Page 1: Excel Spreadsheets If statements

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What is an IF statement?

IF(Logical_test , value_if_true , value_if_false)

A statement that checks the contents of a cell against a given expression. If the expression is TRUE the first value is returned. If the expression is FALSE the second value is returned.

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Examples of IF Statements

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Example 1=IF(A3=A1+A2, “Correct”, “Wrong”)

The Logical_test is A3=A1+A2 i.e. does cell A3 equal cell A1 plus cell A2?The Value_if_true is “Correct” i.e. if cell A3 equals cell A1 plus cell A2 display “Correct”The Value_if_false is “Wrong” i.e. if cell A3 does NOT equal cell A1 plus cell A2 display “Wrong”

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Example 2

=IF(A1>A2, “A1 is bigger than A2” , “A2 is bigger than A1”)

The Logical_test is A1>A2 i.e. is cell A1 bigger than cell A2?The Value_if_true is “A1 is bigger than A2”The Value_if_false is “A2 is bigger than A1”

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Example 3=IF( AND( ISBLANK(C1), ISBLANK(C2), ISBLANK(C3) ) , “This column is empty” , “This column is not empty” )

The Logical_test is AND( ISBLANK(C1), ISBLANK(C2), ISBLANK(C3) ) i.e. Is cell C1 AND C2 AND C3 empty?The Value_if_true is “This column is empty”The Value_if_false is “This column is not empty”

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Example 4=IF( OR( D1=7, D2=7, D3=7) , “There is a seven in this column” , “There is no seven in this column” )

The Logical_test is OR( D1=7, D2=7, D3=7)The Value_if_true is “There is a seven in this column”The Value_if_false is “There is no seven in this column”

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Example 5

=IF( AND( E1<=10, E1>=1) , E1 , “This number is too big”)

The Logical_test is AND( E1<=10, E1>=1)The Value_if_true is E1 i.e. It displays the content of cell E1The Value_if_false is “This number is too big”

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General Comments We are creating a formula, so we must start

with an equals, = Excel can be very fussy, so we should always

double-check that our brackets and commas match up

Excel only accepts round brackets, ( ) If we want to display text we must use speech

marks, “ ”

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