Page 1: Example Presentation Booklet Workplace Training. Redefined. Maximising Education Funding

Example Presentation BookletWorkplace Training. Redefined.

Maximising Education Funding

Page 2: Example Presentation Booklet Workplace Training. Redefined. Maximising Education Funding

It’s all about dollars

• ACFI is a tool. So is Education Funding

• They both provide capital

• Allowing you to operate

• You either control it; or it controls you

• Mastering education funding means mastering education opportunities – and that will change your facility!

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Why would you want to master education?

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And that is how you hit 44 / 44

We take your facility from:

1. Disenfranchised staff

2. Toxic culture

3. High risk

And work with you so that you get:

1. Engaged team

2. Outstanding customer experience

3. Low risk

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But its complicated!

• There are so many RTOs; and so many types of education funding

• The amounts, eligibility criteria and funded courses changes regularly

• Each RTO will give you a different story

• You are flat-out running a facility – now you need to be an education expert as well?

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KISS Principle for Education Funding

• 5 main types / most common 3

• Eligibility criteria is 90% the same

• Useful tool

• 3 Takeaways

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$ - Skills Victoria / Victorian Training Guarantee

• State based• Pays RTO directly – unit by unit in arrears• Most popular funding type in Victoria• Cover you for:

- Cert III HSS for your domestic staff

- Aged Care/ L&H programs for carers

- Cert III in English for all staff• Usually not available for existing diploma/ degree holders• Eligibility – Aust PR/ Citizen; Upskilling

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$ - Federal Traineeships / Apprenticeships

• Administered by an AAC– eg Vecci, MEGT, Sarina Russo (the annoying letters)

• Federal Government

• Paid to Employer directly either in installments or lump sum at the successful completion of the course

• Eligibility criteria similar to Skills Vic. Additional 7 year rule

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$ - DoHA - Aged Care Worker Incentive

• Incentive payment paid via Medicare directly to the worker

• Designed for ‘direct care workers’ in aged care doing one of 8 courses

• Usually $1000 = $500 after 28 days & $500 upon completion

• Easy paperwork

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$ - WELL – Workplace Eng Lang & Literacy

• Federal program

• Highly tailored course

• Usually 75% funded– $100K needs $25K co-contribution

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$ - Workforce Development Fund

• Federal funding

• Wider scope available for funding – ie does not have to be accredited course or students


• Problems– time intensive business case to be submitted– takes around six months of work/ waiting

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The best three at this stage

1. Skills Vic / Victorian Training Guarantee (VTG)

2. Federal Traineeships

3. DoHA Incentive for staff

• Should be able to:

- cover cost of majority of courses 100%

- create ‘funding bucket’ in order to pay for some FFS

- incentivise staff through new quals and incentives

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Tools - Training Needs Analysis (TNA)

SVTS Chisholm Courses

SVTSEI Courses

SVTS CA Courses TOTAL Students Skills Vic $ Bonuses


$4,615.50 Cert III Aged Care 0 $0.00 $0.00 Total Traineeship Revenue to facility $87,000.00

$11,431.00 Cert III Commercial Cookary 7 $80,017.00 $35,000 Total Cost of Training to

facility $6,500.00

$9,250.00 Cert IV Aged Care 38 $351,500.00 $38,000 Balance AFTER training $80,500.00

$3,561.50 Cert III Health Support Services 11 $39,176.50 $0.00 Total Skills Victoria Funding

Accessed $506,056.00

Diploma of Nursing

& Diploma of Nursing Transition

3 $30,000.00 $7,500 Total DoHA Incentives to be paid to staff $81,500.00

$5,362.50 Certificate IV Leisure & Health 1 $5,362.50 $1,000

Total Funded Students 60 $506,056 $81,500 TOTAL FUNDING

ACCESSED $674,556.00

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3 Takeaways

1. Look across whole facility – not each course in a vacuum

2. Right now with funding you should be able to:- Pay for majority of courses- Receive a bit extra to cover unfunded, gap filling, etc- Be able to incentivise staff thru quals & bonuses

3. Changing all the time – act now

Do not wait

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Talk to us

OfficeThe Stables

502b Albert Street

East Melbourne

VIC 3002

PostPO Box 42

East Melbourne

VIC 8002

Tel (03) 9999 8307 Fax (03) 8679 3616 Michael Maher [email protected]