m_objChart.Elevation = m_objChart.Elevation + 5 End If

End Sub

These simply set the Elevation and Rotation properties of the chart object. We have to add a bit of checking into these routines because these properties have limits to their values, so we just make sure that we don't overstep them.

You might also like to try another solution to this, by adding two scroll bars instead of the buttons. Add a vertical scroll bar to control the elevation and a horizontal scroll bar to control the rotation. I think this looks much neater, so I've added it to the solutions database.

Chapter 161. Earlier in this chapter we looked at how it was possible to use the

CreateWorkspace method to allow us to act in the security context of another user. One potential use of this is to allow us to create a procedure that lists all of the groups to which the current user belongs. The potential problem is that only members of the Admins group have permission to view this information. See if you can write a procedure that lists all of the groups to which the current user belongs, even if the user is not a member of the Admins group.

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SolutionThe tricky part of this is given in the chapter, and involves creating a new workspace, using the details of the Admin user. You can then use the Users and Groups collections to find each Group to which the current user belongs:

Public Sub ListGroupsForUser()

Dim wksNew As Workspace Dim grpUG As Group ' user group

' create a new workspace, using the Admin user Set wksNew = DBEngine.CreateWorkspace("AdminWorkspace", "Admin", "")

' loop through the groups for this user Debug.Print "Groups for user " & CurrentUser() & " are:" For Each grpUG In wksNew.Users(CurrentUser()).Groups Debug.Print vbTab; grpUG.Name Next

wksNew.Close Set wksNew = Nothing Set grpUG = Nothing

End Sub

The password form we created in this chapter is still fairly rudimentary. You can probably think of many ways to improve it. For example, some security systems force you to change your password at monthly intervals and will not allow you to reuse any of your, say, five previous passwords. See if you can modify the password form so that it enforces these two rules.

Hint: If you decide to store users' passwords in a table you need to make sure that you will be able to read the table from code, but also that normal users won't be able to read the data in the table.

SolutionTo implement this sort of password system you'll need two main pieces of information:

The last time the user changed their password.A list of their last five passwords.

This obviously means a table to store this information in. A simple one will do, with the following fields:

Field Type Field Size

UserName Text 20LastPasswordChange Date/TimePassword1 Text 14Password2 Text 14Password3 Text 14

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Password4 Text 14Password5 Text 14

This simply stores the user name, the date they last changed their password, and their last five passwords. You don't need to worry about storing user passwords in the table, because you can set the permission on this table so that only the Admin user can view it. You then work in an Admin workspace, so that you have permissions to view it.

Now when the user changes their password from the password form (frmPassword), you need to find the user in the above table and check the five password fields to see if the new password has been used before. If it has you can display a warning and make the user pick another password, otherwise you can update their password, update the five password fields, and update the date it was last changed. Something like this:

Dim wksNew As WorkspaceDim db As DatabaseDim recUser As RecordsetDim intPwd As Integer

' create a new workspace, using the Admin user

Set wksNew = DBEngine.CreateWorkspace("AdminWorkspace", "Admin", "")

' open a database in the Admin workspaceSet db = wksNew.OpenDatabase("CurrentDb.Name)

' open the user/password tableSet recUser = db.OpenRecordset("tblPasswords", dbOpenDynaset)

' find the current userrecUser.Find "UserName = """ & CurrentUser() & """"

' change their passwordwksNew.Users(CurrentUser()).NewPassword txtOldPwd, txtNewPwd

' update the passwords tableWith recUser .Edit

' move the passwords 2 to 5, into positions 1 to 4 For intPwd = 1 To 4 .Fields("Password" & intPwd) = .Fields("Password" & intPwd + 1) Next

' update the current password .Fields("Password5") = txtNewPwd .Fields("LastPasswordChange") = Now() .UpdateEnd With

' tidy uprecUser.CloseSet recUser = Nothingdb.CloseSet db = NothingwksNew.Close

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Set wksNew = Nothing

If you want to force the user to change their password at regular intervals, then when the first form is shown you should look in the passwords table to check the date. If the password was last changed within the allowable limit, you can continue as normal, otherwise you should display the change password form.

In the solutions database we've created a class to encapsulate a lot of this functionality. The class is called cUser and has the following properties and methods:

Item Type Description

Name Property Sets the name of the current user, and fills the LastPasswordChange property.

PasswordChange Method Changes the user password. Takes three arguments: the old password, the new password, and a string to fill with the error details if the password cannot be changed.

LastPasswordChange Property Identifies the last time the password was changed for this user. Read-only.

PasswordCheck Property Checks the supplied password against the latest password in the stored list.


Property Identifies whether the password has expired and needs changing

You can use the class like this:

Dim clsUser As New cUser

' set the user name – this reads in the current user' password and last change datecUser.Name = CurrentUser()

' see if the password needs changingIf cUser.PasswordNeedsChanging Then ' password has expired so force a password change DoCmd.OpenForm "frmPassword", . . .End If

' change the passwordIf cUser.PasswordChange ("OldPassword", "NewPassword", strResult) = True Then MsgBox "Password change succeeded."Else MsgBox strResultEnd If

The reason for putting this functionality into a class is that it makes this code easy to use from different places. Remember that the password table will have security on it, and only the Admin user can read the table contents. So every time you need to access this table you have to create a workspace, open the database, open the table, etc., which gets quite tedious. Putting everything into a class means it's easy to use from anywhere. The password form has changed to use this, as has the switchboard form, which checks for password expiry before letting users into the database.

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One thing to note about the class is that it doesn't actually change the real password, as stored in the User object in the Users collection – this line in the code is commented out. This is because most of you probably will not be using a security database, and we don't want you to accidentally change the Admin password, and then forget what it is.

Chapter 171. We want to publish a list of our ice creams to our Internet site, and we

want to use plain HTML files. Add some code to the ice creams form, so that any time an ice cream entry is changed, a new HTML file is generated.

SolutionThis is a simple one, and is just a single line of code. In the AfterUpdate event for the form frmIceCream, add the following line of code:

DoCmd.TransferText acExportHTML, , "tblIceCream", _ "C:\BegVBA\IceCreams.html"

See if you can create a Web browser using an Access form. Hint – there's a control you can add to your form – when in form design mode, press the More Controls button on the Toolbox to see if you can find the right control.

SolutionThis is actually extremely easy, and can be achieved with a single line of code. The control you need is the Microsoft Web Browser control – just draw this onto a form. You might have to resize the browser control once it's been drawn – give it a name of ctlBrowser. Then add a text box to the top of the form, calling it txtURL. For the Exit event of the text box, add the following line of code:

ctlBrowser.Navigate txtURL

Save the form and give it a try. Yes, that's really all there is to it. There's a form (frmBrowser) in the Solutions database with just this in it.

Have a look in the help file for more details, and also use the Object Browser, once the control is drawn on the form. The browser control shows up as sSHDocVw.

Chapter 181. We can write a procedure in a number of ways according to our coding

priorities. Try to write a procedure that tells you the delivery day for corn syrup (the second Wednesday of every month) for a given year and month. Now re-write the procedure so that it is optimized for:

Real execution speedMaintainabilityRe-usability

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SolutionIn some respects, this is a subjective answer, since you may find one solution more maintainable or easier to understand than another. Before we tackle the solutions, let's look at some background to this problem. We rely on the fact that the second Wednesday in a given month can be no earlier than the 8 th (that's the date the second week starts) and no later than the 14 th (that's the date the second week ends). If the month starts on a Wednesday then the second Wednesday will be the 8th, and if the month starts on a Tuesday, then the second Wednesday will be the 9th. This means that the second Wednesday can be defined as:

8th + (0 days if the 8th is a Wednesday)8th + (1 day if the 8th is a Tuesday)8th + (2 days if the 8th is a Monday)8th + (3 days if the 8th is a Sunday)8th + (4 days if the 8th is a Saturday)8th + (5 days if the 8th is a Friday)8th + (6 days if the 8th is a Thursday)

Knowing these details we can utilize two VBA functions. The first, DateSerial, returns a date given the three parts of: year, month and day. The second, WeekDay, returns the day number in the week for a given date.

OK, that's enough background, let's first tackle the maintainability issue – the code for this is shown below:

Public Function DeliveryDateMaint(intYear As Integer, intMonth As Integer)

Dim datStart As Date

datStart = DateSerial(intYear, intMonth, 8) Select Case Weekday(datStart, vbSunday) Case vbSunday DeliveryDateMaint = datStart + 3 Case vbMonday DeliveryDateMaint = datStart + 2 Case vbTuesday DeliveryDateMaint = datStart + 1 Case vbWednesday DeliveryDateMaint = datStart Case vbThursday DeliveryDateMaint = datStart + 6 Case vbFriday DeliveryDateMaint = datStart + 5 Case vbSaturday DeliveryDateMaint = datStart + 4 End Select

End Function

The function accepts the year and month for which we need to find the second Wednesday – remember that this can be no earlier than the 8 th – so we create a date variable containing the 8th of the month. We then use the Weekday function to find out the day number in the week that the 8 th falls on. The argument vbSunday indicates that the week should start on a Sunday (so Sunday is day 1, Monday day 2, etc.). So, if the 8th is a Sunday we need to add 3 days to get to Wednesday. If the 8th is a Monday, then only 2 days need to be added, and so on.

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The above procedure is easy to read, understand, and maintain, but it's probably not the fastest. The solution below is optimized for speed:

Public Function DeliveryDateFast(intYear As Integer, intMonth As Integer)

Dim datStart As Date

datStart = DateSerial(intYear, intMonth, 8) DeliveryDate = datStart + (7 - Weekday(datStart, vbThursday))

End Function

This solution shows the use of Weekday with another day as the start of the week. This allows us to find out the day number in the week, as though Thursday was the start of the week. In this case Thursday would be day 1, Friday would be day 2, and so on. So, subtracting this day number from 7 gives us the number of days after the 8th that the next Wednesday falls on.

To make this function more usable it would be good to be able to pick the n th day. Perhaps the 3rd Friday, or the 1st Saturday. Here's the code, based on the quicker solution:

Public Function DeliveryDateReuse(intYear As Integer, _ intMonth As Integer, intDayRequired As vbDayOfWeek, _ intNth As Integer)

Dim datStart As Date Dim varStartDay As Variant varStartDay = Array(0, 1, 8, 15, 22, 29)

datStart = DateSerial(intYear, intMonth, varStartDay(intNth)) DeliveryDateReuse = datStart + _ (7 - Weekday(datStart, intDayRequired + 1))

End Function

This version adds two new parameters. The first, intDayRequired, is the ordinal required – i.e. the 1st, 2nd, etc. The second, intDayRequired, is the day to find. Notice that intDayRequired is of the type vbDayOfWeek, which is the type that specifies the day numbers used in the DateSerial function.

To find the nth day we need to know the actual start day of the week – this is easy, since the month always starts on the 1st, the second week starts on the 8th, and so on. These day numbers are put into an array, and the day number from this array is used in the DateSerial function. The WeekDay function, instead of accepting a fixed constant for the day name, now takes the day we pass in as a parameter. We add one, because if we specify to find the 3rd Friday, we want WeekDay to use Saturday.

So that's three solutions for the same problem, but all coded with different aims in mind.

Create a form and place a button on it. Now write a procedure that prints to the debug window the number of fields and records in each table in the database when the button is clicked. Now add a gauge to the status bar to display the progress of this operation.

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SolutionThis code is in the form name frmShowProgress:

Dim db As Database ' current database Dim tblT As TableDef ' current table Dim intTable As Integer ' current table number

' point to the current database Set db = CurrentDb

' initialize the meter SysCmd acSysCmdInitMeter, "Working ...", db.TableDefs.Count

' loop through the tables For Each tblT In db.TableDefs ' update the meter SysCmd acSysCmdUpdateMeter, intTable ' print the details Debug.Print tblT.Name & " contains " & _ tblT.Fields.Count & " fields " & _ tblT.RecordCount & " records" intTable = intTable + 1 Next

' clear the meter SysCmd acSysCmdRemoveMeter

' clean up Set tblT = Nothing Set db = Nothing

It simply uses the TableDefs collection to loop through the tables. At the start of the procedure the meter is initialized, and updated each time we move onto a new table. The only trouble with this procedure is that it's quite quick, so if you blink you might miss the meter moving.
