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  • Beatriu Cardona i Prats. Universitat de Valncia. Page 1

    EXAM PRACTICE 1. Rewrites

    Rephrase each of these sentences in such a way that you can include the word that appears in capital

    letters. Do not alter this word in any way.

    EXAMPLE: You must write all your personal details on this form. fill

    You must fill in this form with all your personal details.


    1. Id love to go on holiday in March, but thats my busiest month. wish I ..................................... go on holiday in March, but thats my busiest month.

    2. Harry, I think you should cancel the concert if this rain continues, John said. advised John ........................................... the concert if the rain continued.

    3. Not many students attended Dr Browns lecture on politics. number Only ....................................................... students attended Dr Browns lecture on politics.

    4. City residents are going to organise a campaign to reduce street noise. be A campaign to reduce street noise ............................................. by city residents.

    5. After the accident Brenda was confused and didnt recognise her brother. so After the accident Brenda .............................................. did not recognise her brother.

    6. Peter hasnt seen his aunt Lucy for years. saw Its ................................................. his aunt Lucy.

    7. The police said John had stolen the money. accused The police .............................................................. the money.

    8. Tania has a mobile phone because her son may need to contact her. in case Tania has a mobile phone ......................................................... to contact her.

    9. The reason Gloria didnt tell us the truth is that she was afraid of our reaction. if Gloria would have told us the truth .......................................... afraid of our reaction.

    10. The students organised a show, but they postponed it due to the lack of funds. put The students organised a show but they ........................................... of lack of funds.


    1. Dont touch the cake, Toby, its still hot, said Mrs Smith. not Mrs Smith the cake because it was still hot.

    2. Walter was the only student who hadnt done her homework. apart All the students ...................... done their homework.

    3. I expect Lucy was pleased that shed won the prize. been Lucy ....... that shed won the prize.

    4. I will only work extra hours if I get paid at a higher rate. unless I will .. I get paid at a higher rate.

    5. Max offered Gaby a lift to the station, but she didnt accept. turned Gaby .......... offer of a lift to the station.

    6. Valerie doesnt object to her photograph appearing in the magazine. objection Valerie her photograph appearing in the magazine.

    7. There is no more petrol left in the car. run The car ............ petrol.

    8. If you ask me, you should buy a new coat, Tracy, said her mother. advised Tracys mother ...................................... a new coat.

  • Beatriu Cardona i Prats. Universitat de Valncia. Page 2

    9. People say that the famous couple are about to get married. said The famous couple about to get married.

    10. You can borrow my camera, but you must be careful with it. long You can borrow my camera ........................................... careful with it.


    1. I find Roberts taste in music very hard to tolerate. put I find it hard .. Roberts taste in music.

    2. I find waiting for buses very boring. get I . waiting for buses.

    3. Its very difficult to predict the weather here. tends The weather unpredictable here.

    4. People say learning lists of words is not a good use of time. waste Learning lists of words is . of time.

    5. Christine complained formally when her course of study was cancelled. made Christine .. when her course of study was cancelled.

    6. I find all the advertisements on TV really irritating, said John. nerves All the advertisements on TV really , said John.

    7. Mark regretted selling his old motorbike. wished Mark .. his old motorbike.

    8. If you take my advice, Paul, said Lynda, you should buy a personal computer. advised Lynda ..................................... a personal computer.

    9. Pauline hadnt expected to see so many people at the concert. surprise It came ... to see so many people at the concert.

    10. Golf is becoming increasingly popular in Britain. popularity The . in Britain.


    1. The new one-way system seems pointless to me. point I cant ... the new one-way system.

    2. The old house will need a thorough redecoration before you can live in it. have The old house ... redecorated before you can live in it.

    3. Unless you promise to get back in time for lunch, you cant borrow the car. long You can borrow the car .. to be back in time for lunch.

    4. Paula never succeeded in getting her homework done on time. able Paula was .. her homework done on time.

    5. Carrie doesnt run as fast as Sarah. runner Sarah is than Carrie.

    6. It was necessary to follow the instructions exactly. had The instructions ... exactly.

    7. It may be dark when you get back, so take a torch with you. case Take a torch with you dark when you get back.

    8. This old car probably wont last for more than a year. unlikely This old car . for more than one year.

    9. It isnt easy for Daniel to get up before the sun rises. difficulty Daniel ... up before the sun rises.

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    10. David remembered to take everything except his front door key. forgot The only thing which . his front door key.


    1. If Amy had arrived a moment later, she would have missed the start of the film. time Amy arrived just ..... the start of the film.

    2. Guests are asked to say if they prefer tea or coffee with their breakfast. rather Guests are asked to say if ... tea or coffee with their breakfast.

    3. Mrs Parker expressed her thanks for all the help shed received. grateful Mrs Parker said that . all the help shed received.

    4. People say that there are bears living in these mountains. said Bears .. in these mountains.

    5. Not many people read magazines about stamp collecting these days. widely Magazines about stamp collecting .. these days.

    6. John will only answer if you ring the doorbell twice. unless John you ring the doorbell twice.

    7. Too tired to continue, Phil stopped walking. carry Phil couldnt he was too tired.

    8. Trevor decided to wait and only book his flight at the last minute. put Trevor decided . his flight until the last minute.

    9. You must not waste any time in applying for a visa. soon You must apply for a visa ... possibly can.

    10. Well only eat indoors if it rains. long As .. rain, well eat outdoors.


    1. I am not strong enough to climb that steep path without a walking stick. too That path is ..................................................... climb without a walking stick.

    2. That man stole a valuable picture but he was never punished. got That man ..................................................... a valuable picture.

    3. Hitch-hiking is less popular now than ten years ago. not Hitch-hiking is ..................................................... was ten years ago.

    4. Why did you cancel the party, Lucy? Martin asked. called Martin asked Lucy ..................................................... the party.

    5. We shall tell your parents that you are often absent from school, Mrs Clerk said would Mrs Clerk said to me that my parents ................ my frequent absences from school.

    6. Do not leave your belongings unattended, the group leader said to the tourists. to The group leader told the tourists ........................................... belongings unattended.

    7. Mrs Butler didnt buy her son a bicycle because she didnt have enough money. afford Mrs Butler ..................................................... her son a bicycle.

    8. Sally will not buy that pony because she is no longer interested. lost Sally ..................................................... buying that pony.

    9. Although it looks easy, that dance is actually quite difficult. not That dance is ................................................... looks.

    10. Take your mobile phone because the car might break down. case Take your mobile phone ..................................................... down.

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    1. The police were there to make sure that the crowd did not invade the football pitch. prevent The police were there to ... the football pitch.

    2. During the storm, they did not leave the children leave the school building. allowed During the storm, the children ..... the school building.

    3. The heavy summer rainfall has caused severe floods. brought Severe floods . the heavy summer rainfalls.

    4. It is not advisable for Jane to request a bank loan at the moment. ought Jane ... a bank loan at the moment.

    5. Paul did not visit the Smiths because he didnt know where they lived. if Paul would have visited the Smiths ... where they lived.

    6. Mary made mistakes because she refused to listen to advice. resulted Marys mistakes .. refusal to listen to advice.

    7. Id rather not go out tonight. prefer Id .. tonight.

    8. Georges health is better than I had been led to believe. as Georges health . I had been led to believe.

    9. Although Tom eats large amounts of chocolate, he never puts on weight. spite Tom never puts on weight large amounts of chocolate.

    10. My grandmother had to sell her house in order to pay off all her debts. that My grandmother had to sell her house . pay off all her debts.


    1. I had no idea about Ronas engagement. unaware I . engagement.

    2. I havent seen a good film for months. since Its . a good film.

    3. Mark did as I suggested and bought a new computer. advice Mark . and bought a new computer.

    4. Its getting easier for me to work at night. used I ... at night.

    5. The heavy snow meant that no trains were running. prevented The trains ... the heavy snow.

    6. Can I borrow your camera for my holiday, please? lend Can .. your camera for my holiday, please?

    7. Jim was horrified to find his new car had been stolen. horror To his new car had been stolen.

    8. My car is being repaired at the moment. having I at the moment.

    9. If only I spoke Russian. could I .. Russian.

    10. Brazilian farmers grow much of the worlds coffee. is Much of the worlds coffee . farmers in Brazil

  • Beatriu Cardona i Prats. Universitat de Valncia. Page 5


    1. Nigel asked if Ann could lend him her hairdryer for a while. borrow Nigel asked ..................................................... hairdryer for a while.

    2. Chris is hungry because the last time he ate anything was Thursday evening. not Chris is hungry because he ..................................................... Thursday evening.

    3. We will not be able to solve this difficult problem. impossible It will be ..................................................... a solution to this difficult problem.

    4. Peter is angry because Joanna did not accept his invitation. turned If Joanna ..................................................... his invitation, Peter wouldnt be angry.

    5. I dont think I can manage if Sheila doesnt help me. do I think I cant ..................................................... help.

    6. Have you finished your homework yet? Mr Brown asked his daughter. if Mr Brown asked his daughter ........................................... homework yet.

    7. Do we have to pay for our own tickets? I asked my friend. expected I asked my friend ..................................................... pay for our own tickets.

    8. The strong wind caused the tower to fall over. knocked It was the strong winds ..................................................... over.

    9. The bus driver stopped frequently to allow the tourists to see the sights. that The bus driver stopped frequently ................................................... see the sights.

    10. Martha held Georges hand and prevented him from falling over. had George would have fallen over ..................................................... his hand.


    1. The authorities have improved the public transport system here recently. improvements The authorities ................................ the public transport system here recently.

    2. I was too scared to tell him what I really thought. courage I ..................................................... to tell him what I really thought.

    3. It was easy for us to get tickets for the concert. no We ..................................................... tickets for the concert.

    4. He pretended to be enjoying himself, but he wasnt really. as He acted ..................................................... himself, but he wasnt really.

    5. They probably dont live at the same address anymore. doubt I ..................................................... at the same address anymore.

    6. I didnt agree with the idea. favour I ..................................................... the idea.

    7. Sandra said that she was willing to work late. mind Sandra said that ..................................................... late.

    8. Youre tired because you stayed up very late last night. if You wouldnt be tired .............................................. to bed earlier last night.

    9. The number of tourists visiting this area rose last year. rise Last year ................................................... the number of tourists visiting this area.

    10. I hadnt made a speech before, so I was very nervous. used Because I ..................................................... speeches, I was very nervous.

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    1. Foolishly, I closed the door before checking I had the keys. which I closed the door before checking I had the keys to do.

    2. Shall I do the shopping for you, Paul? said Helen. offered Helen .. shopping for him.

    3. If you do not want to be bored tonight, go and rent a video. so You should rent a video ..................................................... to be bored tonight.

    4. David carried on working despite feeling very sleepy. even David carried on working .. very sleepy.

    5. Marie scolded her son for breaking the vase. told Marie . for breaking the vase.

    6. I am not interested in computers. interest Computers ..................................................... me.

    7. We were all surprised to see Kitty at the party. surprise To .................................................... to the party.

    8. The Beatles are thought by many people to be among the worlds best pop groups. that Many people . the worlds best pop groups were The Beatles.

    9. Is it all right for me to borrow your car? if Do .. your car?

    10. The rent for this flat is less expensive than I had expected. as The rent for this flat is I had expected.


    A. 1. I wish I could/ was able to/ were able to go on holiday in March, but thats my busiest month. 2. John advised Harry to cancel the concert if the rain continued.

    3. Only a small (tiny) number of students attended Dr Browns lecture on politics. 4. A campaign to reduce street noise is going to be organised by city residents. 5. After the accident Brenda was so confused (that) she did not recognise her brother. 6. Its (been) years since Peter saw his aunt Lucy. 7. The police accused John of stealing the money. 8. Tania has a mobile phone in case her son needs to contact her.

    9. Gloria would have told us the truth if she had not been afraid of our reaction.

    10. The students organised a show but they put it off because of lack of funds.

    B. 1. Mrs Smith told Toby not to touch the cake because it was still hot.

    2. All the students apart from Walter had done their homework. 3. Lucy must have been pleased that shed won the prize. 4. I will not work extra hours unless I get paid at a higher rate.

    5. Gaby turned down Maxs offer of a lift to the station.

    6. Valerie has no objection to her photograph appearing in the magazine. 7. The car has run out of petrol.

    8. Tracys mother advised her to buy a new coat.

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    9. The famous couple are said to be about to get married.

    10. You can borrow my camera as long as you are careful with it.

    C. 1. I find it hard to put up with Roberts taste in music. 2. I get bored waiting for buses. 3. The weather tends to be very unpredictable here.

    4. Learning lists of words is said to be a waste of time.

    5. Christine made a formal complaint when her course of study was cancelled. 6. All the advertisements on TV really get on my nerves, said John. 7. Mark wished he had not sold his old motorbike.

    8. Lynda advised Paul to buy a personal computer.

    9. It came as a surprise to Pauline to see so many people at the concert. 10. The popularity of golf is increasing in Britain.

    D. 1. I cant see the point of (to) the new one-way system. 2. The old house will have to be thoroughly redecorated before you can live in it. 3. You can borrow the car as long as you promise to be back in time for lunch. 4. Paula was never able to get / not ever able to get her homework done on time. 5. Sarah is a faster runner than Carrie.

    6. The instructions had to be followed exactly.

    7. Take a torch with you in case it is / should be dark when you get back. 8. This old car is unlikely to last for more than one year.

    9. Daniel has difficulty (in) getting up before the sun rises. 10. The only thing which David forgot (to take) was his front door key.

    E. 1. Amy arrived just in time for / in time to see / catch the start of the film. 2. Guests are asked to say if they would rather have tea or coffee with their breakfast.

    3. Mrs Parker said that she was / felt grateful for all the help shed received. 4. Bears are said to be living / to live in these mountains. 5. Magazines about stamp collecting are not widely read these days.

    6. John will not answer unless you ring the doorbell twice.

    7. Phil couldnt carry on walking because / as / since he was too tired. 8. Trevor decided to put off booking his flight until the last minute. 9. You must apply for a visa as soon as you possibly can.

    10. As long as it does not rain, well eat outdoors.

    F. 1. That path is too steep for me to climb without a walking stick. 2. That man got away with stealing a valuable picture. 3. Hitch-hiking is not as / so popular as it was ten years ago. 4. Martin asked Lucy why she (had) called off the party. 5. Mrs Clerk said to me that my parents would be told/ informed about my frequent absences from school.

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    6. The group leader told the tourists not to leave their belongings unattended.

    7. Mrs Butler could not afford to buy her son a bicycle.

    8. Sally has lost interest in buying that pony.

    9. That dance is not so/ as easy as it looks. 10. Take your mobile phone in case the car breaks down.

    G. 1. The police were there to prevent the crowd from invading the football pitch. 2. During the storm, the children werent allowed to leave the school building.

    3. Severe floods have been brought about/on by the heavy summer rainfalls. 4. Jane oughtnt/ ought not to request a bank loan at the moment. 5. Paul would have visited the Smiths if he had known where they lived.

    6. Marys mistakes resulted from her refusal to listen to advice.

    7. Id prefer not to go out tonight. 8. Georges health is not as bad / poor as I had been led to believe. 9. Tom never puts on weight in spite of eating large amounts of chocolate. 10. My grandmother had to sell her house so that she could pay off all her debts.

    H. 1. I was unaware of Ronas engagement.

    2. Its (been) months since I saw a good film. 3. Mark took my advice and bought a new computer.

    4. I am getting used to working at night. 5. The trains were prevented from running by the heavy snow. 6. Can you lend me your camera for my holiday, please?

    7. To his horror, Jim found his new car had been stolen.

    8. I am having my car repaired at the moment. 9. I wish I could speak Russian. 10. Much of the worlds coffee is grown by farmers in Brazil

    I. 1. Nigel asked to borrow Anns/ if he could borrow Anns hairdryer for a while. 2. Chris is hungry because he hasnt eaten anything since last Thursday evening. 3. It will be impossible for us to find a solution to this difficult problem. 4. If Joanna hadnt turned down his invitation, Peter wouldnt be angry.

    5. I think I cant do without Sheilas help. 6. Mr Brown asked his daughter if she had finished her homework yet.

    7. I asked my friend if we were expected to pay for our own tickets. 8. It was the strong winds that / which knocked the tower over. 9. The bus driver stopped frequently so that the tourists could / might see the sights. 10. George would have fallen over if Martha had not held his hand.

    J. 1. The authorities have made improvements in / to the public transport system here recently. 2. I didnt have enough/ the courage to tell him what I really thought.

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    3. We had/ found no difficulty in getting tickets for the concert. 4. He acted as if / though he was enjoying himself, but he wasnt really. 5. I doubt (whether / if / that) they live / are living at the same address anymore. 6. I wasnt in favour of the idea.

    7. Sandra said that she didnt / wouldnt mind working late. 8. You wouldnt be tired if you had gone to bed earlier last night. 9. Last year there was a rise in / saw a rise in the number of tourists visiting this area. 10. Because I wasnt used to making / giving speeches, I was very nervous.

    K. 1. I closed the door before checking I had the keys, which was a foolish thing to do. 2. Helen offered to do the shopping for him.

    3. You should rent a video so as not to be bored tonight.

    4. David carried on working even though he felt very sleepy. 5. Marie told her son off for breaking the vase.

    6. Computers dont interest me.

    7. To our surprise, Kitty came to the party. 8. Many people think that the worlds best pop groups were The Beatles.

    9. Do you mind if I your car?

    10. The rent for this flat is not as expensive as I had expected.