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Page 1: Executive S&OP

Tom Wallace & Bob Stahl

Executive S&OPA Presentation to:

APICS Southeast Floridaby

Tom Wallace


Page 2: Executive S&OP

Tom Wallace & Bob Stahl

Agenda• Executive S&OP: Role, Structure

and Benefits

• Implementation

• The Future of S&OP

Page 3: Executive S&OP

Tom Wallace & Bob Stahl

The Four Fundamentals

Demand Supply



•How Much?•Rates•The Big Picture•Families•Strategy/Policy/Risk•Monthly/out to 36 Mos

•Which Ones?•Timing/Sequence•The Details•Products•Tactics/Execution•Weekly/Daily 1-3 Mos

Page 4: Executive S&OP

Tom Wallace & Bob Stahl

Sales & Operations Planning

Demand Supply



Executive S&OP

Master SchedulingSupplier and Plant Scheduling

Distribution Scheduling

Demand Planning/Forecasting Supply (Capacity) Planning

I think the key thing to hit is "what is Executive S&OP"? Should we have some bullet points somewhere that give some basic description? And can we link this back to some key points:?1) This is about Executive" Decision Making"2) This is about" Business Performance" (not just demand/supply balancing)3) This is not "detailed execution review"
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Tom Wallace & Bob Stahl

More Terminology Changes?Sales & Operations Planning maybecome the successor term to ERP/MRPII

Thus the term Executive S&OP was developed to

• Eliminate confusion

• Avoid what happened with ERP

• Put high focus on the Executive role

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Tom Wallace & Bob Stahl

Executive S&OP . . .• Is an executive decision-making process• Balances demand and supply• Deals with volume in both units and $$$• Ties operational plans to financial plans: one

set of numbers• Is the forum for setting relevant strategy and

policy• Is what we called , for years,

Sales & Operations Planning

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Tom Wallace & Bob Stahl

The Leader of the Business Unit (General Manager, President, COO) Needs to be Hands-On with Executive S&OP:

1. Stewardship2. Leadership

• Break ties• Set high standards• Motivate

Monthly Time Commitment: 1.5

The Role of Top ManagementThe Role of Top Management


Page 8: Executive S&OP

Tom Wallace & Bob Stahl

Step #5ExecutiveMeeting

Decisions &Game Plan

Step #4Pre-

Meeting Conflict Resolution, Recommendations &

Agenda for Exec. Mtg.

Step #1Data


End of Month

Sales Actuals, Statistical Forecasts

&Supply Actuals

Step #2DemandPlanning Management Forecast

1st-pass spreadsheets

Step #3Supply

Planning Capacity constraints2nd-pass spreadsheets



The Executive S&OP Process

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Tom Wallace & Bob Stahl

Three Examples ofThree Examples ofBest PracticesBest Practices

Three (of 13) Companies Studied:

• High Seasonality

• High Cyclicality

• Highly Complex New Product Launch

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Tom Wallace & Bob Stahl

Seasonality Curve fora Typical Scotts Product

(data at Point of Sale)

Figure X-1

Executive S&OP in Make-to-Stock w/ High Seasonality: The Scotts Co.

Important Questions:• When start Pre-Build?• At what rates?• Which SKUs?• When ramp up & how much?• When ramp down?


S&OP helps to answer these & other questions

Page 11: Executive S&OP

Tom Wallace & Bob Stahl

The Scotts Company

“During the last four years, almost half of the company’s increase in earnings has come from Supply Chain savings: inventory down, manufacturing efficiency up, purchase and transportation costs down. All of these are due to improved planning.” Ken ReiffVice President, Product Planning

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Tom Wallace & Bob Stahl

S&OP in Make-to-Orderw/ Extreme Cyclicality: Cast-Fab

Cast-Fab Technologies – Year-to-Year Sales Change









upup up

Implemented S&OP

Some competitors go out of business

Acquired fromCin’ti Milacron


Page 13: Executive S&OP

Tom Wallace & Bob Stahl

Cast-Fab Technologies

“During 2004, we posted sales increases of over 40%, which meant employee call-backs, retraining, new hires, initial training, getting up the learning curve and so forth.

“During the same year, we had productivity gains of up to 3%! We never would have believed this was possible if we hadn’t done it.

“S&OP played a key role in this; it gave us the forward visibility to make the right decisions on a timely basis.”

Ross BushmanPresident and COO

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Tom Wallace & Bob Stahl

New Product Launch . . .

. . . in the Pharmaceutical Industry• Multiple stages of testing• Multiple approvals by FDA• Multiple years• Multiple 100s of millions of dollars

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Tom Wallace & Bob Stahl

Eli Lilly and Company

New Product Launch Performance:IndustryAverage Lilly

2001-04 1.8

Years Required(avg per product) >14



Page 16: Executive S&OP

Tom Wallace & Bob Stahl

Eli Lilly & Company“In the past three years we have launched 9 new

products and met all demand despite 2 products that sold significantly above the high-side forecast.

“Without Global Sales & Operations Planning, we would have been driven to reaction mode, which could have resulted in an increase in investment in new assets, a slow down in our launch plans, and/or missed demand opportunities.”

Ron BohlSupply Chain


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Tom Wallace & Bob Stahl

These 3 Examples:A Common Thread

Executive S&OP is being used extensively in areas of the business that are:

• Mission Critical

• Very Difficult to Manage

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Tom Wallace & Bob Stahl

Hard BenefitsHard Benefits• Customer Service UP• Inventory DOWN• Obsolescence DOWN• Freight Costs DOWN• Order Lead Times DOWN• Supplier Lead Times DOWN• Time to Launch New Products DOWN• Plant Productivity UP

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Tom Wallace & Bob Stahl

Soft BenefitsSoft Benefits• Enhanced Teamwork • Improved Communications• Better Decisions with Less Effort and Time• Better $$$ Plans with Less Effort and Time• Greater Accountability• Greater Control • Window into the Future

Top Management’s Handle on the Business

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Tom Wallace & Bob Stahl

Agenda• Sales & Operations Planning:

Role, Structure and Benefits

• Implementation

• The Future of Executive S&OP

Page 21: Executive S&OP

Tom Wallace & Bob Stahl

The Real Issue . . .. . . is not in understanding S&OP.

That’s easy. The hard part is . . .

Organizational Behavior Change Changing the way we do our jobs

“The hard stuff is the soft stuff.”

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Tom Wallace & Bob Stahl

Implementing Executive S&OP Is Different

Active, Hands-on Participation by theLeader and Staff

The leader of the business (president,

COO, CEO, general manager) must provide:• Support• Funding• Commitment• Leadership

So what’s new?

Each and Every Month

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Tom Wallace & Bob Stahl

Implementing Executive S&OP Is Different

• Highly focused on Top Management

• Relatively few people

• Low cost/high impact

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Tom Wallace & Bob Stahl

Implementation Principles• Implementation begins and ends

with the Leader of the business

• “Build it and they will come” carries a low probability for success

• “Gain and hold the high ground”

and success will almost always follow

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Tom Wallace & Bob Stahl

The Implementation Path

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Months







Phase IPhase ILive Pilot

Phase IIPhase IIExpansion

Live PilotGo/No-Go #2

Phase IIIPhase III$$$



Go/No-Go #1


Low Risk Low Cost

Page 27: Executive S&OP

Month #1•Assignment of Responsibilities

•Kickoff Education & Planning

•Development of Project Schedule

•Families & Sub-Families (Pilot Family)

•Data Definitions, Sources & Displays

Month #3•Pilot Preparation & Execution

Go/No-Go Decision #2

Month #2•Demand Planning Processes & Data Feeds

•Supply Planning Processes & Data FeedsExecutive Briefing& Go/No-Go Decision #1

Phase IPhase IPreparation

Phase IIPhase IIExpansion

Phase IIIPhase III$$$

IntegrationLow RiskLow Cost

Months 4 – 6 • Add All Product Families• Full Supply Planning• Limited Financials

Months 7-9• Full Financial Integration•Institutionalize the Process

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Tom Wallace & Bob Stahl

Agenda• Sales & Operations Planning:

Role, Structure and Benefits

• Implementation

• The Future of Executive S&OP

Page 29: Executive S&OP

Tom Wallace & Bob Stahl

The Future of S&OP: Growth Factors

• Success breeds success• Lean Manufacturing and S&OP• Globalization• New users outside traditional manufacturing• S&OP specific software• Greater financial integration, power and utility• A growing presence in the executive suite

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Tom Wallace & Bob Stahl

Implications for APICS Members (CPIM)

Premises: • Executive S&OP is a powerful tool for top

management • It’s here to stay and it’s growing• It’s in APICS’ space• CPIMs know more about Sales & Operations

Planning than most others

Therefore, CPIMs are positioned to take part in this growth and to be more valuable to their companies

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Tom Wallace & Bob Stahl

Implications of Executive S&OP for APICS

• It’s in APICS’ space.

• It “lives” in the Executive Suite

• It can help attract new members:– executive perception– non-manufacturing companies

• APICS can play a – the? – leadership role in the widespread adoption of Executive S&OP

Page 32: Executive S&OP

Tom Wallace & Bob Stahl

APICS is Getting On Boardwith S&OP

• S&OP Conference – Chicago – June 19, 20

• Demand/S&OP Flight at APICS Conference in Kansas City – September 14-16

• Frequent Webinars (most recent: 2-25: Sales & Operations Planning –

The Executives’ Role)

Page 33: Executive S&OP

Tom Wallace & Bob Stahl

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