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  • 7/30/2019 Excel Logical Operations


  • 7/30/2019 Excel Logical Operations


    The equality (=) and the inequality () operators are opposite each other.

    Less Than and the

    The > operator is used to find out whether one value is "Greater Than" another. Its syntax is:

    Value1 > Value2

    The operation is performed on the values of Value1 and Value2. If Value1 holds a value greater than that ofthe comparison produces TRUE. Otherwise, the comparison produces FALSE. That is, if the value of Valu

    than or equal to that of Value1, then the comparison produces FALSE.

    Greater Than Or Equal >=

    If you have two values and want to find out whether they hold similar values or the first is greater than thecan use the >= operator whose syntax is:

    Value1 >= Value2

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    If both Value1 and Value2 hold the same value, then the comparison renders a TRUE result. Similarly, if theValue1, holds a value greater than that of the right operand, Value2, the comparison still produces TRUE. IValue1 is less than the value of Value2, the comparison produces a FALSE result

    Therefore, < and >= are opposite.

    Logical Functions


    Because Microsoft Excel is not a programming environment, it doesn't use conditional statements seenlanguages such as C/C++, Pascal, C#, Visual Basic, etc. Instead, Microsoft Excel provides functions that cansame types of tests on cells' values and produce the same types of results.

    A logical function is one that evaluates an expression and returns a Boolean result. For example, imaginseries of cells that represent employees last name. If you are interested to know what cell doesn't have aname), you can use a function. On the other hand, imagine you have a cell that is supposed to indicate wh

    must receive a discount, you can use a conditional function to check it.

    Most, if not all, logical functions check a condition and render a result. The condition is also called a criterio

    can be something like "Check if the cell contains Male", or "Check if the salary is less than $12.35".


    To check whether a criterion is true or false before taking a subsequent action, you can use the IF() functiis:

    IF(ConditionToTest, WhatToDoIfConditionIsTrue, WhatToDoIfConditionIsFalse)

    When it is called, the IF() function checks the truthfulness or negativity of the ConditionToTestargument. Itrue, then it will execute the first expression, WhatToDoIfConditionIsTrue in our syntax. If the result is

    consider the second option, the WhatToDoIfConditionIsFalse parameter in our syntax.

    Nested IF

    The IF() function we have introduced above is used to check one condition and then take one or the oth

    some cases, you will need to check more than one condition. In other words, you may want to check a firstthat condition is false, you may want to yet check another condition. The pseudo-code used for such a scena

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    If Condition1 is True

    Execute Statement1

    Else If Condition2 isTrue

    Execute Statement2


    Execute ElseStatement

    Consequently, you can check as many conditions as you need to. The truthfulness of each condition would le

    statement. If none of the conditions is true, then you can execute the last statement. To implement thiscan include an IF() function inside of another. You can also include as many IF() functions inside ofunctions.

    We are going to use the IF() function to find out whether a student passes the mark or fails the class,overall average of the student's grades. We will set the mark at 12.50. If a student's average is above 12goes to the next grade, otherwise,

    Practical Learning: Using the IF Functions

    1. Open the Red Oak High School workbook from Lesson 11

    2. In cell B13, type Pass/Fail?

    3. In cell C13, type =IF(

    4. Click cell C12 and type >=12.50,"Pass","Fail")

    5. Press Enter

    6. Click cell C13 to give it focus

    7. Drag its Fill Handle to cell H15.You can also put an IF function inside of another, this is referred to as nesting

    8. In cell C14, type =IF(B14>16.5,"A",IF(B14>14.5,"B",IF(B14>12.5,"C",IF(B14>12,"D","F")))) Enter

    Checking For Cell Nullity

    Conditional Counting

    In some cases you will need to count the frequency of (the number of times that) a value repeat itself in a sFor example, suppose you have a list of students recognized by their gender using a certain column.genders are, for example, Male or Female. You may be interested in knowing the number of boys. In this

    count the number of occurrences of Male in the range of cells.

    The count the number of occurrences of a value in a series, you can use the COUNTIF() function. Its syntax

    COUNTIF(Range, Criteria)


    Date and Time Operations

  • 7/30/2019 Excel Logical Operations



    A date is a number that represents the number of days that have elapsed from a set period inhistory. Microsoft Excel uses natural numbers to represent a date value as the number of daysthat have passed since 1/1/1900 on MS Windows (or since 1/2/1904 on Macintosh).

    Date Representation

    To make a date easily recognizable, there is a formula you use, depending on the language. Thefirst place you can check about representing dates is in Control Panel from the RegionalSettings. In US English, this is represented as follows:

    Based on this, to represent a date (in US English), you use placeholders for numbers and a special symDate Separator. The default and most used date separator (in US English is the forward slash "/". Here is a

    representing a date: 8/5/2000.

    Besides the numbers, you can use words to represent a date. The days of a week have names. There arways to represent a day of a week. You can use a complete name as Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, WednesdFriday, and Saturday. Each of these names also has an equivalent short name you can use instead. They a

    Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, and Sat, respectively. A day of a week can also be represented by a natural number. Bywould be 1 for Sunday, 2 for Monday, 3 for Tuesday, 4 for Wednesday, 5 for Thursday, 6 for Friday, and 7 fo

    The months of a year have names. As done with weekdays, there are three main ways to represent a month.a complete name as January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, No

    December. Each of these names also has an equivalent short name you can use instead. They are Jan, FMay, Jun, Jul, Sep, Oct, Nov, and Dec respectively. A month can also be represented by a natural number.

    01 or 1 for January, 02 or 2 for February, 03 or 3 for March, 04 or 4 for April, 05 or 5 for May, 06 or 6 for

    for July, 08 or 8 for August, 09 or 9 for September, 10 for October, 11 for November, or 12 for December.
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    The third argument of this function represents the numeric day of the month.

    Here is an example typed in a cell:

    =Date(1988, 06, 05)

    After calling this function and passing the required arguments, it produces a date value. When passing theday, make sure you follow the rules of day values; otherwise, you may use an unpredictable result. If yoinvalid date for either argument, Microsoft Excel would follow some algorithm to try to figure it out. For exa

    you provide the following date:

    =DATE(1975, 02, 35)

    Fortunately, instead of displaying an error, Microsoft Excel would find out if the day number is valid. In thisTherefore, in this case, maximum number of days allowed for the month would be subtracted from the

    provided, the corresponding number of months would be added to the month value and the rest of days wouto the day argument:

    Date Conversion

    Suppose a certain cell displays some text and that text might be the value of a date. Even if you believe thait may be safe to convert such text first to a recognizable date value before using it. To convert text to a dacan use the DATEVALUE() function. Its syntax is:

    DateTime DATEVALUE(Text)

    This function takes one argument. The argument can be the content of a cell. When this function is called, ittext provided as argument. If the argument holds a valid date value, the function returns it. Here is an exam


    If the argument is not a valid date, you would receive an error ( #VALUE). A remedy is to check if the textdate, then convert it, otherwise ignore it or do something else.

    Returns the Parts of a Date

    If a date has already been created but you want to retrieve only the year part, the month part, the day part,

    Microsoft Excel provides three functions that can take care of this.

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    Year: The YEAR() function is used to retrieve the numeric year of a date value. Its syntax is

    int YEAR(DateTime Value)

    This function takes one argument. When called, it analyzes the argument. If the argument is a valid dfunction returns its year, a value between 1900 and 9999. For example, YEAR(12/05/2002) returns 200

    the argument as a (Long) natural number or a decimal, Microsoft Excel would use some algorithm, first todate from the number, second to retrieve the year part. For example YEAR(37940.574) would produceargument is not a valid date and Microsoft Excel cannot convert it a valid date, then the function would pro(#VALUE).

    Month: The MONTH() function is used to get the numeric value of the month of a date value. Its syntax is:

    int MONTH(DateTime Value)

    Day: The Day() function is used to produce the day part of a date value. Its syntax is:

    int DAY(DateTime Value)


    A time is a decimal number that represents a fraction of a day. Unlike a date whose starting point can depefactors, a time is usually stated to start on a non-spatial point called midnight.

    Like a date, a time is represented with a combination of numbers and special characters. Like a date, the cdepends on the language you are using. The character used can be checked in the Regional Settings of Cothe Time property page:

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    To represent time, a day is divided into 24 non-spatial fractions and each of these fractions is called an hois divided into 60 fractions and each fraction is called a minute. The minutes are counted from 0 to 59. Edivided into 60 fractions and each fraction is called a second. The seconds are counted from 0 to 59. Eadivided into 1000 fractions and each fraction is called a millisecond. The milliseconds are counted from 0milliseconds are hardly used, only in extreme mathematically-oriented operations. To separate the sectionsuse a special character. In US English, that character is the colon. Therefore, 8 o'clock can be represented as

    There are two ways to represent a time in a day. First, a day with light is divided into two sections. The firstmorning. The other part is called afternoon. The period that divides them is called noon. One way you catime, also called the military standard, counts the hours from 0 to 23. Using this technique, any timerepresented with a leading 0. A time commonly called "8 o'clock" or "8 in the morning" is represented

    equivalent time in the second part of the day is represented as 20:00. Using this military time, you don't

    indicate whether the time occurs in the morning or in the afternoon. The time stated provides complete infoother technique of representing time consists of formally indicating in which part (also called a quadrant), thoccurs. Using this technique, the first part of the day is represented with am, Am, or AM. This first part is coto 11. Therefore, to indicate that the time occurs in the morning, after stating the time, you add an emptytwo characters. An example is: 8:16 AM. The second part of the day is represented with the combinationThe hours of this part are also counted from 0 to 11. To indicate that the time occurs in the afternoon, afttime, you add an empty and type the two characters. An example is: 8:16 PM.

    Microsoft Excel recognizes all the rules of time representation. Since there can be different scenarios tovalue, it lets you customize how your time should appear.

    Date and Time CombinationIntroduction

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    In some circumstances, you may want a date and a time value values to be considered as one entity. This is

    To get the current date and time with one call, you can use the NOW() function. This function returns aformula M/D/YYYY HH:MM.


    Standard PrintingIntroduction

    Printing allows you to get your work on paper. This is useful both for

    referencing and sharing your work. Data available on your worksheets can beexplored and exploited in various areas including visual presentation or book

    review. Since printing involves different issues, it is important to know whatMicrosoft Excel offers.

    Before printing, make sure that a printer is available for your computer. Thismeans that, a printer could be attached to your computer or you may use anetworked shared printer. Sometimes, more than one printer will be availableto you.

    To check whether a printer is available for your computer, on the Taskbar of:

    Windows 9X and 2000, you can click Start -> Settings -> Printers

    Windows XP, you can click Start -> Controls Panel, click Printer and

    Other Hardware, then click View Installed Printer or Fax Printers

    Windows Server 2003, on the taskbar, you can click Start -> Control Panel

    -> Printers and Faxes. You would see a list of the printers available to you.
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    This action would open the Printers window. If more than one printer are available, they will appear on thewith the check mark icon is your default printer; this means that whenever you send a job to the printer, if y

    anything in the printing process, the default printer will do the job.

    If no printer is attached to your computer but you still need to at least print preview your worksheet, you ca

    printer on your machine. To do that, from the Printers window, double-click Add Printer and follow the inAdd Printer Wizard.

    Sending a Document Directly to the Printer

    To print a worksheet, you can click the Office Button, position the mouse on Print, and click Quick Print. Thebe sent directly to the print and print. This technique doesnt provide any configuration. Therefore, you swhen the job to be printed is not large or particularly complicated.

    Practical Learning: Using the Print Button

    1. Start Microsoft Excel and open the Grier Summer Camp2 workbook.Click the Registration tab if necessary to activate it.

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    Previous Page Shows the previous section of the printed page


    Since the Print Preview window is not used to read the document but to

    preview it, if you want to take a closer look at the document, click the Zoombutton to zoom in. If you click the zoom button again, the preview area would

    come back to the previous display.

    Print Used to call the Print dialog box

    Page SetupWould call the Page Setup dialog. The Page Setup dialog box will be reviewedin another section

    Show Margins Besides displaying a preview of the printed paper, the Print Preview windowallows you to "enlarge" or "squeeze" the document. To do this, you can firstclick the Show Margins check box. Once clicked the window would display lines

    around the document:

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    Based on this, to shrink, enlarge, heighten or narrow the printed document,you can click one of the lines and drag in the desired direction.

    Close Print

    PreviewUsed to close the Print Preview window

    Practical Learning: Using the Print Preview Window

    1. The Grier Summer Camp1 workbook should still be opened. Click the Registration tab sheet

    2. Click the Office Button, position the mouse on Print, and click Print Preview

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    3. Click the Print button to call the Print dialog

    4. On the Print dialog, click Cancel

    5. Click the Office Button, position the mouse on Print, and click Print Preview

    6. On the Ribbon of the Print Preview window, click the Show Margins check box. Notice the margin lines o

    7. Position your mouse on the left line. Notice that your mouse pointer changes to a cross with horizontal

    8. Drag your mouse to the right. While you are dragging, observe the dimension on the left side of the Sta

    9. Keep dragging until the dimension on the Status Bar displays 1.70

    10. Click the Show Margins check box again to dismiss the margin lines

    11. Click the Next Page button to view the second page

    12. Click the Close Print Preview button on the Print Preview window

    Print Configuration

    The Print Dialog Box

    The printing process in Microsoft Excel offers all the classic default features of any other application aissues related to a spreadsheet. To control printing on your worksheet, you use the Print dialog box. Todialog box:

    Click the Office Button, position the mouse on Print, and click Print

    Click the Office Button, position the mouse on Print, and click Print Preview. In the Print section of the RPrint
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    The Print dialog box displays some of the items you are already familiar with such as the title bar, the CHelp, the close, the OK, and the Cancel buttons.

    When a printer (at least one) is available for your computer, it is usually set as the default printer and itPrinter Name combo box. If more than one printer is available, when you decide to print, click the Printer Nand select the desired printer from the list.

    If your worksheet is long, sometimes very long, and expand on various pages, you have the option of printior a range of pages. This can be configured in the Print Range section of the dialog box.

    You can also select some sections of the worksheet and print just that. This is configured in the Printdefault, Microsoft Excel prints the active worksheet, that is, the worksheet that is displaying in the backgrou

    to print everything on your workbook, you can click the Entire Workbook radio button.

    For a presentation or any other purpose, if you want to print various copies of the worksheet, increase the

    the Number Of Copies spin button.

    The Properties button allows you to configure or change some of the properties related to the selected print

    One thing you should always do is to preview your worksheet before the actual printing, this allows you towhat your worksheet would look like on a piece of paper. You can preview your job by clicking the Preview b

    Practical Learning: Using the Print Dialog

    1. Open the Cherry Pumpkin Day Care1 workbook and, if necessary, click the Registration tab to activat

    2. Select cells D5:G16

    3. Click the Office Button, position the mouse on Print, and click Print

    4. In the Print What section, click the Selection radio button

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    5. Using its spin button, increase the Number Of Copies to 2

    6. Click OK to print the selection in 2 copies.Notice that each printed paper includes only the area previously selected.

    7. Press Ctrl + Home to make sure the selection is deselected

    Page BreaksWhen using the Print option from the Print menu of the Office Button, the document may be printed on tw

    of paper. Whenever a document is longer than the default 11 inches height, the printing process will segmto fit the legal height. If you dont like the way the printer sets the page limit, you can set your own an

    where you want each page to start. To do that, you use the Page Break feature.

    You dont have to set a page limit the traditional way which consists of using the end of a real end of a page

    allows you to start a new page anywhere on the worksheet. To set your own page end, first click the row tsubsequent page. Then, on the Ribbon, you would click Page Layout. In the Page Setup section, click Pagewould display. On it, you can click Insert Page Break:

    You should notice a line that points to the page break. The document will be divided in at least 4 sectionsrepresents its own page.

    After you have worked with the page break, or if you dont need the page break anymore, you can remove

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    page break, on the Ribbon, click Page Layout. In the Page Setup section, click Breaks and click Remove Page

    Practical Learning: Using Page Breaks

    1. On the Ribbon, click View.

    In the Window section, click Switch Windows and click Grier Summer Camp12. Click the Registration tab sheet to activate it

    3. To set a page break, click row 28

    4. On the Ribbon, click Page Layout. In the Page Setup section, click Break and click Insert Page Break

    5. Click cell C10 to activate the 1st page

    6. Click the Office Button, position the mouse of Print and click Print PreviewNotice that the paper displays the upper section of the worksheet

    7. Click the Next Page button to preview the other part of the document

    8. Click the Close Print Preview button on the Ribbon

    9. To remove the page break, click row 28 to activate it

    10. On the Ribbon, click Page Layout. In the Page Setup section, click Break and click Remove Page Break

    11. To set various page limits, click row 22

    12. In the Page Setup section of the Ribbon, click Break and click Insert Page Break

    13. Scroll down if necessary and click row 40

    14. In the Page Setup section of the Ribbon, click Break and click Insert Page Break

    15. Click cell B30. Notice that there are two lines of page breaks on the worksheet

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    16. Click the Office Button, position the mouse on Print, and click Print Preview

    Notice that the preview displays a shorter area than previously

    17. Click the Next Page button. Notice that, unlike previously, the Next and the Previous buttons are enable

    because the document is divided in three pages

    18. Click the Next Page button again

    19. To print the current worksheet, click Print

    20. On the Print dialog, click OK

    21. To remove the previous page breaks, click row 40

    22. Press and hold Ctrl, then click row 22. That selects those two rows

    23. In the Page Setup section of the Ribbon, click Break and click Remove Page Break

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    24. In the Page Setup section of the Ribbon, click Break and click Reset All Page Breaks

    25. To divide the worksheet in various page sections, click cell E28 to select it

    26. In the Page Setup section of the Ribbon, click Break and click Insert Page BreakNotice that the document is divided in various sections some of which intersection on cell E28

    27. Click the Office Button, position the mouse on Print, and click Print Preview

    28. Click the Next Page followed by the Previous Page buttons a few times to preview all the sections

    29. To print the current worksheet, click Print

    30. On the Print dialog, click OK31. To remove the page break, click cell E28

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    32. In the Page Setup section of the Ribbon, click Break and click Remove Page Break

    Worksheet Area Printing

    Since a worksheet can grow very large and sometimes you dont need all data available, Microsoft Excel allojust one portion of the worksheet and send it to the printer.

    In order to print an area of the worksheet, first select that area. Then, on the Ribbon, click Page Layoutsection, Print Area, and click Set Print Area. Even if you click somewhere else, the selected area still display


    Once the desired area has been selected, you can proceed with printing.

    Practical Learning: Printing an Area

    1. Select cells C4:E20

    2. On the Ribbon, click Page Layout. In the Page Setup section, click Print Area and click Set Print Area

    3. Press Ctrl + Home. Notice the selection border on the range of cells

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    4. Press Ctrl + P to call the Print dialog

    5. From the Print dialog, accept all defaults and click OK

    6. To remove the border line on the range, in the Page Setup section of the Ribbon, click Print Area and cliArea

    Introduction to Page Setup

    Page setting up allows you to specially configure and control many issues related to printing. You have variothe Ribbon or the Page Setup dialog box:

    On the Ribbon, click Page Layout and use the options in the Page Setup section

    Use the Page Setup dialog box. To access it:

    o Click the Office Button, position the mouse on Print, and click Print Preview. In the Print section

    click the Page Setup buttono On the Ribbon, click Page Layout. In the Page Setup section, the Scale To Fit section, or the She

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    section, click the More buttons

    Page Printing Configuration

    Page Orientation

    Whenever you ask Microsoft Excel to print the contents of a worksheet, by default, it prints the documentconsidered as Portrait. Some and many of the worksheets spread wider than taller. Therefore, you shouldtheir page orientation before printing. That is why you have the option of choosing one of the orientationthe document or the section to be printed is wider than taller, you can change the Orientation to Landscap

    To specify that whether the document would print in Portrait or landscape:

    In the Page Layout tab of the Ribbon, in the Page Setup section, click Orientation and click one of the o

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    On the Ribbon of the Print Preview window, click the Page Setup button. In the General tab and in the

    section, click either Portrait or Landscape

    Page Scaling

    By default, the printed document will adjust itself to 100% fitting a ratio of 1/1 page wide and tall. To chasettings:

    In the Page Layout tab of the Ribbon, in the Scale To Fit section, click Orientation and click one of the o

    Width combo box, the Height combo box, or the Scale spin button

    Display the Page Setup dialog box. In the General tab and in the Scale section, use the appropriate spin

    options are Adjust To, Fits To, and Page(s) Wide By

    Paper Size

    By default, the paper size is set to the Letter paper dimension, which is 8.5 by 11 inches. If this doesnt fitcan change it:

    In the Page Setup section of the Page Layout tab of the Ribbon, click the Size button to show a list of t

    options Display the Page Setup dialog box. In the Page tab, click the arrow of the Paper Size combo box and sel

    size from the list

    Print Quality

    The result of the printed-paper depends on your printer. If your printer allows more configuration, in the G

    Page Setup dialog box, click the Print Quality combo box and select a different setting.

    The Print button would call the Print dialog that we saw earlier.

    If you want to take a look at the printed result before actually printing, click the Print Preview button.

    Although the Print button would call the Print dialog box, the Options button allows you to changeproperties of the printer.

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    Practical Learning: Using the Page Property Sheet

    1. Open the DAWN Report1 workbook

    2. On the Ribbon, click Page Layout. In the Page Setup section, click the More options button

    3. From the Page Setup dialog box, if necessary, click the Page tab to activate it

    In the Orientation section, click the Landscape radio button

    4. Click the Print button to call the Print dialog

    5. In the Print dialog, click OK to print the spreadsheet

    The Print Margins

    Controlling the Top, Right, Bottom, or Left Margins

    As mentioned when dealing with the print preview, before printing, you may want to adjust the margins of thOne way to do this:

    In the Page Setup section of the Page Layout tab of the Ribbon, click the Margins button to show a list

    options and click the desired one

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    Display the Page Setup dialog box. In the Margins tab, use the Top, the Right, the Bottom, or the Left s

    specify the desired margins:

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    The Margins property page allows you to control all four-margin sections of a printed-paper. By setting theheight, you can control how much space will be left or untouched in the Top, the Left, the Right, or the Bothe printed paper.

    Controlling the Header/Footer Margins

    You can create one or two special sections for the title or the lower areas of the printed paper. These arethe Footer sections.

    Centering the Page

    By default, a document prints starting on the top left corner of the paper. This may look awkward if your dojust one section or a chart. Therefore the Margins property page allows you to center the content ohorizontally and/or vertically. This is done using the Horizontally or the Vertically check boxes in the Csection.

    Practical Learning: Using the Margins Property Sheet

    1. On the taskbar, click the Grier Summer Camp2.xlsx button and click the T-Shirts to Order sheet

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    2. On the Ribbon, click Page Layout

    3. In the Page Setup section, click the more options button

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    4. In the Page Setup dialog box, click Margins

    5. In the Center On Page section, click both the Horizontally and the Vertically check boxes

    6. Click the Print button

    7. On the Print dialog box, click OK

    Configuring the Header/Section Printing


    When printing a document, especially if the document contains many pages, you may want to repeatedly shparagraph in the top and or the bottom sections of each printed page. To assist you with this, the Page SExcel is equipped with a special property page labeled Header/Footer. To access it, display the Page Setu

    click Header/Footer

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    The Header/Footer property page of the Page Setup dialog box allows you to set and configure somewould like to display in the top and bottom sections of the printed document.

    Configuring the Header and/or Footer Sections

    To configure one of the sections, you can click either the Custom Header or the Custom Footer buttoHeader button calls the Header dialog box. The Custom Footer button would call the Footer dialog box.alike:

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    Type Center for Drug Studies

    7. In the Left Section box, select Center for Drug Studies

    8. Click the Format Text button

    9. In the Font dialog box, change the Font to Times New Roman, the Font Style to Bold, and the Size

    10.Click OK

    11. Click the Right Section box

    12. Click the Insert Date button

    13.Click OK

    14. Click the Custom Footer button

    15. Make sure the caret is in the Left Section boxType Gertrude McNeil and press Tab twice

    16. Make sure your caret is in the Right Section box

    Click the Insert Page Number button

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    17.Click OK

    18. On the Page Setup dialog box, click the Page property page and, in the Orientation section, click the Labutton

    19.Click OK

    20. In the Print Preview window, click the Print button

    21. On the Print dialog box, click OK

    Configuring Sheet Printing


    You have probably realized that some of the documents we print dont include a worksheets header colum

    or gridlines. This is because in most cases they can be ignored. In some circumstances, such as when ppresentations or illustrations, you may want to print some or everything that is part of the worksheet. Thaconfigure from the Sheet property page of the Page Setup dialog box. To access it:

    In the Sheet Options section of the Page Layout tab of the Ribbon, you can click the More Options butto

    of the available options and click the desired one

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    Display the Page Setup dialog box and click Sheet:

    The Print Area

    The Print Area text box allows you to delimit a section of your worksheet for printing. To use it, click its sele

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    This would shrink the Page Setup dialog, allowing you to make a selection of the area you want to print.

    desired area, you can click the selection button to restore the Page Setup dialog box.

    Print-Repeating Some Rows

    Most of the time, when creating a list of items, you would set the list headers only on top of the worksheet.entering the items, the list grows. If you decide to print such a long list that spreads on various pages, aftthe subsequent pages would not display their headers. This could be confusing in some circumstances.

    The Sheet property page allows you to set or select a row or range of rows that would display on top of eveIf you know the row or range of rows you want to use, you can just type it in the Rows To Repeat At Top

    safest way to configure it is to click the selection button , then click any cell in the desired row or click theeither case, the whole row or the rows will be selected.

    Print-Repeating Some Columns

    The Columns To Repeat At Left text box is used like the previous box except that, this time, it would dis

    column on the left side of each printed sheet.

    Printing the Gridlines

    If you want to print the gridlines, in the Print section, click the Gridlines check box.

    Printing the Column Headers and Row Headers

    If you want to display the column and row headers on your printed paper, click the Row And Column Head

    Practical Learning: What to Print From The Sheet

    1. Access the Grier Summer Camp2 workbook and click the Registration tab

    2. On the Ribbon, click Page Layout if necessary.In the Sheet Options section, click the more options button

    3. Make sure the Sheet property page is selected.

    On the right side of the Print Area text box, click the selection button

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    4. On the worksheet, select cells C4:G28

    5. Click the stop selection button

    6. Click the Print button

    7. From the Print dialog, click OK

    8. Access the DAWN Report1 workbook from the taskbar

    9. In the Page Layout tab of the Ribbon, in the Page Setup section, click the more options button

    10. In the Page Setup dialog box, make sure the Page tab is selected. Click the Landscape radio button

    11.Click the Sheet property page to make it active

    12. If there is anything in the Print Area text box, delete itIn the Print section, click the Gridlines check box

    13.Also click the Row and Column Headings check box

    14. Click the Print Preview button

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    15. In the Print Preview window, click the Print... button

    16. In the Print dialog box, click OK

    17. Access the Grier Summer Camp1 workbook from the taskbar

    18. On the Ribbon, click Page Layout if necessary. In the Sheet Options section, click the more options buttsure the Sheet tab is active

    19.On the right side of the Rows To Repeat At Top text box, click the selection button

    20. Click cell B4 (Regist Date)

    21. Click the stop selection button

    22. Click the Print button.

    23. In the Print dialog, click OK

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    24. Exit from Microsoft Excel. When closing the workbooks, anytime you are asked whether to save, click N

    Introduction to Data Entry

    Text Entry

    Introduction to Cells Text

    A new worksheet is primarily made of cells that are patiently waiting for you to

    enter data. There are different types of values that can be entered in a cell.

    To put a value in a cell, click that cell and type the value you want. After

    entering the value, you can:

    Press Enter to move to the cell under it

    Press Tab to move to the cell on the right side (unless you were on themost right cell of the column)

    Press Shift + Tab to move to the cell on the left side (unless you were on

    the most left cell of the column)

    Press the up, the right, the down, or the left arrow keys to move to the

    upper cell, the right cell (equivalent to pressing Tab), the down cell(equivalent to pressing Enter), or the left cell (equivalent to pressing Shift+ Tab) cell of the current cell

    Click another cell

    As mentioned above, if you enter a value in a cell and press Enter, you move focus to the cell under it or if yyou move focus to the cell on the right side. As an alternative, you can indicate the sequence of cells you

    so that, when you press Enter or Tab, the focus would not necessarily move to the right or the cell underthe cell in the sequence of your choice. To do this:

    a. Randomly select the sequence of cells you want. In other words, click the first cell in your

    intended sequence, press and hold Ctrl, then click each cell in the desired order

    b. While still holding Ctrl, once again click the cell that will be the first, and release Ctrl

    c. Type the desired value in that first cell

    d. Press Enter or Tab

    e. Type the value in the next cell of the sequence

    f. Repeat steps d and e

    g. When you have finished, either press one of the arrow keys or click a cell that is not inthe sequence

    In Microsoft Excel, you can enter a common value for the same cell address in different worksheets. To

    select the worksheets as we saw in Lesson 5. Click the intended cell and type the desired value

    If you type something, it goes into the active cell. If you click a cell and start typing, the new entry wilcontent of that cell, whether that cell had data or not, this could be advantageous or disastrous.

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    To prevent a cell from being edited by the user, you can protect it and lock its content.

    Data you type in a cell can consist of any kinds of characters, letters, numbers, etc. Sometimes, a long texcovering more than one cell; unless you merge cells, the text you type goes into one cell regardless of thetext.

    A cell can contain as many as 32767 characters.

    Data that you type in a worksheet is in fact entered in cells, except when you are drawing. Unlike a tra

    processor, Microsoft Excel has a unique way of treating text and considering any data you type in a cell. Da cell is confined to that cell. If you type text that is longer than the cell's width, the content will display fiimpression that the text is covering more than one cell or that the cell on the right side is no more availatype is always in its cell. If you type anything in a cell, its content will take priority in displaying its content.content of the left cell will appear cut. That's why you should be very familiar with the way a cell (any celldata, and how every cell relates to the others.

    Practical Learning: Entering Text Into Cells

    1. Start Microsoft Excel with its default workbook

    2. Click Cell B8 and type Honda

    3. Press Enter

    4. Type Buick and press Enter

    5. Type Mazda and press the down arrow key

    6. Type Folks Wagon

    7. On the Quick Access toolbar, click the Undo button . That deletes the content of cell B11

    8. Type VW and press the down arrow key

    9. Type h and notice that the cell is auto-completed with Honda

    10.Click Cell B6, type Make and press the right arrow key

    11.Type Model and press Tab

    12.Type Month

    13.Click Cell G6 and type Contact and press Shift + Tab to move focus to the left cell

    14.Type rice and click the Enter button

    15.Type Price and press the left arrow key

    16.Type Miles and press the right arrow key three times

    17.Type Published and press Ctrl + Home
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    18.Click Cell C8, type Corolla

    19. On the Formula Bar, click the Cancel button and type Accord

    20.Click Cell G8, type Brenda and press Enter

    21. In Cell G9, type David and press the down arrow key

    22.Type b and press Enter. Notice that Microsoft Excel completed the cell with the word Brenda

    23. In cell G11, type Alex and press Enter

    24. To undo your last action, press Ctrl + Z. Now cell G7 is empty

    25.Type Juliette and press Enter

    26. Make sure the Sheet1 tab is selected.

    Press and hold Ctrl

    27. Click Sheet2 and release Ctrl

    28.Click Cell B2

    29. To enter the same text for the equivalent cells of two worksheets, type Allentown Car Sales and click

    30. Click Sheet3 then click Sheet2.Notice the text in Cell B2

    31.Click Sheet1

    32. To determine the only cells intended for the next data entry, click Cell B4

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    33.Press and hold Ctrl

    34. Click Cells B15, F15, and then B4 again

    35.Release Ctrl

    36.Type Car Inventory FY2008 and press Enter (twice)

    37. In Cell B15, type Prepared By: and press Tab

    38.Type Date Prepared: and press Ctrl + Home

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    Text Editing

    Editing cells content consists of deleting, replacing, altering, or adding something in them. You already kn

    click a cell and start typing, its content would be replaced with the new entry. If you want to add or subtracta cell's content:

    You can double-click it. This would put the cell in edit mode and you can then proceed

    Click a cell to give it focus and then press F2. This puts the cell in Edit mode; this time, the caret is at ttext in the cell; then you can proceed

    Click a cell, in the Formula bar, edit the text as you see fit

    Whatever technique you use, when you have finished editing a cell, make sure you move its focus by pressinor clicking somewhere else. When you are in edit mode, the arrow keys are not working, and many acavailable.

    Practical Learning: Editing Cells Content

    1. Click Cell D6 and type Year to replace the previous cell content

    2. Click Cell B12 and type Ford to replace the previous entry

    3. Double-click cell E6. Notice that the caret is positioned in the cell

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    4. Press End, press Backspace to delete s, type ageNow the cell displays Mileage

    5. Click Cell H6

    6. Click in the Formula Bar and press Home

    7. Type Date and press the Space bar to get Date Published

    8. Press Enter and press Ctrl + Home

    9. To close the workbook without closing Microsoft Excel, press Ctrl + F4

    10. When asked whether you want to save, click No

    Copying Cells Contents


    If you have done word processing before, you are probably familiar with techniques of copying and pastingpart of a document to another, or from one document to another. The same technical approaches are alsMicrosoft Excel.

    You can copy the content of one or more cells and store the value(s) in the clipboard. In Microsoft Excel
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    store only one item at a time in the clipboard. If you cut or copied something, it would replace the cclipboard with the new selection. In Microsoft Excel 2000, the clipboard could contain up to twelve iteClipboard toolbar was functional, you could select copied or cut items from its list of buttons. If you usedstored items, the toolbar functioned on a first-in first-out basis.

    In Microsoft Office 2007, the clipboard is represented as a window. To display it, on the Ribbon, in the Hin the Clipboard section, you can click the more options button:

    The Clipboard window can be moved to any location of your choice on the screen. You can also hide/close i

    need its services. To close it, you can click its Close button or you can click the more options button.

    Copying and Pasting Cells

    In Lesson 2, we saw that you could copy one or more columns and put them to the clipboard. In reality, yo

    copied the contents of the cells under the column header and paste the values of those cells to (an)other colreminder, to copy the contents of the cells of a column to the clipboard:

    Right-click a column header and click Copy

    Click the column header. On the Ribbon, click Home. In the Clipboard section, click Copy

    After copying a column, the values of all of its cells are available from the clipboard. To paste those cel


    Right-click the target column header and click Paste

    Click the column header. On the Ribbon, click Home. In the Clipboard section, click Paste

    In Lesson 3, we saw how to copy a row and paste it somewhere. When you copy a row, you in fact copy thecells on the right side of its row header. You can then paste the copied values to another row.

    Instead of copying all the cells of a column or all of the cells of a row, you can copy only one or morclipboard:

    To copy the content of a cell:

    o Right-click that cell and click Copy. To paste, click the target cell and simply press Enter, or rightarget cell and click Paste
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    o Click the cell. On the Ribbon, click Home. In the Clipboard section, click Copy. Click the target ce

    the content of the selected cell, click Paste

    o Click the cell. Press and hold Ctrl. Position the mouse on one of its borders. The mouse cursor w

    pointing to the top-left and accompanied by a + sign:

    While holding Ctrl, drag to the target cell. When the target cell is surrounded, release the mouseCtrl

    To copy the contents of various cells, select the cells in a range:

    o Right-click the selection and click Copy. Click the top-left cell of the target cell. To paste, simply

    or right-click a targeted cell and click Paste

    o On the Ribbon, click Home. In the Clipboard section, click Copy. Click the top-left cell or the targin the Clipboard section of the Ribbon, click Paste

    o Press and hold Ctrl. Position the mouse on one of the borders of the selection. The mouse cursor

    pointing to the top-left and accompanied by a + sign. While holding Ctrl, drag the group in the ddirection. When the target cells are surrounded, release the mouse and release Ctrl

    Practical Learning: Copying Cells Contents

    1. Open the Grier Summer Camp3 workbook and click the Employment Application1 if necessary to activa

    2. Right-click Cell B8 and click Copy

    3. Click Cell F8 and press Enter. That pastes First Name to cell F8

    4. On the Ribbon, click Home if necessary.

    In the Clipboard section, click the Clipboard button

    5. Right-click Cell B13 and click Copy

    6. Click Cell F13

    7. On the Clipboard window, click Home Phone

    8. Click Cell F15 and type 2)

    9. Select Cells from C32:G35

    In the Clipboard section of the Ribbon, click the Copy button . That action copies the selected rClipboard

    10.Click Cell C38

    11. In the Clipboard window, click the top button to paste the copied selection

    12. Cells C38:G41 should still be selected. If the group of Cells C38:G41 is not selected, select it. Position yon one of the borders of the selected group until the mouse pointer turns into a cross

    13.Press and hold Ctrl

    14. With the mouse pointer pointing to North West and the mouse now having a small + sign, click and holdown, then drag towards the lower side of the screen. A small box guides you to know where the select
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    15. When you get to C44:G47, release the mouse, then release Ctrl

    16. To save the workbook, on the Quick Access toolbar, click the Save button

    Cutting or Moving the Contents of Cells


    In Lesson 2, we saw how to move a column or a group of columns from one location to another. In Lesson 3

    to move a row from one section of the worksheet up or down. Sometimes, instead of moving the wholewhole row, you may want to move only one particular cell or a group of cells. To move the content of

    clipboard and paste it somewhere:

    Right-click the cell and click Cut. To paste the value of the cell somewhere, click the target cell and pre

    right-click the target cell and click Paste

    Click the cell. On the Ribbon, click Home. In the Clipboard section, click Cut. Click the target cell. To pa

    in the Clipboard section of the Ribbon, click Paste

    When you move a column or a row, it gets removed from the previous location and carries its cells to theAn alternative is to move only a particular group of cells. To move the contents of a group of cells to the clipthe cells:

    Right-click the group and click Cut. To paste the values of the cells somewhere, click a target cell and p

    right-click a target cell and click Paste

    On the Ribbon, click Home. In the Clipboard section, click Cut. Click the target cell. To paste the cell, in

    Clipboard section of the Ribbon, click Paste

    Practical Learning: Cutting Cells Contents

    1. Right-click Cell F18 and click Cut. One more item gets copied to the Clipboard

    2. Click Cell D12On the Clipboard window, click E-Mail

    Moving Cells

    To move a cell, you ask Microsoft Excel to remove its content from that location to a new location of youryou do this, only the content of the cell moves, leaving the previous location empty.

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    To move a cell, first click it to give it focus. Position the mouse on one of its borders the mouse cursor ccross:

    Click and hold your mouse down. Drag up, down, left or right to the target cell of your choice. A rectangulthe same size as the cell would guide you and assume the position of the mouse where the mouse is currentl

    When the cell is positioned where you want, release the mouse. If you land on a cell that contains somethinthat cell is allowed to receive a value (some cells can be "locked" so they cannot receive a value), you w

    warning message box asking you to confirm that you really want to replace the value in the target cell:

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    If you click OK, the content of the target value would be replaced with that of the cell that was moved:

    To move more than once cell, first select the cells in a range (they most be selected as a range). Position tthe border of the selection until the mouse cursor turns into a cross. Click the drag in the direction of yguiding box that is the same size as the group would guide you. When you get to the new location, release t

    Practical Learning: Moving a Cell

    1. Click Cell D12 to give it focus

    2. Position the mouse on one of its border until the mouse appears as a cross. Click and drag to Cell F12

    Protecting Cells


    In our exercises so far, we were able to choose any cell and type any value we wanted in it. Sometimes, wh

    a worksheet or after creating one, you may want to make sure that some cells cannot receive new values,

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    Data Entry and Text Management

    The GoTo, Find, and Replace Dialog Boxes

    When performing data entry or just using a worksheet, it is pretty easy to identify a cell in the upper sdocument. Sometimes a cell may be difficult to find. Fortunately, Microsoft Excel provides the tools to helpcell.

    To locate a particular cell in Microsoft Excel, you can use the Go To dialog box. This dialog box recognizes capplying the same conventions used by Microsoft Excel. You can get the Go To dialog box from the mainEdit.

    The shortcuts to access the Go To dialog box are Ctrl + G or F5.

    The Find dialog box allows you to find a word in your worksheet, either to simply locate a particular worinstances of a word, or to manipulate a word or groups of words at will.

    The Replace dialog box allows you to find a word or group of words and to replace it with a new word or grBoth dialog boxes are available from the main menu under Edit.

    The shortcut for the Find dialog box is Ctrl + F.

    The shortcut for the Replace dialog box is Ctrl + H.

    Practical Learning: Finding and/or Replacing Cells Content

    1. Open the Grier Summer Camp4 workbook and click the Employment Application4 tab

    2. To locate a cell, on the Ribbon, click Home if necessary. In the Editing section, click Find & Select, and

    3. Type F13

    4. Click OK

    5. Press Ctrl + G, that calls the Go To dialog box

    6. Type C2 and press Enter

    7. To find a word in the document, in the Editing section of the Ribbon, click Find & Select, and click Find..
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    8. In the Find What box, type name and click the Find Next button 8 times. Press Esc to dismiss the Find

    9. To find a word and replace it with another word, in the Editing section of the Ribbon, click Find & Select


    10. In the Replace dialog box, in the Find What box, type natural and press Tab. In the Replace With box,


    11.Click Find Next

    12. When the first instance of natural is found, click Replace. Click Replace All

    13. When all instances have been found and replaced, a message box will let you know that Microsoft Excel

    A Match

    14.Click OK on the message box

    15. Click Close on the Replace dialog box

    16. Press Ctrl + S to save the workbook

    Check SpellingAlthough Microsoft Excel is not a word processor, since you can use it to create text documents such asapplications, brochures, time sheets, etc, it can help you correct typing mistakes of various kinds. It is acheck spelling mistakes in your document before printing it or sending it for an important business transactispelling is done with the help of a Spelling dialog box that will take you step by step to every word that is

    Also, the computer will point out some suggested words that you can use instead of the one at fault.

    You can check your worksheet's spelling during or after editing, though the latter is better. To check your do

    On the Ribbon, click Review. In the Proofing section, click the Spelling button

    Press F7 as the shortcut

    Practical Learning: Proof Reading the Worksheet

    1. The Grier Summer Camp4 workbook should still be opened.Access the Employment Application4 worksheet

    2. On the Ribbon, click Review. In the Proofing section, click Spelling

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    3. From the Spelling dialog box, the first suggestion is to change the word Employement. After making su

    Employment is selected in the Spelling dialog, then click Change.

    4. The next mistake is in the spelling of the word Salary. After making sure that Salary is selected in the dChange:

    5. The next problem is with the word Transportation. From the Spelling dialog box, in the list of suggestedTransportation

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    6. Click Change

    7. Accept to Change the word References in cell B27

    8. In cell B28, accept to change performance

    9. In cell B30, accept to change the mistake with history

    10. When the dialog gets to the content of cell B50, select the word personal instead of personnel to replac

    Then click Replace

    11.Also, correct references

    12. The last problem is with the word sinature. Accept to change it to Signature

    13. After the last problem, Microsoft Excel displays a message box asking whether you want to continue chbeginning of the sheet. Click Yes. Another message box should tell you "The spelling check is completesheet." Click OK

    14. Press Ctrl + Home to get to the beginning of the worksheet

    15. Press Ctrl + S to save the workbook



    Zooming the work area consists of increasing the ratio of characters or the contents of the worksheet. Altnot affect the actual display of the characters sizes or cells contents, zooming can make the worksheet a lread.

    The Zoom Area

    To zoom a worksheet, you have various options:

    Under the horizontal scroll bar is a long bar called Zoom. This allows you to increase or decrease the vi

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    the main area of Microsoft Excel

    To change the zoom setting, you can click the Zoom button and scroll left or right until you get the desi

    Zoom With Precision

    Microsoft Excel provides a special dialog box that you can use to select the zooming magnification. To access

    On the the Ribbon, click View. In the Zoom section, click the Zoom button

    On the Status bar, click the button that shows the zooming value

    This would open the Zoom dialog box. From there, you can click one of the radio buttons to select a zoominmore precise, you can click the Custom radio button, then click its text box, type a number, and click OK.

    Practical Learning: Control The Interfaces Zoom Settings

    1. In the worksheet, select cells B8:F21

    2. On the Ribbon, click View

    3. In the Zoom section, click Zoom to Selection. Notice that the worksheet displays large characters now

    4. In the Zoom section of the Ribbon, click 100%

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    5. In the lower-right section of the Microsoft Excel, click the spin button and move it to the right until its v274%

    6. Still in the lower-right section of the Microsoft Excel, click the spin button and move it to the middle ma

    7. In the Zoom section of the Ribbon, click the Zoom

    8. In the Zoom dialog box, click the text box right to Custom, delete its content and type 68

    9. In the Zoom section of the Ribbon, click 100%

    Data Entry With Numbers

    Fundamentals of Numeric Data EntryIntroduction

    Besides the strings as we have seen in the previous lesson, a cell can also use anumeric value. Microsoft Excel supports different types of numbers, includingintegers, decimal values, and currencies, positives and negatives.

    All the techniques we have studied for copying, cutting, or moving cells are also

    available for cells that contain numbers.

    To enter a number into a cell, you can click that cell and type the number. To

    specify the sign of a number, the English language uses the + and the -symbols. If you simply type a number without a sign, the number is referred to

    as unsigned. The number is considered positive, which means it is equal to orgreater than 0. An alternative is to add a sign to the number. Such a number

    becomes considered "signed".

    A number is referred to as negative if it is less than 0. Microsoft Excel provides

    various ways of giving this information. To enter a negative value in a cell:
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    Type - followed by the number

    Enter the number in (between an opening and a closing) parentheses

    A Numeric Value as Text

    When you enter a number in a cell, Microsoft Excel automatically recognizes it as such and aligns it to the rigcell. Sometimes, you will want Microsoft Excel to treat the content of a cell as text and not as a normal num

    To treat a number as text:

    If you are entering the number, start it with ' and follow it by the value

    If the number exists already:

    o Click the cell to make it active. On the Ribbon, click Home. In the Number section, click the arro

    combo box and select Text

    o Right-click the cell and click Format Cells... In the Format property page of the Format Cells dial

    Category list, click Text and click OK

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    Practical Learning: Entering a Numeric Value as Text

    1. Open the Grier Summer Camp3.xlsx workbook and click the Employment Application1 if necessary to a

    2. Click Cell B32 and type '1.

    3. Press Enter

    4. Click Cell B38, type '2. and press Enter

    5. Click Cell B44, type '3. and press Enter

    Categories of Numeric Values


    As mentioned already, Microsoft Excel provides support for various types of numbers. This is not justabout allowing different types of numbers into cells. The application has default mechanisms torecognize a type of number and sometimes format it appropriately. Still, because it is just a machine-driven operator, it can present results you do not want or even did not intend. You can then work on

    the cells and make them apply the settings you want. Fortunately, Microsoft Excel provides all thetools you would need. You can also use your own knowledge of computer applications to performsome of the configurations.

    To illustrate the various uses of numbers, we will use this section as our introduction to the practiceanalysis of accounting. To have an idea of the design of the worksheet we will use, you should take a lookon transaction analysis.
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    An integer a number that does not have a decimal part. Microsoft Excel supports small to very large numbeinteger, click a cell and type it. If the number is greater that 999, you can simply enter it. If you want such

    be easily readable and use the thousand separator, you can enter it with that character. The thousand seUS English is the comma as it can be verified in the Regional Options from Control Panel. It is represente

    Grouping Symbol combo box:

    To display the number with the thousand separator, use it when entering the number.

    In the following workbook, the company College Park Auto Park starts with a budget of $18,000. This is alrin the worksheet in the Cash account as an asset for 18,000. To balance the equation, the capital of th

    recorded as 18,000.

    Practical Learning: Introducing Numeric Data Entry

    1. Open the CPAR1.xlsx workbook

    2. The company purchases two large garbage cans for the shop, a medium garbage can for the office, a bpaper, hand soap and lotion for the restroom, four towels, and printing paper. The company spends 32amount is recorded in the Supplies account but the Cash decreases for the same amount.

    Click Cell C7 and type -320

    3. Click Cell G7 and type +320

    4. The company subscribes to various magazines that the customers will read while waiting. The owner do

    pay for them but promises to pay in a few days. The company gets the bills by fax for those subscriptioamount of the subscriptions is 120. Since the amount has not yet been paid (but will be paid), the Acco

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    receives an increase of 120 and the Capital account decreases by the same amount.Click Cell K10 and type +120

    5. Click Cell M10 and type -120

    6. Paul Jeffreys takes 350 from the cashier for personal use. As a result, the Cash account decreases by th

    and the Capital decreases by the same amount.Click Cell C13 and type -350

    7. Click Cell M13 and type -350

    8. The company pays the magazines subscription for the total amount owed. As a result, the Cash accoun

    by 120 and the Accounts Payable decreases by the same amount.Click Cell C15 and type -120

    9. Click Cell K15 and type -120

    10.Press Ctrl + Home

    Decimal Numbers

    Generally, a number is referred to as decimal when it is made of two sections separated by a symbol callesymbol. In US English, the decimal symbol is the period.

    The left side of the decimal symbol contains one or more digits. If the number on that part is less than 1000use it like that. If the number is equal to or greater than 1000, if you want, you can make it display

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    separator. When entering the number in a cell, if the number on the left side of the decimal symbol is 0, yoOn the right side of the decimal symbol, you use digits only.

    If the number in a cell appears as an integer and you want to convert it to its decimal equivalent:

    Click the number. On the Ribbon, click Home. In the Number section, click the arrow of the combo box


    Right-click the number and click Format Cells... In the Number tab of the Format Cells dialog box, in th

    list, click Number and click OK

    Practical Learning: Entering Decimal Values

    1. The company acquires a tire changer that retails for $1250. The company promises to pay for it in the fthe machine is delivered, thus acquired). The Accounts Payable receives an increase of 1250 and the Eqaccount receives an increase of 1250.Click Cell I8 and type +1,150

    2. Click Cell K8 and type +1,150

    3. The company purchases a computer and an All-In-One printer. The total is 1850. This is recorded in th

    account after the Cash account has decreased for the same amount.Click Cell C9 and type -1,700

    4. Click Cell I9 and type +1,700

    5. The company replaces tires and makes many other repairs for various cars. The company makes 2650and all customers pay everything they owe. As a result, the Cash and the Capital accounts increase eacamount.Click Cell C11 and type +2,650

    6. Click Cell M11 and type +2,650

    7. The company performs a tune-up, installs new brakes, and changes the whole muffler system for Cust

    Gertrude Monay. When presented with the invoice of 1050, the customer pays 650. The rest would be pdate. As a result, the Cash account gets 650 (the amount the customer actually paid). The Capital acco1050 (the full amount the customer was supposed to pay). The Accounts Receivable gets the balance (

    400) that will be paid in the future.Click Cell C12 and type +650

    8. Click Cell E12 and type +400

    9. Click Cell M12 and type +1,050

    10. The company performs tune-up and changes the brakes for various customers. The company makes $1day. Its Cash account increases by 1500 and the Capital also increases by 1500.

    Click Cell C14 and type +1,750

    11. Click Cell M14 under the Capital account and type +1,750

    12. Gertrude Monay comes to pay her balance. Therefore, the Cash account increases for the amount she pAccounts Receivable decreases by the same amount.

    Click Cell C16 and type +400

    13.Click Cell E16 and type -400

    14. The company pays the rent for 2250, pays a guy who came to help at the shop for 350, pays the electriThis means that the cash flow decreases by that total. Each expense is subtracted from the Capital accmust enter each expense on its own line as a negative value in the Capital column).Click Cell C17 and type -2,820

    15.Click Cell M17 and type -2,250

    16.Click Cell M18 and type -350
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    3. Enter the following information:

    Invoice #: 1001

    Name: Gertrude Monay

    Make: Honda

    Model: Accord

    Year: 2002

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    4. Save the workbook

    Currency Values

    A currency value is a number that displays with the symbol that represents a monetary value. In US English

    is $ as you can see in the Customize Regional Options from the Control Panel:

    To enter a number as currency for US English, click the cell, type $ followed by the number. You can enter t

    an integer or as a decimal value. After entering the number, Microsoft Excel would convert it to currency.

    To convert the value of a cell to currency:

    Click the cell. On the Ribbon, click Home. In the Number section, click the arrow of the combo box andCurrency or Accounting

    Click the cell. On the Ribbon, click Home. In the Number section, click the Accounting Number Format b

    Right-click the cell and click Format Cells... In the Categories list of the Number property page of the F

    dialog box, click Currency and click OK

    By default, if you are using a computer where the US English version of Microsoft Windows is instalconsidered the currency. If you want to use a different currency, click the cell. On the Ribbon, click Home. Isection, click the arrow the $ button and select from the list:
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    Practical Learning: Entering Currency Values

    1. Enter the following information (remember to type the $:

    Part # Part Name Unit Price Qty

    759073 Air Filter $20.15 1

    391536 Fuel Filter $50.85 1

    205884 Spark Plugs $4.15 4


    Job Performed Rate

    Replaced the air filter, the fuel filter, and the spark


    Adjusted the valves $125

    3. Save the workbook

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    Percentage Values

    One of the most commonly used type of number in a spreadsheet displays as a percentage value. To entervalue in a cell, type the number followed by the % symbol. To convert a number to a percentage:

    Click the cell. On the Ribbon, click Home. In the Number section, click the arrow of the combo box and


    Click the cell. On the Ribbon, click Home. In the Number section, click the Percent Style button

    Right-click the cell and click Format Cells... In the Categories list of the Number property page of the F

    dialog box, click Percentage and click OK

    Practical Learning: Entering Data Into Cells

    1. Click Cell J33

    2. Type 5.75% and press Ctrl + Home

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    We will come back to some aspects of these rules.

    Entering a Date

    To enter a date in a cell, you use a format. In US English, you use a combination of a month, a day, andentities must be separated. The separation depends on both you and the way the operating system handle

    To express a month, you have a choice between a number and a name. If you decide to use a number, it sbe between 1 included and the 12 included. If the month is between 1 and 9, you can precede it with 0want to express a month with a name, you have two choices. You can use a long name or a short name. Thof month are January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, aTheir equivalent short names use three letters each and they are Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sand Dec respectively.

    A day is expressed using a number that starts with 1 and ends with either 30 or 31 depending on the moFebruary. The month of February can have either 28 or 29 days depending on something called the leap yevalue is between 1 and 9 included, you can enter it with a leading 0 or not.

    The year is entered with 2 or 4 digits. If you enter the year with 2 digits, Microsoft Office Excel 2007 mspecify whether you want to use the current century (2000 to 2100) or the previous century (1900 to 1999

    you should always enter the year with 4 digits.

    As mentioned already, when entering a date, you must separate the values of the month, the day, and th

    English, the symbol used to separate these entities is the forward slash "/" as you can see from the Dcombo box in the Customize Regional Options. An example of entering a date would be 02/18/1998.

    In reality, Microsoft Excel is very flexible and understanding with date formats. For example, instead of the fwhen entering a date, you can use the dash "-". An example would be 02-18-1998. After entering the date
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    either Tab or Enter or clicking another cell, if Microsoft Excel can successfully analyze the value and concludate, it would convert it to the right format. In this case, the date would be converted to 02/18/1998.

    As mentioned already, Microsoft Excel also allows you to use the name of a month. You must follow somchoose this format. If you want to specify the name of a month, use one of the following formats:


    dd mmm


    dd mmmm

    To use this format, enter the day value using one or two digits. If the day is less than 10, you can enter it0. After the day, either leave an empty space or enter -, followed by the short or the long name of the monare 04-Jan or 16 Apr or 8-December or 26 December. Alternatives to these formats are:

    mmm dd


    mmmm dd


    In this case, start the date with the month as a short or a long name, followed by either an empty space or

    the day value. These would have the same effect.

    After entering the date with only the day and the month, Microsoft Excel would analyze the value. If t

    concludes that the value is a date, it would use the current year for that date and convert it to a valid date.

    Practical Learning: Entering Simple Dates

    1. The CPAR1.xlsx workbook should still be opened and the Repair Invoice worksheet active.

    Click Cell B6 and type, type 01-Oct and, on the Formula Bar, click the Enter button .Notice that Microsoft Excel has recognized the value as date and, in the Formula Bar, notice that Microsadded the current year to complete the date

    2. Save the workbook

    Dates Formats

    If you want to express the year value, you can use one of the following formats:



    You must start the date with a number that represents the month (a number from 1 to 12). After the mont-. Then type the day value as a number between 1 and 28, 29, 30, or 31 depending on the month and th

    Follow it with -. End the value with a year in 2 or 4 digits. Here are examples 06-12-08 or 10-08-2006.

    You can also use one of the following formats:


    dd mmm yy


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    dd mmmm yy


    dd mmm yyyy


    dd mmmm yyyy

    This time, enter the day value followed either by an empty space or -. Follow it the short name of the monthplaceholder or the complete name of the month for the mmmm placeholder, followed by either an empty spthe value with the year, using 2 or 4 digits.

    As you may know already, in US English, you can start a date with the month. In this case, you can ufollowing formats:

    mmm dd, yy

    mmm dd, yyyy

    mmmm dd, yy

    mmmm dd, yyyy

    As seen with the previous formats, mmm represents the short name of a month and mmmm representsname of a month. As mentioned already, the dd day can be expressed with 1 or 2 digits and the single digleading 0. After the day value, (you must) enter a comma followed by the year either with 2 or 4 digits.

    Practical Learning: Entering Simple Dates

    1. Access the CPAR Repair Orders.xlsx workbook

    2. Click Cell D5, type November 12, 2008 and, on the Formula Bar, click the Enter button

    3. Save the workbook

    Entering a Time Value

    As a normal spreadsheet application, Microsoft Excel supports time value. To express a time, you must folloTo check the available rules, you can start the Control Panel and open the Regional Settings Options. T

    Customize button. The rules for time values are stated in the Time property page:

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    Automatically Filling Cells


    Microsoft Excel shares a lot of characteristics with window applications: the ability to search through the d

    particular word or phrase, the ability to find a word or group of words and replace it with another word or ex

    A feature unique to Microsoft Excel as a spreadsheet application is the ability to fill out some cells with value

    to a common series.

    Overview of AutoFillMicrosoft Excel recognizes series of items so far as they can be clearly identified, either by the common la

    defining them explicitly in a worksheet. Common series include time, dates, weekdays, or months, eMicrosoft Excel can identify the content of a cell as being a series, you can use the Fill Handle to copy adjathe series to neighbor cells. If a series is not obvious, you need to clearly define it so the application canallure you want to use for the series.

    To use the AutoFill, first select a cell or the cells that define the series. Position your mouse on the lower rithe selected cell or cells, and then drag in the appropriate direction.

    Practical Learning: Exploring the AutoFill

    1. In Microsoft Excel, press Ctrl + N to start a new empty workbook.

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    2. In cell B2, type 1st Qtr

    3. Position your mouse on the lower right corner of the selected cell, on the squared point. This point is ca

    Handle. Your mouse will turn into a +

    4. Click on the Fill Handle, hold the mouse down and drag in the right direction until you get to cell E2

    5. Release the mouse. Now you get 1st Qtr, 2nd Qtr, 3rd Qtr, and 4th Qtr

    6. In cell B4, type 1st Grade

    7. Drag the Fill Handle in the right direction until you get to cell G4. Then release the mouse to see the sugrades

    8. In cell B6, type 1:00

    9. Drag the Fill Handle in the right direction until you get to cell H6. Then release the mouse to see the ho

    10. In cell B8, type 9:00 and drag its Fill Handle to cell H8. Notice how Microsoft Excel displays time valuessubsequent cells

    11. Click Cell B8 and notice the value displayed in the Formula Bar: 9:00:00 AM

    12. In cell B10, type 13:00 and drag its Fill Handle to H10. Notice how times get displayed in the other cell

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    39. In cell A13, type Jan and drag the Fill Handle of cell A13 to cell C13. That will display the months of the

    40.Select cells A12:C13. Drag the Fill Handle of the selected cells to cell L13

    AutoFill Application

    As the AutoFill features provides a quick means of completing cells that can host series data, this feature cin various scenarios.

    When creating time sheets, use the weekdays and time periods to complete adjacent cells. In a yearlyMicrosoft Excel can recognize series such as months, quarters, and years. In a schools spreadsheet ustudents grades, a series can be created from 1st Grade, and then dragging the Fill Handle, Microsoft Excelother cells with subsequent class grades.

    Practical Learning: Applying the AutoFill

    1. Open the Grier Summer Camp4 workbook

    2. Click the Employment Application3 sheet tab

    3. Click Cell B19

    4. Position the mouse on the lower right corner of the selected cell, on the point, until the mouse pointer bsign. Click and hold your mouse down, then drag in the right direction to cell H19. That will update the

    5. Save the workbook

    6. Access the CPAR1.xlsx workbook and click the Transaction analysis tab

    7. Click Cell B6 and position the mouse on the lower-right corner of the cell

    8. Click and drag down to Cell B17

    9. Save and close the workbook
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    Introduction to Cell Formatting

    Introduction to Cells Formatting

    OverviewFrom the previous lessons, you are already familiar with the way MicrosoftExcel displays text (left aligned) and numbers (right aligned). In somesituations, you will want to treat numbers as text.

    Although Microsoft Excel displays all numbers right aligned, as a smart financialand business application, it can distinguish between different types ofnumbers. It can recognize a date, a currency, or a percentage values, but the

    computer wants you to specify the way numbers should be displayed, givingyou the ability to decide what a particular number represents, not because thesoftware cannot recognize a number, but because a value can represent

    different things to different people in different scenarios. For example 1.5 mightrepresent a half teaspoon in one spreadsheet while the same 1.5 wouldrepresent somebody's age, another spreadsheet's percentage, or etc.

    Microsoft Excel can recognize some numbers by default and would not needmuch configuration, if any. For example, if you type 12/05/1998 in a cell,

    Microsoft Excel will recognize it as a date and act accordingly.

    Introduction to Numbers Formatting

    When it comes to displaying items, Microsoft Excel uses various default configurations, ranging from the fyour application to the actual display of numbers in cells. The computer's Regional Options or Regional Sett

    how dates, numbers, and time, etc get displayed on your computer.

    Microsoft Excel recognizes numbers in various formats: accounting, scientific, fractions, and currency. As t

    product can recognize a number, you still have the ability to display the number with a format that suitsscenario.

    Before finding out how to display numbers in different situations, you should be familiar with the way thetreats your numbers. That's why once again we will review some of the things we have already learned.

    Practical Learning: Exploring Cells Number Formats

    1. Start Microsoft Excel and open the Allentown Car Sales1.xlsx workbook

    2. In Sheet1, select Cells F3:F10

    3. On the Ribbon, click Home. In the Number section, click the Comma Style button .

    Now these thousand numbers display with a comma sign which makes it easier to read. Microsoft Excel

    you to be more precise with these numbers, that's why it added two decimal values

    4. Press Ctrl + Home to see the result

    5. The values in the F column represent car mileage values; we don't need to display these numbers withplacesSelect cells F3:F10 again

    6. To remove the decimal values, in the Number section of the Ribbon, click the Decrease Decimal button

    removes one decimal value. Click the Decrease Decimal button again

    7. Click cell F1 to see the result
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    Right-click the cell or group of cells whose format you want to change and click Format Cells...

    Press Ctrl + 1 as a shortcut

    The Number Property Page

    The object used to manage the value of a cell or the values of a group of cells on the Format Cells dialoNumber property page:

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    The left section of the Format Cells dialog box displays the Category list box. This allows you to select the tthat the cell or group of cells contains. After selecting a category, the right section of the property pa

    depending on the category that was selected. We are going to see various options available.

    Practical Learning: Introducing the Format Cells

    1. Select cells G11:G17. We will now use the Format Cells dialog box

    2. In the Number section of the Ribbon, click the Format Cells: Number button

    3. On the Format Cells dialog box, make sure the Number property page is active.In the Category list box, click Currency. Make sure that the Decimal Places spin button displays 2

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    4. Click OK. Although all cells in column G display currency values, notice some differences with the way t

    category (G3:G10) displays them as compared to the rest

    5. Select cells F11:F17

    6. Right-click in the selected cells and choose Format Cells...

    7. From the Category, click Number. Decrease the Decimal Places spin button to 0. Click the Use 1000 Secheck box:

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    8. Click OK

    9. Again, notice how numbers on column H are displayed.

    Select cells H11:H17

    10. Press Ctrl + 1 which is a shortcut to call the Format Cells dialog box

    11. For this section, we are going to exclusively use the keyboard.

    If the Number proper page is not selected, press Ctrl + Tab a few times to switch from different properuntil the Number tab receives focus.

    Press Tab once to give focus to the Category list box. Press the down arrow key a few times until Perceselected. Press Tab to give focus to the Decimal Places spin button; then, either using the up and down

    or just typing, set the spin button to 2 (the Decimal Places spin button should already be set to 2)

    12.Press Enter

    13.Select cells I9:I13.

    14. The dates can al
