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Did You Know?


EXCERPTS847.835.5056 March 2017

WE HAVE ROKUS FOR CHECKOUT!Do you want to watch a favorite programthat’s available through Netflix, but don’thave access? We’ve got you covered.Glencoe residents may now check outRoku streaming devices from theReference Desk. The Roku streamers comepre-loaded with both Netflix and VUDUfor all your movie and television watchingpleasure. For checkout and to find outmore about our Roku devices, inquire atthe Reference Desk. Thank you to theFriends of the Glencoe Library for fundingthe purchase of Rokus.

IT’S EASIER TO DONATE TO THE LIBRARYYou can now make donations to thelibrary online, through the securemedium of PayPal. If you would like tomake an online donation, a “Donate”link can be found atop the library’s homepage (there is also a “Donate” button atthe bottom of the page). Donationbrochures will continue to be availableat the Checkout Desk.

Donations to the LibraryThe library deeply appreciates donationsmade in honor of a loved one orspecial event.

Donations were recently received from:

• Modestus Bauer Foundation

• Lois Davis

• The Friends of the Glencoe PublicLibrary, with two donations — one inmemory of Barry Levin, the other inmemory of Ms. Hilda Perl Goodwin.

Big Books: James Joyce’s UlyssesThursdays at 7:00 p.m., April 6–June 1 Would you enjoy a guided tour of some of the great, daunting works of literature—books that you may have always wanted to read but whose length and reputationfor being challenging have held you back? The library’s new Big Books series,launching this spring with Ulysses, is intended to be your guide through a rewarding literary experience.

Ulysses is arguably the greatest novel ever written in the English language. On thesurface, the book relates the story of Leopold Bloom as he travels and travailsthrough Dublin and its environs throughout June 16 and into the early morning ofJune 17, 1904. Others in the marvelous cast of characters include the voluptuousMolly Bloom and the melancholy Stephan Dedalus. The reader soon discovers thegenius of Joyce through the book’s fantastic dialogue and its cascading, deliciouslylayered narrative.

The instructor for our course will be Richard Reeder. Richard teaches literaturecourses, including Ulysses, at the Oakton Community College Emeritus program.He is the moderator of the book clubat the historic Cliff Dwellers Club, theauthor of Chicago Sketches, and a regularparticipant in the library’s monthlyWriters’ Open Mic Night.

Registration is required and space is limited. Glencoe residents have priorityif the class fills up.

The Big Books series is sponsored by theFriends of the Glencoe Public Library.

MAJOR HVAC PROJECT AT THE LIBRARY THIS SPRING Beginning in April, the library will undergo a major improvement to its heatingand ventilation systems. Work will commence in April and is scheduled to continue into June. We will do what we can to minimize the effect of this workon library service and collections. However, if you plan to attend a programscheduled for the library’s meeting (Hammond) room in April or May, pleasecheck with us, or consult the online calendar close to the scheduled date of theprogram so we can keep you informed of any possible postponements orchanges in venue. The result of this work should be a more comfortable libraryin which to settle year-round.

Irish novelist, short story writer, and poet James Joyce

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Book DiscussionsSponsored by the Friends of the Glencoe Public Library.

Everyone is welcome to attend our livelydiscussions. We try to provide enoughcopies of each book for all who wish toparticipate; ask for a copy at the Readers’Services desk. Dates are subject to change.

NONFICTIONJudy Levin leads these discussions.

Thursday, March 30, at 7:30 p.m. All the Single Ladies: Unmarried Womenand the Rise of an Independent Nationby Rebecca Traister

*Thursday, May 4, at 7:30 p.m.Vanished: The Sixty-Year Search for theMissing Men of World War II by Wil S. Hylton

WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONJudy Levin leads these discussions.

Wednesday, March 15, at 1:00 p.m. Evicted: Poverty and Profit in theAmerican City by Matthew Desmond

*Wednesday, April 12, at 1:00 p.m. The House Guest by Kim Brooks

*Wednesday, May 10, at 1:00 p.m.The Excellent Lombards by Jane Hamilton

WEDNESDAY EVENING Nancy Buehler leads these discussions.

Wednesday, March 8, at 7:00 p.m. Your Heart Is a Muscle the Size of a Fist by Sunil Yapa

*Wednesday, May 10, at 7:00 p.m. Best Boy by Eli Gottlieb

MYSTERY BOOK GROUP *Fridays at 2:00 p.m.:March 31, April 28, May 26

*Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m.:March 28 , April 25, May 30This book group, led by Ann Perks,meets one Tuesday evening and Fridayafternoon each month. Ask for Ann atthe Checkout Desk or call (847) 835-5056if you would like to join the MysteryBook Group or have any questionsabout books to be covered.

Winter Programs COMING THIS SPRING: HOW TO SPOT FAKE NEWSHeads up! The library will be presenting a program on how to spot fake news thisspring. Watch the website or contact the library for more details.

FIRST FRIDAY KNITTERSFridays, 9:30–11:00 a.m., March 3, April 7, and May 5Dig out your needles and yarn and join us by the fireplace in the Johnson Room fora morning of knitting. Rekindle old abilities, learn new techniques, or just bringyour current project to work on. Teresa Grosch, an experienced knitter, will be onhand to help. Yarn donated by Three Bags Full of Northbrook will be available, butyou’ll need to bring your own needles.

IT’S TIME FOR A FINANCIAL SPRING CLEANINGThursday, March 9, at 7:30 p.m.Spring’s a great time to get organized—not onlyyour closets and cupboards but also yourfinances. Get inspired to gather and winnowyour key documents and information, thenlearn how to develop a system for keeping trackof your financial essentials going forward.You’ll be glad you did when life’s changes andchallenges come along. Presented by NancyDoyle, CFA, a Winnetka-based consultant andauthor of Manage Your Financial Life: A Thought-ful, Organized Approach for Women (2016).

AN AFTERNOON OF SPOKEN WORD POETRYSunday, March 12, at 2:00 p.m.Members of the 2017 New Trier Slam Poetry Team, fresh from competition in theworld’s largest youth poetry festival, Louder Than a Bomb, will perform individ-ual and choral poems. The program will also include a question and answer session.

BOOKNEWS Wednesday, March 22, at 1:00 p.m. Come join the Glencoe Public Library staff for some tea and cookies while we present new and upcoming fiction and nonfiction titles!

*OUR REGULARLY SCHEDULED PROGRAMS……may be interrupted this spring due to the library’s HVAC project. Programsto be held in the Hammond Room in April and May are subject to post-ponement or change of venue. Please call us at (847) 835-5056 or check the online calendar close to the scheduled program date. We apologize for any inconvenience that may be caused by this construction work.


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Technology Programs

TECHNOLOGY TUESDAYSTechnology Tuesdays is open to all agesand skills, although a basic knowledgeof computers (how to use a mouse andkeyboard, how to get on the Internet) isrequired. Each class is taught by MikeGershbein and will last 90 minutes.

Tuesday, March 21, at 1:00 p.m. Advanced iPhone and iPad

Tuesday, April 11, at 7:00 p.m. (special date and time) Internet Filtering for Families

Tuesday May 16, at 1:00 p.m. Plan Your Vacation Online

DEVICE ADVICEGot a new device and need help settingit up? Have questions regarding specialfeatures or a new app? Visit our drop-inDevice Advice sessions and feel free tobring in your laptop, tablet, or mobiledevice so we can help you learn its insand outs. Device Advice is hosted byAthens Moreno and is held in thedownstairs Hamil Room. Noreservation required!

Tuesdays, 6:00–7:00 p.m.:March 7, April 4, May 2

Saturdays, 10:00–11:00 a.m.:March 18, April 15, May 20


GLENCOE ANSWERS THE CALL*Sunday, April 9, at 2:00 p.m.On April 6, 1917, the United States entered World War I and President WoodrowWilson put out the call to all Americans to make the world safe for democracy.As part of a series commemorating the cen-tennial of the “War to End All Wars,” theGlencoe Historical Society will present a pro-gram on the ways Glencoe residents quicklymobilized, with men, women and childrenstepping up to do their part. Using new GHSresearch, this program will trace the path of soldiers from Glencoe to the front and painta picture of wartime life in the village.

VISITING SCHOLAR: ON LYRIC POETRYTuesday, April 18, 7:30 p.m.What is lyric poetry? How does it work? How can we make the most of it in read-ing? Through a sampling of English verse both early and modern, we will identifysome of lyric poetry’s essential features. We will also consider reading poetry aloudas an act of interpretation, and discuss how we as readers can be both faithful andexpressive. Presented by Nicholas Bellinson, an instructor with the University ofChicago’s Basic Program. Sponsored by the Friends of the Glencoe Public Library.

DECONSTRUCTING THE HOLOCAUST*Sunday, April 23, at 2:00 p.m.Michael Kamen, senior docent at the Illinois Holocaust Museum and a Glencoe resident, will lead a conversation about the historical context of the Holocaust. Theobject is not to re-live the trauma but to try to understand the conditions and political factors that made it possible—and how ongoing awareness of those canhelp prevent similar events in the future. Holocaust Remembrance Day is April 24.

BEHIND THE SCENES: MOANASaturday, April 29, 1:30 p.m. — Moana (2016, PG, 107 min)All agesJoin us for a screening of Disney’s Moana,then Skype with Nicole Stone, a productionassistant on the film. She’ll share behindthe scenes secrets about the making of Disney’s animated movies and will answeryour questions. Children under age 8 mustbe accompanied by an adult.

WRITERS’ OPEN MIC NIGHT Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m., March 8, *April 12, and *May 10Writers of any age working in all forms and genres are invited to share theirwork at these community literary evenings. If you want to read your work,please email the moderator, Bob Boone, in advance at [email protected] sohe can coordinate the evening’s roster. Everyone is welcome to participate by reading or just by being an appreciative audience for the many talented writersin our community.


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Theater & Film

AMERICA’S MUSICALTHEATER LEGENDSSponsored by the Friends of the Glencoe Public Library.

Susan Benjamin presents the lives andwork of the performers, composers andlyricists of the Golden Age of Americanmusical theater.

Monday, March 6, at 1:00 p.m. Bob Hope

Monday, April 3, at 1:00 p.m. Debbie Reynolds

Monday, May 8, at 1:00 p.m. Ethel Merman

TALKING PICTURESSponsored by the Friends of the Glencoe Public Library.

Enjoy an afternoon of thought-provoking cinema and discussionwith Susan Benjamin. A discussionimmediately follows film screenings.

Friday, March 3, at 1:00 p.m.Eddie the Eagle

Friday, April 7, at 1:00 p.m. Hell or High Water

Friday, May 12, at 1:00 p.m. Queen of Katwe

Monday Night at the MoviesSponsored by the Friends of the Glencoe Public Library.

THE EAGLE HUNTRESSMonday, March 20, at 1:00 and 7:00 p.m.Would you like to be transported to another world? Doyou require a bit of inspiration just now? The EagleHuntress provides these things and more. Otto Bell’scrowd-pleasing documentary focuses on the intrepid 13-year-old Aisholpan, attempting to become the firstfemale eagle hunter in her country. Facing adversity fromboth hostile male hunters and the daunting Mongolianlandscape in which she must hunt, the young womanhas to prove herself to take a place among her country’s greatest hunters.

87 minutes. Rated G.

OUR LITTLE SISTER*Monday, April 17, at 1:00 and 7:00 p.m.Japanese director Hirokazu Koreeda has distinguished himself with a series of gen-tle but memorable family dramas. Our Little Sister provides another strong entry tothat list. Three sisters travel to the countryside for the funeral of their long-absentfather, where they meet their 14-year-old half sister. When young Suzu agrees tojoin her older sisters, a new chapter in life begins for them all. “It’s a movie that, byits serene final scene, changes its viewer. You leave happier, honored to have been,for two hours, part of this family.” — Moira Macdonald, Seattle Times.

128 minutes. Rated PG.

THINGS TO COME*Monday, May 15, at 1:00 and 7:00 p.m.It’s been a good year for the incomparable Isabelle Huppert. She has been lauded(and awarded a Golden Globe) for her work in Elle. In Things To Come, Huppertplays a philosophy professor at a crossroads in her life. “Suffused with wry humor, vulnerability and radiant warmth, Huppert’s performance captures that delicate period in life during which resignation morphs into graceful, even grateful, acceptance.” — Ann Hornaday, Washington Post.

100 minutes. Rated PG-13.

*OUR REGULARLY SCHEDULED PROGRAMS……may be interrupted this spring due to the library’s HVAC project. Programsto be held in the Hammond Room in April and May are subject to post-ponement or change of venue. Please call us at (847) 835-5056 or check the online calendar close to the scheduled program date. We apologize for any inconvenience that may be caused by this construction work.

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Just for Young AdultsAN AFTERNOON OF SPOKEN WORD POETRYSunday, March 12, at 2:00 p.m.Members of the 2017 New Trier Slam Poetry Team, fresh from competition in theworld’s largest youth poetry festival, Louder Than a Bomb, will performindividual and choral poems.

TEEN BLOCKBUSTER DOUBLE FEATURE / PIZZA PARTYMonday, March 27, 3:00–7:00 p.m. 6th–12th grades onlyStuck in town for spring break and looking for something fun to do? Join us for ascreening of a couple of blockbusters that will have you on the edge of your seat! Dr.Strange screens at 3:00 p.m. and Arrival at 5:00 p.m (which is also when the pizzaarrives!). Come for your favorite movie or stay for both. Please note that both moviesare rated PG-13 and this program is for 6th–12th graders only.

YA BOOK TALKMonday, April 10, 4:30–5:30 p.m. 6th–12th grade onlyFind out about the latest teen books and enjoy a cup of coffee or a treat on us!Michelle will give you a heads up on all the newest books you’ll want to read. Meetat the Readers’ Services desk at 4:30 p.m. and we’ll walk over to Starbucks together,where we will enjoy conversation and coffee shop treats. Registration is required forthis program; please sign up at the Readers’ Services desk by April 5, 2017.

SAVE THE DATE!!!!The Study Break lounge returns on Tuesday, May 30, and ends on Sunday, June 4.Good luck with finals!

Meet the StaffJAKE ROGERS

Hello! I’m Jake Rogers, and I am one of the newer Adult Serviceslibrarians at the Glencoe Public Library. I select the computer,psychology, business, language, large print and travel books.In addition to providing reference and readers’ advisory, I’m available for one-on-one “Book-a-Librarian” sessions and wouldbe happy to help you get started with your new gadget.

I grew up on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, where I spent my freetime on the beach, in the woods, and of course, at the local library. I graduated fromthe University of Massachusetts Amherst in 2008 with a degree in history. Sometimein the following year, I got the idea in my head that I should move to a big city faraway, so I moved to Chicago. I earned my Masters from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in 2015, and started working at Glencoe soon after.

I live in Chicago with my wife and our dog. In our free time, we like to do typical cityfolk things — try new restaurants, take the dog to the lake, and insist that our out-of-town friends and family stay with us. My reading tastes these days consist mostly ofhistory, crime noirs, and books about pop culture written by bearded nerds. I canoften be found slinking around the DVD section seeking out movies about alienencounters, post-apocalyptic wastelands, samurai, or heists. If you want to talk aboutany of this or more, you can stop by the reference desk on Thursday or Friday, or onoccasional weekends.


Friends’ CornerContact the Friends via email [email protected] or visit us note that we send all information about theconcerts and book sales by email. If you’d like tobe notified about the concerts and book sales,please provide your email address. Our emaildatabase is separate from the library’s database.If the library has your email address, that does notmean the Friends have it!

BOOK SALE IS MARCH 4–6The spring book sale is upon us already!Members of the Friends (yes, you mayjoin at the door) are invited to themembers’ preview sale on Friday,March 3, 6:00–8:00 p.m. Membership isavailable to current residents of Glencoewho donate to the Friends. Regular salehours are Saturday, March 4, 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.; Sunday, March 5, 12:00noon–5:00 p.m. (everything half price);and Monday, March 6, 9:00 a.m.–12:00noon ($3/bag sale). Our shelves areoverflowing—come on down and scoopup some great bargains! The next booksale will be June 17–19.

CLASSICAL MUSIC CONCERTOur next afternoon concert is comingup on Sunday, April 9, at 5:00 p.m. Themusicians, who are members of theChicago Symphony Orchestra and theLyric Opera Orchestra, are Liba Shacht(violin), Carol Cook (viola), and JohnSharp (cello). The program will beannounced soon.

LATEST GIFTS TO THE LIBRARYIn December 2016, the Friends voted tosupport the following: three Rokustreaming devices with one-yearsubscriptions to Netflix and AmazonPrime (see page 1 for more informationon how you can check these out); TheLucky Trikes musical storytime; Wendyand DB children’s concert; BookBuddies; Curtain Call Camp; andMad Science classes.


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Preschool ClassesAll classes are drop-in with no registrationrequired. Space may be limited due toroom capacity.

BOOK BABIESMondays, March 6–May 15,10:00–10:30 a.m. (no class March 27) Ages 0–18 months with adultIntroduce your baby to the library withstories, songs, and active play designed toteach infants and toddlers their first literacyskills. Older siblings are welcome.

STAY AND PLAYMondays, March 6–May 15,10:30–11:00 a.m. (no class March 27) Ages 0–3 years with adultWhether you come for Book Babies orRock and Read, you’re welcome to socialize,play, and have fun between classes. We’llhave puppets, toys, music and more foryou to explore.

ROCK AND READMondays, March 6–May 15,11:00–11:30 a.m. (no class March 27)Ages 18 months–3 years with adultSpring into Monday stories for a slightlyolder crowd. Listen to books, move to thebeat and more at this active storytime.

TALES FOR TOTSTuesdays or Thursdays, March 2–May 18,10:30–11:15 a.m. (no class March 28 or 30) All ages with adultRead, sing, talk, and play to build earlyliteracy skills! Join us for stories, songsand more, followed by time for socializationand play.

STAY AND PLAY: SPRING BREAKThursday, March 30, 10:00–11:00 a.m. All ages with adultTales for Tots is on spring break, but you’restill invited to come to the library for fun, toys,and socializing! Drop in to the library foropen play aimed at the preschool crowd andtheir grown-ups.

= Classes marked with this symbol require advance registration. Register in person, by phone, or online at Registration for March–May classes begins on Monday, February 27.


MAKE STUFF DROP-INThursdays, March 2, April 6 & 20, May 4, 3:30–5:00 p.m.All agesTest your creativity and explore new things. Stop by the Children’s Department after school to try an activity — from robotics to crochet, fromcoloring to circuitry. Chill and create with your friends.

K9 READING BUDDIES Thursdays, March 2, April 6, 4:15–5:30 p.m.Grades 1–5Share your favorite books with a four-legged furry friend! Practiceyour reading skills by signing up for a 15-minute slot to read to a trained therapy dog. Registration required. To register, visit the library or call (847) 835-5056.

PLAYLABTuesdays, March 7, 14, 21, April 11, 18, 25, 4:00–4:45 p.m.Grades K–3Get ready to explore with library staff! Try a variety of hands-on learningexperiences that are fun, eye-opening, and (maybe) a little bit messy. Checkout our online calendar for each week’s theme. Sign up for one class ormore. Registration required.

MY FIRST YOGAWednesdays, March 15, April 12, 10:30–11:00 amAges 3–5Join staff from Banner Day Camp and learn basic yoga poses in a fun, easy-to-follow class. No yoga experience is necessary! Parents or caregivers arewelcome to stay to observe or participate, or child may attend independ-ently. Registration recommended.

CURTAIN CALL CLUBSponsored by the Friends of the Glencoe Public Library.

Thursday, March 16, 4:15–5:00 p.m. Grades 3 and upIt’s time to play! Explore theatre through improv games and drama andwriting activities. Registration required.

KIDS CONCERT: WENDY AND DBSponsored by the Friends of the Glencoe Public Library.

Friday, March 17, 10:00–10:45 a.m. All ages with adultWendy and DB return to the Glencoe Public Library with old favorites andnew songs. Space is limited. Free entry tickets will be available at the Children’s Desk beginning at 9:00 a.m. on the day of the show.






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Preschool Classes…continued

PRESCHOOL DANCE PARTY Friday, March 31, 10:00–10:30 a.m. Ages 2–5 with adultBoogie with bubbles, shimmy withscarves, and twist to tunes at our SpringBreak Preschool Dance Party!


ROBOTICS ENGINEERINGWITH LEGO WEDOFriday, March 17, 4:15–5:30 p.m. Grades 3 and upBuild and program cool robots with theeasy to use Lego WeDo kit. Creativityand imagination are encouraged!Registration required.

LITTLE LEGO ROBOSFriday, March 24, 4:30–5:30 p.m. Grades K–2Explore the basics of roboticsengineering with the fun, and easy touse Lego WeDo kit! Registrationrequired.

STEM SATURDAY: TIME TRAVELING FOSSILSSaturday, May 13, 2:00–3:30 p.m. All agesDrop in and explore fossil paleontologywith the whole family. Learn aboutnature’s prehistoric storytellers throughself-directed activities and experiments.Speed up time to make a fossil. Travelhome with your fossil and very ownpetroglyph creation! Children under age8 must be accompanied by an adult.


ANIME CLUBWednesdays, March 1, April 5, May 3,7:00–8:30 p.m. Grades 5–8Do you love everything Anime?Hang out and watch Anime, talkabout Manga, and eat Japanese treats!



MUNCHY MOVIES: SPRING BREAK!Tuesday, March 28, 1:30 p.m. — Trolls (2016, PG, 92 min) Tuesday, March 28, 3:30 p.m. — Moana (2016, PG, 107 min)Wednesday, March 29, 1:30 p.m. — Storks (2016, PG, 87 min) All agesSchool’s out, so drop by the library for a movie! We’ll provide the popcorn andsnacks. Children under age 8 must be accompanied by an adult.

ZOO TO YOU Friday, April 14, 2:00–3:00 p.m. Grades K–4Join animal educators from the Wildlife Discover Center in Lake Forest. Meet avariety of wild animals up close. You’ll even get to touch a few! Registrationrequired.

POETRY FOR YOU AND MESaturday, April 22, 2:00–3:30 p.m. All agesDrop in and let your creative side shine as you create poems and cards for familyand friends! Have fun with cinquain, acrostic, haiku, progressive, and other poetryforms. Take home your own greeting cards with your poetry preserved forever.

STORYTIME IN THE PARKSaturday, April 29, 11:00–11:30 a.m. All agesVisit Glencoe’s Shelton Park for a “Let’s Play” Community Play Day sponsored bythe Alliance for Early Childhood. Play between 9:30–11:30 a.m., then join librarystaff for a special storytime in the park at 11:00 a.m. Everyone is welcome!

BEHIND THE SCENES: MOANASaturday, April 29, 1:30 p.m. — Moana (2016, PG, 107 min)All agesJoin us for a screening of Disney’s Moana, then Skype with Nicole Stone, a production assistant on the film. She’ll share behind the scenes secrets about themaking of Disney’s animated movies and will answer your questions. Childrenunder age 8 must be accompanied by an adult.


PARDON OUR DUSTVisiting the library in April or May?Due to the library’s HVAC project, somechildren’s collections and materials may betemporarily unavailable and programs may bemoved from their normal locations or rescheduled.Call the library or check the library’s website, social media,or online calendar for the latest information. Thank you for yourunderstanding and patience.


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GLENCOE PUBLIC • 847.835.5056320 Park Avenue • Glencoe, IL 60022

LIBRARY HOURSMonday–Thursday 9:00 a.m.– 9:00 p.m.Friday 9:00 a.m.– 6:00 p.m.Saturday 9:00 a.m.– 5:00 p.m.Sunday 1:00 p.m.– 5:00 p.m.

BOARD OF TRUSTEESDonna Craven Teresa GroschKathy Doyle Tracey MeyersLouis Goldman John TuohyMichelle Gooze-Miller


The Glencoe Public Library is subject to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Any individual who plans to attend any program at the library and who requires a specialaccommodation, or anyone who has questions regarding accessibility to the library, is requested to phone the library at (847) 835-5056. The library reserves the right to take photographs and videoof program participants. Photos and videos are for library use and may be used in library publicity materials. Patrons who do not wish to be part of photographs or videos should notify library staff.


The library will close on Sunday, April 16, Sunday, May 28and Monday, May 29. Follow us on:

AUTOMATIC RENEWAL IS HERE! As of March 1, your checked out items will be automaticallyrenewed on their due date! This applies to all books, DVDs,audio books and other items ELIGIBLE for renewal. The usualrules will apply — if there are local holds or a lending librarydoesn’t allow renewal, particular items will not be renewed. Ifyou feel you have something that should be eligible for renewalthat was not, call the Checkout Desk at (847) 835-5056. For thoseof you signed up for e-mail notification, you will receive separatee-mail notices listing items that are automatically renewed andthose that are not. If you are not signed up for e-mail notification,automatic renewal notification is another benefit of receivingyour library notices electronically. Whether or not you are signedup for e-mail notification, your items will be automaticallyrenewed, as allowed. If you have questions about automaticrenewal or wish to sign up for e-mail notification, stop by theCheckout Desk.

VOLUNTEERS WANTED! In 5th–8th grade? Looking for something to do this summer?Consider volunteering at the library! Volunteers assist withthe summer reading club and children’s summer programs.Find out more by coming to our Volunteer Information session or by emailing Ms. Emily at [email protected]

Summer Volunteer Applications available beginning Monday, May 1

Volunteer Information Session:Saturday, May 20, 3:00–3:45 p.m. Snacks will be served!

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