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Page 1: Exámenes respuestas 1


1. CRONOLOGY. Elaborate a timeline with the different periods of History until nowadays. Include the most significant historical events. (1 point)

2. VOCABULARY. Define the following terms and write down the translation into Spanish between brackets. 0.25 points (1.75 points)

a) History

Pharaoh. (Faraón ) The pharaoh was considered to be both king and god; he owned all the land and the people, and held absolute power.

Ecclesia : ( Asamblea) In Ancient Greece the Ekklesia was in charge of electing magistrates and voted on the laws

Oligarchy: (Oligarquía) Political system in which the power was held by a small group of people. An example in Ancient Greece was Sparta.

Acropolis: (Acrópolis) In Acient Greece the acropolis was a religious space, standing on the highest part of the city. It was fortified to shelter the people in times of danger.

Forum: (Foro) In Ancient Rome, this was the central square where all the main buildings were located.

Patricians: (Patricios) In Ancient Rome, they were nobles that formed a minority of the population. They held all political rights and were very rich. Senators, former magistrates, important landowners and rich businessmen were part of this group.


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Page 2: Exámenes respuestas 1

Plebeians: (plebeyos) Most of the people in Rome were plebeians. They had some rights, but did not participate in the government. During the republic, the plebeians demanded the same political rights as the patricians. They created a council called Plebeian Tribune to defend their interests.

3. QUESTIONS. (2 points)

a. Elaborate a list with the main hominids following a chronological order. When was fire discovered?

1. Australopithecus

2. Homo habilis

3. Homo erectus

4. Homo antecessor

5. Homo neanderthalensis

6. Homo sapiens sapiens.

Homo erectus knew about fire. After, the homo neantherthalensis did knew how to control it and manipulate it. They started to heat and boil food.

b. When do we find the first documents? What did they use for writing?

First documents are found in the early civilizations: Mesopotamia and Egypt, around 3500 BC.

In Egypt, people usually wrote on papyrus, using brushes and ink, or on stone, using a hammer and a chisel. The writing, called hieroglyphics, represented words through pictures of figures, animals, etc.

In Mesopotamia, people wrote on clay tablets that were then left to dry. They wrote with a sharp reed. This kind of writing is known as cuneiform, because the signs they wrote were composed of wedges.

4. CHRONOLOGY. Elaborate a timeline of Ancient Rome with the three historical periods we have studied and its chronology. (1 point)


Monarchy Republic Empire

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5. ANALYSE. Describe the picture. (1 point)

This image shows an old Egyptian pyramid that belongs to the Old Kingdom and it was built around 2500 BC, with the purpose of burying the mummified corpse of the pharaoh.

Egyptian architecture is notable for the colossal size of the constructions. The pyramids were tombs for the pharaoh and his family. They formed a labyrinth of rooms and passageways.

In front of the pyramid we see a sphinx, which is a mythical animal, generally with a human head, neck and chest, but a lion’s body and legs.

The ancient Egyptians built pyramids as tombs for the pharaohs and their queens. The pharaohs were buried in pyramids of many different shapes and sizes from before the beginning of the Old Kingdom to the end of the Middle Kingdom. Egyptian architecture is notable

There are about eighty pyramids known today from ancient Egypt. The three largest and best-preserved of these were built at Giza at the beginning of the Old Kingdom. The most well-known of these pyramids was built for the pharaoh Khufu. It is known as the 'Great Pyramid'.


1. VOCABULARY. Define the terms and write down the translation into Spanish between brackets. 0.25 each. (1 point)

Plateau: (meseta). Large areas of flat or slightly hilly land and unlike plains, higher than the land around them

Cape: (cabo).Large areas of high coastal land that stick out into the sea.


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Climate: (clima).Climate is the result of the average atmospheric conditions in a certain region over a long period of time

Continental shelf: (plataforma continental). It is a submerged plain, which is an underwater extension to a depth of 200 m, but in some cases it can reach 500 m.


A) Relief was formed by two kinds of forces. What are they? (0.25 points)

The Earth’s internal forces created the relief, while external agents eroded the relief.

The Erath`s internal forces: the movement of plates, volcanic eruptions, etc.

The External agents: wind, rain, rivers, groundwater, lakes, ice, seas, oceans and living things.

B) Explain the factors that affect temperature. (1 point)

The factors that affect temperature are:

1. Latitude: temperatures decrease from the Equator towards the poles.2. Altitude: temperatures fall as the altitude increases. On average, for every 1000 m of altitude, the

temperature drops by 6ºC.3. Proximity to the sea: the sea heats up and cools down more slowly that the land. Because of that,

temperatures are milder in areas close to the sea.4. Ocean currents: warm ocean currents produce higher temperatures in nearby coastal regions. Cool

ocean currents have the opposite effect.

3. MAPS. (1 point)

Locate on the map:

Alps, Pyrenees, River Danube, Ural Mountains

River Thames, Scandinavian Peninsula,

Adriatic Sea, Black Sea, River Rhine, Strait of Gibraltar