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Example of Narrative Essay

Larry suddenly woke up from a deep sleep. The sun was dazzling his half-open eyes,

and he couldn’t figure out what time it was. The door to his room was closed; the house

was immersed in some sort of reckless silence. He slowly got out of his bed and

approached the bench right next to the window. For a moment, he thought, he heard a

tapping sound coming from the attic. Then again he heard the sound, only this time it

seemed to be somewhat closer. He looked outside the window and saw a man going by

the left side of the road. On seeing Larry, the man approached his garden’s fence and

whistled. At this point, Larry recognized Nick and waved his hand. He quickly got

dressed and was about the get down to open the gate, but he again heard someone

murmuring in the other part of the house. Larry decided to go to the attic and see what

was causing this, now buzzing, sound. He got to the second floor of his house and

looked toward the attic. He quickly opened its door and looked inside. Nothing was

found. He was about to turn back and attend to his guest when he, suddenly, slipped on

the stairs and fell. He called out to Nick to help him get up.

Example of Descriptive Essay

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My Own Little World 

The door to my study is nearly always closed. It's the place I go to read and work in

tranquility. Today, however, I'm inviting you in for a visit.

As you open the door, notice the Guatemalan crucifix with its bright gold and maroon

flowers; it joyfully reminds me to dedicate my work to God. Although the room is small, I

hope you find it cozy. A big cheerful window lets in the morning sunshine, which

saturates the room with its warmth and embraces us with light. Birds chirp outside,

beckoning you to enter.

An old-fashioned doctor's desk with brass drawer handles sits in front of the window, its

wood full of nicks from many careless moves and tow once-teething puppies. May I

introduce you to Ralph, my friendly computer, who sits on top of the desk? When I turn

him on, he'll crackle "hello" and blink an inviting amber command on the screen. That's

my dog Chico under the desk, snoring in harmony with Ralph and the birds.

Against the left wall are my book cases, sagging with the wise weight of cheap

paperbacks and a few expensive gold-spined volumes interspersed. A bronzed Indian

chief in a watercolor squints knowingly at us from the wall. Won't you have a seat in the

tattered old green armchair nestled in the other corner? I know you smell the freshly

perked coffee. I made it specially for your visit. Use my favorite cup there on the tray; it's

the one with red and blued balloons around the rim. 

Stay as long as you wish, but when you're ready to leave, be sure to close the door

behind you. I like the peaceful security of this, my own little world.

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