
Kehillah Executive Committee Minutes June 12, 2012, 7 p.m.

Kehillah Mission: to create an inclusive and engaged Jewish community that inspires people’s lives and deepens Jewish involvement through Jewish celebration, worship, education, social action, and values. Committee Mission: Plan the work of the board, and help the board focus on key policy decisions. Help provide input into how board-approved policies are implemented. Triage issues to decide the appropriate process and location of decision-making (whether something goes to the Board, a committee, or an individual). Act as the board’s agent in the case of emergencies that can’t wait until the entire board is convened or in case a decision does not require board approval. Provide oversight to key committees. Advise the board president, the Executive Director, and the Rabbi. Manage the Rabbi’s and Executive Director’s contract renewal. Report to the Board on actions taken. Include all officers of the Board plus ex officio members: Rabbi and the Executive Director.

a. Health/Wellness b. D’var by Rabbi c. Blessing for Community

Baruch ata Adonai eloheinu melech ha’olam asher kidshanu b’mitzvotav vitzivanu la’asok b’tzorchey tzibur. Blessed is Adonai, Sovereign of Creation, who sanctifies us through mitzvot and commands us to engage in the needs of community.

Committee Members Present: Rabbi Jen Feldman, Melissa Segal, Josh Ravitch, Hannah Chase, Diane Wright, Craig Poms, Howard Glicksman, Randy Kauftheil, Amy Entwistle Committee Members Absent: Gerry Cohn

Agenda Item Major Discussion Points Action(s) to be Taken Person(s)

Responsible Date Due

1. Introductions, 10 min

2. Approval of minutes, 5 min (Josh)

April minutes not yet available Josh will get them from Andy, past secretary

Josh Ravitch

3. Exec Committee Roles, 30 min (Melissa)

Reviewed org chart in SOPs Josh will schedule personal meetings with new board members to review roles and discuss questions

Josh Ravitch

4. Implementing the Brand

Discussed proposal for “Living the Kehillah Brand” workshop. Concerns were expressed about better defining outcomes and next steps. Discussion about key areas of focus, including alternative child-centered program (vs. B’nai Mitzvah program). Workshop invitations should be extended to all committee chairs, committee members selected by their respective chairs, and other key stakeholders

Melissa will communicate comments and concerns to Jessie Smith. Exec will look at the revised program agenda before it is published.

Melissa Segal

5. Executive Director’s report, 15 min (Melissa)

• Financial outlook o See attached slides

• New RS Director o Officially assumed role; transition has been

smooth thus far • Bookkeeper

o Previous and highly valued bookkeeper has resumed responsibilities

• Kehillah 2015 update (construction, marketing) o See attached slides o Administration wing nearly finished o $156K in pledges and $54K in receipts. Will

begin next phase (courtyard and parking lot paving) when ½ total funds needed are raised.

o Parking lot will likely be paved during winter holidays or spring break to minimize disruption to parking rentals

• Service leadership coordinating o Staff and ritual committee are working to

identify the best person to take on this role

6. President’s report, 10 min (Josh)

• Board Retreat o Planned for 6/24/12. Roger Schwarz will

facilitate part of the programming • Torah Scribe Fundraising

o Few requests have been made due to other fundraising campaigns and concerns about exhausting donors

o Need at least $5000 for repairs to be made in the fall

• Rabbi’s Review o In process. Cover letter and questionnaire will

Josh will send cover letter and questionnaire for Rabbi’s review to the congregation

Josh Ravitch

11. Volunteers 11.1 Importance of Volunteers (6-2007) The Kehillah relies on substantial volunteer time to support all its programs. Members serve on the Board of Directors and on various committees; help other members in need; complete office work; assist with facility issues; volunteer in the schools; host Kiddush/Oneg; and help plan programs. 11.2 Confidentiality (6-2007) Volunteers are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of all personal, proprietary, or privileged information to which they are exposed while serving as a volunteer, whether the information involves a single staff, volunteer, member, or other person or involves overall Kehillah business. Failure to maintain confidentiality may result in termination of the volunteer’s assignment or other corrective action. 11.3 Communication, General (2-2007) Volunteers have good intentions, but they have different ways of completing volunteer work and different competing life demands. Volunteers should be careful about the words used; listen to others’ opinions and thoughts; commit to compromise and give-and-take; and allow

be send to the congregation in the next couple of days

• XD Review o Josh will start the process in August

7. Rabbi’s report • Lipman Fund

o Adele Roth and Linda Frankel are co-chairing the committee to identify speakers for a biennial event

o Tentative date for first event is November 1-2, 2013. Simone’s sons will participate

• Rabbi visibility o Will facilitate a “December Dilemma”

program for interfaith families o Funding secured for a documentary film series

on Israel; Rabbi is doing early organizing, but will eventually transfer responsibility to the religious school director, who will be the staff liaison to adult ed

8 . Next meeting • Tuesday, August 14th Melissa will send a list of meeting dates for the next year

Melissa Segal

themselves the opportunity to learn from others. Inevitably, some mistakes will be made. However, volunteers should do their best to support and nurture each other and to thank other volunteers for their time and effort. 11.4 Communication, Email (Board, 2-2004)—values in Appendix B

• Check out information. Test assumptions and clarify ambiguity. • Consider the best way to convey information. Determine if a phone call, face-to-face personal interaction, or a meeting where diverse

opinions can be shared is more appropriate. • Be mindful that email is best used for sharing information, not emotions. Email is not the appropriate conduit for policy-making.

Policy-making is the work of the committees and any suggestions for policy generation or change should be brought before the appropriate committee.

• Make sure communication is constructive and builds community. • Be aware not only of what is written but how it is distributed. Understand that any email can become public if it is forwarded or

misdirected. Be thoughtful of the intended audience and target communications appropriately. • Keep in mind that email is an interpersonal communication. What you say in email needs to be something you feel comfortable saying

in person • Be mindful of the communications style and preferences of those involved, including availability and time required for response. Be

aware that some individuals enjoy sharing information in long, detailed emails while others do not. • Be patient and non-reactive. • If you receive an email that in your view is disturbing or inappropriate, forward the email to a committee chair or an executive

committee member along with your concerns and suggestions so that they may respond on behalf of the organization. 11.5 Conflict of Interest (6-2007) No person who has a conflict of interest with any activity or program of the Kehillah, whether personal, philosophical, or financial, should serve as a volunteer at the Kehillah. Further, a volunteer must remain absent from discussions and votes on matters in which s/he has a conflict of interest. A conflict of interest is when a volunteer has existing or potential financial or other interests that impair independent, unbiased judgment in the discharge of his or her responsibilities to the Kehillah. Any potential conflicts of interest should be disclosed at the earliest practical time. 11.6 Harassment (6-2007) The Kehillah is committed to providing a work and volunteer environment that is free from harassment of any kind, including harassment on the basis of race, religion, sexual orientation, age, national origin, or gender. Harassment undermines synagogue morale and the Kehillah’s commitment to ensure that everyone is treated with dignity and respect. Harassment can take many forms, including but not limited to touching or other unwanted physical contact, unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, display of offensive materials, use of slurs or other derogatory terms, telling of offensive or lewd jokes and stories, and sending of email messages with offensive content. Any Kehillah employee or volunteer who experiences or witnesses any form of harassment at the Kehillah must immediately notify the Kehillah by following the steps outlined in the Grievance Procedure (see Section 10.4). The Kehillah will not

retaliate, or allow retaliation, against anyone who complains of harassment, assists in a harassment investigation, or files an administrative charge or lawsuit alleging harassment. 11.7 Programming Guidelines, esp. for Family Programming (updated 5-2010, Executive Committee) Any program sponsored or cosponsored by the Kehillah should be consistent with the mission, vision, and values of the Kehillah. Some programs may include perspectives not espoused by the Kehillah, as long as there is a balance of perspectives in the program, as well as respect for different perspectives. The Kehillah will not sponsor or co-sponsor any programs that might threaten its nonprofit status, including programs that endorse political candidates. The Executive Director, in consultation with the rabbi and/or Executive Committee as appropriate, will approve any new programs.

• The planning committee should include at least one person from each “branch” of the Kehillah who will be involved in the program (ritual, education, social, etc).

• The facilitator should know the ritual guidelines for religious practices and may want to consult with the ritual committee about the proper prayers and language to be used.

• Different volunteers should be in charge of each task (setting up, cooking, and cleaning up) so that they can enjoy at least part of the program. Volunteers should be made fully aware of the specifics and duration of each job associated with the event.

• If the program is billed as a party, performances should be kept to a minimum. If there is a performance, it should be practiced beforehand. If children have individual speaking parts, each needs to hold a microphone.

11.8 Recruitment of Volunteers (6-2007) Volunteers are recruited on a pro-active basis, with the intent of broadening and expanding the volunteer involvement at the Kehillah. Volunteers are recruited based on their suitability to perform a task on behalf of the Kehillah. Volunteers may be recruited through either an interest in specific functions or through a general interest in volunteering which will later be matched with a specific function. 11.9 Reimbursement of Volunteer Expenses (6-2007) Only with advanced approval by the staff supervisor or the Executive Director, volunteers are eligible for reimbursement of reasonable expenses incurred while undertaking business for the Kehillah. Volunteers should submit a receipt and documentation of the purchase to the staff supervisor. Whenever possible, staff should make payments on items via the Kehillah credit card. 11.10 Representation of the Kehillah by Volunteers (Executive Committee, summer 2006) Before a member of the Board or other volunteer speaks for or acts on behalf of the Kehillah, the volunteer should seek prior consultation and approval from the Executive Committee or the Executive Director to do so. All policy questions related to the schools should be directed to the appropriate school director. All financial and/or other policy questions by members or non-members should be directed to the Executive Director. 11.11 Rights & Responsibilities of Volunteers (6-2007)

Volunteers are viewed as a valuable resource to the Kehillah, its staff, and its members. Volunteers are extended the right to be given meaningful assignments, the right to be treated as equal co-workers, the right to effective supervision, the right to full involvement and participation, and the right to recognition for work done. In return, volunteers agree to actively perform their duties to the best of their abilities to be responsible for the completion of their task(s), and to remain loyal to the goals and procedures of the Kehillah. 11.12 Supervision of Volunteers (6-2007) Each volunteer should have a clearly identified supervisor, either another volunteer or a staff person, who is responsible for direct management of that volunteer. This supervisor is responsible for management and guidance of the work of the volunteer, and shall be available to the volunteer for support, consultation, and assistance. If a staff member or lay leader has a grievance with a given volunteer, the grievance should be taken to the supervisor. The supervisor, in consultation with the Executive Director, and with the President(s) as appropriate, will plan a course of action to address the grievance.

12. Committees & Board 12.1 Board (2-2006) The Kehillah Board is made up of the officers plus the chairs of the standing committees (executive, religious school, preschool, social action, ritual, membership, and adult education), a youth member, and two at-large directors. Specifics about Board elections, terms, and duties are documented in the Kehillah By-Laws, passed in May 2011. There is also a Board Manual, updated each year, which specifies roles and responsibilities of Board Members. Procedures and information not contained in either of those two documents, and information of interest to the general congregation, is included in this section. 12.4 Committee Chair Job Description Participation and Knowledge:

• Be aware of the purpose, role, and purview of the committee • Ensure that there is a board representative from the committee and be in contact with that person (if it is not the chair him/herself) • Be aware of the organization and process of the Kehillah, including decision-making, fiduciary (including timing of budget requests),

and general procedures • Be aware of the communal life of the Kehillah and participate in Kehillah activities and programs

Forming the committee: • Communicate and coordinate with the staff liaison • Offer a space to those previously on the committee, including the previous chair • Advertise for spaces in the Kehillah emails and newsletter • Ensure the committee is representative of the larger congregation so that different perspectives are heard and considered

Setting up meetings: • Coordinate the date with committee members and the staff liaison

• Make sure the date and location are cleared on the Kehillah calendar • Decide the start and end time of the meeting and stick to the timing • Send out pertinent documents a minimum of 2 days prior to the meeting

Chairing the meeting: • Have a written agenda that is coordinated with the staff liaison • Make sure someone is taking minutes • Watch the time and keep the meeting moving so that the agenda items are covered • Ensure that no one monopolizes discussion and that all voices are heard • Set or reconfirm the date for the next meeting

Follow-up after the meeting: • Follow through on all decided actions • Make sure the minutes are typed and distributed and sent to the Executive Director • Respect the confidentiality and sensitivity of committee discussions

12.8 Executive Committee Roles (updated 1-15-2010) President

• Supervise the Executive Director and Rabbi • Check in with Executive Committee members to ensure smooth progress of committee work • Be involved in the negotiation of Kehillah business contracts as needed/appropriate • Conduct reviews of Executive Director and Rabbi • Sign contracts, deeds, and checks as needed/appropriate • Assemble agendas for and preside over Executive Committee meetings (one meeting/month) and Board meetings (one meeting/quarter)

and congregational meetings (at least one/year) • Plan/Co-plan yearly summer board training retreat and additional board retreats as needed • Write Kehillah newsletter article 5 times/year • Writes and delivers Erev Rosh Hashanah and Kol Nidre speeches • Be ex-officio member of all committees • Supervise members of Executive Committee • Ensure that each committee chair is either on the board OR has a liaison on the board to whom they report

VP of Administration • Be a resource to Executive Director on personnel matters as needed • Have oversight of the personnel committee • Ensure that annual evaluations are carried out according to Kehillah procedures • Supervise chairs of Facilities Committee and Fundraising Committee

• Be involved in the negotiation of contracts of Executive Director and Rabbi • Serve on the finance committee (approximately 4 meetings/year) • Be a resource to Executive Director and treasurer on dues issues that arise • Interview outgoing board members for feedback on their service to the board • Serve on the Exec Committee (one meeting/month) and the Board (one meeting/quarter)

VP of Education • Be ex-officio and supervise the chairs of adult education, religious school, youth group, preschool • Be a resource to the religious school and preschool directors on school matters as needed • Serve on the Exec Committee (one meeting/month) and the Board (one meeting/quarter)

VP of Ritual • Be a resource to the rabbi on ritual matters as needed • Supervise chairs of cemetery, High Holy Days, chevra kaddisha, and ritual committees • Be a resource to the cemetery, High Holy Days, and ritual committees • Serve on the Exec Committee (one meeting/month) and the Board (one meeting/quarter)

VP of Membership • Chair or be a member of the Membership Committee • Supervise chairs of the Caring, Social Action, Marketing, and Membership Committees • Be a resource to Executive Director on membership issues that arise • Serve on the Exec Committee (one meeting/month) and the Board (one meeting/quarter)

Treasurer • Be a resource to Executive Director on financial matters as needed, including adjusted dues and Builders’ Fund • Review budget and outlooks at least quarterly • Review financial statements monthly • Serve on the finance committee (approximately 4 meetings/year) • Sign checks and financial documents as needed/appropriate • Serve on the Exec Committee (one meeting/month) and the Board (one meeting/quarter)

Secretary • Take minutes at all Executive Committee and Board meetings, email out draft minutes, make suggested edits as appropriate, and re-

send revised minutes • Take minutes at all congregational meetings • Serve on the Exec Committee (one meeting/month) and the Board (one meeting/quarter)

Past President • Be a resource to the President as needed • Serve on the Nominations Committee • Serve on the Exec Committee (one meeting/month) and the Board (one meeting/quarter)

12.5 Committee Organizational Chart (1-2010, Board)

Board of Directors

Executive Committee

Religious School Committee

Social Action Committee

Preschool Committee

Membership Committee

Vice President, Education

Adult Education Committee

Vice President, Membership

Chevra Kadisha

Caring Committee

High Holy Days Committee



Fundraising Committee

Facilities Committee, including Aesthetics, Library

Committees of the Board: Rabbi Liaison, Nominating Committee, By-Laws, Rabbi’s Sabbatical, & Strategic Planning

Vice President, Administration Secretary

Personnel Committee, a committee of the Board

Staff President(s)

Finances Committee

Vice President, Ritual

Cemetery Committee

Ritual Committee


Marketing Committee

10.2 Staff Chart (5-2006, Board)

Rabbi Executive Director

Preschool Teachers

Religious School Teachers


President of Board of Directors

Administrator Preschool Director

Religious School Director



To: Josh Ravitch and Executive Committee From: Jessica Smith, Kehillah 2015 Team Leader Re: Ensuring the Success of Kehillah 2015 – Implementing the New Brand Date: June 7, 2012 Last August the Kehillah Board unanimously approved the Kehillah 2015 Team’s proposal for a new brand and new brand attributes (see Appendix B for detail). Since then the 2015 Team has, among other things, adopted a new logo, built a new web site and begun renovating facilities to make them more consistent with the new brand and new brand attributes. We believe it is time to launch a parallel endeavor to ensure robust implementation of the new Kehillah brand and brand attributes in all Kehillah programs. This endeavor is necessary to achieve the fundamental goal of Kehillah 2015: increased membership. In order to achieve this goal, we need to be consistent with who we say we are (the brand) and what we do (our programs). The seed for this idea came from a potentially large donor who endorses the new brand and its key attributes but has concerns about whether Saturday services are fully consistent with the brand. This notion, as articulated by the donor, directly relates to a theme that has repeatedly reappeared throughout the 2015 Team’s work: to ensure the success of Kehillah 2015 we need to undertake a systematic review of our programs to ensure that we acting consistently with who we say we are. This proposal provides a template for beginning to address this issue. Specifically, we propose a program on “Living the New Kehillah Brand” as outlined in Appendix A.

Appendix A: Living the Kehillah Brand

Proposed Agenda

When: August 2012 Where: At the Kehillah How Long: 3 hours Who Will Participate: All Board members, Committee Chairs and key Committee members, key stakeholders among the Kehillah Membership, the Rabbi, the Executive Director, and the preschool and religious school directors. Who Will Be Responsible for Program Planning & Implementation: The Kehillah 2015 Team, with input from the Executive Committee, the Rabbi and professional staff. Format (subject to some modification as planning progresses): 45 min: Introduction

• Explanation of the new brand • Facilitator will engage the participants in exercises to explore the meaning of the new brand

1 h 15 min: Small Group Workshops • Participants will be broken into small groups. • Each group will be assigned to grade one of the following four aspects of Kehillah life vis-a vis the new

brand and the Kehillah mission/core values: o (1) Friday night services, o (2) Saturday services, o (3) the B’nei Mitzvah program, and o (4) Member participation

• More than one group will be assigned to each of the four aspects of Kehillah life under review. • Each group will rate the program under review identifying, among other things, where we are

succeeding vis-à-vis brand/mission/core values, where we are falling short, and ideas for improvement. • Kehillah 2015 Team members will circulate among the groups to answer questions, keep the groups on

track, etc. 45 min: Reporting Back

• Participants will reconvene and report back on results • Trends will be noted • Inconsistencies will be explored • Facilitator will facilitate discussion and track results

10 min: Next Steps • Participants will agree on next steps for living the brand

5 min: Completion of Evaluations • Participants will evaluate the program

Appendix B: Kehillah Brand and Key Brand Attributes (Approved by the Board, August 2011)

Branding Statement: For today’s Jews, the Kehillah is a contemporary & caring synagogue that creates a uniquely personal Jewish experience because only at the Kehillah does the community have the ability to adapt ritual and practice to meet the diverse and evolving needs of its members. Key brand attributes:

• Contemporary • Sense of belonging • Intimate • Warm

• Inspiring • Smart • Caring

Look & feel (for visual imagery): • Expansive; without boundary • Earthy (but not dingy) • Community

• Welcoming • Not pretentious (not glitzy or bling-y) • Modern (but not rejecting tradition).

Voice (how we sound when we say things e.g., on website):

• Down to earth • Not religiously zealous • Not flakey • Smart • Honest • Trustworthy • Integrity • Happy